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      1 # Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 """This is a USB type C USB3 probing test using Plankton board."""
      7 import logging
      8 import re
     10 from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
     11 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
     12 from autotest_lib.server.cros.faft.firmware_test import FirmwareTest
     14 class firmware_TypeCProbeUSB3(FirmwareTest):
     15     """USB type C USB3 probing test."""
     16     version = 1
     18     RE_SUPERSPEED_DEVICE = r' Port \d+: .+, 5000M$'
     19     CHARGING_VOLTAGE = 12
     20     SINK = 0
     21     POLL_USB3_SECS = 10
     24     def get_usb_devices_and_buses(self):
     25         """Gets set from the list of USB devices and buses."""
     26         result = self.plankton_host.run_short('lsusb -t')
     27         return set(result.stdout.splitlines())
     30     def is_superspeed(self, lsusb_line):
     31         """Checks if the lsusb output contains 5000M."""
     32         return re.search(self.RE_SUPERSPEED_DEVICE, lsusb_line)
     35     def run_once(self):
     36         """Checks DUT USB3 device.
     38         @raise TestFail: If USB3 can't be found when switch to USB mode.
     39         """
     40         # Enumerate USB devices when charging.
     41         self.plankton.charge(self.CHARGING_VOLTAGE)
     42         devices_charging = self.get_usb_devices_and_buses()
     43         logging.info('number of devices while charging: %d',
     44                      len(devices_charging))
     45         # Enumerate USB devices when switching to DP.
     46         self.plankton.set_usbc_mux('dp')
     47         self.plankton.charge(self.SINK)
     48         self.plankton.poll_pd_state('sink')
     49         devices_dp = self.get_usb_devices_and_buses()
     50         self.plankton.charge(self.CHARGING_VOLTAGE)
     51         logging.info('number of devices when switch to dp: %d',
     52                      len(devices_dp))
     53         # Enumerate USB devices when switching to USB3
     54         self.plankton.set_usbc_mux('usb')
     55         self.plankton.charge(self.SINK)
     56         self.plankton.poll_pd_state('sink')
     57         # It takes a short period for DUT to get USB3.0 device.
     58         utils.poll_for_condition(
     59             lambda: len(self.get_usb_devices_and_buses()) > len(devices_dp),
     60             exception=error.TestFail(
     61                     'Can\'t find new device when switching to USB '
     62                     'after %d seconds' % self.POLL_USB3_SECS),
     63             timeout=self.POLL_USB3_SECS)
     64         devices_usb = self.get_usb_devices_and_buses()
     65         self.plankton.charge(self.CHARGING_VOLTAGE)
     66         logging.info('number of devices when switch to usb: %d',
     67                      len(devices_usb))
     69         # For Samus USB2.0 signal power swap while usbc_role changes due to
     70         # lack of UFP. Port number of lsusb may change since the device is
     71         # disconnected for a short period.
     72         if len(devices_dp) != len(devices_charging):
     73             raise error.TestFail(
     74                     'Number of USB devices changed on switching to DP')
     76         if not any(map(self.is_superspeed, devices_usb - devices_dp)):
     77             raise error.TestFail('Can\'t find new USB3 device')