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      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 #
      3 # Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
      4 # Author: bgay (at] google.com (Bruce Gay)
      5 #
      6 # The labpretest.sh script is designed to emulate a typical automated test lab
      7 # session.  It puts a device into bootloader mode, reboots into bootloader mode,
      8 # determines device type, erases user cache, flashes a generic userdata image,
      9 # updates the bootloader image, updates the radio image, updates the system
     10 # image and reboots, sets up for a monkey run and finally runs a random monkey
     11 # test. It will repeat this based on an optional parameter(-i) or default to 100
     12 # times. It will detect if it is in a low battery situation and wait for it to
     13 # charge again.
     16 COUNT=100
     17 ROOT=$(cd `dirname $0` && pwd)
     18 ADB="$ROOT/tools/adb"
     19 FASTBOOT="$ROOT/tools/fastboot"
     20 MEVENTS=200
     21 NOMONKEY=0
     23 buildfile=''
     24 device=''
     25 product=''
     26 bootpart=''
     27 bootfile=''
     29 while getopts "d:i::m:xh" optionName; do
     30   case "$optionName" in
     31     d) device="$OPTARG";;
     32     i) COUNT=$OPTARG;;
     33     m) MEVENTS=$OPTARG;;
     34     x) NOMONKEY=1;;
     35     h) echo "options: [-d <device ID>, -i <loop count>, -m <monkey events> -x (skips monkey)]"; exit;;
     36     *) echo "invalid parameter -$optionName"; exit -1;;
     37   esac
     38 done
     40 declare -r COUNT
     41 declare -r MEVENTS
     42 declare -r NOMONKEY
     45 ################################################
     46 # Prints output to console with time stamp
     47 # Arguments:
     48 #   None
     49 # Returns:
     50 #   None
     51 ################################################
     52 log_print()
     53 {
     54   if [ -z "$1" ]; then
     55     echo "# $(date +'%D %T')"
     56   else
     57     echo "# $(date +'%D %T'): $1"
     58   fi
     59 }
     61 ################################################
     62 # Blocks until battery level is at least
     63 # above TARGET if below LIMIT
     64 # Globals:
     65 #   ADB
     66 #   device
     67 # Arguments:
     68 #   None
     69 # Returns:
     70 #   None
     71 ################################################
     72 wait_for_battery()
     73 {
     74   TARGET=80
     75   LIMIT=20
     76   local battery
     77   local tick
     78   log_print "checking battery level"
     79   while [ "$battery" = "" ]; do
     80     battery=`$ADB -s $device shell dumpsys battery | tr -d '\r' | awk '/level:/ {print $2}'`
     81     sleep 2
     82   done
     83   if [ $battery -lt $LIMIT ]; then
     84     log_print "Battery is low, waiting for charge"
     85     while true; do
     86       battery=`$ADB -s $device shell dumpsys battery | tr -d '\r' | awk '/level:/ {print $2}'`
     87       if (( $battery >= $TARGET )); then break; fi
     88       tick=$[$TARGET - $battery]
     89       echo "battery charge level is $battery, sleeping for $tick seconds"
     90       sleep $[$TARGET - $battery * 10]
     91     done
     92     log_print "resuming test run with battery level at $battery%"
     93   else
     94     log_print "resuming test run with battery level at $battery%"
     95   fi
     96 }
     98 ################################################
     99 # Blocks until device is in fastboot mode or
    100 # time out is reached
    101 # Globals:
    102 #   loop
    103 #   device
    104 # Arguments:
    105 #   None
    106 # Returns:
    107 #   None
    108 ################################################
    109 fastboot_wait_for_device()
    110 {
    111   local fdevice=""
    112   local n=0
    113   while [ "$device" != "$fdevice" -a $n -le 30 ]; do
    114     sleep 6
    115     fdevice=`$FASTBOOT devices | sed -n "s/\($device\).*/\1/ p"`
    116     let n+=1
    117   done
    118   if [ $n -gt 30 ]; then
    119     log_print "device time out after $loop iterations"
    120     exit
    121   else
    122     log_print "device returned and available"
    123   fi
    124 }
    126 ################################################
    127 # reboots device into fastboot mode or
    128 # time out is reached
    129 # Globals:
    130 #   device
    131 #   ADB
    132 # Arguments:
    133 #   None
    134 # Returns:
    135 #   None
    136 ################################################
    137 reboot_into_fastboot_from_adb()
    138 {
    139   log_print "rebooting into bootloader and waiting for availability via fastboot"
    140   $ADB -s $device reboot bootloader
    141   fastboot_wait_for_device
    142 }
    144 ################################################
    145 # reboots device into fastboot mode or
    146 # times out
    147 # Globals:
    148 #   device
    149 #   FASTBOOT
    150 # Arguments:
    151 #   None
    152 # Returns:
    153 #   None
    154 ################################################
    155 reboot_into_fastboot_from_fastboot()
    156 {
    157   log_print "rebooting into bootloader and waiting for availability via fastboot"
    158   $FASTBOOT -s $device reboot-bootloader
    159   fastboot_wait_for_device
    160 }
    162 ################################################
    163 # reboots device from fastboot to adb or
    164 # times out
    165 # Globals:
    166 #   device
    167 #   FASTBOOT
    168 #   ADB
    169 # Arguments:
    170 #   None
    171 # Returns:
    172 #   None
    173 ################################################
    174 reboot_into_adb_from_fastboot()
    175 {
    176   log_print "rebooting and waiting for availability via adb"
    177   $FASTBOOT -s $device reboot
    178   $ADB -s $device wait-for-device
    179 }
    181 ################################################
    182 # reboots device from fastboot to adb or
    183 # times out
    184 # Globals:
    185 #   device
    186 #   ADB
    187 # Arguments:
    188 #   None
    189 # Returns:
    190 #   None
    191 ################################################
    192 wait_for_boot_complete()
    193 {
    194   log_print "waiting for device to finish booting"
    195   local result=$($ADB -s $device shell getprop dev.bootcomplete)
    196   local result_test=${result:1:1}
    197   echo -n "."
