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      1 #!/usr/bin/python
      2 # This file uses the following encoding: utf-8
      4 """Grep warnings messages and output HTML tables or warning counts in CSV.
      6 Default is to output warnings in HTML tables grouped by warning severity.
      7 Use option --byproject to output tables grouped by source file projects.
      8 Use option --gencsv to output warning counts in CSV format.
      9 """
     11 # List of important data structures and functions in this script.
     12 #
     13 # To parse and keep warning message in the input file:
     14 #   severity:                classification of message severity
     15 #   severity.range           [0, 1, ... last_severity_level]
     16 #   severity.colors          for header background
     17 #   severity.column_headers  for the warning count table
     18 #   severity.headers         for warning message tables
     19 #   warn_patterns:
     20 #   warn_patterns[w]['category']     tool that issued the warning, not used now
     21 #   warn_patterns[w]['description']  table heading
     22 #   warn_patterns[w]['members']      matched warnings from input
     23 #   warn_patterns[w]['option']       compiler flag to control the warning
     24 #   warn_patterns[w]['patterns']     regular expressions to match warnings
     25 #   warn_patterns[w]['projects'][p]  number of warnings of pattern w in p
     26 #   warn_patterns[w]['severity']     severity level
     27 #   project_list[p][0]               project name
     28 #   project_list[p][1]               regular expression to match a project path
     29 #   project_patterns[p]              re.compile(project_list[p][1])
     30 #   project_names[p]                 project_list[p][0]
     31 #   warning_messages     array of each warning message, without source url
     32 #   warning_records      array of [idx to warn_patterns,
     33 #                                  idx to project_names,
     34 #                                  idx to warning_messages]
     35 #   android_root
     36 #   platform_version
     37 #   target_product
     38 #   target_variant
     39 #   compile_patterns, parse_input_file
     40 #
     41 # To emit html page of warning messages:
     42 #   flags: --byproject, --url, --separator
     43 # Old stuff for static html components:
     44 #   html_script_style:  static html scripts and styles
     45 #   htmlbig:
     46 #   dump_stats, dump_html_prologue, dump_html_epilogue:
     47 #   emit_buttons:
     48 #   dump_fixed
     49 #   sort_warnings:
     50 #   emit_stats_by_project:
     51 #   all_patterns,
     52 #   findproject, classify_warning
     53 #   dump_html
     54 #
     55 # New dynamic HTML page's static JavaScript data:
     56 #   Some data are copied from Python to JavaScript, to generate HTML elements.
     57 #   FlagURL                args.url
     58 #   FlagSeparator          args.separator
     59 #   SeverityColors:        severity.colors
     60 #   SeverityHeaders:       severity.headers
     61 #   SeverityColumnHeaders: severity.column_headers
     62 #   ProjectNames:          project_names, or project_list[*][0]
     63 #   WarnPatternsSeverity:     warn_patterns[*]['severity']
     64 #   WarnPatternsDescription:  warn_patterns[*]['description']
     65 #   WarnPatternsOption:       warn_patterns[*]['option']
     66 #   WarningMessages:          warning_messages
     67 #   Warnings:                 warning_records
     68 #   StatsHeader:           warning count table header row
     69 #   StatsRows:             array of warning count table rows
     70 #
     71 # New dynamic HTML page's dynamic JavaScript data:
     72 #
     73 # New dynamic HTML related function to emit data:
     74 #   escape_string, strip_escape_string, emit_warning_arrays
     75 #   emit_js_data():
     77 import argparse
     78 import csv
     79 import multiprocessing
     80 import os
     81 import re
     82 import signal
     83 import sys
     85 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert a build log into HTML')
     86 parser.add_argument('--csvpath',
     87                     help='Save CSV warning file to the passed absolute path',
     88                     default=None)
     89 parser.add_argument('--gencsv',
     90                     help='Generate a CSV file with number of various warnings',
     91                     action='store_true',
     92                     default=False)
     93 parser.add_argument('--byproject',
     94                     help='Separate warnings in HTML output by project names',
     95                     action='store_true',
     96                     default=False)
     97 parser.add_argument('--url',
     98                     help='Root URL of an Android source code tree prefixed '
     99                     'before files in warnings')
    100 parser.add_argument('--separator',
    101                     help='Separator between the end of a URL and the line '
    102                     'number argument. e.g. #')
    103 parser.add_argument('--processes',
    104                     type=int,
    105                     default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(),
    106                     help='Number of parallel processes to process warnings')
    107 parser.add_argument(dest='buildlog', metavar='build.log',
    108                     help='Path to build.log file')
    109 args = parser.parse_args()
    112 class Severity(object):
    113   """Severity levels and attributes."""
    114   # numbered by dump order
    115   FIXMENOW = 0
    116   HIGH = 1
    117   MEDIUM = 2
    118   LOW = 3
    119   ANALYZER = 4
    120   TIDY = 5
    121   HARMLESS = 6
    122   UNKNOWN = 7
    123   SKIP = 8
    124   range = range(SKIP + 1)
    125   attributes = [
    126       # pylint:disable=bad-whitespace
    127       ['fuchsia',   'FixNow',    'Critical warnings, fix me now'],
    128       ['red',       'High',      'High severity warnings'],
    129       ['orange',    'Medium',    'Medium severity warnings'],
    130       ['yellow',    'Low',       'Low severity warnings'],
    131       ['hotpink',   'Analyzer',  'Clang-Analyzer warnings'],
    132       ['peachpuff', 'Tidy',      'Clang-Tidy warnings'],
    133       ['limegreen', 'Harmless',  'Harmless warnings'],
    134       ['lightblue', 'Unknown',   'Unknown warnings'],
    135       ['grey',      'Unhandled', 'Unhandled warnings']
    136   ]
    137   colors = [a[0] for a in attributes]
    138   column_headers = [a[1] for a in attributes]
    139   headers = [a[2] for a in attributes]
    142 def tidy_warn_pattern(description, pattern):
    143   return {
    144       'category': 'C/C++',
    145       'severity': Severity.TIDY,
    146       'description': 'clang-tidy ' + description,
    147       'patterns': [r'.*: .+\[' + pattern + r'\]$']
    148   }
    151 def simple_tidy_warn_pattern(description):
    152   return tidy_warn_pattern(description, description)
    155 def group_tidy_warn_pattern(description):
    156   return tidy_warn_pattern(description, description + r'-.+')
    159 warn_patterns = [
    160     # pylint:disable=line-too-long,g-inconsistent-quotes
    161     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
    162      'description': 'clang-analyzer Security warning',
    163      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+\[clang-analyzer-security.*\]"]},
    164     {'category': 'make', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    165      'description': 'make: overriding commands/ignoring old commands',
    166      'patterns': [r".*: warning: overriding commands for target .+",
    167                   r".*: warning: ignoring old commands for target .+"]},
    168     {'category': 'make', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
    169      'description': 'make: LOCAL_CLANG is false',
    170      'patterns': [r".*: warning: LOCAL_CLANG is set to false"]},
    171     {'category': 'make', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
    172      'description': 'SDK App using platform shared library',
    173      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ \(.*app:sdk.*\) should not link to .+ \(native:platform\)"]},
    174     {'category': 'make', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
    175      'description': 'System module linking to a vendor module',
    176      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ \(.+\) should not link to .+ \(partition:.+\)"]},
    177     {'category': 'make', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    178      'description': 'Invalid SDK/NDK linking',
    179      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ \(.+\) should not link to .+ \(.+\)"]},
    180     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH, 'option': '-Wimplicit-function-declaration',
    181      'description': 'Implicit function declaration',
    182      'patterns': [r".*: warning: implicit declaration of function .+",
    183                   r".*: warning: implicitly declaring library function"]},
    184     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
    185      'description': 'skip, conflicting types for ...',
    186      'patterns': [r".*: warning: conflicting types for '.+'"]},
    187     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH, 'option': '-Wtype-limits',
    188      'description': 'Expression always evaluates to true or false',
    189      'patterns': [r".*: warning: comparison is always .+ due to limited range of data type",
    190                   r".*: warning: comparison of unsigned .*expression .+ is always true",
    191                   r".*: warning: comparison of unsigned .*expression .+ is always false"]},
    192     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
    193      'description': 'Potential leak of memory, bad free, use after free',
    194      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Potential leak of memory",
    195                   r".*: warning: Potential memory leak",
    196                   r".*: warning: Memory allocated by alloca\(\) should not be deallocated",
    197                   r".*: warning: Memory allocated by .+ should be deallocated by .+ not .+",
    198                   r".*: warning: 'delete' applied to a pointer that was allocated",
    199                   r".*: warning: Use of memory after it is freed",
    200                   r".*: warning: Argument to .+ is the address of .+ variable",
    201                   r".*: warning: Argument to free\(\) is offset by .+ of memory allocated by",
    202                   r".*: warning: Attempt to .+ released memory"]},
    203     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
    204      'description': 'Use transient memory for control value',
    205      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+Using such transient memory for the control value is .*dangerous."]},
    206     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
    207      'description': 'Return address of stack memory',
    208      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Address of stack memory .+ returned to caller",
    209                   r".*: warning: Address of stack memory .+ will be a dangling reference"]},
    210     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
    211      'description': 'Problem with vfork',
    212      'patterns': [r".*: warning: This .+ is prohibited after a successful vfork",
    213                   r".*: warning: Call to function '.+' is insecure "]},
    214     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH, 'option': 'infinite-recursion',
    215      'description': 'Infinite recursion',
    216      'patterns': [r".*: warning: all paths through this function will call itself"]},
    217     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
    218      'description': 'Potential buffer overflow',
    219      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Size argument is greater than .+ the destination buffer",
    220                   r".*: warning: Potential buffer overflow.",
    221                   r".*: warning: String copy function overflows destination buffer"]},
    222     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    223      'description': 'Incompatible pointer types',
    224      'patterns': [r".*: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type",
    225                   r".*: warning: return from incompatible pointer type",
    226                   r".*: warning: passing argument [0-9]+ of '.*' from incompatible pointer type",
    227                   r".*: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type"]},
    228     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH, 'option': '-fno-builtin',
    229      'description': 'Incompatible declaration of built in function',
    230      'patterns': [r".*: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function .+"]},
    231     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH, 'option': '-Wincompatible-library-redeclaration',
    232      'description': 'Incompatible redeclaration of library function',
    233      'patterns': [r".*: warning: incompatible redeclaration of library function .+"]},
    234     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
    235      'description': 'Null passed as non-null argument',
    236      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Null passed to a callee that requires a non-null"]},
    237     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wunused-parameter',
    238      'description': 'Unused parameter',
    239      'patterns': [r".*: warning: unused parameter '.*'"]},
    240     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wunused',
    241      'description': 'Unused function, variable or label',
    242      'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' defined but not used",
    243                   r".*: warning: unused function '.+'",
    244                   r".*: warning: lambda capture .* is not used",
    245                   r".*: warning: private field '.+' is not used",
    246                   r".*: warning: unused variable '.+'"]},
    247     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wunused-value',
    248      'description': 'Statement with no effect or result unused',
    249      'patterns': [r".*: warning: statement with no effect",
    250                   r".*: warning: expression result unused"]},
    251     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wunused-result',
    252      'description': 'Ignoreing return value of function',
    253      'patterns': [r".*: warning: ignoring return value of function .+Wunused-result"]},
    254     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wmissing-field-initializers',
    255      'description': 'Missing initializer',
    256      'patterns': [r".*: warning: missing initializer"]},
    257     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor',
    258      'description': 'Need virtual destructor',
    259      'patterns': [r".*: warning: delete called .* has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor"]},
    260     {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
    261      'description': 'skip, near initialization for ...',
    262      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \(near initialization for '.+'\)"]},
    263     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wdate-time',
    264      'description': 'Expansion of data or time macro',
    265      'patterns': [r".*: warning: expansion of date or time macro is not reproducible"]},
    266     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wformat',
    267      'description': 'Format string does not match arguments',
    268      'patterns': [r".*: warning: format '.+' expects type '.+', but argument [0-9]+ has type '.+'",
    269                   r".*: warning: more '%' conversions than data arguments",
    270                   r".*: warning: data argument not used by format string",
    271                   r".*: warning: incomplete format specifier",
    272                   r".*: warning: unknown conversion type .* in format",
    273                   r".*: warning: format .+ expects .+ but argument .+Wformat=",
    274                   r".*: warning: field precision should have .+ but argument has .+Wformat",
    275                   r".*: warning: format specifies type .+ but the argument has .*type .+Wformat"]},
    276     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wformat-extra-args',
    277      'description': 'Too many arguments for format string',
    278      'patterns': [r".*: warning: too many arguments for format"]},
    279     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    280      'description': 'Too many arguments in call',
    281      'patterns': [r".*: warning: too many arguments in call to "]},
    282     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wformat-invalid-specifier',
    283      'description': 'Invalid format specifier',
    284      'patterns': [r".*: warning: invalid .+ specifier '.+'.+format-invalid-specifier"]},
    285     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wsign-compare',
    286      'description': 'Comparison between signed and unsigned',
    287      'patterns': [r".*: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned",
    288                   r".*: warning: comparison of promoted \~unsigned with unsigned",
    289                   r".*: warning: signed and unsigned type in conditional expression"]},
    290     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    291      'description': 'Comparison between enum and non-enum',
    292      'patterns': [r".*: warning: enumeral and non-enumeral type in conditional expression"]},
    293     {'category': 'libpng', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    294      'description': 'libpng: zero area',
    295      'patterns': [r".*libpng warning: Ignoring attempt to set cHRM RGB triangle with zero area"]},
    296     {'category': 'aapt', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    297      'description': 'aapt: no comment for public symbol',
    298      'patterns': [r".*: warning: No comment for public symbol .+"]},
    299     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wmissing-braces',
    300      'description': 'Missing braces around initializer',
    301      'patterns': [r".*: warning: missing braces around initializer.*"]},
    302     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
    303      'description': 'No newline at end of file',
    304      'patterns': [r".*: warning: no newline at end of file"]},
    305     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
    306      'description': 'Missing space after macro name',
    307      'patterns': [r".*: warning: missing whitespace after the macro name"]},
    308     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wcast-align',
    309      'description': 'Cast increases required alignment',
    310      'patterns': [r".*: warning: cast from .* to .* increases required alignment .*"]},
    311     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wcast-qual',
    312      'description': 'Qualifier discarded',
    313      'patterns': [r".*: warning: passing argument [0-9]+ of '.+' discards qualifiers from pointer target type",
    314                   r".*: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type",
    315                   r".*: warning: passing .+ to parameter of type .+ discards qualifiers",
    316                   r".*: warning: assigning to .+ from .+ discards qualifiers",
    317                   r".*: warning: initializing .+ discards qualifiers .+types-discards-qualifiers",
    318                   r".*: warning: return discards qualifiers from pointer target type"]},
    319     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wunknown-attributes',
    320      'description': 'Unknown attribute',
    321      'patterns': [r".*: warning: unknown attribute '.+'"]},
    322     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wignored-attributes',
    323      'description': 'Attribute ignored',
    324      'patterns': [r".*: warning: '_*packed_*' attribute ignored",
    325                   r".*: warning: attribute declaration must precede definition .+ignored-attributes"]},
    326     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wvisibility',
    327      'description': 'Visibility problem',
    328      'patterns': [r".*: warning: declaration of '.+' will not be visible outside of this function"]},
    329     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wattributes',
    330      'description': 'Visibility mismatch',
    331      'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' declared with greater visibility than the type of its field '.+'"]},
    332     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    333      'description': 'Shift count greater than width of type',
    334      'patterns': [r".*: warning: (left|right) shift count >= width of type"]},
    335     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wextern-initializer',
    336      'description': 'extern <foo> is initialized',
    337      'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' initialized and declared 'extern'",
    338                   r".*: warning: 'extern' variable has an initializer"]},
    339     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wold-style-declaration',
    340      'description': 'Old style declaration',
    341      'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'static' is not at beginning of declaration"]},
    342     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wreturn-type',
    343      'description': 'Missing return value',
    344      'patterns': [r".*: warning: control reaches end of non-void function"]},
    345     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wimplicit-int',
    346      'description': 'Implicit int type',
    347      'patterns': [r".*: warning: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int'",
    348                   r".*: warning: type defaults to 'int' in declaration of '.+'"]},
    349     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wmain-return-type',
    350      'description': 'Main function should return int',
    351      'patterns': [r".*: warning: return type of 'main' is not 'int'"]},
    352     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wuninitialized',
    353      'description': 'Variable may be used uninitialized',
    354      'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' may be used uninitialized in this function"]},
    355     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH, 'option': '-Wuninitialized',
    356      'description': 'Variable is used uninitialized',
    357      'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' is used uninitialized in this function",
    358                   r".*: warning: variable '.+' is uninitialized when used here"]},
    359     {'category': 'ld', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-fshort-enums',
    360      'description': 'ld: possible enum size mismatch',
    361      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .* uses variable-size enums yet the output is to use 32-bit enums; use of enum values across objects may fail"]},
    362     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wpointer-sign',
    363      'description': 'Pointer targets differ in signedness',
    364      'patterns': [r".*: warning: pointer targets in initialization differ in signedness",
    365                   r".*: warning: pointer targets in assignment differ in signedness",
    366                   r".*: warning: pointer targets in return differ in signedness",
    367                   r".*: warning: pointer targets in passing argument [0-9]+ of '.+' differ in signedness"]},
    368     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wstrict-overflow',
    369      'description': 'Assuming overflow does not occur',
    370      'patterns': [r".*: warning: assuming signed overflow does not occur when assuming that .* is always (true|false)"]},
    371     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wempty-body',
    372      'description': 'Suggest adding braces around empty body',
    373      'patterns': [r".*: warning: suggest braces around empty body in an 'if' statement",
    374                   r".*: warning: empty body in an if-statement",
    375                   r".*: warning: suggest braces around empty body in an 'else' statement",
    376                   r".*: warning: empty body in an else-statement"]},
    377     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wparentheses',
    378      'description': 'Suggest adding parentheses',
    379      'patterns': [r".*: warning: suggest explicit braces to avoid ambiguous 'else'",
    380                   r".*: warning: suggest parentheses around arithmetic in operand of '.+'",
    381                   r".*: warning: suggest parentheses around comparison in operand of '.+'",
    382                   r".*: warning: logical not is only applied to the left hand side of this comparison",
    383                   r".*: warning: using the result of an assignment as a condition without parentheses",
    384                   r".*: warning: .+ has lower precedence than .+ be evaluated first .+Wparentheses",
    385                   r".*: warning: suggest parentheses around '.+?' .+ '.+?'",
    386                   r".*: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value"]},
    387     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    388      'description': 'Static variable used in non-static inline function',
    389      'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' is static but used in inline function '.+' which is not static"]},
    390     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wimplicit int',
    391      'description': 'No type or storage class (will default to int)',
    392      'patterns': [r".*: warning: data definition has no type or storage class"]},
    393     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    394      'description': 'Null pointer',
    395      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Dereference of null pointer",
    396                   r".*: warning: Called .+ pointer is null",
    397                   r".*: warning: Forming reference to null pointer",
    398                   r".*: warning: Returning null reference",
    399                   r".*: warning: Null pointer passed as an argument to a 'nonnull' parameter",
    400                   r".*: warning: .+ results in a null pointer dereference",
    401                   r".*: warning: Access to .+ results in a dereference of a null pointer",
    402                   r".*: warning: Null pointer argument in"]},
    403     {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
    404      'description': 'skip, parameter name (without types) in function declaration',
    405      'patterns': [r".*: warning: parameter names \(without types\) in function declaration"]},
    406     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wstrict-aliasing',
    407      'description': 'Dereferencing <foo> breaks strict aliasing rules',
    408      'patterns': [r".*: warning: dereferencing .* break strict-aliasing rules"]},
    409     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wpointer-to-int-cast',
    410      'description': 'Cast from pointer to integer of different size',
    411      'patterns': [r".*: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size",
    412                   r".*: warning: initialization makes pointer from integer without a cast"]},
    413     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wint-to-pointer-cast',
    414      'description': 'Cast to pointer from integer of different size',
    415      'patterns': [r".*: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size"]},
    416     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    417      'description': 'Symbol redefined',
    418      'patterns': [r".*: warning: "".+"" redefined"]},
    419     {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
    420      'description': 'skip, ... location of the previous definition',
    421      'patterns': [r".*: warning: this is the location of the previous definition"]},
    422     {'category': 'ld', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    423      'description': 'ld: type and size of dynamic symbol are not defined',
    424      'patterns': [r".*: warning: type and size of dynamic symbol `.+' are not defined"]},
    425     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    426      'description': 'Pointer from integer without cast',
    427      'patterns': [r".*: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast"]},
