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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include <limits.h>
     18 #include <stdio.h>
     19 #include <stdlib.h>
     20 #include <sys/types.h>
     21 #include <sys/stat.h>
     22 #include <sys/wait.h>
     23 #include <unistd.h>
     25 #include <algorithm>
     26 #include <fstream>
     27 #include <iomanip>
     28 #include <memory>
     29 #include <sstream>
     30 #include <string>
     31 #include <vector>
     33 #include <gflags/gflags.h>
     34 #include <glog/logging.h>
     36 #include "common/libs/fs/shared_select.h"
     37 #include "common/libs/strings/str_split.h"
     38 #include "common/vsoc/lib/vsoc_memory.h"
     39 #include "common/vsoc/shm/screen_layout.h"
     40 #include "host/commands/launch/pre_launch_initializers.h"
     41 #include "host/libs/config/cuttlefish_config.h"
     42 #include "host/libs/ivserver/ivserver.h"
     43 #include "host/libs/ivserver/options.h"
     44 #include "host/libs/monitor/kernel_log_server.h"
     45 #include "host/libs/usbip/server.h"
     46 #include "host/libs/vadb/virtual_adb_server.h"
     47 #include "host/libs/vm_manager/libvirt_manager.h"
     49 namespace {
     50 std::string StringFromEnv(const char* varname, std::string defval) {
     51   const char* const valstr = getenv(varname);
     52   if (!valstr) {
     53     return defval;
     54   }
     55   return valstr;
     56 }
     58 std::string DefaultHostArtifactsPath(const char* file_name) {
     59   return (StringFromEnv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT", StringFromEnv("HOME", ".")) + "/") +
     60          file_name;
     61 }
     63 }  // namespace
     65 using vsoc::GetPerInstanceDefault;
     67 DEFINE_string(
     68     system_image, "",
     69     "Path to the system image, if empty it is assumed to be a file named "
     70     "system.img in the directory specified by -system_image_dir");
     71 DEFINE_string(cache_image, "", "Location of the cache partition image.");
     72 DEFINE_int32(cpus, 2, "Virtual CPU count.");
     73 DEFINE_string(data_image, "", "Location of the data partition image.");
     74 DEFINE_string(data_policy, "use_existing", "How to handle userdata partition."
     75             " Either 'use_existing', 'create_if_missing', or 'always_create'.");
     76 DEFINE_int32(blank_data_image_mb, 0,
     77              "The size of the blank data image to generate, MB.");
     78 DEFINE_string(blank_data_image_fmt, "ext4",
     79               "The fs format for the blank data image. Used with mkfs.");
     81 DEFINE_int32(x_res, 720, "Width of the screen in pixels");
     82 DEFINE_int32(y_res, 1280, "Height of the screen in pixels");
     83 DEFINE_int32(dpi, 160, "Pixels per inch for the screen");
     84 DEFINE_int32(refresh_rate_hz, 60, "Screen refresh rate in Hertz");
     85 DEFINE_int32(num_screen_buffers, 3, "The number of screen buffers");
     87 DEFINE_bool(disable_app_armor_security, false,
     88             "Disable AppArmor security in libvirt. For debug only.");
     89 DEFINE_bool(disable_dac_security, false,
     90             "Disable DAC security in libvirt. For debug only.");
     91 DEFINE_string(extra_kernel_command_line, "",
     92               "Additional flags to put on the kernel command line");
     93 DEFINE_string(initrd, "", "Location of cuttlefish initrd file.");
     94 DEFINE_string(kernel, "", "Location of cuttlefish kernel file.");
     95 DEFINE_string(kernel_command_line, "",
     96               "Location of a text file with the kernel command line.");
     97 DEFINE_int32(memory_mb, 2048,
     98              "Total amount of memory available for guest, MB.");
     99 std::string g_default_mempath{GetPerInstanceDefault("/var/run/shm/cvd-")};
    100 DEFINE_string(mempath, g_default_mempath.c_str(),
    101               "Target location for the shmem file.");
    102 std::string g_default_mobile_interface{GetPerInstanceDefault("cvd-mobile-")};
    103 DEFINE_string(mobile_interface, g_default_mobile_interface.c_str(),
    104               "Network interface to use for mobile networking");
    105 DEFINE_string(mobile_tap_name, GetPerInstanceDefault("amobile"),
    106               "The name of the tap interface to use for mobile");
    107 std::string g_default_serial_number{GetPerInstanceDefault("CUTTLEFISHCVD")};
    108 DEFINE_string(serial_number, g_default_serial_number.c_str(),
    109               "Serial number to use for the device");
    110 DEFINE_string(instance_dir, vsoc::GetDefaultPerInstanceDir(),
    111               "A directory to put all instance specific files");
    112 DEFINE_string(system_image_dir,
    113               StringFromEnv("ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT", StringFromEnv("HOME", ".")),
    114               "Location of the system partition images.");
    115 DEFINE_string(vendor_image, "", "Location of the vendor partition image.");
    117 DEFINE_bool(deprecated_boot_completed, false, "Log boot completed message to"
    118             " host kernel. This is only used during transition of our clients."
