1 # 2 # Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project 3 # 4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 # 8 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 9 # 10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 # limitations under the License. 15 # 16 17 # Catch users that directly include base_rules.mk 18 $(call record-module-type,base_rules) 19 20 # Users can define base-rules-hook in their buildspec.mk to perform 21 # arbitrary operations as each module is included. 22 ifdef base-rules-hook 23 $(if $(base-rules-hook),) 24 endif 25 26 ########################################################### 27 ## Common instructions for a generic module. 28 ########################################################### 29 30 LOCAL_MODULE := $(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE)) 31 ifeq ($(LOCAL_MODULE),) 32 $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): LOCAL_MODULE is not defined) 33 endif 34 35 LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE := $(strip $(LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE)) 36 LOCAL_IS_AUX_MODULE := $(strip $(LOCAL_IS_AUX_MODULE)) 37 ifdef LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE 38 ifneq ($(LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE),true) 39 $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE must be "true" or empty, not "$(LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE)") 40 endif 41 ifeq ($(LOCAL_HOST_PREFIX),) 42 my_prefix := HOST_ 43 else 44 my_prefix := $(LOCAL_HOST_PREFIX) 45 endif 46 my_host := host- 47 my_kind := HOST 48 else 49 ifdef LOCAL_IS_AUX_MODULE 50 ifneq ($(LOCAL_IS_AUX_MODULE),true) 51 $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): LOCAL_IS_AUX_MODULE must be "true" or empty, not "$(LOCAL_IS_AUX_MODULE)") 52 endif 53 my_prefix := AUX_ 54 my_kind := AUX 55 else 56 my_prefix := TARGET_ 57 my_kind := 58 endif 59 my_host := 60 endif 61 62 ifeq ($(my_prefix),HOST_CROSS_) 63 my_host_cross := true 64 else 65 my_host_cross := 66 endif 67 68 _path := $(LOCAL_MODULE_PATH) $(LOCAL_MODULE_PATH_32) $(LOCAL_MODULE_PATH_64) 69 ifneq ($(filter $(TARGET_OUT_VENDOR)%,$(_path)),) 70 LOCAL_VENDOR_MODULE := true 71 else ifneq ($(filter $(TARGET_OUT_OEM)/%,$(_path)),) 72 LOCAL_OEM_MODULE := true 73 else ifneq ($(filter $(TARGET_OUT_ODM)/%,$(_path)),) 74 LOCAL_ODM_MODULE := true 75 else ifneq ($(filter $(TARGET_OUT_PRODUCT)/%,$(_path)),) 76 LOCAL_PRODUCT_MODULE := true 77 endif 78 _path := 79 80 ifndef LOCAL_PROPRIETARY_MODULE 81 LOCAL_PROPRIETARY_MODULE := $(LOCAL_VENDOR_MODULE) 82 endif 83 ifndef LOCAL_VENDOR_MODULE 84 LOCAL_VENDOR_MODULE := $(LOCAL_PROPRIETARY_MODULE) 85 endif 86 ifneq ($(filter-out $(LOCAL_PROPRIETARY_MODULE),$(LOCAL_VENDOR_MODULE))$(filter-out $(LOCAL_VENDOR_MODULE),$(LOCAL_PROPRIETARY_MODULE)),) 87 $(call pretty-error,Only one of LOCAL_PROPRIETARY_MODULE[$(LOCAL_PROPRIETARY_MODULE)] and LOCAL_VENDOR_MODULE[$(LOCAL_VENDOR_MODULE)] may be set, or they must be equal) 88 endif 89 90 include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/local_vndk.mk 91 include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/local_systemsdk.mk 92 93 my_module_tags := $(LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS) 94 ifeq ($(my_host_cross),true) 95 my_module_tags := 96 endif 97 ifeq ($(TARGET_TRANSLATE_2ND_ARCH),true) 98 ifdef LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX 99 # Don't pull in modules by tags if this is for translation TARGET_2ND_ARCH. 100 my_module_tags := 101 endif 102 endif 103 104 # Ninja has an implicit dependency on the command being run, and kati will 105 # regenerate the ninja manifest if any read makefile changes, so there is no 106 # need to have dependencies on makefiles. 107 # This won't catch all the cases where LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES contains 108 # a .mk file, because a few users of LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES don't include 109 # base_rules.mk, but it will fix the most common ones. 110 LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES := $(filter-out %.mk,$(LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES)) 111 112 my_bad_deps := $(strip $(foreach dep,$(filter-out | ||,$(LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES)),\ 113 $(if $(findstring /,$(dep)),,$(dep)))) 114 ifneq ($(my_bad_deps),) 115 $(call pretty-warning,"Bad LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES: $(my_bad_deps)") 116 $(call pretty-error,"LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES must only contain paths (not module names)") 117 endif 118 119 ########################################################### 120 ## Validate and define fallbacks for input LOCAL_* variables. 