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      2 //  2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
      3 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
      4 /*
      5  *******************************************************************************
      6  * Copyright (C) 1996-2008, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
      7  * others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
      8  *******************************************************************************
      9  */
     10 package android.icu.dev.test.util;
     12 import java.util.ArrayList;
     13 import java.util.Arrays;
     14 import java.util.Date;
     15 import java.util.Enumeration;
     16 import java.util.HashMap;
     17 import java.util.Map;
     18 import java.util.Set;
     19 import java.util.TreeMap;
     20 import java.util.TreeSet;
     22 import org.junit.Ignore;
     23 import org.junit.Test;
     24 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
     25 import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
     27 import android.icu.dev.test.TestFmwk;
     28 import android.icu.impl.ICUResourceBundle;
     29 import android.icu.util.Calendar;
     30 import android.icu.util.Currency;
     31 import android.icu.util.GregorianCalendar;
     32 import android.icu.util.TimeZone;
     33 import android.icu.util.ULocale;
     34 import android.icu.util.UResourceBundle;
     35 import android.icu.testsharding.MainTestShard;
     37 // TODO(junit): test is broken in main branch
     39 @MainTestShard
     40 @RunWith(JUnit4.class)
     41 public class DisplayNameTest extends TestFmwk {
     42     static final boolean SHOW_ALL = false;
     44     interface DisplayNameGetter {
     45         public String get(ULocale locale, String code, Object context);
     46     }
     48     Map[] codeToName = new Map[10];
     49     {
     50         for (int k = 0; k < codeToName.length; ++k) codeToName[k] = new HashMap();
     51     }
     53     static final Object[] zoneFormats = {new Integer(0), new Integer(1), new Integer(2),
     54         new Integer(3), new Integer(4), new Integer(5), new Integer(6), new Integer(7)};
     55     static final Object[] currencyFormats = {new Integer(Currency.SYMBOL_NAME), new Integer(Currency.LONG_NAME)};
     56     static final Object[] NO_CONTEXT = {null};
     58     static final Date JAN1;
     59     static final Date JULY1;
     61     static {
     62         Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(2004, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
     63         JAN1 = cal.getTime();
     64         cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.JULY);
     65         JULY1 = cal.getTime();
     66     }
     68     String[] countries = addUnknown(ULocale.getISOCountries(),2);
     69     String[] languages = addUnknown(ULocale.getISOLanguages(),2);
     70     String[] zones = addUnknown(getRealZoneIDs(),5);
     71     String[] scripts = addUnknown(getCodes(new ULocale("en","US",""), "Scripts"),4);
     72     // TODO fix once there is a way to get a list of all script codes
     73     String[] currencies = addUnknown(getCodes(new ULocale("en","",""), "Currencies"),3);
     74     // TODO fix once there is a way to get a list of all currency codes
     76     @Ignore
     77     @Test
     78     public void TestLocales() {
     79         ULocale[] locales = ULocale.getAvailableLocales();
     80         for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; ++i) {
     81             checkLocale(locales[i]);
     82         }
     83     }
     85     /**
     86      * @return
     87      */
     88     private String[] getRealZoneIDs() {
     89         Set temp = new TreeSet(Arrays.asList(TimeZone.getAvailableIDs()));
     90         temp.removeAll(getAliasMap().keySet());
     91         return (String[])temp.toArray(new String[temp.size()]);
     92     }
     94     @Ignore
     95     @Test
     96     public void TestEnglish() {
     97         checkLocale(ULocale.ENGLISH);
     98     }
    100     @Ignore
    101     @Test
    102     public void TestFrench() {
    103         checkLocale(ULocale.FRENCH);
    104     }
    106     private void checkLocale(ULocale locale) {
    107         logln("Checking " + locale);
    108         check("Language", locale, languages, null, new DisplayNameGetter() {
    109             @Override
    110             public String get(ULocale loc, String code, Object context) {
    111                 return ULocale.getDisplayLanguage(code, loc);
    112             }
    113         });
    114         check("Script", locale, scripts, null, new DisplayNameGetter() {
    115             @Override
    116             public String get(ULocale loc, String code, Object context) {
    117                 // TODO This is kinda a hack; ought to be direct way.
    118                 return ULocale.getDisplayScript("en_"+code, loc);
    119             }
    120         });
    121         check("Country", locale, countries, null, new DisplayNameGetter() {
    122             @Override
    123             public String get(ULocale loc, String code, Object context) {
    124                 // TODO This is kinda a hack; ought to be direct way.
