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      1 """
      2 Import utilities
      4 Exported classes:
      5     ImportManager   Manage the import process
      7     Importer        Base class for replacing standard import functions
      8     BuiltinImporter Emulate the import mechanism for builtin and frozen modules
     10     DynLoadSuffixImporter
     11 """
     12 from warnings import warnpy3k
     13 warnpy3k("the imputil module has been removed in Python 3.0", stacklevel=2)
     14 del warnpy3k
     16 # note: avoid importing non-builtin modules

     17 import imp                      ### not available in Jython?

     18 import sys
     19 import __builtin__
     21 # for the DirectoryImporter

     22 import struct
     23 import marshal
     25 __all__ = ["ImportManager","Importer","BuiltinImporter"]
     27 _StringType = type('')
     28 _ModuleType = type(sys)         ### doesn't work in Jython...

     30 class ImportManager:
     31     "Manage the import process."
     33     def install(self, namespace=vars(__builtin__)):
     34         "Install this ImportManager into the specified namespace."
     36         if isinstance(namespace, _ModuleType):
     37             namespace = vars(namespace)
     39         # Note: we have no notion of "chaining"

     41         # Record the previous import hook, then install our own.

     42         self.previous_importer = namespace['__import__']
     43         self.namespace = namespace
     44         namespace['__import__'] = self._import_hook
     46         ### fix this

     47         #namespace['reload'] = self._reload_hook

     49     def uninstall(self):
     50         "Restore the previous import mechanism."
     51         self.namespace['__import__'] = self.previous_importer
     53     def add_suffix(self, suffix, importFunc):
     54         assert hasattr(importFunc, '__call__')
     55         self.fs_imp.add_suffix(suffix, importFunc)
     57     ######################################################################

     58     #

     59     # PRIVATE METHODS

     60     #

     62     clsFilesystemImporter = None
     64     def __init__(self, fs_imp=None):
     65         # we're definitely going to be importing something in the future,

     66         # so let's just load the OS-related facilities.

     67         if not _os_stat:
     68             _os_bootstrap()
     70         # This is the Importer that we use for grabbing stuff from the

     71         # filesystem. It defines one more method (import_from_dir) for our use.

     72         if fs_imp is None:
     73             cls = self.clsFilesystemImporter or _FilesystemImporter
     74             fs_imp = cls()
     75         self.fs_imp = fs_imp
     77         # Initialize the set of suffixes that we recognize and import.

     78         # The default will import dynamic-load modules first, followed by

     79         # .py files (or a .py file's cached bytecode)

     80         for desc in imp.get_suffixes():
     81             if desc[2] == imp.C_EXTENSION:
     82                 self.add_suffix(desc[0],
     83                                 DynLoadSuffixImporter(desc).import_file)
     84         self.add_suffix('.py', py_suffix_importer)
     86     def _import_hook(self, fqname, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None):
     87         """Python calls this hook to locate and import a module."""
     89         parts = fqname.split('.')
     91         # determine the context of this import

     92         parent = self._determine_import_context(globals)
     94         # if there is a parent, then its importer should manage this import

     95         if parent:
     96             module = parent.__importer__._do_import(parent, parts, fromlist)
     97             if module:
     98                 return module
    100         # has the top module already been imported?

    101         try:
    102             top_module = sys.modules[parts[0]]
    103         except KeyError:
    105             # look for the topmost module

    106             top_module = self._import_top_module(parts[0])
    107             if not top_module:
    108                 # the topmost module wasn't found at all.

    109                 raise ImportError, 'No module named ' + fqname
    111         # fast-path simple imports

    112         if len(parts) == 1:
    113             if not fromlist:
    114                 return top_module
    116             if not top_module.__dict__.get('__ispkg__'):
    117                 # __ispkg__ isn't defined (the module was not imported by us),

    118                 # or it is zero.

    119                 #

    120                 # In the former case, there is no way that we could import

    121                 # sub-modules that occur in the fromlist (but we can't raise an

    122                 # error because it may just be names) because we don't know how

    123                 # to deal with packages that were imported by other systems.

