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    135 <BODY>
    136 <H1>Google Python Style Guide</H1>
    137   <p align="right">
    139     Revision 2.59
    140   </p>
    142   <address>
    143     Amit Patel<br>
    144     Antoine Picard<br>
    145     Eugene Jhong<br>
    146     Jeremy Hylton<br>
    147     Matt Smart<br>
    148     Mike Shields<br>
    149   </address>
    150   <DIV style="margin-left: 50%; font-size: 75%;">
    151 <P>
    152         Each style point has a summary for which additional information is available
    153         by toggling the accompanying arrow button that looks this way:
    154         <SPAN class="showhide_button" style="margin-left: 0; float: none"></SPAN>.
    155         You may toggle all summaries with the big arrow button:
    156       </P>
    157 <DIV style=" font-size: larger; margin-left: +2em;">
    158 <SPAN class="showhide_button" style="font-size: 180%; float: none" onclick="javascript:ShowHideAll()" name="show_hide_all_button" id="show_hide_all_button"></SPAN>
    159         Toggle all summaries
    160       </DIV>
    161 </DIV>
    162 <DIV class="toc">
    163 <DIV class="toc_title">Table of Contents</DIV>
    164 <TABLE>
    165 <TR valign="top" class="">
    166 <TD><DIV class="toc_category"><A href="#Python_Language_Rules">Python Language Rules</A></DIV></TD>
    167 <TD><DIV class="toc_stylepoint">
    168 <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Lint">Lint</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Imports">Imports</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Packages">Packages</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Exceptions">Exceptions</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Global_variables">Global variables</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Nested/Local/Inner_Classes_and_Functions">Nested/Local/Inner Classes and Functions</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#List_Comprehensions">List Comprehensions</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Default_Iterators_and_Operators">Default Iterators and Operators</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Generators">Generators</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Lambda_Functions">Lambda Functions</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Conditional_Expressions">Conditional Expressions</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Default_Argument_Values">Default Argument Values</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Properties">Properties</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#True/False_evaluations">True/False evaluations</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Deprecated_Language_Features">Deprecated Language Features</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Lexical_Scoping">Lexical Scoping</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Function_and_Method_Decorators">Function and Method Decorators</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Threading">Threading</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Power_Features">Power Features</A></SPAN> </DIV></TD>
    169 </TR>
    170 <TR valign="top" class="">
    171 <TD><DIV class="toc_category"><A href="#Python_Style_Rules">Python Style Rules</A></DIV></TD>
    172 <TD><DIV class="toc_stylepoint">
    173 <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Semicolons">Semicolons</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Line_length">Line length</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Parentheses">Parentheses</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Indentation">Indentation</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Blank_Lines">Blank Lines</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Whitespace">Whitespace</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Shebang_Line">Shebang Line</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Comments">Comments</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Classes">Classes</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Strings">Strings</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Files_and_Sockets">Files and Sockets</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#TODO_Comments">TODO Comments</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Imports_formatting">Imports formatting</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Statements">Statements</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Access_Control">Access Control</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Naming">Naming</A></SPAN> <SPAN style="padding-right: 1em; white-space:nowrap;" class=""><A href="#Main">Main</A></SPAN> </DIV></TD>
    174 </TR>
    175 </TABLE>
    176 </DIV>
    177   <DIV class="">
    178 <H2 name="Important_Note" id="Important_Note">Important Note</H2>
    179     <DIV class="">
    180 <H3><A name="Displaying_Hidden_Details_in_this_Guide" id="Displaying_Hidden_Details_in_this_Guide">Displaying Hidden Details in this Guide</A></H3>
    181 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Displaying_Hidden_Details_in_this_Guide__button" name="link-Displaying_Hidden_Details_in_this_Guide__button"><A href="?showone=Displaying_Hidden_Details_in_this_Guide#Displaying_Hidden_Details_in_this_Guide">
    182           link
    183         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Displaying_Hidden_Details_in_this_Guide')" name="Displaying_Hidden_Details_in_this_Guide__button" id="Displaying_Hidden_Details_in_this_Guide__button"></SPAN>
    184       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
    185        This style guide contains many details that are initially
    186        hidden from view.  They are marked by the triangle icon, which you
    187        see here on your left.  Click it now.
    188        You should see "Hooray" appear below.
    189       </DIV>
    190       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Displaying_Hidden_Details_in_this_Guide__body" id="Displaying_Hidden_Details_in_this_Guide__body" style="display: none">
    191        <p>
    192         Hooray!  Now you know you can expand points to get more
    193         details.  Alternatively, there's a "toggle all" at the
    194         top of this document.
    195        </p>
    196       </DIV></DIV>
    197     </DIV>
    198   </DIV>
    199   <DIV class="">
    200 <H2 name="Background" id="Background">Background</H2>
    201     <p>
    202       Python is the main scripting language used at Google.  This
    203       style guide is a list of <em>do</em>s and <em>don't</em>s for Python
    204       programs.
    205     </p>
    207     <p>
    208       To help you format code correctly, we've created a <a href="google_python_style.vim">settings
    209       file for Vim</a>.  For Emacs, the default settings should be fine.
    210     </p>
    213   </DIV>
    215   <DIV class="">
    216 <H2 name="Python_Language_Rules" id="Python_Language_Rules">Python Language Rules</H2>
    217      <DIV class="">
    218 <H3><A name="Lint" id="Lint">Lint</A></H3>
    219 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Lint__button" name="link-Lint__button"><A href="?showone=Lint#Lint">
    220           link
    221         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Lint')" name="Lint__button" id="Lint__button"></SPAN>
    222       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
    223         Run <code>pylint</code> over your code.
    224       </DIV>
    225       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Lint__body" id="Lint__body" style="display: none">
    226         <P class="">
    227 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN>
    228         pylint
    229         is a tool for finding bugs and style problems in Python source
    230         code. It finds
    231         problems that are typically caught by a compiler for less dynamic
    232         languages like C and C++.
    234         Because of the
    235         dynamic nature of Python, some warnings may be incorrect; however,
    236         spurious warnings should be fairly infrequent.
    237         </P>
    238         <P class="">
    239 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN>
    240         Catches easy-to-miss errors like typos, using-vars-before-assignment, etc.
    241         </P>
    242         <P class="">
    243 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN>
    244         <code>pylint</code>
    245         isn't perfect.  To take advantage of it, we'll need to sometimes:
    246         a) Write around it b) Suppress its warnings or c) Improve it.
    247         </P>
    248         <P class="">
    249 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN>
    250         Make sure you run <code>pylint</code> on your code.
    251         Suppress warnings if they are inappropriate so that other issues are
    252         not hidden.
    253         </P>
    255         <p>
    256           To suppress warnings, you can set a line-level comment:
    257         </p>
    259         <DIV class=""><PRE>
    260 <span class="external"></span>dict = 'something awful'  # Bad Idea... pylint: disable=redefined-builtin</PRE></DIV>
    261         <p>
    262           pylint
    263           warnings are each identified by a alphanumeric code
    264           (<code>C0112</code>) and a symbolic name
    265           (<code>empty-docstring</code>).  Prefer the symbolic
    266           names in new code or when updating existing code.
    268         </p>
    269         <p>
    270           If the reason for the suppression is not clear from the symbolic name,
    271           add an explanation.
    272         </p>
    273         <p>
    274           Suppressing in this way has the advantage that we can easily search
    275           for suppressions and revisit them.
    276         </p>
    277         <p>
    278           You can get a list of
    279           pylint
    280           warnings by doing
    281           <code>pylint --list-msgs</code>.
    282           To get more information on a particular message, use
    283           <code>pylint --help-msg=C6409</code>.
    284         </p>
    285         <p>
    286           Prefer <code>pylint: disable</code> to the deprecated older form
    287           <code>pylint: disable-msg</code>.
    288         </p>
    289         <p>
    290         Unused argument warnings can be suppressed by using `_' as the
    291         identifier for the unused argument or prefixing the argument name with
    292         `unused_'.  In situations where changing the argument names is
    293         infeasible, you can mention them at the beginning of the function.
    294         For example:
    295         </p>
    296         <DIV class=""><PRE>
    297 <span class="external"></span>def foo(a, unused_b, unused_c, d=None, e=None):
    298   <span class="external">  </span>_ = d, e
    299   <span class="external">  </span>return a
    300 <span class="external"></span>
    301 </PRE></DIV>
    302       </DIV></DIV>
    303     </DIV>
    304     <DIV class="">
    305 <H3><A name="Imports" id="Imports">Imports</A></H3>
    306 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Imports__button" name="link-Imports__button"><A href="?showone=Imports#Imports">
    307           link
    308         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Imports')" name="Imports__button" id="Imports__button"></SPAN>
    309       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
    310         Use <code>import</code>s for packages and modules only.
    311       </DIV>
    312       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Imports__body" id="Imports__body" style="display: none">
    313         <P class="">
    314 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN>
    315           Reusability mechanism for sharing code from one module to another.
    316         </P>
    317         <P class="">
    318 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN>
    319           The namespace management convention is simple.  The source of each
    320           identifier is indicated in a consistent way; <code>x.Obj</code> says
    321           that object <code>Obj</code> is defined in module <code>x</code>.
    322         </P>
    323         <P class="">
    324 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN> Module names can still collide.  Some module names are
    325           inconveniently long.
    326         </P>
    327         <P class="">
    328 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN>
    329           Use <code>import x</code> for importing packages and modules.
    330           <br>
    331           Use <code>from x import y</code> where <code>x</code> is
    332           the package prefix and <code>y</code> is the module name with no
    333           prefix.
    334           <br>
    335           Use <code>from x import y as z</code> if two modules named
    336           <code>y</code> are to be imported or if <code>y</code> is an
    337           inconveniently long name.
    338         </P>
    339         For example the module
    340         <code>sound.effects.echo</code> may be imported as follows:
    341     <DIV class=""><PRE>
    342 <span class="external"></span>from sound.effects import echo
    343 <span class="external"></span>...
    344 <span class="external"></span>echo.EchoFilter(input, output, delay=0.7, atten=4)
    345 <span class="external"></span>
    346 </PRE></DIV>
    347     <p>
    348       Do not use relative names in imports. Even if the module is in the
    349       same package, use the full package name.  This helps prevent
    350       unintentionally importing a package twice.
    351     </p>
    352       </DIV></DIV>
    353     </DIV>
    354     <DIV class="">
    355 <H3><A name="Packages" id="Packages">Packages</A></H3>
    356 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Packages__button" name="link-Packages__button"><A href="?showone=Packages#Packages">
    357           link
    358         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Packages')" name="Packages__button" id="Packages__button"></SPAN>
    359       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
    360         Import each module using the full pathname location of the module.
    361       </DIV>
    362       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Packages__body" id="Packages__body" style="display: none">
    363         <P class="">
    364 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN>
    365       Avoids conflicts in module names.  Makes it easier to find modules.
    366         </P>
    367         <P class="">
    368 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN>
    369       Makes it harder to deploy code because you have to replicate the
    370       package hierarchy.
    371         </P>
    372         <P class="">
    373 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN>
    374           All new code should import each module by its full package name.
    375         </P>
    376       <p>
    377         Imports should be as follows:
    378       </p>
    380     <DIV class=""><PRE># Reference in code with complete name.
    381 import sound.effects.echo
    383 # Reference in code with just module name (preferred).
    384 from sound.effects import echo
    385 </PRE></DIV>
    386       </DIV></DIV>
    387     </DIV>
    388     <DIV class="">
    389 <H3><A name="Exceptions" id="Exceptions">Exceptions</A></H3>
    390 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Exceptions__button" name="link-Exceptions__button"><A href="?showone=Exceptions#Exceptions">
    391           link
    392         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Exceptions')" name="Exceptions__button" id="Exceptions__button"></SPAN>
    393       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
    394         Exceptions are allowed but must be used carefully.
    395       </DIV>
    396       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Exceptions__body" id="Exceptions__body" style="display: none">
    397         <P class="">
    398 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN>
    399       Exceptions are a means of breaking out of the normal flow of control
    400       of a code block to handle errors or other exceptional conditions.
