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      1 /** @file
      2   This file implements I2C IO Protocol which enables the user to manipulate a single
      3   I2C device independent of the host controller and I2C design.
      5   Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
      6   This program and the accompanying materials
      7   are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
      8   which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
      9   http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
     14 **/
     16 #include "I2cDxe.h"
     18 //
     19 //  EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL instance
     20 //
     21 EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL gI2cBusDriverBinding = {
     22   I2cBusDriverSupported,
     23   I2cBusDriverStart,
     24   I2cBusDriverStop,
     25   0x10,
     26   NULL,
     27   NULL
     28 };
     30 //
     31 // Template for I2C Bus Child Device.
     32 //
     33 I2C_DEVICE_CONTEXT gI2cDeviceContextTemplate = {
     35   NULL,
     36   {                     // I2cIo Protocol
     37     I2cBusQueueRequest, // QueueRequest
     38     NULL,               // DeviceGuid
     39     0,                  // DeviceIndex
     40     0,                  // HardwareRevision
     41     NULL                // I2cControllerCapabilities
     42   },
     43   NULL,                 // DevicePath
     44   NULL,                 // I2cDevice
     45   NULL,                 // I2cBusContext
     46 };
     48 //
     49 // Template for controller device path node.
     50 //
     51 CONTROLLER_DEVICE_PATH gControllerDevicePathTemplate = {
     52   {
     54     HW_CONTROLLER_DP,
     55     {
     56       (UINT8) (sizeof (CONTROLLER_DEVICE_PATH)),
     57       (UINT8) ((sizeof (CONTROLLER_DEVICE_PATH)) >> 8)
     58     }
     59   },
     60   0
     61 };
     63 //
     64 // Template for vendor device path node.
     65 //
     66 VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH gVendorDevicePathTemplate = {
     67   {
     69     HW_VENDOR_DP,
     70     {
     71       (UINT8) (sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH)),
     72       (UINT8) ((sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH)) >> 8)
     73     }
     74   },
     75   { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }}
     76 };
     78 //
     79 // Driver name table
     80 //
     82   { "eng;en", (CHAR16 *) L"I2C Bus Driver" },
     83   { NULL , NULL }
     84 };
     86 //
     87 // EFI Component Name Protocol
     88 //
     90   (EFI_COMPONENT_NAME_GET_DRIVER_NAME) I2cBusComponentNameGetDriverName,
     91   (EFI_COMPONENT_NAME_GET_CONTROLLER_NAME) I2cBusComponentNameGetControllerName,
     92   "eng"
     93 };
     95 //
     96 // EFI Component Name 2 Protocol
     97 //
     99   I2cBusComponentNameGetDriverName,
    100   I2cBusComponentNameGetControllerName,
    101   "en"
    102 };
    104 /**
    105   Retrieves a Unicode string that is the user readable name of the driver.
    107   This function retrieves the user readable name of a driver in the form of a
    108   Unicode string. If the driver specified by This has a user readable name in
    109   the language specified by Language, then a pointer to the driver name is
    110   returned in DriverName, and EFI_SUCCESS is returned. If the driver specified
    111   by This does not support the language specified by Language,
    112   then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned.
    114   @param  This[in]              A pointer to the EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL or
    115                                 EFI_COMPONENT_NAME_PROTOCOL instance.
    117   @param  Language[in]          A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
    118                                 array indicating the language. This is the
    119                                 language of the driver name that the caller is
    120                                 requesting, and it must match one of the
    121                                 languages specified in SupportedLanguages. The
    122                                 number of languages supported by a driver is up
    123                                 to the driver writer. Language is specified
    124                                 in RFC 4646 or ISO 639-2 language code format.
    126   @param  DriverName[out]       A pointer to the Unicode string to return.
    127                                 This Unicode string is the name of the
    128                                 driver specified by This in the language
    129                                 specified by Language.
    131   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The Unicode string for the Driver specified by
    132                                 This and the language specified by Language was
    133                                 returned in DriverName.
    135   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Language is NULL.
    137   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER DriverName is NULL.
    139   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The driver specified by This does not support
    140                                 the language specified by Language.
    142 **/
    143 EFI_STATUS
    144 EFIAPI
    145 I2cBusComponentNameGetDriverName (
    147   IN  CHAR8                        *Language,
    148   OUT CHAR16                       **DriverName
    149   )
    150 {
    151   return LookupUnicodeString2 (
    152            Language,
    153            This->SupportedLanguages,
    154            mI2cBusDriverNameTable,
    155            DriverName,
    156            (BOOLEAN)(This != &gI2cBusComponentName2)
    157            );
    158 }
    160 /**
    161   Retrieves a Unicode string that is the user readable name of the controller
    162   that is being managed by a driver.
    164   This function retrieves the user readable name of the controller specified by
    165   ControllerHandle and ChildHandle in the form of a Unicode string. If the
    166   driver specified by This has a user readable name in the language specified by
    167   Language, then a pointer to the controller name is returned in ControllerName,
    168   and EFI_SUCCESS is returned.  If the driver specified by This is not currently
    169   managing the controller specified by ControllerHandle and ChildHandle,
    170   then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned.  If the driver specified by This does not
    171   support the language specified by Language, then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned.
    173   @param  This[in]              A pointer to the EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL or
    174                                 EFI_COMPONENT_NAME_PROTOCOL instance.
    176   @param  ControllerHandle[in]  The handle of a controller that the driver
    177                                 specified by This is managing.  This handle
    178                                 specifies the controller whose name is to be
    179                                 returned.
    181   @param  ChildHandle[in]       The handle of the child controller to retrieve
    182                                 the name of.  This is an optional parameter that
    183                                 may be NULL.  It will be NULL for device
    184                                 drivers.  It will also be NULL for a bus drivers
    185                                 that wish to retrieve the name of the bus
    186                                 controller.  It will not be NULL for a bus
    187                                 driver that wishes to retrieve the name of a
    188                                 child controller.
    190   @param  Language[in]          A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
    191                                 array indicating the language.  This is the
    192                                 language of the driver name that the caller is
    193                                 requesting, and it must match one of the
    194                                 languages specified in SupportedLanguages. The
    195                                 number of languages supported by a driver is up
    196                                 to the driver writer. Language is specified in
    197                                 RFC 4646 or ISO 639-2 language code format.
    199   @param  ControllerName[out]   A pointer to the Unicode string to return.
    200                                 This Unicode string is the name of the
    201                                 controller specified by ControllerHandle and
    202                                 ChildHandle in the language specified by
    203                                 Language from the point of view of the driver
    204                                 specified by This.