121 ########################################################### 122 123 ## Dump a .csv file of all modules and their tags 124 #ifneq ($(tag-list-first-time),false) 125 #$(shell rm -f tag-list.csv) 126 #tag-list-first-time := false 127 #endif 128 #$(shell echo $(lastword $(filter-out config/% out/%,$(MAKEFILE_LIST))),$(LOCAL_MODULE),$(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)),$(subst $(space),$(comma),$(sort $(my_module_tags))) >> tag-list.csv) 129 130 LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE := $(strip $(LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE)) 131 my_module_tags := $(sort $(my_module_tags)) 132 ifeq (,$(my_module_tags)) 133 my_module_tags := optional 134 endif 135 136 # User tags are not allowed anymore. Fail early because it will not be installed 137 # like it used to be. 138 ifneq ($(filter $(my_module_tags),user),) 139 $(warning *** Module name: $(LOCAL_MODULE)) 140 $(warning *** Makefile location: $(LOCAL_MODULE_MAKEFILE)) 141 $(warning * ) 142 $(warning * Module is attempting to use the 'user' tag. This) 143 $(warning * used to cause the module to be installed automatically.) 144 $(warning * Now, the module must be listed in the PRODUCT_PACKAGES) 145 $(warning * section of a product makefile to have it installed.) 146 $(warning * ) 147 $(error user tag detected on module.) 148 endif 149 150 # Only the tags mentioned in this test are expected to be set by module 151 # makefiles. Anything else is either a typo or a source of unexpected 152 # behaviors. 153 ifneq ($(filter-out debug eng tests optional samples,$(my_module_tags)),) 154 $(call pretty-error,unusual tags: $(filter-out debug eng tests optional samples,$(my_module_tags))) 155 endif 156 157 # Add implicit tags. 158 # 159 # If the local directory or one of its parents contains a MODULE_LICENSE_GPL 160 # file, tag the module as "gnu". Search for "*_GPL*", "*_LGPL*" and "*_MPL*" 161 # so that we can also find files like MODULE_LICENSE_GPL_AND_AFL 162 # 163 license_files := $(call find-parent-file,$(LOCAL_PATH),MODULE_LICENSE*) 164 gpl_license_file := $(call find-parent-file,$(LOCAL_PATH),MODULE_LICENSE*_GPL* MODULE_LICENSE*_MPL* MODULE_LICENSE*_LGPL*) 165 ifneq ($(gpl_license_file),) 166 my_module_tags += gnu 167 ALL_GPL_MODULE_LICENSE_FILES := $(sort $(ALL_GPL_MODULE_LICENSE_FILES) $(gpl_license_file)) 168 endif 169 170 LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := $(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)) 171 ifneq ($(words $(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)),1) 172 $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS must contain exactly one word, not "$(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)") 173 endif 174 175 my_32_64_bit_suffix := $(if $($(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)$(my_prefix)IS_64_BIT),64,32) 176 177 ifneq (true,$(LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE)) 178 ifeq ($(TARGET_TRANSLATE_2ND_ARCH),true) 179 # When in TARGET_TRANSLATE_2ND_ARCH both TARGET_ARCH and TARGET_2ND_ARCH are 32-bit, 180 # to avoid path conflict we force using LOCAL_MODULE_PATH_64 for the first arch. 181 ifdef LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX 182 my_multilib_module_path := $(LOCAL_MODULE_PATH_32) 183 else # ! LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX 184 my_multilib_module_path := $(LOCAL_MODULE_PATH_64) 185 endif # ! LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX 186 else # ! TARGET_TRANSLATE_2ND_ARCH 187 my_multilib_module_path := $(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE_PATH_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix))) 188 endif # ! TARGET_TRANSLATE_2ND_ARCH 189 ifdef my_multilib_module_path 190 my_module_path := $(my_multilib_module_path) 191 else 192 my_module_path := $(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE_PATH)) 193 endif 194 my_module_path := $(patsubst %/,%,$(my_module_path)) 195 my_module_relative_path := $(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE_RELATIVE_PATH)) 196 ifdef LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE 197 partition_tag := 198 else 199 ifeq (true,$(LOCAL_VENDOR_MODULE)) 200 partition_tag := _VENDOR 201 else ifeq (true,$(LOCAL_OEM_MODULE)) 202 partition_tag := _OEM 203 else ifeq (true,$(LOCAL_ODM_MODULE)) 204 partition_tag := _ODM 205 else ifeq (true,$(LOCAL_PRODUCT_MODULE)) 206 partition_tag := _PRODUCT 207 else ifeq (NATIVE_TESTS,$(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)) 208 partition_tag := _DATA 209 else 210 # The definition of should-install-to-system will be different depending 211 # on which goal (e.g., sdk or just droid) is being built. 