    198   while [ -z $result_test ]; do
    199     sleep 1
    200     echo -n "."
    201     result=$($ADB -s $device shell getprop dev.bootcomplete)
    202     result_test=${result:0:1}
    203   done
    204   log_print "finished booting"
    205 }
    207 ################################################
    208 # fastboot flashes partition
    209 #
    210 # Globals:
    211 #   device
    212 #   FASTBOOT
    213 # Arguments:
    214 #   command_name
    215 #   command_parameters
    216 # Returns:
    217 #   None
    218 ################################################
    219 fastboot_command()
    220 {
    221   $FASTBOOT -s $device $1 $2 $3
    222   sleep 5
    223 }
    225 ################################################
    226 # fastboot command wrapper
    227 #
    228 # Globals:
    229 #   device
    230 #   FASTBOOT
    231 # Arguments:
    232 #   partition_name
    233 #   file_name
    234 # Returns:
    235 #   None
    236 ################################################
    237 flash_partition()
    238 {
    239   $FASTBOOT -s $device flash $1 $2
    240   sleep 5
    241 }
    243 ################################################
    244 # adb command wrapper
    245 #
    246 # Globals:
    247 #   device
    248 #   ADB
    249 # Arguments:
    250 #   command_name
    251 #   command_parameters
    252 # Returns:
    253 #   None
    254 ################################################
    255 adb_command()
    256 {
    257   $ADB -s $device $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
    258   sleep 5
    259 }
    261 ################################################
    262 # sets the name of the boot partition and
    263 # bootfile, then flashes device
    264 #
    265 # Globals:
    266 #   product
    267 #   ROOT
    268 #   bootloaderfile
    269 #   bootpart
    270 #   device
    271 # Arguments:
    272 #   None
    273 # Returns:
    274 #   None
    275 ################################################
    276 flash_bootloader_image()
    277 {
    278   if [ "$bootpart" == '' ]; then
    279     log_print "bootpart not defined"
    280     exit
    281   fi
    282   if [ "$bootloaderfile" == '' ]; then
    283     log_print "getting bootloader file for $product"
    284     bootloaderfile=`ls -1 $ROOT/$product | sed -n 's/\(.*boot[0-9._]\+img\)/\1/ p'`
    285     if [ "$bootloaderfile" == '' ]; then
    286       log_print "bootloader file empty: $bootloaderfile"
    287       exit
    288     fi
    289     if [ ! -e "$ROOT/$product/$bootloaderfile" ]; then
    290       log_print "bootloader file not found: ./$product/$bootloaderfile"
    291       exit
    292     fi
    293     log_print "using $ROOT/$product/$bootloaderfile as the bootloader image file"
    294   fi
    295   log_print "downloading bootloader image to $device"
    296   flash_partition $bootpart $ROOT/$product/$bootloaderfile
    297   reboot_into_fastboot_from_fastboot
    298 }
    300 ################################################
    301 # sets the name of the radio partition and
    302 # radiofile and flashes device
    303 #
    304 # Globals:
    305 #   product
    306 #   ROOT
    307 #   radiofile
    308 #   radiopart
    309 #   device
    310 # Arguments:
    311 #   None
    312 # Returns:
    313 #   None
    314 ################################################
    315 flash_radio_image()
    316 {
    317   if [ "$radiopart" == '' ]; then
    318     log_print "setting radio partion to 'radio'"
    319     radiopart='radio'
    320   fi
    321   if [ "$radiofile" == "" ]; then
    322     log_print "getting radio file for $product"
    323     radiofile=`ls -1 $ROOT/$product | sed -n 's/\(radio[0-9._A-Za-z]\+img\)/\1/ p'`
    324     if [ "$radiofile" == "" ]; then
    325       log_print "radio file empty: $radiofile"
    326       exit
    327     fi
    328     if [ ! -e "$ROOT/$product/$radiofile" ]; then
    329       log_print "radio file not found: ./$product/$radiofile"
    330       exit
    331     fi
    332     log_print "using $ROOT/$product/$radiofile as the radio image file"
    333   fi
    334   log_print "downloading radio image to $device"
