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      1 VERSION 1.0 CLASS
      2 BEGIN
      3   MultiUse = -1  'True
      4   Persistable = 0  'NotPersistable
      5   DataBindingBehavior = 0  'vbNone
      6   DataSourceBehavior  = 0  'vbNone
      7   MTSTransactionMode  = 0  'NotAnMTSObject
      8 END
      9 Attribute VB_Name = "CX86Operand"
     10 Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
     11 Attribute VB_Creatable = True
     12 Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
     13 Attribute VB_Exposed = False
     14 Option Explicit
     16 'Capstone Disassembly Engine bindings for VB6
     17 'Contributed by FireEye FLARE Team
     18 'Author:  David Zimmer <david.zimmer (a] fireeye.com>, <dzzie (a] yahoo.com>
     19 'License: Apache
     20 'Copyright: FireEye 2017
     23 '// Instruction operand sizeof() reports 48 bytes
     24 'typedef struct cs_x86_op {
     25 '        x86_op_type type;   // operand type
     26 '
     27 '        union {
     28 '            x86_reg reg;    // register value for REG operand
     29 '            int64_t imm;    // immediate value for IMM operand
     30 '            double fp;      // floating point value for FP operand
     31 '            x86_op_mem mem; // base/index/scale/disp value for MEM operand (24bytes max)
     32 '        };
     33 '
     34 '        // size of this operand (in bytes).
     35 '        uint8_t size;
     36 '
     37 '        // AVX broadcast type, or 0 if irrelevant
     38 '        x86_avx_bcast avx_bcast;
     39 '
     40 '        // AVX zero opmask {z}
     41 '        bool avx_zero_opmask;
     42 '} cs_x86_op;
     44 'Instruction's operand referring to memory
     45 'This is associated with X86_OP_MEM operand type above
     46 'Public Type x86_op_mem
     47 '    segment As Long  ' segment register (or X86_REG_INVALID if irrelevant) UNSIGNED
     48 '    base As Long     ' base register (or X86_REG_INVALID if irrelevant) UNSIGNED
     49 '    index As Long    ' index register (or X86_REG_INVALID if irrelevant) UNSIGNED
     50 '    scale As Long    ' scale for index register
     51 '    disp As Currency ' displacement value
     52 'End Type
     54 'this shows the alignment padding used by compiler..
     55 '    cs_x86_op op;
     56 '    op.type = (x86_op_type)1;
     57 '    op.reg = (x86_reg)2;
     58 '    op.avx_bcast = (x86_avx_bcast)3;
     59 '    op.avx_zero_opmask = 4;
     60 '    op.size = 0xaa;
     61 '    printf("&cs_x86_op = %x", &op);
     62 '    _asm int 3
     63 '
     64 '
     65 '0x0012FF34  01 00 00 00 cc cc cc cc 02 00 00 00 cc cc cc cc  ........
     66 '0x0012FF44  cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc  
     67 '0x0012FF54  aa cc cc cc 03 00 00 00 01 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc  .....
