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      1 ## @file

      2 # This file is used to be the main entrance of ECC tool

      3 #

      4 # Copyright (c) 2009 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>

      5 # This program and the accompanying materials

      6 # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License

      7 # which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at

      8 # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php

      9 #



     12 #

     14 ##

     15 # Import Modules

     16 #

     17 import Common.LongFilePathOs as os, time, glob, sys
     18 import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
     19 import Database
     20 import EccGlobalData
     21 from MetaDataParser import *
     22 from optparse import OptionParser
     23 from Configuration import Configuration
     24 from Check import Check
     25 import Common.GlobalData as GlobalData
     27 from Common.String import NormPath
     28 from Common.BuildVersion import gBUILD_VERSION
     29 from Common import BuildToolError
     30 from Common.Misc import PathClass
     31 from Common.Misc import DirCache
     32 from MetaFileWorkspace.MetaFileParser import DscParser
     33 from MetaFileWorkspace.MetaFileParser import DecParser
     34 from MetaFileWorkspace.MetaFileParser import InfParser
     35 from MetaFileWorkspace.MetaFileParser import Fdf
     36 from MetaFileWorkspace.MetaFileTable import MetaFileStorage
     37 import c
     38 import re, string
     39 from Exception import *
     40 from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
     41 from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
     43 ## Ecc

     44 #

     45 # This class is used to define Ecc main entrance

     46 #

     47 # @param object:          Inherited from object class

     48 #

     49 class Ecc(object):
     50     def __init__(self):
     51         # Version and Copyright

     52         self.VersionNumber = ("1.0" + " Build " + gBUILD_VERSION)
     53         self.Version = "%prog Version " + self.VersionNumber
     54         self.Copyright = "Copyright (c) 2009 - 2016, Intel Corporation  All rights reserved."
     56         self.InitDefaultConfigIni()
     57         self.OutputFile = 'output.txt'
     58         self.ReportFile = 'Report.csv'
     59         self.ExceptionFile = 'exception.xml'
     60         self.IsInit = True
     61         self.ScanSourceCode = True
     62         self.ScanMetaData = True
     63         self.MetaFile = ''
     64         self.OnlyScan = None
     66         # Parse the options and args

     67         self.ParseOption()
     68         EdkLogger.info(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S, %b.%d %Y ", time.localtime()) + "[00:00]" + "\n")
     70         #

     71         # Check EFI_SOURCE (Edk build convention). EDK_SOURCE will always point to ECP

     72         #

     73         WorkspaceDir = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(os.environ["WORKSPACE"]))
     74         os.environ["WORKSPACE"] = WorkspaceDir
     76         # set multiple workspace

     77         PackagesPath = os.getenv("PACKAGES_PATH")
     78         mws.setWs(WorkspaceDir, PackagesPath)
     80         if "ECP_SOURCE" not in os.environ:
     81             os.environ["ECP_SOURCE"] = mws.join(WorkspaceDir, GlobalData.gEdkCompatibilityPkg)
     82         if "EFI_SOURCE" not in os.environ:
     83             os.environ["EFI_SOURCE"] = os.environ["ECP_SOURCE"]
     84         if "EDK_SOURCE" not in os.environ:
     85             os.environ["EDK_SOURCE"] = os.environ["ECP_SOURCE"]
     87         #

     88         # Unify case of characters on case-insensitive systems

     89         #

     90         EfiSourceDir = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(os.environ["EFI_SOURCE"]))
     91         EdkSourceDir = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(os.environ["EDK_SOURCE"]))
     92         EcpSourceDir = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(os.environ["ECP_SOURCE"]))
     94         os.environ["EFI_SOURCE"] = EfiSourceDir
     95         os.environ["EDK_SOURCE"] = EdkSourceDir
     96         os.environ["ECP_SOURCE"] = EcpSourceDir
     98         GlobalData.gWorkspace = WorkspaceDir
     99         GlobalData.gEfiSource = EfiSourceDir
    100         GlobalData.gEdkSource = EdkSourceDir
    101         GlobalData.gEcpSource = EcpSourceDir
    103         GlobalData.gGlobalDefines["WORKSPACE"]  = WorkspaceDir
    104         GlobalData.gGlobalDefines["EFI_SOURCE"] = EfiSourceDir
    105         GlobalData.gGlobalDefines["EDK_SOURCE"] = EdkSourceDir
    106         GlobalData.gGlobalDefines["ECP_SOURCE"] = EcpSourceDir
    108         EdkLogger.info("Loading ECC configuration ... done")
    109         # Generate checkpoints list