    401         </P>
    402         <P class="">
    403 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN>
    404       The control flow of normal operation code is not cluttered by
    405       error-handling code. It also allows the control flow to skip multiple
    406       frames when a certain condition occurs, e.g., returning from N
    407       nested functions in one step instead of having to carry-through
    408       error codes.
    409         </P>
    410         <P class="">
    411 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN>
    412       May cause the control flow to be confusing. Easy to miss error
    413       cases when making library calls.
    414         </P>
    415         <P class="">
    416 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN>
    419       Exceptions must follow certain conditions:
    421         <ul>
    422           <li>Raise exceptions like this: <code>raise MyException('Error
    423             message')</code> or <code>raise MyException</code>.  Do not
    424             use the two-argument form (<code>raise MyException, 'Error
    425             message'</code>) or deprecated string-based exceptions
    426             (<code>raise 'Error message'</code>).</li>
    427           <li>Modules or packages should define their own domain-specific
    428             base exception class, which should inherit from the built-in
    429             Exception class.  The base exception for a module should be called
    430             <code>Error</code>.
    431             <DIV class=""><PRE>
    432 <span class="external"></span>class Error(Exception):
    433   <span class="external">  </span>pass</PRE></DIV>
    434 </li>
    435           <li>Never use catch-all <code>except:</code> statements, or
    436             catch <code>Exception</code> or <code>StandardError</code>,
    437             unless you are re-raising the exception or in the outermost
    438             block in your thread (and printing an error message).  Python
    439             is very tolerant in this regard and <code>except:</code> will
    440             really catch everything including misspelled names, sys.exit()
    441             calls, Ctrl+C interrupts, unittest failures and all kinds of
    442             other exceptions that you simply don't want to catch.</li>
    443           <li>Minimize the amount of code in a
    444             <code>try</code>/<code>except</code> block.  The larger the
    445             body of the <code>try</code>, the more likely that an
    446             exception will be raised by a line of code that you didn't
    447             expect to raise an exception.  In those cases,
    448             the <code>try</code>/<code>except</code> block hides a real
    449             error.</li>
    450           <li>Use the <code>finally</code> clause to execute code whether
    451             or not an exception is raised in the <code>try</code> block.
    452             This is often useful for cleanup, i.e., closing a file.</li>
    453           <li>When capturing an exception, use <code>as</code> rather than
    454             a comma.  For example:
    455             <DIV class=""><PRE>
    456 <span class="external"></span>try:
    457   <span class="external">  </span>raise Error
    458 <span class="external"></span>except Error as error:
    459   <span class="external">  </span>pass</PRE></DIV>
    460 </li>
    461         </ul>
    462         </P>
    463       </DIV></DIV>
    464     </DIV>
    465     <DIV class="">
    466 <H3><A name="Global_variables" id="Global_variables">Global variables</A></H3>
    467 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Global_variables__button" name="link-Global_variables__button"><A href="?showone=Global_variables#Global_variables">
    468           link
    469         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Global_variables')" name="Global_variables__button" id="Global_variables__button"></SPAN>
    470       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
    471         Avoid global variables.
    472       </DIV>
    473       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Global_variables__body" id="Global_variables__body" style="display: none">
    474         <P class="">
    475 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN>
    476       Variables that are declared at the module level.
    477         </P>
    478         <P class="">
    479 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN>
    480       Occasionally useful.
    481         </P>
    482         <P class="">
    483 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN>
    484       Has the potential to change module behavior during the import,
    485       because assignments to module-level variables are done when the
    486       module is imported.
    487         </P>
    488         <P class="">
    489 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN>
    490       Avoid global variables in favor of class variables.  Some
    491       exceptions are:
    492       <ul>
    493         <li>Default options for scripts.</li>
    494         <li>Module-level constants.  For example: <code>PI = 3.14159</code>.
    495           Constants should be named using all caps with underscores;
    496           see <a HREF="#Naming">Naming</a> below.</li>
    497         <li>It is sometimes useful for globals to cache values needed
    498           or returned by functions.</li>
    499         <li>If needed, globals should be made internal to the module
    500           and accessed through public module level functions;
    501           see <a HREF="#Naming">Naming</a> below.</li>
    502       </ul>
    503         </P>
    504       </DIV></DIV>
    505     </DIV>
    506     <DIV class="">
    507 <H3><A name="Nested/Local/Inner_Classes_and_Functions" id="Nested/Local/Inner_Classes_and_Functions">Nested/Local/Inner Classes and Functions</A></H3>
    508 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Nested/Local/Inner_Classes_and_Functions__button" name="link-Nested/Local/Inner_Classes_and_Functions__button"><A href="?showone=Nested/Local/Inner_Classes_and_Functions#Nested/Local/Inner_Classes_and_Functions">
    509           link
    510         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Nested/Local/Inner_Classes_and_Functions')" name="Nested/Local/Inner_Classes_and_Functions__button" id="Nested/Local/Inner_Classes_and_Functions__button"></SPAN>
    511       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
    512         Nested/local/inner classes and functions are fine.
    513       </DIV>
    514       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Nested/Local/Inner_Classes_and_Functions__body" id="Nested/Local/Inner_Classes_and_Functions__body" style="display: none">
    515         <P class="">
    516 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN>
    517       A class can be defined inside of a method, function, or class.  A
    518       function can be defined inside a method or function.  Nested functions
    519       have read-only access to variables defined in enclosing scopes.
    520         </P>
    521         <P class="">
    522 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN>
    523       Allows definition of utility classes and functions that are only
    524       used inside of a very limited scope. Very <a HREF="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_data_type">ADT</a>-y.
    525         </P>
    526         <P class="">
    527 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN>
    528       Instances of nested or local classes cannot be pickled.
    529         </P>
    530         <P class="">
    531 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN>
    532       They are fine.
    533         </P>
    534       </DIV></DIV>
    535     </DIV>
    536     <DIV class="">
    537 <H3><A name="List_Comprehensions" id="List_Comprehensions">List Comprehensions</A></H3>
    538 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-List_Comprehensions__button" name="link-List_Comprehensions__button"><A href="?showone=List_Comprehensions#List_Comprehensions">
    539           link
    540         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('List_Comprehensions')" name="List_Comprehensions__button" id="List_Comprehensions__button"></SPAN>
    541       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
    542         Okay to use for simple cases.
    543       </DIV>
    544       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="List_Comprehensions__body" id="List_Comprehensions__body" style="display: none">
    545         <P class="">
    546 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN>
    547       List comprehensions and generator expressions provide a concise
    548       and efficient way to create lists and iterators without
    549       resorting to the use of <code>map()</code>,
    550       <code>filter()</code>, or <code>lambda</code>.
    551         </P>
    552         <P class="">
    553 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN>
    554       Simple list comprehensions can be clearer and simpler than
    555       other list creation techniques.  Generator expressions can be
    556       very efficient, since they avoid the creation of a list
    557       entirely.
    558         </P>
    559         <P class="">
    560 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN>
    561       Complicated list comprehensions or generator expressions can be
    562       hard to read.
    563         </P>
    564         <P class="">
    565 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN>
    566       Okay to use for simple cases.  Each portion must fit on one line:
    567       mapping expression, <code>for</code> clause, filter expression.
    568       Multiple <code>for</code> clauses or filter expressions are not
    569       permitted.  Use loops instead when things get more complicated.
    570         </P>
    572 <DIV class=""><PRE>Ye<span class="external"></span>s:
    573   <span class="external"></span>result = []
    574   <span class="external"></span>for x in range(10):
    575     <span class="external">  </span>for y in range(5):
    576       <span class="external">    </span>if x * y &gt; 10:
    577         <span class="external">      </span>result.append((x, y))
    579   <span class="external"></span>for x in xrange(5):
    580     <span class="external">  </span>for y in xrange(5):
    581       <span class="external">    </span>if x != y:
    582         <span class="external">      </span>for z in xrange(5):
    583           <span class="external">        </span>if y != z:
    584             <span class="external">          </span>yield (x, y, z)
    586   <span class="external"></span>return ((x, complicated_transform(x))
    587   <span class="external"></span>        for x in long_generator_function(parameter)
    588   <span class="external"></span>        if x is not None)
    590   <span class="external"></span>squares = [x * x for x in range(10)]
    592   <span class="external"></span>eat(jelly_bean for jelly_bean in jelly_beans
    593   <span class="external"></span>    if jelly_bean.color == 'black')</PRE></DIV>
    594 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No<span class="external"></span>:
    595   <span class="external"></span>result = [(x, y) for x in range(10) for y in range(5) if x * y &gt; 10]
    597   <span class="external"></span>return ((x, y, z)
    598   <span class="external"></span>        for x in xrange(5)
    599   <span class="external"></span>        for y in xrange(5)
    600   <span class="external"></span>        if x != y
    601   <span class="external"></span>        for z in xrange(5)
    602   <span class="external"></span>        if y != z)</PRE></DIV>
    603       </DIV></DIV>
    604     </DIV>
    605     <DIV class="">
    606 <H3><A name="Default_Iterators_and_Operators" id="Default_Iterators_and_Operators">Default Iterators and Operators</A></H3>
    607 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Default_Iterators_and_Operators__button" name="link-Default_Iterators_and_Operators__button"><A href="?showone=Default_Iterators_and_Operators#Default_Iterators_and_Operators">
    608           link
    609         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Default_Iterators_and_Operators')" name="Default_Iterators_and_Operators__button" id="Default_Iterators_and_Operators__button"></SPAN>
    610       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
    611         Use default iterators and operators for types that support them,
    612         like lists, dictionaries, and files.
    613       </DIV>
    614       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Default_Iterators_and_Operators__body" id="Default_Iterators_and_Operators__body" style="display: none">
    615         <P class="">
    616 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN>
    617       Container types, like dictionaries and lists, define default
    618       iterators and membership test operators ("in" and "not in").
    619         </P>
    620         <P class="">
    621 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN>
    622       The default iterators and operators are simple and efficient.
    623       They express the operation directly, without extra method calls.
    624       A function that uses default operators is generic. It can be
    625       used with any type that supports the operation.
    626         </P>
    627         <P class="">
    628 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN>
    629       You can't tell the type of objects by reading the method names
    630       (e.g. has_key() means a dictionary).  This is also an advantage.
    631         </P>
    632         <P class="">
    633 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN> Use default iterators and operators for types
    634       that support them, like lists, dictionaries, and files.  The
    635       built-in types define iterator methods, too.  Prefer these
    636       methods to methods that return lists, except that you should not
    637       mutate a container while iterating over it.
    639 <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes:  <span class="external"></span>for key in adict: ...
    640       <span class="external"></span>if key not in adict: ...
    641       <span class="external"></span>if obj in alist: ...
    642       <span class="external"></span>for line in afile: ...
    643       <span class="external"></span>for k, v in dict.iteritems(): ...</PRE></DIV>
    644 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No:   <span class="external"></span>for key in adict.keys(): ...
    645       <span class="external"></span>if not adict.has_key(key): ...
