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      1 #    Copyright 2013-2015 ARM Limited
      2 #
      3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 #
      7 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 #
      9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 # limitations under the License.
     14 #
     17 """
     18 Miscellaneous functions that don't fit anywhere else.
     20 """
     21 from __future__ import division
     22 import os
     23 import sys
     24 import re
     25 import string
     26 import threading
     27 import signal
     28 import subprocess
     29 import pkgutil
     30 import logging
     31 import random
     32 import ctypes
     33 from operator import itemgetter
     34 from itertools import groupby
     35 from functools import partial
     37 import wrapt
     39 from devlib.exception import HostError, TimeoutError
     42 # ABI --> architectures list
     43 ABI_MAP = {
     44     'armeabi': ['armeabi', 'armv7', 'armv7l', 'armv7el', 'armv7lh', 'armeabi-v7a'],
     45     'arm64': ['arm64', 'armv8', 'arm64-v8a', 'aarch64'],
     46 }
     48 # Vendor ID --> CPU part ID --> CPU variant ID --> Core Name
     49 # None means variant is not used.
     50 CPU_PART_MAP = {
     51     0x41: {  # ARM
     52         0x926: {None: 'ARM926'},
     53         0x946: {None: 'ARM946'},
     54         0x966: {None: 'ARM966'},
     55         0xb02: {None: 'ARM11MPCore'},
     56         0xb36: {None: 'ARM1136'},
     57         0xb56: {None: 'ARM1156'},
     58         0xb76: {None: 'ARM1176'},
     59         0xc05: {None: 'A5'},
     60         0xc07: {None: 'A7'},
     61         0xc08: {None: 'A8'},
     62         0xc09: {None: 'A9'},
     63         0xc0e: {None: 'A17'},
     64         0xc0f: {None: 'A15'},
     65         0xc14: {None: 'R4'},
     66         0xc15: {None: 'R5'},
     67         0xc17: {None: 'R7'},
     68         0xc18: {None: 'R8'},
     69         0xc20: {None: 'M0'},
     70         0xc60: {None: 'M0+'},
     71         0xc21: {None: 'M1'},
     72         0xc23: {None: 'M3'},
     73         0xc24: {None: 'M4'},
     74         0xc27: {None: 'M7'},
     75         0xd01: {None: 'A32'},
     76         0xd03: {None: 'A53'},
     77         0xd04: {None: 'A35'},
     78         0xd07: {None: 'A57'},
     79         0xd08: {None: 'A72'},
     80         0xd09: {None: 'A73'},
     81     },
     82     0x42: {  # Broadcom
     83         0x516: {None: 'Vulcan'},
     84     },
     85     0x43: {  # Cavium
     86         0x0a1: {None: 'Thunderx'},
     87         0x0a2: {None: 'Thunderx81xx'},
     88     },
     89     0x4e: {  # Nvidia
     90         0x0: {None: 'Denver'},
     91     },
     92     0x50: {  # AppliedMicro
     93         0x0: {None: 'xgene'},
     94     },
     95     0x51: {  # Qualcomm
     96         0x02d: {None: 'Scorpion'},
     97         0x04d: {None: 'MSM8960'},
     98         0x06f: {  # Krait
     99             0x2: 'Krait400',
    100             0x3: 'Krait450',
    101         },
    102         0x205: {0x1: 'KryoSilver'},
    103         0x211: {0x1: 'KryoGold'},
    104         0x800: {None: 'Falkor'},
    105     },
    106     0x53: {  # Samsung LSI
    107         0x001: {0x1: 'MongooseM1'},
    108     },
    109     0x56: {  # Marvell
    110         0x131: {
    111             0x2: 'Feroceon 88F6281',
    112         }
    113     },
    114 }
    117 def get_cpu_name(implementer, part, variant):
    118     part_data = CPU_PART_MAP.get(implementer, {}).get(part, {})
    119     if None in part_data:  # variant does not determine core Name for this vendor
    120         name = part_data[None]
    121     else:
    122         name = part_data.get(variant)
    123     return name
    126 def preexec_function():
    127     # Ignore the SIGINT signal by setting the handler to the standard
    128     # signal handler SIG_IGN.
    129     signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
    130     # Change process group in case we have to kill the subprocess and all of
    131     # its children later.
