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      1 // Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 syntax = "proto2";
      7 option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
      9 package login_manager;
     11 // ARC startup options sent from Chrome to session manager. This message is
     12 // used in SessionManagerInterface.StartArcInterface method.
     13 message StartArcInstanceRequest {
     14   enum PackageCacheMode {
     15     // Performs packages cache setup if the pre-generated cache exists.
     16     DEFAULT = 0;
     17     // Performs packages cache setup if the pre-generated cache exists and
     18     // copies resulting packages.xml to the temporary location after
     19     // SystemServer initialized the package manager.
     20     COPY_ON_INIT = 1;
     21     // Skips packages cache setup and copies resulting packages.xml to the
     22     // temporary location after SystemServer initialized the package manager.
     23     SKIP_SETUP_COPY_ON_INIT = 2;
     24   }
     26   // Account ID of the user to start ARC for. This must be the same as the
     27   // one given in StartSession.
     28   optional string account_id = 1;
     30   // Option to disable ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast for 3rd party apps.
     31   optional bool skip_boot_completed_broadcast = 2;
     33   // Option to enable package manager service to scan /vendor/priv-app
     34   // directory.
     35   optional bool scan_vendor_priv_app = 3;
     37   // Option to start the container for Chrome OS login screen. When this is set
     38   // and true, the container will start only a handful of processes that don't
     39   // read an actual user's /data. |account_id|, |skip_boot_completed_broadcast|,
     40   // and |scan_vendor_priv_app| are ignored when |for_login_screen| is true.
     41   optional bool for_login_screen = 4;
     43   // Deprecated. Do not use.
     44   // Option to create a server socket in session_manager.
     45   // TODO(yusukes): Make this always enabled and then remove the field.
     46   optional bool create_server_socket = 5;
     48   // Option to enable native bridge experiment (b/63133475).
     49   optional bool native_bridge_experiment = 6;
     51   // Optional mode for packages cache tests.
     52   optional PackageCacheMode packages_cache_mode = 7 [default = DEFAULT];
     54   // Next ID to use: 8
     55 }
     57 // ARC start options sent from Chrome to session manager. This message is used
     58 // in the SessionManagerInterface.StartArcMiniContainer method.
     59 message StartArcMiniContainerRequest {
     60   optional bool native_bridge_experiment = 1 [default = false];
     61 }
     63 // ARC upgrade options sent from Chrome to session manager. This message is used
     64 // in the SessionManagerInterface.UpgradeArcContainer method.
     65 message UpgradeArcContainerRequest {
     66   enum PackageCacheMode {
     67     // Performs packages cache setup if the pre-generated cache exists.
     68     DEFAULT = 0;
     69     // Performs packages cache setup if the pre-generated cache exists and
     70     // copies resulting packages.xml to the temporary location after
     71     // SystemServer initialized the package manager.
     72     COPY_ON_INIT = 1;
     73     // Skips packages cache setup and copies resulting packages.xml to the
     74     // temporary location after SystemServer initialized the package manager.
     75     SKIP_SETUP_COPY_ON_INIT = 2;
     76   }
     78   // Account ID of the user to start ARC for. This must be the same as the
     79   // one given in StartSession.
     80   required string account_id = 1;
     82   // Option to disable ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast for 3rd party apps.
     83   optional bool skip_boot_completed_broadcast = 2 [default = false];
     85   // Option to enable package manager service to scan /vendor/priv-app
     86   // directory.
     87   optional bool scan_vendor_priv_app = 3 [default = false];
     89   // Optional mode for packages cache tests.
     90   optional PackageCacheMode packages_cache_mode = 4 [default = DEFAULT];
     92   // Next ID to use: 5
     93 }