    428     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    429      'description': 'Pointer from integer without cast',
    430      'patterns': [r".*: warning: passing argument [0-9]+ of '.+' makes pointer from integer without a cast"]},
    431     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    432      'description': 'Integer from pointer without cast',
    433      'patterns': [r".*: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast"]},
    434     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    435      'description': 'Integer from pointer without cast',
    436      'patterns': [r".*: warning: passing argument [0-9]+ of '.+' makes integer from pointer without a cast"]},
    437     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    438      'description': 'Integer from pointer without cast',
    439      'patterns': [r".*: warning: return makes integer from pointer without a cast"]},
    440     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wunknown-pragmas',
    441      'description': 'Ignoring pragma',
    442      'patterns': [r".*: warning: ignoring #pragma .+"]},
    443     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-W#pragma-messages',
    444      'description': 'Pragma warning messages',
    445      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+W#pragma-messages"]},
    446     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wclobbered',
    447      'description': 'Variable might be clobbered by longjmp or vfork',
    448      'patterns': [r".*: warning: variable '.+' might be clobbered by 'longjmp' or 'vfork'"]},
    449     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wclobbered',
    450      'description': 'Argument might be clobbered by longjmp or vfork',
    451      'patterns': [r".*: warning: argument '.+' might be clobbered by 'longjmp' or 'vfork'"]},
    452     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wredundant-decls',
    453      'description': 'Redundant declaration',
    454      'patterns': [r".*: warning: redundant redeclaration of '.+'"]},
    455     {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
    456      'description': 'skip, previous declaration ... was here',
    457      'patterns': [r".*: warning: previous declaration of '.+' was here"]},
    458     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wswitch-enum',
    459      'description': 'Enum value not handled in switch',
    460      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .*enumeration value.* not handled in switch.+Wswitch"]},
    461     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wuser-defined-warnings',
    462      'description': 'User defined warnings',
    463      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .* \[-Wuser-defined-warnings\]$"]},
    464     {'category': 'java', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-encoding',
    465      'description': 'Java: Non-ascii characters used, but ascii encoding specified',
    466      'patterns': [r".*: warning: unmappable character for encoding ascii"]},
    467     {'category': 'java', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    468      'description': 'Java: Non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter',
    469      'patterns': [r".*: warning: non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter"]},
    470     {'category': 'java', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    471      'description': 'Java: Unchecked method invocation',
    472      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[unchecked\] unchecked method invocation: .+ in class .+"]},
    473     {'category': 'java', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    474      'description': 'Java: Unchecked conversion',
    475      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[unchecked\] unchecked conversion"]},
    476     {'category': 'java', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    477      'description': '_ used as an identifier',
    478      'patterns': [r".*: warning: '_' used as an identifier"]},
    479     {'category': 'java', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
    480      'description': 'Use of internal proprietary API',
    481      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .* is internal proprietary API and may be removed"]},
    483     # Warnings from Javac
    484     {'category': 'java',
    485      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    486      'description': 'Java: Use of deprecated member',
    487      'patterns': [r'.*: warning: \[deprecation\] .+']},
    488     {'category': 'java',
    489      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    490      'description': 'Java: Unchecked conversion',
    491      'patterns': [r'.*: warning: \[unchecked\] .+']},
    493     # Begin warnings generated by Error Prone
    494     {'category': 'java',
    495      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    496      'description':
    497          'Java: @Multibinds is a more efficient and declarative mechanism for ensuring that a set multibinding is present in the graph.',
    498      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[EmptySetMultibindingContributions\] .+"]},
    499     {'category': 'java',
    500      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    501      'description':
    502          'Java: Add a private constructor to modules that will not be instantiated by Dagger.',
    503      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PrivateConstructorForNoninstantiableModuleTest\] .+"]},
    504     {'category': 'java',
    505      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    506      'description':
    507          'Java: @Binds is a more efficient and declarative mechanism for delegating a binding.',
    508      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UseBinds\] .+"]},
    509     {'category': 'java',
    510      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    511      'description':
    512          'Java: Fields that can be null should be annotated @Nullable',
    513      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FieldMissingNullable\] .+"]},
    514     {'category': 'java',
    515      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    516      'description':
    517          'Java: Method parameters that aren\'t checked for null shouldn\'t be annotated @Nullable',
    518      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ParameterNotNullable\] .+"]},
    519     {'category': 'java',
    520      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    521      'description':
    522          'Java: Methods that can return null should be annotated @Nullable',
    523      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ReturnMissingNullable\] .+"]},
    524     {'category': 'java',
    525      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    526      'description':
    527          'Java: Use parameter comments to document ambiguous literals',
    528      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[BooleanParameter\] .+"]},
    529     {'category': 'java',
    530      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    531      'description':
    532          'Java: Field name is CONSTANT CASE, but field is not static and final',
    533      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ConstantField\] .+"]},
    534     {'category': 'java',
    535      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    536      'description':
    537          'Java: Deprecated item is not annotated with @Deprecated',
    538      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DepAnn\] .+"]},
    539     {'category': 'java',
    540      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    541      'description':
    542          'Java: Use Java\'s utility functional interfaces instead of Function\u003cA, B> for primitive types.',
    543      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[LambdaFunctionalInterface\] .+"]},
    544     {'category': 'java',
    545      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    546      'description':
    547          'Java: Prefer \'L\' to \'l\' for the suffix to long literals',
    548      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[LongLiteralLowerCaseSuffix\] .+"]},
    549     {'category': 'java',
    550      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    551      'description':
    552          'Java: A private method that does not reference the enclosing instance can be static',
    553      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MethodCanBeStatic\] .+"]},
    554     {'category': 'java',
    555      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    556      'description':
    557          'Java: C-style array declarations should not be used',
    558      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MixedArrayDimensions\] .+"]},
    559     {'category': 'java',
    560      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    561      'description':
    562          'Java: Variable declarations should declare only one variable',
    563      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MultiVariableDeclaration\] .+"]},
    564     {'category': 'java',
    565      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    566      'description':
    567          'Java: Source files should not contain multiple top-level class declarations',
    568      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MultipleTopLevelClasses\] .+"]},
    569     {'category': 'java',
    570      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    571      'description':
    572          'Java: Avoid having multiple unary operators acting on the same variable in a method call',
    573      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MultipleUnaryOperatorsInMethodCall\] .+"]},
    574     {'category': 'java',
    575      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    576      'description':
    577          'Java: Package names should match the directory they are declared in',
    578      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PackageLocation\] .+"]},
    579     {'category': 'java',
    580      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    581      'description':
    582          'Java: Non-standard parameter comment; prefer `/*paramName=*/ arg`',
    583      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ParameterComment\] .+"]},
    584     {'category': 'java',
    585      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    586      'description':
    587          'Java: Utility classes (only static members) are not designed to be instantiated and should be made noninstantiable with a default constructor.',
    588      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PrivateConstructorForUtilityClass\] .+"]},
    589     {'category': 'java',
    590      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    591      'description':
    592          'Java: Unused imports',
    593      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RemoveUnusedImports\] .+"]},
    594     {'category': 'java',
    595      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    596      'description':
    597          'Java: The default case of a switch should appear at the end of the last statement group',
    598      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SwitchDefault\] .+"]},
    599     {'category': 'java',
    600      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    601      'description':
    602          'Java: Unchecked exceptions do not need to be declared in the method signature.',
    603      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ThrowsUncheckedException\] .+"]},
    604     {'category': 'java',
    605      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    606      'description':
    607          'Java: Type parameters must be a single letter with an optional numeric suffix, or an UpperCamelCase name followed by the letter \'T\'.',
    608      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[TypeParameterNaming\] .+"]},
    609     {'category': 'java',
    610      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    611      'description':
    612          'Java: Constructors and methods with the same name should appear sequentially with no other code in between',
    613      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UngroupedOverloads\] .+"]},
    614     {'category': 'java',
    615      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    616      'description':
    617          'Java: Unnecessary call to NullPointerTester#setDefault',
    618      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UnnecessarySetDefault\] .+"]},
    619     {'category': 'java',
    620      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    621      'description':
    622          'Java: Using static imports for types is unnecessary',
    623      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UnnecessaryStaticImport\] .+"]},
    624     {'category': 'java',
    625      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    626      'description':
    627          'Java: Wildcard imports, static or otherwise, should not be used',
    628      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[WildcardImport\] .+"]},
    629     {'category': 'java',
    630      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    631      'description':
    632          'Java: ',
    633      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RemoveFieldPrefixes\] .+"]},
    634     {'category': 'java',
    635      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    636      'description':
    637          'Java: Prefer assertThrows to ExpectedException',
    638      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ExpectedExceptionMigration\] .+"]},
    639     {'category': 'java',
    640      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    641      'description':
    642          'Java: Logger instances are not constants -- they are mutable and have side effects -- and should not be named using CONSTANT CASE',
    643      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[LoggerVariableCase\] .+"]},
    644     {'category': 'java',
    645      'severity': Severity.LOW,
    646      'description':
    647          'Java: Prefer assertThrows to @Test(expected=...)',
    648      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[TestExceptionMigration\] .+"]},
    649     {'category': 'java',
    650      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    651      'description':
    652          'Java: Public fields must be final.',
    653      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NonFinalPublicFields\] .+"]},
    654     {'category': 'java',
    655      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    656      'description':
    657          'Java: Private fields that are only assigned in the initializer should be made final.',
    658      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PrivateFieldsNotAssigned\] .+"]},
    659     {'category': 'java',
    660      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    661      'description':
    662          'Java: Lists returned by methods should be immutable.',
    663      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ReturnedListNotImmutable\] .+"]},
    664     {'category': 'java',
    665      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    666      'description':
    667          'Java: Parameters to log methods should not be generated by a call to String.format() or MessageFormat.format().',
    668      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SaferLoggerFormat\] .+"]},
    669     {'category': 'java',
    670      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    671      'description':
    672          'Java: Parameters to log methods should not be generated by a call to toString(); see b/22986665.',
    673      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SaferLoggerToString\] .+"]},
    674     {'category': 'java',
    675      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    676      'description':
    677          'Java: A call to Binder.clearCallingIdentity() should be followed by Binder.restoreCallingIdentity() in a finally block. Otherwise the wrong Binder identity may be used by subsequent code.',
    678      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[BinderIdentityRestoredDangerously\] .+"]},
    679     {'category': 'java',
    680      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    681      'description':
    682          'Java: Classes extending PreferenceActivity must implement isValidFragment such that it does not unconditionally return true to prevent vulnerability to fragment injection attacks.',
    683      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FragmentInjection\] .+"]},
    684     {'category': 'java',
    685      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    686      'description':
    687          'Java: Subclasses of Fragment must be instantiable via Class#newInstance(): the class must be public, static and have a public nullary constructor',
    688      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FragmentNotInstantiable\] .+"]},
    689     {'category': 'java',
    690      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    691      'description':
    692          'Java: Hardcoded reference to /sdcard',
    693      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[HardCodedSdCardPath\] .+"]},
    694     {'category': 'java',
    695      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    696      'description':
    697          'Java: A wakelock acquired with a timeout may be released by the system before calling `release`, even after checking `isHeld()`. If so, it will throw a RuntimeException. Please wrap in a try/catch block.',
    698      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[WakelockReleasedDangerously\] .+"]},
    699     {'category': 'java',
    700      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    701      'description':
    702          'Java: Arguments are in the wrong order or could be commented for clarity.',
    703      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ArgumentSelectionDefectChecker\] .+"]},
    704     {'category': 'java',
    705      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    706      'description':
    707          'Java: Arguments are swapped in assertEquals-like call',
    708      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AssertEqualsArgumentOrderChecker\] .+"]},
    709     {'category': 'java',
    710      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    711      'description':
    712          'Java: An equality test between objects with incompatible types always returns false',
    713      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[EqualsIncompatibleType\] .+"]},
    714     {'category': 'java',
    715      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    716      'description':
    717          'Java: @AssistedInject and @Inject should not be used on different constructors in the same class.',
    718      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AssistedInjectAndInjectOnConstructors\] .+"]},
    719     {'category': 'java',
    720      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    721      'description':
    722          'Java: Constructors on abstract classes are never directly @Injected, only the constructors of their subclasses can be @Inject\'ed.',
    723      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InjectOnConstructorOfAbstractClass\] .+"]},
    724     {'category': 'java',
    725      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    726      'description':
    727          'Java: Injection frameworks currently don\'t understand Qualifiers in TYPE PARAMETER or TYPE USE contexts.',
    728      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[QualifierWithTypeUse\] .+"]},
    729     {'category': 'java',
    730      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    731      'description':
    732          'Java: This code declares a binding for a common value type without a Qualifier annotation.',
    733      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[BindingToUnqualifiedCommonType\] .+"]},
    734     {'category': 'java',
    735      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    736      'description':
    737          'Java: This method is not annotated with @Inject, but it overrides a method that is annotated with @com.google.inject.Inject. Guice will inject this method, and it is recommended to annotate it explicitly.',
    738      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[OverridesGuiceInjectableMethod\] .+"]},
    739     {'category': 'java',
    740      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    741      'description':
    742          'Java: The ordering of parameters in overloaded methods should be as consistent as possible (when viewed from left to right)',
    743      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InconsistentOverloads\] .+"]},
    744     {'category': 'java',
    745      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    746      'description':
    747          'Java: Double-checked locking on non-volatile fields is unsafe',
    748      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DoubleCheckedLocking\] .+"]},
    749     {'category': 'java',
    750      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    751      'description':
    752          'Java: Annotations should always be immutable',
    753      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ImmutableAnnotationChecker\] .+"]},
    754     {'category': 'java',
    755      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    756      'description':
    757          'Java: Enums should always be immutable',
    758      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ImmutableEnumChecker\] .+"]},
    759     {'category': 'java',
    760      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    761      'description':
    762          'Java: Writes to static fields should not be guarded by instance locks',
    763      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[StaticGuardedByInstance\] .+"]},
    764     {'category': 'java',
    765      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    766      'description':
    767          'Java: Synchronizing on non-final fields is not safe: if the field is ever updated, different threads may end up locking on different objects.',
    768      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SynchronizeOnNonFinalField\] .+"]},
    769     {'category': 'java',
    770      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    771      'description':
    772          'Java: Method reference is ambiguous',
    773      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AmbiguousMethodReference\] .+"]},
    774     {'category': 'java',
    775      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    776      'description':
    777          'Java: Assertions may be disabled at runtime and do not guarantee that execution will halt here; consider throwing an exception instead',
    778      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AssertFalse\] .+"]},
    779     {'category': 'java',
    780      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    781      'description':
    782          'Java: This assertion throws an AssertionError if it fails, which will be caught by an enclosing try block.',
    783      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AssertionFailureIgnored\] .+"]},
    784     {'category': 'java',
    785      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    786      'description':
    787          'Java: Classes that implement Annotation must override equals and hashCode. Consider using AutoAnnotation instead of implementing Annotation by hand.',
    788      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[BadAnnotationImplementation\] .+"]},
    789     {'category': 'java',
    790      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    791      'description':
    792          'Java: Possible sign flip from narrowing conversion',
    793      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[BadComparable\] .+"]},
    794     {'category': 'java',
    795      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    796      'description':
    797          'Java: BigDecimal(double) and BigDecimal.valueOf(double) may lose precision, prefer BigDecimal(String) or BigDecimal(long)',
    798      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[BigDecimalLiteralDouble\] .+"]},
    799     {'category': 'java',
    800      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    801      'description':
    802          'Java: valueOf or autoboxing provides better time and space performance',
    803      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[BoxedPrimitiveConstructor\] .+"]},
    804     {'category': 'java',
    805      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    806      'description':
    807          'Java: Mockito cannot mock final classes',
    808      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[CannotMockFinalClass\] .+"]},
    809     {'category': 'java',
    810      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    811      'description':
    812          'Java: Duration can be expressed more clearly with different units',
    813      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[CanonicalDuration\] .+"]},
    814     {'category': 'java',
    815      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    816      'description':
    817          'Java: Logging or rethrowing exceptions should usually be preferred to catching and calling printStackTrace',
    818      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[CatchAndPrintStackTrace\] .+"]},
    819     {'category': 'java',
    820      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    821      'description':
    822          'Java: Ignoring exceptions and calling fail() is unnecessary, and makes test output less useful',
    823      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[CatchFail\] .+"]},
    824     {'category': 'java',
    825      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    826      'description':
    827          'Java: Inner class is non-static but does not reference enclosing class',
    828      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ClassCanBeStatic\] .+"]},
    829     {'category': 'java',
    830      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    831      'description':
    832          'Java: Class.newInstance() bypasses exception checking; prefer getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance()',
    833      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ClassNewInstance\] .+"]},
    834     {'category': 'java',
    835      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    836      'description':
    837          'Java: The type of the array parameter of Collection.toArray needs to be compatible with the array type',
    838      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[CollectionToArraySafeParameter\] .+"]},
    839     {'category': 'java',
    840      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    841      'description':
    842          'Java: Collector.of() should not use state',
    843      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[CollectorShouldNotUseState\] .+"]},
    844     {'category': 'java',
    845      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    846      'description':
    847          'Java: Class should not implement both `Comparable` and `Comparator`',
    848      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ComparableAndComparator\] .+"]},
    849     {'category': 'java',
    850      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    851      'description':
    852          'Java: Constructors should not invoke overridable methods.',
    853      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ConstructorInvokesOverridable\] .+"]},
    854     {'category': 'java',
    855      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    856      'description':
    857          'Java: Constructors should not pass the \'this\' reference out in method invocations, since the object may not be fully constructed.',
    858      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ConstructorLeaksThis\] .+"]},
    859     {'category': 'java',
    860      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    861      'description':
    862          'Java: DateFormat is not thread-safe, and should not be used as a constant field.',
