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      1 % Hyphenation exceptions for US English,
      2 % based on hyphenation exception log articles in TUGboat.
      3 %
      4 % Copyright 2008 TeX Users Group.
      5 % You may freely use, modify and/or distribute this file.
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      7 % This is an automatically generated file.  Do not edit!
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      9 % Please contact the TUGboat editorial staff <tugboat (a] tug.org>
     10 % for corrections and omissions.
     12 \hyphenation{
     13   acad-e-my
     14   acad-e-mies
     15   ac-cu-sa-tive
     16   acro-nym
     17   acro-nyms
     18   acryl-amide
     19   acryl-amides
     20   acryl-alde-hyde
     21   acu-punc-ture
     22   acu-punc-tur-ist
     23   add-a-ble
     24   add-i-ble
     25   adren-a-line
     26   aero-space
     27   af-ter-thought
     28   af-ter-thoughts
     29   agron-o-mist
     30   agron-o-mists
     31   al-ge-bra-i-cal-ly
     32   am-phet-a-mine
     33   am-phet-a-mines
     34   anach-ro-nism
     35   anach-ro-nis-tic
     36   an-a-lyse
     37   an-a-lysed
     38   analy-ses
     39   analy-sis
     40   an-eu-rysm
     41   an-eu-rysms
     42   an-eu-rys-mal
     43   an-iso-trop-ic
     44   an-iso-trop-i-cal-ly
     45   an-isot-ro-pism
     46   an-isot-ropy
     47   an-ni-ver-sary
     48   an-ni-ver-saries
     49   anom-a-ly
     50   anom-a-lies
     51   anti-deriv-a-tive
     52   anti-deriv-a-tives
     53   anti-holo-mor-phic
     54   an-tin-o-my
     55   an-tin-o-mies
     56   anti-nu-clear
     57   anti-nu-cle-on
     58   anti-rev-o-lu-tion-ary
     59   a-peri-odic
     60   apoth-e-o-ses
     61   apoth-e-o-sis
     62   ap-pen-di-ces
     63   ap-pen-dix
     64   ap-pen-dixes
     65   ar-chi-me-dean
     66   ar-chi-pel-ago
     67   ar-chi-pel-a-gos
     68   ar-chive
     69   ar-chives
     70   ar-chiv-ing
     71   ar-chiv-ist
     72   ar-chiv-ists
     73   ar-che-typ-al
     74   ar-che-type
     75   ar-che-types
     76   ar-che-typ-i-cal
     77   arc-tan-gent
     78   arc-tan-gents
     79   a-spher-ic
     80   a-spher-i-cal
     81   as-sign-a-ble
     82   as-sign-or
     83   as-sign-ors
     84   as-sist-ant
     85   as-sist-ance
     86   as-sist-ant-ship
     87   as-sist-ant-ships
     88   as-trol-o-ger
     89   as-trol-o-gers
     90   as-tron-o-mer
     91   as-tron-o-mers
     92   asymp-to-matic
     93   as-ymp-tot-ic
     94   asyn-chro-nous
     95   ath-er-o-scle-ro-sis
     96   at-mos-phere
     97   at-mos-pheres
     98   at-tri-bute
     99   at-trib-uted
    100   at-trib-ut-able
    101   au-to-ma-tion
    102   au-tom-a-ton
    103   au-tom-a-ta
    104   auto-num-ber-ing
    105   au-ton-o-mous
    106   auto-re-gres-sion
    107   auto-re-gres-sive
    108   auto-round-ing
    109   av-oir-du-pois
    110   back-scratcher
    111   back-scratch-ing
    112   band-lead-er
    113   band-lead-ers
    114   bank-rupt
    115   bank-rupts
    116   bank-rupt-cy
    117   bank-rupt-cies
    118   bar-onies
    119   base-line-skip
    120   ba-thym-e-try
    121   bathy-scaphe
    122   bean-ies
    123   be-drag-gle
    124   be-drag-gled
    125   bed-rid-den
    126   bed-rock
    127   be-dwarf
    128   be-dwarfs
    129   be-hav-iour
    130   be-hav-iours
    131   bevies
    132   bib-lio-graph-i-cal
    133   bib-li-og-ra-phy-style
    134   bib-units
    135   bi-dif-fer-en-tial
    136   big-gest
    137   big-shot
    138   big-shots
    139   bill-able
    140   bio-math-e-mat-ics
    141   bio-med-i-cal
    142   bio-med-i-cine
    143   bio-rhythms
    144   bio-weap-ons
    145   bio-weap-on-ry
    146   bit-map
    147   bit-maps
    148   bland-er
    149   bland-est
    150   blind-er
    151   blind-est
    152   blondes
    153   blue-print
    154   blue-prints
    155   bo-lom-e-ter
    156   bo-lom-e-ters
    157   book-sell-er
    158   book-sell-ers
    159   bool-ean
    160   bool-eans
    161   bor-no-log-i-cal
    162   bot-u-lism
    163   brusquer
    164   buf-fer
    165   buf-fers
    166   bun-gee
    167   bun-gees