    119             " Will be deprecated soon.");
    120 DEFINE_bool(start_vnc_server, true, "Whether to start the vnc server process.");
    121 DEFINE_string(vnc_server_binary,
    122               DefaultHostArtifactsPath("/bin/vnc_server"),
    123               "Location of the vnc server binary.");
    124 DEFINE_int32(vnc_server_port, GetPerInstanceDefault(6444),
    125              "The port on which the vnc server should listen");
    126 DEFINE_string(socket_forward_proxy_binary,
    127               DefaultHostArtifactsPath("/bin/socket_forward_proxy"),
    128               "Location of the socket_forward_proxy binary.");
    129 DEFINE_string(adb_mode, "tunnel",
    130               "Mode for adb connection. Can be usb for usb forwarding, or "
    131               "tunnel for tcp connection. If using tunnel, you may have to "
    132               "run 'adb kill-server' to get the device to show up.");
    133 DEFINE_int32(vhci_port, GetPerInstanceDefault(0), "VHCI port to use for usb");
    134 DEFINE_string(guest_mac_address,
    135               GetPerInstanceDefault("00:43:56:44:80:"), // 00:43:56:44:80:0x
    136               "MAC address of the wifi interface to be created on the guest.");
    137 DEFINE_string(host_mac_address,
    138               "42:00:00:00:00:00",
    139               "MAC address of the wifi interface running on the host.");
    140 DEFINE_bool(start_wifi_relay, true, "Whether to start the wifi_relay process.");
    141 DEFINE_string(wifi_relay_binary,
    142               DefaultHostArtifactsPath("/bin/wifi_relay"),
    143               "Location of the wifi_relay binary.");
    144 std::string g_default_wifi_interface{GetPerInstanceDefault("cvd-wifi-")};
    145 DEFINE_string(wifi_interface, g_default_wifi_interface.c_str(),
    146               "Network interface to use for wifi");
    147 // TODO(b/72969289) This should be generated
    148 DEFINE_string(dtb, DefaultHostArtifactsPath("config/cuttlefish.dtb"),
    149               "Path to the cuttlefish.dtb file");
    151 constexpr char kDefaultUuidPrefix[] = "699acfc4-c8c4-11e7-882b-5065f31dc1";
    152 DEFINE_string(uuid, vsoc::GetPerInstanceDefault(kDefaultUuidPrefix).c_str(),
    153               "UUID to use for the device. Random if not specified");
    155 DECLARE_string(config_file);
    157 namespace {
    158 const std::string kDataPolicyUseExisting = "use_existing";
    159 const std::string kDataPolicyCreateIfMissing = "create_if_missing";
    160 const std::string kDataPolicyAlwaysCreate = "always_create";
    162 constexpr char kAdbModeTunnel[] = "tunnel";
    163 constexpr char kAdbModeUsb[] = "usb";
    165 // VirtualUSBManager manages virtual USB device presence for Cuttlefish.