    132     # TODO: this is Unix-specific; would be good to find an OS-agnostic way
    133     #       to do this in case we wanna port WA to Windows.
    134     os.setpgrp()
    137 check_output_logger = logging.getLogger('check_output')
    140 def check_output(command, timeout=None, ignore=None, inputtext=None, **kwargs):
    141     """This is a version of subprocess.check_output that adds a timeout parameter to kill
    142     the subprocess if it does not return within the specified time."""
    143     # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
    144     if ignore is None:
    145         ignore = []
    146     elif isinstance(ignore, int):
    147         ignore = [ignore]
    148     elif not isinstance(ignore, list) and ignore != 'all':
    149         message = 'Invalid value for ignore parameter: "{}"; must be an int or a list'
    150         raise ValueError(message.format(ignore))
    151     if 'stdout' in kwargs:
    152         raise ValueError('stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden.')
    154     def callback(pid):
    155         try:
    156             check_output_logger.debug('{} timed out; sending SIGKILL'.format(pid))
    157             os.killpg(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
    158         except OSError:
    159             pass  # process may have already terminated.
    161     process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
    162                                stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
    163                                preexec_fn=preexec_function, **kwargs)
    165     if timeout:
    166         timer = threading.Timer(timeout, callback, [process.pid, ])
    167         timer.start()
    169     try:
    170         output, error = process.communicate(inputtext)
    171     finally:
    172         if timeout:
    173             timer.cancel()
    175     retcode = process.poll()
    176     if retcode:
    177         if retcode == -9:  # killed, assume due to timeout callback
    178             raise TimeoutError(command, output='\n'.join([output, error]))
    179         elif ignore != 'all' and retcode not in ignore:
    180             raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, command, output='\n'.join([output, error]))
    181     return output, error
    184 def walk_modules(path):
    185     """
    186     Given package name, return a list of all modules (including submodules, etc)
    187     in that package.
    189     :raises HostError: if an exception is raised while trying to import one of the
    190                        modules under ``path``. The exception will have addtional
    191                        attributes set: ``module`` will be set to the qualified name
    192                        of the originating module, and ``orig_exc`` will contain
    193                        the original exception.
    195     """
    197     def __try_import(path):
    198         try:
    199             return __import__(path, {}, {}, [''])
    200         except Exception as e:
    201             he = HostError('Could not load {}: {}'.format(path, str(e)))
    202             he.module = path
    203             he.exc_info = sys.exc_info()
    204             he.orig_exc = e
    205             raise he
    207     root_mod = __try_import(path)
    208     mods = [root_mod]
    209     if not hasattr(root_mod, '__path__'):
    210         # root is a module not a package -- nothing to walk
    211         return mods
    212     for _, name, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(root_mod.__path__):
    213         submod_path = '.'.join([path, name])
    214         if ispkg:
    215             mods.extend(walk_modules(submod_path))
    216         else:
    217             submod = __try_import(submod_path)
    218             mods.append(submod)
    219     return mods
    222 def ensure_directory_exists(dirpath):
    223     """A filter for directory paths to ensure they exist."""
    224     if not os.path.isdir(dirpath):
    225         os.makedirs(dirpath)
    226     return dirpath
    229 def ensure_file_directory_exists(filepath):
    230     """
    231     A filter for file paths to ensure the directory of the
    232     file exists and the file can be created there. The file
    233     itself is *not* going to be created if it doesn't already
    234     exist.
    236     """
    237     ensure_directory_exists(os.path.dirname(filepath))
    238     return filepath
    241 def merge_dicts(*args, **kwargs):
    242     if not len(args) >= 2:
    243         raise ValueError('Must specify at least two dicts to merge.')
    244     func = partial(_merge_two_dicts, **kwargs)
    245     return reduce(func, args)
    248 def _merge_two_dicts(base, other, list_duplicates='all', match_types=False,  # pylint: disable=R0912,R0914
    249                      dict_type=dict, should_normalize=True, should_merge_lists=True):
    250     """Merge dicts normalizing their keys."""