    168   busier
    169   busi-est
    170   bussing
    171   butted
    172   buzz-word
    173   buzz-words
    174   cache-abil-ity
    175   cache-able
    176   ca-coph-o-ny
    177   ca-coph-o-nies
    178   call-er
    179   call-ers
    180   cam-era-men
    181   cart-wheel
    182   cart-wheels
    183   ca-tarrh
    184   ca-tarrhs
    185   ca-tas-tro-phe
    186   ca-tas-tro-phes
    187   cat-a-stroph-ic
    188   cat-a-stroph-i-cally
    189   ca-tas-tro-phism
    190   cat-e-noid
    191   cat-e-noids
    192   cau-li-flow-er
    193   chan-cery
    194   chap-ar-ral
    195   char-treuse
    196   chemo-kine
    197   chemo-kines
    198   chemo-ther-apy
    199   chemo-ther-a-pies
    200   chloro-meth-ane
    201   chloro-meth-anes
    202   cho-les-teric
    203   cig-a-rette
    204   cig-a-rettes
    205   cinque-foil
    206   co-asso-cia-tive
    207   coch-leas
    208   coch-lear
    209   co-designer
    210   co-designers
    211   co-gnac
    212   co-gnacs
    213   co-ker-nel
    214   co-ker-nels
    215   col-lin-ea-tion
    216   col-umns
    217   com-par-and
    218   com-par-ands
    219   com-pen-dium
    220   com-po-nent-wise
    221   comp-trol-ler
    222   comp-trol-lers
    223   com-put-able
    224   com-put-abil-ity
    225   con-form-able
    226   con-form-ist
    227   con-form-ists
    228   con-form-ity
    229   con-ge-ries
    230   con-gress
    231   con-gresses
    232   con-struc-ted
    233   con-struc-ti-ble
    234   con-struc-ti-bil-ity
    235   con-trib-ute
    236   con-trib-utes
    237   con-trib-uted
    238   copy-right-able
    239   co-re-la-tion
    240   co-re-la-tions
    241   co-re-li-gion-ist
    242   co-re-li-gion-ists
    243   co-re-op-sis
    244   co-re-spon-dent
    245   co-re-spon-dents
    246   co-se-cant
    247   co-semi-sim-ple
    248   co-tan-gent
    249   cour-ses
    250   co-work-er
    251   co-work-ers
    252   crank-case
    253   crank-shaft
    254   croc-o-dile
    255   croc-o-diles
    256   cross-hatch
    257   cross-hatched
    258   cross-hatch-ing
    259   cross-over
    260   cryp-to-gram
    261   cryp-to-grams
    262   cuff-link
    263   cuff-links
    264   cu-nei-form
    265   cus-tom-iz-a-ble
    266   cus-tom-ize
    267   cus-tom-izes
    268   cus-tom-ized
    269   cy-ber-virus
    270   cy-ber-viruses
    271   cy-ber-wea-pon
    272   cy-ber-wea-pons
    273   cy-to-kine
    274   cy-to-kines
    275   dachs-hund
    276   dam-sel-fly
    277   dam-sel-flies
    278   dactyl-o-gram
    279   dactyl-o-graph
    280   data-base
    281   data-bases
    282   data-path
    283   data-paths
    284   date-stamp
    285   date-stamps
    286   de-allo-cate
    287   de-allo-cates
    288   de-allo-cated
    289   de-allo-ca-tion
    290   de-allo-ca-tions
    291   de-clar-able
    292   de-fin-i-tive
    293   de-lec-ta-ble
    294   demi-semi-qua-ver
    295   demi-semi-qua-vers
    296   de-moc-ra-tism
    297   demos
    298   der-i-va-tion
    299   der-i-va-tions
    300   der-i-va-tion-al
    301   de-riv-a-tive
    302   de-riv-a-tives
    303   dia-lec-tic
    304   dia-lec-tics
    305   dia-lec-ti-cian
    306   dia-lec-ti-cians
    307   di-chloro-meth-ane
    308   dif-fract
    309   dif-fracts
    310   dif-frac-tion
    311   dif-frac-tions
    312   direr
    313   dire-ness
    314   dis-par-and
    315   dis-par-ands
    316   dis-traught-ly
    317   dis-trib-ut-able
    318   dis-trib-ute
    319   dis-trib-utes
    320   dis-trib-uted
    321   dis-trib-u-tive
    322   dou-ble-space
    323   dou-ble-spaced
    324   dou-ble-spac-ing
    325   dou-ble-talk
    326   doll-ish
    327   drift-age
    328   driv-ers
    329   drom-e-dary
    330   drom-e-daries
    331   drop-let
    332   drop-lets
    333   du-op-o-list
    334   du-op-o-lists
    335   du-op-o-ly
    336   du-op-o-lies
    337   dys-lexia
    338   dys-lec-tic
    339   dys-topia
    340   east-end-ers
    341   eco-sys-tem
    342   eco-sys-tems
    343   eco-nom-ics
    344   econ-o-mies
    345   econ-o-mist
    346   econ-o-mists
    347   ei-gen-class
    348   ei-gen-classes
    349   ei-gen-val-ue