    646       <span class="external"></span>for line in afile.readlines(): ...</PRE></DIV>
    647         </P>
    648       </DIV></DIV>
    649     </DIV>
    650     <DIV class="">
    651 <H3><A name="Generators" id="Generators">Generators</A></H3>
    652 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Generators__button" name="link-Generators__button"><A href="?showone=Generators#Generators">
    653           link
    654         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Generators')" name="Generators__button" id="Generators__button"></SPAN>
    655       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
    656         Use generators as needed.
    657       </DIV>
    658       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Generators__body" id="Generators__body" style="display: none">
    659         <P class="">
    660 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN>
    661       A generator function returns an iterator that yields a value each
    662       time it executes a yield statement.  After it yields a value, the
    663       runtime state of the generator function is suspended until the
    664       next value is needed.
    665         </P>
    666         <P class="">
    667 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN>
    668       Simpler code, because the state of local variables and control flow
    669       are preserved for each call.  A generator uses less memory than a
    670       function that creates an entire list of values at once.
    671         </P>
    672         <P class="">
    673 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN>
    674           None.
    675         </P>
    676         <P class="">
    677 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN>
    678       Fine.  Use "Yields:" rather than "Returns:" in the
    679       doc string for generator functions.
    680         </P>
    681       </DIV></DIV>
    682     </DIV>
    683     <DIV class="">
    684 <H3><A name="Lambda_Functions" id="Lambda_Functions">Lambda Functions</A></H3>
    685 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Lambda_Functions__button" name="link-Lambda_Functions__button"><A href="?showone=Lambda_Functions#Lambda_Functions">
    686           link
    687         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Lambda_Functions')" name="Lambda_Functions__button" id="Lambda_Functions__button"></SPAN>
    688       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
    689         Okay for one-liners.
    690       </DIV>
    691       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Lambda_Functions__body" id="Lambda_Functions__body" style="display: none">
    692         <P class="">
    693 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN>
    694       Lambdas define anonymous functions in an expression, as
    695       opposed to a statement.  They are often used to define callbacks or
    696       operators for higher-order functions like <code>map()</code> and
    697       <code>filter()</code>.
    698         </P>
    699         <P class="">
    700 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN>
    701       Convenient.
    702         </P>
    703         <P class="">
    704 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN> Harder to read and debug than local functions.  The
    705       lack of names means stack traces are more difficult to
    706       understand.  Expressiveness is limited because the function may
    707       only contain an expression.
    708         </P>
    709         <P class="">
    710 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN>
    711       Okay to use them for one-liners. If the code inside the lambda
    712       function is any longer than 6080 chars, it's probably better to
    713       define it as a regular (nested) function.
    714        <p>
    715          For common operations like multiplication, use the functions from the
    716          <code>operator</code> module instead of lambda functions.  For
    717          example, prefer <code>operator.mul</code> to <code>lambda
    718          x, y: x * y</code>.
    719        </p>
    720         </P>
    721       </DIV></DIV>
    722     </DIV>
    723     <DIV class="">
    724 <H3><A name="Conditional_Expressions" id="Conditional_Expressions">Conditional Expressions</A></H3>
    725 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Conditional_Expressions__button" name="link-Conditional_Expressions__button"><A href="?showone=Conditional_Expressions#Conditional_Expressions">
    726           link
    727         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Conditional_Expressions')" name="Conditional_Expressions__button" id="Conditional_Expressions__button"></SPAN>
    728       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
    729         Okay for one-liners.
    730       </DIV>
    731       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Conditional_Expressions__body" id="Conditional_Expressions__body" style="display: none">
    732         <P class="">
    733 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN>
    734       Conditional expressions are mechanisms that provide a shorter syntax
    735       for if statements. For example:
    736       <code>x = 1 if cond else 2</code>.
    737         </P>
    738         <P class="">
    739 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN>
    740       Shorter and more convenient than an if statement.
    741         </P>
    742         <P class="">
    743 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN>
    744       May be harder to read than an if statement. The condition may be difficult
    745       to locate if the expression is long.
    746         </P>
    747         <P class="">
    748 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN>
    749       Okay to use for one-liners. In other cases prefer to use a complete if
    750       statement.
    751         </P>
    752       </DIV></DIV>
    753     </DIV>
    754     <DIV class="">
    755 <H3><A name="Default_Argument_Values" id="Default_Argument_Values">Default Argument Values</A></H3>
    756 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Default_Argument_Values__button" name="link-Default_Argument_Values__button"><A href="?showone=Default_Argument_Values#Default_Argument_Values">
    757           link
    758         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Default_Argument_Values')" name="Default_Argument_Values__button" id="Default_Argument_Values__button"></SPAN>
    759       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
    760         Okay in most cases.
    761       </DIV>
    762       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Default_Argument_Values__body" id="Default_Argument_Values__body" style="display: none">
    763         <P class="">
    764 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN>
    765       You can specify values for variables at the end of a function's
    766       parameter list, e.g., <code>def foo(a, b=0):</code>. If
    767       <code>foo</code> is called with only one argument,
    768       <code>b</code> is set to 0. If it is called with two arguments,
    769       <code>b</code> has the value of the second argument.
    770         </P>
    771         <P class="">
    772 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN>
    773       Often you have a function that uses lots of default values,
    774       butrarelyyou want to override the
    775       defaults. Default argument values provide an easy way to do this,
    776       without having to define lots of functions for the rare
    777       exceptions. Also, Python does not support overloaded
    778       methods/functions and default arguments are an easy way of
    779       "faking" the overloading behavior.
    780         </P>
    781         <P class="">
    782 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN>
    783       Default arguments are evaluated once at module load
    784       time.  This may cause problems if the argument is a mutable
    785       object such as a list or a dictionary.  If the function modifies
    786       the object (e.g., by appending an item to a list), the default
    787       value is modified.
    788         </P>
    789         <P class="">
    790 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN>
    791       Okay to use with the following caveat:
    792       <p>
    793         Do not use mutable objects as default values in the function or method
    794         definition.
    795       </p>
    796 <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes: <span class="external"></span>def foo(a, b=None):
    797        <span class="external">  </span>if b is None:
    798          <span class="external">    </span>b = []</PRE></DIV>
    799 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No:  <span class="external"></span>def foo(a, b=[]):
    800        <span class="external">  </span>...
    801 No:  <span class="external"></span>def foo(a, b=time.time()):  # The time the module was loaded???
    802        <span class="external">  </span>...
    803 No:  <span class="external"></span>def foo(a, b=FLAGS.my_thing):  # sys.argv has not yet been parsed...
    804        <span class="external">  </span>...</PRE></DIV>
    805         </P>
    806       </DIV></DIV>
    807     </DIV>
    808     <DIV class="">
    809 <H3><A name="Properties" id="Properties">Properties</A></H3>
    810 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Properties__button" name="link-Properties__button"><A href="?showone=Properties#Properties">
    811           link
    812         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Properties')" name="Properties__button" id="Properties__button"></SPAN>
    813       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
    814         Use properties for accessing or setting data where you would
    815         normally have used simple, lightweight accessor or setter methods.
    816       </DIV>
    817       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Properties__body" id="Properties__body" style="display: none">
    818         <P class="">
    819 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN> A way to wrap method calls for getting and
    820       setting an attribute as a standard attribute access when the
    821       computation is lightweight.
    822         </P>
    823         <P class="">
    824 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN> Readability is increased by eliminating explicit
    825       get and set method calls for simple attribute access.  Allows
    826       calculations to be lazy.  Considered the Pythonic way to
    827       maintain the interface of a class.  In terms of performance,
    828       allowing properties bypasses needing trivial accessor methods
    829       when a direct variable access is reasonable. This also allows
    830       accessor methods to be added in the future without breaking the
    831       interface.
    832         </P>
    833         <P class="">
    834 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN> Properties are specified after the getter and
    835       setter methods are declared, requiring one to notice they are
    836       used for properties farther down in the code (except for readonly
    837       properties created with the <code>@property</code> decorator - see
    838       below).  Must inherit from
    839       <code>object</code>.  Can hide side-effects much like operator
    840       overloading.  Can be confusing for subclasses.
    841         </P>
    842         <P class="">
    843 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN> Use properties in new code to access or
    844       set data where you would normally have used simple, lightweight
    845       accessor or setter methods.  Read-only properties should be created
    846       with the <code>@property</code>
    847       <a HREF="#Function_and_Method_Decorators">decorator</a>.
    849      <p><a id="properties-template-dp">
    850       Inheritance with properties can be non-obvious if the property itself is
    851       not overridden.  Thus one must make sure that accessor methods are
    852       called indirectly to ensure methods overridden in subclasses are called
    853       by the property (using the Template Method DP).
    854      </a></p>
    856      <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes: <span class="external"></span>import math
    858      <span class="external"></span>class Square(object):
    859        <span class="external">  </span>"""A square with two properties: a writable area and a read-only perimeter.
    861        <span class="external">  </span>To use:
    862        <span class="external">  </span>&gt;&gt;&gt; sq = Square(3)
    863        <span class="external">  </span>&gt;&gt;&gt; sq.area
    864        <span class="external">  </span>9
    865        <span class="external">  </span>&gt;&gt;&gt; sq.perimeter
    866        <span class="external">  </span>12
    867        <span class="external">  </span>&gt;&gt;&gt; sq.area = 16
    868        <span class="external">  </span>&gt;&gt;&gt; sq.side
    869        <span class="external">  </span>4
    870        <span class="external">  </span>&gt;&gt;&gt; sq.perimeter
    871        <span class="external">  </span>16
    872        <span class="external">  </span>"""
    874        <span class="external">  </span>def __init__(self, side):
    875          <span class="external">    </span>self.side = side
    877        <span class="external">  </span>def __get_area(self):
    878          <span class="external">    </span>"""Calculates the 'area' property."""
    879          <span class="external">    </span>return self.side ** 2
    881        <span class="external">  </span>def ___get_area(self):
    882          <span class="external">    </span>"""Indirect accessor for 'area' property."""
    883          <span class="external">    </span>return self.__get_area()
    885        <span class="external">  </span>def __set_area(self, area):
    886          <span class="external">    </span>"""Sets the 'area' property."""
    887          <span class="external">    </span>self.side = math.sqrt(area)
    889        <span class="external">  </span>def ___set_area(self, area):
    890          <span class="external">    </span>"""Indirect setter for 'area' property."""
    891          <span class="external">    </span>self.__set_area(area)
    893        <span class="external">  </span>area = property(___get_area, ___set_area,
    894        <span class="external">  </span>                doc="""Gets or sets the area of the square.""")
    896        <span class="external">  </span>@property
    897        <span class="external">  </span>def perimeter(self):
    898          <span class="external">    </span>return self.side * 4
    899 <span class="external"></span>
    900 </PRE></DIV>
    901         </P>
    902       </DIV></DIV>
    903     </DIV>
    904     <DIV class="">
    905 <H3><A name="True/False_evaluations" id="True/False_evaluations">True/False evaluations</A></H3>
    906 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-True/False_evaluations__button" name="link-True/False_evaluations__button"><A href="?showone=True/False_evaluations#True/False_evaluations">
    907           link
    908         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('True/False_evaluations')" name="True/False_evaluations__button" id="True/False_evaluations__button"></SPAN>
    909       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
    910         Use the "implicit" false if at all possible.
    911       </DIV>
    912       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="True/False_evaluations__body" id="True/False_evaluations__body" style="display: none">
    913         <P class="">
    914 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN> Python evaluates certain values as <code>false</code>
    915       when in a boolean context. A quick "rule of thumb" is that all
    916       "empty" values are considered <code>false</code> so <code>0, None, [], {},
    917       ''</code> all evaluate as <code>false</code> in a boolean context.
    918         </P>
    919         <P class="">
    920 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN> Conditions using Python booleans are easier to read
    921       and less error-prone. In most cases, they're also faster.