    166 class VirtualUSBManager {
    167  public:
    168   VirtualUSBManager(const std::string& usbsocket, int vhci_port,
    169                     const std::string& android_usbipsocket)
    170       : adb_{usbsocket, vhci_port, android_usbipsocket},
    171         usbip_{android_usbipsocket, adb_.Pool()} {}
    173   ~VirtualUSBManager() = default;
    175   // Initialize Virtual USB and start USB management thread.
    176   void Start() {
    177     CHECK(adb_.Init()) << "Could not initialize Virtual ADB server";
    178     CHECK(usbip_.Init()) << "Could not start USB/IP server";
    179     std::thread([this] { Thread(); }).detach();
    180   }
    182  private:
    183   void Thread() {
    184     for (;;) {
    185       cvd::SharedFDSet fd_read;
    186       fd_read.Zero();
    188       adb_.BeforeSelect(&fd_read);
    189       usbip_.BeforeSelect(&fd_read);
    191       int ret = cvd::Select(&fd_read, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
    192       if (ret <= 0) continue;
    194       adb_.AfterSelect(fd_read);
    195       usbip_.AfterSelect(fd_read);
    196     }
    197   }
    199   vadb::VirtualADBServer adb_;
    200   vadb::usbip::Server usbip_;
    202   VirtualUSBManager(const VirtualUSBManager&) = delete;
    203   VirtualUSBManager& operator=(const VirtualUSBManager&) = delete;
    204 };
    206 // IVServerManager takes care of serving shared memory segments between
    207 // Cuttlefish and host-side daemons.
    208 class IVServerManager {
    209  public:
    210   IVServerManager(const std::string& mempath, const std::string& qemu_socket)
    211       : server_(ivserver::IVServerOptions(mempath, qemu_socket,
    212                                           vsoc::GetDomain())) {}
    214   ~IVServerManager() = default;
    216   // Start IVServer thread.
    217   void Start() {
    218     std::thread([this] { server_.Serve(); }).detach();
    219   }
    221  private:
    222   ivserver::IVServer server_;
    224   IVServerManager(const IVServerManager&) = delete;
    225   IVServerManager& operator=(const IVServerManager&) = delete;
    226 };
    228 // KernelLogMonitor receives and monitors kernel log for Cuttlefish.
    229 class KernelLogMonitor {
    230  public:
    231   KernelLogMonitor(const std::string& socket_name,
    232                    const std::string& log_name,
    233                    bool deprecated_boot_completed)
    234       : klog_{socket_name, log_name, deprecated_boot_completed} {}
    236   ~KernelLogMonitor() = default;
    238   void Start() {
    239     CHECK(klog_.Init()) << "Could not initialize kernel log server";
    240     std::thread([this] { Thread(); }).detach();
    241   }
    243  private:
    244   void Thread() {
    245     for (;;) {
    246       cvd::SharedFDSet fd_read;
    247       fd_read.Zero();
    249       klog_.BeforeSelect(&fd_read);
    251       int ret = cvd::Select(&fd_read, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
    252       if (ret <= 0) continue;
    254       klog_.AfterSelect(fd_read);
    255     }
    256   }
    258   monitor::KernelLogServer klog_;
    260   KernelLogMonitor(const KernelLogMonitor&) = delete;
    261   KernelLogMonitor& operator=(const KernelLogMonitor&) = delete;
    262 };
    264 void subprocess(const char* const* command,
    265                 const char* const* envp,
    266                 bool wait_for_child = true) {
    267   pid_t pid = fork();
    268   if (!pid) {
    269     int rval;
    270     // If envp is NULL, the current process's environment is used as the
    271     // environment of the child process. To force an empty emvironment for the
    272     // child process pass the address of a pointer to NULL
    273     if (envp == NULL) {
    274       rval = execv(command[0], const_cast<char* const*>(command));
    275     } else {
    276       rval = execve(command[0], const_cast<char* const*>(command),
    277                     const_cast<char* const*>(envp));
