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      1 /*
      2  *  User Mode Init manager - For TI shared transport
      3  *
      4  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
      5  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      6  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
      7  *  (at your option) any later version.
      8  *
      9  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     10  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     12  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
     13  *
     14  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     15  *  along with this program;if not, write to the Free Software
     16  *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
     17  */
     18 #include <stdio.h>
     19 #include <errno.h>
     20 #include <fcntl.h>
     21 #include <string.h>
     22 #include <signal.h>
     23 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
     24 #include <termios.h>
     25 #include <poll.h>
     26 #include <stdint.h>
     27 #include <stdlib.h>
     28 #include <sys/stat.h>
     29 #include <sys/utsname.h>
     31 #include <unistd.h>
     32 #include <time.h>
     34 #include "uim.h"
     36 /* Maintains the exit state of UIM*/
     37 static int exiting;
     38 static int line_discipline;
     39 static int dev_fd;
     41 /* BD address as string and a pointer to array of hex bytes */
     42 char uim_bd_address[BD_ADDR_LEN];
     43 bdaddr_t *bd_addr;
     45 /* kim Sysfs path */
     46 static char *sysfs_install_entry = INSTALL_SYSFS_ENTRY;
     47 static char *sysfs_dev_name = DEV_NAME_SYSFS;
     48 static char *sysfs_baud_rate = BAUD_RATE_SYSFS;
     49 static char *sysfs_flow_ctrl = FLOW_CTRL_SYSFS;
     51 /*****************************************************************************/
     52 #ifdef UIM_DEBUG
     53 /*  Function to Read the firmware version
     54  *  module into the system. Currently used for
     55  *  debugging purpose, whenever the baud rate is changed
     56  */
     57 void read_firmware_version(int dev_fd)
     58 {
     59 	int index = 0;
     60 	char resp_buffer[20] = { 0 };
     61 	unsigned char buffer[] = { 0x01, 0x01, 0x10, 0x00 };
     63 	UIM_START_FUNC();
     64 	UIM_VER(" wrote %d bytes", (int)write(dev_fd, buffer, 4));
     65 	UIM_VER(" reading %d bytes", (int)read(dev_fd, resp_buffer, 15));
     67 	for (index = 0; index < 15; index++)
     68 		UIM_VER(" %x ", resp_buffer[index]);
     70 	printf("\n");
     71 }
     72 #endif
     74 void sysfs_entry_fallback(void)
     75 {
     76 	sysfs_install_entry = INSTALL_SYSFS_ENTRY_OLD;
     77 	sysfs_dev_name = DEV_NAME_SYSFS_OLD;
     78 	sysfs_baud_rate = BAUD_RATE_SYSFS_OLD;
     79 	sysfs_flow_ctrl = FLOW_CTRL_SYSFS_OLD;
     80 }
     82 /*****************************************************************************/
     83 /* Function to read the HCI event from the given file descriptor
     84  *
     85  * This will parse the response received and returns error
     86  * if the required response is not received
     87  */
     88 int read_hci_event(int fd, unsigned char *buf, int size)
     89 {
     90 	int remain, rd;
     91 	int count = 0;
     92 	int reading = 1;
     93 	int rd_retry_count = 0;
     94 	struct timespec tm = {0, 50*1000*1000};
     96 	UIM_START_FUNC();
     98 	UIM_VER(" read_hci_event");
     99 	if (size <= 0)
    100 		return -1;
    102 	/* The first byte identifies the packet type. For HCI event packets, it
    103 	 * should be 0x04, so we read until we get to the 0x04. */
    104 	while (reading) {
    105 		rd = read(fd, buf, 1);
    106 		if (rd <= 0 && rd_retry_count++ < 4) {
    107 			nanosleep(&tm, NULL);
    108 			continue;