    124                 #

    125                 # In the latter case (__ispkg__ == 0), there can't be any sub-

    126                 # modules present, so we can just return.

    127                 #

    128                 # In both cases, since len(parts) == 1, the top_module is also

    129                 # the "bottom" which is the defined return when a fromlist

    130                 # exists.

    131                 return top_module
    133         importer = top_module.__dict__.get('__importer__')
    134         if importer:
    135             return importer._finish_import(top_module, parts[1:], fromlist)
    137         # Grrr, some people "import os.path" or do "from os.path import ..."

    138         if len(parts) == 2 and hasattr(top_module, parts[1]):
    139             if fromlist:
    140                 return getattr(top_module, parts[1])
    141             else:
    142                 return top_module
    144         # If the importer does not exist, then we have to bail. A missing

    145         # importer means that something else imported the module, and we have

    146         # no knowledge of how to get sub-modules out of the thing.

    147         raise ImportError, 'No module named ' + fqname
    149     def _determine_import_context(self, globals):
    150         """Returns the context in which a module should be imported.
    152         The context could be a loaded (package) module and the imported module
    153         will be looked for within that package. The context could also be None,
    154         meaning there is no context -- the module should be looked for as a
    155         "top-level" module.
    156         """
    158         if not globals or not globals.get('__importer__'):
    159             # globals does not refer to one of our modules or packages. That

    160             # implies there is no relative import context (as far as we are

    161             # concerned), and it should just pick it off the standard path.

    162             return None
    164         # The globals refer to a module or package of ours. It will define

    165         # the context of the new import. Get the module/package fqname.

    166         parent_fqname = globals['__name__']
    168         # if a package is performing the import, then return itself (imports

    169         # refer to pkg contents)

    170         if globals['__ispkg__']:
    171             parent = sys.modules[parent_fqname]
    172             assert globals is parent.__dict__
    173             return parent
    175         i = parent_fqname.rfind('.')
    177         # a module outside of a package has no particular import context

    178         if i == -1:
    179             return None
    181         # if a module in a package is performing the import, then return the

    182         # package (imports refer to siblings)

    183         parent_fqname = parent_fqname[:i]
    184         parent = sys.modules[parent_fqname]
    185         assert parent.__name__ == parent_fqname
    186         return parent
    188     def _import_top_module(self, name):
    189         # scan sys.path looking for a location in the filesystem that contains

    190         # the module, or an Importer object that can import the module.

    191         for item in sys.path:
    192             if isinstance(item, _StringType):
    193                 module = self.fs_imp.import_from_dir(item, name)
    194             else:
    195                 module = item.import_top(name)
    196             if module:
    197                 return module
    198         return None
    200     def _reload_hook(self, module):
    201         "Python calls this hook to reload a module."
    203         # reloading of a module may or may not be possible (depending on the

    204         # importer), but at least we can validate that it's ours to reload

    205         importer = module.__dict__.get('__importer__')
    206         if not importer:
    207             ### oops. now what...

    208             pass
    210         # okay. it is using the imputil system, and we must delegate it, but

    211         # we don't know what to do (yet)

    212         ### we should blast the module dict and do another get_code(). need to

    213         ### flesh this out and add proper docco...

    214         raise SystemError, "reload not yet implemented"
    217 class Importer:
    218     "Base class for replacing standard import functions."
    220     def import_top(self, name):
    221         "Import a top-level module."
    222         return self._import_one(None, name, name)
    224     ######################################################################

    225     #

    226     # PRIVATE METHODS

    227     #

    228     def _finish_import(self, top, parts, fromlist):
    229         # if "a.b.c" was provided, then load the ".b.c" portion down from

    230         # below the top-level module.

    231         bottom = self._load_tail(top, parts)
    233         # if the form is "import a.b.c", then return "a"

    234         if not fromlist:
    235             # no fromlist: return the top of the import tree

    236             return top
    238         # the top module was imported by self.

    239         #

    240         # this means that the bottom module was also imported by self (just

    241         # now, or in the past and we fetched it from sys.modules).

