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      1 ## AAPT Flags
      2 # aapt doesn't accept multiple --extra-packages flags.
      3 # We have to collapse them into a single --extra-packages flag here.
      4 LOCAL_AAPT_FLAGS := $(strip $(LOCAL_AAPT_FLAGS))
      5 ifdef LOCAL_AAPT_FLAGS
      6   ifeq ($(filter 0 1,$(words $(filter --extra-packages,$(LOCAL_AAPT_FLAGS)))),)
      7     aapt_flags := $(subst --extra-packages$(space),--extra-packages@,$(LOCAL_AAPT_FLAGS))
      8     aapt_flags_extra_packages := $(patsubst --extra-packages@%,%,$(filter --extra-packages@%,$(aapt_flags)))
      9     aapt_flags_extra_packages := $(sort $(subst :,$(space),$(aapt_flags_extra_packages)))
     10     LOCAL_AAPT_FLAGS := $(filter-out --extra-packages@%,$(aapt_flags)) \
     11         --extra-packages $(subst $(space),:,$(aapt_flags_extra_packages))
     12     aapt_flags_extra_packages :=
     13     aapt_flags :=
     14   endif
     15 endif