    110         EccGlobalData.gConfig = Configuration(self.ConfigFile)
    112         # Generate exception list

    113         EccGlobalData.gException = ExceptionCheck(self.ExceptionFile)
    115         # Init Ecc database

    116         EccGlobalData.gDb = Database.Database(Database.DATABASE_PATH)
    117         EccGlobalData.gDb.InitDatabase(self.IsInit)
    119         #

    120         # Get files real name in workspace dir

    121         #

    122         GlobalData.gAllFiles = DirCache(GlobalData.gWorkspace)
    124         # Build ECC database

    125 #         self.BuildDatabase()

    126         self.DetectOnlyScanDirs()
    128         # Start to check

    129         self.Check()
    131         # Show report

    132         self.GenReport()
    134         # Close Database

    135         EccGlobalData.gDb.Close()
    137     def InitDefaultConfigIni(self):
    138         paths = map(lambda p: os.path.join(p, 'Ecc', 'config.ini'), sys.path)
    139         paths = (os.path.realpath('config.ini'),) + tuple(paths)
    140         for path in paths:
    141             if os.path.exists(path):
    142                 self.ConfigFile = path
    143                 return
    144         self.ConfigFile = 'config.ini'
    147     ## DetectOnlyScan

    148     #

    149     # Detect whether only scanned folders have been enabled

    150     #

    151     def DetectOnlyScanDirs(self):
    152         if self.OnlyScan == True:
    153             OnlyScanDirs = []
    154             # Use regex here if multiple spaces or TAB exists in ScanOnlyDirList in config.ini file

    155             for folder in re.finditer(r'\S+', EccGlobalData.gConfig.ScanOnlyDirList):
    156                 OnlyScanDirs.append(folder.group())
    157             if len(OnlyScanDirs) != 0:
    158                 self.BuildDatabase(OnlyScanDirs)
    159             else:
    160                 EdkLogger.error("ECC", BuildToolError.OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, ExtraData="Use -f option need to fill specific folders in config.ini file")
    161         else:
    162             self.BuildDatabase()
    165     ## BuildDatabase

    166     #

    167     # Build the database for target

    168     #

    169     def BuildDatabase(self, SpeciDirs = None):
    170         # Clean report table

    171         EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Drop()
    172         EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Create()
    174         # Build database

    175         if self.IsInit:            
    176             if self.ScanMetaData:
    177                 EdkLogger.quiet("Building database for Meta Data File ...")
    178                 self.BuildMetaDataFileDatabase(SpeciDirs)
    179             if self.ScanSourceCode:
    180                 EdkLogger.quiet("Building database for Meta Data File Done!")
    181                 if SpeciDirs == None:
    182                     c.CollectSourceCodeDataIntoDB(EccGlobalData.gTarget)
    183                 else:
    184                     for specificDir in SpeciDirs:
    185                         c.CollectSourceCodeDataIntoDB(os.path.join(EccGlobalData.gTarget, specificDir))
    187         EccGlobalData.gIdentifierTableList = GetTableList((MODEL_FILE_C, MODEL_FILE_H), 'Identifier', EccGlobalData.gDb)
    188         EccGlobalData.gCFileList = GetFileList(MODEL_FILE_C, EccGlobalData.gDb)
    189         EccGlobalData.gHFileList = GetFileList(MODEL_FILE_H, EccGlobalData.gDb)
    190         EccGlobalData.gUFileList = GetFileList(MODEL_FILE_UNI, EccGlobalData.gDb)
    192     ## BuildMetaDataFileDatabase

