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      1 // RUN: %clang -S -emit-llvm -target x86_64-unknown_unknown -g %s -o - -std=c++11 | FileCheck %s
      3 // CHECK: !DICompileUnit(
      4 // CHECK: [[EMPTY:![0-9]*]] = !{}
      6 struct foo {
      7   char pad[8]; // make the member pointer to 'e' a bit more interesting (nonzero)
      8   int e;
      9   void f();
     10   static void g();
     11 };
     13 typedef int foo::*foo_mem;
     15 template<typename T, T, const int *x, foo_mem a, void (foo::*b)(), void (*f)(), int ...Is>
     16 struct TC {
     17   struct nested {
     18   };
     19 };
     21 // CHECK: [[INT:![0-9]+]] = !DIBasicType(name: "int"
     22 int glb;
     23 void func();
     25 // CHECK: !DIGlobalVariable(name: "tci",
     26 // CHECK-SAME:              type: ![[TCNESTED:[0-9]+]]
     27 // CHECK-SAME:              variable: %"struct.TC<unsigned int, 2, &glb, &foo::e, &foo::f, &foo::g, 1, 2, 3>::nested"* @tci
     28 // CHECK: ![[TCNESTED]] ={{.*}}!DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, name: "nested",
     29 // CHECK-SAME:             scope: ![[TC:[0-9]+]],
     31 // CHECK: ![[TC]] = distinct !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, name: "TC<unsigned int, 2, &glb, &foo::e, &foo::f, &foo::g, 1, 2, 3>"
     32 // CHECK-SAME:                              templateParams: [[TCARGS:![0-9]*]]
     33 TC
     34 // CHECK: [[TCARGS]] = !{[[TCARG1:![0-9]*]], [[TCARG2:![0-9]*]], [[TCARG3:![0-9]*]], [[TCARG4:![0-9]*]], [[TCARG5:![0-9]*]], [[TCARG6:![0-9]*]], [[TCARG7:![0-9]*]]}
     35 // CHECK: [[TCARG1]] = !DITemplateTypeParameter(name: "T", type: [[UINT:![0-9]*]])
     36 // CHECK: [[UINT:![0-9]*]] = !DIBasicType(name: "unsigned int"
     37 < unsigned,
     38 // CHECK: [[TCARG2]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(type: [[UINT]], value: i32 2)
     39   2,
     40 // CHECK: [[TCARG3]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(name: "x", type: [[CINTPTR:![0-9]*]], value: i32* @glb)
     41 // CHECK: [[CINTPTR]] = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, {{.*}}baseType: [[CINT:![0-9]+]]
     42 // CHECK: [[CINT]] = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_const_type, {{.*}}baseType: [[INT]]
     43   &glb,
     44 // CHECK: [[TCARG4]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(name: "a", type: [[MEMINTPTR:![0-9]*]], value: i64 8)
     45 // CHECK: [[MEMINTPTR]] = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type, {{.*}}baseType: [[INT]], {{.*}}extraData: ![[FOO:[0-9]+]])
     46 //
     47 // We could just emit a declaration of 'foo' here, rather than the entire
     48 // definition (same goes for any time we emit a member (function or data)
     49 // pointer type)
     50 // CHECK: [[FOO]] = distinct !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, name: "foo", {{.*}}identifier: "_ZTS3foo")
     51 // CHECK: !DISubprogram(name: "f", linkageName: "_ZN3foo1fEv", {{.*}}type: [[FTYPE:![0-9]*]]
     52 //
     53 // Currently Clang emits the pointer-to-member-function value, but LLVM doesn't
     54 // use it (GCC doesn't emit a value for pointers to member functions either - so
     55 // it's not clear what, if any, format would be acceptable to GDB)
     56 //
     57 // CHECK: [[FTYPE:![0-9]*]] = !DISubroutineType(types: [[FARGS:![0-9]*]])
     58 // CHECK: [[FARGS]] = !{null, [[FARG1:![0-9]*]]}
     59 // CHECK: [[FARG1]] = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type,
     60 // CHECK-SAME:                       baseType: ![[FOO]]
     61 // CHECK-NOT:                        line:
     62 // CHECK-SAME:                       size: 64, align: 64
     63 // CHECK-NOT:                        offset: 0
     64 // CHECK-SAME:                       DIFlagArtificial
     65 // CHECK: [[FUNTYPE:![0-9]*]] = !DISubroutineType(types: [[FUNARGS:![0-9]*]])
     66 // CHECK: [[FUNARGS]] = !{null}
     67   &foo::e,
     68 // CHECK: [[TCARG5]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(name: "b", type: [[MEMFUNPTR:![0-9]*]], value: { i64, i64 } { i64 ptrtoint (void (%struct.foo*)* @_ZN3foo1fEv to i64), i64 0 })
     69 // CHECK: [[MEMFUNPTR]] = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type, {{.*}}baseType: [[FTYPE]], {{.*}}extraData: ![[FOO]])
     70   &foo::f,
     71 // CHECK: [[TCARG6]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(name: "f", type: [[FUNPTR:![0-9]*]], value: void ()* @_ZN3foo1gEv)
     72 // CHECK: [[FUNPTR]] = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: [[FUNTYPE]]
     73   &foo::g,
     74 // CHECK: [[TCARG7]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(tag: DW_TAG_GNU_template_parameter_pack, name: "Is", value: [[TCARG7_VALS:![0-9]*]])
     75 // CHECK: [[TCARG7_VALS]] = !{[[TCARG7_1:![0-9]*]], [[TCARG7_2:![0-9]*]], [[TCARG7_3:![0-9]*]]}
