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      1 // Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 // The Blueprint bootstrapping mechanism is intended to enable building a
     16 // source tree with minimal prebuilts.  The only prerequisites for performing
     17 // such a build are:
     18 //
     19 //   1. A Ninja binary
     20 //   2. A script interpreter (e.g. Bash or Python)
     21 //   3. A Go toolchain
     22 //
     23 // The Primary Builder
     24 //
     25 // As part of the bootstrapping process, a binary called the "primary builder"
     26 // is created.  This primary builder is the binary that includes both the core
     27 // Blueprint library and the build logic specific to the source tree.  It is
     28 // used to generate the Ninja file that describes how to build the entire source
     29 // tree.
     30 //
     31 // The primary builder must be a pure Go (i.e. no cgo) module built with the
     32 // module type 'bootstrap_go_binary'.  It should have the 'primaryBuilder'
     33 // module property set to true in its Blueprints file.  If more than one module
     34 // sets primaryBuilder to true the build will fail.
     35 //
     36 // The primary builder main function should look something like:
     37 //
     38 //   package main
     39 //
     40 //   import (
     41 //       "flag"
     42 //       "github.com/google/blueprint"
     43 //       "github.com/google/blueprint/bootstrap"
     44 //       "path/filepath"
     45 //
     46 //       "my/custom/build/logic"
     47 //   )
     48 //
     49 //   func main() {
     50 //       // The primary builder should use the global flag set because the
     51 //       // bootstrap package registers its own flags there.
     52 //       flag.Parse()
     53 //
     54 //       // The top-level Blueprints file is passed as the first argument.
     55 //       srcDir := filepath.Dir(flag.Arg(0))
     56 //
     57 //       // Create the build context.
     58 //       ctx := blueprint.NewContext()
     59 //
     60 //       // Register custom module types
     61 //       ctx.RegisterModuleType("foo", logic.FooModule)
     62 //       ctx.RegisterModuleType("bar", logic.BarModule)
     63 //
     64 //       // Register custom singletons
     65 //       ctx.RegisterSingleton("baz", logic.NewBazSingleton())
     66 //
     67 //       // Create and initialize the custom Config object.
     68 //       config := logic.NewConfig(srcDir)
     69 //
     70 //       // This call never returns
     71 //       bootstrap.Main(ctx, config)
     72 //   }
     73 //
     74 // Required Source Files
     75 //
     76 // There are three files that must be included in the source tree to facilitate
     77 // the build bootstrapping:
     78 //
     79 //   1. The top-level Blueprints file
     80 //   2. The bootstrap script
     81 //   3. The build wrapper script
     82 //
     83 // The top-level Blueprints file describes how the entire source tree should be
     84 // built.  It must have a 'subdirs' assignment that includes both the core
     85 // Blueprint library and the custom build logic for the source tree.  It should
     86 // also include (either directly or through a subdirs entry) describe all the
     87 // modules to be built in the source tree.
     88 //
     89 // The bootstrap script is a small script to setup the build directory, writing
     90 // a couple configuration files (including the path the source directory,
     91 // information about the Go build environment, etc), then copying the build
     92 // wrapper into the build directory.
     93 //
     94 // The Bootstrapping Process
     95 //
     96 // There are three stages to the bootstrapping process, each with a
     97 // corresponding Ninja file. The stages are referred to as the "bootstrap",
     98 // "primary", and "main" stages. Each stage builds the next stage's Ninja file.
     99 //
    100 // The bootstrapping process begins with the user running the bootstrap script
    101 // to initialize a new build directory.  The script is run from the build
    102 // directory, and creates a ".minibootstrap/build.ninja" file that sets a few
    103 // variables then includes blueprint's "bootstrap/build.ninja". It also writes
    104 // out a ".blueprint.bootstrap" file that contains a few variables for later use:
    105 //
    106 //   BLUEPRINT_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION - Used to detect when a user needs to run
    107 //                                 bootstrap.bash again
    108 //
    109 //   SRCDIR         - The path to the source directory
    110 //   BLUEPRINTDIR   - The path to the blueprints directory (includes $SRCDIR)
    111 //   GOROOT         - The path to the root directory of the Go toolchain
    112 //   NINJA_BUILDDIR - The path to store .ninja_log, .ninja_deps
    113 //
    114 // Once the script completes the build directory is initialized and ready to run
    115 // a build. A wrapper script (blueprint.bash by default) has been installed in
    116 // order to run a build. It iterates through the three stages of the build:
    117 //
    118 //      - Runs microfactory.bash to build minibp
    119 //      - Runs the .minibootstrap/build.ninja to build .bootstrap/build.ninja
    120 //      - Runs .bootstrap/build.ninja to build and run the primary builder
    121 //      - Runs build.ninja to build your code
    122 //
    123 // Microfactory takes care of building an up to date version of `minibp` under
    124 // the .minibootstrap/ directory.
    125 //
    126 // During <builddir>/.minibootstrap/build.ninja, the following actions are
    127 // taken, if necessary:
    128 //
    129 //      - Run minibp to generate .bootstrap/build.ninja (Primary stage)
    130 //
    131 // During the <builddir>/.bootstrap/build.ninja, the following actions are
    132 // taken, if necessary:
    133 //
    134 //      - Rebuild .bootstrap/build.ninja, usually due to globs changing --
    135 //        other dependencies will trigger it to be built during minibootstrap
    136 //      - Build the primary builder, anything marked `default: true`, and
    137 //        any dependencies.
    138 //      - Run the primary builder to generate build.ninja
    139 //      - Run the primary builder to extract documentation
    140 //
    141 // Then the main stage is at <builddir>/build.ninja, and will contain all the
    142 // rules generated by the primary builder. In addition, the bootstrap code
    143 // adds a phony rule "blueprint_tools" that depends on all blueprint_go_binary
    144 // rules (bpfmt, bpmodify, etc).
    145 //
    146 package bootstrap