    125                 return ULocale.getDisplayCountry("en_"+code, loc);
    126             }
    127         });
    128         check("Currencies", locale, currencies, currencyFormats, new DisplayNameGetter() {
    129             @Override
    130             public String get(ULocale loc, String code, Object context) {
    131                 Currency s = Currency.getInstance(code);
    132                 return s.getName(loc, ((Integer)context).intValue(), new boolean[1]);
    133             }
    134         });
    135         // comment this out, because the zone string information is lost
    136         // we'd have to access the resources directly to test them
    138         check("Zones", locale, zones, zoneFormats, new DisplayNameGetter() {
    139             // TODO replace once we have real API
    140             @Override
    141             public String get(ULocale loc, String code, Object context) {
    142                 return getZoneString(loc, code, ((Integer)context).intValue());
    143             }
    144         });
    146     }
    148     Map zoneData = new HashMap();
    150     private String getZoneString(ULocale locale, String olsonID, int item) {
    151         Map data = (Map)zoneData.get(locale);
    152         if (data == null) {
    153             data = new HashMap();
    154             if (SHOW_ALL) System.out.println();
    155             if (SHOW_ALL) System.out.println("zones for " + locale);
    156             ICUResourceBundle bundle = (ICUResourceBundle)UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(locale);
    157             ICUResourceBundle table = bundle.getWithFallback("zoneStrings");
    158             for (int i = 0; i < table.getSize(); ++i) {
    159                 UResourceBundle stringSet = table.get(i);
    160                 //ICUResourceBundle stringSet = table.getWithFallback(String.valueOf(i));
    161                 String key = stringSet.getString(0);
    162                 if (SHOW_ALL) System.out.println("key: " + key);
    163                 ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
    164                 for (int j = 1; j < stringSet.getSize(); ++j) {
    165                     String entry = stringSet.getString(j);
    166                     if (SHOW_ALL) System.out.println("  entry: " + entry);
    167                     list.add(entry);
    168                 }
    169                 data.put(key, list.toArray(new String[list.size()]));
    170             }
    171             zoneData.put(locale, data);
    172         }
    173         String[] strings = (String[]) data.get(olsonID);
    174         if (strings == null || item >= strings.length) return olsonID;
    175         return strings[item];
    176     }
    178     static String[][] zonesAliases = {
    179         {"America/Atka", "America/Atka"},
    180         {"America/Ensenada", "America/Ensenada"},
    181         {"America/Fort_Wayne", "America/Fort_Wayne"},
    182         {"America/Indiana/Indianapolis", "America/Indiana/Indianapolis"},
    183         {"America/Kentucky/Louisville", "America/Kentucky/Louisville"},
    184         {"America/Knox_IN", "America/Knox_IN"},
    185         {"America/Porto_Acre", "America/Porto_Acre"},
    186         {"America/Rosario", "America/Rosario"},
    187         {"America/Shiprock", "America/Shiprock"},
    188         {"America/Virgin", "America/Virgin"},
    189         {"Antarctica/South_Pole", "Antarctica/South_Pole"},
    190         {"Arctic/Longyearbyen", "Arctic/Longyearbyen"},
    191         {"Asia/Ashkhabad", "Asia/Ashkhabad"},
    192         {"Asia/Chungking", "Asia/Chungking"},
    193         {"Asia/Dacca", "Asia/Dacca"},
    194         {"Asia/Istanbul", "Asia/Istanbul"},
    195         {"Asia/Macao", "Asia/Macao"},
    196         {"Asia/Tel_Aviv", "Asia/Tel_Aviv"},
    197         {"Asia/Thimbu", "Asia/Thimbu"},
    198         {"Asia/Ujung_Pandang", "Asia/Ujung_Pandang"},
    199         {"Asia/Ulan_Bator", "Asia/Ulan_Bator"},
    200         {"Australia/ACT", "Australia/ACT"},
    201         {"Australia/Canberra", "Australia/Canberra"},
    202         {"Australia/LHI", "Australia/LHI"},
    203         {"Australia/NSW", "Australia/NSW"},
    204         {"Australia/North", "Australia/North"},
    205         {"Australia/Queensland", "Australia/Queensland"},
    206         {"Australia/South", "Australia/South"},
    207         {"Australia/Tasmania", "Australia/Tasmania"},
    208         {"Australia/Victoria", "Australia/Victoria"},
    209         {"Australia/West", "Australia/West"},
    210         {"Australia/Yancowinna", "Australia/Yancowinna"},
    211         {"Brazil/Acre", "Brazil/Acre"},
