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      7 <book id="index">
      8   <bookinfo>
      9     <title>HarfBuzz Manual</title>
     10     <abstract>
     11       <title>HarfBuzz</title>
     12       <graphic fileref="HarfBuzz.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
     13       <para>
     14         HarfBuzz is an <ulink url="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/">OpenType</ulink>
     15         text shaping engine.
     16       </para>
     17       <para>
     18         The current HarfBuzz codebase, formerly known as harfbuzz-ng, is
     19         versioned 1.x.x and is stable and under active maintenance. This is
     20         what is used in latest versions of Firefox, GNOME, ChromeOS, Chrome,
     21         LibreOffice, XeTeX, Android, and KDE, among other places. The canonical
     22         source tree is available
     23         <ulink url="http://cgit.freedesktop.org/harfbuzz/">here</ulink>.
     24         Also available on
     25         <ulink url="https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz">github</ulink>.
     26         See <xref linkend="download" endterm="download.title"/> for release tarballs.
     27       </para>
     28       <para>
     29         The old HarfBuzz codebase, these days known as harfbuzz-old, was
     30         derived from <ulink url="http://freetype.org/">FreeType</ulink>,
     31         <ulink url="http://pango.org/">Pango</ulink>, and
     32         <ulink url="http://qt-project.org/">Qt</ulink> and is available
     33         <ulink url="http://cgit.freedesktop.org/harfbuzz.old/">here</ulink>.
     34         It is not actively developed or maintained, and is extremely buggy. All
     35         users are encouraged to switch over to the new HarfBuzz as soon as
     36         possible.  There are no release tarballs of old HarfBuzz whatsoever.
     37       </para>
     38     </abstract>
     39   </bookinfo>
     41   <part>
     42     <title>User's manual</title>
     43       <xi:include href="usermanual-what-is-harfbuzz.xml"/>
     44       <xi:include href="usermanual-install-harfbuzz.xml"/>
     45       <xi:include href="usermanual-hello-harfbuzz.xml"/>
     46       <xi:include href="usermanual-buffers-language-script-and-direction.xml"/>
     47       <xi:include href="usermanual-fonts-and-faces.xml"/>
     48       <xi:include href="usermanual-clusters.xml"/>
     49       <xi:include href="usermanual-opentype-features.xml"/>
     50       <xi:include href="usermanual-glyph-information.xml"/>
     51   </part>
     53   <part>
     54     <partinfo>
     55       <releaseinfo>
     56         This document is for HarfBuzz &version;.
     57         <!--The latest version of this documentation can be found on-line at
     58         <ulink role="online-location" url="http://[SERVER]/libharfbuzz/index.html">http://[SERVER]/libharfbuzz/</ulink>.-->
     59       </releaseinfo>
     60     </partinfo>
     61     <title>Reference manual</title>
     62       <chapter>
     63         <title>HarfBuzz API</title>
     64         <xi:include href="xml/hb.xml"/>
     65         <xi:include href="xml/hb-common.xml"/>
     66         <xi:include href="xml/hb-unicode.xml"/>
     67         <xi:include href="xml/hb-buffer.xml"/>
     68         <xi:include href="xml/hb-blob.xml"/>
     69         <xi:include href="xml/hb-face.xml"/>
     70         <xi:include href="xml/hb-font.xml"/>
     71         <xi:include href="xml/hb-shape.xml"/>
     73         <xi:include href="xml/hb-version.xml"/>
     74         <xi:include href="xml/hb-deprecated.xml"/>
     76         <xi:include href="xml/hb-set.xml"/>
     78         <xi:include href="xml/hb-ot.xml"/>
     79         <xi:include href="xml/hb-ot-layout.xml"/>
     80         <xi:include href="xml/hb-ot-tag.xml"/>
     81         <xi:include href="xml/hb-ot-font.xml"/>
     82         <xi:include href="xml/hb-ot-shape.xml"/>
     83         <xi:include href="xml/hb-ot-math.xml"/>
     85         <xi:include href="xml/hb-shape-plan.xml"/>
     87         <xi:include href="xml/hb-glib.xml"/>
     88         <xi:include href="xml/hb-icu.xml"/>
     90         <xi:include href="xml/hb-ft.xml"/>
     92         <xi:include href="xml/hb-graphite2.xml"/>
     93         <xi:include href="xml/hb-uniscribe.xml"/>
     94         <xi:include href="xml/hb-coretext.xml"/>
     96         <xi:include href="xml/hb-gobject.xml"/>
     98       </chapter>
     99       <chapter id="object-tree">
    100         <title>Object Hierarchy</title>
    101          <xi:include href="xml/tree_index.sgml"/>
    102       </chapter>
    103       <index id="api-index-full">
    104         <title>API Index</title>
    105         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-full.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    106       </index>
    107       <index id="api-index-0-9-2" role="0.9.2">
    108         <title>Index of new symbols in 0.9.2</title>
    109         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-0.9.2.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    110       </index>
    111       <index id="api-index-0-9-5" role="0.9.5">
    112         <title>Index of new symbols in 0.9.5</title>
    113         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-0.9.5.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    114       </index>
    115       <index id="api-index-0-9-7" role="0.9.7">
    116         <title>Index of new symbols in 0.9.7</title>
    117         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-0.9.7.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    118       </index>
    119       <index id="api-index-0-9-8" role="0.9.8">
    120         <title>Index of new symbols in 0.9.8</title>
