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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package android.util.cts;
     19 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
     20 import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
     22 import android.support.test.filters.SmallTest;
     23 import android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4;
     24 import android.util.JsonWriter;
     26 import org.junit.Test;
     27 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
     29 import java.io.IOException;
     30 import java.io.StringWriter;
     31 import java.math.BigDecimal;
     32 import java.math.BigInteger;
     34 @SmallTest
     35 @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class)
     36 public final class JsonWriterTest {
     37     @Test
     38     public void testWrongTopLevelType() throws IOException {
     39         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
     40         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
     41         try {
     42             jsonWriter.value("a");
     43             fail();
     44         } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {
     45         }
     46     }
     48     @Test
     49     public void testTwoNames() throws IOException {
     50         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
     51         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
     52         jsonWriter.beginObject();
     53         jsonWriter.name("a");
     54         try {
     55             jsonWriter.name("a");
     56             fail();
     57         } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {
     58         }
     59     }
     61     @Test
     62     public void testNameWithoutValue() throws IOException {
     63         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
     64         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
     65         jsonWriter.beginObject();
     66         jsonWriter.name("a");
     67         try {
     68             jsonWriter.endObject();
     69             fail();
     70         } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {
     71         }
     72     }
     74     @Test
     75     public void testValueWithoutName() throws IOException {
     76         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
     77         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
     78         jsonWriter.beginObject();
     79         try {
     80             jsonWriter.value(true);
     81             fail();
     82         } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {
     83         }
     84     }
     86     @Test
     87     public void testMultipleTopLevelValues() throws IOException {
     88         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
     89         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
     90         jsonWriter.beginArray().endArray();
     91         try {
     92             jsonWriter.beginArray();
     93             fail();
     94         } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {
     95         }
     96     }
     98     @Test
     99     public void testBadNestingObject() throws IOException {
    100         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    101         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    102         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    103         jsonWriter.beginObject();
    104         try {
    105             jsonWriter.endArray();
    106             fail();
    107         } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {
    108         }
    109     }
    111     @Test
    112     public void testBadNestingArray() throws IOException {
    113         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    114         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    115         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    116         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    117         try {
    118             jsonWriter.endObject();
    119             fail();
    120         } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {
    121         }
    122     }
    124     @Test
    125     public void testNullName() throws IOException {
    126         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    127         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    128         jsonWriter.beginObject();
    129         try {
    130             jsonWriter.name(null);
    131             fail();
    132         } catch (NullPointerException expected) {
    133         }
    134     }
    136     @Test
    137     public void testNullStringValue() throws IOException {
    138         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    139         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    140         jsonWriter.beginObject();
    141         jsonWriter.name("a");
    142         jsonWriter.value((String) null);
    143         jsonWriter.endObject();
    144         assertEquals("{\"a\":null}", stringWriter.toString());
    145     }
    147     @Test
    148     public void testNonFiniteDoubles() throws IOException {
    149         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    150         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    151         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    152         try {
    153             jsonWriter.value(Double.NaN);
    154             fail();
    155         } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
    156         }
    157         try {
    158             jsonWriter.value(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
    159             fail();
    160         } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
    161         }
    162         try {
    163             jsonWriter.value(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
    164             fail();
    165         } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
    166         }
    167     }
    169     @Test
    170     public void testNonFiniteBoxedDoubles() throws IOException {
    171         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    172         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    173         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    174         try {
    175             jsonWriter.value(new Double(Double.NaN));
    176             fail();
    177         } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
    178         }
    179         try {
    180             jsonWriter.value(new Double(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
    181             fail();
    182         } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
    183         }
    184         try {