    251     merged = dict_type()
    252     base_keys = base.keys()
    253     other_keys = other.keys()
    254     norm = normalize if should_normalize else lambda x, y: x
    256     base_only = []
    257     other_only = []
    258     both = []
    259     union = []
    260     for k in base_keys:
    261         if k in other_keys:
    262             both.append(k)
    263         else:
    264             base_only.append(k)
    265             union.append(k)
    266     for k in other_keys:
    267         if k in base_keys:
    268             union.append(k)
    269         else:
    270             union.append(k)
    271             other_only.append(k)
    273     for k in union:
    274         if k in base_only:
    275             merged[k] = norm(base[k], dict_type)
    276         elif k in other_only:
    277             merged[k] = norm(other[k], dict_type)
    278         elif k in both:
    279             base_value = base[k]
    280             other_value = other[k]
    281             base_type = type(base_value)
    282             other_type = type(other_value)
    283             if (match_types and (base_type != other_type) and
    284                     (base_value is not None) and (other_value is not None)):
    285                 raise ValueError('Type mismatch for {} got {} ({}) and {} ({})'.format(k, base_value, base_type,
    286                                                                                        other_value, other_type))
    287             if isinstance(base_value, dict):
    288                 merged[k] = _merge_two_dicts(base_value, other_value, list_duplicates, match_types, dict_type)
    289             elif isinstance(base_value, list):
    290                 if should_merge_lists:
    291                     merged[k] = _merge_two_lists(base_value, other_value, list_duplicates, dict_type)
    292                 else:
    293                     merged[k] = _merge_two_lists([], other_value, list_duplicates, dict_type)
    295             elif isinstance(base_value, set):
    296                 merged[k] = norm(base_value.union(other_value), dict_type)
    297             else:
    298                 merged[k] = norm(other_value, dict_type)
    299         else:  # Should never get here
    300             raise AssertionError('Unexpected merge key: {}'.format(k))
    302     return merged
    305 def merge_lists(*args, **kwargs):
    306     if not len(args) >= 2:
    307         raise ValueError('Must specify at least two lists to merge.')
    308     func = partial(_merge_two_lists, **kwargs)
    309     return reduce(func, args)
    312 def _merge_two_lists(base, other, duplicates='all', dict_type=dict):  # pylint: disable=R0912
    313     """
    314     Merge lists, normalizing their entries.
    316     parameters:
    318         :base, other: the two lists to be merged. ``other`` will be merged on
    319                       top of base.
    320         :duplicates: Indicates the strategy of handling entries that appear
    321                      in both lists. ``all`` will keep occurrences from both
    322                      lists; ``first`` will only keep occurrences from
    323                      ``base``; ``last`` will only keep occurrences from
    324                      ``other``;
    326                      .. note:: duplicate entries that appear in the *same* list
    327                                will never be removed.
    329     """
    330     if not isiterable(base):
    331         base = [base]
    332     if not isiterable(other):
    333         other = [other]
    334     if duplicates == 'all':
    335         merged_list = []
    336         for v in normalize(base, dict_type) + normalize(other, dict_type):
    337             if not _check_remove_item(merged_list, v):
    338                 merged_list.append(v)
    339         return merged_list
    340     elif duplicates == 'first':
    341         base_norm = normalize(base, dict_type)
    342         merged_list = normalize(base, dict_type)
    343         for v in base_norm:
    344             _check_remove_item(merged_list, v)
    345         for v in normalize(other, dict_type):
    346             if not _check_remove_item(merged_list, v):
    347                 if v not in base_norm:
    348                     merged_list.append(v)  # pylint: disable=no-member
    349         return merged_list
    350     elif duplicates == 'last':
    351         other_norm = normalize(other, dict_type)
    352         merged_list = []
    353         for v in normalize(base, dict_type):
    354             if not _check_remove_item(merged_list, v):
    355                 if v not in other_norm:
    356                     merged_list.append(v)
    357         for v in other_norm:
    358             if not _check_remove_item(merged_list, v):
    359                 merged_list.append(v)
    360         return merged_list
    361     else:
    362         raise ValueError('Unexpected value for list duplicates argument: {}. '.format(duplicates) +
    363                          'Must be in {"all", "first", "last"}.')
    366 def _check_remove_item(the_list, item):
    367     """Helper function for merge_lists that implements checking wether an items
    368     should be removed from the list and doing so if needed. Returns ``True`` if
    369     the item has been removed and ``False`` otherwise."""