    206   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The Unicode string for the user readable name in
    207                                 the language specified by Language for the
    208                                 driver specified by This was returned in
    209                                 DriverName.
    211   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ControllerHandle is NULL.
    213   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ChildHandle is not NULL and it is not a valid
    214                                 EFI_HANDLE.
    216   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Language is NULL.
    218   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ControllerName is NULL.
    220   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The driver specified by This is not currently
    221                                 managing the controller specified by
    222                                 ControllerHandle and ChildHandle.
    224   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The driver specified by This does not support
    225                                 the language specified by Language.
    227 **/
    228 EFI_STATUS
    229 EFIAPI
    230 I2cBusComponentNameGetControllerName (
    231   IN  EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL                     *This,
    232   IN  EFI_HANDLE                                      ControllerHandle,
    233   IN  EFI_HANDLE                                      ChildHandle        OPTIONAL,
    234   IN  CHAR8                                           *Language,
    235   OUT CHAR16                                          **ControllerName
    236   )
    237 {
    238   return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
    239 }
    241 /**
    242   Check if the child of I2C controller has been created.
    244   @param[in] This                         A pointer to the EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL instance.
    245   @param[in] Controller                   I2C controller handle.
    246   @param[in] RemainingDevicePath          A pointer to the remaining portion of a device path.
    247   @param[in] RemainingHasControllerNode   Indicate if RemainingDevicePath contains CONTROLLER_DEVICE_PATH.
    248   @param[in] RemainingControllerNumber    Controller number in CONTROLLER_DEVICE_PATH.
    250   @retval EFI_SUCCESS                     The child of I2C controller is not created.
    251   @retval Others                          The child of I2C controller has been created or other errors happen.
    253 **/
    254 EFI_STATUS
    255 CheckRemainingDevicePath (
    257   IN EFI_HANDLE                   Controller,
    258   IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL     *RemainingDevicePath,
    259   IN BOOLEAN                      RemainingHasControllerNode,
    260   IN UINT32                       RemainingControllerNumber
    261   )
    262 {
    263   EFI_STATUS                              Status;
    264   EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL                *SystemDevicePath;
    266   UINTN                                   EntryCount;
    267   UINTN                                   Index;
    268   BOOLEAN                                 SystemHasControllerNode;
    269   UINT32                                  SystemControllerNumber;
    271   SystemHasControllerNode = FALSE;
    272   SystemControllerNumber    = 0;
    274   Status = gBS->OpenProtocolInformation (
    275                   Controller,
    276                   &gEfiI2cHostProtocolGuid,
    277                   &OpenInfoBuffer,
    278                   &EntryCount
    279                   );
    280   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    281     return Status;
    282   }
    284   for (Index = 0; Index < EntryCount; Index++) {
    285     if ((OpenInfoBuffer[Index].Attributes & EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER) != 0) {
    286       Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (
    287                       OpenInfoBuffer[Index].ControllerHandle,
    288                       &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid,
    289                       (VOID **) &SystemDevicePath,
    290                       This->DriverBindingHandle,
    291                       Controller,
    292                       EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL
    293                       );
    294       if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    295         //
    296         // Find vendor device path node and compare
    297         //
    298         while (!IsDevicePathEnd (SystemDevicePath)) {
    299           if ((DevicePathType (SystemDevicePath) == HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH) &&
    300               (DevicePathSubType (SystemDevicePath) == HW_VENDOR_DP)) {
    301             //
    302             // Check if vendor device path is same between system device path and remaining device path
    303             //
    304             if (CompareMem (SystemDevicePath, RemainingDevicePath, sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH)) == 0) {
    305               //
    306               // Get controller node appended after vendor node
    307               //
    308               SystemDevicePath = NextDevicePathNode (SystemDevicePath);
    309               if ((DevicePathType (SystemDevicePath) == HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH) &&
    310                   (DevicePathSubType (SystemDevicePath) == HW_CONTROLLER_DP)) {
    311                 SystemHasControllerNode = TRUE;
    312                 SystemControllerNumber    = ((CONTROLLER_DEVICE_PATH *) SystemDevicePath)->ControllerNumber;
    313               } else {
    314                 SystemHasControllerNode = FALSE;
    315                 SystemControllerNumber    = 0;
    316               }
    317               if (((SystemHasControllerNode)  && (!RemainingHasControllerNode) && (SystemControllerNumber == 0)) ||
    318                   ((!SystemHasControllerNode) && (RemainingHasControllerNode)  && (RemainingControllerNumber == 0)) ||
    319                   ((SystemHasControllerNode)  && (RemainingHasControllerNode)  && (SystemControllerNumber == RemainingControllerNumber)) ||
    320                   ((!SystemHasControllerNode) && (!RemainingHasControllerNode))) {
    321                   DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "This I2C device has been already started.\n"));
    322                   Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
    323                   break;
    324               }
    325             }
    326           }
    327           SystemDevicePath = NextDevicePathNode (SystemDevicePath);
    328         }
    329         if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    330           break;
    331         }
    332       }
    333     }
    334   }
    335   FreePool (OpenInfoBuffer);
    336   return Status;
    337 }
    339 /**
    340   Tests to see if this driver supports a given controller. If a child device is provided,
    341   it further tests to see if this driver supports creating a handle for the specified child device.
    343   This function checks to see if the driver specified by This supports the device specified by
    344   ControllerHandle. Drivers will typically use the device path attached to
    345   ControllerHandle and/or the services from the bus I/O abstraction attached to
    346   ControllerHandle to determine if the driver supports ControllerHandle. This function
    347   may be called many times during platform initialization. In order to reduce boot times, the tests
    348   performed by this function must be very small, and take as little time as possible to execute. This
    349   function must not change the state of any hardware devices, and this function must be aware that the
    350   device specified by ControllerHandle may already be managed by the same driver or a
    351   different driver. This function must match its calls to AllocatePages() with FreePages(),
    352   AllocatePool() with FreePool(), and OpenProtocol() with CloseProtocol().
    353   Since ControllerHandle may have been previously started by the same driver, if a protocol is
    354   already in the opened state, then it must not be closed with CloseProtocol(). This is required
    355   to guarantee the state of ControllerHandle is not modified by this function.
    357   @param[in]  This                 A pointer to the EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL instance.
    358   @param[in]  ControllerHandle     The handle of the controller to test. This handle
    359                                    must support a protocol interface that supplies
    360                                    an I/O abstraction to the driver.
    361   @param[in]  RemainingDevicePath  A pointer to the remaining portion of a device path.  This
    362                                    parameter is ignored by device drivers, and is optional for bus
    363                                    drivers. For bus drivers, if this parameter is not NULL, then
    364                                    the bus driver must determine if the bus controller specified
    365                                    by ControllerHandle and the child controller specified
    366                                    by RemainingDevicePath are both supported by this
    367                                    bus driver.
