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      1 //  2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
      2 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
      3 /********************************************************************
      4  * Copyright (c) 1997-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
      5  * others. All Rights Reserved.
      6  ********************************************************************/
      8 #include "unicode/ustring.h"
      9 #include "unicode/uchar.h"
     10 #include "unicode/uniset.h"
     11 #include "unicode/putil.h"
     12 #include "unicode/uscript.h"
     13 #include "cstring.h"
     14 #include "hash.h"
     15 #include "patternprops.h"
     16 #include "normalizer2impl.h"
     17 #include "uparse.h"
     18 #include "ucdtest.h"
     20 static const char *ignorePropNames[]={
     21     "FC_NFKC",
     22     "NFD_QC",
     23     "NFC_QC",
     24     "NFKD_QC",
     25     "NFKC_QC",
     26     "Expands_On_NFD",
     27     "Expands_On_NFC",
     28     "Expands_On_NFKD",
     29     "Expands_On_NFKC",
     30     "NFKC_CF"
     31 };
     33 UnicodeTest::UnicodeTest()
     34 {
     35     UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
     36     unknownPropertyNames=new U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER Hashtable(errorCode);
     37     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
     38         delete unknownPropertyNames;
     39         unknownPropertyNames=NULL;
     40     }
     41     // Ignore some property names altogether.
     42     for(int32_t i=0; i<UPRV_LENGTHOF(ignorePropNames); ++i) {
     43         unknownPropertyNames->puti(UnicodeString(ignorePropNames[i], -1, US_INV), 1, errorCode);
     44     }
     45 }
     47 UnicodeTest::~UnicodeTest()
     48 {
     49     delete unknownPropertyNames;
     50 }
     52 void UnicodeTest::runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* /*par*/ )
     53 {
     54     if(exec) {
     55         logln("TestSuite UnicodeTest: ");
     56     }
     58     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestAdditionalProperties);
     59     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestBinaryValues);
     60     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestConsistency);
     61     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestPatternProperties);
     62     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestScriptMetadata);
     63     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestBidiPairedBracketType);
     64     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestEmojiProperties);
     65     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestDefaultScriptExtensions);
     66     TESTCASE_AUTO_END;
     67 }
     69 //====================================================
     70 // private data used by the tests
     71 //====================================================
     73 // test DerivedCoreProperties.txt -------------------------------------------
     75 // copied from genprops.c
     76 static int32_t
     77 getTokenIndex(const char *const tokens[], int32_t countTokens, const char *s) {
     78     const char *t, *z;
     79     int32_t i, j;
     81     s=u_skipWhitespace(s);
     82     for(i=0; i<countTokens; ++i) {
     83         t=tokens[i];
     84         if(t!=NULL) {
     85             for(j=0;; ++j) {
     86                 if(t[j]!=0) {
     87                     if(s[j]!=t[j]) {
     88                         break;
     89                     }
     90                 } else {
     91                     z=u_skipWhitespace(s+j);
     92                     if(*z==';' || *z==0) {
     93                         return i;
     94                     } else {
     95                         break;
     96                     }
     97                 }
     98             }
     99         }
    100     }
    101     return -1;
    102 }
    104 static const char *const
    105 derivedPropsNames[]={
    106     "Math",
    107     "Alphabetic",
    108     "Lowercase",
    109     "Uppercase",
    110     "ID_Start",
    111     "ID_Continue",
    112     "XID_Start",
    113     "XID_Continue",
    114     "Default_Ignorable_Code_Point",
    115     "Full_Composition_Exclusion",
    116     "Grapheme_Extend",
    117     "Grapheme_Link", /* Unicode 5 moves this property here from PropList.txt */
