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      1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
      2 // for linear algebra.
      3 //
      4 // Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1 (at) gmail.com>
      5 // Copyright (C) 2009 Ricard Marxer <email (at) ricardmarxer.com>
      6 // Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud (at) inria.fr>
      7 //
      8 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
      9 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
     10 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
     12 #ifndef EIGEN_REVERSE_H
     13 #define EIGEN_REVERSE_H
     15 namespace Eigen {
     17 namespace internal {
     19 template<typename MatrixType, int Direction>
     20 struct traits<Reverse<MatrixType, Direction> >
     21  : traits<MatrixType>
     22 {
     23   typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
     24   typedef typename traits<MatrixType>::StorageKind StorageKind;
     25   typedef typename traits<MatrixType>::XprKind XprKind;
     26   typedef typename ref_selector<MatrixType>::type MatrixTypeNested;
     27   typedef typename remove_reference<MatrixTypeNested>::type _MatrixTypeNested;
     28   enum {
     29     RowsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime,
     30     ColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime,
     31     MaxRowsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
     32     MaxColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxColsAtCompileTime,
     33     Flags = _MatrixTypeNested::Flags & (RowMajorBit | LvalueBit)
     34   };
     35 };
     37 template<typename PacketType, bool ReversePacket> struct reverse_packet_cond
     38 {
     39   static inline PacketType run(const PacketType& x) { return preverse(x); }
     40 };
     42 template<typename PacketType> struct reverse_packet_cond<PacketType,false>
     43 {
     44   static inline PacketType run(const PacketType& x) { return x; }
     45 };
     47 } // end namespace internal
     49 /** \class Reverse
     50   * \ingroup Core_Module
     51   *
     52   * \brief Expression of the reverse of a vector or matrix
     53   *
     54   * \tparam MatrixType the type of the object of which we are taking the reverse
     55   * \tparam Direction defines the direction of the reverse operation, can be Vertical, Horizontal, or BothDirections
     56   *
     57   * This class represents an expression of the reverse of a vector.
     58   * It is the return type of MatrixBase::reverse() and VectorwiseOp::reverse()
     59   * and most of the time this is the only way it is used.
     60   *
     61   * \sa MatrixBase::reverse(), VectorwiseOp::reverse()
     62   */
     63 template<typename MatrixType, int Direction> class Reverse
     64   : public internal::dense_xpr_base< Reverse<MatrixType, Direction> >::type
     65 {
     66   public:
     68     typedef typename internal::dense_xpr_base<Reverse>::type Base;
     70     typedef typename internal::remove_all<MatrixType>::type NestedExpression;
     71     using Base::IsRowMajor;
     73   protected:
     74     enum {
     75       PacketSize = internal::packet_traits<Scalar>::size,
     76       IsColMajor = !IsRowMajor,
     77       ReverseRow = (Direction == Vertical)   || (Direction == BothDirections),
     78       ReverseCol = (Direction == Horizontal) || (Direction == BothDirections),
     79       OffsetRow  = ReverseRow && IsColMajor ? PacketSize : 1,
     80       OffsetCol  = ReverseCol && IsRowMajor ? PacketSize : 1,
     81       ReversePacket = (Direction == BothDirections)
     82                     || ((Direction == Vertical)   && IsColMajor)
     83                     || ((Direction == Horizontal) && IsRowMajor)
     84     };
     85     typedef internal::reverse_packet_cond<PacketScalar,ReversePacket> reverse_packet;
     86   public:
     88     EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC explicit inline Reverse(const MatrixType& matrix) : m_matrix(matrix) { }
     92     EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Index rows() const { return m_matrix.rows(); }
     93     EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Index cols() const { return m_matrix.cols(); }
     95     EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Index innerStride() const
     96     {
     97       return -m_matrix.innerStride();
     98     }
    100     EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const typename internal::remove_all<typename MatrixType::Nested>::type&
    101     nestedExpression() const
    102     {
    103       return m_matrix;
    104     }
    106   protected:
    107     typename MatrixType::Nested m_matrix;
    108 };
    110 /** \returns an expression of the reverse of *this.
    111   *
    112   * Example: \include MatrixBase_reverse.cpp
    113   * Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_reverse.out
    114   *
    115   */
    116 template<typename Derived>
    117 inline typename DenseBase<Derived>::ReverseReturnType
    118 DenseBase<Derived>::reverse()
    119 {
    120   return ReverseReturnType(derived());
    121 }
    124 //reverse const overload moved DenseBase.h due to a CUDA compiler bug
    126 /** This is the "in place" version of reverse: it reverses \c *this.
    127   *
    128   * In most cases it is probably better to simply use the reversed expression
    129   * of a matrix. However, when reversing the matrix data itself is really needed,
    130   * then this "in-place" version is probably the right choice because it provides
    131   * the following additional benefits:
    132   *  - less error prone: doing the same operation with .reverse() requires special care:
    133   *    \code m = m.reverse().eval(); \endcode
    134   *  - this API enables reverse operations without the need for a temporary
    135   *  - it allows future optimizations (cache friendliness, etc.)
    136   *
    137   * \sa VectorwiseOp::reverseInPlace(), reverse() */
    138 template<typename Derived>
    139 inline void DenseBase<Derived>::reverseInPlace()
    140 {
    141   if(cols()>rows())
    142   {
    143     Index half = cols()/2;
    144     leftCols(half).swap(rightCols(half).reverse());
    145     if((cols()%2)==1)
    146     {
    147       Index half2 = rows()/2;
    148       col(half).head(half2).swap(col(half).tail(half2).reverse());
    149     }
    150   }
    151   else
    152   {
    153     Index half = rows()/2;
    154     topRows(half).swap(bottomRows(half).reverse());
    155     if((rows()%2)==1)
    156     {
    157       Index half2 = cols()/2;
    158       row(half).head(half2).swap(row(half).tail(half2).reverse());
    159     }
    160   }
    161 }
    163 namespace internal {
    165 template<int Direction>
    166 struct vectorwise_reverse_inplace_impl;
    168 template<>
    169 struct vectorwise_reverse_inplace_impl<Vertical>
    170 {
    171   template<typename ExpressionType>
    172   static void run(ExpressionType &xpr)
    173   {
    174     Index half = xpr.rows()/2;
    175     xpr.topRows(half).swap(xpr.bottomRows(half).colwise().reverse());
    176   }
    177 };
    179 template<>
    180 struct vectorwise_reverse_inplace_impl<Horizontal>
    181 {
    182   template<typename ExpressionType>
    183   static void run(ExpressionType &xpr)
    184   {
    185     Index half = xpr.cols()/2;
    186     xpr.leftCols(half).swap(xpr.rightCols(half).rowwise().reverse());
    187   }
    188 };
    190 } // end namespace internal
    192 /** This is the "in place" version of VectorwiseOp::reverse: it reverses each column or row of \c *this.
    193   *
    194   * In most cases it is probably better to simply use the reversed expression
    195   * of a matrix. However, when reversing the matrix data itself is really needed,
    196   * then this "in-place" version is probably the right choice because it provides
    197   * the following additional benefits:
    198   *  - less error prone: doing the same operation with .reverse() requires special care:
    199   *    \code m = m.reverse().eval(); \endcode
    200   *  - this API enables reverse operations without the need for a temporary
    201   *
    202   * \sa DenseBase::reverseInPlace(), reverse() */
    203 template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
    204 void VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType,Direction>::reverseInPlace()
    205 {
    206   internal::vectorwise_reverse_inplace_impl<Direction>::run(_expression().const_cast_derived());
    207 }
    209 } // end namespace Eigen
    211 #endif // EIGEN_REVERSE_H