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      1 ## @file

      2 # This file is used to define class objects of INF file [Binaries] section. 

      3 # It will consumed by InfParser. 

      4 #

      5 # Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>

      6 #

      7 # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available 

      8 # under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this 

      9 # distribution. The full text of the license may be found at 

     10 # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php

     11 #



     15 '''
     16 InfBinaryObject
     17 '''
     19 import os
     21 from copy import deepcopy
     22 from Library import DataType as DT
     23 from Library import GlobalData
     24 import Logger.Log as Logger
     25 from Logger import ToolError
     26 from Logger import StringTable as ST
     27 from Library.Misc import Sdict
     29 from Object.Parser.InfCommonObject import InfSectionCommonDef
     30 from Object.Parser.InfCommonObject import CurrentLine
     31 from Library.Misc import ConvPathFromAbsToRel
     32 from Library.ExpressionValidate import IsValidFeatureFlagExp
     33 from Library.Misc import ValidFile
     34 from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidPath
     37 class InfBianryItem():
     38     def __init__(self):
     39         self.FileName = ''
     40         self.Target = ''
     41         self.FeatureFlagExp = ''
     42         self.HelpString = ''
     43         self.Type = ''
     44         self.SupArchList = []
     46     def SetFileName(self, FileName):
     47         self.FileName = FileName
     48     def GetFileName(self):
     49         return self.FileName
     51     def SetTarget(self, Target):
     52         self.Target = Target
     53     def GetTarget(self):
     54         return self.Target
     56     def SetFeatureFlagExp(self, FeatureFlagExp):
     57         self.FeatureFlagExp = FeatureFlagExp
     58     def GetFeatureFlagExp(self):
     59         return self.FeatureFlagExp
     61     def SetHelpString(self, HelpString):
     62         self.HelpString = HelpString
     63     def GetHelpString(self):
     64         return self.HelpString
     66     def SetType(self, Type):
     67         self.Type = Type
     68     def GetType(self):
     69         return self.Type
     70     def SetSupArchList(self, SupArchList):
     71         self.SupArchList = SupArchList
     72     def GetSupArchList(self):
     73         return self.SupArchList
     75 class InfBianryVerItem(InfBianryItem, CurrentLine):
     76     def __init__(self):
     77         InfBianryItem.__init__(self)
     78         CurrentLine.__init__(self)
     79         self.VerTypeName = ''
     81     def SetVerTypeName(self, VerTypeName):
     82         self.VerTypeName = VerTypeName
     83     def GetVerTypeName(self):
     84         return self.VerTypeName
     86 class InfBianryUiItem(InfBianryItem, CurrentLine):
     87     def __init__(self):
     88         InfBianryItem.__init__(self)
     89         CurrentLine.__init__(self)
     90         self.UiTypeName = ''
     92     def SetUiTypeName(self, UiTypeName):
     93         self.UiTypeName = UiTypeName
     94     def GetVerTypeName(self):
     95         return self.UiTypeName
     97 class InfBianryCommonItem(InfBianryItem, CurrentLine):
     98     def __init__(self):
     99         self.CommonType = ''
    100         self.TagName = ''
    101         self.Family = ''
    102         self.GuidValue = ''
    103         InfBianryItem.__init__(self)
    104         CurrentLine.__init__(self)
    106     def SetCommonType(self, CommonType):
    107         self.CommonType = CommonType
    108     def GetCommonType(self):
    109         return self.CommonType
    111     def SetTagName(self, TagName):
    112         self.TagName = TagName
    113     def GetTagName(self):
    114         return self.TagName
    116     def SetFamily(self, Family):
    117         self.Family = Family
    118     def GetFamily(self):
    119         return self.Family
    121     def SetGuidValue(self, GuidValue):
    122         self.GuidValue = GuidValue
    123     def GetGuidValue(self):
    124         return self.GuidValue
    126 ##

    127 #

    128 #

    129 #

    130 class InfBinariesObject(InfSectionCommonDef):
    131     def __init__(self):
    132         self.Binaries = Sdict()
    133         #

    134         # Macro defined in this section should be only used in this section.