    193     #

    194     # Build the database for meta data files

    195     #

    196     def BuildMetaDataFileDatabase(self, SpecificDirs = None):
    197         ScanFolders = []
    198         if SpecificDirs == None:
    199             ScanFolders.append(EccGlobalData.gTarget)
    200         else:
    201             for specificDir in SpecificDirs:    
    202                 ScanFolders.append(os.path.join(EccGlobalData.gTarget, specificDir))
    203         EdkLogger.quiet("Building database for meta data files ...")
    204         Op = open(EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckPathOfGenerateFileList, 'w+')
    205         #SkipDirs = Read from config file

    206         SkipDirs = EccGlobalData.gConfig.SkipDirList
    207         SkipDirString = string.join(SkipDirs, '|')
    208 #         p = re.compile(r'.*[\\/](?:%s)[\\/]?.*' % SkipDirString)

    209         p = re.compile(r'.*[\\/](?:%s^\S)[\\/]?.*' % SkipDirString)
    210         for scanFolder in ScanFolders:
    211             for Root, Dirs, Files in os.walk(scanFolder):
    212                 if p.match(Root.upper()):
    213                     continue
    214                 for Dir in Dirs:
    215                     Dirname = os.path.join(Root, Dir)
    216                     if os.path.islink(Dirname):
    217                         Dirname = os.path.realpath(Dirname)
    218                         if os.path.isdir(Dirname):
    219                             # symlinks to directories are treated as directories

    220                             Dirs.remove(Dir)
    221                             Dirs.append(Dirname)
    223                 for File in Files:
    224                     if len(File) > 4 and File[-4:].upper() == ".DEC":
    225                         Filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
    226                         EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing %s" % Filename)
    227                         Op.write("%s\r" % Filename)
    228                         #Dec(Filename, True, True, EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, EccGlobalData.gDb)

    229                         self.MetaFile = DecParser(Filename, MODEL_FILE_DEC, EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDec)
    230                         self.MetaFile.Start()
    231                         continue
    232                     if len(File) > 4 and File[-4:].upper() == ".DSC":
    233                         Filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
    234                         EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing %s" % Filename)
    235                         Op.write("%s\r" % Filename)
    236                         #Dsc(Filename, True, True, EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, EccGlobalData.gDb)

    237                         self.MetaFile = DscParser(PathClass(Filename, Root), MODEL_FILE_DSC, MetaFileStorage(EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDsc.Cur, Filename, MODEL_FILE_DSC, True))
    238                         # alwasy do post-process, in case of macros change

    239                         self.MetaFile.DoPostProcess()
    240                         self.MetaFile.Start()
    241                         self.MetaFile._PostProcess()
    242                         continue
    243                     if len(File) > 4 and File[-4:].upper() == ".INF":
    244                         Filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
    245                         EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing %s" % Filename)
    246                         Op.write("%s\r" % Filename)
    247                         #Inf(Filename, True, True, EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, EccGlobalData.gDb)

    248                         self.MetaFile = InfParser(Filename, MODEL_FILE_INF, EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf)
    249                         self.MetaFile.Start()
    250                         continue
    251                     if len(File) > 4 and File[-4:].upper() == ".FDF":
    252                         Filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
    253                         EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing %s" % Filename)
    254                         Op.write("%s\r" % Filename)
    255                         Fdf(Filename, True, EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, EccGlobalData.gDb)
    256                         continue
    257                     if len(File) > 4 and File[-4:].upper() == ".UNI":
    258                         Filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
    259                         EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing %s" % Filename)
    260                         Op.write("%s\r" % Filename)
    261                         FileID = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.InsertFile(Filename, MODEL_FILE_UNI)
    262                         EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.UpdateBelongsToItemByFile(FileID, File)
    263                         continue
    265         Op.close()
    267         # Commit to database

    268         EccGlobalData.gDb.Conn.commit()
    270         EdkLogger.quiet("Building database for meta data files done!")
    272     ##