212 partition_tag := $(if $(call should-install-to-system,$(my_module_tags)),,_DATA) 213 endif 214 endif 215 ifeq ($(my_module_path),) 216 install_path_var := $(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)$(my_prefix)OUT$(partition_tag)_$(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS) 217 ifeq (true,$(LOCAL_PRIVILEGED_MODULE)) 218 install_path_var := $(install_path_var)_PRIVILEGED 219 endif 220 221 my_module_path := $($(install_path_var)) 222 ifeq ($(strip $(my_module_path)),) 223 $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): unhandled install path "$(install_path_var) for $(LOCAL_MODULE)") 224 endif 225 endif 226 ifneq ($(my_module_relative_path),) 227 my_module_path := $(my_module_path)/$(my_module_relative_path) 228 endif 229 endif # not LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE 230 231 ifneq ($(strip $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE)$(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE)),) 232 $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE and LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE must not be defined by component makefiles) 233 endif 234 235 my_register_name := $(LOCAL_MODULE) 236 ifeq ($(my_host_cross),true) 237 my_register_name := host_cross_$(LOCAL_MODULE) 238 endif 239 ifdef LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX 240 ifndef LOCAL_NO_2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX 241 my_register_name := $(my_register_name)$($(my_prefix)2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX) 242 endif 243 endif 244 245 ifeq ($(my_host_cross),true) 246 my_all_targets := host_cross_$(my_register_name)_all_targets 247 else ifneq ($(LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE),) 248 my_all_targets := host_$(my_register_name)_all_targets 249 else 250 my_all_targets := device_$(my_register_name)_all_targets 251 endif 252 253 # variant is enough to make nano class unique; it serves as a key to lookup (OS,ARCH) tuple 254 aux_class := $($(my_prefix)OS_VARIANT) 255 # Make sure that this IS_HOST/CLASS/MODULE combination is unique. 256 module_id := MODULE.$(if \ 257 $(LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE),$($(my_prefix)OS),$(if \ 258 $(LOCAL_IS_AUX_MODULE),$(aux_class),TARGET)).$(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS).$(my_register_name) 259 ifdef $(module_id) 260 $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): $(module_id) already defined by $($(module_id))) 261 endif 262 $(module_id) := $(LOCAL_PATH) 263 264 intermediates := $(call local-intermediates-dir,,$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX),$(my_host_cross)) 265 intermediates.COMMON := $(call local-intermediates-dir,COMMON) 266 generated_sources_dir := $(call local-generated-sources-dir) 267 268 ifneq ($(LOCAL_OVERRIDES_MODULES),) 269 ifeq ($(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS),EXECUTABLES) 270 ifndef LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE 271 EXECUTABLES.$(LOCAL_MODULE).OVERRIDES := $(strip $(LOCAL_OVERRIDES_MODULES)) 272 else 273 $(call pretty-error,host modules cannot use LOCAL_OVERRIDES_MODULES) 274 endif 275 else 276 $(call pretty-error,LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := $(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS) cannot use LOCAL_OVERRIDES_MODULES) 277 endif 278 endif 279 280 ########################################################### 281 # Pick a name for the intermediate and final targets 282 ########################################################### 283 include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/configure_module_stem.mk 284 285 LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE := $(intermediates)/$(my_built_module_stem) 286 287 # OVERRIDE_BUILT_MODULE_PATH is only allowed to be used by the 288 # internal SHARED_LIBRARIES build files. 289 OVERRIDE_BUILT_MODULE_PATH := $(strip $(OVERRIDE_BUILT_MODULE_PATH)) 290 ifdef OVERRIDE_BUILT_MODULE_PATH 291 ifneq ($(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS),SHARED_LIBRARIES) 292 $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): Illegal use of OVERRIDE_BUILT_MODULE_PATH) 293 endif 294 $(eval $(call copy-one-file,$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE),$(OVERRIDE_BUILT_MODULE_PATH)/$(my_built_module_stem))) 295 endif 296 297 ifneq (true,$(LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE)) 298 # Apk and its attachments reside in its own subdir. 299 ifeq ($(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS),APPS) 300 # framework-res.apk doesn't like the additional layer. 301 ifeq ($(LOCAL_NO_STANDARD_LIBRARIES),true) 302 # Neither do Runtime Resource Overlay apks, which contain just the overlaid resources. 