    863      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DateFormatConstant\] .+"]},
    864     {'category': 'java',
    865      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    866      'description':
    867          'Java: Implicit use of the platform default charset, which can result in differing behavior between JVM executions or incorrect behavior if the encoding of the data source doesn\'t match expectations.',
    868      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DefaultCharset\] .+"]},
    869     {'category': 'java',
    870      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    871      'description':
    872          'Java: Empty top-level type declaration',
    873      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[EmptyTopLevelDeclaration\] .+"]},
    874     {'category': 'java',
    875      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    876      'description':
    877          'Java: Classes that override equals should also override hashCode.',
    878      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[EqualsHashCode\] .+"]},
    879     {'category': 'java',
    880      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    881      'description':
    882          'Java: Calls to ExpectedException#expect should always be followed by exactly one statement.',
    883      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ExpectedExceptionChecker\] .+"]},
    884     {'category': 'java',
    885      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    886      'description':
    887          'Java: Switch case may fall through',
    888      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FallThrough\] .+"]},
    889     {'category': 'java',
    890      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    891      'description':
    892          'Java: If you return or throw from a finally, then values returned or thrown from the try-catch block will be ignored. Consider using try-with-resources instead.',
    893      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[Finally\] .+"]},
    894     {'category': 'java',
    895      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    896      'description':
    897          'Java: Use parentheses to make the precedence explicit',
    898      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FloatCast\] .+"]},
    899     {'category': 'java',
    900      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    901      'description':
    902          'Java: Floating point literal loses precision',
    903      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FloatingPointLiteralPrecision\] .+"]},
    904     {'category': 'java',
    905      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    906      'description':
    907          'Java: Overloads will be ambiguous when passing lambda arguments',
    908      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FunctionalInterfaceClash\] .+"]},
    909     {'category': 'java',
    910      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    911      'description':
    912          'Java: Return value of methods returning Future must be checked. Ignoring returned Futures suppresses exceptions thrown from the code that completes the Future.',
    913      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FutureReturnValueIgnored\] .+"]},
    914     {'category': 'java',
    915      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    916      'description':
    917          'Java: Calling getClass() on an enum may return a subclass of the enum type',
    918      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[GetClassOnEnum\] .+"]},
    919     {'category': 'java',
    920      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    921      'description':
    922          'Java: Hiding fields of superclasses may cause confusion and errors',
    923      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[HidingField\] .+"]},
    924     {'category': 'java',
    925      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    926      'description':
    927          'Java: This annotation has incompatible modifiers as specified by its @IncompatibleModifiers annotation',
    928      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IncompatibleModifiers\] .+"]},
    929     {'category': 'java',
    930      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    931      'description':
    932          'Java: This for loop increments the same variable in the header and in the body',
    933      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IncrementInForLoopAndHeader\] .+"]},
    934     {'category': 'java',
    935      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    936      'description':
    937          'Java: Please also override int read(byte[], int, int), otherwise multi-byte reads from this input stream are likely to be slow.',
    938      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InputStreamSlowMultibyteRead\] .+"]},
    939     {'category': 'java',
    940      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    941      'description':
    942          'Java: Casting inside an if block should be plausibly consistent with the instanceof type',
    943      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InstanceOfAndCastMatchWrongType\] .+"]},
    944     {'category': 'java',
    945      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    946      'description':
    947          'Java: Expression of type int may overflow before being assigned to a long',
    948      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IntLongMath\] .+"]},
    949     {'category': 'java',
    950      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    951      'description':
    952          'Java: Class should not implement both `Iterable` and `Iterator`',
    953      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IterableAndIterator\] .+"]},
    954     {'category': 'java',
    955      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    956      'description':
    957          'Java: Floating-point comparison without error tolerance',
    958      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnit3FloatingPointComparisonWithoutDelta\] .+"]},
    959     {'category': 'java',
    960      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    961      'description':
    962          'Java: Some JUnit4 construct cannot be used in a JUnit3 context. Convert your class to JUnit4 style to use them.',
    963      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnit4ClassUsedInJUnit3\] .+"]},
    964     {'category': 'java',
    965      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    966      'description':
    967          'Java: Test class inherits from JUnit 3\'s TestCase but has JUnit 4 @Test annotations.',
    968      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnitAmbiguousTestClass\] .+"]},
    969     {'category': 'java',
    970      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    971      'description':
    972          'Java: Never reuse class names from java.lang',
    973      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JavaLangClash\] .+"]},
    974     {'category': 'java',
    975      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    976      'description':
    977          'Java: Suggests alternatives to obsolete JDK classes.',
    978      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JdkObsolete\] .+"]},
    979     {'category': 'java',
    980      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    981      'description':
    982          'Java: Assignment where a boolean expression was expected; use == if this assignment wasn\'t expected or add parentheses for clarity.',
    983      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[LogicalAssignment\] .+"]},
    984     {'category': 'java',
    985      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    986      'description':
    987          'Java: Switches on enum types should either handle all values, or have a default case.',
    988      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MissingCasesInEnumSwitch\] .+"]},
    989     {'category': 'java',
    990      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    991      'description':
    992          'Java: The Google Java Style Guide requires that each switch statement includes a default statement group, even if it contains no code. (This requirement is lifted for any switch statement that covers all values of an enum.)',
    993      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MissingDefault\] .+"]},
    994     {'category': 'java',
    995      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
    996      'description':
    997          'Java: Not calling fail() when expecting an exception masks bugs',
    998      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MissingFail\] .+"]},
    999     {'category': 'java',
   1000      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1001      'description':
   1002          'Java: method overrides method in supertype; expected @Override',
   1003      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MissingOverride\] .+"]},
   1004     {'category': 'java',
   1005      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1006      'description':
   1007          'Java: Modifying a collection while iterating over it in a loop may cause a ConcurrentModificationException to be thrown.',
   1008      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ModifyCollectionInEnhancedForLoop\] .+"]},
   1009     {'category': 'java',
   1010      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1011      'description':
   1012          'Java: Multiple calls to either parallel or sequential are unnecessary and cause confusion.',
   1013      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MultipleParallelOrSequentialCalls\] .+"]},
   1014     {'category': 'java',
   1015      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1016      'description':
   1017          'Java: Constant field declarations should use the immutable type (such as ImmutableList) instead of the general collection interface type (such as List)',
   1018      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MutableConstantField\] .+"]},
   1019     {'category': 'java',
   1020      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1021      'description':
   1022          'Java: Method return type should use the immutable type (such as ImmutableList) instead of the general collection interface type (such as List)',
   1023      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MutableMethodReturnType\] .+"]},
   1024     {'category': 'java',
   1025      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1026      'description':
   1027          'Java: Compound assignments may hide dangerous casts',
   1028      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NarrowingCompoundAssignment\] .+"]},
   1029     {'category': 'java',
   1030      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1031      'description':
   1032          'Java: Nested instanceOf conditions of disjoint types create blocks of code that never execute',
   1033      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NestedInstanceOfConditions\] .+"]},
   1034     {'category': 'java',
   1035      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1036      'description':
   1037          'Java: This update of a volatile variable is non-atomic',
   1038      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NonAtomicVolatileUpdate\] .+"]},
   1039     {'category': 'java',
   1040      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1041      'description':
   1042          'Java: Static import of member uses non-canonical name',
   1043      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NonCanonicalStaticMemberImport\] .+"]},
   1044     {'category': 'java',
   1045      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1046      'description':
   1047          'Java: equals method doesn\'t override Object.equals',
   1048      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NonOverridingEquals\] .+"]},
   1049     {'category': 'java',
   1050      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1051      'description':
   1052          'Java: Constructors should not be annotated with @Nullable since they cannot return null',
   1053      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NullableConstructor\] .+"]},
   1054     {'category': 'java',
   1055      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1056      'description':
   1057          'Java: @Nullable should not be used for primitive types since they cannot be null',
   1058      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NullablePrimitive\] .+"]},
   1059     {'category': 'java',
   1060      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1061      'description':
   1062          'Java: void-returning methods should not be annotated with @Nullable, since they cannot return null',
   1063      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NullableVoid\] .+"]},
   1064     {'category': 'java',
   1065      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1066      'description':
   1067          'Java: Use grouping parenthesis to make the operator precedence explicit',
   1068      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[OperatorPrecedence\] .+"]},
   1069     {'category': 'java',
   1070      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1071      'description':
   1072          'Java: One should not call optional.get() inside an if statement that checks !optional.isPresent',
   1073      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[OptionalNotPresent\] .+"]},
   1074     {'category': 'java',
   1075      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1076      'description':
   1077          'Java: String literal contains format specifiers, but is not passed to a format method',
   1078      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[OrphanedFormatString\] .+"]},
   1079     {'category': 'java',
   1080      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1081      'description':
   1082          'Java: To return a custom message with a Throwable class, one should override getMessage() instead of toString() for Throwable.',
   1083      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[OverrideThrowableToString\] .+"]},
   1084     {'category': 'java',
   1085      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1086      'description':
   1087          'Java: Varargs doesn\'t agree for overridden method',
   1088      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[Overrides\] .+"]},
   1089     {'category': 'java',
   1090      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1091      'description':
   1092          'Java: Detects `/* name= */`-style comments on actual parameters where the name doesn\'t match the formal parameter',
   1093      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ParameterName\] .+"]},
   1094     {'category': 'java',
   1095      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1096      'description':
   1097          'Java: Preconditions only accepts the %s placeholder in error message strings',
   1098      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PreconditionsInvalidPlaceholder\] .+"]},
   1099     {'category': 'java',
   1100      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1101      'description':
   1102          'Java: Passing a primitive array to a varargs method is usually wrong',
   1103      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PrimitiveArrayPassedToVarargsMethod\] .+"]},
   1104     {'category': 'java',
   1105      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1106      'description':
   1107          'Java: Protobuf fields cannot be null, so this check is redundant',
   1108      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ProtoFieldPreconditionsCheckNotNull\] .+"]},
   1109     {'category': 'java',
   1110      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1111      'description':
   1112          'Java: BugChecker has incorrect ProvidesFix tag, please update',
   1113      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ProvidesFix\] .+"]},
   1114     {'category': 'java',
   1115      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1116      'description':
   1117          'Java: reachabilityFence should always be called inside a finally block',
   1118      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ReachabilityFenceUsage\] .+"]},
   1119     {'category': 'java',
   1120      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1121      'description':
   1122          'Java: Thrown exception is a subtype of another',
   1123      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RedundantThrows\] .+"]},
   1124     {'category': 'java',
   1125      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1126      'description':
   1127          'Java: Comparison using reference equality instead of value equality',
   1128      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ReferenceEquality\] .+"]},
   1129     {'category': 'java',
   1130      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1131      'description':
   1132          'Java: This annotation is missing required modifiers as specified by its @RequiredModifiers annotation',
   1133      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RequiredModifiers\] .+"]},
   1134     {'category': 'java',
   1135      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1136      'description':
   1137          'Java: Prefer the short-circuiting boolean operators \u0026\u0026 and || to \u0026 and |.',
   1138      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ShortCircuitBoolean\] .+"]},
   1139     {'category': 'java',
   1140      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1141      'description':
   1142          'Java: A static variable or method should be qualified with a class name, not expression',
   1143      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[StaticQualifiedUsingExpression\] .+"]},
   1144     {'category': 'java',
   1145      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1146      'description':
   1147          'Java: Streams that encapsulate a closeable resource should be closed using try-with-resources',
   1148      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[StreamResourceLeak\] .+"]},
   1149     {'category': 'java',
   1150      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1151      'description':
   1152          'Java: String comparison using reference equality instead of value equality',
   1153      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[StringEquality\] .+"]},
   1154     {'category': 'java',
   1155      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1156      'description':
   1157          'Java: String.split should never take only a single argument; it has surprising behavior',
   1158      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[StringSplit\] .+"]},
   1159     {'category': 'java',
   1160      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1161      'description':
   1162          'Java: Prefer Splitter to String.split',
   1163      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[StringSplitter\] .+"]},
   1164     {'category': 'java',
   1165      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1166      'description':
   1167          'Java: Using @Test(expected=...) is discouraged, since the test will pass if *any* statement in the test method throws the expected exception',
   1168      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[TestExceptionChecker\] .+"]},
   1169     {'category': 'java',
   1170      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1171      'description':
   1172          'Java: Thread.join needs to be surrounded by a loop until it succeeds, as in Uninterruptibles.joinUninterruptibly.',
   1173      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ThreadJoinLoop\] .+"]},
   1174     {'category': 'java',
   1175      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1176      'description':
   1177          'Java: ThreadLocals should be stored in static fields',
   1178      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ThreadLocalUsage\] .+"]},
   1179     {'category': 'java',
   1180      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1181      'description':
   1182          'Java: Three-letter time zone identifiers are deprecated, may be ambiguous, and might not do what you intend; the full IANA time zone ID should be used instead.',
   1183      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ThreeLetterTimeZoneID\] .+"]},
   1184     {'category': 'java',
   1185      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1186      'description':
   1187          'Java: Truth Library assert is called on a constant.',
   1188      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[TruthConstantAsserts\] .+"]},
   1189     {'category': 'java',
   1190      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1191      'description':
   1192          'Java: Type parameter declaration overrides another type parameter already declared',
   1193      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[TypeParameterShadowing\] .+"]},
   1194     {'category': 'java',
   1195      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1196      'description':
   1197          'Java: Declaring a type parameter that is only used in the return type is a misuse of generics: operations on the type parameter are unchecked, it hides unsafe casts at invocations of the method, and it interacts badly with method overload resolution.',
   1198      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[TypeParameterUnusedInFormals\] .+"]},
   1199     {'category': 'java',
   1200      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1201      'description':
   1202          'Java: Creation of a Set/HashSet/HashMap of java.net.URL. equals() and hashCode() of java.net.URL class make blocking internet connections.',
   1203      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[URLEqualsHashCode\] .+"]},
   1204     {'category': 'java',
   1205      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1206      'description':
   1207          'Java: Switch handles all enum values; an explicit default case is unnecessary and defeats error checking for non-exhaustive switches.',
   1208      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UnnecessaryDefaultInEnumSwitch\] .+"]},
   1209     {'category': 'java',
   1210      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1211      'description':
   1212          'Java: Finalizer may run before native code finishes execution',
   1213      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UnsafeFinalization\] .+"]},
   1214     {'category': 'java',
   1215      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1216      'description':
   1217          'Java: Unsynchronized method overrides a synchronized method.',
   1218      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UnsynchronizedOverridesSynchronized\] .+"]},
   1219     {'category': 'java',
   1220      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1221      'description':
   1222          'Java: Java assert is used in test. For testing purposes Assert.* matchers should be used.',
   1223      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UseCorrectAssertInTests\] .+"]},
   1224     {'category': 'java',
   1225      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1226      'description':
   1227          'Java: Non-constant variable missing @Var annotation',
   1228      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[Var\] .+"]},
   1229     {'category': 'java',
   1230      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1231      'description':
   1232          'Java: Because of spurious wakeups, Object.wait() and Condition.await() must always be called in a loop',
   1233      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[WaitNotInLoop\] .+"]},
   1234     {'category': 'java',
   1235      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1236      'description':
   1237          'Java: Pluggable Type checker internal error',
   1238      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PluggableTypeChecker\] .+"]},
   1239     {'category': 'java',
   1240      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1241      'description':
   1242          'Java: Invalid message format-style format specifier ({0}), expected printf-style (%s)',
   1243      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FloggerMessageFormat\] .+"]},
   1244     {'category': 'java',
   1245      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1246      'description':
   1247          'Java: Logger level check is already implied in the log() call. An explicit at[Level]().isEnabled() check is redundant.',
   1248      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FloggerRedundantIsEnabled\] .+"]},
   1249     {'category': 'java',
   1250      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1251      'description':
   1252          'Java: Calling withCause(Throwable) with an inline allocated Throwable is discouraged. Consider using withStackTrace(StackSize) instead, and specifying a reduced stack size (e.g. SMALL, MEDIUM or LARGE) instead of FULL, to improve performance.',
   1253      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FloggerWithCause\] .+"]},
   1254     {'category': 'java',
   1255      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1256      'description':
   1257          'Java: Use withCause to associate Exceptions with log statements',
   1258      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FloggerWithoutCause\] .+"]},
   1259     {'category': 'java',
   1260      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1261      'description':
   1262          'Java: No bug exists to track an ignored test',
   1263      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IgnoredTestWithoutBug\] .+"]},
   1264     {'category': 'java',
   1265      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1266      'description':
   1267          'Java: @Ignore is preferred to @Suppress for JUnit4 tests. @Suppress may silently fail in JUnit4 (that is, tests may run anyway.)',
   1268      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnit4SuppressWithoutIgnore\] .+"]},
   1269     {'category': 'java',
   1270      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1271      'description':
   1272          'Java: Medium and large test classes should document why they are medium or large',
   1273      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnit4TestAttributeMissing\] .+"]},
   1274     {'category': 'java',
   1275      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1276      'description':
   1277          'Java: java.net.IDN implements the older IDNA2003 standard. Prefer com.google.i18n.Idn, which implements the newer UTS #46 standard',
   1278      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JavaNetIdn\] .+"]},
   1279     {'category': 'java',
   1280      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1281      'description':
   1282          'Java: Consider requiring strict parsing on JodaDurationFlag instances. Before adjusting existing flags, check the documentation and your existing configuration to avoid crashes!',
   1283      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JodaDurationFlagStrictParsing\] .+"]},
   1284     {'category': 'java',
   1285      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1286      'description':
   1287          'Java: Logging an exception and throwing it (or a new exception) for the same exceptional situation is an anti-pattern.',
   1288      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[LogAndThrow\] .+"]},
   1289     {'category': 'java',
   1290      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1291      'description':
   1292          'Java: FormattingLogger uses wrong or mismatched format string',
   1293      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MisusedFormattingLogger\] .+"]},
   1294     {'category': 'java',
   1295      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1296      'description':
   1297          'Java: Flags should be final',
   1298      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NonFinalFlag\] .+"]},
   1299     {'category': 'java',
   1300      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1301      'description':