    242         #

    243         # since we imported/handled the bottom module, this means that we can

    244         # also handle its fromlist (and reliably use __ispkg__).

    246         # if the bottom node is a package, then (potentially) import some

    247         # modules.

    248         #

    249         # note: if it is not a package, then "fromlist" refers to names in

    250         #       the bottom module rather than modules.

    251         # note: for a mix of names and modules in the fromlist, we will

    252         #       import all modules and insert those into the namespace of

    253         #       the package module. Python will pick up all fromlist names

    254         #       from the bottom (package) module; some will be modules that

    255         #       we imported and stored in the namespace, others are expected

    256         #       to be present already.

    257         if bottom.__ispkg__:
    258             self._import_fromlist(bottom, fromlist)
    260         # if the form is "from a.b import c, d" then return "b"

    261         return bottom
    263     def _import_one(self, parent, modname, fqname):
    264         "Import a single module."
    266         # has the module already been imported?

    267         try:
    268             return sys.modules[fqname]
    269         except KeyError:
    270             pass
    272         # load the module's code, or fetch the module itself

    273         result = self.get_code(parent, modname, fqname)
    274         if result is None:
    275             return None
    277         module = self._process_result(result, fqname)
    279         # insert the module into its parent

    280         if parent:
    281             setattr(parent, modname, module)
    282         return module
    284     def _process_result(self, result, fqname):
    285         ispkg, code, values = result
    286         # did get_code() return an actual module? (rather than a code object)

    287         is_module = isinstance(code, _ModuleType)
    289         # use the returned module, or create a new one to exec code into

    290         if is_module:
    291             module = code
    292         else:
    293             module = imp.new_module(fqname)
    295         ### record packages a bit differently??

    296         module.__importer__ = self
    297         module.__ispkg__ = ispkg
    299         # insert additional values into the module (before executing the code)

    300         module.__dict__.update(values)
    302         # the module is almost ready... make it visible

    303         sys.modules[fqname] = module
    305         # execute the code within the module's namespace

    306         if not is_module:
    307             try:
    308                 exec code in module.__dict__
    309             except:
    310                 if fqname in sys.modules:
    311                     del sys.modules[fqname]
    312                 raise
    314         # fetch from sys.modules instead of returning module directly.

    315         # also make module's __name__ agree with fqname, in case

    316         # the "exec code in module.__dict__" played games on us.

    317         module = sys.modules[fqname]
    318         module.__name__ = fqname
    319         return module
    321     def _load_tail(self, m, parts):
    322         """Import the rest of the modules, down from the top-level module.
    324         Returns the last module in the dotted list of modules.
    325         """
    326         for part in parts:
    327             fqname = "%s.%s" % (m.__name__, part)
    328             m = self._import_one(m, part, fqname)
    329             if not m:
    330                 raise ImportError, "No module named " + fqname
    331         return m
    333     def _import_fromlist(self, package, fromlist):
    334         'Import any sub-modules in the "from" list.'
    336         # if '*' is present in the fromlist, then look for the '__all__'

    337         # variable to find additional items (modules) to import.

    338         if '*' in fromlist:
    339             fromlist = list(fromlist) + \
    340                        list(package.__dict__.get('__all__', []))
    342         for sub in fromlist:
    343             # if the name is already present, then don't try to import it (it

    344             # might not be a module!).

    345             if sub != '*' and not hasattr(package, sub):
    346                 subname = "%s.%s" % (package.__name__, sub)
    347                 submod = self._import_one(package, sub, subname)
    348                 if not submod:
    349                     raise ImportError, "cannot import name " + subname
    351     def _do_import(self, parent, parts, fromlist):
    352         """Attempt to import the module relative to parent.
    354         This method is used when the import context specifies that <self>
    355         imported the parent module.
    356         """
    357         top_name = parts[0]
    358         top_fqname = parent.__name__ + '.' + top_name
    359         top_module = self._import_one(parent, top_name, top_fqname)
    360         if not top_module:
    361             # this importer and parent could not find the module (relatively)

    362             return None
    364         return self._finish_import(top_module, parts[1:], fromlist)
    366     ######################################################################

