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      1 #!/usr/bin/python
      2 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
      3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      4 # found in the LICENSE file.
      6 import errno
      7 import json
      8 import mmap
      9 import optparse
     10 import os
     11 import signal
     12 import sys
     13 import syslog
     14 import time
     16 # The prefix of FIFO files used when using background processes.
     17 RESULT_FIFO_PREFIX = '/tmp/update_engine_performance_monitor_fifo'
     19 class UpdateEnginePerformanceMonitor(object):
     20     """Performance and resource usage monitor script.
     22     This script is intended to run on the DUT and will dump
     23     performance data as a JSON document when done. It can be run in
     24     the background using the --start-bg and --stop-bg options.
     25     """
     27     def __init__(self, verbose, timeout_seconds):
     28         """Instance initializer.
     30         @param verbose:  if True, prints debug info stderr.
     32         @param timeout_seconds: maximum amount of time to monitor for.
     33         """
     34         self.verbose = verbose
     35         self.timeout_seconds = timeout_seconds
     36         self.timer = time.time()
     39     @staticmethod
     40     def get_update_engine_pids():
     41         """Gets all processes (tasks) in the update-engine cgroup.
     43         @return  a list of process identifiers.
     44         """
     45         with open('/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/update-engine/tasks') as f:
     46             return [int(i) for i in f.read().split()]
     49     @staticmethod
     50     def get_info_for_pid(pid, pids_processed):
     51         """Get information about a process.
     53         The returned information is a tuple where the first element is
     54         the process name and the second element is the RSS size in
     55         bytes. The task and its siblings (e.g. tasks belonging to the
     56         same process) will be set in the |pids_processed| set.
     58         @param pid:            the task to get information about.
     60         @param pids_processed: set of process identifiers.
     62         @return                a tuple with information.
     63         """
     64         try:
     65             with open('/proc/%d/stat' % pid) as f:
     66                 fields = f.read().split()
     67             # According to the proc(4) man page, field 23 is the
     68             # number of pages in the resident set.
     69             comm = fields[1]
     70             rss = int(fields[23]) * mmap.PAGESIZE
     71             tasks = os.listdir('/proc/%d/task'%pid)
     72             # Mark all tasks belonging to the process to avoid
     73             # double-counting their RSS.
     74             for t in tasks:
     75                 pids_processed.add(int(t))
     76             return rss, comm
     77         except (IOError, OSError) as e:
     78             # It's possible that the task vanished in the window
     79             # between reading the 'tasks' file and when attempting to
     80             # read from it (ditto for iterating over the 'task'
     81             # directory). Handle this gracefully.
     82             if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
     83                 return 0, ''
     84             raise
     87     def do_sample(self):
     88         """Sampling method.
     90         This collects information about all the processes in the
     91         update-engine cgroup. The information is used to e.g. maintain
     92         historical peaks etc.
     93         """
     94         if self.verbose:
     95             sys.stderr.write('========================================\n')
     96         rss_total = 0
     97         pids = self.get_update_engine_pids()
     98         pids_processed = set()
     99         # Loop over all PIDs (tasks) in the update-engine cgroup and
    100         # be careful not to double-count PIDs (tasks) belonging to the
    101         # same process.
    102         for pid in pids:
    103             if pid not in pids_processed:
    104                 rss, comm = self.get_info_for_pid(pid, pids_processed)
    105                 rss_total += rss
    106                 if self.verbose:
    107                     sys.stderr.write('pid %d %s -> %d KiB\n' %
    108                                      (pid, comm, rss/1024))
    109             else:
    110                 if self.verbose:
    111                     sys.stderr.write('pid %d already counted\n' % pid)
    112         self.rss_peak = max(rss_total, self.rss_peak)
    113         if self.verbose:
    114             sys.stderr.write('Total = %d KiB\n' % (rss_total / 1024))
    115             sys.stderr.write('Peak  = %d KiB\n' % (self.rss_peak / 1024))
    118     def signal_handler(self, signal, frame):
    119         """Signal handler used to terminate monitoring.
    121         @param signal: the signal delivered.
    123         @param frame:  the interrupted stack frame.
    124         """
    125         self.request_exit = True
    128     def run(self, signum):
    129         """Main sampling loop.
    131         Periodically sample and process performance data until the
    132         signal specified by |signum| is sent to the
    133         process. Returns recorded data as a string.
    135         @param signum:  the signal to wait (e.g. signal.SIGTERM) or None.
    137         @return  a string with JSON data or None if the timeout
    138                  deadline has been exceeded.
    139         """
    140         if signum:
    141             signal.signal(signum, self.signal_handler)
    142         self.rss_peak = 0
    143         self.request_exit = False
    144         timeout_deadline = time.time() + self.timeout_seconds
    145         while not self.request_exit:
    146             monitor.do_sample()
    147             time.sleep(0.1)
    148             if time.time() > timeout_deadline:
    149                 return None
    150         return json.dumps({'rss_peak': self.rss_peak,
    151                            'update_length': int(time.time() - self.timer)})
    154 class WriteToSyslog:
    155     """File-like object to log messages to syslog.
