1 # Wordlist for Apache (HTTP/1 and HTTP/2) 2 # Format of the dictionary: http://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html#dictionaries 3 4 "PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n" 5 "GET" 6 "PUT" 7 "POST" 8 "DELETE" 9 "CONNECT" 10 "OPTIONS" 11 "TRACE" 12 "PATCH" 13 "PROPFIND" 14 "PROPPATCH" 15 "MKCOL" 16 "COPY" 17 "MOVE" 18 "LOCK" 19 "UNLOCK" 20 "VERSION-CONTROL" 21 "CHECKOUT" 22 "UNCHECKOUT" 23 "CHECKIN" 24 "UPDATE" 25 "LABEL" 26 "REPORT" 27 "MKWORKSPACE" 28 "MKACTIVITY" 29 "BASELINE-CONTROL" 30 "MERGE" 31 32 "/" 33 "/index.html" 34 "HTTP" 35 "HTTP/" 36 "HTTP/1.0" 37 "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB&CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC=DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" 38 "," 39 "\n" 40 "\r" 41 "\r\n" 42 "\r\n\r\n" 43 ":" 44 ":" 45 46 "ETag:" 47 "Timeout:" 48 "Accept:" 49 "Accept-Charset:" 50 "Accept-Encoding:" 51 "Transfer-Encoding:" 52 "Accept-Language:" 53 "Accept-Datetime:" 54 "Authorization:" 55 "Cache-Control:" 56 "Connection:" 57 "Cookie:" 58 "Set-Cookie:" 59 "Set-Cookie2:" 60 "Server:" 61 "Alt-Svc:" 62 "Cookie2:" 63 "Content-Length:" 64 "Content-MD5:" 65 "Content-Type:" 66 "Date:" 67 "Expires:" 68 "Destination:" 69 "Digest" 70 "Expect:" 71 "From:" 72 "Host:" 73 "Vary:" 74 "If-Match:" 75 "If-Modified-Since:" 76 "If-None-Match:" 77 "If-Range:" 78 "If-Unmodified-Since:" 79 "Max-Forwards:" 80 "Origin:" 81 "Pragma:" 82 "Proxy-Authorization:" 83 "Range:" 84 "Request-Range:" 85 "Referer:" 86 "TE:" 87 "User-Agent:" 88 "Upgrade:" 89 "URI:" 90 "Via:" 91 "Warning:" 92 "Proxy-Connection:" 93 "Fowarded:" 94 "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" 95 "TE: chunked" 96 97 "novary" 98 "NULL" 99 "null" 100 "" 101 "[2002:abcd:abcd::1]" 102 "text/plain" 103 "text/html" 104 "utf-8" 105 "iso8859-2" 106 "iso-8859-2" 107 "gzip" 108 "x-gzip" 109 "identity" 110 "ratio" 111 "input" 112 "output" 113 "gzip" 114 "identity" 115 "deflate" 116 "en-US" 117 "pl" 118 "base64" 119 "Basic" 120 "Basic realm=\x22" 121 "QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==" 122 "Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==" 123 "no-cache" 124 "no-store" 125 "no-transform" 126 "must-revalidate" 127 "never" 128 "only-if-cached" 129 "none" 130 "keep-alive" 131 "close" 132 "trailer" 133 "Upgrade" 134 "STARTTLS" 135 "SSL" 136 "$Version=1; Skin=new;" 137 "2147483648" 138 "-2147483648" 139 "-2147483647" 140 "2147483647" 141 "-1" 142 "0" 143 "1" 144 "4294967295" 145 "-4294967295" 146 "4294967296" 147 "-4294967296" 148 "9223372036854775808" 149 "-9223372036854775808" 150 "9223372036854775807" 151 "-9223372036854775808" 152 "4611686018427387904" 153 "-4611686018427387904" 154 "4611686018427387903" 155 "-4611686018427387904" 156 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 157 "Tue, 15 Nov 1994 08:12:31 GMT" 158 "100-continue" 159 "user (a] example.com" 160 "en.wikipedia.org:80" 161 "737060cd8c284d8af7ad3082f209582d" 162 "Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT" 163 "bytes=000000000000000000000000000000000000000500-000000000000000000000000000999" 164 "Content-Range:" 165 "Last-Modified:" 166 "chunked" 167 "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0" 168 "HTTP/2.0, SHTTP/1.3, IRC/6.9, RTA/x11" 169 "HTTP/1.0" 170 "HTTP/2.0" 171 "HTTP/0.9" 172 "1.0 fred, 1.1 example.com (Apache/1.1)" 173 "199 Miscellaneous warning" 174 "TLS/1.0" 175 "Connection: Upgradern" 176 "Upgrade: h2crn" 177 "Upgrade: h2rn" 178 "HTTP2-Settings: 321323212321321321321321321321321322133213rn" 179 "Upgrade:" 180 "h2" 181 "h2c" 182 "HTTP2-Settings:" 183 "http/1.0" 184 "http/1.1" 185 "upgrade" 186 "bytes" 187 "http" 188 "chunk" 189 "uri" 190 "algorithm" 191 "cnonce" 192 "opaque" 193 "qop" 194 "nc" 195 "username" 196 "realm" 197 "nonce" 198 "uri" 199 "response" 200 "form" 201 "None" 202