    185             jsonWriter.value(new Double(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
    186             fail();
    187         } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
    188         }
    189     }
    191     @Test
    192     public void testDoubles() throws IOException {
    193         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    194         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    195         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    196         jsonWriter.value(-0.0);
    197         jsonWriter.value(1.0);
    198         jsonWriter.value(Double.MAX_VALUE);
    199         jsonWriter.value(Double.MIN_VALUE);
    200         jsonWriter.value(0.0);
    201         jsonWriter.value(-0.5);
    202         jsonWriter.value(Double.MIN_NORMAL);
    203         jsonWriter.value(Math.PI);
    204         jsonWriter.value(Math.E);
    205         jsonWriter.endArray();
    206         jsonWriter.close();
    207         assertEquals("[-0.0,"
    208                 + "1.0,"
    209                 + "1.7976931348623157E308,"
    210                 + "4.9E-324,"
    211                 + "0.0,"
    212                 + "-0.5,"
    213                 + "2.2250738585072014E-308,"
    214                 + "3.141592653589793,"
    215                 + "2.718281828459045]", stringWriter.toString());
    216     }
    218     @Test
    219     public void testLongs() throws IOException {
    220         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    221         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    222         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    223         jsonWriter.value(0);
    224         jsonWriter.value(1);
    225         jsonWriter.value(-1);
    226         jsonWriter.value(Long.MIN_VALUE);
    227         jsonWriter.value(Long.MAX_VALUE);
    228         jsonWriter.endArray();
    229         jsonWriter.close();
    230         assertEquals("[0,"
    231                 + "1,"
    232                 + "-1,"
    233                 + "-9223372036854775808,"
    234                 + "9223372036854775807]", stringWriter.toString());
    235     }
    237     @Test
    238     public void testNumbers() throws IOException {
    239         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    240         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    241         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    242         jsonWriter.value(new BigInteger("0"));
    243         jsonWriter.value(new BigInteger("9223372036854775808"));
    244         jsonWriter.value(new BigInteger("-9223372036854775809"));
    245         jsonWriter.value(new BigDecimal("3.141592653589793238462643383"));
    246         jsonWriter.endArray();
    247         jsonWriter.close();
    248         assertEquals("[0,"
    249                 + "9223372036854775808,"
    250                 + "-9223372036854775809,"
    251                 + "3.141592653589793238462643383]", stringWriter.toString());
    252     }
    254     @Test
    255     public void testBooleans() throws IOException {
    256         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    257         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    258         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    259         jsonWriter.value(true);
    260         jsonWriter.value(false);
    261         jsonWriter.endArray();
    262         assertEquals("[true,false]", stringWriter.toString());
    263     }
    265     @Test
    266     public void testNulls() throws IOException {
    267         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    268         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    269         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    270         jsonWriter.nullValue();
    271         jsonWriter.endArray();
    272         assertEquals("[null]", stringWriter.toString());
    273     }
    275     @Test
    276     public void testStrings() throws IOException {
    277         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    278         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    279         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    280         jsonWriter.value("a");
    281         jsonWriter.value("a\"");
    282         jsonWriter.value("\"");
    283         jsonWriter.value(":");
    284         jsonWriter.value(",");
    285         jsonWriter.value("\b");
    286         jsonWriter.value("\f");
    287         jsonWriter.value("\n");
    288         jsonWriter.value("\r");
    289         jsonWriter.value("\t");
    290         jsonWriter.value(" ");
    291         jsonWriter.value("\\");
    292         jsonWriter.value("{");
    293         jsonWriter.value("}");
    294         jsonWriter.value("[");
    295         jsonWriter.value("]");
    296         jsonWriter.value("\0");
    297         jsonWriter.value("\u0019");
    298         jsonWriter.endArray();
    299         assertEquals("[\"a\","
    300                 + "\"a\\\"\","
    301                 + "\"\\\"\","
    302                 + "\":\","
    303                 + "\",\","
    304                 + "\"\\b\","
    305                 + "\"\\f\","
    306                 + "\"\\n\","
    307                 + "\"\\r\","
    308                 + "\"\\t\","
    309                 + "\" \","
    310                 + "\"\\\\\","
    311                 + "\"{\","
    312                 + "\"}\","
    313                 + "\"[\","
    314                 + "\"]\","
    315                 + "\"\\u0000\","
    316                 + "\"\\u0019\"]", stringWriter.toString());
    317     }
    319     @Test
    320     public void testUnicodeLineBreaksEscaped() throws IOException {
    321         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    322         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    323         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    324         jsonWriter.value("\u2028 \u2029");
    325         jsonWriter.endArray();
    326         assertEquals("[\"\\u2028 \\u2029\"]", stringWriter.toString());
    327     }
    329     @Test
    330     public void testEmptyArray() throws IOException {
    331         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    332         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    333         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    334         jsonWriter.endArray();
    335         assertEquals("[]", stringWriter.toString());
    336     }
    338     @Test
    339     public void testEmptyObject() throws IOException {
    340         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    341         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    342         jsonWriter.beginObject();
    343         jsonWriter.endObject();
    344         assertEquals("{}", stringWriter.toString());