    370     if not isinstance(item, basestring):
    371         return False
    372     if not item.startswith('~'):
    373         return False
    374     actual_item = item[1:]
    375     if actual_item in the_list:
    376         del the_list[the_list.index(actual_item)]
    377     return True
    380 def normalize(value, dict_type=dict):
    381     """Normalize values. Recursively normalizes dict keys to be lower case,
    382     no surrounding whitespace, underscore-delimited strings."""
    383     if isinstance(value, dict):
    384         normalized = dict_type()
    385         for k, v in value.iteritems():
    386             key = k.strip().lower().replace(' ', '_')
    387             normalized[key] = normalize(v, dict_type)
    388         return normalized
    389     elif isinstance(value, list):
    390         return [normalize(v, dict_type) for v in value]
    391     elif isinstance(value, tuple):
    392         return tuple([normalize(v, dict_type) for v in value])
    393     else:
    394         return value
    397 def convert_new_lines(text):
    398     """ Convert new lines to a common format.  """
    399     return text.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n')
    402 def escape_quotes(text):
    403     """Escape quotes, and escaped quotes, in the specified text."""
    404     return re.sub(r'\\("|\')', r'\\\\\1', text).replace('\'', '\\\'').replace('\"', '\\\"')
    407 def escape_single_quotes(text):
    408     """Escape single quotes, and escaped single quotes, in the specified text."""
    409     return re.sub(r'\\("|\')', r'\\\\\1', text).replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'')
    412 def escape_double_quotes(text):
    413     """Escape double quotes, and escaped double quotes, in the specified text."""
    414     return re.sub(r'\\("|\')', r'\\\\\1', text).replace('\"', '\\\"')
    417 def getch(count=1):
    418     """Read ``count`` characters from standard input."""
    419     if os.name == 'nt':
    420         import msvcrt  # pylint: disable=F0401
    421         return ''.join([msvcrt.getch() for _ in xrange(count)])
    422     else:  # assume Unix
    423         import tty  # NOQA
    424         import termios  # NOQA
    425         fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
    426         old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
    427         try:
    428             tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno())
    429             ch = sys.stdin.read(count)
    430         finally:
    431             termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
    432         return ch
    435 def isiterable(obj):
    436     """Returns ``True`` if the specified object is iterable and
    437     *is not a string type*, ``False`` otherwise."""
    438     return hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and not isinstance(obj, basestring)
    441 def as_relative(path):
    442     """Convert path to relative by stripping away the leading '/' on UNIX or
    443     the equivant on other platforms."""
    444     path = os.path.splitdrive(path)[1]
    445     return path.lstrip(os.sep)
    448 def get_cpu_mask(cores):
    449     """Return a string with the hex for the cpu mask for the specified core numbers."""
    450     mask = 0
    451     for i in cores:
    452         mask |= 1 << i
    453     return '0x{0:x}'.format(mask)
    456 def which(name):
    457     """Platform-independent version of UNIX which utility."""
    458     if os.name == 'nt':
    459         paths = os.getenv('PATH').split(os.pathsep)
    460         exts = os.getenv('PATHEXT').split(os.pathsep)
    461         for path in paths:
    462             testpath = os.path.join(path, name)
    463             if os.path.isfile(testpath):
    464                 return testpath
    465             for ext in exts:
    466                 testpathext = testpath + ext
    467                 if os.path.isfile(testpathext):
    468                     return testpathext
    469         return None
    470     else:  # assume UNIX-like
    471         try:
    472             return check_output(['which', name])[0].strip()  # pylint: disable=E1103
    473         except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
    474             return None
    477 # This matches most ANSI escape sequences, not just colors
    478 _bash_color_regex = re.compile(r'\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]')
    480 def strip_bash_colors(text):
    481     return _bash_color_regex.sub('', text)
    484 def get_random_string(length):
    485     """Returns a random ASCII string of the specified length)."""
    486     return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in xrange(length))
    489 class LoadSyntaxError(Exception):
    491     def __init__(self, message, filepath, lineno):
    492         super(LoadSyntaxError, self).__init__(message)
    493         self.filepath = filepath
    494         self.lineno = lineno
    496     def __str__(self):
    497         message = 'Syntax Error in {}, line {}:\n\t{}'
    498         return message.format(self.filepath, self.lineno, self.message)
    501 RAND_MOD_NAME_LEN = 30
    502 BAD_CHARS = string.punctuation + string.whitespace
    503 TRANS_TABLE = string.maketrans(BAD_CHARS, '_' * len(BAD_CHARS))
    506 def to_identifier(text):
    507     """Converts text to a valid Python identifier by replacing all
    508     whitespace and punctuation."""
