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      1 Vector3f boxMin(Vector3f::Zero()), boxMax(Vector3f::Ones());
      2 Vector3f p0 = Vector3f::Random(), p1 = Vector3f::Random().cwiseAbs();
      3 // let's check if p0 and p1 are inside the axis aligned box defined by the corners boxMin,boxMax:
      4 cout << "Is (" << p0.transpose() << ") inside the box: "
      5      << ((boxMin.array()<p0.array()).all() && (boxMax.array()>p0.array()).all()) << endl;
      6 cout << "Is (" << p1.transpose() << ") inside the box: "
      7      << ((boxMin.array()<p1.array()).all() && (boxMax.array()>p1.array()).all()) << endl;