    278     }
    279     // No need for an if: if exec worked it wouldn't have returned
    280     LOG(ERROR) << "exec of " << command[0] << " failed (" << strerror(errno)
    281                << ")";
    282     exit(rval);
    283   }
    284   if (pid == -1) {
    285     LOG(ERROR) << "fork of " << command[0] << " failed (" << strerror(errno)
    286                << ")";
    287   }
    288   if (pid > 0) {
    289     if (wait_for_child) {
    290       waitpid(pid, 0, 0);
    291     } else {
    292       LOG(INFO) << "Started " << command[0] << ", pid: " << pid;
    293     }
    294   }
    295 }
    297 bool FileExists(const char* path) {
    298   struct stat unused;
    299   return stat(path, &unused) != -1 || errno != ENOENT;
    300 }
    302 void CreateBlankImage(
    303     const std::string& image, int image_mb, const std::string& image_fmt) {
    304   LOG(INFO) << "Creating " << image;
    305   std::string of = "of=";
    306   of += image;
    307   std::string count = "count=";
    308   count += std::to_string(image_mb);
    309   const char* dd_command[]{
    310     "/bin/dd", "if=/dev/zero", of.c_str(), "bs=1M", count.c_str(), NULL};
    311   subprocess(dd_command, NULL);
    312   const char* mkfs_command[]{
    313     "/sbin/mkfs", "-t", image_fmt.c_str(), image.c_str(), NULL};
    314   const char* envp[]{"PATH=/sbin", NULL};
    315   subprocess(mkfs_command, envp);
    316 }
    318 void RemoveFile(const std::string& file) {
    319   LOG(INFO) << "Removing " << file;
    320   const char* rm_command[]{
    321     "/bin/rm", "-f", file.c_str(), NULL};
    322   subprocess(rm_command, NULL);
    323 }
    325 bool ApplyDataImagePolicy(const char* data_image) {
    326   bool data_exists = FileExists(data_image);
    327   bool remove{};
    328   bool create{};
    330   if (FLAGS_data_policy == kDataPolicyUseExisting) {
    331     if (!data_exists) {
    332       LOG(FATAL) << "Specified data image file does not exists: " << data_image;
    333       return false;
    334     }
    335     if (FLAGS_blank_data_image_mb > 0) {
    336       LOG(FATAL) << "You should NOT use -blank_data_image_mb with -data_policy="
    337                  << kDataPolicyUseExisting;
    338       return false;
    339     }
    340     create = false;
    341     remove = false;
    342   } else if (FLAGS_data_policy == kDataPolicyAlwaysCreate) {
    343     remove = data_exists;
    344     create = true;
    345   } else if (FLAGS_data_policy == kDataPolicyCreateIfMissing) {
    346     create = !data_exists;
    347     remove = false;
    348   } else {
    349     LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid data_policy: " << FLAGS_data_policy;
    350   }
    352   if (remove) {
    353     RemoveFile(data_image);
    354   }
    356   if (create) {
    357     if (FLAGS_blank_data_image_mb <= 0) {
    358       LOG(FATAL) << "-blank_data_image_mb is required to create data image";
    359     }
    360     CreateBlankImage(
    361         data_image, FLAGS_blank_data_image_mb, FLAGS_blank_data_image_fmt);
    362   } else {
    363     LOG(INFO) << data_image << " exists. Not creating it.";
    364   }
    366   return true;
    367 }
    369 bool EnsureDirExists(const char* dir) {
    370   if (!FileExists(dir)) {
    371     LOG(INFO) << "Setting up " << dir;
    372     if (mkdir(dir, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) < 0) {
    373       if (errno == EACCES) {
    374         // TODO(79170615) Don't use sudo once libvirt is replaced
    375         LOG(WARNING) << "Not enough permission to create " << dir
    376                      << " retrying with sudo";
    377         const char* mkdir_command[]{"/usr/bin/sudo", "/bin/mkdir", "-m",
    378                                     "0775",          dir,          NULL};
    379         subprocess(mkdir_command, NULL);
    381         // When created with sudo the owner and group is root.