   1302          'Java: Reading a flag from a static field or initializer block will cause it to always receive the default value and will cause an IllegalFlagStateException if the flag is ever set.',
   1303      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[StaticFlagUsage\] .+"]},
   1304     {'category': 'java',
   1305      'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   1306      'description':
   1307          'Java: Apps must use BuildCompat.isAtLeastO to check whether they\'re running on Android O',
   1308      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UnsafeSdkVersionCheck\] .+"]},
   1309     {'category': 'java',
   1310      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1311      'description':
   1312          'Java: Logging tag cannot be longer than 23 characters.',
   1313      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[LogTagLength\] .+"]},
   1314     {'category': 'java',
   1315      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1316      'description':
   1317          'Java: Relative class name passed to ComponentName constructor',
   1318      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RelativeComponentName\] .+"]},
   1319     {'category': 'java',
   1320      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1321      'description':
   1322          'Java: Explicitly enumerate all cases in switch statements for certain enum types.',
   1323      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[EnumerateAllCasesInEnumSwitch\] .+"]},
   1324     {'category': 'java',
   1325      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1326      'description':
   1327          'Java: Do not call assumeTrue(tester.getExperimentValueFor(...)). Use @RequireEndToEndTestExperiment instead.',
   1328      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnitAssumeExperiment\] .+"]},
   1329     {'category': 'java',
   1330      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1331      'description':
   1332          'Java: The accessed field or method is not visible here. Note that the default production visibility for @VisibleForTesting is Visibility.PRIVATE.',
   1333      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[VisibleForTestingChecker\] .+"]},
   1334     {'category': 'java',
   1335      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1336      'description':
   1337          'Java: Detects errors encountered building Error Prone plugins',
   1338      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ErrorPronePluginCorrectness\] .+"]},
   1339     {'category': 'java',
   1340      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1341      'description':
   1342          'Java: Parcelable CREATOR fields should be Creator\u003cT>',
   1343      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ParcelableCreatorType\] .+"]},
   1344     {'category': 'java',
   1345      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1346      'description':
   1347          'Java: Enforce reflected Parcelables are kept by Proguard',
   1348      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ReflectedParcelable\] .+"]},
   1349     {'category': 'java',
   1350      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1351      'description':
   1352          'Java: Any class that extends IntentService should have @Nullable notation on method onHandleIntent(@Nullable Intent intent) and handle the case if intent is null.',
   1353      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[OnHandleIntentNullableChecker\] .+"]},
   1354     {'category': 'java',
   1355      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1356      'description':
   1357          'Java: In many cases, randomUUID is not necessary, and it slows the performance, which can be quite severe especially when this operation happens at start up time. Consider replacing it with cheaper alternatives, like object.hashCode() or IdGenerator.INSTANCE.getRandomId()',
   1358      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UUIDChecker\] .+"]},
   1359     {'category': 'java',
   1360      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1361      'description':
   1362          'Java: DynamicActivity.findViewById(int) is slow and should not be used inside View.onDraw(Canvas)!',
   1363      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NoFindViewByIdInOnDrawChecker\] .+"]},
   1364     {'category': 'java',
   1365      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1366      'description':
   1367          'Java: Passing Throwable/Exception argument to the message format L.x(). Calling L.w(tag, message, ex) instead of L.w(tag, ex, message)',
   1368      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[WrongThrowableArgumentInLogChecker\] .+"]},
   1369     {'category': 'java',
   1370      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1371      'description':
   1372          'Java: New splicers are disallowed on paths that are being Libsearched',
   1373      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[BlacklistedSplicerPathChecker\] .+"]},
   1374     {'category': 'java',
   1375      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1376      'description':
   1377          'Java: Object serialized in Bundle may have been flattened to base type.',
   1378      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[BundleDeserializationCast\] .+"]},
   1379     {'category': 'java',
   1380      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1381      'description':
   1382          'Java: Log tag too long, cannot exceed 23 characters.',
   1383      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IsLoggableTagLength\] .+"]},
   1384     {'category': 'java',
   1385      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1386      'description':
   1387          'Java: Certain resources in `android.R.string` have names that do not match their content',
   1388      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MislabeledAndroidString\] .+"]},
   1389     {'category': 'java',
   1390      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1391      'description':
   1392          'Java: Return value of android.graphics.Rect.intersect() must be checked',
   1393      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RectIntersectReturnValueIgnored\] .+"]},
   1394     {'category': 'java',
   1395      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1396      'description':
   1397          'Java: Incompatible type as argument to Object-accepting Java collections method',
   1398      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[CollectionIncompatibleType\] .+"]},
   1399     {'category': 'java',
   1400      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1401      'description':
   1402          'Java: @CompatibleWith\'s value is not a type argument.',
   1403      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[CompatibleWithAnnotationMisuse\] .+"]},
   1404     {'category': 'java',
   1405      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1406      'description':
   1407          'Java: Passing argument to a generic method with an incompatible type.',
   1408      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IncompatibleArgumentType\] .+"]},
   1409     {'category': 'java',
   1410      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1411      'description':
   1412          'Java: Invalid printf-style format string',
   1413      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FormatString\] .+"]},
   1414     {'category': 'java',
   1415      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1416      'description':
   1417          'Java: Invalid format string passed to formatting method.',
   1418      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FormatStringAnnotation\] .+"]},
   1419     {'category': 'java',
   1420      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1421      'description':
   1422          'Java: Checks for unguarded accesses to fields and methods with @GuardedBy annotations',
   1423      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[GuardedBy\] .+"]},
   1424     {'category': 'java',
   1425      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1426      'description':
   1427          'Java: Type declaration annotated with @Immutable is not immutable',
   1428      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[Immutable\] .+"]},
   1429     {'category': 'java',
   1430      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1431      'description':
   1432          'Java: This method does not acquire the locks specified by its @LockMethod annotation',
   1433      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[LockMethodChecker\] .+"]},
   1434     {'category': 'java',
   1435      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1436      'description':
   1437          'Java: This method does not acquire the locks specified by its @UnlockMethod annotation',
   1438      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UnlockMethod\] .+"]},
   1439     {'category': 'java',
   1440      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1441      'description':
   1442          'Java: Reference equality used to compare arrays',
   1443      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ArrayEquals\] .+"]},
   1444     {'category': 'java',
   1445      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1446      'description':
   1447          'Java: Arrays.fill(Object[], Object) called with incompatible types.',
   1448      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ArrayFillIncompatibleType\] .+"]},
   1449     {'category': 'java',
   1450      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1451      'description':
   1452          'Java: hashcode method on array does not hash array contents',
   1453      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ArrayHashCode\] .+"]},
   1454     {'category': 'java',
   1455      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1456      'description':
   1457          'Java: Calling toString on an array does not provide useful information',
   1458      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ArrayToString\] .+"]},
   1459     {'category': 'java',
   1460      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1461      'description':
   1462          'Java: Arrays.asList does not autobox primitive arrays, as one might expect.',
   1463      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ArraysAsListPrimitiveArray\] .+"]},
   1464     {'category': 'java',
   1465      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1466      'description':
   1467          'Java: AsyncCallable should not return a null Future, only a Future whose result is null.',
   1468      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AsyncCallableReturnsNull\] .+"]},
   1469     {'category': 'java',
   1470      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1471      'description':
   1472          'Java: AsyncFunction should not return a null Future, only a Future whose result is null.',
   1473      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AsyncFunctionReturnsNull\] .+"]},
   1474     {'category': 'java',
   1475      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1476      'description':
   1477          'Java: Shift by an amount that is out of range',
   1478      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[BadShiftAmount\] .+"]},
   1479     {'category': 'java',
   1480      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1481      'description':
   1482          'Java: The called constructor accepts a parameter with the same name and type as one of its caller\'s parameters, but its caller doesn\'t pass that parameter to it.  It\'s likely that it was intended to.',
   1483      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ChainingConstructorIgnoresParameter\] .+"]},
   1484     {'category': 'java',
   1485      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1486      'description':
   1487          'Java: Ignored return value of method that is annotated with @CheckReturnValue',
   1488      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[CheckReturnValue\] .+"]},
   1489     {'category': 'java',
   1490      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1491      'description':
   1492          'Java: The source file name should match the name of the top-level class it contains',
   1493      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ClassName\] .+"]},
   1494     {'category': 'java',
   1495      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1496      'description':
   1497          'Java:  Implementing \'Comparable\u003cT>\' where T is not compatible with the implementing class.',
   1498      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ComparableType\] .+"]},
   1499     {'category': 'java',
   1500      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1501      'description':
   1502          'Java: This comparison method violates the contract',
   1503      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ComparisonContractViolated\] .+"]},
   1504     {'category': 'java',
   1505      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1506      'description':
   1507          'Java: Comparison to value that is out of range for the compared type',
   1508      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ComparisonOutOfRange\] .+"]},
   1509     {'category': 'java',
   1510      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1511      'description':
   1512          'Java: Non-compile-time constant expression passed to parameter with @CompileTimeConstant type annotation.',
   1513      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[CompileTimeConstant\] .+"]},
   1514     {'category': 'java',
   1515      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1516      'description':
   1517          'Java: Non-trivial compile time constant boolean expressions shouldn\'t be used.',
   1518      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ComplexBooleanConstant\] .+"]},
   1519     {'category': 'java',
   1520      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1521      'description':
   1522          'Java: A conditional expression with numeric operands of differing types will perform binary numeric promotion of the operands; when these operands are of reference types, the expression\'s result may not be of the expected type.',
   1523      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ConditionalExpressionNumericPromotion\] .+"]},
   1524     {'category': 'java',
   1525      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1526      'description':
   1527          'Java: Compile-time constant expression overflows',
   1528      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ConstantOverflow\] .+"]},
   1529     {'category': 'java',
   1530      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1531      'description':
   1532          'Java: Exception created but not thrown',
   1533      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DeadException\] .+"]},
   1534     {'category': 'java',
   1535      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1536      'description':
   1537          'Java: Thread created but not started',
   1538      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DeadThread\] .+"]},
   1539     {'category': 'java',
   1540      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1541      'description':
   1542          'Java: Division by integer literal zero',
   1543      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DivZero\] .+"]},
   1544     {'category': 'java',
   1545      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1546      'description':
   1547          'Java: This method should not be called.',
   1548      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DoNotCall\] .+"]},
   1549     {'category': 'java',
   1550      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1551      'description':
   1552          'Java: Empty statement after if',
   1553      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[EmptyIf\] .+"]},
   1554     {'category': 'java',
   1555      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1556      'description':
   1557          'Java: == NaN always returns false; use the isNaN methods instead',
   1558      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[EqualsNaN\] .+"]},
   1559     {'category': 'java',
   1560      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1561      'description':
   1562          'Java: == must be used in equals method to check equality to itself or an infinite loop will occur.',
   1563      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[EqualsReference\] .+"]},
   1564     {'category': 'java',
   1565      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1566      'description':
   1567          'Java: Method annotated @ForOverride must be protected or package-private and only invoked from declaring class, or from an override of the method',
   1568      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ForOverride\] .+"]},
   1569     {'category': 'java',
   1570      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1571      'description':
   1572          'Java: Casting a lambda to this @FunctionalInterface can cause a behavior change from casting to a functional superinterface, which is surprising to users.  Prefer decorator methods to this surprising behavior.',
   1573      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FunctionalInterfaceMethodChanged\] .+"]},
   1574     {'category': 'java',
   1575      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1576      'description':
   1577          'Java: Futures.getChecked requires a checked exception type with a standard constructor.',
   1578      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FuturesGetCheckedIllegalExceptionType\] .+"]},
   1579     {'category': 'java',
   1580      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1581      'description':
   1582          'Java: DoubleMath.fuzzyEquals should never be used in an Object.equals() method',
   1583      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FuzzyEqualsShouldNotBeUsedInEqualsMethod\] .+"]},
   1584     {'category': 'java',
   1585      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1586      'description':
   1587          'Java: Calling getClass() on an annotation may return a proxy class',
   1588      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[GetClassOnAnnotation\] .+"]},
   1589     {'category': 'java',
   1590      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1591      'description':
   1592          'Java: Calling getClass() on an object of type Class returns the Class object for java.lang.Class; you probably meant to operate on the object directly',
   1593      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[GetClassOnClass\] .+"]},
   1594     {'category': 'java',
   1595      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1596      'description':
   1597          'Java: contains() is a legacy method that is equivalent to containsValue()',
   1598      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[HashtableContains\] .+"]},
   1599     {'category': 'java',
   1600      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1601      'description':
   1602          'Java: A binary expression where both operands are the same is usually incorrect.',
   1603      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IdentityBinaryExpression\] .+"]},
   1604     {'category': 'java',
   1605      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1606      'description':
   1607          'Java: Modifying an immutable collection is guaranteed to throw an exception and leave the collection unmodified',
   1608      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ImmutableModification\] .+"]},
   1609     {'category': 'java',
   1610      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1611      'description':
   1612          'Java: The first argument to indexOf is a Unicode code point, and the second is the index to start the search from',
   1613      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IndexOfChar\] .+"]},
   1614     {'category': 'java',
   1615      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1616      'description':
   1617          'Java: Conditional expression in varargs call contains array and non-array arguments',
   1618      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InexactVarargsConditional\] .+"]},
   1619     {'category': 'java',
   1620      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1621      'description':
   1622          'Java: This method always recurses, and will cause a StackOverflowError',
   1623      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InfiniteRecursion\] .+"]},
   1624     {'category': 'java',
   1625      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1626      'description':
   1627          'Java: A standard cryptographic operation is used in a mode that is prone to vulnerabilities',
   1628      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InsecureCryptoUsage\] .+"]},
   1629     {'category': 'java',
   1630      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1631      'description':
   1632          'Java: Invalid syntax used for a regular expression',
   1633      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InvalidPatternSyntax\] .+"]},
   1634     {'category': 'java',
   1635      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1636      'description':
   1637          'Java: Invalid time zone identifier. TimeZone.getTimeZone(String) will silently return GMT instead of the time zone you intended.',
   1638      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InvalidTimeZoneID\] .+"]},
   1639     {'category': 'java',
   1640      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1641      'description':
   1642          'Java: The argument to Class#isInstance(Object) should not be a Class',
   1643      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IsInstanceOfClass\] .+"]},
   1644     {'category': 'java',
   1645      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1646      'description':
   1647          'Java: Path implements Iterable\u003cPath>; prefer Collection\u003cPath> for clarity',
   1648      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IterablePathParameter\] .+"]},
   1649     {'category': 'java',
   1650      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1651      'description':
   1652          'Java: jMock tests must have a @RunWith(JMock.class) annotation, or the Mockery field must have a @Rule JUnit annotation',
   1653      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JMockTestWithoutRunWithOrRuleAnnotation\] .+"]},
   1654     {'category': 'java',
   1655      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1656      'description':
   1657          'Java: Test method will not be run; please correct method signature (Should be public, non-static, and method name should begin with "test").',
   1658      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnit3TestNotRun\] .+"]},
   1659     {'category': 'java',
   1660      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1661      'description':
   1662          'Java: This method should be static',
   1663      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnit4ClassAnnotationNonStatic\] .+"]},
   1664     {'category': 'java',
   1665      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1666      'description':
   1667          'Java: setUp() method will not be run; please add JUnit\'s @Before annotation',
   1668      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnit4SetUpNotRun\] .+"]},
   1669     {'category': 'java',
   1670      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1671      'description':
   1672          'Java: tearDown() method will not be run; please add JUnit\'s @After annotation',
   1673      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnit4TearDownNotRun\] .+"]},
   1674     {'category': 'java',
   1675      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1676      'description':
   1677          'Java: This looks like a test method but is not run; please add @Test or @Ignore, or, if this is a helper method, reduce its visibility.',
   1678      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnit4TestNotRun\] .+"]},
   1679     {'category': 'java',
   1680      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1681      'description':
   1682          'Java: An object is tested for reference equality to itself using JUnit library.',
   1683      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnitAssertSameCheck\] .+"]},
   1684     {'category': 'java',
   1685      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1686      'description':
   1687          'Java: This pattern will silently corrupt certain byte sequences from the serialized protocol message. Use ByteString or byte[] directly',
   1688      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[LiteByteStringUtf8\] .+"]},
   1689     {'category': 'java',
   1690      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1691      'description':
   1692          'Java: Loop condition is never modified in loop body.',
   1693      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[LoopConditionChecker\] .+"]},
   1694     {'category': 'java',
   1695      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1696      'description':
   1697          'Java: Overriding method is missing a call to overridden super method',
   1698      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MissingSuperCall\] .+"]},
   1699     {'category': 'java',
   1700      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1701      'description':
   1702          'Java: Use of "YYYY" (week year) in a date pattern without "ww" (week in year). You probably meant to use "yyyy" (year) instead.',
   1703      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MisusedWeekYear\] .+"]},
   1704     {'category': 'java',
   1705      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1706      'description':
   1707          'Java: A bug in Mockito will cause this test to fail at runtime with a ClassCastException',
   1708      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MockitoCast\] .+"]},
   1709     {'category': 'java',
   1710      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1711      'description':
   1712          'Java: Missing method call for verify(mock) here',
   1713      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MockitoUsage\] .+"]},
   1714     {'category': 'java',
   1715      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1716      'description':
   1717          'Java: Using a collection function with itself as the argument.',
   1718      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ModifyingCollectionWithItself\] .+"]},
   1719     {'category': 'java',
   1720      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1721      'description':
   1722          'Java: The result of this method must be closed.',
   1723      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MustBeClosedChecker\] .+"]},
   1724     {'category': 'java',
   1725      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1726      'description':
   1727          'Java: The first argument to nCopies is the number of copies, and the second is the item to copy',
   1728      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NCopiesOfChar\] .+"]},
   1729     {'category': 'java',
   1730      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1731      'description':
   1732          'Java: @NoAllocation was specified on this method, but something was found that would trigger an allocation',
   1733      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NoAllocation\] .+"]},
   1734     {'category': 'java',
   1735      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1736      'description':
   1737          'Java: Static import of type uses non-canonical name',
   1738      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NonCanonicalStaticImport\] .+"]},
   1739     {'category': 'java',
   1740      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1741      'description':
   1742          'Java: @CompileTimeConstant parameters should be final or effectively final',
   1743      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NonFinalCompileTimeConstant\] .+"]},
   1744     {'category': 'java',
   1745      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1746      'description':
   1747          'Java: Calling getAnnotation on an annotation that is not retained at runtime.',
   1748      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NonRuntimeAnnotation\] .+"]},
   1749     {'category': 'java',
