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      1 /*
      2  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
      3  * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
      4  * distributed with this work for additional information
      5  * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
      6  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the  "License");
      7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      9  *
     10  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     11  *
     12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     16  * limitations under the License.
     17  */
     18 /*
     19  * $Id: SerializerMessages_ca.java 471981 2006-11-07 04:28:00Z minchau $
     20  */
     22 package org.apache.xml.serializer.utils;
     24 import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
     25 import java.util.Locale;
     26 import java.util.MissingResourceException;
     27 import java.util.ResourceBundle;
     29 /**
     30  * An instance of this class is a ListResourceBundle that
     31  * has the required getContents() method that returns
     32  * an array of message-key/message associations.
     33  * <p>
     34  * The message keys are defined in {@link MsgKey}. The
     35  * messages that those keys map to are defined here.
     36  * <p>
     37  * The messages in the English version are intended to be
     38  * translated.
     39  *
     40  * This class is not a public API, it is only public because it is
     41  * used in org.apache.xml.serializer.
     42  *
     43  * @xsl.usage internal
     44  */
     45 public class SerializerMessages_ca extends ListResourceBundle {
     47     /*
     48      * This file contains error and warning messages related to
     49      * Serializer Error Handling.
     50      *
     51      *  General notes to translators:
     53      *  1) A stylesheet is a description of how to transform an input XML document
     54      *     into a resultant XML document (or HTML document or text).  The
     55      *     stylesheet itself is described in the form of an XML document.
     57      *
     58      *  2) An element is a mark-up tag in an XML document; an attribute is a
     59      *     modifier on the tag.  For example, in <elem attr='val' attr2='val2'>
     60      *     "elem" is an element name, "attr" and "attr2" are attribute names with
     61      *     the values "val" and "val2", respectively.
     62      *
     63      *  3) A namespace declaration is a special attribute that is used to associate
     64      *     a prefix with a URI (the namespace).  The meanings of element names and
     65      *     attribute names that use that prefix are defined with respect to that
     66      *     namespace.
     67      *
     68      *
     69      */
     71     /** The lookup table for error messages.   */
     72     public Object[][] getContents() {
     73         Object[][] contents = new Object[][] {
     74             {   MsgKey.BAD_MSGKEY,
     75                 "La clau del missatge ''{0}'' no est\u00e0 a la classe del missatge ''{1}''" },
     77             {   MsgKey.BAD_MSGFORMAT,
     78                 "El format del missatge ''{0}'' a la classe del missatge ''{1}'' ha fallat." },
     80             {   MsgKey.ER_SERIALIZER_NOT_CONTENTHANDLER,
     81                 "La classe de serialitzador ''{0}'' no implementa org.xml.sax.ContentHandler." },
     83             {   MsgKey.ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_FIND,
     84                     "No s''ha trobat el recurs [ {0} ].\n {1}" },
     86             {   MsgKey.ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_LOAD,
     87                     "No s''ha pogut carregar el recurs [ {0} ]: {1} \n {2} \t {3}" },
     89             {   MsgKey.ER_BUFFER_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ZERO,
     90                     "Grand\u00e0ria del buffer <=0" },
     92             {   MsgKey.ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE,
     93                     "S''ha detectat un suplent UTF-16 no v\u00e0lid: {0} ?" },
     95             {   MsgKey.ER_OIERROR,
     96                 "Error d'E/S" },
     98             {   MsgKey.ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_POSITION,
     99                 "No es pot afegir l''atribut {0} despr\u00e9s dels nodes subordinats o abans que es produeixi un element. Es passar\u00e0 per alt l''atribut." },
    101             /*
    102              * Note to translators:  The stylesheet contained a reference to a
    103              * namespace prefix that was undefined.  The value of the substitution
    104              * text is the name of the prefix.
    105              */
    106             {   MsgKey.ER_NAMESPACE_PREFIX,
    107                 "No s''ha declarat l''espai de noms pel prefix ''{0}''." },
    109             /*
    110              * Note to translators:  This message is reported if the stylesheet
    111              * being processed attempted to construct an XML document with an
    112              * attribute in a place other than on an element.  The substitution text
    113              * specifies the name of the attribute.
    114              */
    115             {   MsgKey.ER_STRAY_ATTRIBUTE,
    116                 "L''atribut ''{0}'' es troba fora de l''element." },
    118             /*
    119              * Note to translators:  As with the preceding message, a namespace
    120              * declaration has the form of an attribute and is only permitted to
    121              * appear on an element.  The substitution text {0} is the namespace
    122              * prefix and {1} is the URI that was being used in the erroneous
    123              * namespace declaration.