    118     "Grapheme_Base",
    119     "Cased",
    120     "Case_Ignorable",
    121     "Changes_When_Lowercased",
    122     "Changes_When_Uppercased",
    123     "Changes_When_Titlecased",
    124     "Changes_When_Casefolded",
    125     "Changes_When_Casemapped",
    126     "Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded"
    127 };
    129 static const UProperty
    130 derivedPropsIndex[]={
    131     UCHAR_MATH,
    133     UCHAR_LOWERCASE,
    134     UCHAR_UPPERCASE,
    135     UCHAR_ID_START,
    136     UCHAR_ID_CONTINUE,
    137     UCHAR_XID_START,
    144     UCHAR_CASED,
    152 };
    154 static int32_t numErrors[UPRV_LENGTHOF(derivedPropsIndex)]={ 0 };
    156 enum { MAX_ERRORS=50 };
    158 U_CFUNC void U_CALLCONV
    159 derivedPropsLineFn(void *context,
    160                    char *fields[][2], int32_t /* fieldCount */,
    161                    UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
    162 {
    163     UnicodeTest *me=(UnicodeTest *)context;
    164     uint32_t start, end;
    165     int32_t i;
    167     u_parseCodePointRange(fields[0][0], &start, &end, pErrorCode);
    168     if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
    169         me->errln("UnicodeTest: syntax error in DerivedCoreProperties.txt or DerivedNormalizationProps.txt field 0 at %s\n", fields[0][0]);
    170         return;
    171     }
    173     /* parse derived binary property name, ignore unknown names */
    174     i=getTokenIndex(derivedPropsNames, UPRV_LENGTHOF(derivedPropsNames), fields[1][0]);
    175     if(i<0) {
    176         UnicodeString propName(fields[1][0], (int32_t)(fields[1][1]-fields[1][0]));
    177         propName.trim();
    178         if(me->unknownPropertyNames->find(propName)==NULL) {
    179             UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    180             me->unknownPropertyNames->puti(propName, 1, errorCode);
    181             me->errln("UnicodeTest warning: unknown property name '%s' in DerivedCoreProperties.txt or DerivedNormalizationProps.txt\n", fields[1][0]);
    182         }
    183         return;
    184     }
    186     me->derivedProps[i].add(start, end);
    187 }
    189 void UnicodeTest::TestAdditionalProperties() {
    191     // test DerivedCoreProperties.txt and DerivedNormalizationProps.txt
    192     if(UPRV_LENGTHOF(derivedProps)<UPRV_LENGTHOF(derivedPropsNames)) {
    193         errln("error: UnicodeTest::derivedProps[] too short, need at least %d UnicodeSets\n",
    194               UPRV_LENGTHOF(derivedPropsNames));
    195         return;
    196     }
    197     if(UPRV_LENGTHOF(derivedPropsIndex)!=UPRV_LENGTHOF(derivedPropsNames)) {
    198         errln("error in ucdtest.cpp: UPRV_LENGTHOF(derivedPropsIndex)!=UPRV_LENGTHOF(derivedPropsNames)\n");
    199         return;
    200     }
    202     char path[500];
    203     if(getUnidataPath(path) == NULL) {
    204         errln("unable to find path to source/data/unidata/");
    205         return;
    206     }
    207     char *basename=strchr(path, 0);
    208     strcpy(basename, "DerivedCoreProperties.txt");
    210     char *fields[2][2];
    211     UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    212     u_parseDelimitedFile(path, ';', fields, 2, derivedPropsLineFn, this, &errorCode);
    213     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    214         errln("error parsing DerivedCoreProperties.txt: %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
    215         return;
    216     }
    218     strcpy(basename, "DerivedNormalizationProps.txt");
    219     u_parseDelimitedFile(path, ';', fields, 2, derivedPropsLineFn, this, &errorCode);
    220     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    221         errln("error parsing DerivedNormalizationProps.txt: %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
    222         return;
    223     }
    225     // now we have all derived core properties in the UnicodeSets
    226     // run them all through the API
    227     int32_t rangeCount, range;
    228     uint32_t i;
    229     UChar32 start, end;
    231     // test all TRUE properties
    232     for(i=0; i<UPRV_LENGTHOF(derivedPropsNames); ++i) {
    233         rangeCount=derivedProps[i].getRangeCount();
    234         for(range=0; range<rangeCount && numErrors[i]<MAX_ERRORS; ++range) {