    135         #

    136         self.Macros = {}
    137         InfSectionCommonDef.__init__(self)
    139     ## CheckVer

    140     #

    141     #

    142     def CheckVer(self, Ver, __SupArchList):
    143         #

    144         # Check Ver

    145         #

    146         for VerItem in Ver:
    147             IsValidFileFlag = False
    148             VerContent = VerItem[0]
    149             VerComment = VerItem[1]
    150             VerCurrentLine = VerItem[2]
    151             GlobalData.gINF_CURRENT_LINE = VerCurrentLine
    152             InfBianryVerItemObj = None
    153             #

    154             # Should not less than 2 elements

    155             #

    156             if len(VerContent) < 2:
    157                 Logger.Error("InfParser",
    158                              ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    159                              ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_BINARY_ITEM_FORMAT_INVALID % (VerContent[0], 2),
    160                              File=VerCurrentLine.GetFileName(),
    161                              Line=VerCurrentLine.GetLineNo(),
    162                              ExtraData=VerCurrentLine.GetLineString())
    163                 return False
    164             if len(VerContent) > 4:
    165                 Logger.Error("InfParser",
    166                              ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    167                              ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_BINARY_ITEM_FORMAT_INVALID_MAX % (VerContent[0], 4),
    168                              File=VerCurrentLine.GetFileName(),
    169                              Line=VerCurrentLine.GetLineNo(),
    170                              ExtraData=VerCurrentLine.GetLineString())
    171                 return False
    172             if len(VerContent) >= 2:
    173                 #

    174                 # Create a Ver Object.

    175                 #

    176                 InfBianryVerItemObj = InfBianryVerItem()
    178                 if VerContent[0] != DT.BINARY_FILE_TYPE_VER:
    179                     Logger.Error("InfParser",
    180                                  ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    181                                  ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_BINARY_VER_TYPE % DT.BINARY_FILE_TYPE_VER,
    182                                  File=VerCurrentLine.GetFileName(),
    183                                  Line=VerCurrentLine.GetLineNo(),
    184                                  ExtraData=VerCurrentLine.GetLineString())
    186                 InfBianryVerItemObj.SetVerTypeName(VerContent[0])
    187                 InfBianryVerItemObj.SetType(VerContent[0])
    188                 #

    189                 # Verify File exist or not

    190                 #

    191                 FullFileName = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_DIR,
    192                                                                               VerContent[1])))
    193                 if not (ValidFile(FullFileName) or ValidFile(VerContent[1])):
    194                     Logger.Error("InfParser",
    195                                  ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    196                                  ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_BINARY_ITEM_FILE_NOT_EXIST % (VerContent[1]),
    197                                  File=VerCurrentLine.GetFileName(),
    198                                  Line=VerCurrentLine.GetLineNo(),
    199                                  ExtraData=VerCurrentLine.GetLineString())
    200                 #

    201                 # Validate file exist/format.

    202                 #

    203                 if IsValidPath(VerContent[1], GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_DIR):
    204                     IsValidFileFlag = True
    205                 else:
    206                     Logger.Error("InfParser",
    207                                  ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    208                                  ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_FILE_NOT_EXIST_OR_NAME_INVALID % (VerContent[1]),
    209                                  File=VerCurrentLine.GetFileName(),
    210                                  Line=VerCurrentLine.GetLineNo(),
    211                                  ExtraData=VerCurrentLine.GetLineString())
    212                     return False
    213                 if IsValidFileFlag:
    214                     VerContent[0] = ConvPathFromAbsToRel(VerContent[0],
    215                                             GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_DIR)
    216                     InfBianryVerItemObj.SetFileName(VerContent[1])
    217             if len(VerContent) >= 3:
    218                 #

    219                 # Add Target information

    220                 #

    221                 InfBianryVerItemObj.SetTarget(VerContent[2])
    222             if len(VerContent) == 4:
    223                 if VerContent[3].strip() == '':
    224                     Logger.Error("InfParser",
    225                                  ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    226                                  ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_FEATURE_FLAG_EXP_MISSING,
    227                                  File=VerCurrentLine.GetFileName(),
    228                                  Line=VerCurrentLine.GetLineNo(),
    229                                  ExtraData=VerCurrentLine.GetLineString())
    230                 #