    369   @retval EFI_SUCCESS              The device specified by ControllerHandle and
    370                                    RemainingDevicePath is supported by the driver specified by This.
    371   @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED      The device specified by ControllerHandle and
    372                                    RemainingDevicePath is already being managed by the driver
    373                                    specified by This.
    374   @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED        The device specified by ControllerHandle and
    375                                    RemainingDevicePath is already being managed by a different
    376                                    driver or an application that requires exclusive access.
    377                                    Currently not implemented.
    378   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED          The device specified by ControllerHandle and
    379                                    RemainingDevicePath is not supported by the driver specified by This.
    380 **/
    381 EFI_STATUS
    382 EFIAPI
    383 I2cBusDriverSupported (
    385   IN EFI_HANDLE                   Controller,
    386   IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL     *RemainingDevicePath
    387   )
    388 {
    389   EFI_STATUS                          Status;
    390   EFI_I2C_ENUMERATE_PROTOCOL          *I2cEnumerate;
    391   EFI_I2C_HOST_PROTOCOL               *I2cHost;
    392   EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL            *ParentDevicePath;
    393   EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL            *DevPathNode;
    394   BOOLEAN                             RemainingHasControllerNode;
    395   UINT32                              RemainingControllerNumber;
    397   RemainingHasControllerNode = FALSE;
    398   RemainingControllerNumber    = 0;
    400   //
    401   //  Determine if the I2c Enumerate Protocol is available
    402   //
    403   Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (
    404                   Controller,
    405                   &gEfiI2cEnumerateProtocolGuid,
    406                   (VOID **) &I2cEnumerate,
    407                   This->DriverBindingHandle,
    408                   Controller,
    409                   EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER
    410                   );
    411   if ((EFI_ERROR (Status)) && (Status != EFI_ALREADY_STARTED)) {
    412     return Status;
    413   }
    415   if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    416     gBS->CloseProtocol (
    417           Controller,
    418           &gEfiI2cEnumerateProtocolGuid,
    419           This->DriverBindingHandle,
    420           Controller
    421           );
    422   }
    424   Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (
    425                   Controller,
    426                   &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid,
    427                   (VOID **) &ParentDevicePath,
    428                   This->DriverBindingHandle,
    429                   Controller,
    430                   EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER
    431                   );
    433   if ((EFI_ERROR (Status)) && (Status != EFI_ALREADY_STARTED)) {
    434     return Status;
    435   }
    437   if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    438     gBS->CloseProtocol (
    439           Controller,
    440           &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid,
    441           This->DriverBindingHandle,
    442           Controller
    443           );
    444   }
    446   if ((RemainingDevicePath != NULL) && !IsDevicePathEnd (RemainingDevicePath)) {
    447     //
    448     // Check if the first node of RemainingDevicePath is a hardware vendor device path
    449     //
    450     if ((DevicePathType (RemainingDevicePath) != HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH) ||
    451         (DevicePathSubType (RemainingDevicePath) != HW_VENDOR_DP)) {
    452       return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
    453     }
    454     //
    455     // Check if the second node of RemainingDevicePath is a controller node
    456     //
    457     DevPathNode = NextDevicePathNode (RemainingDevicePath);
    458     if (!IsDevicePathEnd (DevPathNode)) {
    459       if ((DevicePathType (DevPathNode) != HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH) ||
    460           (DevicePathSubType (DevPathNode) != HW_CONTROLLER_DP)) {
    461         return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
    462       } else {
    463         RemainingHasControllerNode = TRUE;
    464         RemainingControllerNumber    = ((CONTROLLER_DEVICE_PATH *) DevPathNode)->ControllerNumber;
    465       }
    466     }
    467   }
    469   //
    470   // Determine if the I2C Host Protocol is available
    471   //
    472   Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (
    473                   Controller,
    474                   &gEfiI2cHostProtocolGuid,
    475                   (VOID **) &I2cHost,
    476                   This->DriverBindingHandle,
    477                   Controller,
    478                   EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER
    479                   );
    481   if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    482     gBS->CloseProtocol (
    483           Controller,
    484           &gEfiI2cHostProtocolGuid,
    485           This->DriverBindingHandle,
    486           Controller
    487           );
    488   }
    491   if (Status == EFI_ALREADY_STARTED) {
    492     if ((RemainingDevicePath == NULL) ||
    493         ((RemainingDevicePath != NULL) && IsDevicePathEnd (RemainingDevicePath))) {
    494       //
    495       // If RemainingDevicePath is NULL or is the End of Device Path Node, return EFI_SUCCESS.
    496       //
    497       Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
    498     } else {
    499       //
    500       // Test if the child with the RemainingDevicePath has already been created.
    501       //
    502       Status = CheckRemainingDevicePath (
    503                  This,
    504                  Controller,
    505                  RemainingDevicePath,
    506                  RemainingHasControllerNode,
    507                  RemainingControllerNumber
    508                  );
    509     }
    510   }
    512   return Status;
    513 }
    515 /**
    516   Starts a device controller or a bus controller.
    518   The Start() function is designed to be invoked from the EFI boot service ConnectController().
    519   As a result, much of the error checking on the parameters to Start() has been moved into this
    520   common boot service. It is legal to call Start() from other locations,
    521   but the following calling restrictions must be followed or the system behavior will not be deterministic.
    522   1. ControllerHandle must be a valid EFI_HANDLE.
    523   2. If RemainingDevicePath is not NULL, then it must be a pointer to a naturally aligned
    525   3. Prior to calling Start(), the Supported() function for the driver specified by This must
    526      have been called with the same calling parameters, and Supported() must have returned EFI_SUCCESS.
    528   @param[in]  This                 A pointer to the EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL instance.
    529   @param[in]  ControllerHandle     The handle of the controller to start. This handle
    530                                    must support a protocol interface that supplies
    531                                    an I/O abstraction to the driver.
    532   @param[in]  RemainingDevicePath  A pointer to the remaining portion of a device path.  This
    533                                    parameter is ignored by device drivers, and is optional for bus
    534                                    drivers. For a bus driver, if this parameter is NULL, then handles
    535                                    for all the children of Controller are created by this driver.
    536                                    If this parameter is not NULL and the first Device Path Node is
    537                                    not the End of Device Path Node, then only the handle for the
    538                                    child device specified by the first Device Path Node of
    539                                    RemainingDevicePath is created by this driver.
    540                                    If the first Device Path Node of RemainingDevicePath is
    541                                    the End of Device Path Node, no child handle is created by this
    542                                    driver.