    109 		} else if (rd_retry_count >= 4) {
    110 			return -1;
    111 		}
    113 		if (buf[0] == RESP_PREFIX) {
    114 			break;
    115 		}
    116 	}
    117 	count++;
    119 	/* The next two bytes are the event code and parameter total length. */
    120 	while (count < 3) {
    121 		rd = read(fd, buf + count, 3 - count);
    122 		if (rd <= 0)
    123 			return -1;
    124 		count += rd;
    125 	}
    127 	/* Now we read the parameters. */
    128 	if (buf[2] < (size - 3))
    129 		remain = buf[2];
    130 	else
    131 		remain = size - 3;
    133 	while ((count - 3) < remain) {
    134 		rd = read(fd, buf + count, remain - (count - 3));
    135 		if (rd <= 0)
    136 			return -1;
    137 		count += rd;
    138 	}
    140 	return count;
    141 }
    143 /* Function to read the Command complete event
    144  *
    145  * This will read the response for the change speed
    146  * command that was sent to configure the UART speed
    147  * with the custom baud rate
    148  */
    149 static int read_command_complete(int fd, unsigned short opcode)
    150 {
    151 	command_complete_t resp;
    153 	UIM_START_FUNC();
    155 	UIM_VER(" Command complete started");
    156 	if (read_hci_event(fd, (unsigned char *)&resp, sizeof(resp)) < 0) {
    157 		UIM_ERR("Invalid response");
    158 		return -1;
    159 	}
    161 	/* Response should be an event packet */
    162 	if (resp.uart_prefix != HCI_EVENT_PKT) {
    163 		UIM_ERR	("Error in response: not an event packet, 0x%02x!",
    164 			 resp.uart_prefix);
    165 		return -1;
    166 	}
    168 	/* Response should be a command complete event */
    169 	if (resp.hci_hdr.evt != EVT_CMD_COMPLETE) {
    170 		/* event must be event-complete */
    171 		UIM_ERR("Error in response: not a cmd-complete event,0x%02x!",
    172 			 resp.hci_hdr.evt);
    173 		return -1;
    174 	}
    176 	if (resp.hci_hdr.plen < 4) {
    177 		/* plen >= 4 for EVT_CMD_COMPLETE */
    178 		UIM_ERR("Error in response: plen is not >= 4, but 0x%02x!",
    179 				resp.hci_hdr.plen);
    180 		return -1;
    181 	}
    183 	if (resp.cmd_complete.opcode != (unsigned short)opcode) {
    184 		UIM_ERR("Error in response: opcode is 0x%04x, not 0x%04x!",
    185 				resp.cmd_complete.opcode, opcode);
    186 		return -1;
    187 	}
    189 	UIM_DBG("Command complete done");
    190 	return resp.status == 0 ? 0 : -1;
    191 }
    193 /* Function to set the default baud rate
    194  *
    195  * The default baud rate of 115200 is set to the UART from the host side
    196  * by making a call to this function.This function is also called before
    197  * making a call to set the custom baud rate
    198  */
    199 static int set_baud_rate(int dev_fd)
    200 {
    201 	UIM_START_FUNC();
    202 	struct termios ti;
    204 	tcflush(dev_fd, TCIOFLUSH);
    206 	/* Get the attributes of UART */
    207 	if (tcgetattr(dev_fd, &ti) < 0) {
    208 		UIM_ERR(" Can't get port settings");
    209 		return -1;
    210 	}
    212 	/* Change the UART attributes before
    213 	 * setting the default baud rate*/
    214 	cfmakeraw(&ti);
    216 	ti.c_cflag |= 1;
    217 	ti.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS;
    219 	/* Set the attributes of UART after making
    220 	 * the above changes
    221 	 */
    222 	tcsetattr(dev_fd, TCSANOW, &ti);
    224 	/* Set the actual default baud rate */
    225 	cfsetospeed(&ti, B115200);
    226 	cfsetispeed(&ti, B115200);
    227 	tcsetattr(dev_fd, TCSANOW, &ti);
    229 	tcflush(dev_fd, TCIOFLUSH);
    230 	UIM_DBG("set_baud_rate() done");
    232 	return 0;
    233 }
    236 /* Function to set the UART custom baud rate.
    237  *
    238  * The UART baud rate has already been
    239  * set to default value 115200 before calling this function.