   1750      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1751      'description':
   1752          'Java: This conditional expression may evaluate to null, which will result in an NPE when the result is unboxed.',
   1753      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NullTernary\] .+"]},
   1754     {'category': 'java',
   1755      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1756      'description':
   1757          'Java: Numeric comparison using reference equality instead of value equality',
   1758      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NumericEquality\] .+"]},
   1759     {'category': 'java',
   1760      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1761      'description':
   1762          'Java: Comparison using reference equality instead of value equality',
   1763      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[OptionalEquality\] .+"]},
   1764     {'category': 'java',
   1765      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1766      'description':
   1767          'Java: Declaring types inside package-info.java files is very bad form',
   1768      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PackageInfo\] .+"]},
   1769     {'category': 'java',
   1770      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1771      'description':
   1772          'Java: Literal passed as first argument to Preconditions.checkNotNull() can never be null',
   1773      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PreconditionsCheckNotNull\] .+"]},
   1774     {'category': 'java',
   1775      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1776      'description':
   1777          'Java: First argument to `Preconditions.checkNotNull()` is a primitive rather than an object reference',
   1778      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PreconditionsCheckNotNullPrimitive\] .+"]},
   1779     {'category': 'java',
   1780      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1781      'description':
   1782          'Java: Using ::equals as an incompatible Predicate; the predicate will always return false',
   1783      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PredicateIncompatibleType\] .+"]},
   1784     {'category': 'java',
   1785      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1786      'description':
   1787          'Java: Access to a private protocol buffer field is forbidden. This protocol buffer carries a security contract, and can only be created using an approved library. Direct access to the fields is forbidden.',
   1788      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PrivateSecurityContractProtoAccess\] .+"]},
   1789     {'category': 'java',
   1790      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1791      'description':
   1792          'Java: Protobuf fields cannot be null',
   1793      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ProtoFieldNullComparison\] .+"]},
   1794     {'category': 'java',
   1795      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1796      'description':
   1797          'Java: Comparing protobuf fields of type String using reference equality',
   1798      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ProtoStringFieldReferenceEquality\] .+"]},
   1799     {'category': 'java',
   1800      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1801      'description':
   1802          'Java: To get the tag number of a protocol buffer enum, use getNumber() instead.',
   1803      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ProtocolBufferOrdinal\] .+"]},
   1804     {'category': 'java',
   1805      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1806      'description':
   1807          'Java: Casting a random number in the range [0.0, 1.0) to an integer or long always results in 0.',
   1808      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RandomCast\] .+"]},
   1809     {'category': 'java',
   1810      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1811      'description':
   1812          'Java: Use Random.nextInt(int).  Random.nextInt() % n can have negative results',
   1813      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RandomModInteger\] .+"]},
   1814     {'category': 'java',
   1815      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1816      'description':
   1817          'Java:  Check for non-whitelisted callers to RestrictedApiChecker.',
   1818      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RestrictedApiChecker\] .+"]},
   1819     {'category': 'java',
   1820      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1821      'description':
   1822          'Java: Return value of this method must be used',
   1823      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ReturnValueIgnored\] .+"]},
   1824     {'category': 'java',
   1825      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1826      'description':
   1827          'Java: Variable assigned to itself',
   1828      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SelfAssignment\] .+"]},
   1829     {'category': 'java',
   1830      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1831      'description':
   1832          'Java: An object is compared to itself',
   1833      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SelfComparison\] .+"]},
   1834     {'category': 'java',
   1835      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1836      'description':
   1837          'Java: Testing an object for equality with itself will always be true.',
   1838      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SelfEquals\] .+"]},
   1839     {'category': 'java',
   1840      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1841      'description':
   1842          'Java: This method must be called with an even number of arguments.',
   1843      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ShouldHaveEvenArgs\] .+"]},
   1844     {'category': 'java',
   1845      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1846      'description':
   1847          'Java: Comparison of a size >= 0 is always true, did you intend to check for non-emptiness?',
   1848      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SizeGreaterThanOrEqualsZero\] .+"]},
   1849     {'category': 'java',
   1850      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1851      'description':
   1852          'Java: Calling toString on a Stream does not provide useful information',
   1853      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[StreamToString\] .+"]},
   1854     {'category': 'java',
   1855      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1856      'description':
   1857          'Java: StringBuilder does not have a char constructor; this invokes the int constructor.',
   1858      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[StringBuilderInitWithChar\] .+"]},
   1859     {'category': 'java',
   1860      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1861      'description':
   1862          'Java: Suppressing "deprecated" is probably a typo for "deprecation"',
   1863      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SuppressWarningsDeprecated\] .+"]},
   1864     {'category': 'java',
   1865      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1866      'description':
   1867          'Java: throwIfUnchecked(knownCheckedException) is a no-op.',
   1868      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ThrowIfUncheckedKnownChecked\] .+"]},
   1869     {'category': 'java',
   1870      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1871      'description':
   1872          'Java: Throwing \'null\' always results in a NullPointerException being thrown.',
   1873      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ThrowNull\] .+"]},
   1874     {'category': 'java',
   1875      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1876      'description':
   1877          'Java: isEqualTo should not be used to test an object for equality with itself; the assertion will never fail.',
   1878      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[TruthSelfEquals\] .+"]},
   1879     {'category': 'java',
   1880      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1881      'description':
   1882          'Java: Catching Throwable/Error masks failures from fail() or assert*() in the try block',
   1883      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[TryFailThrowable\] .+"]},
   1884     {'category': 'java',
   1885      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1886      'description':
   1887          'Java: Type parameter used as type qualifier',
   1888      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[TypeParameterQualifier\] .+"]},
   1889     {'category': 'java',
   1890      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1891      'description':
   1892          'Java: Non-generic methods should not be invoked with type arguments',
   1893      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UnnecessaryTypeArgument\] .+"]},
   1894     {'category': 'java',
   1895      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1896      'description':
   1897          'Java: Instance created but never used',
   1898      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UnusedAnonymousClass\] .+"]},
   1899     {'category': 'java',
   1900      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1901      'description':
   1902          'Java: Collection is modified in place, but the result is not used',
   1903      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UnusedCollectionModifiedInPlace\] .+"]},
   1904     {'category': 'java',
   1905      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1906      'description':
   1907          'Java: `var` should not be used as a type name.',
   1908      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[VarTypeName\] .+"]},
   1909     {'category': 'java',
   1910      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1911      'description':
   1912          'Java: Method parameter has wrong package',
   1913      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ParameterPackage\] .+"]},
   1914     {'category': 'java',
   1915      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1916      'description':
   1917          'Java: Type declaration annotated with @ThreadSafe is not thread safe',
   1918      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ThreadSafe\] .+"]},
   1919     {'category': 'java',
   1920      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1921      'description':
   1922          'Java: Use of class, field, or method that is not compatible with legacy Android devices',
   1923      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AndroidApiChecker\] .+"]},
   1924     {'category': 'java',
   1925      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1926      'description':
   1927          'Java: Invalid use of Flogger format string',
   1928      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AndroidFloggerFormatString\] .+"]},
   1929     {'category': 'java',
   1930      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1931      'description':
   1932          'Java: Use TunnelException.getCauseAs(Class) instead of casting the result of TunnelException.getCause().',
   1933      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DoNotCastTunnelExceptionCause\] .+"]},
   1934     {'category': 'java',
   1935      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1936      'description':
   1937          'Java: Identifies undesirable mocks.',
   1938      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DoNotMock_ForJavaBuilder\] .+"]},
   1939     {'category': 'java',
   1940      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1941      'description':
   1942          'Java: Duration Flag should NOT have units in the variable name or the @FlagSpec\'s name or altName field.',
   1943      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DurationFlagWithUnits\] .+"]},
   1944     {'category': 'java',
   1945      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1946      'description':
   1947          'Java: Duration.get() only works with SECONDS or NANOS.',
   1948      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DurationGetTemporalUnit\] .+"]},
   1949     {'category': 'java',
   1950      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1951      'description':
   1952          'Java: Invalid printf-style format string',
   1953      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FloggerFormatString\] .+"]},
   1954     {'category': 'java',
   1955      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1956      'description':
   1957          'Java: Test class may not be run because it is missing a @RunWith annotation',
   1958      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnit4RunWithMissing\] .+"]},
   1959     {'category': 'java',
   1960      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1961      'description':
   1962          'Java: Use of class, field, or method that is not compatible with JDK 7',
   1963      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[Java7ApiChecker\] .+"]},
   1964     {'category': 'java',
   1965      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1966      'description':
   1967          'Java: Use of java.time.Duration.withNanos(int) is not allowed.',
   1968      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JavaDurationWithNanos\] .+"]},
   1969     {'category': 'java',
   1970      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1971      'description':
   1972          'Java: Use of java.time.Duration.withSeconds(long) is not allowed.',
   1973      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JavaDurationWithSeconds\] .+"]},
   1974     {'category': 'java',
   1975      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1976      'description':
   1977          'Java: java.time APIs that silently use the default system time-zone are not allowed.',
   1978      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JavaTimeDefaultTimeZone\] .+"]},
   1979     {'category': 'java',
   1980      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1981      'description':
   1982          'Java: Use of new Duration(long) is not allowed. Please use Duration.millis(long) instead.',
   1983      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JodaDurationConstructor\] .+"]},
   1984     {'category': 'java',
   1985      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1986      'description':
   1987          'Java: Use of duration.withMillis(long) is not allowed. Please use Duration.millis(long) instead.',
   1988      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JodaDurationWithMillis\] .+"]},
   1989     {'category': 'java',
   1990      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1991      'description':
   1992          'Java: Use of instant.withMillis(long) is not allowed. Please use new Instant(long) instead.',
   1993      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JodaInstantWithMillis\] .+"]},
   1994     {'category': 'java',
   1995      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   1996      'description':
   1997          'Java: Use of JodaTime\'s type.plus(long) or type.minus(long) is not allowed (where \u003ctype> = {Duration,Instant,DateTime,DateMidnight}). Please use type.plus(Duration.millis(long)) or type.minus(Duration.millis(long)) instead.',
   1998      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JodaPlusMinusLong\] .+"]},
   1999     {'category': 'java',
   2000      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2001      'description':
   2002          'Java: Changing JodaTime\'s current time is not allowed in non-testonly code.',
   2003      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JodaSetCurrentMillis\] .+"]},
   2004     {'category': 'java',
   2005      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2006      'description':
   2007          'Java: Use of Joda-Time\'s DateTime.toDateTime(), Duration.toDuration(), Instant.toInstant(), Interval.toInterval(), and Period.toPeriod() are not allowed.',
   2008      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JodaToSelf\] .+"]},
   2009     {'category': 'java',
   2010      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2011      'description':
   2012          'Java: Use of JodaTime\'s type.withDurationAdded(long, int) (where \u003ctype> = {Duration,Instant,DateTime}). Please use type.withDurationAdded(Duration.millis(long), int) instead.',
   2013      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JodaWithDurationAddedLong\] .+"]},
   2014     {'category': 'java',
   2015      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2016      'description':
   2017          'Java: LanguageCode comparison using reference equality instead of value equality',
   2018      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[LanguageCodeEquality\] .+"]},
   2019     {'category': 'java',
   2020      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2021      'description':
   2022          'Java: The zero argument toString is not part of the Localizable interface and likely is just the java Object toString.  You probably want to call toString(Locale).',
   2023      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[LocalizableWrongToString\] .+"]},
   2024     {'category': 'java',
   2025      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2026      'description':
   2027          'Java: Period.get() only works with YEARS, MONTHS, or DAYS.',
   2028      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PeriodGetTemporalUnit\] .+"]},
   2029     {'category': 'java',
   2030      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2031      'description':
   2032          'Java: Return value of methods returning Promise must be checked. Ignoring returned Promises suppresses exceptions thrown from the code that completes the Promises.',
   2033      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PromiseReturnValueIgnored\] .+"]},
   2034     {'category': 'java',
   2035      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2036      'description':
   2037          'Java: When returning a Promise, use thenChain() instead of then()',
   2038      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PromiseThenReturningPromise\] .+"]},
   2039     {'category': 'java',
   2040      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2041      'description':
   2042          'Java: Streams.iterating() is unsafe for use except in the header of a for-each loop; please see its Javadoc for details.',
   2043      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[StreamsIteratingNotInLoop\] .+"]},
   2044     {'category': 'java',
   2045      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2046      'description':
   2047          'Java: TemporalAccessor.get() only works for certain values of ChronoField.',
   2048      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[TemporalAccessorGetChronoField\] .+"]},
   2049     {'category': 'java',
   2050      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2051      'description':
   2052          'Java: Try-with-resources is not supported in this code, use try/finally instead',
   2053      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[TryWithResources\] .+"]},
   2054     {'category': 'java',
   2055      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2056      'description':
   2057          'Java: Adds checkOrThrow calls where needed',
   2058      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AddCheckOrThrow\] .+"]},
   2059     {'category': 'java',
   2060      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2061      'description':
   2062          'Java: Equality on Nano protos (== or .equals) might not be the same in Lite',
   2063      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ForbidNanoEquality\] .+"]},
   2064     {'category': 'java',
   2065      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2066      'description':
   2067          'Java: Submessages of a proto cannot be mutated',
   2068      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ForbidSubmessageMutation\] .+"]},
   2069     {'category': 'java',
   2070      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2071      'description':
   2072          'Java: Repeated fields on proto messages cannot be directly referenced',
   2073      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NanoUnsafeRepeatedFieldUsage\] .+"]},
   2074     {'category': 'java',
   2075      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2076      'description':
   2077          'Java: Requires that non-@enum int assignments to @enum ints is wrapped in a checkOrThrow',
   2078      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RequireCheckOrThrow\] .+"]},
   2079     {'category': 'java',
   2080      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2081      'description':
   2082          'Java: Assignments into repeated field elements must be sequential',
   2083      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RequireSequentialRepeatedFields\] .+"]},
   2084     {'category': 'java',
   2085      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2086      'description':
   2087          'Java: Future.get in Google Now Producers code',
   2088      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FutureGetInNowProducers\] .+"]},
   2089     {'category': 'java',
   2090      'severity': Severity.HIGH,
   2091      'description':
   2092          'Java: @SimpleEnum applied to non-enum type',
   2093      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SimpleEnumUsage\] .+"]},
   2095     # End warnings generated by Error Prone
   2097     {'category': 'java',
   2098      'severity': Severity.UNKNOWN,
   2099      'description': 'Java: Unclassified/unrecognized warnings',
   2100      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[.+\] .+"]},
   2102     {'category': 'aapt', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2103      'description': 'aapt: No default translation',
   2104      'patterns': [r".*: warning: string '.+' has no default translation in .*"]},
   2105     {'category': 'aapt', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2106      'description': 'aapt: Missing default or required localization',
   2107      'patterns': [r".*: warning: \*\*\*\* string '.+' has no default or required localization for '.+' in .+"]},
   2108     {'category': 'aapt', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2109      'description': 'aapt: String marked untranslatable, but translation exists',
   2110      'patterns': [r".*: warning: string '.+' in .* marked untranslatable but exists in locale '??_??'"]},
   2111     {'category': 'aapt', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2112      'description': 'aapt: empty span in string',
   2113      'patterns': [r".*: warning: empty '.+' span found in text '.+"]},
   2114     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2115      'description': 'Taking address of temporary',
   2116      'patterns': [r".*: warning: taking address of temporary"]},
   2117     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2118      'description': 'Taking address of packed member',
   2119      'patterns': [r".*: warning: taking address of packed member"]},
   2120     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2121      'description': 'Possible broken line continuation',
   2122      'patterns': [r".*: warning: backslash and newline separated by space"]},
   2123     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wundefined-var-template',
   2124      'description': 'Undefined variable template',
   2125      'patterns': [r".*: warning: instantiation of variable .* no definition is available"]},
   2126     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wundefined-inline',
   2127      'description': 'Inline function is not defined',
   2128      'patterns': [r".*: warning: inline function '.*' is not defined"]},
   2129     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Warray-bounds',
   2130      'description': 'Array subscript out of bounds',
   2131      'patterns': [r".*: warning: array subscript is above array bounds",
   2132                   r".*: warning: Array subscript is undefined",
   2133                   r".*: warning: array subscript is below array bounds"]},
   2134     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2135      'description': 'Excess elements in initializer',
   2136      'patterns': [r".*: warning: excess elements in .+ initializer"]},
   2137     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2138      'description': 'Decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90',
   2139      'patterns': [r".*: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90"]},
   2140     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wmain',
   2141      'description': 'main is usually a function',
   2142      'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'main' is usually a function"]},
   2143     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2144      'description': 'Typedef ignored',
   2145      'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'typedef' was ignored in this declaration"]},
   2146     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH, 'option': '-Waddress',
   2147      'description': 'Address always evaluates to true',
   2148      'patterns': [r".*: warning: the address of '.+' will always evaluate as 'true'"]},
   2149     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.FIXMENOW,
   2150      'description': 'Freeing a non-heap object',
   2151      'patterns': [r".*: warning: attempt to free a non-heap object '.+'"]},
   2152     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wchar-subscripts',
   2153      'description': 'Array subscript has type char',
   2154      'patterns': [r".*: warning: array subscript .+ type 'char'.+Wchar-subscripts"]},
   2155     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2156      'description': 'Constant too large for type',
   2157      'patterns': [r".*: warning: integer constant is too large for '.+' type"]},
   2158     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Woverflow',
   2159      'description': 'Constant too large for type, truncated',
   2160      'patterns': [r".*: warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type"]},
   2161     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Winteger-overflow',
   2162      'description': 'Overflow in expression',
   2163      'patterns': [r".*: warning: overflow in expression; .*Winteger-overflow"]},
   2164     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Woverflow',
   2165      'description': 'Overflow in implicit constant conversion',
   2166      'patterns': [r".*: warning: overflow in implicit constant conversion"]},
   2167     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2168      'description': 'Declaration does not declare anything',
   2169      'patterns': [r".*: warning: declaration 'class .+' does not declare anything"]},
   2170     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wreorder',
   2171      'description': 'Initialization order will be different',
   2172      'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' will be initialized after",
   2173                   r".*: warning: field .+ will be initialized after .+Wreorder"]},
   2174     {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
   2175      'description': 'skip,   ....',
   2176      'patterns': [r".*: warning:   '.+'"]},
   2177     {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
   2178      'description': 'skip,   base ...',
   2179      'patterns': [r".*: warning:   base '.+'"]},
   2180     {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
   2181      'description': 'skip,   when initialized here',
   2182      'patterns': [r".*: warning:   when initialized here"]},
   2183     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wmissing-parameter-type',
   2184      'description': 'Parameter type not specified',
   2185      'patterns': [r".*: warning: type of '.+' defaults to 'int'"]},
   2186     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wmissing-declarations',
   2187      'description': 'Missing declarations',
   2188      'patterns': [r".*: warning: declaration does not declare anything"]},
   2189     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wmissing-noreturn',
   2190      'description': 'Missing noreturn',
   2191      'patterns': [r".*: warning: function '.*' could be declared with attribute 'noreturn'"]},
   2192     # pylint:disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string
   2193     # TODO(chh): fix the backslash pylint warning.
