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      1 package org.bouncycastle.cms;
      3 import java.util.Date;
      4 import java.util.Enumeration;
      5 import java.util.Hashtable;
      6 import java.util.Map;
      8 import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier;
      9 import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEROctetString;
     10 import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSet;
     11 import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.Attribute;
     12 import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.AttributeTable;
     13 import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.CMSAlgorithmProtection;
     14 import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.CMSAttributes;
     15 import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.Time;
     16 import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier;
     18 /**
     19  * Default signed attributes generator.
     20  */
     21 public class DefaultSignedAttributeTableGenerator
     22     implements CMSAttributeTableGenerator
     23 {
     24     private final Hashtable table;
     26     /**
     27      * Initialise to use all defaults
     28      */
     29     public DefaultSignedAttributeTableGenerator()
     30     {
     31         table = new Hashtable();
     32     }
     34     /**
     35      * Initialise with some extra attributes or overrides.
     36      *
     37      * @param attributeTable initial attribute table to use.
     38      */
     39     public DefaultSignedAttributeTableGenerator(
     40         AttributeTable attributeTable)
     41     {
     42         if (attributeTable != null)
     43         {
     44             table = attributeTable.toHashtable();
     45         }
     46         else
     47         {
     48             table = new Hashtable();
     49         }
     50     }
     52     /**
     53      * Create a standard attribute table from the passed in parameters - this will
     54      * normally include contentType, signingTime, messageDigest, and CMS algorithm protection.
     55      * If the constructor using an AttributeTable was used, entries in it for contentType, signingTime, and
     56      * messageDigest will override the generated ones.
     57      *
     58      * @param parameters source parameters for table generation.
     59      *
     60      * @return a filled in Hashtable of attributes.
     61      */
     62     protected Hashtable createStandardAttributeTable(
     63         Map parameters)
     64     {
     65         Hashtable std = copyHashTable(table);
     67         if (!std.containsKey(CMSAttributes.contentType))
     68         {
     69             ASN1ObjectIdentifier contentType = ASN1ObjectIdentifier.getInstance(
     70                 parameters.get(CMSAttributeTableGenerator.CONTENT_TYPE));
     72             // contentType will be null if we're trying to generate a counter signature.
     73             if (contentType != null)
     74             {
     75                 Attribute attr = new Attribute(CMSAttributes.contentType,
     76                     new DERSet(contentType));
     77                 std.put(attr.getAttrType(), attr);
     78             }
     79         }
     81         if (!std.containsKey(CMSAttributes.signingTime))
     82         {
     83             Date signingTime = new Date();
     84             Attribute attr = new Attribute(CMSAttributes.signingTime,
     85                 new DERSet(new Time(signingTime)));
     86             std.put(attr.getAttrType(), attr);
     87         }
     89         if (!std.containsKey(CMSAttributes.messageDigest))
     90         {
     91             byte[] messageDigest = (byte[])parameters.get(
     92                 CMSAttributeTableGenerator.DIGEST);
     93             Attribute attr = new Attribute(CMSAttributes.messageDigest,
     94                 new DERSet(new DEROctetString(messageDigest)));
     95             std.put(attr.getAttrType(), attr);
     96         }
     98         if (!std.contains(CMSAttributes.cmsAlgorithmProtect))
     99         {
    100             Attribute attr = new Attribute(CMSAttributes.cmsAlgorithmProtect, new DERSet(new CMSAlgorithmProtection(
    101                 (AlgorithmIdentifier)parameters.get(CMSAttributeTableGenerator.DIGEST_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER),
    102                 CMSAlgorithmProtection.SIGNATURE, (AlgorithmIdentifier)parameters.get(CMSAttributeTableGenerator.SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER))));
    103             std.put(attr.getAttrType(), attr);
    104         }
    106         return std;
    107     }
    109     /**
    110      * @param parameters source parameters
    111      * @return the populated attribute table
    112      */
    113     public AttributeTable getAttributes(Map parameters)
    114     {
    115         return new AttributeTable(createStandardAttributeTable(parameters));
    116     }
    118     private static Hashtable copyHashTable(Hashtable paramsMap)
    119     {
    120         Hashtable newTable = new Hashtable();
    122         Enumeration keys = paramsMap.keys();
    123         while (keys.hasMoreElements())
    124         {
    125             Object key = keys.nextElement();
    126             newTable.put(key, paramsMap.get(key));
    127         }
    129         return newTable;
    130     }
    131 }