    922         </P>
    923         <P class="">
    924 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN>
    925       May look strange to C/C++ developers.
    926         </P>
    927         <P class="">
    928 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN>
    929       Use the "implicit" false if at all possible, e.g., <code>if
    930       foo:</code> rather than <code>if foo != []:</code>.  There are a
    931       few caveats that you should keep in mind though:
    932     <ul>
    933       <li>
    934         Never use <code>==</code> or <code>!=</code> to compare
    935         singletons like <code>None</code>.  Use <code>is</code>
    936         or <code>is not</code>.</li>
    938       <li>Beware of writing <code>if x:</code> when you really mean
    939         <code>if x is not None:</code>e.g., when testing whether
    940         a variable or argument that defaults to <code>None</code> was
    941         set to some other value.  The other value might be a value
    942         that's false in a boolean context!</li>
    944       <li>
    945         Never compare a boolean variable to <code>False</code> using
    946         <code>==</code>.  Use <code>if not x:</code> instead. If
    947         you need to distinguish <code>False</code> from
    948         <code>None</code> then chain the expressions,
    949         such as <code>if not x and x is not None:</code>.
    950         </li>
    952       <li>
    953         For sequences (strings, lists, tuples), use the fact that
    954         empty sequences are false, so <code>if not seq:</code> or
    955         <code>if seq:</code> is preferable to <code>if
    956         len(seq):</code> or <code>if not
    957           len(seq):</code>.</li>
    959       <li>
    960         When handling integers, implicit false may involve more risk than
    961         benefit (i.e., accidentally handling <code>None</code> as 0).  You may
    962         compare a value which is known to be an integer (and is not the
    963         result of <code>len()</code>) against the integer 0.
    964 <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes: <span class="external"></span>if not users:
    965        <span class="external">  </span>print 'no users'
    967      <span class="external"></span>if foo == 0:
    968        <span class="external">  </span>self.handle_zero()
    970      <span class="external"></span>if i % 10 == 0:
    971        <span class="external">  </span>self.handle_multiple_of_ten()</PRE></DIV>
    972 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No:  <span class="external"></span>if len(users) == 0:
    973        <span class="external">  </span>print 'no users'
    975      <span class="external"></span>if foo is not None and not foo:
    976        <span class="external">  </span>self.handle_zero()
    978      <span class="external"></span>if not i % 10:
    979        <span class="external">  </span>self.handle_multiple_of_ten()</PRE></DIV>
    980 </li>
    982       <li>
    983         Note that <code>'0'</code> (i.e., <code>0</code> as string)
    984         evaluates to true.</li>
    985     </ul>
    986         </P>
    987       </DIV></DIV>
    988     </DIV>
    989     <DIV class="">
    990 <H3><A name="Deprecated_Language_Features" id="Deprecated_Language_Features">Deprecated Language Features</A></H3>
    991 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Deprecated_Language_Features__button" name="link-Deprecated_Language_Features__button"><A href="?showone=Deprecated_Language_Features#Deprecated_Language_Features">
    992           link
    993         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Deprecated_Language_Features')" name="Deprecated_Language_Features__button" id="Deprecated_Language_Features__button"></SPAN>
    994       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
    995         Use string methods instead of the <code>string</code> module
    996         where possible.  Use function call syntax instead
    997         of <code>apply</code>.  Use list comprehensions
    998         and <code>for</code> loops instead of <code>filter</code> and
    999         <code>map</code> when the function argument would have been an
   1000         inlined lambda anyway.  Use <code>for</code> loops instead of
   1001         <code>reduce</code>.
   1002       </DIV>
   1003       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Deprecated_Language_Features__body" id="Deprecated_Language_Features__body" style="display: none">
   1004         <P class="">
   1005 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN>
   1006           Current versions of Python provide alternative constructs
   1007           that people find generally preferable.
   1008         </P>
   1009         <P class="">
   1010 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN>
   1011           We do not use any Python version which does not support
   1012           these features, so there is no reason not to use the new
   1013           styles.
   1014 <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes: <span class="external"></span>words = foo.split(':')
   1016      <span class="external"></span>[x[1] for x in my_list if x[2] == 5]
   1018      <span class="external"></span>map(math.sqrt, data)    # Ok. No inlined lambda expression.
   1020      <span class="external"></span>fn(*args, **kwargs)</PRE></DIV>
   1021 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No:  <span class="external"></span>words = string.split(foo, ':')
   1023      <span class="external"></span>map(lambda x: x[1], filter(lambda x: x[2] == 5, my_list))
   1025      <span class="external"></span>apply(fn, args, kwargs)</PRE></DIV>
   1026         </P>
   1027       </DIV></DIV>
   1028     </DIV>
   1029     <DIV class="">
   1030 <H3><A name="Lexical_Scoping" id="Lexical_Scoping">Lexical Scoping</A></H3>
   1031 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Lexical_Scoping__button" name="link-Lexical_Scoping__button"><A href="?showone=Lexical_Scoping#Lexical_Scoping">
   1032           link
   1033         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Lexical_Scoping')" name="Lexical_Scoping__button" id="Lexical_Scoping__button"></SPAN>
   1034       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1035         Okay to use.
   1036       </DIV>
   1037       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Lexical_Scoping__body" id="Lexical_Scoping__body" style="display: none">
   1038         <P class="">
   1039 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN>
   1040       A nested Python function can refer to variables defined in
   1041       enclosing functions, but can not assign to them.  Variable
   1042       bindings are resolved using lexical scoping, that is, based on
   1043       the static program text.  Any assignment to a name in a block
   1044       will cause Python to treat all references to that name as a
   1045       local variable, even if the use precedes the assignment.  If a
   1046       global declaration occurs, the name is treated as a global
   1047       variable.
   1049     <p>
   1050       An example of the use of this feature is:
   1051     </p>
   1053     <DIV class=""><PRE>
   1054 <span class="external"></span>def get_adder(summand1):
   1055   <span class="external">  </span>"""Returns a function that adds numbers to a given number."""
   1056   <span class="external">  </span>def adder(summand2):
   1057     <span class="external">    </span>return summand1 + summand2
   1059   <span class="external">  </span>return adder
   1060 <span class="external"></span>
   1061 </PRE></DIV>
   1062         </P>
   1063         <P class="">
   1064 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN>
   1065       Often results in clearer, more elegant code.  Especially comforting
   1066       to experienced Lisp and Scheme (and Haskell and ML and )
   1067       programmers.
   1068         </P>
   1069         <P class="">
   1070 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN>
   1071       Can lead to confusing bugs. Such as this example based on
   1072       <a HREF="https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0227/">PEP-0227</a>:
   1073 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">
   1074 <span class="external"></span>i = 4
   1075 <span class="external"></span>def foo(x):
   1076   <span class="external">  </span>def bar():
   1077     <span class="external">    </span>print i,
   1078   <span class="external">  </span># ...
   1079   <span class="external">  </span># A bunch of code here
   1080   <span class="external">  </span># ...
   1081   <span class="external">  </span>for i in x:  # Ah, i *is* local to Foo, so this is what Bar sees
   1082     <span class="external">    </span>print i,
   1083   <span class="external">  </span>bar()</PRE></DIV>
   1084       <p>
   1085         So <code>foo([1, 2, 3])</code> will print <code>1 2 3 3</code>, not
   1086         <code>1 2 3 4</code>.
   1087       </p>
   1088         </P>
   1089         <P class="">
   1090 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN>
   1091       Okay to use.
   1092         </P>
   1093       </DIV></DIV>
   1094     </DIV>
   1095     <DIV class="">
   1096 <H3><A name="Function_and_Method_Decorators" id="Function_and_Method_Decorators">Function and Method Decorators</A></H3>
   1097 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Function_and_Method_Decorators__button" name="link-Function_and_Method_Decorators__button"><A href="?showone=Function_and_Method_Decorators#Function_and_Method_Decorators">
   1098           link
   1099         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Function_and_Method_Decorators')" name="Function_and_Method_Decorators__button" id="Function_and_Method_Decorators__button"></SPAN>
   1100       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1101         Use decorators judiciously when there is a clear advantage.
   1102       </DIV>
   1103       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Function_and_Method_Decorators__body" id="Function_and_Method_Decorators__body" style="display: none">
   1104         <P class="">
   1105 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN>
   1107       <a HREF="https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0318">Decorators
   1108        for Functions and Methods</a>
   1109       (a.k.a "the <code>@</code> notation").
   1110       The most common decorators are <code>@classmethod</code> and
   1111       <code>@staticmethod</code>, for converting ordinary methods to class or
   1112       static methods. However, the decorator syntax allows for
   1113       user-defined decorators as well. Specifically, for some function
   1114       <code>my_decorator</code>, this:
   1115       <DIV class=""><PRE>
   1116 <span class="external"></span>class C(object):
   1117   <span class="external">  </span>@my_decorator
   1118   <span class="external">  </span>def method(self):
   1119     <span class="external">    </span># method body ...
   1120 <span class="external"></span>
   1121 </PRE></DIV>
   1123       is equivalent to:
   1124       <DIV class=""><PRE>
   1125 <span class="external"></span>class C(object):
   1126   <span class="external">  </span>def method(self):
   1127     <span class="external">    </span># method body ...
   1128   <span class="external">  </span>method = my_decorator(method)
   1129 <span class="external"></span>
   1130 </PRE></DIV>
   1131         </P>
   1132         <P class="">
   1133 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN> Elegantly specifies some transformation on a method; the
   1134       transformation might eliminate some repetitive code, enforce invariants,
   1135       etc.
   1136         </P>
   1137         <P class="">
   1138 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN> Decorators can perform arbitrary operations on a
   1139       function's arguments or return values, resulting in surprising
   1140       implicit behavior.
   1141       Additionally, decorators execute at import time.  Failures in decorator
   1142       code are pretty much impossible to recover from.
   1143         </P>
   1144         <P class="">
   1145 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN> Use decorators judiciously when there is a clear
   1146       advantage.  Decorators should follow the same import and naming
   1147       guidelines as functions.  Decorator pydoc should clearly state that the
   1148       function is a decorator.  Write unit tests for decorators.
   1150     <p>
   1151       Avoid external dependencies in the decorator itself (e.g. don't rely on
   1152       files, sockets, database connections, etc.), since they might not be
   1153       available when the decorator runs (at import time, perhaps from
   1154       <code>pydoc</code> or other tools).  A decorator that is
   1155       called with valid parameters should (as much as possible) be guaranteed
   1156       to succeed in all cases.
   1157     </p>
   1158     <p>
   1159       Decorators are a special case of "top level code" - see
   1160       <a HREF="#Main">main</a> for more discussion.
   1161     </p>
   1162         </P>
   1163       </DIV></DIV>
   1164     </DIV>
   1165     <DIV class="">
   1166 <H3><A name="Threading" id="Threading">Threading</A></H3>
   1167 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Threading__button" name="link-Threading__button"><A href="?showone=Threading#Threading">
   1168           link
   1169         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Threading')" name="Threading__button" id="Threading__button"></SPAN>
   1170       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1171         Do not rely on the atomicity of built-in types.
   1172       </DIV>
   1173       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Threading__body" id="Threading__body" style="display: none">
   1174         <p>
   1175           While Python's built-in data types such as dictionaries appear
   1176           to have atomic operations, there are corner cases where they
   1177           aren't atomic (e.g. if <code>__hash__</code> or
   1178           <code>__eq__</code> are implemented as Python methods) and their
   1179           atomicity should not be relied upon.  Neither should you rely on
   1180           atomic variable assignment (since this in turn depends on
   1181           dictionaries).
   1182         </p>
   1184         <p>
   1185           Use the Queue module's <code>Queue</code> data type as the preferred
   1186           way to
   1187           communicate data between threads.  Otherwise, use the threading
   1188           module and its locking primitives.  Learn about the proper use
   1189           of condition variables so you can use
   1190           <code>threading.Condition</code> instead of using lower-level
   1191           locks.