    124              */
    125             {   MsgKey.ER_STRAY_NAMESPACE,
    126                 "La declaraci\u00f3 de l''espai de noms ''{0}''=''{1}'' es troba fora de l''element." },
    128             {   MsgKey.ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE,
    129                 "No s''ha pogut carregar ''{0}'' (comproveu CLASSPATH), ara s''est\u00e0 fent servir els valors per defecte." },
    131             {   MsgKey.ER_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER,
    132                 "S''ha intentat un car\u00e0cter de sortida del valor integral {0} que no est\u00e0 representat a una codificaci\u00f3 de sortida especificada de {1}." },
    134             {   MsgKey.ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_METHOD_PROPERTY,
    135                 "No s''ha pogut carregar el fitxer de propietats ''{0}'' del m\u00e8tode de sortida ''{1}'' (comproveu CLASSPATH)" },
    137             {   MsgKey.ER_INVALID_PORT,
    138                 "N\u00famero de port no v\u00e0lid" },
    140             {   MsgKey.ER_PORT_WHEN_HOST_NULL,
    141                 "El port no es pot establir quan el sistema principal \u00e9s nul" },
    143             {   MsgKey.ER_HOST_ADDRESS_NOT_WELLFORMED,
    144                 "El format de l'adre\u00e7a del sistema principal no \u00e9s el correcte" },
    146             {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_NOT_CONFORMANT,
    147                 "L'esquema no t\u00e9 conformitat." },
    149             {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_FROM_NULL_STRING,
    150                 "No es pot establir un esquema des d'una cadena nul\u00b7la" },
    153                 "La via d'acc\u00e9s cont\u00e9 una seq\u00fc\u00e8ncia d'escapament no v\u00e0lida" },
    155             {   MsgKey.ER_PATH_INVALID_CHAR,
    156                 "La via d''acc\u00e9s cont\u00e9 un car\u00e0cter no v\u00e0lid {0}" },
    158             {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_INVALID_CHAR,
    159                 "El fragment cont\u00e9 un car\u00e0cter no v\u00e0lid" },
    161             {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_WHEN_PATH_NULL,
    162                 "El fragment no es pot establir si la via d'acc\u00e9s \u00e9s nul\u00b7la" },
    164             {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_FOR_GENERIC_URI,
    165                 "El fragment nom\u00e9s es pot establir per a un URI gen\u00e8ric" },
    167             {   MsgKey.ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI,
    168                 "No s'ha trobat cap esquema a l'URI" },
    170             {   MsgKey.ER_CANNOT_INIT_URI_EMPTY_PARMS,
    171                 "No es pot inicialitzar l'URI amb par\u00e0metres buits" },
    173             {   MsgKey.ER_NO_FRAGMENT_STRING_IN_PATH,
    174                 "No es pot especificar un fragment tant en la via d'acc\u00e9s com en el fragment" },
    176             {   MsgKey.ER_NO_QUERY_STRING_IN_PATH,
    177                 "No es pot especificar una cadena de consulta en la via d'acc\u00e9s i la cadena de consulta" },
    179             {   MsgKey.ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST,
    180                 "No es pot especificar el port si no s'especifica el sistema principal" },
    182             {   MsgKey.ER_NO_USERINFO_IF_NO_HOST,
    183                 "No es pot especificar informaci\u00f3 de l'usuari si no s'especifica el sistema principal" },
    184             {   MsgKey.ER_XML_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED,
    185                 "Av\u00eds: la versi\u00f3 del document de sortida s''ha sol\u00b7licitat que sigui ''{0}''. Aquesta versi\u00f3 de XML no est\u00e0 suportada. La versi\u00f3 del document de sortida ser\u00e0 ''1.0''." },
    187             {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_REQUIRED,
    188                 "Es necessita l'esquema" },
    190             /*
    191              * Note to translators:  The words 'Properties' and
    192              * 'SerializerFactory' in this message are Java class names
    193              * and should not be translated.