    273     #

    274     # Check each checkpoint

    275     #

    276     def Check(self):
    277         EdkLogger.quiet("Checking ...")
    278         EccCheck = Check()
    279         EccCheck.Check()
    280         EdkLogger.quiet("Checking  done!")
    282     ##

    283     #

    284     # Generate the scan report

    285     #

    286     def GenReport(self):
    287         EdkLogger.quiet("Generating report ...")
    288         EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.ToCSV(self.ReportFile)
    289         EdkLogger.quiet("Generating report done!")
    291     def GetRealPathCase(self, path):
    292         TmpPath = path.rstrip(os.sep)
    293         PathParts = TmpPath.split(os.sep)
    294         if len(PathParts) == 0:
    295             return path
    296         if len(PathParts) == 1:
    297             if PathParts[0].strip().endswith(':'):
    298                 return PathParts[0].upper()
    299             # Relative dir, list . current dir

    300             Dirs = os.listdir('.')
    301             for Dir in Dirs:
    302                 if Dir.upper() == PathParts[0].upper():
    303                     return Dir
    305         if PathParts[0].strip().endswith(':'):
    306             PathParts[0] = PathParts[0].upper()
    307         ParentDir = PathParts[0]
    308         RealPath = ParentDir
    309         if PathParts[0] == '':
    310             RealPath = os.sep
    311             ParentDir = os.sep
    313         PathParts.remove(PathParts[0])    # need to remove the parent

    314         for Part in PathParts:
    315             Dirs = os.listdir(ParentDir + os.sep)
    316             for Dir in Dirs:
    317                 if Dir.upper() == Part.upper():
    318                     RealPath += os.sep
    319                     RealPath += Dir
    320                     break
    321             ParentDir += os.sep
    322             ParentDir += Dir
    324         return RealPath
    326     ## ParseOption

    327     #

    328     # Parse options

    329     #

    330     def ParseOption(self):
    331         (Options, Target) = self.EccOptionParser()
    333         if Options.Workspace:
    334             os.environ["WORKSPACE"] = Options.Workspace
    336         # Check workspace envirnoment

    337         if "WORKSPACE" not in os.environ:
    338             EdkLogger.error("ECC", BuildToolError.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Environment variable not found",
    339                             ExtraData="WORKSPACE")
    340         else:
    341             EccGlobalData.gWorkspace = os.path.normpath(os.getenv("WORKSPACE"))
    342             if not os.path.exists(EccGlobalData.gWorkspace):
    343                 EdkLogger.error("ECC", BuildToolError.FILE_NOT_FOUND, ExtraData="WORKSPACE = %s" % EccGlobalData.gWorkspace)
    344             os.environ["WORKSPACE"] = EccGlobalData.gWorkspace
    345         # Set log level

    346         self.SetLogLevel(Options)
    348         # Set other options

    349         if Options.ConfigFile != None:
    350             self.ConfigFile = Options.ConfigFile
    351         if Options.OutputFile != None:
    352             self.OutputFile = Options.OutputFile
    353         if Options.ReportFile != None:
    354             self.ReportFile = Options.ReportFile
    355         if Options.ExceptionFile != None:
    356             self.ExceptionFile = Options.ExceptionFile
    357         if Options.Target != None:
    358             if not os.path.isdir(Options.Target):
    359                 EdkLogger.error("ECC", BuildToolError.OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, ExtraData="Target [%s] does NOT exist" % Options.Target)
    360             else:
    361                 EccGlobalData.gTarget = self.GetRealPathCase(os.path.normpath(Options.Target))
    362         else:
    363             EdkLogger.warn("Ecc", EdkLogger.ECC_ERROR, "The target source tree was not specified, using current WORKSPACE instead!")
    364             EccGlobalData.gTarget = os.path.normpath(os.getenv("WORKSPACE"))
    365         if Options.keepdatabase != None:
    366             self.IsInit = False
    367         if Options.metadata != None and Options.sourcecode != None:
    368             EdkLogger.error("ECC", BuildToolError.OPTION_CONFLICT, ExtraData="-m and -s can't be specified at one time")
    369         if Options.metadata != None:
    370             self.ScanSourceCode = False
    371         if Options.sourcecode != None:
    372             self.ScanMetaData = False
    373         if Options.folders != None:
    374             self.OnlyScan = True
    376     ## SetLogLevel