   1192         </p>
   1193       </DIV></DIV>
   1194     </DIV>
   1195     <DIV class="">
   1196 <H3><A name="Power_Features" id="Power_Features">Power Features</A></H3>
   1197 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Power_Features__button" name="link-Power_Features__button"><A href="?showone=Power_Features#Power_Features">
   1198           link
   1199         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Power_Features')" name="Power_Features__button" id="Power_Features__button"></SPAN>
   1200       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1201         Avoid these features.
   1202       </DIV>
   1203       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Power_Features__body" id="Power_Features__body" style="display: none">
   1204         <P class="">
   1205 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Definition:  </SPAN> Python is an extremely flexible language and
   1206       gives you many fancy features such as metaclasses, access to bytecode,
   1207       on-the-fly compilation, dynamic inheritance, object reparenting,
   1208       import hacks, reflection, modification of system internals,
   1209       etc.
   1210         </P>
   1211         <P class="">
   1212 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Pros:  </SPAN> These are powerful language features.  They can
   1213       make your code more compact.
   1214         </P>
   1215         <P class="">
   1216 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Cons: </SPAN> It's very tempting to use these "cool" features
   1217       when they're not absolutely necessary.  It's harder to read,
   1218       understand, and debug code that's using unusual features
   1219       underneath.  It doesn't seem that way at first (to the original
   1220       author), but when revisiting the code, it tends to be more
   1221       difficult than code that is longer but is straightforward.
   1222         </P>
   1223         <P class="">
   1224 <SPAN class="stylepoint_section">Decision:  </SPAN>
   1225           Avoid these features in 
   1226           your code.
   1227         </P>
   1228       </DIV></DIV>
   1229     </DIV>
   1230   </DIV>
   1231   <DIV class="">
   1232 <H2 name="Python_Style_Rules" id="Python_Style_Rules">Python Style Rules</H2>
   1233     <DIV class="">
   1234 <H3><A name="Semicolons" id="Semicolons">Semicolons</A></H3>
   1235 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Semicolons__button" name="link-Semicolons__button"><A href="?showone=Semicolons#Semicolons">
   1236           link
   1237         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Semicolons')" name="Semicolons__button" id="Semicolons__button"></SPAN>
   1238       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1239         Do not terminate your lines with semi-colons and do not use
   1240         semi-colons to put two commands on the same line.
   1241       </DIV>
   1242       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Semicolons__body" id="Semicolons__body" style="display: none">
   1243       </DIV></DIV>
   1244     </DIV>
   1245     <DIV class="">
   1246 <H3><A name="Line_length" id="Line_length">Line length</A></H3>
   1247 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Line_length__button" name="link-Line_length__button"><A href="?showone=Line_length#Line_length">
   1248           link
   1249         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Line_length')" name="Line_length__button" id="Line_length__button"></SPAN>
   1250       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1251         Maximum line length is <em>80 characters</em>.
   1252       </DIV>
   1253       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Line_length__body" id="Line_length__body" style="display: none">
   1254     <p>
   1255       Exceptions:
   1256       <ul>
   1257         <li>Long import statements.</li>
   1258         <li>URLs in comments.</li>
   1260       </ul>
   1261     </p>
   1263     <p>
   1264       Do not use backslash line continuation.
   1265     </p>
   1267     <p>
   1268       Make use of Python's
   1270       <a HREF="https://docs.python.org/reference/lexical_analysis.html#implicit-line-joining">implicit
   1271       line joining inside parentheses, brackets and braces</a>.
   1272       If necessary, you can add an extra pair of parentheses around an
   1273       expression.
   1274     </p>
   1277     <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes: foo_bar(self, width, height, color='black', design=None, x='foo',
   1278              emphasis=None, highlight=0)
   1280      if (width == 0 and height == 0 and
   1281          color == 'red' and emphasis == 'strong'):</PRE></DIV>
   1284     <p>
   1285       When a literal string won't fit on a single line, use parentheses for
   1286       implicit line joining.
   1287     </p>
   1289     <DIV class=""><PRE>
   1290 <span class="external"></span>x = ('This will build a very long long '
   1291 <span class="external"></span>     'long long long long long long string')</PRE></DIV>
   1293     <p>
   1294       Within comments, put long URLs on their own line if necessary.
   1295     </p>
   1297     <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes:  <span class="external"></span># See details at
   1298       <span class="external"></span># https://www.example.com/us/developer/documentation/api/content/v2.0/csv_file_name_extension_full_specification.html</PRE></DIV>
   1300     <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No:  <span class="external"></span># See details at
   1301      <span class="external"></span># https://www.example.com/us/developer/documentation/api/content/\
   1302      <span class="external"></span># v2.0/csv_file_name_extension_full_specification.html</PRE></DIV>
   1304     <p>
   1305       Make note of the indentation of the elements in the line
   1306       continuation examples above; see the
   1307       <a HREF="#Indentation">indentation</a>
   1308       section for explanation.
   1309     </p>
   1310       </DIV></DIV>
   1311     </DIV>
   1312     <DIV class="">
   1313 <H3><A name="Parentheses" id="Parentheses">Parentheses</A></H3>
   1314 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Parentheses__button" name="link-Parentheses__button"><A href="?showone=Parentheses#Parentheses">
   1315           link
   1316         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Parentheses')" name="Parentheses__button" id="Parentheses__button"></SPAN>
   1317       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1318         Use parentheses sparingly.
   1319       </DIV>
   1320       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Parentheses__body" id="Parentheses__body" style="display: none">
   1321     <p>
   1322       Do not use them in return statements or conditional statements unless
   1323       using parentheses for implied line continuation. (See above.)
   1324       It is however fine to use parentheses around tuples.
   1325     </p>
   1327 <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes: <span class="external"></span>if foo:
   1328        <span class="external">  </span>bar()
   1329      <span class="external"></span>while x:
   1330        <span class="external">  </span>x = bar()
   1331      <span class="external"></span>if x and y:
   1332        <span class="external">  </span>bar()
   1333      <span class="external"></span>if not x:
   1334        <span class="external">  </span>bar()
   1335      <span class="external"></span>return foo
   1336      <span class="external"></span>for (x, y) in dict.items(): ...</PRE></DIV>
   1337 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No:  <span class="external"></span>if (x):
   1338        <span class="external">  </span>bar()
   1339      <span class="external"></span>if not(x):
   1340        <span class="external">  </span>bar()
   1341      <span class="external"></span>return (foo)</PRE></DIV>
   1342       </DIV></DIV>
   1343     </DIV>
   1344     <DIV class="">
   1345 <H3><A name="Indentation" id="Indentation">Indentation</A></H3>
   1346 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Indentation__button" name="link-Indentation__button"><A href="?showone=Indentation#Indentation">
   1347           link
   1348         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Indentation')" name="Indentation__button" id="Indentation__button"></SPAN>
   1349       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1350         Indent your code blocks with <em>4 spaces</em>.
   1351       </DIV>
   1352       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Indentation__body" id="Indentation__body" style="display: none">
   1353     <p>
   1354       Never use tabs or mix tabs and spaces.
   1355       In cases of implied line continuation, you should align wrapped elements
   1356       either vertically, as per the examples in the
   1357       <a HREF="#Line_length">line length</a> section; or using a hanging
   1358       indent of 4 spaces, in which case there should be no argument on
   1359       the first line.
   1360     </p>
   1363 <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes:   # Aligned with opening delimiter
   1364        foo = long_function_name(var_one, var_two,
   1365                                 var_three, var_four)
   1367        # Aligned with opening delimiter in a dictionary
   1368        foo = {
   1369            long_dictionary_key: value1 +
   1370                                 value2,
   1371            ...
   1372        }
   1374        # 4-space hanging indent; nothing on first line
   1375        foo = long_function_name(
   1376            var_one, var_two, var_three,
   1377            var_four)
   1379        # 4-space hanging indent in a dictionary
   1380        foo = {
   1381            long_dictionary_key:
   1382                long_dictionary_value,
   1383            ...
   1384        }</PRE></DIV>
   1385 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No:    <span class="external"></span># Stuff on first line forbidden
   1386        <span class="external"></span>foo = long_function_name(var_one, var_two,
   1387        <span class="external"></span>    var_three, var_four)
   1389        <span class="external"></span># 2-space hanging indent forbidden
   1390        <span class="external"></span>foo = long_function_name(
   1391        <span class="external"></span>  var_one, var_two, var_three,
   1392        <span class="external"></span>  var_four)
   1394        <span class="external"></span># No hanging indent in a dictionary
   1395        <span class="external"></span>foo = {
   1396        <span class="external"></span>    long_dictionary_key:
   1397            <span class="external">    </span>long_dictionary_value,
   1398            <span class="external">    </span>...
   1399        <span class="external"></span>}</PRE></DIV>
   1400       </DIV></DIV>
   1401     </DIV>
   1402     <DIV class="">
   1403 <H3><A name="Blank_Lines" id="Blank_Lines">Blank Lines</A></H3>
   1404 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Blank_Lines__button" name="link-Blank_Lines__button"><A href="?showone=Blank_Lines#Blank_Lines">
   1405           link
   1406         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Blank_Lines')" name="Blank_Lines__button" id="Blank_Lines__button"></SPAN>
   1407       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1408         Two blank lines between top-level definitions, one blank line
   1409         between method definitions.
   1410       </DIV>
   1411       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Blank_Lines__body" id="Blank_Lines__body" style="display: none">
   1412     <p>
   1413       Two blank lines between top-level definitions, be they function
   1414       or class definitions.  One blank line between method definitions
   1415       and between the <code>class</code> line and the first method.
   1416       Use single blank lines as you judge appropriate within functions or
   1417       methods.
   1418     </p>
   1419       </DIV></DIV>
   1420     </DIV>
   1421     <DIV class="">
   1422 <H3><A name="Whitespace" id="Whitespace">Whitespace</A></H3>
   1423 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Whitespace__button" name="link-Whitespace__button"><A href="?showone=Whitespace#Whitespace">
   1424           link
   1425         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Whitespace')" name="Whitespace__button" id="Whitespace__button"></SPAN>
   1426       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1427         Follow standard typographic rules for the use of spaces around
   1428         punctuation.
   1429       </DIV>
   1430       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Whitespace__body" id="Whitespace__body" style="display: none">
   1431     <p>
   1432       No whitespace inside parentheses, brackets or braces.
   1433     </p>
   1434 <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes: <span class="external"></span>spam(ham[1], {eggs: 2}, [])</PRE></DIV>
   1435 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No:  <span class="external"></span>spam( ham[ 1 ], { eggs: 2 }, [ ] )</PRE></DIV>
   1436     <p>
   1437       No whitespace before a comma, semicolon, or colon.  Do use
   1438       whitespace after a comma, semicolon, or colon except at the end
   1439       of the line.
   1440     </p>
   1441 <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes: <span class="external"></span>if x == 4:
   1442        <span class="external">  </span>print x, y
   1443      <span class="external"></span>x, y = y, x</PRE></DIV>
   1444 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No:  <span class="external"></span>if x == 4 :
   1445        <span class="external">  </span>print x , y
   1446      <span class="external"></span>x , y = y , x</PRE></DIV>
   1447     <p>
   1448       No whitespace before the open paren/bracket that starts an argument list,
   1449       indexing or slicing.
   1450     </p>
   1451     <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes: <span class="external"></span>spam(1)</PRE></DIV>
   1452 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No:  <span class="external"></span>spam (1)</PRE></DIV>
   1453 <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes: <span class="external"></span>dict['key'] = list[index]</PRE></DIV>
   1454 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No:  <span class="external"></span>dict ['key'] = list [index]</PRE></DIV>
   1456     <p>
   1457       Surround binary operators with a single space on either side for
   1458       assignment (<code>=</code>), comparisons (<code>==, &lt;, &gt;, !=,
   1459         &lt;&gt;, &lt;=, &gt;=, in, not in, is, is not</code>), and Booleans
   1460       (<code>and, or, not</code>).  Use your better judgment for the
   1461       insertion of spaces around arithmetic operators but always be
   1462       consistent about whitespace on either side of a binary operator.