    367     #


    369     #

    370     def get_code(self, parent, modname, fqname):
    371         """Find and retrieve the code for the given module.
    373         parent specifies a parent module to define a context for importing. It
    374         may be None, indicating no particular context for the search.
    376         modname specifies a single module (not dotted) within the parent.
    378         fqname specifies the fully-qualified module name. This is a
    379         (potentially) dotted name from the "root" of the module namespace
    380         down to the modname.
    381         If there is no parent, then modname==fqname.
    383         This method should return None, or a 3-tuple.
    385         * If the module was not found, then None should be returned.
    387         * The first item of the 2- or 3-tuple should be the integer 0 or 1,
    388             specifying whether the module that was found is a package or not.
    390         * The second item is the code object for the module (it will be
    391             executed within the new module's namespace). This item can also
    392             be a fully-loaded module object (e.g. loaded from a shared lib).
    394         * The third item is a dictionary of name/value pairs that will be
    395             inserted into new module before the code object is executed. This
    396             is provided in case the module's code expects certain values (such
    397             as where the module was found). When the second item is a module
    398             object, then these names/values will be inserted *after* the module
    399             has been loaded/initialized.
    400         """
    401         raise RuntimeError, "get_code not implemented"
    404 ######################################################################

    405 #

    406 # Some handy stuff for the Importers

    407 #

    409 # byte-compiled file suffix character

    410 _suffix_char = __debug__ and 'c' or 'o'
    412 # byte-compiled file suffix

    413 _suffix = '.py' + _suffix_char
    415 def _compile(pathname, timestamp):
    416     """Compile (and cache) a Python source file.
    418     The file specified by <pathname> is compiled to a code object and
    419     returned.
    421     Presuming the appropriate privileges exist, the bytecodes will be
    422     saved back to the filesystem for future imports. The source file's
    423     modification timestamp must be provided as a Long value.
    424     """
    425     codestring = open(pathname, 'rU').read()
    426     if codestring and codestring[-1] != '\n':
    427         codestring = codestring + '\n'
    428     code = __builtin__.compile(codestring, pathname, 'exec')
    430     # try to cache the compiled code