    377     #

    378     # Set current log level of the tool based on args

    379     #

    380     # @param Option:  The option list including log level setting

    381     #

    382     def SetLogLevel(self, Option):
    383         if Option.verbose != None:
    384             EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.VERBOSE)
    385         elif Option.quiet != None:
    386             EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.QUIET)
    387         elif Option.debug != None:
    388             EdkLogger.SetLevel(Option.debug + 1)
    389         else:
    390             EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.INFO)
    392     ## Parse command line options

    393     #

    394     # Using standard Python module optparse to parse command line option of this tool.

    395     #

    396     # @retval Opt   A optparse.Values object containing the parsed options

    397     # @retval Args  Target of build command

    398     #

    399     def EccOptionParser(self):
    400         Parser = OptionParser(description = self.Copyright, version = self.Version, prog = "Ecc.exe", usage = "%prog [options]")
    401         Parser.add_option("-t", "--target sourcepath", action="store", type="string", dest='Target',
    402             help="Check all files under the target workspace.")
    403         Parser.add_option("-c", "--config filename", action="store", type="string", dest="ConfigFile",
    404             help="Specify a configuration file. Defaultly use config.ini under ECC tool directory.")
    405         Parser.add_option("-o", "--outfile filename", action="store", type="string", dest="OutputFile",
    406             help="Specify the name of an output file, if and only if one filename was specified.")
    407         Parser.add_option("-r", "--reportfile filename", action="store", type="string", dest="ReportFile",
    408             help="Specify the name of an report file, if and only if one filename was specified.")
    409         Parser.add_option("-e", "--exceptionfile filename", action="store", type="string", dest="ExceptionFile",
    410             help="Specify the name of an exception file, if and only if one filename was specified.")
    411         Parser.add_option("-m", "--metadata", action="store_true", type=None, help="Only scan meta-data files information if this option is specified.")
    412         Parser.add_option("-s", "--sourcecode", action="store_true", type=None, help="Only scan source code files information if this option is specified.")
    413         Parser.add_option("-k", "--keepdatabase", action="store_true", type=None, help="The existing Ecc database will not be cleaned except report information if this option is specified.")
    414         Parser.add_option("-l", "--log filename", action="store", dest="LogFile", help="""If specified, the tool should emit the changes that
    415                                                                                           were made by the tool after printing the result message.
    416                                                                                           If filename, the emit to the file, otherwise emit to
    417                                                                                           standard output. If no modifications were made, then do not
    418                                                                                           create a log file, or output a log message.""")
    419         Parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", type=None, help="Disable all messages except FATAL ERRORS.")
    420         Parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", type=None, help="Turn on verbose output with informational messages printed, "\
    421                                                                                    "including library instances selected, final dependency expression, "\
    422                                                                                    "and warning messages, etc.")
    423         Parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store", type="int", help="Enable debug messages at specified level.")
    424         Parser.add_option("-w", "--workspace", action="store", type="string", dest='Workspace', help="Specify workspace.")
    425         Parser.add_option("-f", "--folders", action="store_true", type=None, help="Only scanning specified folders which are recorded in config.ini file.")
    427         (Opt, Args)=Parser.parse_args()
    429         return (Opt, Args)
    431 ##

    432 #

    433 # This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another

    434 # script.

    435 #

    436 if __name__ == '__main__':
    437     # Initialize log system

    438     EdkLogger.Initialize()
    439     EdkLogger.IsRaiseError = False
    441     StartTime = time.clock()
    442     Ecc = Ecc()
    443     FinishTime = time.clock()
    445     BuildDuration = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(round(FinishTime - StartTime))))
    446     EdkLogger.quiet("\n%s [%s]" % (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S, %b.%d %Y", time.localtime()), BuildDuration))