    235             start=derivedProps[i].getRangeStart(range);
    236             end=derivedProps[i].getRangeEnd(range);
    237             for(; start<=end; ++start) {
    238                 if(!u_hasBinaryProperty(start, derivedPropsIndex[i])) {
    239                     dataerrln("UnicodeTest error: u_hasBinaryProperty(U+%04lx, %s)==FALSE is wrong", start, derivedPropsNames[i]);
    240                     if(++numErrors[i]>=MAX_ERRORS) {
    241                       dataerrln("Too many errors, moving to the next test");
    242                       break;
    243                     }
    244                 }
    245             }
    246         }
    247     }
    249     // invert all properties
    250     for(i=0; i<UPRV_LENGTHOF(derivedPropsNames); ++i) {
    251         derivedProps[i].complement();
    252     }
    254     // test all FALSE properties
    255     for(i=0; i<UPRV_LENGTHOF(derivedPropsNames); ++i) {
    256         rangeCount=derivedProps[i].getRangeCount();
    257         for(range=0; range<rangeCount && numErrors[i]<MAX_ERRORS; ++range) {
    258             start=derivedProps[i].getRangeStart(range);
    259             end=derivedProps[i].getRangeEnd(range);
    260             for(; start<=end; ++start) {
    261                 if(u_hasBinaryProperty(start, derivedPropsIndex[i])) {
    262                     errln("UnicodeTest error: u_hasBinaryProperty(U+%04lx, %s)==TRUE is wrong\n", start, derivedPropsNames[i]);
    263                     if(++numErrors[i]>=MAX_ERRORS) {
    264                       errln("Too many errors, moving to the next test");
    265                       break;
    266                     }
    267                 }
    268             }
    269         }
    270     }
    271 #endif /* !UCONFIG_NO_NORMALIZATION */
    272 }
    274 void UnicodeTest::TestBinaryValues() {
    275     /*
    276      * Unicode 5.1 explicitly defines binary property value aliases.
    277      * Verify that they are all recognized.
    278      */
    279     UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    280     UnicodeSet alpha(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[:Alphabetic:]"), errorCode);
    281     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    282         dataerrln("UnicodeSet([:Alphabetic:]) failed - %s", u_errorName(errorCode));
    283         return;
    284     }
    286     static const char *const falseValues[]={ "N", "No", "F", "False" };
    287     static const char *const trueValues[]={ "Y", "Yes", "T", "True" };
    288     int32_t i;
    289     for(i=0; i<UPRV_LENGTHOF(falseValues); ++i) {
    290         UnicodeString pattern=UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[:Alphabetic=:]");
    291         pattern.insert(pattern.length()-2, UnicodeString(falseValues[i], -1, US_INV));
    292         errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    293         UnicodeSet set(pattern, errorCode);
    294         if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    295             errln("UnicodeSet([:Alphabetic=%s:]) failed - %s\n", falseValues[i], u_errorName(errorCode));
    296             continue;
    297         }
    298         set.complement();
    299         if(set!=alpha) {
    300             errln("UnicodeSet([:Alphabetic=%s:]).complement()!=UnicodeSet([:Alphabetic:])\n", falseValues[i]);
    301         }
    302     }
    303     for(i=0; i<UPRV_LENGTHOF(trueValues); ++i) {
    304         UnicodeString pattern=UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[:Alphabetic=:]");
    305         pattern.insert(pattern.length()-2, UnicodeString(trueValues[i], -1, US_INV));
    306         errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    307         UnicodeSet set(pattern, errorCode);
    308         if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    309             errln("UnicodeSet([:Alphabetic=%s:]) failed - %s\n", trueValues[i], u_errorName(errorCode));
    310             continue;
    311         }
    312         if(set!=alpha) {
    313             errln("UnicodeSet([:Alphabetic=%s:])!=UnicodeSet([:Alphabetic:])\n", trueValues[i]);
    314         }
    315     }
    316 }
    318 void UnicodeTest::TestConsistency() {
    320     /*
    321      * Test for an example that getCanonStartSet() delivers
    322      * all characters that compose from the input one,
    323      * even in multiple steps.