    350   ei-gen-val-ues
    351   electro-mechan-i-cal
    352   electro-mechano-acoustic
    353   elec-tro-pho-re-sis
    354   elec-tro-pho-ret-ic
    355   elit-ist
    356   elit-ists
    357   en-dos-copy
    358   en-dos-copies
    359   en-tre-pre-neur
    360   en-tre-pre-neurs
    361   en-tre-pre-neur-ial
    362   ep-i-neph-rine
    363   eps-to-pdf
    364   equi-vari-ant
    365   equi-vari-ance
    366   er-go-nom-ic
    367   er-go-nom-ics
    368   er-go-nom-i-cally
    369   es-sence
    370   es-sences
    371   eth-ane
    372   eth-yl-am-ine
    373   eth-yl-ate
    374   eth-yl-ated
    375   eth-yl-ene
    376   ethy-nyl
    377   ethy-nyl-a-tion
    378   eu-sta-chian
    379   ever-si-ble
    380   evert
    381   everts
    382   evert-ed
    383   evert-ing
    384   ex-plan-a-tory
    385   ex-quis-ite
    386   ex-tra-or-di-nary
    387   face-lifts
    388   face-lift-ing
    389   fall-ing
    390   fermi-ons
    391   figu-rine
    392   figu-rines
    393   fi-nite-ly
    394   fla-gel-lum
    395   fla-gel-la
    396   flam-ma-bles
    397   fledg-ling
    398   flow-chart
    399   flow-charts
    400   fluoro-car-bon
    401   fluor-os-copies
    402   fluor-os-copy
    403   for-mi-da-ble
    404   for-mi-da-bly
    405   for-syth-ia
    406   forth-right
    407   free-loader
    408   free-loaders
    409   friend-lier
    410   friend-li-est
    411   fri-vol-ity
    412   fri-vol-i-ties
    413   friv-o-lous
    414   front-end
    415   front-ends
    416   ga-lac-tic
    417   gal-axy
    418   gal-ax-ies
    419   gaz-et-teer
    420   gaz-et-teers
    421   gas-om-e-ter
    422   ge-o-des-ic
    423   ge-o-det-ic
    424   ge-om-eter
    425   ge-om-eters
    426   geo-met-ric
    427   geo-met-rics
    428   ge-o-strophic
    429   geo-ther-mal
    430   ge-ot-ro-pism
    431   giga-nodes
    432   gno-mon
    433   gno-mons
    434   gran-di-ose
    435   grand-uncle
    436   grand-uncles
    437   griev-ance
    438   griev-ances
    439   griev-ous
    440   griev-ous-ly
    441   group-like
    442   hair-style
    443   hair-styles
    444   hair-styl-ist
    445   hair-styl-ists
    446   half-life
    447   half-lives
    448   half-space
    449   half-spaces
    450   half-tone
    451   half-tones
    452   half-way
    453   har-bin-ger
    454   har-bin-gers
    455   har-le-quin
    456   har-le-quins
    457   hatch-eries
    458   hei-nous
    459   he-lio-pause
    460   he-lio-trope
    461   hemi-demi-semi-qua-ver
    462   hemi-demi-semi-qua-vers
    463   he-mo-glo-bin
    464   he-mo-phil-ia
    465   he-mo-phil-iac
    466   he-mo-phil-iacs
    467   hemo-rhe-ol-ogy
    468   he-pat-ic
    469   he-pat-ica
    470   her-maph-ro-dite
    471   her-maph-ro-dit-ic
    472   he-roes
    473   hexa-dec-i-mal
    474   hip-po-po-ta-mus
    475   holo-deck
    476   holo-decks
    477   ho-lo-no-my
    478   ho-meo-mor-phic
    479   ho-meo-mor-phism
    480   ho-meo-stat-ic
    481   ho-meo-stat-ics
    482   ho-meo-sta-sis
    483   ho-mo-thetic
    484   horse-rad-ish
    485   hot-bed
    486   hot-beds
    487   hounds-teeth
    488   hounds-tooth
    489   hy-dro-ther-mal
    490   hy-per-elas-tic-ity
    491   hy-phen-a-tion
    492   hy-phen-a-tions
    493   hy-po-elas-tic-ity
    494   hy-po-thal-a-mus
    495   ico-nog-ra-pher
    496   ico-nog-ra-phers
    497   icon-o-graph-ic
    498   ico-nog-ra-phy
    499   ideals
    500   ideo-graphs
    501   idio-syn-crasy
    502   idio-syn-cra-sies
    503   idio-syn-cratic
    504   idio-syn-crat-i-cal-ly
    505   ig-nit-er
    506   ig-nit-ers
    507   ig-ni-tor
    508   ignore-spaces
    509   il-li-quid
    510   il-li-quid-ity
    511   im-mu-ni-za-tion
    512   im-mu-no-mod-u-la-to-ry
    513   im-ped-ance
    514   im-ped-ances
    515   in-du-bi-ta-ble
    516   in-fin-ite-ly
    517   in-fin-i-tes-i-mal
    518   in-fra-struc-ture
    519   in-fra-struc-tures
    520   input-enc
    521   in-stall-er
    522   in-stall-ers
    523   in-teg-rity
    524   in-ter-dis-ci-pli-nary
    525   in-ter-ga-lac-tic
    526   in-ter-view-ee
    527   in-ter-view-ees
    528   in-utile