303 else ifeq ($(LOCAL_IS_RUNTIME_RESOURCE_OVERLAY),true) 304 else 305 my_module_path := $(my_module_path)/$(LOCAL_MODULE) 306 endif 307 endif 308 LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE := $(my_module_path)/$(my_installed_module_stem) 309 endif 310 311 # Assemble the list of targets to create PRIVATE_ variables for. 312 LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS += $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) 313 314 ########################################################### 315 ## Create .toc files from shared objects to reduce unnecessary rebuild 316 # .toc files have the list of external dynamic symbols without their addresses. 317 # As .KATI_RESTAT is specified to .toc files and commit-change-for-toc is used, 318 # dependent binaries of a .toc file will be rebuilt only when the content of 319 # the .toc file is changed. 320 ########################################################### 321 ifeq ($(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS),SHARED_LIBRARIES) 322 LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS += $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE).toc 323 $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE).toc: $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) 324 $(call $(PRIVATE_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)$(PRIVATE_PREFIX)transform-shared-lib-to-toc,$<,$@.tmp) 325 $(call commit-change-for-toc,$@) 326 327 # Kati adds restat=1 to ninja. GNU make does nothing for this. 328 .KATI_RESTAT: $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE).toc 329 # Build .toc file when using mm, mma, or make $(my_register_name) 330 $(my_all_targets): $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE).toc 331 332 ifdef OVERRIDE_BUILT_MODULE_PATH 333 $(eval $(call copy-one-file,$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE).toc,$(OVERRIDE_BUILT_MODULE_PATH)/$(my_built_module_stem).toc)) 334 $(OVERRIDE_BUILT_MODULE_PATH)/$(my_built_module_stem).toc: $(OVERRIDE_BUILT_MODULE_PATH)/$(my_built_module_stem) 335 endif 336 endif 337 338 ########################################################### 339 ## logtags: Add .logtags files to global list 340 ########################################################### 341 342 logtags_sources := $(filter %.logtags,$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES)) $(LOCAL_LOGTAGS_FILES) 343 344 ifneq ($(strip $(logtags_sources)),) 345 event_log_tags := $(addprefix $(LOCAL_PATH)/,$(logtags_sources)) 346 else 347 event_log_tags := 348 endif 349 350 ########################################################### 351 ## make clean- targets 352 ########################################################### 353 cleantarget := clean-$(my_register_name) 354 $(cleantarget) : PRIVATE_MODULE := $(my_register_name) 355 $(cleantarget) : PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES := \ 356 $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) \ 357 $(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE) \ 358 $(intermediates) 359 $(cleantarget):: 360 @echo "Clean: $(PRIVATE_MODULE)" 361 $(hide) rm -rf $(PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES) 362 363 ########################################################### 364 ## Common definitions for module. 365 ########################################################### 366 $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS) : PRIVATE_PATH:=$(LOCAL_PATH) 367 $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS) : PRIVATE_IS_HOST_MODULE := $(LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE) 368 $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS) : PRIVATE_IS_AUX_MODULE := $(LOCAL_IS_AUX_MODULE) 369 $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS) : PRIVATE_HOST:= $(my_host) 370 $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS) : PRIVATE_PREFIX := $(my_prefix) 371 372 $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS) : PRIVATE_INTERMEDIATES_DIR:= $(intermediates) 373 $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS) : PRIVATE_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX := $(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX) 374 375 # Tell the module and all of its sub-modules who it is. 376 $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS) : PRIVATE_MODULE:= $(my_register_name) 377 378 # Provide a short-hand for building this module. 379 # We name both BUILT and INSTALLED in case 380 # LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE is set. 381 .PHONY: $(my_all_targets) 382 $(my_all_targets): $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) $(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE) 383 384 .PHONY: $(my_register_name) 385 $(my_register_name): $(my_all_targets) 386 387 ifneq ($(my_register_name),$(LOCAL_MODULE)) 388 # $(LOCAL_MODULE) covers all the multilib targets. 