    382         std::string user_group = getenv("USER");
    383         user_group += ":libvirt-qemu";
    384         const char* chown_cmd[] = {"/usr/bin/sudo", "/bin/chown",
    385                                    user_group.c_str(), dir, NULL};
    386         subprocess(chown_cmd, NULL);
    387       } else {
    388         LOG(FATAL) << "Unable to create " << dir << ". Error: " << errno;
    389         return false;
    390       }
    391     }
    392   }
    393   return true;
    394 }
    396 std::string GetConfigFile() {
    397   return vsoc::CuttlefishConfig::Get()->PerInstancePath(
    398       "cuttlefish_config.json");
    399 }
    401 std::string GetConfigFileArg() { return "-config_file=" + GetConfigFile(); }
    403 std::string GetGuestPortArg() {
    404   constexpr int kEmulatorPort = 5555;
    405   return std::string{"--guest_ports="} + std::to_string(kEmulatorPort);
    406 }
    408 std::string GetHostPortArg() {
    409   constexpr int kFirstHostPort = 6520;
    410   return std::string{"--host_ports="} +
    411       std::to_string(vsoc::GetPerInstanceDefault(kFirstHostPort));
    412 }
    414 void ValidateAdbModeFlag() {
    415   CHECK(FLAGS_adb_mode == kAdbModeUsb ||
    416         FLAGS_adb_mode == kAdbModeTunnel) << "invalid --adb_mode";
    417 }
    419 bool AdbTunnelEnabled() {
    420   return FLAGS_adb_mode == kAdbModeTunnel;
    421 }
    423 bool AdbUsbEnabled() {
    424   return FLAGS_adb_mode == kAdbModeUsb;
    425 }
    427 void LaunchSocketForwardProxyIfEnabled() {
    428   if (AdbTunnelEnabled()) {
    429     auto guest_port_arg = GetGuestPortArg();
    430     auto host_port_arg = GetHostPortArg();
    431     auto config_arg = GetConfigFileArg();
    433     const char* const socket_proxy[] = {
    434       FLAGS_socket_forward_proxy_binary.c_str(),
    435       guest_port_arg.c_str(),
    436       host_port_arg.c_str(),
    437       config_arg.c_str(),
    438       NULL
    439     };
    440     subprocess(socket_proxy, nullptr, false);
    441   }
    442 }
    444 void LaunchVNCServerIfEnabled() {
    445   if (FLAGS_start_vnc_server) {
    446     // Launch the vnc server, don't wait for it to complete
    447     auto port_options = "-port=" + std::to_string(FLAGS_vnc_server_port);
    448     auto config_arg = GetConfigFileArg();
    449     const char* vnc_command[] = {
    450       FLAGS_vnc_server_binary.c_str(),
    451       port_options.c_str(),
    452       config_arg.c_str(),
    453       NULL
    454     };
    455     subprocess(vnc_command, NULL, false);
    456   }
    457 }
    459 void LaunchWifiRelayIfEnabled() {
    460   if (FLAGS_start_wifi_relay) {
    461     // Launch the wifi relay, don't wait for it to complete
    462     auto config_arg = GetConfigFileArg();
    463     const char* relay_command[] = {
    464         "/usr/bin/sudo",
    465         "-E",
    466         FLAGS_wifi_relay_binary.c_str(),
    467         config_arg.c_str(),
    468         NULL
    469     };
    471     subprocess(relay_command, NULL /* envp */, false /* wait_for_child */);
    472   }
    473 }
    474 bool ResolveInstanceFiles() {
    475   if (FLAGS_system_image_dir.empty()) {
    476     LOG(FATAL) << "--system_image_dir must be specified.";
    477     return false;
    478   }
    480   // If user did not specify location of either of these files, expect them to
    481   // be placed in --system_image_dir location.
