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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     16 package android.cts.statsd.metric;
     18 import android.cts.statsd.atom.DeviceAtomTestCase;
     20 import com.android.internal.os.StatsdConfigProto;
     21 import com.android.os.AtomsProto.Atom;
     22 import com.android.os.AtomsProto.AppBreadcrumbReported;
     23 import com.android.os.StatsLog;
     24 import com.android.os.StatsLog.ConfigMetricsReport;
     25 import com.android.os.StatsLog.ConfigMetricsReportList;
     26 import com.android.os.StatsLog.CountBucketInfo;
     27 import com.android.os.StatsLog.CountMetricData;
     28 import com.android.os.StatsLog.StatsLogReport;
     29 import com.android.tradefed.device.DeviceNotAvailableException;
     30 import com.android.tradefed.log.LogUtil;
     32 import java.util.Arrays;
     33 import java.util.List;
     35 public class CountMetricsTests extends DeviceAtomTestCase {
     37     public void testSimpleEventCountMetric() throws Exception {
     38         if (statsdDisabled()) {
     39             return;
     40         }
     41         int matcherId = 1;
     42         StatsdConfigProto.StatsdConfig.Builder builder = createConfigBuilder();
     43         builder.addCountMetric(StatsdConfigProto.CountMetric.newBuilder()
     44                 .setId(MetricsUtils.COUNT_METRIC_ID)
     45                 .setBucket(StatsdConfigProto.TimeUnit.CTS)
     46                 .setWhat(matcherId))
     47                 .addAtomMatcher(MetricsUtils.simpleAtomMatcher(matcherId));
     48         uploadConfig(builder);
     50         doAppBreadcrumbReportedStart(0);
     51         doAppBreadcrumbReportedStop(0);
     52         Thread.sleep(2000);  // Wait for the metrics to propagate to statsd.
     54         StatsLogReport metricReport = getStatsLogReport();
     55         LogUtil.CLog.d("Got the following stats log report: \n" + metricReport.toString());
     56         assertEquals(MetricsUtils.COUNT_METRIC_ID, metricReport.getMetricId());
     57         assertTrue(metricReport.hasCountMetrics());
     59         StatsLogReport.CountMetricDataWrapper countData = metricReport.getCountMetrics();
     61         assertTrue(countData.getDataCount() > 0);
     62         assertEquals(2, countData.getData(0).getBucketInfo(0).getCount());
     63     }
     64     public void testEventCountWithCondition() throws Exception {
     65         if (statsdDisabled()) {
     66             return;
     67         }
     68         int startMatcherId = 1;
     69         int endMatcherId = 2;
     70         int whatMatcherId = 3;
     71         int conditionId = 4;
     73         StatsdConfigProto.AtomMatcher whatMatcher =
     74                MetricsUtils.unspecifiedAtomMatcher(whatMatcherId);
     76         StatsdConfigProto.AtomMatcher predicateStartMatcher =
     77                 MetricsUtils.startAtomMatcher(startMatcherId);
     79         StatsdConfigProto.AtomMatcher predicateEndMatcher =
     80                 MetricsUtils.stopAtomMatcher(endMatcherId);
     82         StatsdConfigProto.Predicate p = StatsdConfigProto.Predicate.newBuilder()
     83                 .setSimplePredicate(StatsdConfigProto.SimplePredicate.newBuilder()
     84                         .setStart(startMatcherId)
     85                         .setStop(endMatcherId)
     86                         .setCountNesting(false))
     87                 .setId(conditionId)
     88                 .build();
     90         StatsdConfigProto.StatsdConfig.Builder builder = createConfigBuilder()
     91                 .addCountMetric(StatsdConfigProto.CountMetric.newBuilder()
     92                         .setId(MetricsUtils.COUNT_METRIC_ID)
     93                         .setBucket(StatsdConfigProto.TimeUnit.CTS)
     94                         .setWhat(whatMatcherId)
     95                         .setCondition(conditionId))
     96                 .addAtomMatcher(whatMatcher)
     97                 .addAtomMatcher(predicateStartMatcher)
     98                 .addAtomMatcher(predicateEndMatcher)
     99                 .addPredicate(p);
    101         uploadConfig(builder);
    103         doAppBreadcrumbReported(0, AppBreadcrumbReported.State.UNSPECIFIED.ordinal());
    104         Thread.sleep(10);
    105         doAppBreadcrumbReportedStart(0);
    106         Thread.sleep(10);
    107         doAppBreadcrumbReported(0, AppBreadcrumbReported.State.UNSPECIFIED.ordinal());
    108         Thread.sleep(10);
    109         doAppBreadcrumbReportedStop(0);
    110         Thread.sleep(10);
    111         doAppBreadcrumbReported(0, AppBreadcrumbReported.State.UNSPECIFIED.ordinal());
