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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2005 The Guava Authors
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.google.common.base;
     19 import com.google.common.testing.GcFinalization;
     21 import junit.framework.TestCase;
     23 import java.io.Closeable;
     24 import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
     25 import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
     26 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
     27 import java.net.URL;
     28 import java.net.URLClassLoader;
     29 import java.security.Permission;
     30 import java.security.Policy;
     31 import java.security.ProtectionDomain;
     32 import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
     33 import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
     34 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
     35 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
     37 /**
     38  * Tests that the {@code ClassLoader} of {@link FinalizableReferenceQueue} can be unloaded. These
     39  * tests are separate from {@link FinalizableReferenceQueueTest} so that they can be excluded from
     40  * coverage runs, as the coverage system interferes with them.
     41  *
     42  * @author Eamonn McManus
     43  */
     44 public class FinalizableReferenceQueueClassLoaderUnloadingTest extends TestCase {
     46   /*
     47    * The following tests check that the use of FinalizableReferenceQueue does not prevent the
     48    * ClassLoader that loaded that class from later being garbage-collected. If anything continues
     49    * to reference the FinalizableReferenceQueue class then its ClassLoader cannot be
     50    * garbage-collected, even if there are no more instances of FinalizableReferenceQueue itself.
     51    * The code in FinalizableReferenceQueue goes to considerable trouble to ensure that there are
     52    * no such references and the tests here check that that trouble has not been in vain.
     53    *
     54    * When we reference FinalizableReferenceQueue in this test, we are referencing a class that is
     55    * loaded by this test and that will obviously remain loaded for as long as the test is running.
     56    * So in order to check ClassLoader garbage collection we need to create a new ClassLoader and
     57    * make it load its own version of FinalizableReferenceQueue. Then we need to interact with that
     58    * parallel version through reflection in order to exercise the parallel
     59    * FinalizableReferenceQueue, and then check that the parallel ClassLoader can be
     60    * garbage-collected after that.
     61    */
     63   public static class MyFinalizableWeakReference extends FinalizableWeakReference<Object> {
     64     public MyFinalizableWeakReference(Object x, FinalizableReferenceQueue queue) {
     65       super(x, queue);
     66     }
     68     @Override
     69     public void finalizeReferent() {
     70     }
     71   }
     73   private static class PermissivePolicy extends Policy {
     74     @Override
     75     public boolean implies(ProtectionDomain pd, Permission perm) {
     76       return true;
     77     }
     78   }
     80   private WeakReference<ClassLoader> useFrqInSeparateLoader() throws Exception {
     81     final URLClassLoader myLoader = (URLClassLoader) getClass().getClassLoader();
     82     final URL[] urls = myLoader.getURLs();
     83     URLClassLoader sepLoader = new URLClassLoader(urls, myLoader.getParent());
     84     // sepLoader is the loader that we will use to load the parallel FinalizableReferenceQueue (FRQ)
     85     // and friends, and that we will eventually expect to see garbage-collected. The assumption
     86     // is that the ClassLoader of this test is a URLClassLoader, and that it loads FRQ itself
     87     // rather than delegating to a parent ClassLoader. If this assumption is violated the test will
     88     // fail and will need to be rewritten.
     90     Class<?> frqC = FinalizableReferenceQueue.class;
     91     Class<?> sepFrqC = sepLoader.loadClass(frqC.getName());
     92     assertNotSame(frqC, sepFrqC);
     93     // Check the assumptions above.
     95     // FRQ tries to load the Finalizer class (for the reference-collecting thread) in a few ways.
     96     // If the class is accessible to the system ClassLoader (ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader())
     97     // then FRQ does not bother to load Finalizer.class through a separate ClassLoader. That happens
     98     // in our test environment, which foils the purpose of this test, so we disable the logic for
     99     // our test by setting a static field. We are changing the field in the parallel version of FRQ
    100     // and each test creates its own one of those, so there is no test interference here.
    101     Class<?> sepFrqSystemLoaderC =
    102         sepLoader.loadClass(FinalizableReferenceQueue.SystemLoader.class.getName());
    103     Field disabled = sepFrqSystemLoaderC.getDeclaredField("disabled");
    104     disabled.setAccessible(true);
    105     disabled.set(null, true);
    107     // Now make a parallel FRQ and an associated FinalizableWeakReference to an object, in order to
    108     // exercise some classes from the parallel ClassLoader.
    109     AtomicReference<Object> sepFrqA = new AtomicReference<Object>(sepFrqC.newInstance());
    110     Class<?> sepFwrC = sepLoader.loadClass(MyFinalizableWeakReference.class.getName());
    111     Constructor<?> sepFwrCons = sepFwrC.getConstructor(Object.class, sepFrqC);
    112     // The object that we will wrap in FinalizableWeakReference is a Stopwatch.
    113     Class<?> sepStopwatchC = sepLoader.loadClass(Stopwatch.class.getName());
    114     assertSame(sepLoader, sepStopwatchC.getClassLoader());
    115     AtomicReference<Object> sepStopwatchA =
    116         new AtomicReference<Object>(sepStopwatchC.getMethod("createUnstarted").invoke(null));
    117     AtomicReference<WeakReference<?>> sepStopwatchRef = new AtomicReference<WeakReference<?>>(
    118         (WeakReference<?>) sepFwrCons.newInstance(sepStopwatchA.get(), sepFrqA.get()));
    119     assertNotNull(sepStopwatchA.get());
    120     // Clear all references to the Stopwatch and wait for it to be gc'd.
    121     sepStopwatchA.set(null);
    122     GcFinalization.awaitClear(sepStopwatchRef.get());
    123     // Return a weak reference to the parallel ClassLoader. This is the reference that should
    124     // eventually become clear if there are no other references to the ClassLoader.