    212         {"Brazil/DeNoronha", "Brazil/DeNoronha"},
    213         {"Brazil/East", "Brazil/East"},
    214         {"Brazil/West", "Brazil/West"},
    215         {"CST6CDT", "CST6CDT"},
    216         {"Canada/Atlantic", "Canada/Atlantic"},
    217         {"Canada/Central", "Canada/Central"},
    218         {"Canada/East-Saskatchewan", "Canada/East-Saskatchewan"},
    219         {"Canada/Eastern", "Canada/Eastern"},
    220         {"Canada/Mountain", "Canada/Mountain"},
    221         {"Canada/Newfoundland", "Canada/Newfoundland"},
    222         {"Canada/Pacific", "Canada/Pacific"},
    223         {"Canada/Saskatchewan", "Canada/Saskatchewan"},
    224         {"Canada/Yukon", "Canada/Yukon"},
    225         {"Chile/Continental", "Chile/Continental"},
    226         {"Chile/EasterIsland", "Chile/EasterIsland"},
    227         {"Cuba", "Cuba"},
    228         {"EST", "EST"},
    229         {"EST5EDT", "EST5EDT"},
    230         {"Egypt", "Egypt"},
    231         {"Eire", "Eire"},
    232         {"Etc/GMT+0", "Etc/GMT+0"},
    233         {"Etc/GMT-0", "Etc/GMT-0"},
    234         {"Etc/GMT0", "Etc/GMT0"},
    235         {"Etc/Greenwich", "Etc/Greenwich"},
    236         {"Etc/Universal", "Etc/Universal"},
    237         {"Etc/Zulu", "Etc/Zulu"},
    238         {"Europe/Nicosia", "Europe/Nicosia"},
    239         {"Europe/Tiraspol", "Europe/Tiraspol"},
    240         {"GB", "GB"},
    241         {"GB-Eire", "GB-Eire"},
    242         {"GMT", "GMT"},
    243         {"GMT+0", "GMT+0"},
    244         {"GMT-0", "GMT-0"},
    245         {"GMT0", "GMT0"},
    246         {"Greenwich", "Greenwich"},
    247         {"HST", "HST"},
    248         {"Hongkong", "Hongkong"},
    249         {"Iceland", "Iceland"},
    250         {"Iran", "Iran"},
    251         {"Israel", "Israel"},
    252         {"Jamaica", "Jamaica"},
    253         {"Japan", "Japan"},
    254         {"Kwajalein", "Kwajalein"},
    255         {"Libya", "Libya"},
    256         {"MST", "MST"},
    257         {"MST7MDT", "MST7MDT"},
    258         {"Mexico/BajaNorte", "Mexico/BajaNorte"},
    259         {"Mexico/BajaSur", "Mexico/BajaSur"},
    260         {"Mexico/General", "Mexico/General"},
    261         {"Mideast/Riyadh87", "Mideast/Riyadh87"},
    262         {"Mideast/Riyadh88", "Mideast/Riyadh88"},
    263         {"Mideast/Riyadh89", "Mideast/Riyadh89"},
    264         {"NZ", "NZ"},
    265         {"NZ-CHAT", "NZ-CHAT"},
    266         {"Navajo", "Navajo"},
    267         {"PRC", "PRC"},
    268         {"PST8PDT", "PST8PDT"},
    269         {"Pacific/Samoa", "Pacific/Samoa"},
    270         {"Poland", "Poland"},
    271         {"Portugal", "Portugal"},
    272         {"ROC", "ROC"},
    273         {"ROK", "ROK"},
    274         {"Singapore", "Singapore"},
    275         {"SystemV/AST4", "SystemV/AST4"},
    276         {"SystemV/AST4ADT", "SystemV/AST4ADT"},
    277         {"SystemV/CST6", "SystemV/CST6"},
    278         {"SystemV/CST6CDT", "SystemV/CST6CDT"},
    279         {"SystemV/EST5", "SystemV/EST5"},
    280         {"SystemV/EST5EDT", "SystemV/EST5EDT"},
    281         {"SystemV/HST10", "SystemV/HST10"},
    282         {"SystemV/MST7", "SystemV/MST7"},
    283         {"SystemV/MST7MDT", "SystemV/MST7MDT"},
    284         {"SystemV/PST8", "SystemV/PST8"},
    285         {"SystemV/PST8PDT", "SystemV/PST8PDT"},
    286         {"SystemV/YST9", "SystemV/YST9"},
    287         {"SystemV/YST9YDT", "SystemV/YST9YDT"},
    288         {"Turkey", "Turkey"},
    289         {"UCT", "UCT"},
    290         {"US/Alaska", "US/Alaska"},
    291         {"US/Aleutian", "US/Aleutian"},
    292         {"US/Arizona", "US/Arizona"},
    293         {"US/Central", "US/Central"},
    294         {"US/East-Indiana", "US/East-Indiana"},
    295         {"US/Eastern", "US/Eastern"},
    296         {"US/Hawaii", "US/Hawaii"},
    297         {"US/Indiana-Starke", "US/Indiana-Starke"},
    298         {"US/Michigan", "US/Michigan"},
    299         {"US/Mountain", "US/Mountain"},
    300         {"US/Pacific", "US/Pacific"},
    301         {"US/Pacific-New", "US/Pacific-New"},
    302         {"US/Samoa", "US/Samoa"},
    303         {"UTC", "UTC"},
    304         {"Universal", "Universal"},
    305         {"W-SU", "W-SU"},
    306         {"Zulu", "Zulu"},
    307         {"ACT", "ACT"},
    308         {"AET", "AET"},
    309         {"AGT", "AGT"},
    310         {"ART", "ART"},
    311         {"AST", "AST"},
    312         {"BET", "BET"},
    313         {"BST", "BST"},
    314         {"CAT", "CAT"},
    315         {"CNT", "CNT"},
    316         {"CST", "CST"},
    317         {"CTT", "CTT"},
    318         {"EAT", "EAT"},