    231                 # Validate Feature Flag Express   

    232                 #

    233                 FeatureFlagRtv = IsValidFeatureFlagExp(VerContent[3].\
    234                                                        strip())
    235                 if not FeatureFlagRtv[0]:
    236                     Logger.Error("InfParser",
    237                                  ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    238                                  ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_FEATURE_FLAG_EXP_SYNTAX_INVLID % (FeatureFlagRtv[1]),
    239                                  File=VerCurrentLine.GetFileName(),
    240                                  Line=VerCurrentLine.GetLineNo(),
    241                                  ExtraData=VerCurrentLine.GetLineString())
    242                 InfBianryVerItemObj.SetFeatureFlagExp(VerContent[3])
    244             InfBianryVerItemObj.SetSupArchList(__SupArchList)
    246             #

    247             # Determine binary file name duplicate. Follow below rule:

    248             #

    249             # A binary filename must not be duplicated within 

    250             # a [Binaries] section. A binary filename may appear in 

    251             # multiple architectural [Binaries] sections. A binary 

    252             # filename listed in an architectural [Binaries] section 

    253             # must not be listed in the common architectural 

    254             # [Binaries] section.

    255             # 

    256             # NOTE: This check will not report error now.

    257             # 

    258             for Item in self.Binaries:
    259                 if Item.GetFileName() == InfBianryVerItemObj.GetFileName():
    260                     ItemSupArchList = Item.GetSupArchList()
    261                     for ItemArch in ItemSupArchList:
    262                         for VerItemObjArch in __SupArchList:
    263                             if ItemArch == VerItemObjArch:
    264                                 #

    265                                 # ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_ITEM_DUPLICATE

    266                                 #

    267                                 pass
    268                             if ItemArch.upper() == 'COMMON' or VerItemObjArch.upper() == 'COMMON':
    269                                 #

    270                                 # ERR_INF_PARSER_ITEM_DUPLICATE_COMMON

    271                                 #

    272                                 pass
    274             if InfBianryVerItemObj != None:
    275                 if self.Binaries.has_key((InfBianryVerItemObj)):
    276                     BinariesList = self.Binaries[InfBianryVerItemObj]
    277                     BinariesList.append((InfBianryVerItemObj, VerComment))
    278                     self.Binaries[InfBianryVerItemObj] = BinariesList
    279                 else:
    280                     BinariesList = []
    281                     BinariesList.append((InfBianryVerItemObj, VerComment))
    282                     self.Binaries[InfBianryVerItemObj] = BinariesList
    284     ## ParseCommonBinary

    285     #

    286     # ParseCommonBinary

    287     #

    288     def ParseCommonBinary(self, CommonBinary, __SupArchList):
    289         #

    290         # Check common binary definitions

    291         # Type | FileName | Target | Family | TagName | FeatureFlagExp

    292         #

    293         for Item in CommonBinary:
    294             IsValidFileFlag = False
    295             ItemContent = Item[0]
    296             ItemComment = Item[1]
    297             CurrentLineOfItem = Item[2]
    298             GlobalData.gINF_CURRENT_LINE = CurrentLineOfItem
    299             InfBianryCommonItemObj = None
    300             if ItemContent[0] == 'SUBTYPE_GUID':
    301                 if len(ItemContent) < 3:
    302                     Logger.Error("InfParser",
    303                                  ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    304                                  ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_BINARY_ITEM_FORMAT_INVALID % (ItemContent[0], 3),
    305                                  File=CurrentLineOfItem.GetFileName(),
    306                                  Line=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineNo(),
    307                                  ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineString())
    308                     return False
    309             else:
    310                 if len(ItemContent) < 2:
    311                     Logger.Error("InfParser",
    312                                  ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    313                                  ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_BINARY_ITEM_FORMAT_INVALID % (ItemContent[0], 2),
    314                                  File=CurrentLineOfItem.GetFileName(),
    315                                  Line=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineNo(),
    316                                  ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineString())
    317                     return False
    319             if len(ItemContent) > 7:
    320                 Logger.Error("InfParser",
    321                              ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    322                              ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_BINARY_ITEM_FORMAT_INVALID_MAX % (ItemContent[0], 7),
    323                              File=CurrentLineOfItem.GetFileName(),
    324                              Line=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineNo(),
    325                              ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineString())
    326                 return False
    327             if len(ItemContent) >= 2:
    328                 #

    329                 # Create a Common Object.