    125     return new WeakReference<ClassLoader>(sepLoader);
    126   }
    128   private void doTestUnloadable() throws Exception {
    129     WeakReference<ClassLoader> loaderRef = useFrqInSeparateLoader();
    130     GcFinalization.awaitClear(loaderRef);
    131   }
    133   public void testUnloadableWithoutSecurityManager() throws Exception {
    134     // Test that the use of a FinalizableReferenceQueue does not subsequently prevent the
    135     // loader of that class from being garbage-collected.
    136     SecurityManager oldSecurityManager = System.getSecurityManager();
    137     try {
    138       System.setSecurityManager(null);
    139       doTestUnloadable();
    140     } finally {
    141       System.setSecurityManager(oldSecurityManager);
    142     }
    143   }
    145   public void testUnloadableWithSecurityManager() throws Exception {
    146     // Test that the use of a FinalizableReferenceQueue does not subsequently prevent the
    147     // loader of that class from being garbage-collected even if there is a SecurityManager.
    148     // The SecurityManager environment makes such leaks more likely because when you create
    149     // a URLClassLoader with a SecurityManager, the creating code's AccessControlContext is
    150     // captured, and that references the creating code's ClassLoader.
    151     Policy oldPolicy = Policy.getPolicy();
    152     SecurityManager oldSecurityManager = System.getSecurityManager();
    153     try {
    154       Policy.setPolicy(new PermissivePolicy());
    155       System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());
    156       doTestUnloadable();
    157     } finally {
    158       System.setSecurityManager(oldSecurityManager);
    159       Policy.setPolicy(oldPolicy);
    160     }
    161   }
    163   public static class FrqUser implements Callable<WeakReference<Object>> {
    164     public static FinalizableReferenceQueue frq = new FinalizableReferenceQueue();
    165     public static final Semaphore finalized = new Semaphore(0);
    167     @Override
    168     public WeakReference<Object> call() {
    169       WeakReference<Object> wr = new FinalizableWeakReference<Object>(new Integer(23), frq) {
    170         @Override
    171         public void finalizeReferent() {
    172           finalized.release();
    173         }
    174       };
    175       return wr;
    176     }
    177   }
    179   public void testUnloadableInStaticFieldIfClosed() throws Exception {
    180     Policy oldPolicy = Policy.getPolicy();
    181     SecurityManager oldSecurityManager = System.getSecurityManager();
    182     try {
    183       Policy.setPolicy(new PermissivePolicy());
    184       System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());
    185       WeakReference<ClassLoader> loaderRef = doTestUnloadableInStaticFieldIfClosed();
    186       GcFinalization.awaitClear(loaderRef);
    187     } finally {
    188       System.setSecurityManager(oldSecurityManager);
    189       Policy.setPolicy(oldPolicy);
    190     }
    191   }
    193   // If you have a FinalizableReferenceQueue that is a static field of one of the classes of your
    194   // app (like the FrqUser class above), then the app's ClassLoader will never be gc'd. The reason
    195   // is that we attempt to run a thread in a separate ClassLoader that will detect when the FRQ
    196   // is no longer referenced, meaning that the app's ClassLoader has been gc'd, and when that
    197   // happens. But the thread's supposedly separate ClassLoader actually has a reference to the app's
    198   // ClasLoader via its AccessControlContext. It does not seem to be possible to make a
    199   // URLClassLoader without capturing this reference, and it probably would not be desirable for
    200   // security reasons anyway. Therefore, the FRQ.close() method provides a way to stop the thread
    201   // explicitly. This test checks that calling that method does allow an app's ClassLoader to be
    202   // gc'd even if there is a still a FinalizableReferenceQueue in a static field. (Setting the field
    203   // to null would also work, but only if there are no references to the FRQ anywhere else.)
    204   private WeakReference<ClassLoader> doTestUnloadableInStaticFieldIfClosed() throws Exception {
    205     final URLClassLoader myLoader = (URLClassLoader) getClass().getClassLoader();
    206     final URL[] urls = myLoader.getURLs();
    207     URLClassLoader sepLoader = new URLClassLoader(urls, myLoader.getParent());
    209     Class<?> frqC = FinalizableReferenceQueue.class;
    210     Class<?> sepFrqC = sepLoader.loadClass(frqC.getName());
    211     assertNotSame(frqC, sepFrqC);
    213     Class<?> sepFrqSystemLoaderC =
    214         sepLoader.loadClass(FinalizableReferenceQueue.SystemLoader.class.getName());
    215     Field disabled = sepFrqSystemLoaderC.getDeclaredField("disabled");
    216     disabled.setAccessible(true);
    217     disabled.set(null, true);
    219     Class<?> frqUserC = FrqUser.class;
    220     Class<?> sepFrqUserC = sepLoader.loadClass(frqUserC.getName());
    221     assertNotSame(frqUserC, sepFrqUserC);
    222     assertSame(sepLoader, sepFrqUserC.getClassLoader());
    224     Callable<?> sepFrqUser = (Callable<?>) sepFrqUserC.newInstance();
    225     WeakReference<?> finalizableWeakReference = (WeakReference<?>) sepFrqUser.call();
    227     GcFinalization.awaitClear(finalizableWeakReference);
    229     Field sepFrqUserFinalizedF = sepFrqUserC.getField("finalized");
    230     Semaphore finalizeCount = (Semaphore) sepFrqUserFinalizedF.get(null);
    231     boolean finalized = finalizeCount.tryAcquire(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    232     assertTrue(finalized);
    234     Field sepFrqUserFrqF = sepFrqUserC.getField("frq");
    235     Closeable frq = (Closeable) sepFrqUserFrqF.get(null);
    236     frq.close();
    238     return new WeakReference<ClassLoader>(sepLoader);
    239   }
    240 }