    529   in-util-i-ty
    530   ir-ra-tio-nal
    531   ir-re-duc-ible
    532   ir-re-duc-ibly
    533   ir-rev-o-ca-ble
    534   iso-geo-met-ric
    535   iso-geo-met-rics
    536   iso-ther-mal
    537   isot-ropy
    538   iso-trop-ic
    539   itin-er-ary
    540   itin-er-ar-ies
    541   je-re-mi-ads
    542   key-note
    543   key-notes
    544   key-stroke
    545   key-strokes
    546   kilo-nodes
    547   kiln-ing
    548   lac-i-est
    549   lam-en-ta-ble
    550   land-scap-er
    551   land-scap-ers
    552   lar-ce-n
    553   lar-ce-ny
    554   lar-ce-nies
    555   lar-ce-nist
    556   leaf-hop-per
    557   leaf-hop-pers
    558   leaf-let
    559   leaf-lets
    560   let-ter-spaces
    561   let-ter-spaced
    562   let-ter-spac-ing
    563   leu-ko-cyte
    564   leu-ko-cytes
    565   leu-ko-triene
    566   leu-ko-trienes
    567   life-span
    568   life-spans
    569   life-style
    570   life-styles
    571   lift-off
    572   light-weight
    573   lim-ou-sines
    574   line-backer
    575   line-spacing
    576   li-on-ess
    577   li-quid-ity
    578   lith-o-graphed
    579   lith-o-graphs
    580   lo-bot-omy
    581   lo-bot-om-ize
    582   loges
    583   long-est
    584   look-ahead
    585   lo-quac-ity
    586   love-struck
    587   macro-eco-nomic
    588   macro-eco-nomics
    589   macro-econ-omy
    590   make-in-dex
    591   mal-a-prop-ism
    592   mal-a-prop-isms
    593   man-slaugh-ter
    594   man-u-script
    595   man-u-scripts
    596   mar-gin-al
    597   math-e-ma-ti-cian
    598   math-e-ma-ti-cians
    599   mattes
    600   med-ic-aid
    601   medi-ocre
    602   medi-oc-ri-ties
    603   mega-fau-na
    604   mega-fau-nal
    605   mega-lith
    606   mega-liths
    607   mega-nodes
    608   meta-bol-ic
    609   me-tab-o-lism
    610   me-tab-o-lisms
    611   me-tab-o-lite
    612   me-tab-o-lites
    613   meta-form
    614   meta-forms
    615   meta-lan-guage
    616   meta-lan-guages
    617   meta-phor
    618   meta-phors
    619   meta-phor-i-cal
    620   meta-phor-i-cal-ly
    621   meta-sta-bil-ity
    622   meta-stable
    623   meta-table
    624   meta-tables
    625   metem-psy-cho-sis
    626   meth-am-phet-a-mine
    627   meth-ane
    628   meth-od
    629   meth-yl-am-mo-nium
    630   meth-yl-ate
    631   meth-yl-ated
    632   meth-yl-a-tion
    633   meth-yl-ene
    634   me-trop-o-lis
    635   me-trop-o-lises
    636   met-ro-pol-i-tan
    637   met-ro-pol-i-tans
    638   micro-eco-nomic
    639   micro-eco-nomics
    640   micro-econ-omy
    641   micro-en-ter-prise
    642   micro-en-ter-prises
    643   mi-cro-fiche
    644   mi-cro-fiches
    645   micro-organ-ism
    646   micro-organ-isms
    647   mi-cro-struc-ture
    648   mid-after-noon
    649   mill-age
    650   mil-li-liter
    651   mimeo-graphed
    652   mimeo-graphs
    653   mim-ic-ries
    654   mine-sweeper
    655   mine-sweepers
    656   min-is
    657   mini-sym-po-sium
    658   mini-sym-po-sia
    659   mi-nut-er
    660   mi-nut-est
    661   mis-chie-vous-ly
    662   mi-sers
    663   mi-sog-a-my
    664   mne-mon-ic
    665   mne-mon-ics
    666   mod-el-ling
    667   mo-lec-u-lar
    668   mol-e-cule
    669   mol-e-cules
    670   mon-archs
    671   money-len-der
    672   money-len-ders
    673   mono-chrome
    674   mono-en-er-getic
    675   mon-oid
    676   mon-oph-thong
    677   mon-oph-thongs
    678   mono-pole
    679   mono-poles
    680   mo-nop-oly
    681   mono-space
    682   mono-spaced
    683   mono-spacing
    684   mono-spline
    685   mono-splines
    686   mono-strofic
    687   mo-not-o-nies
    688   mo-not-o-nous
    689   mo-ron-ism
    690   mos-qui-to
    691   mos-qui-tos
    692   mos-qui-toes
    693   mud-room
    694   mud-rooms
    695   mul-ti-fac-eted
    696   mul-ti-plic-able
    697   mul-ti-plic-ably
    698   multi-user
    699   name-space
    700   name-spaces
    701   neo-fields
    702   neo-nazi
    703   neo-nazis
    704   neph-ews
    705   neph-rite
    706   neph-ritic
    707   new-est
    708   news-let-ter
    709   news-let-ters
    710   nil-po-tent
    711   nitro-meth-ane