    544   @retval EFI_SUCCESS              The device was started.
    545   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR         The device could not be started due to a device error.Currently not implemented.
    546   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES     The request could not be completed due to a lack of resources.
    547   @retval Others                   The driver failded to start the device.
    549 **/
    550 EFI_STATUS
    551 EFIAPI
    552 I2cBusDriverStart (
    554   IN EFI_HANDLE                   Controller,
    555   IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL     *RemainingDevicePath
    556   )
    557 {
    558   EFI_I2C_ENUMERATE_PROTOCOL *I2cEnumerate;
    559   EFI_I2C_HOST_PROTOCOL      *I2cHost;
    560   I2C_BUS_CONTEXT            *I2cBusContext;
    561   EFI_STATUS                 Status;
    562   EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL   *ParentDevicePath;
    564   I2cBusContext     = NULL;
    565   ParentDevicePath  = NULL;
    566   I2cEnumerate      = NULL;
    567   I2cHost           = NULL;
    569   //
    570   //  Determine if the I2C controller is available
    571   //
    572   Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (
    573                   Controller,
    574                   &gEfiI2cHostProtocolGuid,
    575                   (VOID**)&I2cHost,
    576                   This->DriverBindingHandle,
    577                   Controller,
    578                   EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER
    579                   );
    580   if (EFI_ERROR (Status) && (Status != EFI_ALREADY_STARTED)) {
    581     DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "I2cBus: open I2C host error, Status = %r\n", Status));
    582     return Status;
    583   }
    585   if (Status == EFI_ALREADY_STARTED) {
    586     Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (
    587                     Controller,
    588                     &gEfiCallerIdGuid,
    589                     (VOID **) &I2cBusContext,
    590                     This->DriverBindingHandle,
    591                     Controller,
    592                     EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL
    593                     );
    594     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    595       DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "I2cBus: open private protocol error, Status = %r.\n", Status));
    596       return Status;
    597     }
    598   }
    600   //
    601   //  Get the I2C bus enumeration API
    602   //
    603   Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (
    604                   Controller,
    605                   &gEfiI2cEnumerateProtocolGuid,
    606                   (VOID**)&I2cEnumerate,
    607                   This->DriverBindingHandle,
    608                   Controller,
    609                   EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER
    610                   );
    611   if (EFI_ERROR (Status) && (Status != EFI_ALREADY_STARTED)) {
    612     DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "I2cBus: open I2C enumerate error, Status = %r\n", Status));
    613     goto Error;
    614   }
    616   Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (
    617                    Controller,
    618                    &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid,
    619                    (VOID **) &ParentDevicePath,
    620                    This->DriverBindingHandle,
    621                    Controller,
    622                    EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER
    623                    );
    624   if (EFI_ERROR (Status) && (Status != EFI_ALREADY_STARTED)) {
    625     DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "I2cBus: open device path error, Status = %r\n", Status));
    626     goto Error;
    627   }
    629   if ((RemainingDevicePath != NULL) && IsDevicePathEnd (RemainingDevicePath)) {
    630     //
    631     // If RemainingDevicePath is the End of Device Path Node,
    632     // don't create any child device and return EFI_SUCESS
    633     //
    634     return EFI_SUCCESS;
    635   }
    637   //
    638   // Allocate the buffer for I2C_BUS_CONTEXT if it is not allocated before.
    639   //
    640   if (I2cBusContext == NULL) {
    641     //
    642     //  Allocate the I2C context structure for the current I2C controller
    643     //
    644     I2cBusContext = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (I2C_BUS_CONTEXT));
    645     if (I2cBusContext == NULL) {
    646       DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "I2cBus: there is no enough memory to allocate.\n"));
    647       Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
    648       goto Error;
    649     }
    651     /*
    652        +----------------+
    653     .->| I2C_BUS_CONTEXT|<----- This file Protocol (gEfiCallerIdGuid) installed on I2C Controller handle
    654     |  +----------------+
    655     |
    656     |  +----------------------------+
    657     |  | I2C_DEVICE_CONTEXT         |
    658     `--|                            |
    659        |                            |
    660        | I2C IO Protocol Structure  | <----- I2C IO Protocol
    661        |                            |
    662        +----------------------------+
    664     */
    665     I2cBusContext->I2cHost      = I2cHost;
    666     I2cBusContext->I2cEnumerate = I2cEnumerate;
    667     //
    668     // Parent controller used to create children
    669     //
    670     I2cBusContext->Controller   = Controller;
    671     //
    672     // Parent controller device path used to create children device path
    673     //
    674     I2cBusContext->ParentDevicePath = ParentDevicePath;
    676     I2cBusContext->DriverBindingHandle = This->DriverBindingHandle;
    678     Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
    679                     &Controller,
    680                     &gEfiCallerIdGuid,
    681                     I2cBusContext,
    682                     NULL
    683                     );
    684     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    685       DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "I2cBus: install private protocol error, Status = %r.\n", Status));
    686       goto Error;
    687     }
    688   }
    690   //
    691   //  Start the driver
    692   //
    693   Status = RegisterI2cDevice (I2cBusContext, Controller, RemainingDevicePath);
    695   return Status;
    697 Error:
    698   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    699     DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "I2cBus: Start() function failed, Status = %r\n", Status));
    700     if (ParentDevicePath != NULL) {
    701       gBS->CloseProtocol (
    702             Controller,
    703             &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid,
    704             This->DriverBindingHandle,
    705             Controller
    706             );
    707     }
    709     if (I2cHost != NULL) {
    710       gBS->CloseProtocol (
    711             Controller,
    712             &gEfiI2cHostProtocolGuid,
    713             This->DriverBindingHandle,
    714             Controller
    715             );
    716     }
    718     if (I2cEnumerate != NULL) {
    719       gBS->CloseProtocol (
    720             Controller,
    721             &gEfiI2cEnumerateProtocolGuid,
    722             This->DriverBindingHandle,
    723             Controller
    724             );
    725     }
    727     if (I2cBusContext != NULL) {
    728       Status = gBS->UninstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
    729                       &Controller,
    730                       gEfiCallerIdGuid,
    731                       I2cBusContext,
    732                       NULL
    733                       );
    734       FreePool (I2cBusContext);
    735     }
    736   }
    738   //
    739   //  Return the operation status.
    740   //
    741   return Status;
    742 }
    745 /**
    746   Stops a device controller or a bus controller.
    748   The Stop() function is designed to be invoked from the EFI boot service DisconnectController().
    749   As a result, much of the error checking on the parameters to Stop() has been moved
    750   into this common boot service. It is legal to call Stop() from other locations,
    751   but the following calling restrictions must be followed or the system behavior will not be deterministic.