    335   flash_partition $radiopart  $ROOT/$product/$radiofile
    336   reboot_into_fastboot_from_fastboot
    337 }
    339 ################################################
    340 # sets the name of the boot partition and
    341 # bootfile
    342 #
    343 # Globals:
    344 #   product
    345 #   ROOT
    346 #   buildfile
    347 #   device
    348 # Arguments:
    349 #   None
    350 # Returns:
    351 #   None
    352 ################################################
    353 flash_system_image()
    354 {
    355   if [ "$buildfile" == "" ]; then
    356     log_print "getting build file for $product"
    357     buildfile=`\ls -1 $ROOT/$product 2>&1 | sed -n 's/\([a-z]\+-img-[0-9]\+.zip\)/\1/ p'`
    358     if [ "$buildfile" == "" ]; then
    359       log_print "build file empty: $buildfile"
    360       exit
    361     fi
    362     if [ ! -e "$ROOT/$product/$buildfile" ]; then
    363       log_print "build file not found: ./$product/$buildfile"
    364       exit
    365     fi
    366     log_print "using $ROOT/$product/$buildfile as the system image file"
    367   fi
    368   log_print "downloading system image to $device"
    369   fastboot_command update $ROOT/$product/$buildfile
    371 }
    372 ################################################
    373 # flashes the userdata partition
    374 #
    375 # Globals:
    376 #   product
    377 #   ROOT
    378 # Arguments:
    379 #   None
    380 # Returns:
    381 #   None
    382 ################################################
    383 flash_userdata_image()
    384 {
    385   log_print "flashing userdata..."
    386   if [ -e $ROOT/$product/userdata.img ];then
    387     flash_partition userdata $ROOT/$product/userdata.img
    388   else
    389     log_print "userdata.img file not found: $ROOT/$product/userdata.img"
    390     exit
    391   fi
    392 }
    395 ################################################
    396 # flashes the device
    397 #
    398 # Globals:
    399 #   product
    400 #   ROOT
    401 #   FASTBOOT
    402 #   bootfile
    403 #   bootpart
    404 #   radiofile
    405 # Arguments:
    406 #   None
    407 # Returns:
    408 #   None
    409 ################################################
    410 flash_device()
    411 {
    412   log_print "erasing cache..."
    413   fastboot_command erase cache
    414   flash_userdata_image
    415   flash_bootloader_image
    416   flash_radio_image
    417   flash_system_image
    418   #device has been rebooted
    419   adb_command wait-for-device
    420 }
    422 ################################################
    423 # gets the device product type and sets product
    424 #
    425 # Globals:
    426 #   product
    427 #   ROOT
    428 #   FASTBOOT
    429 #   device
    430 # Arguments:
    431 #   None
    432 # Returns:
    433 #   None
    434 ################################################
    435 set_product_type()
    436 {
    437   if [ "$product" == "" ]; then
    438     log_print "getting device product type"
    439     product=`$FASTBOOT -s $device getvar product 2>&1 | sed -n 's/product: \([a-z]*\)\n*/\1/ p'`
    440     if [ ! -e "$ROOT/$product" ]; then
    441       log_print "device product id not supported: $product"
    442       exit
    443     fi
    444   fi
    445   log_print "using $product as device product id"
    446 }
    450 #start of script
    451 #test for dependencies
    452 if [ ! -e $ADB ]; then
    453   echo "Error: adb not in path! Please correct this."
    454   exit
    455 fi
    456 if [ ! -e $FASTBOOT ]; then
    457   echo "Error: fastboot not in path! Please correct this."
    458   exit
    459 fi
    460 #checks to see if the called device is available
    461 if [ "$device" != "" ]; then
    462   tmpdevice=`$ADB devices | sed -n "s/\($device\).*/\1/ p"`
    463   if [ "$device" != "$tmpdevice" ]; then
    464       tmpdevice=`$FASTBOOT devices | sed -n "s/\($device\).*/\1/ p"`
    465     if [ "$device" != "$tmpdevice" ]; then
    466       echo "Warning: device not found... $device"
    467       exit
    468     else
    469       echo "'Device '$device' found!'"