   1463     </p>
   1464 <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes: <span class="external"></span>x == 1</PRE></DIV>
   1465 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No:  <span class="external"></span>x&lt;1</PRE></DIV>
   1466     <p>
   1467       Don't use spaces around the '=' sign when used to indicate a
   1468       keyword argument or a default parameter value.
   1469     </p>
   1470 <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes: <span class="external"></span>def complex(real, imag=0.0): return magic(r=real, i=imag)</PRE></DIV>
   1471 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No:  <span class="external"></span>def complex(real, imag = 0.0): return magic(r = real, i = imag)</PRE></DIV>
   1473     <p>
   1474       Don't use spaces to vertically align tokens on consecutive lines, since it
   1475       becomes a maintenance burden (applies to <code>:</code>, <code>#</code>,
   1476       <code>=</code>, etc.):
   1477     </p>
   1478 <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes:
   1479   foo = 1000  # comment
   1480   long_name = 2  # comment that should not be aligned
   1482   dictionary = {
   1483       'foo': 1,
   1484       'long_name': 2,
   1485   }</PRE></DIV>
   1486 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No:
   1487   foo       = 1000  # comment
   1488   long_name = 2     # comment that should not be aligned
   1490   dictionary = {
   1491       'foo'      : 1,
   1492       'long_name': 2,
   1493   }</PRE></DIV>
   1496       </DIV></DIV>
   1497     </DIV>
   1499     <a name="Python_Interpreter"></a>
   1500     <DIV class="">
   1501 <H3><A name="Shebang_Line" id="Shebang_Line">Shebang Line</A></H3>
   1502 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Shebang_Line__button" name="link-Shebang_Line__button"><A href="?showone=Shebang_Line#Shebang_Line">
   1503           link
   1504         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Shebang_Line')" name="Shebang_Line__button" id="Shebang_Line__button"></SPAN>
   1505       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1506         Most <code>.py</code> files do not need to start with a
   1507         <code>#!</code> line.  Start the main file of a
   1508          program with
   1509         <code>#!/usr/bin/env python</code> with an optional single digit
   1510         <code>2</code> or <code>3</code> suffix.
   1511       </DIV>
   1512       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Shebang_Line__body" id="Shebang_Line__body" style="display: none">
   1514         <p>
   1515           This line is used by the kernel to find the Python interpreter, but is
   1516           ignored by Python when importing modules.  It is only necessary on a
   1517           file that will be executed directly.
   1518         </p>
   1519       </DIV></DIV>
   1520     </DIV>
   1522     <DIV class="">
   1523 <H3><A name="Comments" id="Comments">Comments</A></H3>
   1524 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Comments__button" name="link-Comments__button"><A href="?showone=Comments#Comments">
   1525           link
   1526         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Comments')" name="Comments__button" id="Comments__button"></SPAN>
   1527       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1528         Be sure to use the right style for module, function, method and in-line
   1530       </DIV>
   1531       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Comments__body" id="Comments__body" style="display: none">
   1533     <P class="">
   1534 <SPAN class="stylepoint_subsection">Doc Strings</SPAN>
   1536     <p>
   1537       Python has a unique commenting style using doc strings.  A doc
   1538       string is a string that is the first statement in a package,
   1539       module, class or function.  These strings can be extracted
   1540       automatically through the <code>__doc__</code> member of the
   1541       object and are used by <code>pydoc</code>.  (Try running
   1542       <code>pydoc</code> on your module to see how it looks.)  We
   1543       always use the three double-quote <code>"""</code> format for doc strings
   1544       (per <a href="https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/">PEP 257</a>).
   1545       A doc string should be organized as a
   1546       summary line (one physical line) terminated by a period,
   1547       question mark, or exclamation point, followed by a blank line,
   1548       followed by the rest of the doc string starting at the same
   1549       cursor position as the first quote of the first line.  There are
   1550       more formatting guidelines for doc strings below.
   1551     </p>
   1553     </P>
   1554     <P class="">
   1555 <SPAN class="stylepoint_subsection">Modules</SPAN>
   1559     <p>
   1560       Every file should contain license boilerplate.
   1561       Choose the appropriate boilerplate for the license used by the project
   1562       (for example, Apache 2.0, BSD, LGPL, GPL)
   1563     </p>
   1564     </P>
   1565     <P class="">
   1566 <SPAN class="stylepoint_subsection">Functions and Methods</SPAN>
   1568     <p>
   1569       As used in this section "function" applies to methods, function, and
   1570       generators.
   1571     </p>
   1573     <p>
   1574       A function must have a docstring, unless it meets all of the following
   1575       criteria:
   1576       <ul>
   1577         <li>not externally visible</li>
   1578         <li>very short</li>
   1579         <li>obvious</li>
   1580       </ul>
   1581     </p>
   1583     <p>
   1584       A docstring should give enough information to write a call to the function
   1585       without reading the function's code.  A docstring should describe the
   1586       function's calling syntax and its semantics, not its implementation.  For
   1587       tricky code, comments alongside the code are more appropriate than using
   1588       docstrings.
   1589     </p>
   1591     <p>
   1592       Certain aspects of a function should be documented in special sections,
   1593       listed below. Each section begins with a heading line, which ends with a
   1594       colon. Sections should be indented two spaces, except for the heading.
   1595     </p>
   1597     <dl>
   1598       <dt>Args:</dt>
   1599       <dd>
   1600         List each parameter by name. A description should follow the name, and
   1601         be separated by a colon and a space. If the description is too long to
   1602         fit on a single 80-character line, use a hanging indent of 2 or 4 spaces
   1603         (be consistent with the rest of the file).
   1605         <p>
   1606           The description should mention required type(s) and the meaning of
   1607           the argument.
   1608         </p>
   1610         <p>
   1611           If a function accepts *foo (variable length argument lists) and/or
   1612           **bar (arbitrary keyword arguments), they should be listed as *foo and
   1613           **bar.
   1614         </p>
   1615       </dd>
   1617       <dt>Returns: (or Yields: for generators)</dt>
   1618       <dd>
   1619         Describe the type and semantics of the return value. If the function
   1620         only returns None, this section is not required.
   1621       </dd>
   1623       <dt>Raises:</dt>
   1624       <dd>
   1625         List all exceptions that are relevant to the interface.
   1626       </dd>
   1627     </dl>
   1629     <DIV class=""><PRE>
   1630 <span class="external"></span>def fetch_bigtable_rows(big_table, keys, other_silly_variable=None):
   1631   <span class="external">  </span>"""Fetches rows from a Bigtable.
   1633   <span class="external">  </span>Retrieves rows pertaining to the given keys from the Table instance
   1634   <span class="external">  </span>represented by big_table.  Silly things may happen if
   1635   <span class="external">  </span>other_silly_variable is not None.
   1637   <span class="external">  </span>Args:
   1638     <span class="external">    </span>big_table: An open Bigtable Table instance.
   1639     <span class="external">    </span>keys: A sequence of strings representing the key of each table row
   1640     <span class="external">    </span>    to fetch.
   1641     <span class="external">    </span>other_silly_variable: Another optional variable, that has a much
   1642     <span class="external">    </span>    longer name than the other args, and which does nothing.
   1644   <span class="external">  </span>Returns:
   1645     <span class="external">    </span>A dict mapping keys to the corresponding table row data
   1646     <span class="external">    </span>fetched. Each row is represented as a tuple of strings. For
   1647     <span class="external">    </span>example:
   1649     <span class="external">    </span>{'Serak': ('Rigel VII', 'Preparer'),
   1650     <span class="external">    </span> 'Zim': ('Irk', 'Invader'),
   1651     <span class="external">    </span> 'Lrrr': ('Omicron Persei 8', 'Emperor')}
   1653     <span class="external">    </span>If a key from the keys argument is missing from the dictionary,
   1654     <span class="external">    </span>then that row was not found in the table.
   1656   <span class="external">  </span>Raises:
   1657     <span class="external">    </span>IOError: An error occurred accessing the bigtable.Table object.
   1658   <span class="external">  </span>"""
   1659   <span class="external">  </span>pass
   1660 <span class="external"></span>
   1661 </PRE></DIV>
   1662     </P>
   1663     <P class="">
   1664 <SPAN class="stylepoint_subsection">Classes</SPAN>
   1666     <p>
   1667       Classes should have a doc string below the class definition describing
   1668       the class.  If your class has public attributes, they should be documented
   1669       here in an Attributes section and follow the same formatting as a
   1670       function's Args section.
   1671     </p>
   1673     <DIV class=""><PRE>
   1674 <span class="external"></span>class SampleClass(object):
   1675   <span class="external">  </span>"""Summary of class here.
   1677   <span class="external">  </span>Longer class information....
   1678   <span class="external">  </span>Longer class information....
   1680   <span class="external">  </span>Attributes:
   1681     <span class="external">    </span>likes_spam: A boolean indicating if we like SPAM or not.
   1682     <span class="external">    </span>eggs: An integer count of the eggs we have laid.
   1683   <span class="external">  </span>"""
   1685   <span class="external">  </span>def __init__(self, likes_spam=False):
   1686     <span class="external">    </span>"""Inits SampleClass with blah."""
   1687     <span class="external">    </span>self.likes_spam = likes_spam
   1688     <span class="external">    </span>self.eggs = 0
   1690   <span class="external">  </span>def public_method(self):
   1691     <span class="external">    </span>"""Performs operation blah."""
   1692 <span class="external"></span>
   1693 </PRE></DIV>
   1695     </P>
   1696     <P class="">
   1697 <SPAN class="stylepoint_subsection">Block and Inline Comments</SPAN>
   1699     <p>
   1700       The final place to have comments is in tricky parts of the
   1701       code. If you're going to have to explain it at the next
   1702       <a HREF="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_review">code review</a>,
   1703       you should comment it now.  Complicated operations get a few lines of
   1704       comments before the operations
   1705       commence. Non-obvious ones get comments at the end of the line.
   1706     </p>
   1708     <DIV class=""><PRE>
   1709 <span class="external"></span># We use a weighted dictionary search to find out where i is in
   1710 <span class="external"></span># the array.  We extrapolate position based on the largest num
   1711 <span class="external"></span># in the array and the array size and then do binary search to
   1712 <span class="external"></span># get the exact number.
   1714 <span class="external"></span>if i &amp; (i-1) == 0:        # true iff i is a power of 2
   1715 <span class="external"></span>
   1716 </PRE></DIV>
   1718     <p>
   1719       To improve legibility, these comments should be at least 2 spaces away
   1720       from the code.
   1721     </p>
   1723     <p>
   1724       On the other hand, never describe the code. Assume the person
   1725       reading the code knows Python (though not what you're trying to
   1726       do) better than you do.
   1727     </p>
   1729     <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">
   1730 <span class="external"></span># BAD COMMENT: Now go through the b array and make sure whenever i occurs
   1731 <span class="external"></span># the next element is i+1
   1732 <span class="external"></span>
   1733 </PRE></DIV>
   1735     </P>
   1736       </DIV></DIV>
   1737     </DIV>
   1738     <DIV class="">
   1739 <H3><A name="Classes" id="Classes">Classes</A></H3>
   1740 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Classes__button" name="link-Classes__button"><A href="?showone=Classes#Classes">
   1741           link
   1742         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Classes')" name="Classes__button" id="Classes__button"></SPAN>
   1743       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1744         If a class inherits from no other base classes, explicitly inherit
   1745     from <code>object</code>.  This also applies to nested classes.