   2194     {'category': 'gcc', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2195      'description': 'Invalid option for C file',
   2196      'patterns': [r".*: warning: command line option "".+"" is valid for C\+\+\/ObjC\+\+ but not for C"]},
   2197     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2198      'description': 'User warning',
   2199      'patterns': [r".*: warning: #warning "".+"""]},
   2200     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wvexing-parse',
   2201      'description': 'Vexing parsing problem',
   2202      'patterns': [r".*: warning: empty parentheses interpreted as a function declaration"]},
   2203     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wextra',
   2204      'description': 'Dereferencing void*',
   2205      'patterns': [r".*: warning: dereferencing 'void \*' pointer"]},
   2206     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2207      'description': 'Comparison of pointer and integer',
   2208      'patterns': [r".*: warning: ordered comparison of pointer with integer zero",
   2209                   r".*: warning: .*comparison between pointer and integer"]},
   2210     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2211      'description': 'Use of error-prone unary operator',
   2212      'patterns': [r".*: warning: use of unary operator that may be intended as compound assignment"]},
   2213     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wwrite-strings',
   2214      'description': 'Conversion of string constant to non-const char*',
   2215      'patterns': [r".*: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to '.+'"]},
   2216     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wstrict-prototypes',
   2217      'description': 'Function declaration isn''t a prototype',
   2218      'patterns': [r".*: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype"]},
   2219     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wignored-qualifiers',
   2220      'description': 'Type qualifiers ignored on function return value',
   2221      'patterns': [r".*: warning: type qualifiers ignored on function return type",
   2222                   r".*: warning: .+ type qualifier .+ has no effect .+Wignored-qualifiers"]},
   2223     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2224      'description': '<foo> declared inside parameter list, scope limited to this definition',
   2225      'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' declared inside parameter list"]},
   2226     {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
   2227      'description': 'skip, its scope is only this ...',
   2228      'patterns': [r".*: warning: its scope is only this definition or declaration, which is probably not what you want"]},
   2229     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wcomment',
   2230      'description': 'Line continuation inside comment',
   2231      'patterns': [r".*: warning: multi-line comment"]},
   2232     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wcomment',
   2233      'description': 'Comment inside comment',
   2234      'patterns': [r".*: warning: "".+"" within comment"]},
   2235     # Warning "value stored is never read" could be from clang-tidy or clang static analyzer.
   2236     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
   2237      'description': 'clang-analyzer Value stored is never read',
   2238      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Value stored to .+ is never read.*clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores"]},
   2239     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW,
   2240      'description': 'Value stored is never read',
   2241      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Value stored to .+ is never read"]},
   2242     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wdeprecated-declarations',
   2243      'description': 'Deprecated declarations',
   2244      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ is deprecated.+deprecated-declarations"]},
   2245     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wdeprecated-register',
   2246      'description': 'Deprecated register',
   2247      'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'register' storage class specifier is deprecated"]},
   2248     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wpointer-sign',
   2249      'description': 'Converts between pointers to integer types with different sign',
   2250      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ converts between pointers to integer types with different sign"]},
   2251     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
   2252      'description': 'Extra tokens after #endif',
   2253      'patterns': [r".*: warning: extra tokens at end of #endif directive"]},
   2254     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wenum-compare',
   2255      'description': 'Comparison between different enums',
   2256      'patterns': [r".*: warning: comparison between '.+' and '.+'.+Wenum-compare"]},
   2257     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wconversion',
   2258      'description': 'Conversion may change value',
   2259      'patterns': [r".*: warning: converting negative value '.+' to '.+'",
   2260                   r".*: warning: conversion to '.+' .+ may (alter|change)"]},
   2261     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wconversion-null',
   2262      'description': 'Converting to non-pointer type from NULL',
   2263      'patterns': [r".*: warning: converting to non-pointer type '.+' from NULL"]},
   2264     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wsign-conversion',
   2265      'description': 'Implicit sign conversion',
   2266      'patterns': [r".*: warning: implicit conversion changes signedness"]},
   2267     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wnull-conversion',
   2268      'description': 'Converting NULL to non-pointer type',
   2269      'patterns': [r".*: warning: implicit conversion of NULL constant to '.+'"]},
   2270     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wnon-literal-null-conversion',
   2271      'description': 'Zero used as null pointer',
   2272      'patterns': [r".*: warning: expression .* zero treated as a null pointer constant"]},
   2273     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2274      'description': 'Implicit conversion changes value',
   2275      'patterns': [r".*: warning: implicit conversion .* changes value from .* to .*-conversion"]},
   2276     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2277      'description': 'Passing NULL as non-pointer argument',
   2278      'patterns': [r".*: warning: passing NULL to non-pointer argument [0-9]+ of '.+'"]},
   2279     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wctor-dtor-privacy',
   2280      'description': 'Class seems unusable because of private ctor/dtor',
   2281      'patterns': [r".*: warning: all member functions in class '.+' are private"]},
   2282     # skip this next one, because it only points out some RefBase-based classes where having a private destructor is perfectly fine
   2283     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.SKIP, 'option': '-Wctor-dtor-privacy',
   2284      'description': 'Class seems unusable because of private ctor/dtor',
   2285      'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'class .+' only defines a private destructor and has no friends"]},
   2286     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wctor-dtor-privacy',
   2287      'description': 'Class seems unusable because of private ctor/dtor',
   2288      'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'class .+' only defines private constructors and has no friends"]},
   2289     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wgnu-static-float-init',
   2290      'description': 'In-class initializer for static const float/double',
   2291      'patterns': [r".*: warning: in-class initializer for static data member of .+const (float|double)"]},
   2292     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wpointer-arith',
   2293      'description': 'void* used in arithmetic',
   2294      'patterns': [r".*: warning: pointer of type 'void \*' used in (arithmetic|subtraction)",
   2295                   r".*: warning: arithmetic on .+ to void is a GNU extension.*Wpointer-arith",
   2296                   r".*: warning: wrong type argument to increment"]},
   2297     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wsign-promo',
   2298      'description': 'Overload resolution chose to promote from unsigned or enum to signed type',
   2299      'patterns': [r".*: warning: passing '.+' chooses '.+' over '.+'.*Wsign-promo"]},
   2300     {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
   2301      'description': 'skip,   in call to ...',
   2302      'patterns': [r".*: warning:   in call to '.+'"]},
   2303     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH, 'option': '-Wextra',
   2304      'description': 'Base should be explicitly initialized in copy constructor',
   2305      'patterns': [r".*: warning: base class '.+' should be explicitly initialized in the copy constructor"]},
   2306     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2307      'description': 'VLA has zero or negative size',
   2308      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Declared variable-length array \(VLA\) has .+ size"]},
   2309     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2310      'description': 'Return value from void function',
   2311      'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'return' with a value, in function returning void"]},
   2312     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': 'multichar',
   2313      'description': 'Multi-character character constant',
   2314      'patterns': [r".*: warning: multi-character character constant"]},
   2315     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': 'writable-strings',
   2316      'description': 'Conversion from string literal to char*',
   2317      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ does not allow conversion from string literal to 'char \*'"]},
   2318     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wextra-semi',
   2319      'description': 'Extra \';\'',
   2320      'patterns': [r".*: warning: extra ';' .+extra-semi"]},
   2321     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW,
   2322      'description': 'Useless specifier',
   2323      'patterns': [r".*: warning: useless storage class specifier in empty declaration"]},
   2324     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wduplicate-decl-specifier',
   2325      'description': 'Duplicate declaration specifier',
   2326      'patterns': [r".*: warning: duplicate '.+' declaration specifier"]},
   2327     {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW,
   2328      'description': 'Duplicate logtag',
   2329      'patterns': [r".*: warning: tag \".+\" \(.+\) duplicated in .+"]},
   2330     {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'typedef-redefinition',
   2331      'description': 'Typedef redefinition',
   2332      'patterns': [r".*: warning: redefinition of typedef '.+' is a C11 feature"]},
   2333     {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'gnu-designator',
   2334      'description': 'GNU old-style field designator',
   2335      'patterns': [r".*: warning: use of GNU old-style field designator extension"]},
   2336     {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'missing-field-initializers',
   2337      'description': 'Missing field initializers',
   2338      'patterns': [r".*: warning: missing field '.+' initializer"]},
   2339     {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'missing-braces',
   2340      'description': 'Missing braces',
   2341      'patterns': [r".*: warning: suggest braces around initialization of",
   2342                   r".*: warning: too many braces around scalar initializer .+Wmany-braces-around-scalar-init",
   2343                   r".*: warning: braces around scalar initializer"]},
   2344     {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'sign-compare',
   2345      'description': 'Comparison of integers of different signs',
   2346      'patterns': [r".*: warning: comparison of integers of different signs.+sign-compare"]},
   2347     {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'dangling-else',
   2348      'description': 'Add braces to avoid dangling else',
   2349      'patterns': [r".*: warning: add explicit braces to avoid dangling else"]},
   2350     {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'initializer-overrides',
   2351      'description': 'Initializer overrides prior initialization',
   2352      'patterns': [r".*: warning: initializer overrides prior initialization of this subobject"]},
   2353     {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'self-assign',
   2354      'description': 'Assigning value to self',
   2355      'patterns': [r".*: warning: explicitly assigning value of .+ to itself"]},
   2356     {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'gnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end',
   2357      'description': 'GNU extension, variable sized type not at end',
   2358      'patterns': [r".*: warning: field '.+' with variable sized type '.+' not at the end of a struct or class"]},
   2359     {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare',
   2360      'description': 'Comparison of constant is always false/true',
   2361      'patterns': [r".*: comparison of .+ is always .+Wtautological-constant-out-of-range-compare"]},
   2362     {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'overloaded-virtual',
   2363      'description': 'Hides overloaded virtual function',
   2364      'patterns': [r".*: '.+' hides overloaded virtual function"]},
   2365     {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'incompatible-pointer-types',
   2366      'description': 'Incompatible pointer types',
   2367      'patterns': [r".*: warning: incompatible pointer types .+Wincompatible-pointer-types"]},
   2368     {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'asm-operand-widths',
   2369      'description': 'ASM value size does not match register size',
   2370      'patterns': [r".*: warning: value size does not match register size specified by the constraint and modifier"]},
   2371     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'tautological-compare',
   2372      'description': 'Comparison of self is always false',
   2373      'patterns': [r".*: self-comparison always evaluates to false"]},
   2374     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'constant-logical-operand',
   2375      'description': 'Logical op with constant operand',
   2376      'patterns': [r".*: use of logical '.+' with constant operand"]},
   2377     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'literal-suffix',
   2378      'description': 'Needs a space between literal and string macro',
   2379      'patterns': [r".*: warning: invalid suffix on literal.+ requires a space .+Wliteral-suffix"]},
   2380     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '#warnings',
   2381      'description': 'Warnings from #warning',
   2382      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+-W#warnings"]},
   2383     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'absolute-value',
   2384      'description': 'Using float/int absolute value function with int/float argument',
   2385      'patterns': [r".*: warning: using .+ absolute value function .+ when argument is .+ type .+Wabsolute-value",
   2386                   r".*: warning: absolute value function '.+' given .+ which may cause truncation .+Wabsolute-value"]},
   2387     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wc++11-extensions',
   2388      'description': 'Using C++11 extensions',
   2389      'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'auto' type specifier is a C\+\+11 extension"]},
   2390     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW,
   2391      'description': 'Refers to implicitly defined namespace',
   2392      'patterns': [r".*: warning: using directive refers to implicitly-defined namespace .+"]},
   2393     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Winvalid-pp-token',
   2394      'description': 'Invalid pp token',
   2395      'patterns': [r".*: warning: missing .+Winvalid-pp-token"]},
   2396     {'category': 'link', 'severity': Severity.LOW,
   2397      'description': 'need glibc to link',
   2398      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .* requires at runtime .* glibc .* for linking"]},
   2400     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2401      'description': 'Operator new returns NULL',
   2402      'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'operator new' must not return NULL unless it is declared 'throw\(\)' .+"]},
   2403     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wnull-arithmetic',
   2404      'description': 'NULL used in arithmetic',
   2405      'patterns': [r".*: warning: NULL used in arithmetic",
   2406                   r".*: warning: comparison between NULL and non-pointer"]},
   2407     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': 'header-guard',
   2408      'description': 'Misspelled header guard',
   2409      'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' is used as a header guard .+ followed by .+ different macro"]},
   2410     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': 'empty-body',
   2411      'description': 'Empty loop body',
   2412      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ loop has empty body"]},
   2413     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': 'enum-conversion',
   2414      'description': 'Implicit conversion from enumeration type',
   2415      'patterns': [r".*: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type '.+'"]},
   2416     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': 'switch',
   2417      'description': 'case value not in enumerated type',
   2418      'patterns': [r".*: warning: case value not in enumerated type '.+'"]},
   2419     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2420      'description': 'Undefined result',
   2421      'patterns': [r".*: warning: The result of .+ is undefined",
   2422                   r".*: warning: passing an object that .+ has undefined behavior \[-Wvarargs\]",
   2423                   r".*: warning: 'this' pointer cannot be null in well-defined C\+\+ code;",
   2424                   r".*: warning: shifting a negative signed value is undefined"]},
   2425     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2426      'description': 'Division by zero',
   2427      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Division by zero"]},
   2428     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2429      'description': 'Use of deprecated method',
   2430      'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' is deprecated .+"]},
   2431     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2432      'description': 'Use of garbage or uninitialized value',
   2433      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ is a garbage value",
   2434                   r".*: warning: Function call argument is an uninitialized value",
   2435                   r".*: warning: Undefined or garbage value returned to caller",
   2436                   r".*: warning: Called .+ pointer is.+uninitialized",
   2437                   r".*: warning: Called .+ pointer is.+uninitalized",  # match a typo in compiler message
   2438                   r".*: warning: Use of zero-allocated memory",
   2439                   r".*: warning: Dereference of undefined pointer value",
   2440                   r".*: warning: Passed-by-value .+ contains uninitialized data",
   2441                   r".*: warning: Branch condition evaluates to a garbage value",
   2442                   r".*: warning: The .+ of .+ is an uninitialized value.",
   2443                   r".*: warning: .+ is used uninitialized whenever .+sometimes-uninitialized",
   2444                   r".*: warning: Assigned value is garbage or undefined"]},
   2445     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2446      'description': 'Result of malloc type incompatible with sizeof operand type',
   2447      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Result of '.+' is converted to .+ incompatible with sizeof operand type"]},
   2448     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wsizeof-array-argument',
   2449      'description': 'Sizeof on array argument',
   2450      'patterns': [r".*: warning: sizeof on array function parameter will return"]},
   2451     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wsizeof-pointer-memacces',
   2452      'description': 'Bad argument size of memory access functions',
   2453      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+\[-Wsizeof-pointer-memaccess\]"]},
   2454     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2455      'description': 'Return value not checked',
   2456      'patterns': [r".*: warning: The return value from .+ is not checked"]},
   2457     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2458      'description': 'Possible heap pollution',
   2459      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .*Possible heap pollution from .+ type .+"]},
   2460     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2461      'description': 'Allocation size of 0 byte',
   2462      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Call to .+ has an allocation size of 0 byte"]},
   2463     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2464      'description': 'Result of malloc type incompatible with sizeof operand type',
   2465      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Result of '.+' is converted to .+ incompatible with sizeof operand type"]},
   2466     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wfor-loop-analysis',
   2467      'description': 'Variable used in loop condition not modified in loop body',
   2468      'patterns': [r".*: warning: variable '.+' used in loop condition.*Wfor-loop-analysis"]},
   2469     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
   2470      'description': 'Closing a previously closed file',
   2471      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Closing a previously closed file"]},
   2472     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wunnamed-type-template-args',
   2473      'description': 'Unnamed template type argument',
   2474      'patterns': [r".*: warning: template argument.+Wunnamed-type-template-args"]},
   2476     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
   2477      'description': 'Discarded qualifier from pointer target type',
   2478      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ discards '.+' qualifier from pointer target type"]},
   2479     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
   2480      'description': 'Use snprintf instead of sprintf',
   2481      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .*sprintf is often misused; please use snprintf"]},
   2482     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
   2483      'description': 'Unsupported optimizaton flag',
   2484      'patterns': [r".*: warning: optimization flag '.+' is not supported"]},
   2485     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
   2486      'description': 'Extra or missing parentheses',
   2487      'patterns': [r".*: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses",
   2488                   r".*: warning: .+ within .+Wlogical-op-parentheses"]},
   2489     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS, 'option': 'mismatched-tags',
   2490      'description': 'Mismatched class vs struct tags',
   2491      'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' defined as a .+ here but previously declared as a .+mismatched-tags",
   2492                   r".*: warning: .+ was previously declared as a .+mismatched-tags"]},
   2493     {'category': 'FindEmulator', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
   2494      'description': 'FindEmulator: No such file or directory',
   2495      'patterns': [r".*: warning: FindEmulator: .* No such file or directory"]},
   2496     {'category': 'google_tests', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
   2497      'description': 'google_tests: unknown installed file',
   2498      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .*_tests: Unknown installed file for module"]},
   2499     {'category': 'make', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
   2500      'description': 'unusual tags debug eng',
   2501      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .*: unusual tags debug eng"]},
   2503     # these next ones are to deal with formatting problems resulting from the log being mixed up by 'make -j'
   2504     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
   2505      'description': 'skip, ,',
   2506      'patterns': [r".*: warning: ,$"]},
   2507     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
   2508      'description': 'skip,',
   2509      'patterns': [r".*: warning: $"]},
   2510     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
   2511      'description': 'skip, In file included from ...',
   2512      'patterns': [r".*: warning: In file included from .+,"]},
   2514     # warnings from clang-tidy
   2515     group_tidy_warn_pattern('android'),
   2516     group_tidy_warn_pattern('cert'),
   2517     group_tidy_warn_pattern('clang-diagnostic'),
   2518     group_tidy_warn_pattern('cppcoreguidelines'),
   2519     group_tidy_warn_pattern('llvm'),
   2520     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('google-default-arguments'),
   2521     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('google-runtime-int'),
   2522     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('google-runtime-operator'),
   2523     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('google-runtime-references'),
   2524     group_tidy_warn_pattern('google-build'),
   2525     group_tidy_warn_pattern('google-explicit'),
   2526     group_tidy_warn_pattern('google-redability'),
   2527     group_tidy_warn_pattern('google-global'),
   2528     group_tidy_warn_pattern('google-redability'),
   2529     group_tidy_warn_pattern('google-redability'),
   2530     group_tidy_warn_pattern('google'),
   2531     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-explicit-conversions'),
   2532     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-function-size'),
   2533     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-invalid-access-moved'),
   2534     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-member-init'),
   2535     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-delete-operators'),
   2536     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-special-member-functions'),
   2537     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-use-equals-default'),
   2538     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-use-equals-delete'),
   2539     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-no-assembler'),
   2540     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-noexcept-move'),
   2541     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-use-override'),
   2542     group_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp'),
   2543     group_tidy_warn_pattern('modernize'),
   2544     group_tidy_warn_pattern('misc'),
   2545     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('performance-faster-string-find'),
   2546     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('performance-for-range-copy'),
   2547     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('performance-implicit-cast-in-loop'),
   2548     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('performance-inefficient-string-concatenation'),
   2549     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('performance-type-promotion-in-math-fn'),
   2550     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization'),
   2551     simple_tidy_warn_pattern('performance-unnecessary-value-param'),
   2552     group_tidy_warn_pattern('performance'),
   2553     group_tidy_warn_pattern('readability'),
   2555     # warnings from clang-tidy's clang-analyzer checks
   2556     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
   2557      'description': 'clang-analyzer Unreachable code',
   2558      'patterns': [r".*: warning: This statement is never executed.*UnreachableCode"]},
   2559     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
   2560      'description': 'clang-analyzer Size of malloc may overflow',
   2561      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .* size of .* may overflow .*MallocOverflow"]},
   2562     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
   2563      'description': 'clang-analyzer Stream pointer might be NULL',
   2564      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Stream pointer might be NULL .*unix.Stream"]},
   2565     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
   2566      'description': 'clang-analyzer Opened file never closed',
   2567      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Opened File never closed.*unix.Stream"]},
   2568     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
   2569      'description': 'clang-analyzer sozeof() on a pointer type',
   2570      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .*calls sizeof.* on a pointer type.*SizeofPtr"]},
   2571     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
   2572      'description': 'clang-analyzer Pointer arithmetic on non-array variables',
   2573      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Pointer arithmetic on non-array variables .*PointerArithm"]},
   2574     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
   2575      'description': 'clang-analyzer Subtraction of pointers of different memory chunks',
   2576      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Subtraction of two pointers .*PointerSub"]},
   2577     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
   2578      'description': 'clang-analyzer Access out-of-bound array element',
   2579      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Access out-of-bound array element .*ArrayBound"]},
   2580     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
   2581      'description': 'clang-analyzer Out of bound memory access',
   2582      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Out of bound memory access .*ArrayBoundV2"]},
   2583     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
   2584      'description': 'clang-analyzer Possible lock order reversal',
   2585      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .* Possible lock order reversal.*PthreadLock"]},
   2586     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
   2587      'description': 'clang-analyzer Argument is a pointer to uninitialized value',
   2588      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .* argument is a pointer to uninitialized value .*CallAndMessage"]},
   2589     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
   2590      'description': 'clang-analyzer cast to struct',
   2591      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Casting a non-structure type to a structure type .*CastToStruct"]},
   2592     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
   2593      'description': 'clang-analyzer call path problems',
   2594      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Call Path : .+"]},
   2595     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
   2596      'description': 'clang-analyzer excessive padding',
   2597      'patterns': [r".*: warning: Excessive padding in '.*'"]},
   2598     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
   2599      'description': 'clang-analyzer other',
   2600      'patterns': [r".*: .+\[clang-analyzer-.+\]$",
   2601                   r".*: Call Path : .+$"]},
   2603     # catch-all for warnings this script doesn't know about yet
   2604     {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.UNKNOWN,
   2605      'description': 'Unclassified/unrecognized warnings',
   2606      'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+"]},
   2607 ]
   2610 def project_name_and_pattern(name, pattern):
   2611   return [name, '(^|.*/)' + pattern + '/.*: warning:']
   2614 def simple_project_pattern(pattern):
   2615   return project_name_and_pattern(pattern, pattern)
   2618 # A list of [project_name, file_path_pattern].
