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      1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple sparc-unknown-unknown -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
      3 // Ensure that we pass proper alignment to llvm in the call
      4 // instruction. The proper alignment for the type is sometimes known
      5 // only by clang, and is not manifest in the LLVM-type. So, it must be
      6 // explicitly passed through. (Besides the case of the user specifying
      7 // alignment, as here, this situation also occurrs for non-POD C++
      8 // structs with tail-padding: clang emits these as packed llvm-structs
      9 // for ABI reasons.)
     11 struct s1 {
     12   int x;
     13 } __attribute__((aligned(8)));
     15 struct s1 x1;
     18 // Ensure the align 8 is passed through:
     19 // CHECK-LABEL: define void @f1()
     20 // CHECK: call void @f1_helper(%struct.s1* byval align 8 @x1)
     21 // Also ensure the declaration of f1_helper includes it
     22 // CHECK: declare void @f1_helper(%struct.s1* byval align 8)
     24 void f1_helper(struct s1);
     25 void f1() {
     26   f1_helper(x1);
     27 }