    330                 #

    331                 InfBianryCommonItemObj = InfBianryCommonItem()
    332                 #

    333                 # Convert Binary type.

    334                 #

    335                 BinaryFileType = ItemContent[0].strip()
    336                 if BinaryFileType == 'RAW' or BinaryFileType == 'ACPI' or BinaryFileType == 'ASL':
    337                     BinaryFileType = 'BIN'
    339                 if BinaryFileType not in DT.BINARY_FILE_TYPE_LIST:
    340                     Logger.Error("InfParser",
    341                                  ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    342                                  ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_BINARY_ITEM_INVALID_FILETYPE % \
    343                                  (DT.BINARY_FILE_TYPE_LIST.__str__()),
    344                                  File=CurrentLineOfItem.GetFileName(),
    345                                  Line=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineNo(),
    346                                  ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineString())
    348                 if BinaryFileType == 'SUBTYPE_GUID':
    349                     BinaryFileType = 'FREEFORM'
    351                 if BinaryFileType == 'LIB' or BinaryFileType == 'UEFI_APP':
    352                     Logger.Error("InfParser",
    353                                  ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    354                                  ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_BINARY_ITEM_INVALID_FILETYPE % \
    355                                  (DT.BINARY_FILE_TYPE_LIST.__str__()),
    356                                  File=CurrentLineOfItem.GetFileName(),
    357                                  Line=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineNo(),
    358                                  ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineString())
    360                 InfBianryCommonItemObj.SetType(BinaryFileType)
    361                 InfBianryCommonItemObj.SetCommonType(ItemContent[0])
    362                 FileName = ''
    363                 if BinaryFileType == 'FREEFORM':
    364                     InfBianryCommonItemObj.SetGuidValue(ItemContent[1])
    365                     if len(ItemContent) >= 3:
    366                         FileName = ItemContent[2]
    367                     else:
    368                         Logger.Error("InfParser",
    369                                  ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    370                                  ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_BINARY_ITEM_FILENAME_NOT_EXIST,
    371                                  File=CurrentLineOfItem.GetFileName(),
    372                                  Line=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineNo(),
    373                                  ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineString())
    374                 else:
    375                     FileName = ItemContent[1]
    376                 #

    377                 # Verify File exist or not

    378                 #

    379                 FullFileName = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_DIR,
    380                                                                               FileName)))
    381                 if not (ValidFile(FullFileName) or ValidFile(FileName)):
    382                     Logger.Error("InfParser",
    383                                  ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    384                                  ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_BINARY_ITEM_FILE_NOT_EXIST % (FileName),
    385                                  File=CurrentLineOfItem.GetFileName(),
    386                                  Line=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineNo(),
    387                                  ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineString())
    388                 #

    389                 # Validate file exist/format.

    390                 #

    391                 if IsValidPath(FileName, GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_DIR):
    392                     IsValidFileFlag = True
    393                 else:
    394                     Logger.Error("InfParser",
    395                                 ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    396                                 ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_FILE_NOT_EXIST_OR_NAME_INVALID % (FileName),
    397                                 File=CurrentLineOfItem.GetFileName(),
    398                                 Line=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineNo(),
    399                                 ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineString())
    400                     return False
    401                 if IsValidFileFlag:
    402                     ItemContent[0] = ConvPathFromAbsToRel(ItemContent[0], GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_DIR)
    403                     InfBianryCommonItemObj.SetFileName(FileName)
    404             if len(ItemContent) >= 3:
    405                 #

    406                 # Add Target information

    407                 #

    408                 if BinaryFileType != 'FREEFORM':
    409                     InfBianryCommonItemObj.SetTarget(ItemContent[2])
    411             if len(ItemContent) >= 4:
    412                 #

    413                 # Add Family information

    414                 #

    415                 if BinaryFileType != 'FREEFORM':
    416                     InfBianryCommonItemObj.SetFamily(ItemContent[3])
    417                 else:
    418                     InfBianryCommonItemObj.SetTarget(ItemContent[3])
    420             if len(ItemContent) >= 5:
    421                 #

