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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 #
      3 # Copyright 2017 - The Android Open Source Project
      4 #
      5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 #
      9 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 #
     11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 # limitations under the License.
     17 """Unit test for gsi_util.utils.cmd_utils."""
     19 import logging
     20 from logging import handlers
     21 import shutil
     22 import subprocess
     23 import tempfile
     24 import unittest
     26 from gsi_util.utils import cmd_utils
     29 class RunCommandTest(unittest.TestCase):
     31   def setUp(self):
     32     """Sets up logging output for assert checks."""
     33     log_entries = self._log_entries = []
     35     class Target(object):
     36       """The target handler to store log output."""
     38       def handle(self, record):
     39         log_entries.append((record.levelname, record.msg % record.args))
     41     self._handler = handlers.MemoryHandler(capacity=0, target=Target())
     42     logging.getLogger().addHandler(self._handler)
     44   def tearDown(self):
     45     """Removes logging handler."""
     46     logging.getLogger().removeHandler(self._handler)
     48   def test_command_sequence(self):
     49     result = cmd_utils.run_command(['echo', '123'])
     50     self.assertEqual((0, None, None), result)
     51     self.assertEqual(('INFO', "Executed command: 'echo 123' (ret: 0)"),
     52                      self._log_entries[0])
     54   def test_shell_command(self):
     55     result = cmd_utils.run_command('echo uses shell', shell=True)
     56     self.assertEqual((0, None, None), result)
     57     self.assertEqual(('INFO', "Executed command: 'echo uses shell' (ret: 0)"),
     58                      self._log_entries[0])
     60   def test_log_stdout(self):
     61     result = cmd_utils.run_command(['echo', '456'], raise_on_error=False,
     62                                    log_stdout=True)
     63     self.assertEqual((0, None, None), result)
     64     self.assertEqual(('INFO', "Executed command: 'echo 456' (ret: 0)"),
     65                      self._log_entries[0])
     66     self.assertEqual(('INFO', "  stdout: '456\\n'"),
     67                      self._log_entries[1])
     69   def test_log_stderr(self):
     70     error_cmd = 'echo foo; echo bar; (echo 123; echo 456;)>&2; exit 3'
     71     result = cmd_utils.run_command(error_cmd, shell=True, raise_on_error=False,
     72                                    log_stderr=True)
     73     self.assertEqual((3, None, None), result)
     74     self.assertEqual(
     75         ('ERROR', 'Executed command: %r (ret: %d)' % (error_cmd, 3)),
     76         self._log_entries[0])
     77     self.assertEqual(('ERROR', "  stderr: '123\\n456\\n'"),
     78                      self._log_entries[1])
     80   def test_log_stdout_and_log_stderr(self):
     81     error_cmd = 'echo foo; echo bar; (echo 123; echo 456;)>&2; exit 5'
     82     result = cmd_utils.run_command(error_cmd, shell=True, raise_on_error=False,
     83                                    log_stdout=True, log_stderr=True)
     84     self.assertEqual((5, None, None), result)
     85     self.assertEqual(
     86         ('ERROR', 'Executed command: %r (ret: %d)' % (error_cmd, 5)),
     87         self._log_entries[0])
     88     self.assertEqual(('ERROR', "  stdout: 'foo\\nbar\\n'"),
     89                      self._log_entries[1])
     90     self.assertEqual(('ERROR', "  stderr: '123\\n456\\n'"),
     91                      self._log_entries[2])
     93   def test_read_stdout(self):
     94     result = cmd_utils.run_command('echo 123; echo 456; exit 7', shell=True,
     95                                    read_stdout=True, raise_on_error=False)
     96     self.assertEqual(7, result.returncode)
     97     self.assertEqual('123\n456\n', result.stdoutdata)
     98     self.assertEqual(None, result.stderrdata)
    100   def test_read_stderr(self):
    101     result = cmd_utils.run_command('(echo error1; echo error2)>&2; exit 9',
    102                                    shell=True, read_stderr=True,
    103                                    raise_on_error=False)
    104     self.assertEqual(9, result.returncode)
    105     self.assertEqual(None, result.stdoutdata)
    106     self.assertEqual('error1\nerror2\n', result.stderrdata)
    108   def test_read_stdout_and_stderr(self):
    109     result = cmd_utils.run_command('echo foo; echo bar>&2; exit 11',
    110                                    shell=True, read_stdout=True,
    111                                    read_stderr=True, raise_on_error=False)
    112     self.assertEqual(11, result.returncode)
    113     self.assertEqual('foo\n', result.stdoutdata)
    114     self.assertEqual('bar\n', result.stderrdata)
    116   def test_raise_on_error(self):
    117     error_cmd = 'echo foo; exit 13'
    118     with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as context_manager:
    119       cmd_utils.run_command(error_cmd, shell=True, raise_on_error=True)
    120     proc_err = context_manager.exception
    121     self.assertEqual(13, proc_err.returncode)
    122     self.assertEqual(error_cmd, proc_err.cmd)
    124   def test_change_working_directory(self):
    125     """Tests that cwd argument can be passed to subprocess.Popen()."""
    126     tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cmd_utils_test')
    127     result = cmd_utils.run_command('pwd', shell=True,
    128                                    read_stdout=True, raise_on_error=False,
    129                                    cwd=tmp_dir)
    130     self.assertEqual('%s\n' % tmp_dir, result.stdoutdata)
    131     shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
    133 if __name__ == '__main__':
    134   logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
    135   unittest.main()