    712   node-list
    713   node-lists
    714   no-name
    715   non-ar-ith-met-ic
    716   non-emer-gency
    717   non-equi-vari-ance
    718   none-the-less
    719   non-euclid-ean
    720   non-iso-mor-phic
    721   non-pseudo-com-pact
    722   non-smooth
    723   non-uni-form
    724   non-uni-form-ly
    725   non-zero
    726   nor-ep-i-neph-rine
    727   not-with-stand-ing
    728   nu-cleo-tide
    729   nu-cleo-tides
    730   nut-crack-er
    731   nut-crack-ers
    732   oer-steds
    733   off-line
    734   off-load
    735   off-loads
    736   off-loaded
    737   oli-gop-o-list
    738   oli-gop-o-lists
    739   oli-gop-oly
    740   oli-gop-ol-ies
    741   om-ni-pres-ent
    742   om-ni-pres-ence
    743   ono-mat-o-poe-ia
    744   ono-mat-o-po-et-ic
    745   op-er-and
    746   op-er-ands
    747   orang-utan
    748   orang-utans
    749   or-tho-don-tist
    750   or-tho-don-tists
    751   or-tho-ker-a-tol-ogy
    752   ortho-nitro-toluene
    753   over-view
    754   over-views
    755   ox-id-ic
    756   pad-ding
    757   page-rank
    758   pain-less-ly
    759   pal-ette
    760   pal-ettes
    761   pa-rab-ola
    762   par-a-bol-ic
    763   pa-rab-o-loid
    764   par-a-digm
    765   par-a-digms
    766   para-chute
    767   para-chutes
    768   para-di-methyl-benzene
    769   para-fluoro-toluene
    770   para-graph-er
    771   para-le-gal
    772   par-al-lel-ism
    773   para-mag-net-ism
    774   para-medic
    775   para-methyl-anisole
    776   pa-ram-e-tri-za-tion
    777   pa-ram-e-trize
    778   para-mil-i-tary
    779   para-mount
    780   path-o-gen-ic
    781   peev-ish
    782   peev-ish-ness
    783   pen-al-ty
    784   pen-al-ties
    785   pen-ta-gon
    786   pen-ta-gons
    787   pe-tro-le-um
    788   phe-nol-phthalein
    789   phe-nom-e-non
    790   phenyl-ala-nine
    791   phi-lat-e-list
    792   phi-lat-e-lists
    793   pho-neme
    794   pho-nemes
    795   pho-ne-mic
    796   phos-phor-ic
    797   pho-to-graphs
    798   pho-to-off-set
    799   phtha-lam-ic
    800   phthal-ate
    801   phthi-sis
    802   pic-a-dor
    803   pic-a-dors
    804   pipe-line
    805   pipe-lines
    806   pipe-lin-ing
    807   pi-ra-nhas
    808   placa-ble
    809   plant-hop-per
    810   plant-hop-pers
    811   pla-teau
    812   pla-teaus
    813   pleas-ance
    814   plug-in
    815   plug-ins
    816   pol-ter-geist
    817   poly-an-dr
    818   poly-an-dry
    819   poly-an-drous
    820   poly-dac-tyl
    821   poly-dac-tyl-lic
    822   poly-ene
    823   poly-eth-yl-ene
    824   po-lyg-a-mist
    825   po-lyg-a-mists
    826   polyg-on-i-za-tion
    827   po-lyg-y-n
    828   po-lyg-y-ny
    829   po-lyg-y-nous
    830   pol-yp
    831   pol-yps
    832   po-lyph-o-n
    833   po-lyph-o-ny
    834   po-lyph-o-nous
    835   poly-phon-ic
    836   poly-styrene
    837   pome-gran-ate
    838   poro-elas-tic
    839   por-ous
    840   por-ta-ble
    841   post-am-ble
    842   post-am-bles
    843   post-hu-mous
    844   post-script
    845   post-scripts
    846   pos-tur-al
    847   pre-am-ble
    848   pre-am-bles
    849   pre-dict-able
    850   pre-fers
    851   pre-loaded
    852   pre-par-ing
    853   pre-print
    854   pre-prints
    855   pre-proces-sor
    856   pre-proces-sors
    857   pres-ent-ly
    858   pre-split-ting
    859   pre-wrap
    860   pre-wrapped
    861   priest-esses
    862   pret-ty-prin-ter
    863   pret-ty-prin-ting
    864   pro-ce-dur-al
    865   process
    866   pro-cur-ance
    867   prog-e-nies
    868   prog-e-ny
    869   pro-gram-mable
    870   pro-kary-ote
    871   pro-kary-otes
    872   pro-kary-ot-ic
    873   prom-i-nent
    874   pro-mis-cu-ous
    875   prom-is-sory
    876   prom-ise
    877   prom-ises
    878   pro-pel-ler
    879   pro-pel-lers
    880   pro-pel-ling
    881   pro-hib-i-tive
    882   pro-hib-i-tive-ly
    883   pro-sciut-to
    884   pros-ta-glan-din
    885   pros-ta-glan-dins
    886   pro-style
    887   pro-styles
    888   pro-test-er
    889   pro-test-ers
    890   pro-tes-tor
    891   pro-tes-tors
    892   pro-to-lan-guage