389 .PHONY: $(LOCAL_MODULE) 390 $(LOCAL_MODULE) : $(my_all_targets) 391 endif 392 393 # Set up phony targets that covers all modules under the given paths. 394 # This allows us to build everything in given paths by running mmma/mma. 395 my_path_components := $(subst /,$(space),$(LOCAL_PATH)) 396 my_path_prefix := MODULES-IN 397 $(foreach c, $(my_path_components),\ 398 $(eval my_path_prefix := $(my_path_prefix)-$(c))\ 399 $(eval .PHONY : $(my_path_prefix))\ 400 $(eval $(my_path_prefix) : $(my_all_targets))) 401 402 ########################################################### 403 ## Module installation rule 404 ########################################################### 405 406 my_init_rc_installed := 407 my_init_rc_pairs := 408 my_installed_symlinks := 409 ifneq (true,$(LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE)) 410 $(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE): PRIVATE_POST_INSTALL_CMD := $(LOCAL_POST_INSTALL_CMD) 411 $(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE): $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) 412 @echo "Install: $@" 413 $(copy-file-to-new-target) 414 $(PRIVATE_POST_INSTALL_CMD) 415 416 ifndef LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE 417 # Rule to install the module's companion init.rc. 418 my_init_rc := $(LOCAL_INIT_RC_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) $(LOCAL_INIT_RC) 419 ifneq ($(strip $(my_init_rc)),) 420 my_init_rc_pairs := $(foreach rc,$(my_init_rc),$(LOCAL_PATH)/$(rc):$(TARGET_OUT$(partition_tag)_ETC)/init/$(notdir $(rc))) 421 my_init_rc_installed := $(foreach rc,$(my_init_rc_pairs),$(call word-colon,2,$(rc))) 422 423 # Make sure we only set up the copy rules once, even if another arch variant 424 # shares a common LOCAL_INIT_RC. 425 my_init_rc_new_pairs := $(filter-out $(ALL_INIT_RC_INSTALLED_PAIRS),$(my_init_rc_pairs)) 426 my_init_rc_new_installed := $(call copy-many-files,$(my_init_rc_new_pairs)) 427 ALL_INIT_RC_INSTALLED_PAIRS += $(my_init_rc_new_pairs) 428 429 $(my_all_targets) : $(my_init_rc_installed) 430 endif # my_init_rc 431 endif # !LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE 432 433 # Rule to install the module's companion symlinks 434 my_installed_symlinks := $(addprefix $(my_module_path)/,$(LOCAL_MODULE_SYMLINKS) $(LOCAL_MODULE_SYMLINKS_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix))) 435 $(foreach symlink,$(my_installed_symlinks),\ 436 $(call symlink-file,$(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE),$(my_installed_module_stem),$(symlink))) 437 438 $(my_all_targets) : | $(my_installed_symlinks) 439 440 endif # !LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE 441 442 ########################################################### 443 ## CHECK_BUILD goals 444 ########################################################### 445 my_checked_module := 446 # If nobody has defined a more specific module for the 447 # checked modules, use LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE. 448 ifdef LOCAL_CHECKED_MODULE 449 my_checked_module := $(LOCAL_CHECKED_MODULE) 450 else 451 my_checked_module := $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) 452 endif 453 454 # If they request that this module not be checked, then don't. 455 # PLEASE DON'T SET THIS. ANY PLACES THAT SET THIS WITHOUT 456 # GOOD REASON WILL HAVE IT REMOVED. 457 ifdef LOCAL_DONT_CHECK_MODULE 458 my_checked_module := 459 endif 460 # Don't check build target module defined for the 2nd arch 461 ifndef LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE 462 ifdef LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX 463 my_checked_module := 464 endif 465 endif 466 467 ########################################################### 468 ## Test Data 469 ########################################################### 470 my_test_data_pairs := 471 my_installed_test_data := 472 # Source to relative dst file paths for reuse in LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE. 473 my_test_data_file_pairs := 474 475 ifneq ($(filter NATIVE_TESTS,$(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)),) 476 ifneq ($(strip $(LOCAL_TEST_DATA)),) 477 ifneq (true,$(LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE)) 478 479 my_test_data_pairs := $(strip $(foreach td,$(LOCAL_TEST_DATA), \ 480 $(eval _file := $(call word-colon,2,$(td))) \ 481 $(if $(_file), \ 482 $(eval _src_base := $(call word-colon,1,$(td))), \ 483 $(eval _src_base := $(LOCAL_PATH)) \ 484 $(eval _file := $(call word-colon,1,$(td)))) \ 485 $(if $(findstring ..,$(_file)),$(error $(LOCAL_MODULE_MAKEFILE): LOCAL_TEST_DATA may not include '..': $(_file))) \ 486 $(if $(filter /%,$(_src_base) $(_file)),$(error $(LOCAL_MODULE_MAKEFILE): LOCAL_TEST_DATA may not include absolute paths: $(_src_base) $(_file))) \ 487 $(eval my_test_data_file_pairs := $(my_test_data_file_pairs) $(call append-path,$(_src_base),$(_file)):$(_file)) \ 488 $(call append-path,$(_src_base),$(_file)):$(call append-path,$(my_module_path),$(_file)))) 489 490 my_installed_test_data := $(call copy-many-files,$(my_test_data_pairs)) 491 $(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE): $(my_installed_test_data) 492 493 endif 494 endif 495 endif 496 497 # For test modules that lack a suite tag, set null-suite as the default. 