    752   1. ControllerHandle must be a valid EFI_HANDLE that was used on a previous call to this
    753      same driver's Start() function.
    754   2. The first NumberOfChildren handles of ChildHandleBuffer must all be a valid
    755      EFI_HANDLE. In addition, all of these handles must have been created in this driver's
    756      Start() function, and the Start() function must have called OpenProtocol() on
    757      ControllerHandle with an Attribute of EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER.
    759   @param[in]  This              A pointer to the EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL instance.
    760   @param[in]  ControllerHandle  A handle to the device being stopped. The handle must
    761                                 support a bus specific I/O protocol for the driver
    762                                 to use to stop the device.
    763   @param[in]  NumberOfChildren  The number of child device handles in ChildHandleBuffer.
    764   @param[in]  ChildHandleBuffer An array of child handles to be freed. May be NULL
    765                                 if NumberOfChildren is 0.
    767   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The device was stopped.
    768   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The device could not be stopped due to a device error.
    770 **/
    771 EFI_STATUS
    772 EFIAPI
    773 I2cBusDriverStop (
    775   IN  EFI_HANDLE                   Controller,
    776   IN  UINTN                        NumberOfChildren,
    777   IN  EFI_HANDLE                   *ChildHandleBuffer
    778   )
    779 {
    780   I2C_BUS_CONTEXT             *I2cBusContext;
    781   EFI_STATUS                  Status;
    782   BOOLEAN                     AllChildrenStopped;
    783   UINTN                       Index;
    785   if (NumberOfChildren == 0) {
    786     gBS->CloseProtocol (
    787           Controller,
    788           &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid,
    789           This->DriverBindingHandle,
    790           Controller
    791           );
    793     gBS->CloseProtocol (
    794           Controller,
    795           &gEfiI2cHostProtocolGuid,
    796           This->DriverBindingHandle,
    797           Controller
    798           );
    800     gBS->CloseProtocol (
    801           Controller,
    802           &gEfiI2cEnumerateProtocolGuid,
    803           This->DriverBindingHandle,
    804           Controller
    805           );
    807     Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (
    808                     Controller,
    809                     &gEfiCallerIdGuid,
    810                     (VOID **) &I2cBusContext,
    811                     This->DriverBindingHandle,
    812                     Controller,
    813                     EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL
    814                     );
    815     if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    816       gBS->UninstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
    817             Controller,
    818             &gEfiCallerIdGuid,
    819             I2cBusContext,
    820             NULL
    821             );
    822       //
    823       // No more child now, free bus context data.
    824       //
    825       FreePool (I2cBusContext);
    826     }
    827     return Status;
    828   }
    830   AllChildrenStopped = TRUE;
    832   for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfChildren; Index++) {
    834     Status = UnRegisterI2cDevice (This, Controller, ChildHandleBuffer[Index]);
    835     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    836       AllChildrenStopped = FALSE;
    837     }
    838   }
    840   if (!AllChildrenStopped) {
    841     return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
    842   }
    843   return EFI_SUCCESS;
    844 }
    846 /**
    847   Enumerate the I2C bus
    849   This routine walks the platform specific data describing the
    850   I2C bus to create the I2C devices where driver GUIDs were
    851   specified.
    853   @param[in] I2cBusContext            Address of an I2C_BUS_CONTEXT structure
    854   @param[in] Controller               Handle to the controller
    855   @param[in] RemainingDevicePath      A pointer to the remaining portion of a device path.
    857   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The bus is successfully configured
    859 **/
    860 EFI_STATUS
    861 RegisterI2cDevice (
    862   IN I2C_BUS_CONTEXT            *I2cBusContext,
    863   IN EFI_HANDLE                 Controller,
    864   IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL   *RemainingDevicePath
    865   )
    866 {
    867   I2C_DEVICE_CONTEXT                *I2cDeviceContext;
    868   EFI_STATUS                        Status;
    869   CONST EFI_I2C_DEVICE              *Device;
    870   CONST EFI_I2C_DEVICE              *TempDevice;
    871   UINT32                            RemainingPathDeviceIndex;
    872   EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL          *DevPathNode;
    873   BOOLEAN                           BuildControllerNode;
    874   UINTN                             Count;
    876   Status                   = EFI_SUCCESS;
    877   BuildControllerNode      = TRUE;
    879   //
    880   // Default DeviceIndex
    881   //
    882   RemainingPathDeviceIndex = 0;
    884   //
    885   // Determine the controller number in Controller Node Device Path when RemainingDevicePath is not NULL.
    886   //
    887   if (RemainingDevicePath != NULL) {
    888     //
    889     // Check if there is a controller node appended after vendor node
    890     //
    891     DevPathNode = NextDevicePathNode (RemainingDevicePath);
    892     if ((DevicePathType (DevPathNode) == HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH) &&
    893         (DevicePathSubType(DevPathNode) == HW_CONTROLLER_DP)) {
    894       //
    895       // RemainingDevicePath != NULL and RemainingDevicePath contains Controller Node,
    896       // add Controller Node to Device Path on child handle.
    897       //
    898       RemainingPathDeviceIndex = ((CONTROLLER_DEVICE_PATH *) DevPathNode)->ControllerNumber;
    899     } else {
    900       //
    901       // RemainingDevicePath != NULL and RemainingDevicePath does not contain Controller Node,
    902       // do not add controller node to Device Path on child handle.
    903       //
    904       BuildControllerNode = FALSE;
    905     }
    906   }
    908   //
    909   //  Walk the list of I2C devices on this bus
    910   //
    911   Device = NULL;
    912   while (TRUE) {
    913     //
    914     //  Get the next I2C device
    915     //
    916     Status = I2cBusContext->I2cEnumerate->Enumerate (I2cBusContext->I2cEnumerate, &Device);
    917     if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || Device == NULL) {
    918       if (RemainingDevicePath != NULL) {
    919         Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
    920       } else {
    921         Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
    922       }
    923       break;
    924     }
    926     //
    927     //  Determine if the device info is valid
    928     //
    929     if ((Device->DeviceGuid == NULL) || (Device->SlaveAddressCount == 0) || (Device->SlaveAddressArray == NULL)) {
    930       DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Invalid EFI_I2C_DEVICE reported by I2c Enumerate protocol.\n"));
    931       continue;
    932     }
    934     if (RemainingDevicePath == NULL) {
    935       if (Device->DeviceIndex == 0) {
    936         //
    937         // Determine if the controller node is necessary when controller number is zero in I2C device
    938         //
    939         TempDevice = NULL;
    940         Count      = 0;
    941         while (TRUE) {
    942           //
    943           //  Get the next I2C device
    944           //
    945           Status = I2cBusContext->I2cEnumerate->Enumerate (I2cBusContext->I2cEnumerate, &TempDevice);
    946           if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || TempDevice == NULL) {
    947             Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
    948             break;
    949           }
    950           if (CompareGuid (Device->DeviceGuid, TempDevice->DeviceGuid)) {
    951             Count++;
    952           }
    953         }
    954         if (Count == 1) {
    955           //
    956           // RemainingDevicePath == NULL and only DeviceIndex 0 is present on the I2C bus,
    957           // do not add Controller Node to Device Path on child handle.