    893   pro-to-typ-al
    894   prov-ince
    895   prov-inces
    896   pro-vin-cial
    897   pro-virus
    898   pro-viruses
    899   prow-ess
    900   pseu-do-dif-fer-en-tial
    901   pseu-do-fi-nite
    902   pseu-do-fi-nite-ly
    903   pseu-do-forces
    904   pseu-dog-ra-pher
    905   pseu-do-group
    906   pseu-do-groups
    907   pseu-do-nym
    908   pseu-do-nyms
    909   pseu-do-word
    910   pseu-do-words
    911   psy-che-del-ic
    912   psychs
    913   pu-bes-cence
    914   pur-ges
    915   quad-ding
    916   qua-drat-ic
    917   qua-drat-ics
    918   quad-ra-ture
    919   quad-ri-lat-er-al
    920   quad-ri-lat-er-als
    921   quad-ri-pleg-ic
    922   quad-ru-ped
    923   quad-ru-peds
    924   quad-ru-pole
    925   quad-ru-poles
    926   quaint-er
    927   quaint-est
    928   qua-si-equiv-a-lence
    929   qua-si-equiv-a-lences
    930   qua-si-equiv-a-lent
    931   qua-si-hy-po-nor-mal
    932   qua-si-rad-i-cal
    933   qua-si-resid-ual
    934   qua-si-smooth
    935   qua-si-sta-tion-ary
    936   qua-si-topos
    937   qua-si-tri-an-gu-lar
    938   qua-si-triv-ial
    939   quin-tes-sence
    940   quin-tes-sences
    941   quin-tes-sen-tial
    942   rab-bit-ry
    943   ra-di-og-ra-phy
    944   raff-ish
    945   raff-ish-ly
    946   ram-shackle
    947   rav-en-ous
    948   re-allo-cate
    949   re-allo-cates
    950   re-allo-cated
    951   re-arrange
    952   re-arranges
    953   re-arranged
    954   re-arrange-ment
    955   re-arrange-ments
    956   rec-i-proc-i-ties
    957   rec-i-proc-i-ty
    958   rec-tan-gle
    959   rec-tan-gles
    960   rec-tan-gu-lar
    961   re-di-rect
    962   re-di-rect-ion
    963   re-duc-ible
    964   re-echo
    965   re-edu-cate
    966   ref-u-gee
    967   ref-u-gees
    968   re-imple-ment
    969   re-imple-ments
    970   re-imple-mented
    971   re-imple-men-ta-tion
    972   ren-ais-sance
    973   re-phrase
    974   re-phrases
    975   re-phrased
    976   re-po-si-tion
    977   re-po-si-tions
    978   re-print
    979   re-prints
    980   re-print-ed
    981   re-stor-able
    982   retro-fit
    983   retro-fit-ted
    984   re-us-able
    985   re-use
    986   re-wire
    987   re-wrap
    988   re-wrapped
    989   re-write
    990   rhi-noc-er-os
    991   right-eous
    992   right-eous-ness
    993   ring-leader
    994   ring-leaders
    995   ro-bot
    996   ro-bots
    997   ro-botic
    998   ro-bot-ics
    999   roof-top
   1000   roof-tops
   1001   round-table
   1002   round-tables
   1003   sales-clerk
   1004   sales-clerks
   1005   sales-woman
   1006   sales-women
   1007   sa-lient
   1008   sal-mo-nel-la
   1009   sal-ta-tion
   1010   sar-sa-par-il-la
   1011   sat-el-lite
   1012   sat-el-lites
   1013   sauer-kraut
   1014   scat-o-log-i-cal
   1015   scene-shift-er
   1016   scene-shift-ing
   1017   sched-ul-ing
   1018   schiz-o-phrenic
   1019   schnau-zer
   1020   school-child
   1021   school-child-ren
   1022   school-teacher
   1023   school-teach-ers
   1024   scru-ti-ny
   1025   scyth-ing
   1026   sell-er
   1027   sell-ers
   1028   sec-re-tar-iat
   1029   sec-re-tar-iats
   1030   sem-a-phore
   1031   sem-a-phores
   1032   se-mes-ter
   1033   semi-def-i-nite
   1034   semi-di-rect
   1035   semi-ho-mo-thet-ic
   1036   semi-ring
   1037   semi-rings
   1038   semi-sim-ple
   1039   semi-skilled
   1040   sem-itic
   1041   ser-geant
   1042   ser-geants
   1043   sero-epi-de-mi-o-log-i-cal
   1044   ser-vo-me-chan-i-cal
   1045   ser-vo-mech-a-nism
   1046   ser-vo-mech-a-nisms
   1047   ses-qui-pe-da-lian
   1048   set-up
   1049   set-ups
   1050   se-vere-ly
   1051   shap-able
   1052   shape-able
   1053   shoe-string
   1054   shoe-strings
   1055   shop-lift-er
   1056   shop-lift-ing
   1057   show-hy-phens
   1058   side-step
   1059   side-steps
   1060   side-swipe
   1061   sign-age
   1062   single-space
   1063   single-spaced
   1064   single-spacing
   1065   sky-scraper
   1066   sky-scrapers
   1067   sln-uni-code
   1068   smoke-stack
   1069   smoke-stacks
   1070   snor-kel-ing
   1071   so-le-noid
   1072   so-le-noids
   1073   solute
