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      1 #!/usr/bin/python -u
      3 import os, sys, unittest, optparse
      4 import common
      5 from autotest_lib.utils import parallel
      7 parser = optparse.OptionParser()
      8 parser.add_option("-r", action="store", type="string", dest="start",
      9                   default='',
     10                   help="root directory to start running unittests")
     11 parser.add_option("--full", action="store_true", dest="full", default=False,
     12                   help="whether to run the shortened version of the test")
     13 parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False,
     14                   help="run in debug mode")
     15 parser.add_option("--skip-tests", dest="skip_tests",  default=[],
     16                   help="A space separated list of tests to skip")
     18 parser.set_defaults(module_list=None)
     20 # Following sets are used to define a collection of modules that are optional
     21 # tests and do not need to be executed in unittest suite for various reasons.
     22 # Each entry can be file name or relative path that's relative to the parent
     23 # folder of the folder containing this file (unittest_suite.py). The list
     24 # will be used to filter any test file with matching name or matching full
     25 # path. If a file's name is too general and has a chance to collide with files
     26 # in other folder, it is recommended to specify its relative path here, e.g.,
     27 # using 'mirror/trigger_unittest.py', instead of 'trigger_unittest.py' only.
     29 REQUIRES_DJANGO = set((
     30         'monitor_db_unittest.py',
     31         'monitor_db_functional_test.py',
     32         'monitor_db_cleanup_test.py',
     33         'frontend_unittest.py',
     34         'csv_encoder_unittest.py',
     35         'rpc_interface_unittest.py',
     36         'models_test.py',
     37         'scheduler_models_unittest.py',
     38         'rpc_utils_unittest.py',
     39         'site_rpc_utils_unittest.py',
     40         'execution_engine_unittest.py',
     41         'service_proxy_lib_test.py',
     42         'rdb_integration_tests.py',
     43         'rdb_unittest.py',
     44         'rdb_hosts_unittest.py',
     45         'rdb_cache_unittests.py',
     46         'scheduler_lib_unittest.py',
     47         'host_scheduler_unittests.py',
     48         'site_parse_unittest.py',
     49         'shard_client_integration_tests.py',
     50         'server_manager_unittest.py',
     51         ))
     53 REQUIRES_MYSQLDB = set((
     54         'migrate_unittest.py',
     55         'db_utils_unittest.py',
     56         ))
     58 REQUIRES_GWT = set((
     59         'client_compilation_unittest.py',
     60         ))
     63         'serviceHandler_unittest.py',
     64         ))
     66 REQUIRES_AUTH = set ((
     67     'trigger_unittest.py',
     68     ))
     70 REQUIRES_HTTPLIB2 = set((
     71         ))
     73 REQUIRES_PROTOBUFS = set((
     74         'cloud_console_client_unittest.py',
     75         'job_serializer_unittest.py',
     76         ))
     78 REQUIRES_SELENIUM = set((
     79         'ap_configurator_factory_unittest.py',
     80         'ap_batch_locker_unittest.py'
     81     ))
     83 LONG_RUNTIME = set((
     84     'barrier_unittest.py',
     85     'logging_manager_test.py',
     86     'task_loop_unittest.py'  # crbug.com/254030
     87     ))
     89 # Unitests that only work in chroot. The names are for module name, thus no
     90 # file extension of ".py".
     91 REQUIRES_CHROOT = set((
     92     'mbim_channel_unittest',
     93     ))
     95 SKIP = set((
     96     # This particular KVM autotest test is not a unittest
     97     'guest_test.py',
     98     'ap_configurator_test.py',
     99     'chaos_base_test.py',
    100     'chaos_interop_test.py',
    101     'only_if_needed_unittests.py',
    102     # crbug.com/251395
    103     'dev_server_test.py',
    104     'full_release_test.py',
    105     'scheduler_lib_unittest.py',
    106     'webstore_test.py',
    107     # crbug.com/432621 These files are not tests, and will disappear soon.
    108     'des_01_test.py',
    109     'des_02_test.py',
    110     # Require lxc to be installed
    111     'base_image_unittest.py',
    112     'container_bucket_unittest.py',
    113     'container_factory_unittest.py',
    114     'container_unittest.py',
    115     'lxc_functional_test.py',
    116     'service_unittest.py',
    117     'zygote_unittest.py',
    118     # Require sponge utils installed in site-packages
    119     'sponge_utils_functional_test.py',
    120     ))
    123               REQUIRES_GWT |
    124               REQUIRES_HTTPLIB2 |
    125               REQUIRES_AUTH |
    126               REQUIRES_PROTOBUFS |
    127               REQUIRES_SELENIUM |
    128               LONG_RUNTIME)
    130 ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
    132 # The set of files in LONG_TESTS with its full path
    133 LONG_TESTS_FULL_PATH = {os.path.join(ROOT, t) for t in LONG_TESTS}
    135 class TestFailure(Exception):
    136     """Exception type for any test failure."""
    137     pass
    140 def run_test(mod_names, options):
    141     """
    142     @param mod_names: A list of individual parts of the module name to import
    143             and run as a test suite.
    144     @param options: optparse options.
