1 ; libcurl package definition file 2 ; Use with makesis to create a Symbian .sis package 3 4 ;Language - standard language definitions 5 &EN 6 7 ;Header - standard sis file header including version number 8 ;Version scheme: curl's major, curl's minor, curl's subminor*100 + build number 9 ; e.g. The third Symbian package of curl ver. 7.20.1 would have a SIS package 10 ; version of 7, 20, 103 11 #{"libcurl"}, (0xF0206D00), 7, 20, <please_update_version>, TYPE=SA 12 13 ; Vendor name 14 %{"curl project"} 15 :"curl project" 16 17 ; A dependency on P.I.P.S. is probably a good idea to add here 18 ;(0x20009A80), *, *, *, {"Open C Standard Libraries"} 19 ;(0x20009A81), *, *, *, {"P.I.P.S. for UIQ 3"} 20 21 ;Files - standard file specifications 22 "\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\libcurl.dll" - "$:\sys\bin\libcurl.dll" 23