498 # We only support adding a default suite to native tests, native benchmarks, and instrumentation tests. 499 # This is because they are the only tests we currently auto-generate test configs for. 500 ifndef LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE 501 ifneq ($(filter NATIVE_TESTS NATIVE_BENCHMARK, $(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)),) 502 LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE := null-suite 503 endif 504 ifneq ($(filter APPS, $(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)),) 505 ifneq ($(filter $(my_module_tags),tests),) 506 LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE := null-suite 507 endif 508 endif 509 endif 510 511 ########################################################### 512 ## Compatibility suite files. 513 ########################################################### 514 ifdef LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE 515 516 # If we are building a native test or benchmark and its stem variants are not defined, 517 # separate the multiple architectures into subdirectories of the testcase folder. 518 arch_dir := 519 is_native := 520 multi_arch := 521 ifeq ($(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS),NATIVE_TESTS) 522 is_native := true 523 multi_arch := true 524 endif 525 ifeq ($(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS),NATIVE_BENCHMARK) 526 is_native := true 527 multi_arch := true 528 endif 529 ifdef LOCAL_MULTILIB 530 multi_arch := true 531 endif 532 ifdef multi_arch 533 arch_dir := /$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH) 534 endif 535 multi_arch := 536 537 # The module itself. 538 $(foreach suite, $(LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE), \ 539 $(eval my_compat_dist_$(suite) := $(foreach dir, $(call compatibility_suite_dirs,$(suite),$(arch_dir)), \ 540 $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE):$(dir)/$(my_installed_module_stem)))) 541 542 # Make sure we only add the files once for multilib modules. 543 ifndef $(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)_$(LOCAL_MODULE)_compat_files 544 $(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)_$(LOCAL_MODULE)_compat_files := true 545 546 # LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUPPORT_FILES is a list of <src>[:<dest>]. 547 $(foreach suite, $(LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE), \ 548 $(eval my_compat_dist_$(suite) += $(foreach f, $(LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUPPORT_FILES), \ 549 $(eval p := $(subst :,$(space),$(f))) \ 550 $(eval s := $(word 1,$(p))) \ 551 $(eval n := $(or $(word 2,$(p)),$(notdir $(word 1, $(p))))) \ 552 $(foreach dir, $(call compatibility_suite_dirs,$(suite)), \ 553 $(s):$(dir)/$(n))))) 554 555 test_config := $(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/AndroidTest.xml) 556 ifeq (,$(test_config)) 557 ifneq (true,$(is_native)) 558 is_instrumentation_test := true 559 ifeq (true, $(LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE)) 560 is_instrumentation_test := false 561 endif 562 # If LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS is not APPS, it's certainly not an instrumentation 563 # test. However, some packages for test data also have LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS 564 # set to APPS. These will require flag LOCAL_DISABLE_AUTO_GENERATE_TEST_CONFIG 565 # to disable auto-generating test config file. 566 ifneq (APPS, $(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)) 567 is_instrumentation_test := false 568 endif 569 endif 570 # CTS modules can be used for test data, so test config files must be 571 # explicitly created using AndroidTest.xml 572 ifeq (,$(filter cts, $(LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE))) 573 ifneq (true, $(LOCAL_DISABLE_AUTO_GENERATE_TEST_CONFIG)) 574 ifeq (true, $(filter true,$(is_native) $(is_instrumentation_test))) 575 include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/autogen_test_config.mk 576 test_config := $(autogen_test_config_file) 577 autogen_test_config_file := 578 endif 579 endif 