    319         {"ECT", "ECT"},
    320         {"IET", "IET"},
    321         {"IST", "IST"},
    322         {"JST", "JST"},
    323         {"MIT", "MIT"},
    324         {"NET", "NET"},
    325         {"NST", "NST"},
    326         {"PLT", "PLT"},
    327         {"PNT", "PNT"},
    328         {"PRT", "PRT"},
    329         {"PST", "PST"},
    330         {"SST", "SST"},
    331         {"VST", "VST"},
    332     };
    334     /**
    335      * Hack to get code list
    336      * @return
    337      */
    338     private static String[] getCodes(ULocale locale, String tableName) {
    339         // TODO remove Ugly Hack
    340         // get stuff
    341         ICUResourceBundle bundle = (ICUResourceBundle)UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(locale);
    342         ICUResourceBundle table = bundle.getWithFallback(tableName);
    343         // copy into array
    344         ArrayList stuff = new ArrayList();
    345         for (Enumeration keys = table.getKeys(); keys.hasMoreElements();) {
    346             stuff.add(keys.nextElement());
    347         }
    348         String[] result = new String[stuff.size()];
    349         return (String[]) stuff.toArray(result);
    350         //return new String[] {"Latn", "Cyrl"};
    351     }
    353     /**
    354      * Add two unknown strings, just to make sure they get passed through without colliding
    355      * @param strings
    356      * @return
    357      */
    358     private String[] addUnknown(String[] strings, int len) {
    359         String[] result = new String[strings.length + 2];
    360         result[0] = "x1unknown".substring(0,len);
    361         result[1] = "y1nknown".substring(0,len);
    362         System.arraycopy(strings,0,result,2,strings.length);
    363         return result;
    364     }
    366     Map bogusZones = null;
    368     private Map getAliasMap() {
    369         if (bogusZones == null) {
    370             bogusZones = new TreeMap();
    371             for (int i = 0; i < zonesAliases.length; ++i) {
    372                 bogusZones.put(zonesAliases[i][0], zonesAliases[i][1]);
    373             }
    374         }
    375         return bogusZones;
    376     }
    379     private void check(String type, ULocale locale,
    380       String[] codes, Object[] contextList, DisplayNameGetter getter) {
    381         if (contextList == null) contextList = NO_CONTEXT;
    382         for (int k = 0; k < contextList.length; ++k) codeToName[k].clear();
    383         for (int j = 0; j < codes.length; ++j) {
    384             String code = codes[j];
    385             for (int k = 0; k < contextList.length; ++k) {
    386                 Object context = contextList[k];
    387                 String name = getter.get(locale, code, context);
    388                 if (name == null || name.length() == 0) {
    389                     errln(
    390                         "Null or Zero-Length Display Name\t" + type
    391                         + "\t(" + ((context != null) ? context : "") + ")"
    392                         + ":\t" + locale + " [" + locale.getDisplayName(ULocale.ENGLISH) + "]"
    393                         + "\t" + code + " [" + getter.get(ULocale.ENGLISH, code, context) + "]"
    394                     );
    395                     continue;
    396                 }
    397                 String otherCode = (String) codeToName[k].get(name);
    398                 if (otherCode != null) {
    399                     errln(
    400                         "Display Names collide for\t" + type                        + "\t(" + ((context != null) ? context : "") + ")"
    401                         + ":\t" + locale + " [" + locale.getDisplayName(ULocale.ENGLISH) + "]"
    402                         + "\t" + code + " [" + getter.get(ULocale.ENGLISH, code, context) + "]"
    403                         + "\t& " + otherCode + " [" + getter.get(ULocale.ENGLISH, otherCode, context) + "]"
    404                         + "\t=> " + name
    405                     );
    406                 } else {
    407                     codeToName[k].put(name, code);
    408                     if (SHOW_ALL) logln(
    409                         type
    410                         + " (" + ((context != null) ? context : "") + ")"
    411                         + "\t" + locale + " [" + locale.getDisplayName(ULocale.ENGLISH) + "]"
    412                         + "\t" + code + "[" + getter.get(ULocale.ENGLISH, code, context) + "]"
    413                         + "\t=> " + name
    414                     );
    415                 }
    416             }
    417         }
    418     }
    419 }