    958           //
    959           BuildControllerNode = FALSE;
    960         }
    961       }
    962     } else {
    963       //
    964       // Find I2C device reported in Remaining Device Path
    965       //
    966       if ((!CompareGuid (&((VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH *)RemainingDevicePath)->Guid, Device->DeviceGuid)) ||
    967           (RemainingPathDeviceIndex != Device->DeviceIndex)) {
    968         continue;
    969       }
    970     }
    972     //
    973     // Build the device context for current I2C device.
    974     //
    975     I2cDeviceContext = NULL;
    976     I2cDeviceContext = AllocateCopyPool (sizeof (I2C_DEVICE_CONTEXT), &gI2cDeviceContextTemplate);
    977     ASSERT (I2cDeviceContext != NULL);
    978     if (I2cDeviceContext == NULL) {
    979       continue;
    980     }
    982     //
    983     //  Initialize the specific device context
    984     //
    985     I2cDeviceContext->I2cBusContext          = I2cBusContext;
    986     I2cDeviceContext->I2cDevice              = Device;
    987     I2cDeviceContext->I2cIo.DeviceGuid       = Device->DeviceGuid;
    988     I2cDeviceContext->I2cIo.DeviceIndex      = Device->DeviceIndex;
    989     I2cDeviceContext->I2cIo.HardwareRevision = Device->HardwareRevision;
    990     I2cDeviceContext->I2cIo.I2cControllerCapabilities = I2cBusContext->I2cHost->I2cControllerCapabilities;
    992     //
    993     //  Build the device path
    994     //
    995     Status = I2cBusDevicePathAppend (I2cDeviceContext, BuildControllerNode);
    996     ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
    997     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    998       continue;
    999     }
   1001     //
   1002     //  Install the protocol
   1003     //
   1004     Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
   1005               &I2cDeviceContext->Handle,
   1006               &gEfiI2cIoProtocolGuid,
   1007               &I2cDeviceContext->I2cIo,
   1008               &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid,
   1009               I2cDeviceContext->DevicePath,
   1010               NULL );
   1011     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1012       //
   1013       // Free resources for this I2C device
   1014       //
   1015       ReleaseI2cDeviceContext (I2cDeviceContext);
   1016       continue;
   1017     }
   1019     //
   1020     // Create the child handle
   1021     //
   1022     Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (
   1023                     Controller,
   1024                     &gEfiI2cHostProtocolGuid,
   1025                     (VOID **) &I2cBusContext->I2cHost,
   1026                     I2cBusContext->DriverBindingHandle,
   1027                     I2cDeviceContext->Handle,
   1028                     EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER
   1029                     );
   1030     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1031       Status = gBS->UninstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
   1032                       I2cDeviceContext->Handle,
   1033                       &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid,
   1034                       I2cDeviceContext->DevicePath,
   1035                       &gEfiI2cIoProtocolGuid,
   1036                       &I2cDeviceContext->I2cIo,
   1037                       NULL
   1038                       );
   1039       //
   1040       // Free resources for this I2C device
   1041       //
   1042       ReleaseI2cDeviceContext (I2cDeviceContext);
   1043       continue;
   1044     }
   1046     if (RemainingDevicePath != NULL) {
   1047       //
   1048       // Child has been created successfully
   1049       //
   1050       break;
   1051     }
   1052   }
   1054   return Status;
   1055 }
   1058 /**
   1059   Queue an I2C transaction for execution on the I2C device.
   1061   This routine must be called at or below TPL_NOTIFY.  For synchronous
   1062   requests this routine must be called at or below TPL_CALLBACK.
   1064   This routine queues an I2C transaction to the I2C controller for
   1065   execution on the I2C bus.
   1067   When Event is NULL, QueueRequest() operates synchronously and returns
   1068   the I2C completion status as its return value.
   1070   When Event is not NULL, QueueRequest() synchronously returns EFI_SUCCESS
   1071   indicating that the asynchronous I2C transaction was queued.  The values
   1072   above are returned in the buffer pointed to by I2cStatus upon the
   1073   completion of the I2C transaction when I2cStatus is not NULL.
   1075   The upper layer driver writer provides the following to the platform
   1076   vendor:
   1078   1.  Vendor specific GUID for the I2C part
   1079   2.  Guidance on proper construction of the slave address array when the
   1080       I2C device uses more than one slave address.  The I2C bus protocol
   1081       uses the SlaveAddressIndex to perform relative to physical address
   1082       translation to access the blocks of hardware within the I2C device.
   1084   @param[in] This               Pointer to an EFI_I2C_IO_PROTOCOL structure.
   1085   @param[in] SlaveAddressIndex  Index value into an array of slave addresses
   1086                                 for the I2C device.  The values in the array
   1087                                 are specified by the board designer, with the
   1088                                 third party I2C device driver writer providing
   1089                                 the slave address order.
   1091                                 For devices that have a single slave address,
   1092                                 this value must be zero.  If the I2C device
   1093                                 uses more than one slave address then the
   1094                                 third party (upper level) I2C driver writer
   1095                                 needs to specify the order of entries in the
   1096                                 slave address array.
   1098                                 \ref ThirdPartyI2cDrivers "Third Party I2C
   1099                                 Drivers" section in I2cMaster.h.
   1100   @param[in] Event              Event to signal for asynchronous transactions,
   1101                                 NULL for synchronous transactions
   1102   @param[in] RequestPacket      Pointer to an EFI_I2C_REQUEST_PACKET structure
   1103                                 describing the I2C transaction
   1104   @param[out] I2cStatus         Optional buffer to receive the I2C transaction
   1105                                 completion status
   1107   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The asynchronous transaction was successfully
   1108                                 queued when Event is not NULL.
   1109   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The transaction completed successfully when
   1110                                 Event is NULL.
   1111   @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE   The RequestPacket->LengthInBytes value is too
   1112                                 large.
   1113   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      There was an I2C error (NACK) during the
   1114                                 transaction.