    157     Instances of this object can be assigned to e.g. sys.stderr to log
    158     errors/backtraces to syslog.
    159     """
    161     def __init__(self, ident):
    162         """Instance initializer.
    164         @param ident:  string to identify program by.
    165         """
    166         syslog.openlog(ident, syslog.LOG_PID, syslog.LOG_DAEMON)
    169     def write(self, data):
    170         """Overridden write() method.
    172         @param data:  the data to write.
    173         """
    174         syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, data)
    177 def daemonize_and_print_pid_on_stdout():
    178     """Daemonizes and prints the daemon process pid on stdout and
    179     exits.
    181     When this function returns, the process is a properly detached daemon
    182     process parented by pid 1. This is basically the standard double-fork
    183     daemonization dance as described in W. Richard Stevens, "Advanced
    184     Programming in the Unix Environment", 1992, Addison-Wesley, ISBN
    185     0-201-56317-7
    186     """
    187     first_child = os.fork()
    188     if first_child != 0:
    189         # Exit first child.
    190         sys.exit(0)
    191     os.chdir('/')
    192     os.setsid()
    193     os.umask(0)
    194     second_child = os.fork()
    195     if second_child != 0:
    196         # Parent, write child pid to stdout and exit.
    197         print second_child
    198         sys.exit(0)
    199     # Redirect native stdin, stdout, stderr file descriptors to /dev/null.
    200     si = open(os.devnull, 'r')
    201     so = open(os.devnull, 'a+')
    202     se = open(os.devnull, 'a+', 0)
    203     os.dup2(si.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno())
    204     os.dup2(so.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno())
    205     os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())
    206     # Send stderr to syslog. Note that this will only work for Python
    207     # code in this process - it will not work for native code or child
    208     # processes. If this is ever needed, use subprocess.Popen() to
    209     # spawn logger(1) and connect its stdin fd with the stderr fd in
    210     # this process.
    211     sys.stderr = WriteToSyslog('update_engine_performance_monitor.py')
    214 if __name__ == '__main__':
    215     parser = optparse.OptionParser()
    216     parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
    217                       dest='verbose', help='print debug info to stderr')
    218     parser.add_option('--timeout', action='store', type='int', default=3600,
    219                       dest='timeout_seconds', metavar='<SECONDS>',
    220                       help='maximum amount of time to monitor for')
    221     parser.add_option('--start-bg', action='store_true',
    222                       dest='start_bg', help='start background instance '
    223                       'and print its PID on stdout')
    224     parser.add_option('--stop-bg', action='store', type='int', default=0,
    225                       dest='stop_bg', metavar='<PID>',
    226                       help='stop running background instance and dump '
    227                       'its recorded data')
    228     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    230     monitor = UpdateEnginePerformanceMonitor(options.verbose,
    231                                              options.timeout_seconds)
    232     if options.start_bg:
    233         # If starting a background instance, fork a child and write
    234         # its PID on stdout in the parent process. In the child
    235         # process, setup a FIFO and monitor until SIGTERM is
    236         # called. When that happes, write the JSON result to the FIFO.
    237         #
    238         # Since this is expected to be called via ssh we need to
    239         # completely detach from the session - otherwise the remote
    240         # ssh(1) invocation will hang until our background instance is
    241         # gone.
    242         daemonize_and_print_pid_on_stdout()
    243         # Prepare the FIFO ahead of time since it'll serve as an extra
    244         # sanity check in --stop-bg before sending SIGTERM to the
    245         # given pid.
    246         instance_pid = os.getpid()
    247         fifo_path = RESULT_FIFO_PREFIX + ('-pid-%d' % instance_pid)
    248         if os.path.exists(fifo_path):
    249             os.unlink(fifo_path)
    250         os.mkfifo(fifo_path)
    251         # Now monitor.
    252         sys.stderr.write('Starting background collection.\n')
    253         json_str = monitor.run(signal.SIGTERM)
    254         sys.stderr.write('Stopping background collection.\n')
    255         if json_str:
    256             fifo = open(fifo_path, 'w')
    257             fifo.write(json_str)
    258             fifo.close()
    259         os.unlink(fifo_path)
    260     elif options.stop_bg:
    261         # If stopping a background instance, check that the FIFO is
    262         # really there and if so, signal the monitoring process and
    263         # wait for it to write the JSON result on the FIFO.
    264         instance_pid = options.stop_bg
    265         fifo_path = RESULT_FIFO_PREFIX + ('-pid-%d' % instance_pid)
    266         if not os.path.exists(fifo_path):
    267             sys.stderr.write('No instance with PID %d. Check syslog for '
    268                              'messages.\n' % instance_pid)
    269             sys.exit(1)
    270         os.kill(instance_pid, signal.SIGTERM)
    271         fifo = open(fifo_path, 'r')
    272         json_str = fifo.read()
    273         print json_str
    274         fifo.close()
    275     else:
    276         # Monitor in foreground until Ctrl+C is pressed, then dump
    277         # JSON on stdout. This is useful for hacking on this script,
    278         # especially in conjunction with --verbose.
    279         json_str = monitor.run(signal.SIGINT)
    280         if json_str:
    281             print json_str