580 endif 581 endif 582 583 is_instrumentation_test := 584 585 ifneq (,$(test_config)) 586 $(foreach suite, $(LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE), \ 587 $(eval my_compat_dist_$(suite) += $(foreach dir, $(call compatibility_suite_dirs,$(suite)), \ 588 $(test_config):$(dir)/$(LOCAL_MODULE).config))) 589 endif 590 591 test_config := 592 593 ifneq (,$(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/DynamicConfig.xml)) 594 $(foreach suite, $(LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE), \ 595 $(eval my_compat_dist_$(suite) += $(foreach dir, $(call compatibility_suite_dirs,$(suite)), \ 596 $(LOCAL_PATH)/DynamicConfig.xml:$(dir)/$(LOCAL_MODULE).dynamic))) 597 endif 598 599 ifneq (,$(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/$(LOCAL_MODULE)_*.config)) 600 $(foreach extra_config, $(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/$(LOCAL_MODULE)_*.config), \ 601 $(foreach suite, $(LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE), \ 602 $(eval my_compat_dist_$(suite) += $(foreach dir, $(call compatibility_suite_dirs,$(suite)), \ 603 $(extra_config):$(dir)/$(notdir $(extra_config)))))) 604 endif 605 endif # $(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)_$(LOCAL_MODULE)_compat_files 606 607 ifneq ($(my_test_data_file_pairs),) 608 $(foreach pair, $(my_test_data_file_pairs), \ 609 $(eval parts := $(subst :,$(space),$(pair))) \ 610 $(eval src_path := $(word 1,$(parts))) \ 611 $(eval file := $(word 2,$(parts))) \ 612 $(foreach suite, $(LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE), \ 613 $(eval my_compat_dist_$(suite) += $(foreach dir, $(call compatibility_suite_dirs,$(suite),$(arch_dir)), \ 614 $(src_path):$(call append-path,$(dir),$(file)))))) 615 endif 616 617 arch_dir := 618 is_native := 619 620 $(call create-suite-dependencies) 621 622 endif # LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE 623 624 ########################################################### 625 ## Register with ALL_MODULES 626 ########################################################### 627 628 ALL_MODULES += $(my_register_name) 629 630 # Don't use += on subvars, or else they'll end up being 631 # recursively expanded. 632 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).CLASS := \ 633 $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).CLASS) $(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS) 634 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).PATH := \ 635 $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).PATH) $(LOCAL_PATH) 636 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).TAGS := \ 637 $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).TAGS) $(my_module_tags) 638 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).CHECKED := \ 639 $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).CHECKED) $(my_checked_module) 640 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).BUILT := \ 641 $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).BUILT) $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) 642 ifneq (true,$(LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE)) 643 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).INSTALLED := \ 644 $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).INSTALLED) \ 645 $(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE) $(my_init_rc_installed) $(my_installed_symlinks) \ 646 $(my_installed_test_data)) 647 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).BUILT_INSTALLED := \ 648 $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).BUILT_INSTALLED) \ 649 $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE):$(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE) \ 650 $(my_init_rc_pairs) $(my_test_data_pairs)) 651 endif 652 ifdef LOCAL_PICKUP_FILES 653 # Files or directories ready to pick up by the build system 654 # when $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) is done. 655 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).PICKUP_FILES := \ 656 $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).PICKUP_FILES) $(LOCAL_PICKUP_FILES) 657 endif 658 my_required_modules := $(LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES) \ 659 $(LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES_$(TARGET_$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) 660 ifdef LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE 661 my_required_modules += $(LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES_$($(my_prefix)OS)) 662 endif 663 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).REQUIRED := \ 664 $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).REQUIRED) $(my_required_modules)) 665 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).EXPLICITLY_REQUIRED := \ 666 $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).EXPLICITLY_REQUIRED)\ 667 $(my_required_modules)) 668 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).TARGET_REQUIRED := \ 669 $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).TARGET_REQUIRED)\ 670 $(LOCAL_TARGET_REQUIRED_MODULES)) 671 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).HOST_REQUIRED := \ 672 $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).HOST_REQUIRED)\ 673 $(LOCAL_HOST_REQUIRED_MODULES)) 674 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).EVENT_LOG_TAGS := \ 675 $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).EVENT_LOG_TAGS) $(event_log_tags) 676 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).MAKEFILE := \ 677 $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).MAKEFILE) $(LOCAL_MODULE_MAKEFILE) 678 ifdef LOCAL_MODULE_OWNER 679 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).OWNER := \ 680 $(sort $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).OWNER) $(LOCAL_MODULE_OWNER)) 681 endif 682 ifdef LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX 683 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).FOR_2ND_ARCH := true 684 endif 685 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).FOR_HOST_CROSS := $(my_host_cross) 686 ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).COMPATIBILITY_SUITES := $(LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE) 687 688 INSTALLABLE_FILES.$(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE).MODULE := $(my_register_name) 689 690 ########################################################## 691 # Track module-level dependencies. 692 # Use $(LOCAL_MODULE) instead of $(my_register_name) to ignore module's bitness. 693 ALL_DEPS.MODULES := $(sort $(ALL_DEPS.MODULES) $(LOCAL_MODULE)) 694 ALL_DEPS.$(LOCAL_MODULE).ALL_DEPS := $(sort \ 695 $(ALL_MODULES.$(LOCAL_MODULE).ALL_DEPS) \ 696 $(LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES) \ 697 $(LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES) \ 698 $(LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES) \ 699 $(LOCAL_HEADER_LIBRARIES) \ 700 $(LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES) \ 701 $(LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES)\ 702 $(LOCAL_JNI_SHARED_LIBRARIES)) 703 704 ALL_DEPS.$(LOCAL_MODULE).LICENSE := $(sort $(ALL_DEPS.$(LOCAL_MODULE).LICENSE) $(license_files)) 705 706 ########################################################### 707 ## Take care of my_module_tags 708 ########################################################### 709 710 # Keep track of all the tags we've seen. 711 ALL_MODULE_TAGS := $(sort $(ALL_MODULE_TAGS) $(my_module_tags)) 712 713 # Add this module name to the tag list of each specified tag. 714 $(foreach tag,$(my_module_tags),\ 715 $(eval ALL_MODULE_NAME_TAGS.$(tag) := $$(ALL_MODULE_NAME_TAGS.$(tag)) $(my_register_name))) 716 717 ########################################################### 718 ## umbrella targets used to verify builds 719 ########################################################### 720 j_or_n := 721 ifneq (,$(filter EXECUTABLES SHARED_LIBRARIES STATIC_LIBRARIES HEADER_LIBRARIES NATIVE_TESTS,$(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS))) 722 j_or_n := native 723 else 724 ifneq (,$(filter JAVA_LIBRARIES APPS,$(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS))) 725 j_or_n := java 726 endif 727 endif 728 ifdef LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE 729 h_or_t := host 730 ifeq ($(my_host_cross),true) 731 h_or_hc_or_t := host-cross 732 else 733 h_or_hc_or_t := host 734 endif 735 else 736 h_or_hc_or_t := target 737 h_or_t := target 738 endif 739 740 741 ifdef j_or_n 742 $(j_or_n) $(h_or_t) $(j_or_n)-$(h_or_hc_or_t) : $(my_checked_module) 743 ifneq (,$(filter $(my_module_tags),tests)) 744 $(j_or_n)-$(h_or_t)-tests $(j_or_n)-tests $(h_or_t)-tests : $(my_checked_module) 745 endif 746 $(LOCAL_MODULE)-$(h_or_hc_or_t) : $(my_all_targets) 747 ifeq ($(j_or_n),native) 748 $(LOCAL_MODULE)-$(h_or_hc_or_t)$(my_32_64_bit_suffix) : $(my_all_targets) 749 endif 750 endif 751 752 ########################################################### 753 # Ensure privileged applications always have LOCAL_PRIVILEGED_MODULE 754 ########################################################### 755 ifndef LOCAL_PRIVILEGED_MODULE 756 ifneq (,$(filter $(TARGET_OUT_APPS_PRIVILEGED)/% $(TARGET_OUT_VENDOR_APPS_PRIVILEGED)/%,$(my_module_path))) 757 LOCAL_PRIVILEGED_MODULE := true 758 endif 759 endif 760 761 ########################################################### 762 ## NOTICE files 763 ########################################################### 764 765 include $(BUILD_NOTICE_FILE) 766