    240  * The baud rate is then changed to custom baud rate by this function*/
    241 static int set_custom_baud_rate(int dev_fd, int baud_rate, int flow_ctrl)
    242 {
    243 	UIM_START_FUNC();
    245 	struct termios ti;
    246 	struct termios2 ti2;
    248 	tcflush(dev_fd, TCIOFLUSH);
    249 	/* Get the attributes of UART */
    250 	if (tcgetattr(dev_fd, &ti) < 0) {
    251 		UIM_ERR(" Can't get port settings");
    252 		return -1;
    253 	}
    255 	/*Set the UART flow control */
    256 	if (flow_ctrl)
    257 		ti.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS;
    258 	else
    259 		ti.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;
    261 	/*
    262 	 * Set the parameters associated with the UART
    263 	 * The change will occur immediately by using TCSANOW
    264 	 */
    265 	if (tcsetattr(dev_fd, TCSANOW, &ti) < 0) {
    266 		UIM_ERR(" Can't set port settings");
    267 		return -1;
    268 	}
    270 	tcflush(dev_fd, TCIOFLUSH);
    272 	/*Set the actual baud rate */
    273 	ioctl(dev_fd, TCGETS2, &ti2);
    274 	ti2.c_cflag &= ~CBAUD;
    275 	ti2.c_cflag |= BOTHER;
    276 	ti2.c_ospeed = baud_rate;
    277 	ioctl(dev_fd, TCSETS2, &ti2);
    279 	return 0;
    280 }
    282 /* Function to configure the UART
    283  * on receiving a notification from the ST KIM driver to install the line
    284  * discipline, this function does UART configuration necessary for the STK
    285  */
    286 int st_uart_config(unsigned char install)
    287 {
    288 	int ldisc, len, fd, flow_ctrl;
    289 	unsigned char buf[UART_DEV_NAME_LEN];
    290 	uim_speed_change_cmd cmd;
    291 	char uart_dev_name[UART_DEV_NAME_LEN];
    292 	unsigned int cust_baud_rate;
    294 	uim_bdaddr_change_cmd addr_cmd;
    296 	UIM_START_FUNC();
    298 	if (install == '1') {
    299 		memset(buf, 0, UART_DEV_NAME_LEN);
    300 		fd = open(sysfs_dev_name, O_RDONLY);
    301 		if (fd < 0) {
    302 			UIM_ERR("Can't open %s", sysfs_dev_name);
    303 			return -1;
    304 		}
    305 		len = read(fd, buf, UART_DEV_NAME_LEN);
    306 		if (len < 0) {
    307 			UIM_ERR("read err (%s)", strerror(errno));
    308 			close(fd);
    309 			return len;
    310 		}
    311 		sscanf((const char*)buf, "%s", uart_dev_name);
    312 		close(fd);
    314 		memset(buf, 0, UART_DEV_NAME_LEN);
    315 		fd = open(sysfs_baud_rate, O_RDONLY);
    316 		if (fd < 0) {
    317 			UIM_ERR("Can't open %s", sysfs_baud_rate);
    318 			return -1;
    319 		}
    320 		len = read(fd, buf, UART_DEV_NAME_LEN);
    321 		if (len < 0) {
    322 			UIM_ERR("read err (%s)", strerror(errno));
    323 			close(fd);
    324 			return len;
    325 		}
    326 		close(fd);
    327 		sscanf((const char*)buf, "%d", &cust_baud_rate);
    329 		memset(buf, 0, UART_DEV_NAME_LEN);
    330 		fd = open(sysfs_flow_ctrl, O_RDONLY);
    331 		if (fd < 0) {
    332 			UIM_ERR("Can't open %s", sysfs_flow_ctrl);
    333 			close(fd);
    334 			return -1;
    335 		}
    336 		len = read(fd, buf, UART_DEV_NAME_LEN);
    337 		if (len < 0) {
    338 			UIM_ERR("read err (%s)", strerror(errno));
    339 			close(fd);
    340 			return len;
    341 		}
    342 		close(fd);
    343 		sscanf((const char*)buf, "%d", &flow_ctrl);
    345 		UIM_VER(" signal received, opening %s", uart_dev_name);
    347 		dev_fd = open(uart_dev_name, O_RDWR);
    348 		if (dev_fd < 0) {
    349 			UIM_ERR("Can't open %s", uart_dev_name);
    350 			return -1;
    351 		}
    353 		/*
    354 		 * Set only the default baud rate.