    345     }
    347     @Test
    348     public void testObjectsInArrays() throws IOException {
    349         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    350         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    351         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    352         jsonWriter.beginObject();
    353         jsonWriter.name("a").value(5);
    354         jsonWriter.name("b").value(false);
    355         jsonWriter.endObject();
    356         jsonWriter.beginObject();
    357         jsonWriter.name("c").value(6);
    358         jsonWriter.name("d").value(true);
    359         jsonWriter.endObject();
    360         jsonWriter.endArray();
    361         assertEquals("[{\"a\":5,\"b\":false},"
    362                 + "{\"c\":6,\"d\":true}]", stringWriter.toString());
    363     }
    365     @Test
    366     public void testArraysInObjects() throws IOException {
    367         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    368         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    369         jsonWriter.beginObject();
    370         jsonWriter.name("a");
    371         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    372         jsonWriter.value(5);
    373         jsonWriter.value(false);
    374         jsonWriter.endArray();
    375         jsonWriter.name("b");
    376         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    377         jsonWriter.value(6);
    378         jsonWriter.value(true);
    379         jsonWriter.endArray();
    380         jsonWriter.endObject();
    381         assertEquals("{\"a\":[5,false],"
    382                 + "\"b\":[6,true]}", stringWriter.toString());
    383     }
    385     @Test
    386     public void testDeepNestingArrays() throws IOException {
    387         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    388         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    389         for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    390             jsonWriter.beginArray();
    391         }
    392         for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    393             jsonWriter.endArray();
    394         }
    395         assertEquals("[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]", stringWriter.toString());
    396     }
    398     @Test
    399     public void testDeepNestingObjects() throws IOException {
    400         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    401         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    402         jsonWriter.beginObject();
    403         for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    404             jsonWriter.name("a");
    405             jsonWriter.beginObject();
    406         }
    407         for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    408             jsonWriter.endObject();
    409         }
    410         jsonWriter.endObject();
    411         assertEquals("{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":"
    412                 + "{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":{"
    413                 + "}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}", stringWriter.toString());
    414     }
    416     @Test
    417     public void testRepeatedName() throws IOException {
    418         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    419         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    420         jsonWriter.beginObject();
    421         jsonWriter.name("a").value(true);
    422         jsonWriter.name("a").value(false);
    423         jsonWriter.endObject();
    424         // JsonWriter doesn't attempt to detect duplicate names
    425         assertEquals("{\"a\":true,\"a\":false}", stringWriter.toString());
    426     }
    428     @Test
    429     public void testPrettyPrintObject() throws IOException {
    430         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    431         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    432         jsonWriter.setIndent("   ");
    434         jsonWriter.beginObject();
    435         jsonWriter.name("a").value(true);
    436         jsonWriter.name("b").value(false);
    437         jsonWriter.name("c").value(5.0);
    438         jsonWriter.name("e").nullValue();
    439         jsonWriter.name("f").beginArray();
    440         jsonWriter.value(6.0);
    441         jsonWriter.value(7.0);
    442         jsonWriter.endArray();
    443         jsonWriter.name("g").beginObject();
    444         jsonWriter.name("h").value(8.0);
    445         jsonWriter.name("i").value(9.0);
    446         jsonWriter.endObject();
    447         jsonWriter.endObject();
    449         String expected = "{\n"
    450                 + "   \"a\": true,\n"
    451                 + "   \"b\": false,\n"
    452                 + "   \"c\": 5.0,\n"
    453                 + "   \"e\": null,\n"
    454                 + "   \"f\": [\n"
    455                 + "      6.0,\n"
    456                 + "      7.0\n"
    457                 + "   ],\n"
    458                 + "   \"g\": {\n"
    459                 + "      \"h\": 8.0,\n"
    460                 + "      \"i\": 9.0\n"
    461                 + "   }\n"
    462                 + "}";
    463         assertEquals(expected, stringWriter.toString());
    464     }
    466     @Test
    467     public void testPrettyPrintArray() throws IOException {
    468         StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    469         JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
    470         jsonWriter.setIndent("   ");
    472         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    473         jsonWriter.value(true);
    474         jsonWriter.value(false);
    475         jsonWriter.value(5.0);
    476         jsonWriter.nullValue();
    477         jsonWriter.beginObject();
    478         jsonWriter.name("a").value(6.0);
    479         jsonWriter.name("b").value(7.0);
    480         jsonWriter.endObject();
    481         jsonWriter.beginArray();
    482         jsonWriter.value(8.0);
    483         jsonWriter.value(9.0);
    484         jsonWriter.endArray();
    485         jsonWriter.endArray();
    487         String expected = "[\n"
    488                 + "   true,\n"
    489                 + "   false,\n"
    490                 + "   5.0,\n"
    491                 + "   null,\n"
    492                 + "   {\n"
    493                 + "      \"a\": 6.0,\n"
    494                 + "      \"b\": 7.0\n"
    495                 + "   },\n"
    496                 + "   [\n"
    497                 + "      8.0,\n"
    498                 + "      9.0\n"
    499                 + "   ]\n"
    500                 + "]";
    501         assertEquals(expected, stringWriter.toString());
    502     }
    503 }