1 /** @file 2 IA-32/x64 AsmEnablePaging64() 3 4 Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> 5 This program and the accompanying materials 6 are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License 7 which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at 8 http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. 9 10 THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, 11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. 12 13 **/ 14 15 16 17 18 #include "BaseLibInternals.h" 19 20 /** 21 Enables the 64-bit paging mode on the CPU. 22 23 Enables the 64-bit paging mode on the CPU. CR0, CR3, CR4, and the page tables 24 must be properly initialized prior to calling this service. This function 25 assumes the current execution mode is 32-bit protected mode with flat 26 descriptors. This function is only available on IA-32. After the 64-bit 27 paging mode is enabled, control is transferred to the function specified by 28 EntryPoint using the new stack specified by NewStack and passing in the 29 parameters specified by Context1 and Context2. Context1 and Context2 are 30 optional and may be 0. The function EntryPoint must never return. 31 32 If the current execution mode is not 32-bit protected mode with flat 33 descriptors, then ASSERT(). 34 If EntryPoint is 0, then ASSERT(). 35 If NewStack is 0, then ASSERT(). 36 37 @param Cs The 16-bit selector to load in the CS before EntryPoint 38 is called. The descriptor in the GDT that this selector 39 references must be setup for long mode. 40 @param EntryPoint The 64-bit virtual address of the function to call with 41 the new stack after paging is enabled. 42 @param Context1 The 64-bit virtual address of the context to pass into 43 the EntryPoint function as the first parameter after 44 paging is enabled. 45 @param Context2 The 64-bit virtual address of the context to pass into 46 the EntryPoint function as the second parameter after 47 paging is enabled. 48 @param NewStack The 64-bit virtual address of the new stack to use for 49 the EntryPoint function after paging is enabled. 50 51 **/ 52 VOID 53 EFIAPI 54 AsmEnablePaging64 ( 55 IN UINT16 Cs, 56 IN UINT64 EntryPoint, 57 IN UINT64 Context1, OPTIONAL 58 IN UINT64 Context2, OPTIONAL 59 IN UINT64 NewStack 60 ) 61 { 62 ASSERT (EntryPoint != 0); 63 ASSERT (NewStack != 0); 64 InternalX86EnablePaging64 (Cs, EntryPoint, Context1, Context2, NewStack); 65 } 66