    112         Thread.sleep(2000);  // Wait for the metrics to propagate to statsd.
    114         StatsLogReport metricReport = getStatsLogReport();
    115         assertEquals(MetricsUtils.COUNT_METRIC_ID, metricReport.getMetricId());
    116         assertTrue(metricReport.hasCountMetrics());
    118         StatsLogReport.CountMetricDataWrapper countData = metricReport.getCountMetrics();
    120         assertTrue(countData.getDataCount() > 0);
    121         assertEquals(1, countData.getData(0).getBucketInfo(0).getCount());
    122     }
    124     public void testPartialBucketCountMetric() throws Exception {
    125         if (statsdDisabled()) {
    126             return;
    127         }
    128         int matcherId = 1;
    129         StatsdConfigProto.StatsdConfig.Builder builder = createConfigBuilder();
    130         builder.addCountMetric(StatsdConfigProto.CountMetric.newBuilder()
    131                 .setId(MetricsUtils.COUNT_METRIC_ID)
    132                 .setBucket(StatsdConfigProto.TimeUnit.ONE_DAY)  // Should ensure partial bucket.
    133                 .setWhat(matcherId))
    134                 .addAtomMatcher(MetricsUtils.simpleAtomMatcher(matcherId));
    135         uploadConfig(builder);
    137         doAppBreadcrumbReportedStart(0);
    139         builder.getCountMetricBuilder(0).setBucket(StatsdConfigProto.TimeUnit.CTS);
    140         uploadConfig(builder);  // The count metric had a partial bucket.
    141         doAppBreadcrumbReportedStart(0);
    142         Thread.sleep(10);
    143         doAppBreadcrumbReportedStart(0);
    144         Thread.sleep(WAIT_TIME_LONG); // Finish the current bucket.
    146         ConfigMetricsReportList reports = getReportList();
    147         LogUtil.CLog.d("Got following report list: " + reports.toString());
    149         assertEquals("Expected 2 reports, got " + reports.getReportsCount(),
    150                 2, reports.getReportsCount());
    151         boolean inOrder = reports.getReports(0).getCurrentReportWallClockNanos() <
    152                 reports.getReports(1).getCurrentReportWallClockNanos();
    154         // Only 1 metric, so there should only be 1 StatsLogReport.
    155         for (ConfigMetricsReport report : reports.getReportsList()) {
    156             assertEquals("Expected 1 StatsLogReport in each ConfigMetricsReport",
    157                     1, report.getMetricsCount());
    158             assertEquals("Expected 1 CountMetricData in each report",
    159                     1, report.getMetrics(0).getCountMetrics().getDataCount());
    160         }
    161         CountMetricData data1 =
    162                 reports.getReports(inOrder? 0 : 1).getMetrics(0).getCountMetrics().getData(0);
    163         CountMetricData data2 =
    164                 reports.getReports(inOrder? 1 : 0).getMetrics(0).getCountMetrics().getData(0);
    165         // Data1 should have only 1 bucket, and it should be a partial bucket.
    166         // The count should be 1.
    167         assertEquals("First report should only have 1 bucket", 1, data1.getBucketInfoCount());
    168         CountBucketInfo bucketInfo = data1.getBucketInfo(0);
    169         assertEquals("First report should have a count of 1", 1, bucketInfo.getCount());
    170         assertTrue("First report's bucket should be less than 1 day",
    171                 bucketInfo.getEndBucketElapsedNanos() <
    172                 (bucketInfo.getStartBucketElapsedNanos() + 1_000_000_000L * 60L * 60L * 24L));
    174         //Second report should have a count of 2.
    175         assertTrue("Second report should have at most 2 buckets", data2.getBucketInfoCount() < 3);
    176         int totalCount = 0;
    177         for (CountBucketInfo bucket : data2.getBucketInfoList()) {
    178             totalCount += bucket.getCount();
    179         }
    180         assertEquals("Second report should have a count of 2", 2, totalCount);
    181     }
    182 }