    422                 # TagName entries are build system specific. If there 

    423                 # is content in the entry, the tool must exit 

    424                 # gracefully with an error message that indicates build

    425                 # system specific content cannot be distributed using 

    426                 # the UDP

    427                 #

    428                 if BinaryFileType != 'FREEFORM':
    429                     if ItemContent[4].strip() != '':
    430                         Logger.Error("InfParser",
    431                                      ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    432                                      ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_TAGNAME_NOT_PERMITTED % (ItemContent[4]),
    433                                      File=CurrentLineOfItem.GetFileName(),
    434                                      Line=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineNo(),
    435                                      ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineString())
    436                 else:
    437                     InfBianryCommonItemObj.SetFamily(ItemContent[4])
    439             if len(ItemContent) >= 6:
    440                 #

    441                 # Add FeatureFlagExp

    442                 #

    443                 if BinaryFileType != 'FREEFORM':
    444                     if ItemContent[5].strip() == '':
    445                         Logger.Error("InfParser",
    446                                      ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    447                                      ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_FEATURE_FLAG_EXP_MISSING,
    448                                      File=CurrentLineOfItem.GetFileName(),
    449                                      Line=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineNo(),
    450                                      ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineString())
    451                     #

    452                     # Validate Feature Flag Express   

    453                     #

    454                     FeatureFlagRtv = IsValidFeatureFlagExp(ItemContent[5].strip())
    455                     if not FeatureFlagRtv[0]:
    456                         Logger.Error("InfParser",
    457                                      ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    458                                      ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_FEATURE_FLAG_EXP_SYNTAX_INVLID % (FeatureFlagRtv[1]),
    459                                      File=CurrentLineOfItem.GetFileName(),
    460                                      Line=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineNo(),
    461                                      ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineString())
    462                     InfBianryCommonItemObj.SetFeatureFlagExp(ItemContent[5])
    463                 else:
    464                     if ItemContent[5].strip() != '':
    465                         Logger.Error("InfParser",
    466                                      ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    467                                      ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_TAGNAME_NOT_PERMITTED % (ItemContent[5]),
    468                                      File=CurrentLineOfItem.GetFileName(),
    469                                      Line=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineNo(),
    470                                      ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineString())
    472             if len(ItemContent) == 7:
    473                 if ItemContent[6].strip() == '':
    474                     Logger.Error("InfParser",
    475                                      ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    476                                      ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_FEATURE_FLAG_EXP_MISSING,
    477                                      File=CurrentLineOfItem.GetFileName(),
    478                                      Line=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineNo(),
    479                                      ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineString())
    480                 #

    481                 # Validate Feature Flag Express   

    482                 #

    483                 FeatureFlagRtv = IsValidFeatureFlagExp(ItemContent[6].strip())
    484                 if not FeatureFlagRtv[0]:
    485                     Logger.Error("InfParser",
    486                                  ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    487                                  ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_FEATURE_FLAG_EXP_SYNTAX_INVLID % (FeatureFlagRtv[1]),
    488                                  File=CurrentLineOfItem.GetFileName(),
    489                                  Line=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineNo(),
    490                                  ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem.GetLineString())
    491                 InfBianryCommonItemObj.SetFeatureFlagExp(ItemContent[6])
    493             InfBianryCommonItemObj.SetSupArchList(__SupArchList)
    495             #

    496             # Determine binary file name duplicate. Follow below rule:

    497             #

    498             # A binary filename must not be duplicated within 

    499             # a [Binaries] section. A binary filename may appear in 

    500             # multiple architectural [Binaries] sections. A binary 

    501             # filename listed in an architectural [Binaries] section 

    502             # must not be listed in the common architectural 

    503             # [Binaries] section.

    504             # 

    505             # NOTE: This check will not report error now.