   1746       </DIV>
   1747       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Classes__body" id="Classes__body" style="display: none">
   1748     <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes: <span class="external"></span>class SampleClass(object):
   1749        <span class="external">  </span>pass
   1752      <span class="external"></span>class OuterClass(object):
   1754        <span class="external">  </span>class InnerClass(object):
   1755          <span class="external">    </span>pass
   1758      <span class="external"></span>class ChildClass(ParentClass):
   1759        <span class="external">  </span>"""Explicitly inherits from another class already."""
   1760 <span class="external"></span>
   1761 </PRE></DIV>
   1762     <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No: <span class="external"></span>class SampleClass:
   1763       <span class="external">  </span>pass
   1766     <span class="external"></span>class OuterClass:
   1768       <span class="external">  </span>class InnerClass:
   1769         <span class="external">    </span>pass
   1770 <span class="external"></span>
   1771 </PRE></DIV>
   1772     <p>Inheriting from <code>object</code> is needed to make properties work
   1773     properly, and it will protect your code from one particular potential
   1774     incompatibility with Python 3000.  It also defines
   1775     special methods that implement the default semantics of objects including
   1776     <code>__new__</code>, <code>__init__</code>, <code>__delattr__</code>,
   1777     <code>__getattribute__</code>, <code>__setattr__</code>,
   1778     <code>__hash__</code>, <code>__repr__</code>, and <code>__str__</code>.
   1779     </p>
   1780       </DIV></DIV>
   1781     </DIV>
   1782     <DIV class="">
   1783 <H3><A name="Strings" id="Strings">Strings</A></H3>
   1784 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Strings__button" name="link-Strings__button"><A href="?showone=Strings#Strings">
   1785           link
   1786         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Strings')" name="Strings__button" id="Strings__button"></SPAN>
   1787       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1788         Use the <code>format</code> method or the <code>%</code> operator for
   1789         formatting strings, even when the parameters are all strings. Use your
   1790         best judgement to decide between <code>+</code> and <code>%</code>
   1791         (or <code>format</code>) though.
   1792       </DIV>
   1793       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Strings__body" id="Strings__body" style="display: none">
   1795 <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes: <span class="external"></span>x = a + b
   1796      <span class="external"></span>x = '%s, %s!' % (imperative, expletive)
   1797      <span class="external"></span>x = '{}, {}!'.format(imperative, expletive)
   1798      <span class="external"></span>x = 'name: %s; score: %d' % (name, n)
   1799      <span class="external"></span>x = 'name: {}; score: {}'.format(name, n)</PRE></DIV>
   1800 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No: <span class="external"></span>x = '%s%s' % (a, b)  # use + in this case
   1801     <span class="external"></span>x = '{}{}'.format(a, b)  # use + in this case
   1802     <span class="external"></span>x = imperative + ', ' + expletive + '!'
   1803     <span class="external"></span>x = 'name: ' + name + '; score: ' + str(n)</PRE></DIV>
   1805     <p>
   1806       Avoid using the <code>+</code> and <code>+=</code> operators to
   1807       accumulate a string within a loop. Since strings are immutable, this
   1808       creates unnecessary temporary objects and results in quadratic rather
   1809       than linear running time. Instead, add each substring to a list
   1810       and <code>''.join</code> the list after the loop terminates (or, write
   1811       each substring to a <code>io.BytesIO</code> buffer).
   1812     </p>
   1814 <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes: <span class="external"></span>items = ['&lt;table&gt;']
   1815      <span class="external"></span>for last_name, first_name in employee_list:
   1816        <span class="external">  </span>items.append('&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;%s, %s&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;' % (last_name, first_name))
   1817      <span class="external"></span>items.append('&lt;/table&gt;')
   1818      <span class="external"></span>employee_table = ''.join(items)</PRE></DIV>
   1819 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No: <span class="external"></span>employee_table = '&lt;table&gt;'
   1820     <span class="external"></span>for last_name, first_name in employee_list:
   1821       <span class="external">  </span>employee_table += '&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;%s, %s&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;' % (last_name, first_name)
   1822     <span class="external"></span>employee_table += '&lt;/table&gt;'</PRE></DIV>
   1824     <p>
   1825       Be consistent with your choice of string quote character within a file.
   1826       Pick <code>'</code> or <code>"</code> and stick with it.
   1827       It is okay to use the other quote character on a string to avoid the
   1828       need to <code>\</code> escape within the string.
   1829       GPyLint enforces this.
   1830     </p>
   1832 <DIV class=""><PRE>Ye<span class="external"></span>s:
   1833   <span class="external"></span>Python('Why are you hiding your eyes?')
   1834   <span class="external"></span>Gollum("I'm scared of lint errors.")
   1835   <span class="external"></span>Narrator('"Good!" thought a happy Python reviewer.')</PRE></DIV>
   1836 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No<span class="external"></span>:
   1837   <span class="external"></span>Python("Why are you hiding your eyes?")
   1838   <span class="external"></span>Gollum('The lint. It burns. It burns us.')
   1839   <span class="external"></span>Gollum("Always the great lint. Watching. Watching.")</PRE></DIV>
   1841     <p>
   1842       Prefer <code>"""</code> for multi-line strings rather than
   1843       <code>'''</code>. Projects may choose to use <code>'''</code> for
   1844       all non-docstring multi-line strings if and only if they also use
   1845       <code>'</code> for regular strings.
   1846       Doc strings must use <code>"""</code> regardless.
   1847       Note that it is often cleaner to
   1848       use implicit line joining since multi-line strings do
   1849       not flow with the indentation of the rest of the program:
   1850     </p>
   1852 <DIV class=""><PRE>Ye<span class="external"></span>s:
   1853   <span class="external"></span>print ("This is much nicer.\n"
   1854   <span class="external"></span>       "Do it this way.\n")</PRE></DIV>
   1855 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">  No<span class="external"></span>:
   1856     <span class="external"></span>print """This is pretty ugly.
   1857 Don'<span class="external"></span>t do this.
   1858 """<span class="external"></span>
   1859 </PRE></DIV>
   1861       </DIV></DIV>
   1862     </DIV>
   1863     <DIV class="">
   1864 <H3><A name="Files_and_Sockets" id="Files_and_Sockets">Files and Sockets</A></H3>
   1865 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Files_and_Sockets__button" name="link-Files_and_Sockets__button"><A href="?showone=Files_and_Sockets#Files_and_Sockets">
   1866           link
   1867         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Files_and_Sockets')" name="Files_and_Sockets__button" id="Files_and_Sockets__button"></SPAN>
   1868       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1869         Explicitly close files and sockets when done with them.
   1870       </DIV>
   1871       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Files_and_Sockets__body" id="Files_and_Sockets__body" style="display: none">
   1872         <p>
   1873           Leaving files, sockets or other file-like objects open unnecessarily
   1874           has many downsides, including:
   1876           <ul>
   1877             <li>They may consume limited system resources, such as file
   1878               descriptors.  Code that deals with many such objects may exhaust
   1879               those resources unnecessarily if they're not returned to the
   1880               system promptly after use.</li>
   1881             <li>Holding files open may prevent other actions being performed on
   1882               them, such as moves or deletion.</li>
   1883             <li>Files and sockets that are shared throughout a program may
   1884               inadvertantly be read from or written to after logically being
   1885               closed.  If they are actually closed, attempts to read or write
   1886               from them will throw exceptions, making the problem known
   1887               sooner.</li>
   1888           </ul>
   1889         </p>
   1891         <p>
   1892           Furthermore, while files and sockets are automatically closed when the
   1893           file object is destructed, tying the life-time of the file object to
   1894           the state of the file is poor practice, for several reasons:
   1896           <ul>
   1897             <li>There are no guarantees as to when the runtime will actually run
   1898               the file's destructor.  Different Python implementations use
   1899               different memory management techniques, such as delayed Garbage
   1900               Collection, which may increase the object's lifetime arbitrarily
   1901               and indefinitely.</li>
   1902             <li>Unexpected references to the file may keep it around longer than
   1903               intended (e.g. in tracebacks of exceptions, inside globals,
   1904               etc).</li>
   1905           </ul>
   1906         </p>
   1908         <p>
   1909           The preferred way to manage files is using the <a HREF="https://docs.python.org/reference/compound_stmts.html#the-with-statement">
   1910           "with" statement</a>:
   1911         </p>
   1913 <DIV class=""><PRE>
   1914 <span class="external"></span>with open("hello.txt") as hello_file:
   1915   <span class="external">  </span>for line in hello_file:
   1916     <span class="external">    </span>print line</PRE></DIV>
   1918         <p>
   1919           For file-like objects that do not support the "with" statement, use
   1920           contextlib.closing():
   1921         </p>
   1923 <DIV class=""><PRE>
   1924 <span class="external"></span>import contextlib
   1926 <span class="external"></span>with contextlib.closing(urllib.urlopen("https://www.python.org/")) as front_page:
   1927   <span class="external">  </span>for line in front_page:
   1928     <span class="external">    </span>print line</PRE></DIV>
   1930         <p>
   1931           Legacy AppEngine code using Python 2.5 may enable the "with" statement
   1932           using "from __future__ import with_statement".
   1933         </p>
   1934       </DIV></DIV>
   1935     </DIV>
   1936     <DIV class="">
   1937 <H3><A name="TODO_Comments" id="TODO_Comments">TODO Comments</A></H3>
   1938 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-TODO_Comments__button" name="link-TODO_Comments__button"><A href="?showone=TODO_Comments#TODO_Comments">
   1939           link
   1940         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('TODO_Comments')" name="TODO_Comments__button" id="TODO_Comments__button"></SPAN>
   1941       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1942         Use <code>TODO</code> comments for code that is temporary, a
   1943         short-term solution, or good-enough but not perfect.
   1944       </DIV>
   1945       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="TODO_Comments__body" id="TODO_Comments__body" style="display: none">
   1946         <p>
   1947           <code>TODO</code>s should include the string <code>TODO</code> in
   1948           all caps, followed by the
   1950           name, e-mail address, or other
   1951           identifier
   1952           of the person who can best provide context about the problem
   1953           referenced by the <code>TODO</code>,
   1954           in parentheses.  A colon is optional.  A comment explaining what there
   1955           is to do is required. The main purpose is to have
   1956           a consistent <code>TODO</code> format that can be searched to find the
   1957           person who can provide more details upon request.  A
   1958           <code>TODO</code> is not a commitment that the person referenced
   1959           will fix the problem.  Thus when you create a <code>TODO</code>, it is
   1960           almost always your
   1962           name
   1963           that is given.
   1964         </p>
   1966         <DIV class=""><PRE># TODO(kl (a] gmail.com): Use a "*" here for string repetition.
   1967 # TODO(Zeke) Change this to use relations.</PRE></DIV>
   1968         <p>
   1969           If your <code>TODO</code> is of the form "At a future date do
   1970           something" make sure that you either include a very specific
   1971           date ("Fix by November 2009") or a very specific event
   1972           ("Remove this code when all clients can handle XML responses.").
   1973         </p>
   1974       </DIV></DIV>
   1975     </DIV>
   1976     <DIV class="">
   1977 <H3><A name="Imports_formatting" id="Imports_formatting">Imports formatting</A></H3>
   1978 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Imports_formatting__button" name="link-Imports_formatting__button"><A href="?showone=Imports_formatting#Imports_formatting">
   1979           link
   1980         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Imports_formatting')" name="Imports_formatting__button" id="Imports_formatting__button"></SPAN>
   1981       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   1982         Imports should be on separate lines.