    194              */
    195             {   MsgKey.ER_FACTORY_PROPERTY_MISSING,
    196                 "L''objecte de propietats passat a SerializerFactory no t\u00e9 cap propietat ''{0}''." },
    198             {   MsgKey.ER_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED,
    199                 "Av\u00eds: el temps d''execuci\u00f3 de Java no d\u00f3na suport a la codificaci\u00f3 ''{0}''." },
    201              {MsgKey.ER_FEATURE_NOT_FOUND,
    202              "El par\u00e0metre ''{0}'' no es reconeix."},
    204              {MsgKey.ER_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED,
    205              "El par\u00e0metre ''{0}'' es reconeix per\u00f2 el valor sol\u00b7licitat no es pot establir."},
    207              {MsgKey.ER_STRING_TOO_LONG,
    208              "La cadena resultant \u00e9s massa llarga per cabre en una DOMString: ''{0}''."},
    210              {MsgKey.ER_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR,
    211              "El tipus de valor per a aquest nom de par\u00e0metre \u00e9s incompatible amb el tipus de valor esperat."},
    213              {MsgKey.ER_NO_OUTPUT_SPECIFIED,
    214              "La destinaci\u00f3 de sortida per a les dades que s'ha d'escriure era nul\u00b7la."},
    216              {MsgKey.ER_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING,
    217              "S'ha trobat una codificaci\u00f3 no suportada."},
    219              {MsgKey.ER_UNABLE_TO_SERIALIZE_NODE,
    220              "El node no s'ha pogut serialitzat."},
    222              {MsgKey.ER_CDATA_SECTIONS_SPLIT,
    223              "La secci\u00f3 CDATA cont\u00e9 un o m\u00e9s marcadors d'acabament ']]>'."},
    225              {MsgKey.ER_WARNING_WF_NOT_CHECKED,
    226                  "No s'ha pogut crear cap inst\u00e0ncia per comprovar si t\u00e9 un format correcte o no. El par\u00e0metre del tipus ben format es va establir en cert, per\u00f2 la comprovaci\u00f3 de format no s'ha pogut realitzar."
    227              },
    229              {MsgKey.ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER,
    230                  "El node ''{0}'' cont\u00e9 car\u00e0cters XML no v\u00e0lids."
    231              },
    233              { MsgKey.ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_COMMENT,
    234                  "S''ha trobat un car\u00e0cter XML no v\u00e0lid (Unicode: 0x{0}) en el comentari."
    235              },
    237              { MsgKey.ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_PI,
    238                  "S''ha trobat un car\u00e0cter XML no v\u00e0lid (Unicode: 0x{0}) en les dades d''instrucci\u00f3 de proc\u00e9s."
    239              },
    241              { MsgKey.ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_CDATA,
    242                  "S''ha trobat un car\u00e0cter XML no v\u00e0lid (Unicode: 0x''{0})'' en els continguts de la CDATASection."
    243              },
    245              { MsgKey.ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_TEXT,
    246                  "S''ha trobat un car\u00e0cter XML no v\u00e0lid (Unicode: 0x''{0})'' en el contingut de dades de car\u00e0cter del node."
    247              },
    249              { MsgKey.ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_NODE_NAME,
    250                  "S''han trobat car\u00e0cters XML no v\u00e0lids al node {0} anomenat ''{1}''."
    251              },
    253              { MsgKey.ER_WF_DASH_IN_COMMENT,
    254                  "La cadena \"--\" no est\u00e0 permesa dins dels comentaris."
    255              },
    257              {MsgKey.ER_WF_LT_IN_ATTVAL,
    258                  "El valor d''atribut \"{1}\" associat amb un tipus d''element \"{0}\" no pot contenir el car\u00e0cter ''<''."
    259              },
    261              {MsgKey.ER_WF_REF_TO_UNPARSED_ENT,
    262                  "La refer\u00e8ncia de l''entitat no analitzada \"&{0};\" no est\u00e0 permesa."
    263              },
    265              {MsgKey.ER_WF_REF_TO_EXTERNAL_ENT,
    266                  "La refer\u00e8ncia externa de l''entitat \"&{0};\" no est\u00e0 permesa en un valor d''atribut."
    267              },
    269              {MsgKey.ER_NS_PREFIX_CANNOT_BE_BOUND,
    270                  "El prefix \"{0}\" no es pot vincular a l''espai de noms \"{1}\"."
    271              },
    273              {MsgKey.ER_NULL_LOCAL_ELEMENT_NAME,
    274                  "El nom local de l''element \"{0}\" \u00e9s nul."
    275              },
    277              {MsgKey.ER_NULL_LOCAL_ATTR_NAME,
    278                  "El nom local d''atr \"{0}\" \u00e9s nul."
    279              },
    281              { MsgKey.ER_ELEM_UNBOUND_PREFIX_IN_ENTREF,
    282                  "El text de recanvi del node de l''entitat \"{0}\" cont\u00e9 un node d''element \"{1}\" amb un prefix de no enlla\u00e7at \"{2}\"."
    283              },
    285              { MsgKey.ER_ATTR_UNBOUND_PREFIX_IN_ENTREF,
    286                  "El text de recanvi del node de l''entitat \"{0}\" cont\u00e9 un node d''atribut \"{1}\" amb un prefix de no enlla\u00e7at \"{2}\"."
    287              },
    289         };
    291         return contents;
    292     }
    293 }