    355 		 * This will set the baud rate to default 115200
    356 		 */
    357 		if (set_baud_rate(dev_fd) < 0) {
    358 			UIM_ERR("set_baudrate() failed");
    359 			close(dev_fd);
    360 			return -1;
    361 		}
    363 		fcntl(dev_fd, F_SETFL,fcntl(dev_fd, F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK);
    364 		/* Set only the custom baud rate */
    365 		if (cust_baud_rate != 115200) {
    367 			UIM_VER("Setting speed to %d", cust_baud_rate);
    368 			/* Forming the packet for Change speed command */
    369 			cmd.uart_prefix = HCI_COMMAND_PKT;
    370 			cmd.hci_hdr.opcode = HCI_HDR_OPCODE;
    371 			cmd.hci_hdr.plen = sizeof(unsigned int);
    372 			cmd.speed = cust_baud_rate;
    374 			/* Writing the change speed command to the UART
    375 			 * This will change the UART speed at the controller
    376 			 * side
    377 			 */
    378 			len = write(dev_fd, &cmd, sizeof(cmd));
    379 			if (len < 0) {
    380 				UIM_ERR("Failed to write speed-set command");
    381 				close(dev_fd);
    382 				return -1;
    383 			}
    385 			/* Read the response for the Change speed command */
    386 			if (read_command_complete(dev_fd, HCI_HDR_OPCODE) < 0) {
    387 				close(dev_fd);
    388 				return -1;
    389 			}
    391 			UIM_VER("Speed changing to %d, %d", cust_baud_rate, flow_ctrl);
    392 			/* Set the actual custom baud rate at the host side */
    393 			if (set_custom_baud_rate(dev_fd, cust_baud_rate, flow_ctrl) < 0) {
    394 				UIM_ERR("set_custom_baud_rate() failed");
    395 				close(dev_fd);
    396 				return -1;
    397 			}
    399 			/* Set the uim BD address */
    400 			if (uim_bd_address[0] != 0) {
    402 				memset(&addr_cmd, 0, sizeof(addr_cmd));
    403 				/* Forming the packet for change BD address command*/
    404 				addr_cmd.uart_prefix = HCI_COMMAND_PKT;
    405 				addr_cmd.hci_hdr.opcode = WRITE_BD_ADDR_OPCODE;
    406 				addr_cmd.hci_hdr.plen = sizeof(bdaddr_t);
    407 				memcpy(&addr_cmd.addr, bd_addr, sizeof(bdaddr_t));
    409 				/* Writing the change BD address command to the UART
    410 				 * This will change the change BD address  at the controller
    411 				 * side
    412 				 */
    413 				len = write(dev_fd, &addr_cmd, sizeof(addr_cmd));
    414 				if (len < 0) {
    415 					UIM_ERR("Failed to write BD address command");
    416 					close(dev_fd);
    417 					return -1;
    418 				}
    420 				/* Read the response for the change BD address command */
    421 				if (read_command_complete(dev_fd, WRITE_BD_ADDR_OPCODE) < 0) {
    422 					close(dev_fd);
    423 					return -1;
    424 				}
    425 				UIM_VER("BD address changed to %s", uim_bd_address);
    426 			}
    427 #ifdef UIM_DEBUG
    428 			read_firmware_version(dev_fd);
    429 #endif
    430 		}
    432 		/* After the UART speed has been changed, the IOCTL is
    433 		 * is called to set the line discipline to N_TI_WL
    434 		 */
    435 		ldisc = N_TI_WL;
    436 		if (ioctl(dev_fd, TIOCSETD, &ldisc) < 0) {
    437 			UIM_ERR(" Can't set line discipline");
    438 			close(dev_fd);
    439 			return -1;
    440 		}
    441 		UIM_DBG("Installed N_TI_WL Line displine");
    442 	}
    443 	else {
    444 		UIM_DBG("Un-Installed N_TI_WL Line displine");
    445 		/* UNINSTALL_N_TI_WL - When the Signal is received from KIM */
    446 		/* closing UART fd */
    447 		close(dev_fd);
    448 	}
    449 	return 0;
    450 }
