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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python

      3 """ clockres - calculates the resolution in seconds of a given timer.
      5     Copyright (c) 2006, Marc-Andre Lemburg (mal (at] egenix.com). See the
      6     documentation for further information on copyrights, or contact
      7     the author. All Rights Reserved.
      9 """
     10 import time
     12 TEST_TIME = 1.0
     14 def clockres(timer):
     15     d = {}
     16     wallclock = time.time
     17     start = wallclock()
     18     stop = wallclock() + TEST_TIME
     19     spin_loops = range(1000)
     20     while 1:
     21         now = wallclock()
     22         if now >= stop:
     23             break
     24         for i in spin_loops:
     25             d[timer()] = 1
     26     values = d.keys()
     27     values.sort()
     28     min_diff = TEST_TIME
     29     for i in range(len(values) - 1):
     30         diff = values[i+1] - values[i]
     31         if diff < min_diff:
     32             min_diff = diff
     33     return min_diff
     35 if __name__ == '__main__':
     36     print 'Clock resolution of various timer implementations:'
     37     print 'time.clock:           %10.3fus' % (clockres(time.clock) * 1e6)
     38     print 'time.time:            %10.3fus' % (clockres(time.time) * 1e6)
     39     try:
     40         import systimes
     41         print 'systimes.processtime: %10.3fus' % (clockres(systimes.processtime) * 1e6)
     42     except ImportError:
     43         pass