   1074   solutes
   1075   sov-er-eign
   1076   sov-er-eigns
   1077   spa-ces
   1078   spe-cious
   1079   spell-er
   1080   spell-ers
   1081   spell-ing
   1082   spe-lunk-er
   1083   spend-thrift
   1084   spher-oid
   1085   spher-oids
   1086   spher-oid-al
   1087   sphin-ges
   1088   spic-i-ly
   1089   spin-or
   1090   spin-ors
   1091   spokes-man
   1092   spokes-per-son
   1093   spokes-per-sons
   1094   spokes-woman
   1095   spokes-women
   1096   sports-cast
   1097   sports-cast-er
   1098   spor-tive-ly
   1099   sports-wear
   1100   sports-writer
   1101   sports-writers
   1102   spright-lier
   1103   squea-mish
   1104   stand-alone
   1105   star-tling
   1106   star-tling-ly
   1107   sta-tis-tics
   1108   stealth-ily
   1109   steeple-chase
   1110   stereo-graph-ic
   1111   sto-chas-tic
   1112   strange-ness
   1113   strap-hanger
   1114   strat-a-gem
   1115   strat-a-gems
   1116   stretch-i-er
   1117   strip-tease
   1118   strong-est
   1119   strong-hold
   1120   stu-pid-er
   1121   stu-pid-est
   1122   sub-dif-fer-en-tial
   1123   sub-ex-pres-sion
   1124   sub-ex-pres-sions
   1125   sub-node
   1126   sub-nodes
   1127   sub-scrib-er
   1128   sub-scrib-ers
   1129   sub-tables
   1130   sum-ma-ble
   1131   super-deri-va-tion
   1132   super-deri-va-tions
   1133   super-ego
   1134   super-egos
   1135   su-prem-a-cist
   1136   su-prem-a-cists
   1137   sur-gery
   1138   sur-ge-ries
   1139   sur-ges
   1140   sur-veil-lance
   1141   swim-ming-ly
   1142   symp-to-matic
   1143   syn-chro-mesh
   1144   syn-chro-nous
   1145   syn-chro-tron
   1146   taff-rail
   1147   take-over
   1148   take-overs
   1149   talk-a-tive
   1150   ta-pes-try
   1151   ta-pes-tries
   1152   tar-pau-lin
   1153   tar-pau-lins
   1154   te-leg-ra-pher
   1155   te-leg-ra-phers
   1156   tele-ki-net-ic
   1157   tele-ki-net-ics
   1158   tele-ro-bot-ics
   1159   tell-er
   1160   tell-ers
   1161   tem-po-rar-ily
   1162   ten-ure
   1163   test-bed
   1164   tera-nodes
   1165   tetra-butyl-ammo-nium
   1166   text-height
   1167   text-length
   1168   text-width
   1169   thal-a-mus
   1170   ther-mo-elas-tic
   1171   time-stamp
   1172   time-stamps
   1173   tool-kit
   1174   tool-kits
   1175   topo-graph-i-cal
   1176   topo-iso-mer-ase
   1177   topo-iso-mer-ases
   1178   toques
   1179   trai-tor-ous
   1180   trans-ceiver
   1181   trans-ceivers
   1182   trans-par-en-cy
   1183   trans-par-en-cies
   1184   trans-gress
   1185   trans-ver-sal
   1186   trans-ver-sals
   1187   trans-ves-tite
   1188   trans-ves-tites
   1189   tra-vers-a-ble
   1190   tra-ver-sal
   1191   tra-ver-sals
   1192   tri-ethyl-amine
   1193   treach-eries
   1194   tribes-man
   1195   trip-let
   1196   trip-lets
   1197   tri-plex
   1198   tri-plex-es
   1199   trou-ba-dour
   1200   tur-key
   1201   tur-keys
   1202   turn-around
   1203   turn-arounds
   1204   typ-al
   1205   un-at-tached
   1206   un-err-ing-ly
   1207   un-friend-ly
   1208   un-friend-li-er
   1209   un-in-stan-ti-at-ed
   1210   vaguer
   1211   vaude-ville
   1212   vic-ars
   1213   vil-lain-ess
   1214   vis-ual
   1215   vis-ual-ly
   1216   vi-vip-a-rous
   1217   voice-print
   1218   vspace
   1219   wad-ding
   1220   wall-flower
   1221   wall-flow-ers
   1222   warm-er
   1223   warm-est
   1224   waste-water
   1225   wave-guide
   1226   wave-guides
   1227   wave-let
   1228   wave-lets
   1229   weap-ons
   1230   weap-on-ry
   1231   web-like
   1232   web-log
   1233   web-logs
   1234   week-night
   1235   week-nights
   1236   weight-lift-er
   1237   weight-lift-ing
   1238   wheel-chair
   1239   wheel-chairs
   1240   which-ever
   1241   white-sided
   1242   white-space
   1243   white-spaces
   1244   wide-spread
   1245   wing-span
   1246   wing-spans
   1247   wing-spread
   1248   witch-craft
   1249   word-spac-ing
   1250   work-around
   1251   work-arounds
   1252   work-horse
   1253   work-horses
   1254   wrap-around
   1255   wrap-arounds
   1256   wretch-ed
   1257   wretch-ed-ly
   1258   yes-ter-year
   1259   Alex-an-der
   1260   Alex-an-drine
   1261   al-ge-brai-sche