     76 // CHECK: [[TCARG7_1]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(type: [[INT]], value: i32 1)
     77   1,
     78 // CHECK: [[TCARG7_2]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(type: [[INT]], value: i32 2)
     79   2,
     80 // CHECK: [[TCARG7_3]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(type: [[INT]], value: i32 3)
     81   3>::nested tci;
     83 // CHECK: !DIGlobalVariable(name: "tcn"
     84 // CHECK-SAME:              type: ![[TCNT:[0-9]+]]
     85 // CHECK-SAME:              variable: %struct.TC* @tcn
     86 TC
     87 // CHECK: ![[TCNT]] ={{.*}}!DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, name: "TC<int, -3, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr>"
     88 // CHECK-SAME:             templateParams: [[TCNARGS:![0-9]*]]
     89 // CHECK: [[TCNARGS]] = !{[[TCNARG1:![0-9]*]], [[TCNARG2:![0-9]*]], [[TCNARG3:![0-9]*]], [[TCNARG4:![0-9]*]], [[TCNARG5:![0-9]*]], [[TCNARG6:![0-9]*]], [[TCNARG7:![0-9]*]]}
     90 // CHECK: [[TCNARG1]] = !DITemplateTypeParameter(name: "T", type: [[INT]])
     91 <int,
     92 // CHECK: [[TCNARG2]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(type: [[INT]], value: i32 -3)
     93   -3,
     94 // CHECK: [[TCNARG3]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(name: "x", type: [[CINTPTR]], value: i8 0)
     95   nullptr,
     97 // The interesting null pointer: -1 for member data pointers (since they are
     98 // just an offset in an object, they can be zero and non-null for the first
     99 // member)
    101 // CHECK: [[TCNARG4]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(name: "a", type: [[MEMINTPTR]], value: i64 -1)
    102   nullptr,
    103 //
    104 // In some future iteration we could possibly emit the value of a null member
    105 // function pointer as '{ i64, i64 } zeroinitializer' as it may be handled
    106 // naturally from the LLVM CodeGen side once we decide how to handle non-null
    107 // member function pointers. For now, it's simpler just to emit the 'i8 0'.
    108 //
    109 // CHECK: [[TCNARG5]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(name: "b", type: [[MEMFUNPTR]], value: i8 0)
    110   nullptr,
    111 // CHECK: [[TCNARG6]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(name: "f", type: [[FUNPTR]], value: i8 0)
    112   nullptr
    113 // CHECK: [[TCNARG7]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(tag: DW_TAG_GNU_template_parameter_pack, name: "Is", value: [[EMPTY]])
    114   > tcn;
    116 template<typename>
    117 struct tmpl_impl {
    118 };
    120 template <template <typename> class tmpl, int &lvr, int &&rvr>
    121 struct NN {
    122 };
    124 // CHECK: !DIGlobalVariable(name: "nn"
    125 // CHECK-SAME:              type: ![[NNT:[0-9]+]]
    126 // CHECK-SAME:              variable: %struct.NN* @nn
    128 // FIXME: these parameters should probably be rendered as 'glb' rather than
    129 // '&glb', since they're references, not pointers.
    130 // CHECK: ![[NNT]] ={{.*}}!DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, name: "NN<tmpl_impl, &glb, &glb>",
    131 // CHECK-SAME:             templateParams: [[NNARGS:![0-9]*]]
    132 // CHECK-SAME:             identifier:
    133 // CHECK: [[NNARGS]] = !{[[NNARG1:![0-9]*]], [[NNARG2:![0-9]*]], [[NNARG3:![0-9]*]]}
    134 // CHECK: [[NNARG1]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(tag: DW_TAG_GNU_template_template_param, name: "tmpl", value: !"tmpl_impl")
    135 // CHECK: [[NNARG2]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(name: "lvr", type: [[INTLVR:![0-9]*]], value: i32* @glb)
    136 // CHECK: [[INTLVR]] = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_reference_type, baseType: [[INT]]
    137 // CHECK: [[NNARG3]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(name: "rvr", type: [[INTRVR:![0-9]*]], value: i32* @glb)
    138 // CHECK: [[INTRVR]] = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type, baseType: [[INT]]
    139 NN<tmpl_impl, glb, glb> nn;
    141 // CHECK: ![[PADDINGATEND:[0-9]+]] = distinct !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, name: "PaddingAtEnd",
    142 struct PaddingAtEnd {
    143   int i;
    144   char c;
    145 };
    147 PaddingAtEnd PaddedObj = {};
    149 // CHECK: !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, name: "PaddingAtEndTemplate<&PaddedObj>"
    150 // CHECK-SAME:             templateParams: [[PTOARGS:![0-9]*]]
    151 // CHECK: [[PTOARGS]] = !{[[PTOARG1:![0-9]*]]}
    152 // CHECK: [[PTOARG1]] = !DITemplateValueParameter(type: [[CONST_PADDINGATEND_PTR:![0-9]*]], value: %struct.PaddingAtEnd* @PaddedObj)
    153 // CHECK: [[CONST_PADDINGATEND_PTR]] = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: ![[PADDINGATEND]], size: 64, align: 64)
    154 template <PaddingAtEnd *>
    155 struct PaddingAtEndTemplate {
    156 };
    158 PaddingAtEndTemplate<&PaddedObj> PaddedTemplateObj;