    506             # 

    507 #            for Item in self.Binaries:

    508 #                if Item.GetFileName() == InfBianryCommonItemObj.GetFileName():

    509 #                    ItemSupArchList = Item.GetSupArchList()

    510 #                    for ItemArch in ItemSupArchList:

    511 #                        for ComItemObjArch in __SupArchList:

    512 #                            if ItemArch == ComItemObjArch:

    513 #                                #

    514 #                                # ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_ITEM_DUPLICATE

    515 #                                #

    516 #                                pass

    517 #

    518 #                            if ItemArch.upper() == 'COMMON' or ComItemObjArch.upper() == 'COMMON':

    519 #                                #

    520 #                                # ERR_INF_PARSER_ITEM_DUPLICATE_COMMON

    521 #                                #

    522 #                                pass

    524             if InfBianryCommonItemObj != None:
    525                 if self.Binaries.has_key((InfBianryCommonItemObj)):
    526                     BinariesList = self.Binaries[InfBianryCommonItemObj]
    527                     BinariesList.append((InfBianryCommonItemObj, ItemComment))
    528                     self.Binaries[InfBianryCommonItemObj] = BinariesList
    529                 else:
    530                     BinariesList = []
    531                     BinariesList.append((InfBianryCommonItemObj, ItemComment))
    532                     self.Binaries[InfBianryCommonItemObj] = BinariesList
    534     def SetBinary(self, UiInf=None, Ver=None, CommonBinary=None, ArchList=None):
    536         __SupArchList = []
    537         for ArchItem in ArchList:
    538             #

    539             # Validate Arch

    540             #            

    541             if (ArchItem == '' or ArchItem == None):
    542                 ArchItem = 'COMMON'
    543             __SupArchList.append(ArchItem)
    545         if UiInf != None:
    546             if len(UiInf) > 0:
    547                 #

    548                 # Check UI

    549                 #                    

    550                 for UiItem in UiInf:
    551                     IsValidFileFlag = False
    552                     InfBianryUiItemObj = None
    553                     UiContent = UiItem[0]
    554                     UiComment = UiItem[1]
    555                     UiCurrentLine = UiItem[2]
    556                     GlobalData.gINF_CURRENT_LINE = deepcopy(UiItem[2])
    557                     #

    558                     # Should not less than 2 elements

    559                     #

    560                     if len(UiContent) < 2:
    561                         Logger.Error("InfParser",
    562                                      ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    563                                      ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_BINARY_ITEM_FORMAT_INVALID % (UiContent[0], 2),
    564                                      File=UiCurrentLine.GetFileName(),
    565                                      Line=UiCurrentLine.GetLineNo(),
    566                                      ExtraData=UiCurrentLine.GetLineString())
    567                         return False
    569                     if len(UiContent) > 4:
    570                         Logger.Error("InfParser",
    571                                      ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    572                                      ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_BINARY_ITEM_FORMAT_INVALID_MAX % (UiContent[0], 4),
    573                                      File=UiCurrentLine.GetFileName(),
    574                                      Line=UiCurrentLine.GetLineNo(),
    575                                      ExtraData=UiCurrentLine.GetLineString())
    576                         return False
    577                     if len(UiContent) >= 2:
    578                         #

    579                         # Create an Ui Object.

    580                         #

    581                         InfBianryUiItemObj = InfBianryUiItem()
    582                         if UiContent[0] != 'UI':
    583                             Logger.Error("InfParser",
    584                                          ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    585                                          ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_BINARY_VER_TYPE % ('UI'),
    586                                          File=UiCurrentLine.GetFileName(),
    587                                          Line=UiCurrentLine.GetLineNo(),
    588                                          ExtraData=UiCurrentLine.GetLineString())
    589                         InfBianryUiItemObj.SetUiTypeName(UiContent[0])
    590                         InfBianryUiItemObj.SetType(UiContent[0])
    591                         #

    592                         # Verify File exist or not

    593                         #

    594                         FullFileName = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_DIR,
    595                                                                                       UiContent[1])))
    596                         if not (ValidFile(FullFileName) or ValidFile(UiContent[1])):
    597                             Logger.Error("InfParser",
    598                                          ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    599                                          ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_BINARY_ITEM_FILE_NOT_EXIST % (UiContent[1]),
    600                                          File=UiCurrentLine.GetFileName(),
    601                                          Line=UiCurrentLine.GetLineNo(),
    602                                          ExtraData=UiCurrentLine.GetLineString())
    603                         #

    604                         # Validate file exist/format.