   1115   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER RequestPacket is NULL
   1116   @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING        The EFI_I2C_HOST_PROTOCOL could not set the
   1117                                 bus configuration required to access this I2C
   1118                                 device.
   1119   @retval EFI_NO_RESPONSE       The I2C device is not responding to the slave
   1120                                 address selected by SlaveAddressIndex.
   1121                                 EFI_DEVICE_ERROR will be returned if the
   1122                                 controller cannot distinguish when the NACK
   1123                                 occurred.
   1124   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Insufficient memory for I2C transaction
   1125   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The controller does not support the requested
   1126                                 transaction.
   1128 **/
   1129 EFI_STATUS
   1130 EFIAPI
   1131 I2cBusQueueRequest (
   1132   IN CONST EFI_I2C_IO_PROTOCOL  *This,
   1133   IN UINTN                      SlaveAddressIndex,
   1134   IN EFI_EVENT                  Event               OPTIONAL,
   1135   IN EFI_I2C_REQUEST_PACKET     *RequestPacket,
   1136   OUT EFI_STATUS                *I2cStatus          OPTIONAL
   1137   )
   1138 {
   1139   CONST EFI_I2C_DEVICE        *I2cDevice;
   1140   I2C_BUS_CONTEXT             *I2cBusContext;
   1142   I2C_DEVICE_CONTEXT          *I2cDeviceContext;
   1143   EFI_STATUS                  Status;
   1145   if (RequestPacket == NULL) {
   1146     return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
   1147   }
   1149   //
   1150   //  Validate the I2C slave index
   1151   //
   1152   I2cDeviceContext = I2C_DEVICE_CONTEXT_FROM_PROTOCOL (This);
   1153   I2cDevice        = I2cDeviceContext->I2cDevice;
   1154   if ( SlaveAddressIndex >= I2cDevice->SlaveAddressCount ) {
   1155     return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
   1156   }
   1158   //
   1159   //  Locate the I2c Host Protocol to queue request
   1160   //
   1161   I2cBusContext = I2cDeviceContext->I2cBusContext;
   1162   I2cHost       = I2cBusContext->I2cHost;
   1164   //
   1165   //  Start the I2C operation
   1166   //
   1167   Status = I2cHost->QueueRequest (
   1168                       I2cHost,
   1169                       I2cDevice->I2cBusConfiguration,
   1170                       I2cDevice->SlaveAddressArray [SlaveAddressIndex],
   1171                       Event,
   1172                       RequestPacket,
   1173                       I2cStatus
   1174                       );
   1176   return Status;
   1177 }
   1179 /**
   1180   Release all the resources allocated for the I2C device.
   1182   This function releases all the resources allocated for the I2C device.
   1184   @param  I2cDeviceContext         The I2C child device involved for the operation.
   1186 **/
   1187 VOID
   1188 ReleaseI2cDeviceContext (
   1189   IN I2C_DEVICE_CONTEXT          *I2cDeviceContext
   1190   )
   1191 {
   1192   if (I2cDeviceContext == NULL) {
   1193     return;
   1194   }
   1196   if (I2cDeviceContext->DevicePath != NULL) {
   1197     FreePool (I2cDeviceContext->DevicePath);
   1198   }
   1200   FreePool (I2cDeviceContext);
   1201 }
   1203 /**
   1204   Unregister an I2C device.
   1206   This function removes the protocols installed on the controller handle and
   1207   frees the resources allocated for the I2C device.
   1209   @param  This                  The pointer to EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL instance.
   1210   @param  Controller            The controller handle of the I2C device.
   1211   @param  Handle                The child handle.
   1213   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The I2C device is successfully unregistered.
   1214   @return Others                Some error occurs when unregistering the I2C device.
   1216 **/
   1217 EFI_STATUS
   1218 UnRegisterI2cDevice (
   1220   IN  EFI_HANDLE                     Controller,
   1221   IN  EFI_HANDLE                     Handle
   1222   )
   1223 {
   1224   EFI_STATUS                  Status;
   1225   I2C_DEVICE_CONTEXT          *I2cDeviceContext;
   1226   EFI_I2C_IO_PROTOCOL         *I2cIo;
   1227   EFI_I2C_HOST_PROTOCOL       *I2cHost;
   1229   I2cIo = NULL;
   1231   Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (
   1232                   Handle,
   1233                   &gEfiI2cIoProtocolGuid,
   1234                   (VOID **) &I2cIo,
   1235                   This->DriverBindingHandle,
   1236                   Controller,
   1237                   EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL
   1238                   );
   1239   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1240     return Status;
   1241   }
   1243   //
   1244   // Get I2c device context data.
   1245   //
   1246   I2cDeviceContext = I2C_DEVICE_CONTEXT_FROM_PROTOCOL (I2cIo);
   1248   //
   1249   // Close the child handle
   1250   //
   1251   gBS->CloseProtocol (
   1252          Controller,
   1253          &gEfiI2cHostProtocolGuid,
   1254          This->DriverBindingHandle,
   1255          Handle
   1256          );
   1258   //
   1259   // The I2C Bus driver installs the I2C Io and Device Path Protocol in the DriverBindingStart().
   1260   // Here should uninstall them.
   1261   //
   1262   Status = gBS->UninstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
   1263                   Handle,
   1264                   &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid,
   1265                   I2cDeviceContext->DevicePath,
   1266                   &gEfiI2cIoProtocolGuid,
   1267                   &I2cDeviceContext->I2cIo,
   1268                   NULL
   1269                   );
   1271   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1272     //
   1273     // Keep parent and child relationship
   1274     //
   1275     gBS->OpenProtocol (
   1276           Controller,
   1277           &gEfiI2cHostProtocolGuid,
   1278           (VOID **) &I2cHost,
   1279           This->DriverBindingHandle,
   1280           Handle,
   1282           );
   1283     return Status;
   1284   }
   1286   //
   1287   // Free resources for this I2C device
   1288   //
   1289   ReleaseI2cDeviceContext (I2cDeviceContext);
   1291   return EFI_SUCCESS;
   1292 }
   1294 /**
   1295   Create a path for the I2C device
   1297   Append the I2C slave path to the I2C master controller path.
   1299   @param[in] I2cDeviceContext           Address of an I2C_DEVICE_CONTEXT structure.
   1300   @param[in] BuildControllerNode        Flag to build controller node in device path.
   1302   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The I2C device path is built successfully.
   1303   @return Others                It is failed to built device path.