    470       reboot_into_adb_from_fastboot
    471       wait_for_boot_complete
    472     fi
    473   fi
    474 else
    475   device=`$ADB devices | sed -n 's/.*\(^[0-9A-Z]\{2\}[0-9A-Z]*\).*/\1/ p'`
    476   if [ `echo $device | wc -w` -ne 1 ]; then
    477     echo 'There is more than one device found,'
    478     echo 'please pass the correct device ID in as a parameter.'
    479     exit
    480   fi
    481 fi
    482 if [ "$device" == "" ]; then
    483   echo 'Device not found via adb'
    484   device=`$FASTBOOT devices | sed -n 's/.*\(^[0-9A-Z]\{2\}[0-9A-Z]*\).*/\1/ p'`
    485   if [ `echo $device | wc -w` -ne 1 ]; then
    486     echo "There is more than one device available,"
    487     echo "please pass the correct device ID in as a parameter."
    488     exit
    489   fi
    490   if [ "$device" == "" ]; then
    491     echo 'Device not found via fastboot, please investigate'
    492     exit
    493   else
    494     echo 'Device '$device' found!'
    495     reboot_into_adb_from_fastboot
    496     wait_for_boot_complete
    497     echo 'Hammering on '$device
    498   fi
    499 else
    500   echo 'Hammering on '$device
    501 fi
    502 reboot_into_fastboot_from_adb
    503 set_product_type
    504 reboot_into_adb_from_fastboot
    505 wait_for_boot_complete
    507 #check for availability of a custom flash info file and retreive it
    508 if [ -e "$ROOT/$product/custom_flash.sh" ]; then
    509   . $ROOT/$product/custom_flash.sh
    510 fi
    511 echo $'\n\n'
    513 #start of looping
    514 for ((loop=1 ; loop <= $COUNT ; loop++ )) ; do
    515   echo ""
    516   echo ""
    517   echo ________________ $(date +'%D %T') - $loop - $device ______________________
    519   log_print "setting adb root and sleeping for 7 seconds"
    520   adb_command root
    521   wait_for_battery
    522   log_print "rebooting into bootloader and waiting for availability via fastboot"
    523   reboot_into_fastboot_from_adb
    524   # not necessary, but useful in testing
    525   log_print "using fastboot to reboot to bootloader for test purposes"
    526   reboot_into_fastboot_from_fastboot
    528   #flashing the device
    529   flash_device
    531   #preping device for monkey run
    532   log_print "setting adb root"
    533   adb_command root
    534   log_print "setting ro.test_harness property"
    535   adb_command shell setprop ro.test_harness 1
    537   log_print "waiting for device to finish booting"
    538   result=$($ADB -s $device shell getprop dev.bootcomplete)
    539   result_test=${result:1:1}
    540   echo -n "."
    541   while [ -z $result_test ]; do
    542     sleep 1
    543     echo -n "."
    544     result=$($ADB -s $device shell getprop dev.bootcomplete)
    545     result_test=${result:0:1}
    546   done
    548   log_print "finished booting"
    549   log_print "waiting for the Package Manager"
    550   result=$($ADB -s $device shell pm path android)
    551   result_test=${result:0:7}
    552   echo -n "."
    553   while [ $result_test != "package" ]; do
    554     sleep 1
    555     echo -n "."
    556     result=$($ADB -s $device shell pm path android)
    557     result_test=${result:0:7}
    558   done
    559   echo "Package Manager available"
    561   #lets you see what's going on
    562   log_print "setting shell svc power stayon true"
    563   adb_command shell svc power stayon true
    565   #calls the monkey run if not skipped
    566   if [ $NOMONKEY == 0 ]; then
    567     seed=$(($(date +%s) % 99))
    568     log_print "running short monkey run..."
    569     $ADB -s $device shell monkey -p com.android.alarmclock -p com.android.browser -p com.android.calculator2 -p com.android.calendar -p com.android.camera -p com.android.contacts -p com.google.android.gm -p com.android.im -p com.android.launcher -p com.google.android.apps.maps -p com.android.mms -p com.android.music -p com.android.phone -p com.android.settings -p com.google.android.street -p com.android.vending -p com.google.android.youtube -p com.android.email -p com.google.android.voicesearch  -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER  --ignore-security-exceptions  -s $seed $MEVENTS
    570     log_print "finished running monkey, rinse, repeat..."
    571   else
    572     log_print "-x parameter used, skipping the monkey run"
    573   fi
    575   if [ $loop -eq $COUNT ]; then
    576     log_print "device $device has returned, testing completed, count = $loop"
    577     echo `echo "Device $device has returned, testing completed, count = $loop." > $ROOT/$device.log`
    578   else
    579     log_print "device $device has returned, rinse and repeat count = $loop"
    580     echo `echo "Device $device has returned, rinse and repeat count = $loop." > $ROOT/$device.log`
    581   fi
    582 done