     69 Public optype As x86_op_type
     70 Public size As Byte
     71 Public avx_bcast As x86_avx_bcast
     72 Public avx_zero_opmask As Boolean
     74 'only one of the following will be set based on type
     75 Public reg As x86_reg
     76 Public fp As Currency
     77 Public imm As Currency
     78 Public mem As CX86OpMem
     80 Private hEngine As Long
     81 Private m_raw() As Byte
     83 Function toString() As String
     85     Dim ret() As String
     87     push ret, "X86 Operand:"
     88     push ret, String(45, "-")
     90     If DEBUG_DUMP Then
     91         push ret, "Raw: "
     92         push ret, HexDump(m_raw)
     93     End If
     95     push ret, "Type: " & opStr()
     96     push ret, "Size: " & size
     97     If avx_bcast <> 0 Then push ret, "BCast: " & bcastStr()
     98     If avx_zero_opmask Then push ret, "AvxOpMask: " & avx_zero_opmask
    100     If optype = X86_OP_FP Then
    101          push ret, "FP: " & cur2str(fp)
    102     ElseIf optype = X86_OP_IMM Then
    103          push ret, "IMM: " & cur2str(imm)
    104     ElseIf optype = x86_op_mem Then
    105         If mem.base <> 0 Then push ret, "Base: " & regName(hEngine, mem.base)
    106         If mem.index <> 0 Then push ret, "Index: " & regName(hEngine, mem.index)
    107         If mem.scale_ <> 1 Then push ret, "Scale: " & Hex(mem.scale_)
    108         If mem.segment <> 0 Then push ret, "Seg: " & regName(hEngine, mem.segment)
    109         If mem.disp <> 0 Then push ret, "Disp: " & cur2str(mem.disp)
    110     ElseIf optype = X86_OP_REG Then
    111          push ret, "Reg: " & regName(hEngine, reg)
    112     End If
    114     toString = Join(ret, vbCrLf)
    116 End Function
    118 Function opStr() As String
    120     If optype = X86_OP_FP Then opStr = "X86_OP_FP"
    121     If optype = x86_op_mem Then opStr = "x86_op_mem"
    122     If optype = X86_OP_IMM Then opStr = "X86_OP_IMM"
    123     If optype = X86_OP_REG Then opStr = "X86_OP_REG"
    124     If optype = X86_OP_INVALID Then opStr = "X86_OP_INVALID"
    126     If Len(opStr) = 0 Then
    127         opStr = "Error: " & Hex(optype)
    128     ElseIf DEBUG_DUMP Then
    129         opStr = opStr & " (" & Hex(optype) & ")"
    130     End If
    132 End Function
    134 Function bcastStr() As String
    135     Dim r As String
    137     If avx_bcast = X86_AVX_BCAST_INVALID Then r = "X86_AVX_BCAST_INVALID"
    138     If avx_bcast = X86_AVX_BCAST_2 Then r = "X86_AVX_BCAST_2"
    139     If avx_bcast = X86_AVX_BCAST_4 Then r = "X86_AVX_BCAST_4"
    140     If avx_bcast = X86_AVX_BCAST_8 Then r = "X86_AVX_BCAST_8"
    141     If avx_bcast = X86_AVX_BCAST_16 Then r = "X86_AVX_BCAST_16"
    143     If Len(r) = 0 Then
    144         r = "Unknown: " & Hex(avx_bcast)
    145     ElseIf DEBUG_DUMP Then
    146         r = r & " (" & Hex(avx_bcast) & ")"
    147     End If
    149     bcastStr = r
    150 End Function
    153 Friend Sub LoadDetails(lpStruct As Long, hCapstone As Long)
    155     Dim opMem As x86_op_mem
    156     Dim ptr As Long
    158     Const align4 = 4
    159     Const align3 = 3
    161     hEngine = hCapstone
    163     If DEBUG_DUMP Then
    164         ReDim m_raw(48)
    165         CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(m_raw(0)), ByVal lpStruct, 48
    166     End If
    168     optype = readLng(lpStruct)
    169     ptr = lpStruct + 4 + align4
    171     If optype = X86_OP_FP Then
    172         fp = readCur(ptr)
    173     ElseIf optype = X86_OP_IMM Then
    174         imm = readCur(ptr)
    175     ElseIf optype = x86_op_mem Then
    176         CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(opMem), ByVal ptr, LenB(opMem)
    177         Set mem = New CX86OpMem
    178         mem.base = opMem.base
    179         mem.disp = opMem.disp
    180         mem.index = opMem.index
    181         mem.scale_ = opMem.scale
    182         mem.segment = opMem.segment
    183     ElseIf optype = X86_OP_REG Then
    184         reg = readLng(ptr)
    185     End If
    187     ptr = ptr + LenB(opMem)
    189     size = readByte(ptr)
    190     ptr = ptr + 1 + align3
    192     avx_bcast = readLng(ptr)
    193     ptr = ptr + 4
    195     avx_zero_opmask = (readByte(ptr) = 1)
    197 End Sub
    199 Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    200     'looks like everything is freeing up ok
    201     'Debug.Print "Cx86Operand.Terminate"
    202 End Sub