   2619 # project_name should not contain comma, to be used in CSV output.
   2620 project_list = [
   2621     simple_project_pattern('art'),
   2622     simple_project_pattern('bionic'),
   2623     simple_project_pattern('bootable'),
   2624     simple_project_pattern('build'),
   2625     simple_project_pattern('cts'),
   2626     simple_project_pattern('dalvik'),
   2627     simple_project_pattern('developers'),
   2628     simple_project_pattern('development'),
   2629     simple_project_pattern('device'),
   2630     simple_project_pattern('doc'),
   2631     # match external/google* before external/
   2632     project_name_and_pattern('external/google', 'external/google.*'),
   2633     project_name_and_pattern('external/non-google', 'external'),
   2634     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/camera'),
   2635     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/cmds'),
   2636     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/drm'),
   2637     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/include'),
   2638     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/common_time'),
   2639     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/img_utils'),
   2640     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/libcpustats'),
   2641     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/libeffects'),
   2642     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/libmediaplayerservice'),
   2643     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/libmedia'),
   2644     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/libstagefright'),
   2645     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/mtp'),
   2646     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/ndk'),
   2647     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/utils'),
   2648     project_name_and_pattern('frameworks/av/media/Other',
   2649                              'frameworks/av/media'),
   2650     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/radio'),
   2651     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/services'),
   2652     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/soundtrigger'),
   2653     project_name_and_pattern('frameworks/av/Other', 'frameworks/av'),
   2654     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/cmds'),
   2655     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/core'),
   2656     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/drm'),
   2657     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/media'),
   2658     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/libs'),
   2659     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/native'),
   2660     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/packages'),
   2661     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/rs'),
   2662     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/services'),
   2663     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/tests'),
   2664     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/tools'),
   2665     project_name_and_pattern('frameworks/base/Other', 'frameworks/base'),
   2666     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/compile/libbcc'),
   2667     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/compile/mclinker'),
   2668     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/compile/slang'),
   2669     project_name_and_pattern('frameworks/compile/Other', 'frameworks/compile'),
   2670     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/minikin'),
   2671     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/ml'),
   2672     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/native/cmds'),
   2673     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/native/include'),
   2674     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/native/libs'),
   2675     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/native/opengl'),
   2676     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/native/services'),
   2677     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/native/vulkan'),
   2678     project_name_and_pattern('frameworks/native/Other', 'frameworks/native'),
   2679     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/opt'),
   2680     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/rs'),
   2681     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/webview'),
   2682     simple_project_pattern('frameworks/wilhelm'),
   2683     project_name_and_pattern('frameworks/Other', 'frameworks'),
   2684     simple_project_pattern('hardware/akm'),
   2685     simple_project_pattern('hardware/broadcom'),
   2686     simple_project_pattern('hardware/google'),
   2687     simple_project_pattern('hardware/intel'),
   2688     simple_project_pattern('hardware/interfaces'),
   2689     simple_project_pattern('hardware/libhardware'),
   2690     simple_project_pattern('hardware/libhardware_legacy'),
   2691     simple_project_pattern('hardware/qcom'),
   2692     simple_project_pattern('hardware/ril'),
   2693     project_name_and_pattern('hardware/Other', 'hardware'),
   2694     simple_project_pattern('kernel'),
   2695     simple_project_pattern('libcore'),
   2696     simple_project_pattern('libnativehelper'),
   2697     simple_project_pattern('ndk'),
   2698     # match vendor/unbungled_google/packages before other packages
   2699     simple_project_pattern('unbundled_google'),
   2700     simple_project_pattern('packages'),
   2701     simple_project_pattern('pdk'),
   2702     simple_project_pattern('prebuilts'),
   2703     simple_project_pattern('system/bt'),
   2704     simple_project_pattern('system/connectivity'),
   2705     simple_project_pattern('system/core/adb'),
   2706     simple_project_pattern('system/core/base'),
   2707     simple_project_pattern('system/core/debuggerd'),
   2708     simple_project_pattern('system/core/fastboot'),
   2709     simple_project_pattern('system/core/fingerprintd'),
   2710     simple_project_pattern('system/core/fs_mgr'),
   2711     simple_project_pattern('system/core/gatekeeperd'),
   2712     simple_project_pattern('system/core/healthd'),
   2713     simple_project_pattern('system/core/include'),
   2714     simple_project_pattern('system/core/init'),
   2715     simple_project_pattern('system/core/libbacktrace'),
   2716     simple_project_pattern('system/core/liblog'),
   2717     simple_project_pattern('system/core/libpixelflinger'),
   2718     simple_project_pattern('system/core/libprocessgroup'),
   2719     simple_project_pattern('system/core/libsysutils'),
   2720     simple_project_pattern('system/core/logcat'),
   2721     simple_project_pattern('system/core/logd'),
   2722     simple_project_pattern('system/core/run-as'),
   2723     simple_project_pattern('system/core/sdcard'),
   2724     simple_project_pattern('system/core/toolbox'),
   2725     project_name_and_pattern('system/core/Other', 'system/core'),
   2726     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/ANRdaemon'),
   2727     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/cpustats'),
   2728     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/crypto-perf'),
   2729     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/ext4_utils'),
   2730     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/f2fs_utils'),
   2731     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/iotop'),
   2732     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/libfec'),
   2733     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/memory_replay'),
   2734     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/micro_bench'),
   2735     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/mmap-perf'),
   2736     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/multinetwork'),
   2737     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/perfprofd'),
   2738     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/procrank'),
   2739     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/runconuid'),
   2740     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/showmap'),
   2741     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/simpleperf'),
   2742     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/su'),
   2743     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/tests'),
   2744     simple_project_pattern('system/extras/verity'),
   2745     project_name_and_pattern('system/extras/Other', 'system/extras'),
   2746     simple_project_pattern('system/gatekeeper'),
   2747     simple_project_pattern('system/keymaster'),
   2748     simple_project_pattern('system/libhidl'),
   2749     simple_project_pattern('system/libhwbinder'),
   2750     simple_project_pattern('system/media'),
   2751     simple_project_pattern('system/netd'),
   2752     simple_project_pattern('system/nvram'),
   2753     simple_project_pattern('system/security'),
   2754     simple_project_pattern('system/sepolicy'),
   2755     simple_project_pattern('system/tools'),
   2756     simple_project_pattern('system/update_engine'),
   2757     simple_project_pattern('system/vold'),
   2758     project_name_and_pattern('system/Other', 'system'),
   2759     simple_project_pattern('toolchain'),
   2760     simple_project_pattern('test'),
   2761     simple_project_pattern('tools'),
   2762     # match vendor/google* before vendor/
   2763     project_name_and_pattern('vendor/google', 'vendor/google.*'),
   2764     project_name_and_pattern('vendor/non-google', 'vendor'),
   2765     # keep out/obj and other patterns at the end.
   2766     ['out/obj',
   2767      '.*/(gen|obj[^/]*)/(include|EXECUTABLES|SHARED_LIBRARIES|'
   2768      'STATIC_LIBRARIES|NATIVE_TESTS)/.*: warning:'],
   2769     ['other', '.*']  # all other unrecognized patterns
   2770 ]
   2772 project_patterns = []
   2773 project_names = []
   2774 warning_messages = []
   2775 warning_records = []
   2778 def initialize_arrays():
   2779   """Complete global arrays before they are used."""
   2780   global project_names, project_patterns
   2781   project_names = [p[0] for p in project_list]
   2782   project_patterns = [re.compile(p[1]) for p in project_list]
   2783   for w in warn_patterns:
   2784     w['members'] = []
   2785     if 'option' not in w:
   2786       w['option'] = ''
   2787     # Each warning pattern has a 'projects' dictionary, that
   2788     # maps a project name to number of warnings in that project.
   2789     w['projects'] = {}
   2792 initialize_arrays()
   2795 android_root = ''
   2796 platform_version = 'unknown'
   2797 target_product = 'unknown'
   2798 target_variant = 'unknown'
   2801 ##### Data and functions to dump html file. ##################################
   2803 html_head_scripts = """\
   2804   <script type="text/javascript">
   2805   function expand(id) {
   2806     var e = document.getElementById(id);
   2807     var f = document.getElementById(id + "_mark");
   2808     if (e.style.display == 'block') {
   2809        e.style.display = 'none';
   2810        f.innerHTML = '&#x2295';
   2811     }
   2812     else {
   2813        e.style.display = 'block';
   2814        f.innerHTML = '&#x2296';
   2815     }
   2816   };
   2817   function expandCollapse(show) {
   2818     for (var id = 1; ; id++) {
   2819       var e = document.getElementById(id + "");
   2820       var f = document.getElementById(id + "_mark");
   2821       if (!e || !f) break;
   2822       e.style.display = (show ? 'block' : 'none');
   2823       f.innerHTML = (show ? '&#x2296' : '&#x2295');
   2824     }
   2825   };
   2826   </script>
   2827   <style type="text/css">
   2828   th,td{border-collapse:collapse; border:1px solid black;}
   2829   .button{color:blue;font-size:110%;font-weight:bolder;}
   2830   .bt{color:black;background-color:transparent;border:none;outline:none;
   2831       font-size:140%;font-weight:bolder;}
   2832   .c0{background-color:#e0e0e0;}
   2833   .c1{background-color:#d0d0d0;}
   2834   .t1{border-collapse:collapse; width:100%; border:1px solid black;}
   2835   </style>
   2836   <script src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
   2837 """
   2840 def html_big(param):
   2841   return '<font size="+2">' + param + '</font>'
   2844 def dump_html_prologue(title):
   2845   print '<html>\n<head>'
   2846   print '<title>' + title + '</title>'
   2847   print html_head_scripts
   2848   emit_stats_by_project()
   2849   print '</head>\n<body>'
   2850   print html_big(title)
   2851   print '<p>'
   2854 def dump_html_epilogue():
   2855   print '</body>\n</head>\n</html>'
   2858 def sort_warnings():
   2859   for i in warn_patterns:
   2860     i['members'] = sorted(set(i['members']))
   2863 def emit_stats_by_project():
   2864   """Dump a google chart table of warnings per project and severity."""
   2865   # warnings[p][s] is number of warnings in project p of severity s.
   2866   warnings = {p: {s: 0 for s in Severity.range} for p in project_names}
   2867   for i in warn_patterns:
   2868     s = i['severity']
   2869     for p in i['projects']:
   2870       warnings[p][s] += i['projects'][p]
   2872   # total_by_project[p] is number of warnings in project p.
   2873   total_by_project = {p: sum(warnings[p][s] for s in Severity.range)
   2874                       for p in project_names}
   2876   # total_by_severity[s] is number of warnings of severity s.
   2877   total_by_severity = {s: sum(warnings[p][s] for p in project_names)
   2878                        for s in Severity.range}
   2880   # emit table header
   2881   stats_header = ['Project']
   2882   for s in Severity.range:
   2883     if total_by_severity[s]:
   2884       stats_header.append("<span style='background-color:{}'>{}</span>".
   2885                           format(Severity.colors[s],
   2886                                  Severity.column_headers[s]))
   2887   stats_header.append('TOTAL')
   2889   # emit a row of warning counts per project, skip no-warning projects
   2890   total_all_projects = 0
   2891   stats_rows = []
   2892   for p in project_names:
   2893     if total_by_project[p]:
   2894       one_row = [p]
   2895       for s in Severity.range:
   2896         if total_by_severity[s]:
   2897           one_row.append(warnings[p][s])
   2898       one_row.append(total_by_project[p])
   2899       stats_rows.append(one_row)
   2900       total_all_projects += total_by_project[p]
   2902   # emit a row of warning counts per severity
   2903   total_all_severities = 0
   2904   one_row = ['<b>TOTAL</b>']
   2905   for s in Severity.range:
   2906     if total_by_severity[s]:
   2907       one_row.append(total_by_severity[s])
   2908       total_all_severities += total_by_severity[s]
   2909   one_row.append(total_all_projects)
   2910   stats_rows.append(one_row)
   2911   print '<script>'
   2912   emit_const_string_array('StatsHeader', stats_header)
   2913   emit_const_object_array('StatsRows', stats_rows)
   2914   print draw_table_javascript
   2915   print '</script>'
   2918 def dump_stats():
   2919   """Dump some stats about total number of warnings and such."""
   2920   known = 0
   2921   skipped = 0
   2922   unknown = 0
   2923   sort_warnings()
   2924   for i in warn_patterns:
   2925     if i['severity'] == Severity.UNKNOWN:
   2926       unknown += len(i['members'])
   2927     elif i['severity'] == Severity.SKIP:
   2928       skipped += len(i['members'])
   2929     else:
   2930       known += len(i['members'])
   2931   print 'Number of classified warnings: <b>' + str(known) + '</b><br>'
   2932   print 'Number of skipped warnings: <b>' + str(skipped) + '</b><br>'
   2933   print 'Number of unclassified warnings: <b>' + str(unknown) + '</b><br>'
   2934   total = unknown + known + skipped
   2935   extra_msg = ''
   2936   if total < 1000:
   2937     extra_msg = ' (low count may indicate incremental build)'
   2938   print 'Total number of warnings: <b>' + str(total) + '</b>' + extra_msg
   2941 # New base table of warnings, [severity, warn_id, project, warning_message]
   2942 # Need buttons to show warnings in different grouping options.
   2943 # (1) Current, group by severity, id for each warning pattern
   2944 #     sort by severity, warn_id, warning_message
   2945 # (2) Current --byproject, group by severity,
   2946 #     id for each warning pattern + project name
   2947 #     sort by severity, warn_id, project, warning_message
   2948 # (3) New, group by project + severity,
   2949 #     id for each warning pattern
   2950 #     sort by project, severity, warn_id, warning_message
   2951 def emit_buttons():
   2952   print ('<button class="button" onclick="expandCollapse(1);">'
   2953          'Expand all warnings</button>\n'
   2954          '<button class="button" onclick="expandCollapse(0);">'
   2955          'Collapse all warnings</button>\n'
   2956          '<button class="button" onclick="groupBySeverity();">'
   2957          'Group warnings by severity</button>\n'
   2958          '<button class="button" onclick="groupByProject();">'
   2959          'Group warnings by project</button><br>')
   2962 def all_patterns(category):
   2963   patterns = ''
   2964   for i in category['patterns']:
   2965     patterns += i
   2966     patterns += ' / '
   2967   return patterns
   2970 def dump_fixed():
   2971   """Show which warnings no longer occur."""