    121         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-0.9.8.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    122       </index>
    123       <index id="api-index-0-9-10" role="0.9.10">
    124         <title>Index of new symbols in 0.9.10</title>
    125         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-0.9.10.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    126       </index>
    127       <index id="api-index-0-9-11" role="0.9.11">
    128         <title>Index of new symbols in 0.9.11</title>
    129         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-0.9.11.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    130       </index>
    131       <index id="api-index-0-9-20" role="0.9.20">
    132         <title>Index of new symbols in 0.9.20</title>
    133         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-0.9.20.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    134       </index>
    135       <index id="api-index-0-9-22" role="0.9.22">
    136         <title>Index of new symbols in 0.9.22</title>
    137         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-0.9.22.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    138       </index>
    139       <index id="api-index-0-9-28" role="0.9.28">
    140         <title>Index of new symbols in 0.9.28</title>
    141         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-0.9.28.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    142       </index>
    143       <index id="api-index-0-9-30" role="0.9.30">
    144         <title>Index of new symbols in 0.9.30</title>
    145         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-0.9.30.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    146       </index>
    147       <index id="api-index-0-9-31" role="0.9.31">
    148         <title>Index of new symbols in 0.9.31</title>
    149         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-0.9.31.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    150       </index>
    151       <index id="api-index-0-9-38" role="0.9.38">
    152         <title>Index of new symbols in 0.9.38</title>
    153         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-0.9.38.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    154       </index>
    155       <index id="api-index-0-9-39" role="0.9.39">
    156         <title>Index of new symbols in 0.9.39</title>
    157         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-0.9.39.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    158       </index>
    159       <index id="api-index-0-9-41" role="0.9.41">
    160         <title>Index of new symbols in 0.9.41</title>
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    162       </index>
    163       <index id="api-index-0-9-42" role="0.9.42">
    164         <title>Index of new symbols in 0.9.42</title>
    165         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-0.9.42.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    166       </index>
    167       <index id="api-index-1-0-5" role="1.0.5">
    168         <title>Index of new symbols in 1.0.5</title>
    169         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-1.0.5.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    170       </index>
    171       <index id="api-index-1-1-2" role="1.1.2">
    172         <title>Index of new symbols in 1.1.2</title>
    173         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-1.1.2.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    174       </index>
    175       <index id="api-index-1-1-3" role="1.1.3">
    176         <title>Index of new symbols in 1.1.3</title>
    177         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-1.1.3.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    178       </index>
    179       <index id="api-index-1-2-3" role="1.2.3">
    180         <title>Index of new symbols in 1.2.3</title>
    181         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-1.2.3.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    182       </index>
    183       <index id="api-index-1-3-3" role="1.3.3">
    184         <title>Index of new symbols in 1.3.3</title>
    185         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-1.3.3.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    186       </index>
    187       <index id="api-index-1-4-2" role="1.4.2">
    188         <title>Index of new symbols in 1.4.2</title>
    189         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-1.4.2.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    190       </index>
    191       <index id="api-index-1-4-3" role="1.4.3">
    192         <title>Index of new symbols in 1.4.3</title>
    193         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-1.4.3.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    194       </index>
    195       <index id="api-index-1-5-0" role="1.5.0">
    196         <title>Index of new symbols in 1.5.0</title>
    197         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-1.5.0.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    198       </index>
    199       <index id="api-index-1-6-0" role="1.6.0">
    200         <title>Index of new symbols in 1.6.0</title>
    201         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-1.6.0.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    202       </index>
    203       <index id="deprecated-api-index" role="deprecated">
    204         <title>Index of deprecated API</title>
    205         <xi:include href="xml/api-index-deprecated.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
    206       </index>
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    209   </part>
    210 </book>