    452 /* Function to convert the BD address from ascii to hex value */
    453 bdaddr_t *strtoba(const char *str)
    454 {
    455         const char *ptr = str;
    456         int i;
    458         uint8_t *ba = malloc(sizeof(bdaddr_t));
    459         if (!ba)
    460                 return NULL;
    462         for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    463                 ba[i] = (uint8_t) strtol(ptr, NULL, 16);
    464                 if (i != 5 && !(ptr = strchr(ptr, ':')))
    465                         ptr = ":00:00:00:00:00";
    466                 ptr++;
    467         }
    469         return (bdaddr_t *) ba;
    470 }
    472 /*****************************************************************************/
    473 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    474 {
    475 	int st_fd, err,trials;
    476 	unsigned char install;
    477 	struct pollfd 	p;
    479 	UIM_START_FUNC();
    480 	err = 0;
    481 	trials = 5;
    483 	/* Parse the user input */
    484 	if ((argc > 2)) {
    485 		UIM_ERR("Invalid arguements");
    486 		UIM_ERR("Usage: uim <bd address>");
    487 		return -1;
    488 	}
    489 	if (argc == 2) {
    490 		if (strlen(argv[2]) != BD_ADDR_LEN) {
    491 			UIM_ERR("Usage: uim XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX");
    492 			return -1;
    493 		}
    494 		/* BD address passed as string in xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx format */
    495 		strncpy(uim_bd_address, argv[2], sizeof(uim_bd_address));
    496 		bd_addr = strtoba(uim_bd_address);
    497 	}
    499 	line_discipline = N_TI_WL;
    501 	/* sysfs entry may get populated after service is started so we retry if it fails*/
    502 	while (trials > 0) {
    503 		st_fd = open(sysfs_install_entry, O_RDONLY);
    504 		if(st_fd > 0)
    505 			break;
    506 		if (trials == 3)
    507 			sysfs_entry_fallback();
    508 		else
    509 			usleep(500000);
    510 		--trials;
    511 		}
    512 	if (st_fd < 0) {
    513 		UIM_DBG("unable to open %s(%s)", sysfs_install_entry, strerror(errno));
    514 		return -1;
    515 	}
    517 RE_POLL:
    518 	/* read to start proper poll */
    519 	err = read(st_fd, &install, 1);
    520 	/* special case where bluetoothd starts before the UIM, and UIM
    521 	 * needs to turn on bluetooth because of that.
    522 	 */
    523 	if ((err > 0) && install == '1') {
    524 		UIM_DBG("install set previously...");
    525 		st_uart_config(install);
    526 	}
    528 	UIM_DBG("begin polling...");
    530 	memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p));
    531 	p.fd = st_fd;
    532 	p.events = POLLERR | POLLPRI;
    534 	while (!exiting) {
    535 		p.revents = 0;
    536 		err = poll(&p, 1, -1);
    537 		UIM_DBG("poll broke due to event %d(PRI:%d/ERR:%d)\n", p.revents, POLLPRI, POLLERR);
    538 		if (err < 0 && errno == EINTR)
    539 			continue;
    540 		if (err)
    541 			break;
    542 	}
    544 	close(st_fd);
    545 	st_fd = open(sysfs_install_entry, O_RDONLY);
    546 	if (st_fd < 0) {
    547 		UIM_DBG("unable to open %s (%s)", sysfs_install_entry, strerror(errno));
    548 		return -1;
    549 	}
    551 	if (!exiting)
    552 	{
    553 		err = read(st_fd, &install, 1);
    554 		UIM_DBG("read %c from install \n", install);
    555 		if (err > 0)
    556 			st_uart_config(install);
    557 		goto RE_POLL;
    558 	}
    560 	close(st_fd);
    561 	return 0;
    562 }