   2972   anchor = 'fixed_warnings'
   2973   mark = anchor + '_mark'
   2974   print ('\n<br><p style="background-color:lightblue"><b>'
   2975          '<button id="' + mark + '" '
   2976          'class="bt" onclick="expand(\'' + anchor + '\');">'
   2977          '&#x2295</button> Fixed warnings. '
   2978          'No more occurrences. Please consider turning these into '
   2979          'errors if possible, before they are reintroduced in to the build'
   2980          ':</b></p>')
   2981   print '<blockquote>'
   2982   fixed_patterns = []
   2983   for i in warn_patterns:
   2984     if not i['members']:
   2985       fixed_patterns.append(i['description'] + ' (' +
   2986                             all_patterns(i) + ')')
   2987     if i['option']:
   2988       fixed_patterns.append(' ' + i['option'])
   2989   fixed_patterns.sort()
   2990   print '<div id="' + anchor + '" style="display:none;"><table>'
   2991   cur_row_class = 0
   2992   for text in fixed_patterns:
   2993     cur_row_class = 1 - cur_row_class
   2994     # remove last '\n'
   2995     t = text[:-1] if text[-1] == '\n' else text
   2996     print '<tr><td class="c' + str(cur_row_class) + '">' + t + '</td></tr>'
   2997   print '</table></div>'
   2998   print '</blockquote>'
   3001 def find_project_index(line):
   3002   for p in range(len(project_patterns)):
   3003     if project_patterns[p].match(line):
   3004       return p
   3005   return -1
   3008 def classify_one_warning(line, results):
   3009   for i in range(len(warn_patterns)):
   3010     w = warn_patterns[i]
   3011     for cpat in w['compiled_patterns']:
   3012       if cpat.match(line):
   3013         p = find_project_index(line)
   3014         results.append([line, i, p])
   3015         return
   3016       else:
   3017         # If we end up here, there was a problem parsing the log
   3018         # probably caused by 'make -j' mixing the output from
   3019         # 2 or more concurrent compiles
   3020         pass
   3023 def classify_warnings(lines):
   3024   results = []
   3025   for line in lines:
   3026     classify_one_warning(line, results)
   3027   # After the main work, ignore all other signals to a child process,
   3028   # to avoid bad warning/error messages from the exit clean-up process.
   3029   if args.processes > 1:
   3030     signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda *args: sys.exit(-signal.SIGTERM))
   3031   return results
   3034 def parallel_classify_warnings(warning_lines):
   3035   """Classify all warning lines with num_cpu parallel processes."""
   3036   compile_patterns()
   3037   num_cpu = args.processes
   3038   if num_cpu > 1:
   3039     groups = [[] for x in range(num_cpu)]
   3040     i = 0
   3041     for x in warning_lines:
   3042       groups[i].append(x)
   3043       i = (i + 1) % num_cpu
   3044     pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_cpu)
   3045     group_results = pool.map(classify_warnings, groups)
   3046   else:
   3047     group_results = [classify_warnings(warning_lines)]
   3049   for result in group_results:
   3050     for line, pattern_idx, project_idx in result:
   3051       pattern = warn_patterns[pattern_idx]
   3052       pattern['members'].append(line)
   3053       message_idx = len(warning_messages)
   3054       warning_messages.append(line)
   3055       warning_records.append([pattern_idx, project_idx, message_idx])
   3056       pname = '???' if project_idx < 0 else project_names[project_idx]
   3057       # Count warnings by project.
   3058       if pname in pattern['projects']:
   3059         pattern['projects'][pname] += 1
   3060       else:
   3061         pattern['projects'][pname] = 1
   3064 def compile_patterns():
   3065   """Precompiling every pattern speeds up parsing by about 30x."""
   3066   for i in warn_patterns:
   3067     i['compiled_patterns'] = []
   3068     for pat in i['patterns']:
   3069       i['compiled_patterns'].append(re.compile(pat))
   3072 def find_android_root(path):
   3073   """Set and return android_root path if it is found."""
   3074   global android_root
   3075   parts = path.split('/')
   3076   for idx in reversed(range(2, len(parts))):
   3077     root_path = '/'.join(parts[:idx])
   3078     # Android root directory should contain this script.
   3079     if os.path.exists(root_path + '/build/make/tools/warn.py'):
   3080       android_root = root_path
   3081       return root_path
   3082   return ''
   3085 def remove_android_root_prefix(path):
   3086   """Remove android_root prefix from path if it is found."""
   3087   if path.startswith(android_root):
   3088     return path[1 + len(android_root):]
   3089   else:
   3090     return path
   3093 def normalize_path(path):
   3094   """Normalize file path relative to android_root."""
   3095   # If path is not an absolute path, just normalize it.
   3096   path = os.path.normpath(path)
   3097   if path[0] != '/':
   3098     return path
   3099   # Remove known prefix of root path and normalize the suffix.
   3100   if android_root or find_android_root(path):
   3101     return remove_android_root_prefix(path)
   3102   else:
   3103     return path
   3106 def normalize_warning_line(line):
   3107   """Normalize file path relative to android_root in a warning line."""
   3108   # replace fancy quotes with plain ol' quotes
   3109   line = line.replace('', "'")
   3110   line = line.replace('', "'")
   3111   line = line.strip()
   3112   first_column = line.find(':')
   3113   if first_column > 0:
   3114     return normalize_path(line[:first_column]) + line[first_column:]
   3115   else:
   3116     return line
   3119 def parse_input_file(infile):
   3120   """Parse input file, collect parameters and warning lines."""
   3121   global android_root
   3122   global platform_version
   3123   global target_product
   3124   global target_variant
   3125   line_counter = 0
   3127   # handle only warning messages with a file path
   3128   warning_pattern = re.compile('^[^ ]*/[^ ]*: warning: .*')
   3130   # Collect all warnings into the warning_lines set.
   3131   warning_lines = set()
   3132   for line in infile:
   3133     if warning_pattern.match(line):
   3134       line = normalize_warning_line(line)
   3135       warning_lines.add(line)
   3136     elif line_counter < 100:
   3137       # save a little bit of time by only doing this for the first few lines
   3138       line_counter += 1
   3139       m = re.search('(?<=^PLATFORM_VERSION=).*', line)
   3140       if m is not None:
   3141         platform_version = m.group(0)
   3142       m = re.search('(?<=^TARGET_PRODUCT=).*', line)
   3143       if m is not None:
   3144         target_product = m.group(0)
   3145       m = re.search('(?<=^TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=).*', line)
   3146       if m is not None:
   3147         target_variant = m.group(0)
   3148       m = re.search('.* TOP=([^ ]*) .*', line)
   3149       if m is not None:
   3150         android_root = m.group(1)
   3151   return warning_lines
   3154 # Return s with escaped backslash and quotation characters.
   3155 def escape_string(s):
   3156   return s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
   3159 # Return s without trailing '\n' and escape the quotation characters.
   3160 def strip_escape_string(s):
   3161   if not s:
   3162     return s
   3163   s = s[:-1] if s[-1] == '\n' else s
   3164   return escape_string(s)
   3167 def emit_warning_array(name):
   3168   print 'var warning_{} = ['.format(name)
   3169   for i in range(len(warn_patterns)):
   3170     print '{},'.format(warn_patterns[i][name])
   3171   print '];'
   3174 def emit_warning_arrays():
   3175   emit_warning_array('severity')
   3176   print 'var warning_description = ['
   3177   for i in range(len(warn_patterns)):
   3178     if warn_patterns[i]['members']:
   3179       print '"{}",'.format(escape_string(warn_patterns[i]['description']))
   3180     else:
   3181       print '"",'  # no such warning
   3182   print '];'
   3184 scripts_for_warning_groups = """
   3185   function compareMessages(x1, x2) { // of the same warning type
   3186     return (WarningMessages[x1[2]] <= WarningMessages[x2[2]]) ? -1 : 1;
   3187   }
   3188   function byMessageCount(x1, x2) {
   3189     return x2[2] - x1[2];  // reversed order
   3190   }
   3191   function bySeverityMessageCount(x1, x2) {
   3192     // orer by severity first
   3193     if (x1[1] != x2[1])
   3194       return  x1[1] - x2[1];
   3195     return byMessageCount(x1, x2);
   3196   }
   3197   const ParseLinePattern = /^([^ :]+):(\\d+):(.+)/;
   3198   function addURL(line) {
   3199     if (FlagURL == "") return line;
   3200     if (FlagSeparator == "") {
   3201       return line.replace(ParseLinePattern,
   3202         "<a target='_blank' href='" + FlagURL + "/$1'>$1</a>:$2:$3");
   3203     }
   3204     return line.replace(ParseLinePattern,
   3205       "<a target='_blank' href='" + FlagURL + "/$1" + FlagSeparator +
   3206         "$2'>$1:$2</a>:$3");
   3207   }
   3208   function createArrayOfDictionaries(n) {
   3209     var result = [];
   3210     for (var i=0; i<n; i++) result.push({});
   3211     return result;
   3212   }
   3213   function groupWarningsBySeverity() {
   3214     // groups is an array of dictionaries,
   3215     // each dictionary maps from warning type to array of warning messages.
   3216     var groups = createArrayOfDictionaries(SeverityColors.length);
   3217     for (var i=0; i<Warnings.length; i++) {
   3218       var w = Warnings[i][0];
   3219       var s = WarnPatternsSeverity[w];
   3220       var k = w.toString();
   3221       if (!(k in groups[s]))
   3222         groups[s][k] = [];
   3223       groups[s][k].push(Warnings[i]);
   3224     }
   3225     return groups;
   3226   }
   3227   function groupWarningsByProject() {
   3228     var groups = createArrayOfDictionaries(ProjectNames.length);
   3229     for (var i=0; i<Warnings.length; i++) {
   3230       var w = Warnings[i][0];
   3231       var p = Warnings[i][1];
   3232       var k = w.toString();
   3233       if (!(k in groups[p]))
   3234         groups[p][k] = [];
   3235       groups[p][k].push(Warnings[i]);
   3236     }
   3237     return groups;
   3238   }
   3239   var GlobalAnchor = 0;
   3240   function createWarningSection(header, color, group) {
   3241     var result = "";
   3242     var groupKeys = [];
   3243     var totalMessages = 0;
   3244     for (var k in group) {
   3245        totalMessages += group[k].length;
   3246        groupKeys.push([k, WarnPatternsSeverity[parseInt(k)], group[k].length]);
   3247     }
   3248     groupKeys.sort(bySeverityMessageCount);
   3249     for (var idx=0; idx<groupKeys.length; idx++) {
   3250       var k = groupKeys[idx][0];
   3251       var messages = group[k];
   3252       var w = parseInt(k);
   3253       var wcolor = SeverityColors[WarnPatternsSeverity[w]];
   3254       var description = WarnPatternsDescription[w];
   3255       if (description.length == 0)
   3256           description = "???";
   3257       GlobalAnchor += 1;
   3258       result += "<table class='t1'><tr bgcolor='" + wcolor + "'><td>" +
   3259                 "<button class='bt' id='" + GlobalAnchor + "_mark" +
   3260                 "' onclick='expand(\\"" + GlobalAnchor + "\\");'>" +
   3261                 "&#x2295</button> " +
   3262                 description + " (" + messages.length + ")</td></tr></table>";
   3263       result += "<div id='" + GlobalAnchor +
   3264                 "' style='display:none;'><table class='t1'>";
   3265       var c = 0;
   3266       messages.sort(compareMessages);
   3267       for (var i=0; i<messages.length; i++) {
   3268         result += "<tr><td class='c" + c + "'>" +
   3269                   addURL(WarningMessages[messages[i][2]]) + "</td></tr>";
   3270         c = 1 - c;
   3271       }
   3272       result += "</table></div>";
   3273     }
   3274     if (result.length > 0) {
   3275       return "<br><span style='background-color:" + color + "'><b>" +
   3276              header + ": " + totalMessages +
   3277              "</b></span><blockquote><table class='t1'>" +
   3278              result + "</table></blockquote>";
   3280     }
   3281     return "";  // empty section
   3282   }
   3283   function generateSectionsBySeverity() {
   3284     var result = "";
   3285     var groups = groupWarningsBySeverity();
   3286     for (s=0; s<SeverityColors.length; s++) {
   3287       result += createWarningSection(SeverityHeaders[s], SeverityColors[s], groups[s]);
   3288     }
   3289     return result;
   3290   }
   3291   function generateSectionsByProject() {
   3292     var result = "";
   3293     var groups = groupWarningsByProject();
   3294     for (i=0; i<groups.length; i++) {
   3295       result += createWarningSection(ProjectNames[i], 'lightgrey', groups[i]);
   3296     }
   3297     return result;
   3298   }
   3299   function groupWarnings(generator) {
   3300     GlobalAnchor = 0;
   3301     var e = document.getElementById("warning_groups");
   3302     e.innerHTML = generator();
   3303   }
   3304   function groupBySeverity() {
   3305     groupWarnings(generateSectionsBySeverity);
   3306   }
   3307   function groupByProject() {
   3308     groupWarnings(generateSectionsByProject);
   3309   }
   3310 """
   3313 # Emit a JavaScript const string
   3314 def emit_const_string(name, value):
   3315   print 'const ' + name + ' = "' + escape_string(value) + '";'
   3318 # Emit a JavaScript const integer array.
   3319 def emit_const_int_array(name, array):
   3320   print 'const ' + name + ' = ['
   3321   for n in array:
   3322     print str(n) + ','
   3323   print '];'
   3326 # Emit a JavaScript const string array.
   3327 def emit_const_string_array(name, array):
   3328   print 'const ' + name + ' = ['
   3329   for s in array:
   3330     print '"' + strip_escape_string(s) + '",'
   3331   print '];'
   3334 # Emit a JavaScript const object array.
   3335 def emit_const_object_array(name, array):
   3336   print 'const ' + name + ' = ['
   3337   for x in array:
   3338     print str(x) + ','
   3339   print '];'
   3342 def emit_js_data():
   3343   """Dump dynamic HTML page's static JavaScript data."""
   3344   emit_const_string('FlagURL', args.url if args.url else '')
   3345   emit_const_string('FlagSeparator', args.separator if args.separator else '')
   3346   emit_const_string_array('SeverityColors', Severity.colors)
   3347   emit_const_string_array('SeverityHeaders', Severity.headers)
   3348   emit_const_string_array('SeverityColumnHeaders', Severity.column_headers)
   3349   emit_const_string_array('ProjectNames', project_names)
   3350   emit_const_int_array('WarnPatternsSeverity',
   3351                        [w['severity'] for w in warn_patterns])
   3352   emit_const_string_array('WarnPatternsDescription',
   3353                           [w['description'] for w in warn_patterns])
   3354   emit_const_string_array('WarnPatternsOption',
   3355                           [w['option'] for w in warn_patterns])
   3356   emit_const_string_array('WarningMessages', warning_messages)
   3357   emit_const_object_array('Warnings', warning_records)
   3359 draw_table_javascript = """
   3360 google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['table']});
   3361 google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawTable);
   3362 function drawTable() {
   3363   var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
   3364   data.addColumn('string', StatsHeader[0]);
   3365   for (var i=1; i<StatsHeader.length; i++) {
   3366     data.addColumn('number', StatsHeader[i]);
   3367   }
   3368   data.addRows(StatsRows);
   3369   for (var i=0; i<StatsRows.length; i++) {
   3370     for (var j=0; j<StatsHeader.length; j++) {
   3371       data.setProperty(i, j, 'style', 'border:1px solid black;');
   3372     }
   3373   }
   3374   var table = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById('stats_table'));
   3375   table.draw(data, {allowHtml: true, alternatingRowStyle: true});
   3376 }
   3377 """
   3380 def dump_html():
   3381   """Dump the html output to stdout."""
   3382   dump_html_prologue('Warnings for ' + platform_version + ' - ' +
   3383                      target_product + ' - ' + target_variant)
   3384   dump_stats()
   3385   print '<br><div id="stats_table"></div><br>'
   3386   print '\n<script>'
   3387   emit_js_data()
   3388   print scripts_for_warning_groups
   3389   print '</script>'
   3390   emit_buttons()
   3391   # Warning messages are grouped by severities or project names.
   3392   print '<br><div id="warning_groups"></div>'
   3393   if args.byproject:
   3394     print '<script>groupByProject();</script>'
   3395   else:
   3396     print '<script>groupBySeverity();</script>'
   3397   dump_fixed()
   3398   dump_html_epilogue()
   3401 ##### Functions to count warnings and dump csv file. #########################
   3404 def description_for_csv(category):
   3405   if not category['description']:
   3406     return '?'
   3407   return category['description']
   3410 def count_severity(writer, sev, kind):
   3411   """Count warnings of given severity."""
   3412   total = 0
   3413   for i in warn_patterns:
   3414     if i['severity'] == sev and i['members']:
   3415       n = len(i['members'])
   3416       total += n
   3417       warning = kind + ': ' + description_for_csv(i)
   3418       writer.writerow([n, '', warning])
   3419       # print number of warnings for each project, ordered by project name.
   3420       projects = i['projects'].keys()
   3421       projects.sort()
   3422       for p in projects:
   3423         writer.writerow([i['projects'][p], p, warning])
   3424   writer.writerow([total, '', kind + ' warnings'])
   3426   return total
   3429 # dump number of warnings in csv format to stdout
   3430 def dump_csv(writer):
   3431   """Dump number of warnings in csv format to stdout."""
   3432   sort_warnings()
   3433   total = 0
   3434   for s in Severity.range:
   3435     total += count_severity(writer, s, Severity.column_headers[s])
   3436   writer.writerow([total, '', 'All warnings'])
   3439 def main():
   3440   warning_lines = parse_input_file(open(args.buildlog, 'r'))
   3441   parallel_classify_warnings(warning_lines)
   3442   # If a user pases a csv path, save the fileoutput to the path
   3443   # If the user also passed gencsv write the output to stdout
   3444   # If the user did not pass gencsv flag dump the html report to stdout.
   3445   if args.csvpath:
   3446     with open(args.csvpath, 'w') as f:
   3447       dump_csv(csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n'))
   3448   if args.gencsv:
   3449     dump_csv(csv.writer(sys.stdout, lineterminator='\n'))
   3450   else:
   3451     dump_html()
   3454 # Run main function if warn.py is the main program.
   3455 if __name__ == '__main__':
   3456   main()