    509     return re.sub('_+', '_', text.translate(TRANS_TABLE))
    512 def unique(alist):
    513     """
    514     Returns a list containing only unique elements from the input list (but preserves
    515     order, unlike sets).
    517     """
    518     result = []
    519     for item in alist:
    520         if item not in result:
    521             result.append(item)
    522     return result
    525 def ranges_to_list(ranges_string):
    526     """Converts a sysfs-style ranges string, e.g. ``"0,2-4"``, into a list ,e.g ``[0,2,3,4]``"""
    527     values = []
    528     for rg in ranges_string.split(','):
    529         if '-' in rg:
    530             first, last = map(int, rg.split('-'))
    531             values.extend(xrange(first, last + 1))
    532         else:
    533             values.append(int(rg))
    534     return values
    537 def list_to_ranges(values):
    538     """Converts a list, e.g ``[0,2,3,4]``, into a sysfs-style ranges string, e.g. ``"0,2-4"``"""
    539     range_groups = []
    540     for _, g in groupby(enumerate(values), lambda (i, x): i - x):
    541         range_groups.append(map(itemgetter(1), g))
    542     range_strings = []
    543     for group in range_groups:
    544         if len(group) == 1:
    545             range_strings.append(str(group[0]))
    546         else:
    547             range_strings.append('{}-{}'.format(group[0], group[-1]))
    548     return ','.join(range_strings)
    551 def list_to_mask(values, base=0x0):
    552     """Converts the specified list of integer values into
    553     a bit mask for those values. Optinally, the list can be
    554     applied to an existing mask."""
    555     for v in values:
    556         base |= (1 << v)
    557     return base
    560 def mask_to_list(mask):
    561     """Converts the specfied integer bitmask into a list of
    562     indexes of bits that are set in the mask."""
    563     size = len(bin(mask)) - 2  # because of "0b"
    564     return [size - i - 1 for i in xrange(size)
    565             if mask & (1 << size - i - 1)]
    568 __memo_cache = {}
    571 def reset_memo_cache():
    572     __memo_cache.clear()
    575 def __get_memo_id(obj):
    576     """
    577     An object's id() may be re-used after an object is freed, so it's not
    578     sufficiently unique to identify params for the memo cache (two different
    579     params may end up with the same id). this attempts to generate a more unique
    580     ID string.
    581     """
    582     obj_id = id(obj)
    583     try:
    584         return '{}/{}'.format(obj_id, hash(obj))
    585     except TypeError:  # obj is not hashable
    586         obj_pyobj = ctypes.cast(obj_id, ctypes.py_object)
    587         # TODO: Note: there is still a possibility of a clash here. If Two
    588         # different objects get assigned the same ID, an are large and are
    589         # identical in the first thirty two bytes. This shouldn't be much of an
    590         # issue in the current application of memoizing Target calls, as it's very
    591         # unlikely that a target will get passed large params; but may cause
    592         # problems in other applications, e.g. when memoizing results of operations
    593         # on large arrays. I can't really think of a good way around that apart
    594         # form, e.g., md5 hashing the entire raw object, which will have an
    595         # undesirable impact on performance.
    596         num_bytes = min(ctypes.sizeof(obj_pyobj), 32)
    597         obj_bytes = ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(obj_pyobj), num_bytes)
    598         return '{}/{}'.format(obj_id, obj_bytes)
    601 @wrapt.decorator
    602 def memoized(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    603     """A decorator for memoizing functions and methods."""
    604     func_id = repr(wrapped)
    606     def memoize_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    607         id_string = func_id + ','.join([__get_memo_id(a) for a in  args])
    608         id_string += ','.join('{}={}'.format(k, v)
    609                               for k, v in kwargs.iteritems())
    610         if id_string not in __memo_cache:
    611             __memo_cache[id_string] = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
    612         return __memo_cache[id_string]
    614     return memoize_wrapper(*args, **kwargs)