   1983       </DIV>
   1984       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Imports_formatting__body" id="Imports_formatting__body" style="display: none">
   1985     <p>
   1986       E.g.:
   1987     </p>
   1989 <DIV class=""><PRE>Yes: <span class="external"></span>import os
   1990      <span class="external"></span>import sys</PRE></DIV>
   1991 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No:  <span class="external"></span>import os, sys</PRE></DIV>
   1992     <p>
   1993       Imports are always put at the top of the file, just after any
   1994       module comments and doc strings and before module globals and
   1995       constants.  Imports should be grouped with the order being most generic
   1996       to least generic:
   1997     </p>
   1998     <ul>
   1999       <li>standard library imports</li>
   2000       <li>third-party imports</li>
   2002       <li>application-specific imports</li>
   2003     </ul>
   2004     <p>
   2005       Within each grouping, imports should be sorted lexicographically,
   2006       ignoring case, according to each module's full package path.
   2007     </p>
   2008     <DIV class=""><PRE>
   2009 <span class="external"></span>import foo
   2010 <span class="external"></span>from foo import bar
   2011 <span class="external"></span>from foo.bar import baz
   2012 <span class="external"></span>from foo.bar import Quux
   2013 <span class="external"></span>from Foob import ar</PRE></DIV>
   2017       </DIV></DIV>
   2018     </DIV>
   2019     <DIV class="">
   2020 <H3><A name="Statements" id="Statements">Statements</A></H3>
   2021 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Statements__button" name="link-Statements__button"><A href="?showone=Statements#Statements">
   2022           link
   2023         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Statements')" name="Statements__button" id="Statements__button"></SPAN>
   2024       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   2025         Generally only one statement per line.
   2026       </DIV>
   2027       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Statements__body" id="Statements__body" style="display: none">
   2028     <p>
   2029       However, you may put the
   2030       result of a test on the same line as the test only if the entire
   2031       statement fits on one line.  In particular, you can never do so
   2032       with <code>try</code>/<code>except</code> since the
   2033       <code>try</code> and <code>except</code> can't both fit on the
   2034       same line, and you can only do so with an <code>if</code> if
   2035       there is no <code>else</code>.
   2036     </p>
   2038     <DIV class=""><PRE>Ye<span class="external"></span>s:
   2040   <span class="external"></span>if foo: bar(foo)</PRE></DIV>
   2041 <DIV class=""><PRE class="badcode">No<span class="external"></span>:
   2043   <span class="external"></span>if foo: bar(foo)
   2044   <span class="external"></span>else:   baz(foo)
   2046   <span class="external"></span>try:               bar(foo)
   2047   <span class="external"></span>except ValueError: baz(foo)
   2049   <span class="external"></span>try:
   2050     <span class="external">  </span>bar(foo)
   2051   <span class="external"></span>except ValueError: baz(foo)
   2052 <span class="external"></span>
   2053 </PRE></DIV>
   2054       </DIV></DIV>
   2055     </DIV>
   2056     <DIV class="">
   2057 <H3><A name="Access_Control" id="Access_Control">Access Control</A></H3>
   2058 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Access_Control__button" name="link-Access_Control__button"><A href="?showone=Access_Control#Access_Control">
   2059           link
   2060         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Access_Control')" name="Access_Control__button" id="Access_Control__button"></SPAN>
   2061       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   2062         If an accessor function would be trivial you should use public variables
   2063         instead of accessor functions to avoid the extra cost of function
   2064         calls in Python. When more functionality is added you can use
   2065         <code>property</code> to keep the syntax consistent.
   2066       </DIV>
   2067       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Access_Control__body" id="Access_Control__body" style="display: none">
   2068     <p>
   2069       On the other hand, if access is more complex, or the cost of accessing
   2070       the variable is significant, you should use function calls (following the
   2071       <a HREF="#naming">Naming</a> guidelines) such as <code>get_foo()</code>
   2072       and <code>set_foo()</code>. If the past behavior allowed access through a
   2073       property, do not bind the new accessor functions to the property. Any
   2074       code still attempting to access the variable by the old method should
   2075       break visibly so they are made aware of the change in complexity.
   2076     </p>
   2077       </DIV></DIV>
   2078     </DIV>
   2079     <DIV class="">
   2080 <H3><A name="Naming" id="Naming">Naming</A></H3>
   2081 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Naming__button" name="link-Naming__button"><A href="?showone=Naming#Naming">
   2082           link
   2083         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Naming')" name="Naming__button" id="Naming__button"></SPAN>
   2084       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   2085         <code>module_name, package_name, ClassName,
   2086         method_name, ExceptionName,
   2087         function_name, GLOBAL_CONSTANT_NAME,
   2088         global_var_name, instance_var_name, function_parameter_name,
   2089         local_var_name.</code>
   2090       </DIV>
   2091       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Naming__body" id="Naming__body" style="display: none">
   2092     <P class="">
   2093 <SPAN class="stylepoint_subsection">Names to Avoid</SPAN>
   2095     <ul>
   2096       <li>single character names except for counters or iterators</li>
   2097       <li>dashes (<code>-</code>) in any package/module name</li>
   2098       <li>
   2099 <code>__double_leading_and_trailing_underscore__</code> names
   2100         (reserved by Python)</li>
   2101     </ul>
   2103     </P>
   2104     <P class="">
   2105 <SPAN class="stylepoint_subsection">Naming Convention</SPAN>
   2107     <ul>
   2108       <li>
   2109         "Internal" means internal to a module or protected
   2110         or private within a class.</li>
   2111       <li>
   2112         Prepending a single underscore (<code>_</code>) has some
   2113         support for protecting module variables and functions (not included
   2114         with <code>import * from</code>).  Prepending a double underscore
   2115         (<code>__</code>) to an instance variable or method
   2116         effectively serves to make the variable or method private to its class
   2117         (using name mangling).</li>
   2118       <li>
   2119         Place related classes and top-level functions together in a
   2120         module. Unlike Java,
   2121         there is no need to limit yourself to one class per module.</li>
   2122       <li>
   2123         Use CapWords for class names, but lower_with_under.py for module names.
   2124         Although there are many existing modules named CapWords.py, this is now
   2125         discouraged because it's confusing when the module happens to be
   2126         named after a class.  ("wait -- did I write
   2127         <code>import StringIO</code> or <code>from StringIO import
   2128         StringIO</code>?")</li>
   2129     </ul>
   2131     </P>
   2132     <P class="">
   2133 <SPAN class="stylepoint_subsection">Guidelines derived from Guido's Recommendations</SPAN>
   2135     <table rules="all" border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
   2137       <tr>
   2138         <th>Type</th>
   2139         <th>Public</th>
   2140         <th>Internal</th>
   2141       </tr>
   2145       <tr>
   2146         <td>Packages</td>
   2147         <td><code>lower_with_under</code></td>
   2148         <td></td>
   2149       </tr>
   2151       <tr>
   2152         <td>Modules</td>
   2153         <td><code>lower_with_under</code></td>
   2154         <td><code>_lower_with_under</code></td>
   2155       </tr>
   2157       <tr>
   2158         <td>Classes</td>
   2159         <td><code>CapWords</code></td>
   2160         <td><code>_CapWords</code></td>
   2161       </tr>
   2163       <tr>
   2164         <td>Exceptions</td>
   2165         <td><code>CapWords</code></td>
   2166         <td></td>
   2167       </tr>
   2171       <tr>
   2172         <td>Functions</td>
   2173         <td><code>lower_with_under()</code></td>
   2174         <td><code>_lower_with_under()</code></td>
   2175       </tr>
   2177       <tr>
   2178         <td>Global/Class Constants</td>
   2179         <td><code>CAPS_WITH_UNDER</code></td>
   2180         <td><code>_CAPS_WITH_UNDER</code></td>
   2181       </tr>
   2183       <tr>
   2184         <td>Global/Class Variables</td>
   2185         <td><code>lower_with_under</code></td>
   2186         <td><code>_lower_with_under</code></td>
   2187       </tr>
   2189       <tr>
   2190         <td>Instance Variables</td>
   2191         <td><code>lower_with_under</code></td>
   2192         <td><code>_lower_with_under (protected) or __lower_with_under (private)</code></td>
   2193       </tr>
   2197       <tr>
   2198         <td>Method Names</td>
   2199         <td><code>lower_with_under()</code></td>
   2200         <td><code>_lower_with_under() (protected) or __lower_with_under() (private)</code></td>
   2201       </tr>
   2203       <tr>
   2204         <td>Function/Method Parameters</td>
   2205         <td><code>lower_with_under</code></td>
   2206         <td></td>
   2207       </tr>
   2209       <tr>
   2210         <td>Local Variables</td>
   2211         <td><code>lower_with_under</code></td>
   2212         <td></td>
   2213       </tr>
   2216     </table>
   2219    </P>
   2220       </DIV></DIV>
   2221     </DIV>
   2222     <DIV class="">
   2223 <H3><A name="Main" id="Main">Main</A></H3>
   2224 <SPAN class="link_button" id="link-Main__button" name="link-Main__button"><A href="?showone=Main#Main">
   2225           link
   2226         </A></SPAN><SPAN class="showhide_button" onclick="javascript:ShowHideByName('Main')" name="Main__button" id="Main__button"></SPAN>
   2227       <DIV style="display:inline;" class="">
   2228         Even a file meant to be used as a script should be importable and a
   2229         mere import should not have the side effect of executing the script's
   2230         main functionality. The main functionality should be in a main()
   2231         function.
   2232       </DIV>
   2233       <DIV class=""><DIV class="stylepoint_body" name="Main__body" id="Main__body" style="display: none">
   2234     <p>
   2235       In Python,
   2236       <code>pydoc</code> as well as unit tests
   2237       require modules to be importable.  Your code should always check
   2238       <code>if __name__ == '__main__'</code> before executing your
   2239       main program so that the main program is not executed when the
   2240       module is imported.
   2242     </p>
   2250     <DIV class=""><PRE>
   2251 <span class="external"></span>def main():
   2252    <span class="external">   </span>...
   2254 <span class="external"></span>if __name__ == '__main__':
   2255   <span class="external">  </span>main()
   2256 <span class="external"></span>
   2257 </PRE></DIV>
   2259     <p>
   2260       All code at the top level will be executed when the module is
   2261       imported.  Be careful not to call functions, create objects, or
   2262       perform other operations that should not be executed when the
   2263       file is being <code>pydoc</code>ed.
   2264     </p>
   2265       </DIV></DIV>
   2266     </DIV>
   2267   </DIV>
   2269 <H2>Parting Words</H2>
   2270     <p>
   2271       <em>BE CONSISTENT</em>.
   2272     </p>
   2274     <p>
   2275       If you're editing code, take a few minutes to look at the code
   2276       around you and determine its style.  If they use spaces around
   2277       all their arithmetic operators, you should too.  If their
   2278       comments have little boxes of hash marks around them, make your
   2279       comments have little boxes of hash marks around them too.
   2280     </p>
   2282     <p>
   2283       The point of having style guidelines is to have a common vocabulary
   2284       of coding so people can concentrate on what you're saying rather
   2285       than on how you're saying it.  We present global style rules here so
   2286       people know the vocabulary, but local style is also important.  If
   2287       code you add to a file looks drastically different from the existing
   2288       code around it, it throws readers out of their rhythm when they go to
   2289       read it.  Avoid this.
   2290     </p>
   2294 <p align="right">
   2295 Revision 2.59
   2296 </p>
   2299 <address>
   2300   Amit Patel<br>
   2301   Antoine Picard<br>
   2302   Eugene Jhong<br>
   2303   Gregory P. Smith<br>
   2304   Jeremy Hylton<br>
   2305   Matt Smart<br>
   2306   Mike Shields<br>
   2307   Shane Liebling<br>
   2308 </address>
   2309 </BODY>
   2310 </HTML>