   1305 **/
   1306 EFI_STATUS
   1307 I2cBusDevicePathAppend (
   1308   IN I2C_DEVICE_CONTEXT     *I2cDeviceContext,
   1309   IN BOOLEAN                BuildControllerNode
   1310   )
   1311 {
   1312   EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL  *PreviousDevicePath;
   1314   PreviousDevicePath = NULL;
   1316   //
   1317   // Build vendor device path
   1318   //
   1319   CopyMem (&gVendorDevicePathTemplate.Guid, I2cDeviceContext->I2cDevice->DeviceGuid, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
   1320   I2cDeviceContext->DevicePath                    = AppendDevicePathNode (
   1321                                                       I2cDeviceContext->I2cBusContext->ParentDevicePath,
   1322                                                       (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *) &gVendorDevicePathTemplate
   1323                                                       );
   1324   ASSERT (I2cDeviceContext->DevicePath != NULL);
   1325   if (I2cDeviceContext->DevicePath == NULL) {
   1326     return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
   1327   }
   1329   if ((BuildControllerNode) && (I2cDeviceContext->DevicePath != NULL)) {
   1330     //
   1331     // Build the final I2C device path with controller node
   1332     //
   1333     PreviousDevicePath = I2cDeviceContext->DevicePath;
   1334     gControllerDevicePathTemplate.ControllerNumber = I2cDeviceContext->I2cDevice->DeviceIndex;
   1335     I2cDeviceContext->DevicePath          = AppendDevicePathNode (
   1336                                               I2cDeviceContext->DevicePath,
   1337                                               (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *) &gControllerDevicePathTemplate
   1338                                               );
   1339     gBS->FreePool (PreviousDevicePath);
   1340     ASSERT (I2cDeviceContext->DevicePath != NULL);
   1341     if (I2cDeviceContext->DevicePath == NULL) {
   1342       return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
   1343     }
   1344   }
   1346   return EFI_SUCCESS;
   1347 }
   1349 /**
   1350   The user entry point for the I2C bus module. The user code starts with
   1351   this function.
   1353   @param[in] ImageHandle    The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.
   1354   @param[in] SystemTable    A pointer to the EFI System Table.
   1356   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The entry point is executed successfully.
   1357   @retval other             Some error occurs when executing this entry point.
   1359 **/
   1360 EFI_STATUS
   1361 EFIAPI
   1362 InitializeI2cBus(
   1363   IN EFI_HANDLE           ImageHandle,
   1364   IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE     *SystemTable
   1365   )
   1366 {
   1367   EFI_STATUS              Status;
   1369   //
   1370   // Install driver model protocol(s).
   1371   //
   1372   Status = EfiLibInstallDriverBindingComponentName2 (
   1373              ImageHandle,
   1374              SystemTable,
   1375              &gI2cBusDriverBinding,
   1376              NULL,
   1377              &gI2cBusComponentName,
   1378              &gI2cBusComponentName2
   1379              );
   1380   ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
   1383   return Status;
   1384 }
   1386 /**
   1387   This is the unload handle for I2C bus module.
   1389   Disconnect the driver specified by ImageHandle from all the devices in the handle database.
   1390   Uninstall all the protocols installed in the driver entry point.
   1392   @param[in] ImageHandle           The drivers' driver image.
   1394   @retval    EFI_SUCCESS           The image is unloaded.
   1395   @retval    Others                Failed to unload the image.
   1397 **/
   1398 EFI_STATUS
   1399 EFIAPI
   1400 I2cBusUnload (
   1401   IN EFI_HANDLE             ImageHandle
   1402   )
   1403 {
   1404   EFI_STATUS                        Status;
   1405   EFI_HANDLE                        *DeviceHandleBuffer;
   1406   UINTN                             DeviceHandleCount;
   1407   UINTN                             Index;
   1408   EFI_COMPONENT_NAME_PROTOCOL       *ComponentName;
   1409   EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL      *ComponentName2;
   1411   //
   1412   // Get the list of all I2C Controller handles in the handle database.
   1413   // If there is an error getting the list, then the unload
   1414   // operation fails.
   1415   //
   1416   Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer (
   1417                   ByProtocol,
   1418                   &gEfiI2cHostProtocolGuid,
   1419                   NULL,
   1420                   &DeviceHandleCount,
   1421                   &DeviceHandleBuffer
   1422                   );
   1424   if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1425     //
   1426     // Disconnect the driver specified by Driver BindingHandle from all
   1427     // the devices in the handle database.
   1428     //
   1429     for (Index = 0; Index < DeviceHandleCount; Index++) {
   1430       Status = gBS->DisconnectController (
   1431                       DeviceHandleBuffer[Index],
   1432                       gI2cBusDriverBinding.DriverBindingHandle,
   1433                       NULL
   1434                       );
   1435       if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1436         goto Done;
   1437       }
   1438     }
   1439   }
   1441   //
   1442   // Uninstall all the protocols installed in the driver entry point
   1443   //
   1444   Status = gBS->UninstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
   1445                   gI2cBusDriverBinding.DriverBindingHandle,
   1446                   &gEfiDriverBindingProtocolGuid,
   1447                   &gI2cBusDriverBinding,
   1448                   NULL
   1449                   );
   1450   ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
   1452   //
   1453   // Note we have to one by one uninstall the following protocols.
   1454   // It's because some of them are optionally installed based on
   1455   // the following PCD settings.
   1456   //   gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDriverDiagnosticsDisable
   1457   //   gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdComponentNameDisable
   1458   //   gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDriverDiagnostics2Disable
   1459   //   gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdComponentName2Disable
   1460   //
   1461   Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (
   1462                   gI2cBusDriverBinding.DriverBindingHandle,
   1463                   &gEfiComponentNameProtocolGuid,
   1464                   (VOID **) &ComponentName
   1465                   );
   1466   if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1467     gBS->UninstallProtocolInterface (
   1468            gI2cBusDriverBinding.DriverBindingHandle,
   1469            &gEfiComponentNameProtocolGuid,
   1470            ComponentName
   1471            );
   1472   }
   1474   Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (
   1475                   gI2cBusDriverBinding.DriverBindingHandle,
   1476                   &gEfiComponentName2ProtocolGuid,
   1477                   (VOID **) &ComponentName2
   1478                   );
   1479   if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1480     gBS->UninstallProtocolInterface (
   1481            gI2cBusDriverBinding.DriverBindingHandle,
   1482            &gEfiComponentName2ProtocolGuid,
   1483            ComponentName2
   1484            );
   1485   }
   1487   Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
   1489 Done:
   1490   //
   1491   // Free the buffer containing the list of handles from the handle database
   1492   //
   1493   if (DeviceHandleBuffer != NULL) {
   1494     gBS->FreePool (DeviceHandleBuffer);
   1495   }
   1497   return Status;
   1498 }