    145     """
    146     if not options.debug:
    147         parallel.redirect_io()
    149     print "Running %s" % '.'.join(mod_names)
    150     mod = common.setup_modules.import_module(mod_names[-1],
    151                                              '.'.join(mod_names[:-1]))
    152     test = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(mod)
    153     suite = unittest.TestSuite(test)
    154     runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)
    155     result = runner.run(suite)
    156     if result.errors or result.failures:
    157         msg = '%s had %d failures and %d errors.'
    158         msg %= '.'.join(mod_names), len(result.failures), len(result.errors)
    159         raise TestFailure(msg)
    162 def scan_for_modules(start, options):
    163     """Scan folders and find all test modules that are not included in the
    164     blacklist (defined in LONG_TESTS).
    166     @param start: The absolute directory to look for tests under.
    167     @param options: optparse options.
    168     @return a list of modules to be executed.
    169     """
    170     modules = []
    172     skip_tests = SKIP
    173     if options.skip_tests:
    174         skip_tests.update(options.skip_tests.split())
    175     skip_tests_full_path = {os.path.join(ROOT, t) for t in skip_tests}
    177     for dir_path, sub_dirs, file_names in os.walk(start):
    178         # Only look in and below subdirectories that are python modules.
    179         if '__init__.py' not in file_names:
    180             if options.full:
    181                 for file_name in file_names:
    182                     if file_name.endswith('.pyc'):
    183                         os.unlink(os.path.join(dir_path, file_name))
    184             # Skip all subdirectories below this one, it is not a module.
    185             del sub_dirs[:]
    186             if options.debug:
    187                 print 'Skipping', dir_path
    188             continue  # Skip this directory.
    190         # Look for unittest files.
    191         for file_name in file_names:
    192             if (file_name.endswith('_unittest.py') or
    193                 file_name.endswith('_test.py')):
    194                 file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, file_name)
    195                 if (not options.full and
    196                     (file_name in LONG_TESTS or
    197                      file_path in LONG_TESTS_FULL_PATH)):
    198                     continue
    199                 if (file_name in skip_tests or
    200                     file_path in skip_tests_full_path):
    201                     continue
    202                 path_no_py = os.path.join(dir_path, file_name).rstrip('.py')
    203                 assert path_no_py.startswith(ROOT)
    204                 names = path_no_py[len(ROOT)+1:].split('/')
    205                 modules.append(['autotest_lib'] + names)
    206                 if options.debug:
    207                     print 'testing', path_no_py
    208     return modules
    211 def is_inside_chroot():
    212     """Check if the process is running inside the chroot.
    214     @return: True if the process is running inside the chroot, False otherwise.
    215     """
    216     try:
    217         # chromite may not be setup, e.g., in vm, therefore the ImportError
    218         # needs to be handled.
    219         from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
    220         return cros_build_lib.IsInsideChroot()
    221     except ImportError:
    222         return False
    225 def find_and_run_tests(start, options):
    226     """
    227     Find and run Python unittest suites below the given directory.  Only look
    228     in subdirectories of start that are actual importable Python modules.
    230     @param start: The absolute directory to look for tests under.
    231     @param options: optparse options.
    232     """
    233     if options.module_list:
    234         modules = []
    235         for m in options.module_list:
    236             modules.append(m.split('.'))
    237     else:
    238         modules = scan_for_modules(start, options)
    240     if options.debug:
    241         print 'Number of test modules found:', len(modules)
    243     chroot = is_inside_chroot()
    244     functions = {}
    245     for module_names in modules:
    246         if not chroot and module_names[-1] in REQUIRES_CHROOT:
    247             if options.debug:
    248                 print ('Test %s requires to run in chroot, skipped.' %
    249                        module_names[-1])
    250             continue
    251         # Create a function that'll test a particular module.  module=module
    252         # is a hack to force python to evaluate the params now.  We then
    253         # rename the function to make error reporting nicer.
    254         run_module = lambda module=module_names: run_test(module, options)
    255         name = '.'.join(module_names)
    256         run_module.__name__ = name
    257         functions[run_module] = set()
    259     try:
    260         dargs = {}
    261         if options.debug:
    262             dargs['max_simultaneous_procs'] = 1
    263         pe = parallel.ParallelExecute(functions, **dargs)
    264         pe.run_until_completion()
    265     except parallel.ParallelError, err:
    266         return err.errors
    267     return []
    270 def main():
    271     """Entry point for unittest_suite.py"""
    272     options, args = parser.parse_args()
    273     if args:
    274         options.module_list = args
    276     # Strip the arguments off the command line, so that the unit tests do not
    277     # see them.
    278     del sys.argv[1:]
    280     absolute_start = os.path.join(ROOT, options.start)
    281     errors = find_and_run_tests(absolute_start, options)
    282     if errors:
    283         print "%d tests resulted in an error/failure:" % len(errors)
    284         for error in errors:
    285             print "\t%s" % error
    286         print "Rerun", sys.argv[0], "--debug to see the failure details."
    287         sys.exit(1)
    288     else:
    289         print "All passed!"
    290         sys.exit(0)
    293 if __name__ == "__main__":
    294     main()