    605                         #

    606                         if IsValidPath(UiContent[1], GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_DIR):
    607                             IsValidFileFlag = True
    608                         else:
    609                             Logger.Error("InfParser",
    610                                          ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    611                                          ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_FILE_NOT_EXIST_OR_NAME_INVALID % (UiContent[1]),
    612                                          File=UiCurrentLine.GetFileName(),
    613                                          Line=UiCurrentLine.GetLineNo(),
    614                                          ExtraData=UiCurrentLine.GetLineString())
    615                             return False
    616                         if IsValidFileFlag:
    617                             UiContent[0] = ConvPathFromAbsToRel(UiContent[0], GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_DIR)
    618                             InfBianryUiItemObj.SetFileName(UiContent[1])
    619                     if len(UiContent) >= 3:
    620                         #

    621                         # Add Target information

    622                         #

    623                         InfBianryUiItemObj.SetTarget(UiContent[2])
    624                     if len(UiContent) == 4:
    625                         if UiContent[3].strip() == '':
    626                             Logger.Error("InfParser",
    627                                          ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    628                                          ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_FEATURE_FLAG_EXP_MISSING,
    629                                          File=UiCurrentLine.GetFileName(),
    630                                          Line=UiCurrentLine.GetLineNo(),
    631                                          ExtraData=UiCurrentLine.GetLineString())
    632                         #

    633                         # Validate Feature Flag Express   

    634                         #

    635                         FeatureFlagRtv = IsValidFeatureFlagExp(UiContent[3].strip())
    636                         if not FeatureFlagRtv[0]:
    637                             Logger.Error("InfParser",
    638                                          ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
    639                                          ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_FEATURE_FLAG_EXP_SYNTAX_INVLID % (FeatureFlagRtv[1]),
    640                                          File=UiCurrentLine.GetFileName(),
    641                                          Line=UiCurrentLine.GetLineNo(),
    642                                          ExtraData=UiCurrentLine.GetLineString())
    643                         InfBianryUiItemObj.SetFeatureFlagExp(UiContent[3])
    645                     InfBianryUiItemObj.SetSupArchList(__SupArchList)
    647                     #

    648                     # Determine binary file name duplicate. Follow below rule:

    649                     #

    650                     # A binary filename must not be duplicated within 

    651                     # a [Binaries] section. A binary filename may appear in 

    652                     # multiple architectural [Binaries] sections. A binary 

    653                     # filename listed in an architectural [Binaries] section 

    654                     # must not be listed in the common architectural 

    655                     # [Binaries] section.

    656                     # 

    657                     # NOTE: This check will not report error now.

    658                     # 

    659 #                    for Item in self.Binaries:

    660 #                        if Item.GetFileName() == InfBianryUiItemObj.GetFileName():

    661 #                            ItemSupArchList = Item.GetSupArchList()

    662 #                            for ItemArch in ItemSupArchList:

    663 #                                for UiItemObjArch in __SupArchList:

    664 #                                    if ItemArch == UiItemObjArch:

    665 #                                        #

    666 #                                        # ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_ITEM_DUPLICATE

    667 #                                        #

    668 #                                        pass

    669 #                                    if ItemArch.upper() == 'COMMON' or UiItemObjArch.upper() == 'COMMON':

    670 #                                        #

    671 #                                        # ERR_INF_PARSER_ITEM_DUPLICATE_COMMON

    672 #                                        #

    673 #                                        pass

    675                     if InfBianryUiItemObj != None:
    676                         if self.Binaries.has_key((InfBianryUiItemObj)):
    677                             BinariesList = self.Binaries[InfBianryUiItemObj]
    678                             BinariesList.append((InfBianryUiItemObj, UiComment))
    679                             self.Binaries[InfBianryUiItemObj] = BinariesList
    680                         else:
    681                             BinariesList = []
    682                             BinariesList.append((InfBianryUiItemObj, UiComment))
    683                             self.Binaries[InfBianryUiItemObj] = BinariesList
    684         if Ver != None and len(Ver) > 0:
    685             self.CheckVer(Ver, __SupArchList)
    686         if CommonBinary and len(CommonBinary) > 0:
    687             self.ParseCommonBinary(CommonBinary, __SupArchList)
    689         return True
    691     def GetBinary(self):
    692         return self.Binaries