   1262   Al-gon-quian
   1263   Al-gon-quin
   1264   Al-le-ghe-ny
   1265   Apol-lo-dorus
   1266   Ar-kan-sas
   1267   ATP-ase
   1268   ATP-ases
   1269   Auf-lage
   1270   Aus-tral-asian
   1271   auto-ma-ti-sier-ter
   1272   Beb-chuk
   1273   Be-die-nung
   1274   Bembo
   1275   bi-blio-gra-phi-sche
   1276   Bos-ton
   1277   Brown-ian
   1278   Bruns-wick
   1279   Bu-da-pest
   1280   Burck-hardt
   1281   Cara-theo-dory
   1282   Car-ib-bean
   1283   Charles-ton
   1284   Char-lottes-ville
   1285   Ches-ter
   1286   Chiang
   1287   Chich-es-ter
   1288   Cohen
   1289   Co-lum-bia
   1290   Czecho-slo-va-kia
   1291   Del-a-ware
   1292   Dijk-stra
   1293   Dor-ches-ter
   1294   Dorf-leit-ner
   1295   Drechs-ler
   1296   Duane
   1297   dy-na-mi-sche
   1298   Eijk-hout
   1299   Engle
   1300   Engel
   1301   Eng-lish
   1302   Euler-ian
   1303   Evan-ston
   1304   Feb-ru-ary
   1305   Fest-schrift
   1306   Flor-i-da
   1307   Flor-i-d-ian
   1308   For-schungs-in-sti-tut
   1309   Free-BSD
   1310   funk-tsional
   1311   Gauss-ian
   1312   Ge-sell-schaft
   1313   Ghost-script
   1314   Ghost-View
   1315   Gott-fried
   1316   Gott-lieb
   1317   Grass-mann-ian
   1318   Greifs-wald
   1319   Grothen-dieck
   1320   Grund-leh-ren
   1321   Ha-da-mard
   1322   Hai-fa
   1323   Hamil-ton-ian
   1324   Hel-sinki
   1325   Her-mit-ian
   1326   Hibbs
   1327   Hoef-ler
   1328   Hoek-water
   1329   Hok-kai-do
   1330   Huber
   1331   Image-Magick
   1332   Jac-kow-ski
   1333   Jan-u-ary
   1334   Ja-pa-nese
   1335   Java-Script
   1336   Jung-ian
   1337   Kad-om-tsev
   1338   Kan-sas
   1339   Karls-ruhe
   1340   Keynes-ian
   1341   Kor-te-weg
   1342   Krishna
   1343   Krish-na-ism
   1344   Krish-nan
   1345   Kron-ecker
   1346   Lan-cas-ter
   1347   Le-gendre
   1348   Leices-ter
   1349   Lip-schitz
   1350   Lip-schitz-ian
   1351   Loj-ban
   1352   Lou-i-si-ana
   1353   Lucas
   1354   MacBeth
   1355   Mac-OS
   1356   Ma-gel-lan
   1357   Ma-la-ya-lam
   1358   Man-ches-ter
   1359   Mar-kov-ian
   1360   Markt-ober-dorf
   1361   Mass-a-chu-setts
   1362   Max-well
   1363   Meth-od-ist
   1364   Meth-od-ism
   1365   Mi-cro-soft
   1366   Min-kow-ski
   1367   Min-ne-ap-o-lis
   1368   Min-ne-sota
   1369   Mont-real
   1370   Mos-cow
   1371   Nach-rich-ten
   1372   Nash-ville
   1373   Net-BSD
   1374   Net-scape
   1375   Nietz-sche
   1376   Nij-me-gen
   1377   Noe-ther-ian
   1378   Noord-wijker-hout
   1379   Noto-wi-digdo
   1380   No-vem-ber
   1381   Obst-feld
   1382   Open-BSD
   1383   Open-Office
   1384   Oreo-pou-los
   1385   Pala-tino
   1386   Pa-ler-mo
   1387   Pe-trov-ski
   1388   Pfaff-ian
   1389   Phil-a-del-phia
   1390   phi-lo-so-phi-sche
   1391   Poin-care
   1392   Po-ten-tial-glei-chung
   1393   Po-to-mac
   1394   Pres-by-terian
   1395   Pres-by-terians
   1396   Pyong-yang
   1397   Py-thag-o-ras
   1398   Py-thag-o-re-an
   1399   Ra-dha-krish-nan
   1400   raths-kel-ler
   1401   Ravi-kumar
   1402   Reich-lin
   1403   Rie-mann-ian
   1404   Ryd-berg
   1405   Schim-mel-pfen-nig
   1406   schot-ti-sche
   1407   Schro-din-ger
   1408   Schwa-ba-cher
   1409   Schwarz-schild
   1410   Schweid-nitz
   1411   Schwert
   1412   Sep-tem-ber
   1413   Shore-ditch
   1414   Skoup
   1415   Stokes-sche
   1416   Stutt-gart
   1417   Sus-que-han-na
   1418   Tau-ber-ian
   1419   tech-ni-sche
   1420   Ten-nes-see
   1421   Thiruv-ananda-puram
   1422   Tol-ches-ter
   1423   To-ma-szew-ski
   1424   Toyo-ta
   1425   ty-po-graphique
   1426   Ukrain-ian
   1427   ver-all-ge-mei-nerte
   1428   Ver-ei-ni-gung
   1429   Ver-tei-lun-gen
   1430   Vid-ias-sov
   1431   Vieth
   1432   viiith
   1433   viith
   1434   Wahr-schein-lich-keits-theo-rie
   1435   Wein-stein
   1436   Werk-zeuge
   1437   Wer-ner
   1438   Wer-ther-ian
   1439   Will-iam
   1440   Will-iams
   1441   Win-ches-ter
   1442   Wirt-schaft
   1443   wis-sen-schaft-lich
   1444   Wolff-ian
   1445   xviiith
   1446   xviith
   1447   xxiiird
   1448   xxiind
   1449   Ying-yong Shu-xue Ji-suan
   1450   Zea-land
   1451   Zeit-schrift
   1452 }
   1454 % EOF