    431     try:
    432         f = open(pathname + _suffix_char, 'wb')
    433     except IOError:
    434         pass
    435     else:
    436         f.write('\0\0\0\0')
    437         f.write(struct.pack('<I', timestamp))
    438         marshal.dump(code, f)
    439         f.flush()
    440         f.seek(0, 0)
    441         f.write(imp.get_magic())
    442         f.close()
    444     return code
    446 _os_stat = _os_path_join = None
    447 def _os_bootstrap():
    448     "Set up 'os' module replacement functions for use during import bootstrap."
    450     names = sys.builtin_module_names
    452     join = None
    453     if 'posix' in names:
    454         sep = '/'
    455         from posix import stat
    456     elif 'nt' in names:
    457         sep = '\\'
    458         from nt import stat
    459     elif 'dos' in names:
    460         sep = '\\'
    461         from dos import stat
    462     elif 'os2' in names:
    463         sep = '\\'
    464         from os2 import stat
    465     else:
    466         raise ImportError, 'no os specific module found'
    468     if join is None:
    469         def join(a, b, sep=sep):
    470             if a == '':
    471                 return b
    472             lastchar = a[-1:]
    473             if lastchar == '/' or lastchar == sep:
    474                 return a + b
    475             return a + sep + b
    477     global _os_stat
    478     _os_stat = stat
    480     global _os_path_join
    481     _os_path_join = join
    483 def _os_path_isdir(pathname):
    484     "Local replacement for os.path.isdir()."
    485     try:
    486         s = _os_stat(pathname)
    487     except OSError:
    488         return None
    489     return (s.st_mode & 0170000) == 0040000
    491 def _timestamp(pathname):
    492     "Return the file modification time as a Long."
    493     try:
    494         s = _os_stat(pathname)
    495     except OSError:
    496         return None
    497     return long(s.st_mtime)
    500 ######################################################################
    501 #
    502 # Emulate the import mechanism for builtin and frozen modules
    503 #
    504 class BuiltinImporter(Importer):
    505     def get_code(self, parent, modname, fqname):
    506         if parent:
    507             # these modules definitely do not occur within a package context
    508             return None
    510         # look for the module
    511         if imp.is_builtin(modname):
    512             type = imp.C_BUILTIN
    513         elif imp.is_frozen(modname):
    514             type = imp.PY_FROZEN
    515         else:
    516             # not found
    517             return None
    519         # got it. now load and return it.
    520         module = imp.load_module(modname, None, modname, ('', '', type))
    521         return 0, module, { }
    524 ######################################################################
    525 #
    526 # Internal importer used for importing from the filesystem
    527 #
    528 class _FilesystemImporter(Importer):
    529     def __init__(self):
    530         self.suffixes = [ ]
    532     def add_suffix(self, suffix, importFunc):
    533         assert hasattr(importFunc, '__call__')
    534         self.suffixes.append((suffix, importFunc))
    536     def import_from_dir(self, dir, fqname):
    537         result = self._import_pathname(_os_path_join(dir, fqname), fqname)
    538         if result:
    539             return self._process_result(result, fqname)
    540         return None
    542     def get_code(self, parent, modname, fqname):
    543         # This importer is never used with an empty parent. Its existence is
    544         # private to the ImportManager. The ImportManager uses the
    545         # import_from_dir() method to import top-level modules/packages.
    546         # This method is only used when we look for a module within a package.
    547         assert parent
    549         for submodule_path in parent.__path__:
    550             code = self._import_pathname(_os_path_join(submodule_path, modname), fqname)
    551             if code is not None:
    552                 return code
    553         return self._import_pathname(_os_path_join(parent.__pkgdir__, modname),
    554                                      fqname)
    556     def _import_pathname(self, pathname, fqname):
    557         if _os_path_isdir(pathname):
    558             result = self._import_pathname(_os_path_join(pathname, '__init__'),
    559                                            fqname)
    560             if result:
    561                 values = result[2]
    562                 values['__pkgdir__'] = pathname
    563                 values['__path__'] = [ pathname ]
    564                 return 1, result[1], values
    565             return None
    567         for suffix, importFunc in self.suffixes:
    568             filename = pathname + suffix
    569             try:
    570                 finfo = _os_stat(filename)
    571             except OSError:
    572                 pass
    573             else:
    574                 return importFunc(filename, finfo, fqname)
    575         return None
    577 ######################################################################
    578 #
    580 #
    582 def py_suffix_importer(filename, finfo, fqname):
    583     file = filename[:-3] + _suffix
    584     t_py = long(finfo[8])
    585     t_pyc = _timestamp(file)
    587     code = None
    588     if t_pyc is not None and t_pyc >= t_py:
    589         f = open(file, 'rb')
    590         if f.read(4) == imp.get_magic():
    591             t = struct.unpack('<I', f.read(4))[0]
    592             if t == t_py:
    593                 code = marshal.load(f)
    594         f.close()
    595     if code is None:
    596         file = filename
    597         code = _compile(file, t_py)
    599     return 0, code, { '__file__' : file }
    601 class DynLoadSuffixImporter:
    602     def __init__(self, desc):
    603         self.desc = desc
    605     def import_file(self, filename, finfo, fqname):
    606         fp = open(filename, self.desc[1])
    607         module = imp.load_module(fqname, fp, filename, self.desc)
    608         module.__file__ = filename
    609         return 0, module, { }
    612 ######################################################################
    614 def _print_importers():
    615     items = sys.modules.items()
    616     items.sort()
    617     for name, module in items:
    618         if module:
    619             print name, module.__dict__.get('__importer__', '-- no importer')
    620         else:
    621             print name, '-- non-existent module'
    623 def _test_revamp():
    624     ImportManager().install()
    625     sys.path.insert(0, BuiltinImporter())
    627 ######################################################################
    629 #
    630 # TODO
    631 #
    632 # from Finn Bock:
    633 #   type(sys) is not a module in Jython. what to use instead?
    634 #   imp.C_EXTENSION is not in Jython. same for get_suffixes and new_module
    635 #
    636 #   given foo.py of:
    637 #      import sys
    638 #      sys.modules['foo'] = sys
    639 #
    640 #   ---- standard import mechanism
    641 #   >>> import foo
    642 #   >>> foo
    643 #   <module 'sys' (built-in)>
    644 #
    645 #   ---- revamped import mechanism
    646 #   >>> import imputil
    647 #   >>> imputil._test_revamp()
    648 #   >>> import foo
    649 #   >>> foo
    650 #   <module 'foo' from 'foo.py'>
    651 #
    652 #
    653 # from MAL:
    654 #   should BuiltinImporter exist in sys.path or hard-wired in ImportManager?
    655 #   need __path__ processing
    656 #   performance
    657 #   move chaining to a subclass [gjs: it's been nuked]
    658 #   deinstall should be possible