    482   if (FLAGS_kernel.empty()) {
    483     FLAGS_kernel = FLAGS_system_image_dir + "/kernel";
    484   }
    485   if (FLAGS_kernel_command_line.empty()) {
    486     FLAGS_kernel_command_line = FLAGS_system_image_dir + "/cmdline";
    487   }
    488   if (FLAGS_system_image.empty()) {
    489     FLAGS_system_image = FLAGS_system_image_dir + "/system.img";
    490   }
    491   if (FLAGS_initrd.empty()) {
    492     FLAGS_initrd = FLAGS_system_image_dir + "/ramdisk.img";
    493   }
    494   if (FLAGS_cache_image.empty()) {
    495     FLAGS_cache_image = FLAGS_system_image_dir + "/cache.img";
    496   }
    497   if (FLAGS_data_image.empty()) {
    498     FLAGS_data_image = FLAGS_system_image_dir + "/userdata.img";
    499   }
    500   if (FLAGS_vendor_image.empty()) {
    501     FLAGS_vendor_image = FLAGS_system_image_dir + "/vendor.img";
    502   }
    504   // Create data if necessary
    505   if (!ApplyDataImagePolicy(FLAGS_data_image.c_str())) {
    506     return false;
    507   }
    509   // Check that the files exist
    510   for (const auto& file :
    511        {FLAGS_system_image, FLAGS_vendor_image, FLAGS_cache_image, FLAGS_kernel,
    512         FLAGS_initrd, FLAGS_data_image, FLAGS_kernel_command_line}) {
    513     if (!FileExists(file.c_str())) {
    514       LOG(FATAL) << "File not found: " << file;
    515       return false;
    516     }
    517   }
    518   return true;
    519 }
    521 bool SetUpGlobalConfiguration() {
    522   if (!ResolveInstanceFiles()) {
    523     return false;
    524   }
    525   auto& memory_layout = *vsoc::VSoCMemoryLayout::Get();
    526   auto config = vsoc::CuttlefishConfig::Get();
    527   // Set this first so that calls to PerInstancePath below are correct
    528   config->set_instance_dir(FLAGS_instance_dir);
    529   if (!EnsureDirExists(FLAGS_instance_dir.c_str())) {
    530     return false;
    531   }
    533   config->set_serial_number(FLAGS_serial_number);
    535   config->set_cpus(FLAGS_cpus);
    536   config->set_memory_mb(FLAGS_memory_mb);
    538   config->set_dpi(FLAGS_dpi);
    539   config->set_x_res(FLAGS_x_res);
    540   config->set_y_res(FLAGS_y_res);
    541   config->set_refresh_rate_hz(FLAGS_refresh_rate_hz);
    543   config->set_kernel_image_path(FLAGS_kernel);
    544   std::ostringstream extra_cmdline;
    545   extra_cmdline << " androidboot.serialno=" << FLAGS_serial_number;
    546   extra_cmdline << " androidboot.lcd_density=" << FLAGS_dpi;
    547   if (FLAGS_extra_kernel_command_line.size()) {
    548     extra_cmdline << " " << FLAGS_extra_kernel_command_line;
    549   }
    550   config->ReadKernelArgs(FLAGS_kernel_command_line.c_str(),
    551                          extra_cmdline.str());
    553   config->set_ramdisk_image_path(FLAGS_initrd);
    554   config->set_system_image_path(FLAGS_system_image);
    555   config->set_cache_image_path(FLAGS_cache_image);
    556   config->set_data_image_path(FLAGS_data_image);
    557   config->set_vendor_image_path(FLAGS_vendor_image);
    558   config->set_dtb_path(FLAGS_dtb);
    560   config->set_mempath(FLAGS_mempath);
    561   config->set_ivshmem_qemu_socket_path(
    562       config->PerInstancePath("ivshmem_socket_qemu"));
    563   config->set_ivshmem_client_socket_path(
    564       config->PerInstancePath("ivshmem_socket_client"));
    565   config->set_ivshmem_vector_count(memory_layout.GetRegions().size());
    567   config->set_usb_v1_socket_name(config->PerInstancePath("usb-v1"));
    568   config->set_vhci_port(FLAGS_vhci_port);
    569   config->set_usb_ip_socket_name(config->PerInstancePath("usb-ip"));
    571   config->set_kernel_log_socket_name(config->PerInstancePath("kernel-log"));
    572   config->set_console_path(config->PerInstancePath("console"));
    573   config->set_logcat_path(config->PerInstancePath("logcat"));
    575   config->set_mobile_bridge_name(FLAGS_mobile_interface);
    576   config->set_mobile_tap_name(FLAGS_mobile_tap_name);
    578   config->set_wifi_guest_mac_addr(FLAGS_guest_mac_address);
    579   config->set_wifi_host_mac_addr(FLAGS_host_mac_address);
    581   config->set_entropy_source("/dev/urandom");
    582   config->set_uuid(FLAGS_uuid);
    584   config->set_disable_dac_security(FLAGS_disable_dac_security);
    585   config->set_disable_app_armor_security(FLAGS_disable_app_armor_security);
    587   if(!AdbUsbEnabled()) {
    588     config->disable_usb_adb();
    589   }
    591   return true;
    592 }
    594 }  // anonymous namespace
    596 namespace launch_cvd {
    597 void ParseCommandLineFlags(int argc, char** argv) {
    598   // The config_file is created by the launcher, so the launcher is the only
    599   // host process that doesn't use the flag.