    659 #   query mechanism needed: is a specific Importer installed?

    660 #   py/pyc/pyo piping hooks to filter/process these files

    661 #   wish list:

    662 #     distutils importer hooked to list of standard Internet repositories

    663 #     module->file location mapper to speed FS-based imports

    664 #     relative imports

    665 #     keep chaining so that it can play nice with other import hooks

    666 #

    667 # from Gordon:

    668 #   push MAL's mapper into sys.path[0] as a cache (hard-coded for apps)

    669 #

    670 # from Guido:

    671 #   need to change sys.* references for rexec environs

    672 #   need hook for MAL's walk-me-up import strategy, or Tim's absolute strategy

    673 #   watch out for sys.modules[...] is None

    674 #   flag to force absolute imports? (speeds _determine_import_context and

    675 #       checking for a relative module)

    676 #   insert names of archives into sys.path  (see quote below)

    677 #   note: reload does NOT blast module dict

    678 #   shift import mechanisms and policies around; provide for hooks, overrides

    679 #       (see quote below)

    680 #   add get_source stuff

    681 #   get_topcode and get_subcode

    682 #   CRLF handling in _compile

    683 #   race condition in _compile

    684 #   refactoring of os.py to deal with _os_bootstrap problem

    685 #   any special handling to do for importing a module with a SyntaxError?

    686 #       (e.g. clean up the traceback)

    687 #   implement "domain" for path-type functionality using pkg namespace

    688 #       (rather than FS-names like __path__)

    689 #   don't use the word "private"... maybe "internal"

    690 #

    691 #

    692 # Guido's comments on sys.path caching:

    693 #

    694 # We could cache this in a dictionary: the ImportManager can have a

    695 # cache dict mapping pathnames to importer objects, and a separate

    696 # method for coming up with an importer given a pathname that's not yet

    697 # in the cache.  The method should do a stat and/or look at the

    698 # extension to decide which importer class to use; you can register new

    699 # importer classes by registering a suffix or a Boolean function, plus a

    700 # class.  If you register a new importer class, the cache is zapped.

    701 # The cache is independent from sys.path (but maintained per

    702 # ImportManager instance) so that rearrangements of sys.path do the

    703 # right thing.  If a path is dropped from sys.path the corresponding

    704 # cache entry is simply no longer used.

    705 #

    706 # My/Guido's comments on factoring ImportManager and Importer:

    707 #

    708 # > However, we still have a tension occurring here:

    709 # >

    710 # > 1) implementing policy in ImportManager assists in single-point policy

    711 # >    changes for app/rexec situations

    712 # > 2) implementing policy in Importer assists in package-private policy

    713 # >    changes for normal, operating conditions

    714 # >

    715 # > I'll see if I can sort out a way to do this. Maybe the Importer class will

    716 # > implement the methods (which can be overridden to change policy) by

    717 # > delegating to ImportManager.

    718 #

    719 # Maybe also think about what kind of policies an Importer would be

    720 # likely to want to change.  I have a feeling that a lot of the code

    721 # there is actually not so much policy but a *necessity* to get things

    722 # working given the calling conventions for the __import__ hook: whether

    723 # to return the head or tail of a dotted name, or when to do the "finish

    724 # fromlist" stuff.

    725 #