    600   // Set the default to empty.
    601   google::SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("config_file", "",
    602                                        gflags::SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
    603   google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
    604   // Set the flag value to empty (in case the caller passed a value for it).
    605   FLAGS_config_file = "";
    607   ValidateAdbModeFlag();
    608 }
    609 }  // namespace launch_cvd
    611 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    612   ::android::base::InitLogging(argv, android::base::StderrLogger);
    613   launch_cvd::ParseCommandLineFlags(argc, argv);
    615   // Do this early so that the config object is ready for anything that needs it
    616   if (!SetUpGlobalConfiguration()) {
    617     return -1;
    618   }
    620   auto& memory_layout = *vsoc::VSoCMemoryLayout::Get();
    621   // TODO(b/79170615) These values need to go to the config object/file and the
    622   // region resizing be done by the ivserver process (or maybe the config
    623   // library to ensure all processes have the correct value?)
    624   size_t screen_region_size =
    625       memory_layout
    626           .GetRegionByName(vsoc::layout::screen::ScreenLayout::region_name)
    627           ->region_size();
    628   auto actual_width = ((FLAGS_x_res * 4) + 15) & ~15;  // aligned to 16
    629   screen_region_size += FLAGS_num_screen_buffers *
    630                  (actual_width * FLAGS_y_res + 16 /* padding */);
    631   screen_region_size += (FLAGS_num_screen_buffers - 1) * 4096; /* Guard pages */
    632   memory_layout.ResizeRegion(vsoc::layout::screen::ScreenLayout::region_name,
    633                              screen_region_size);
    634   // TODO(b/79170615) Resize gralloc region too.
    637   auto config = vsoc::CuttlefishConfig::Get();
    638   // Save the config object before starting any host process
    639   if (!config->SaveToFile(GetConfigFile())) {
    640     return -1;
    641   }
    643   // Start the usb manager
    644   VirtualUSBManager vadb(config->usb_v1_socket_name(), config->vhci_port(),
    645                          config->usb_ip_socket_name());
    646   vadb.Start();
    648   // Start IVServer
    649   IVServerManager ivshmem(config->mempath(), config->ivshmem_qemu_socket_path());
    650   ivshmem.Start();
    652   KernelLogMonitor kmon(config->kernel_log_socket_name(),
    653                         config->PerInstancePath("kernel.log"),
    654                         FLAGS_deprecated_boot_completed);
    655   kmon.Start();
    657   // Initialize the regions that require so before the VM starts.
    658   PreLaunchInitializers::Initialize();
    660   // Start the guest VM
    661   vm_manager::LibvirtManager libvirt;
    662   if (!libvirt.Start()) {
    663     LOG(FATAL) << "Unable to start libvirt";
    664     return -1;
    665   }
    667   LaunchSocketForwardProxyIfEnabled();
    668   LaunchVNCServerIfEnabled();
    669   LaunchWifiRelayIfEnabled();
    671   pause();
    672 }