    324      * For example, the set for "I" (0049) should contain both
    325      * I-diaeresis (00CF) and I-diaeresis-acute (1E2E).
    326      * In general, the set for the middle such character should be a subset
    327      * of the set for the first.
    328      */
    329     IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestConsistency");
    330     const Normalizer2 *nfd=Normalizer2::getNFDInstance(errorCode);
    331     const Normalizer2Impl *nfcImpl=Normalizer2Factory::getNFCImpl(errorCode);
    332     if(!nfcImpl->ensureCanonIterData(errorCode) || errorCode.isFailure()) {
    333         dataerrln("Normalizer2::getInstance(NFD) or Normalizer2Factory::getNFCImpl() failed - %s\n",
    334                   errorCode.errorName());
    335         errorCode.reset();
    336         return;
    337     }
    339     UnicodeSet set1, set2;
    340     if (nfcImpl->getCanonStartSet(0x49, set1)) {
    341         /* enumerate all characters that are plausible to be latin letters */
    342         for(UChar start=0xa0; start<0x2000; ++start) {
    343             UnicodeString decomp=nfd->normalize(UnicodeString(start), errorCode);
    344             if(decomp.length()>1 && decomp[0]==0x49) {
    345                 set2.add(start);
    346             }
    347         }
    349         if (set1!=set2) {
    350             errln("[canon start set of 0049] != [all c with canon decomp with 0049]");
    351         }
    352         // This was available in cucdtst.c but the test had to move to intltest
    353         // because the new internal normalization functions are in C++.
    354         //compareUSets(set1, set2,
    355         //             "[canon start set of 0049]", "[all c with canon decomp with 0049]",
    356         //             TRUE);
    357     } else {
    358         errln("NFC.getCanonStartSet() returned FALSE");
    359     }
    360 #endif
    361 }
    363 /**
    364  * Test various implementations of Pattern_Syntax & Pattern_White_Space.
    365  */
    366 void UnicodeTest::TestPatternProperties() {
    367     IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestPatternProperties()");
    368     UnicodeSet syn_pp;
    369     UnicodeSet syn_prop(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[:Pattern_Syntax:]"), errorCode);
    370     UnicodeSet syn_list(
    371         "[!-/\\:-@\\[-\\^`\\{-~"
    372         "\\u00A1-\\u00A7\\u00A9\\u00AB\\u00AC\\u00AE\\u00B0\\u00B1\\u00B6\\u00BB\\u00BF\\u00D7\\u00F7"
    373         "\\u2010-\\u2027\\u2030-\\u203E\\u2041-\\u2053\\u2055-\\u205E\\u2190-\\u245F\\u2500-\\u2775"
    374         "\\u2794-\\u2BFF\\u2E00-\\u2E7F\\u3001-\\u3003\\u3008-\\u3020\\u3030\\uFD3E\\uFD3F\\uFE45\\uFE46]", errorCode);
    375     UnicodeSet ws_pp;
    376     UnicodeSet ws_prop(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[:Pattern_White_Space:]"), errorCode);
    377     UnicodeSet ws_list(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[\\u0009-\\u000D\\ \\u0085\\u200E\\u200F\\u2028\\u2029]"), errorCode);
    378     UnicodeSet syn_ws_pp;
    379     UnicodeSet syn_ws_prop(syn_prop);
    380     syn_ws_prop.addAll(ws_prop);
    381     for(UChar32 c=0; c<=0xffff; ++c) {
    382         if(PatternProps::isSyntax(c)) {
    383             syn_pp.add(c);
    384         }
    385         if(PatternProps::isWhiteSpace(c)) {
    386             ws_pp.add(c);
    387         }
    388         if(PatternProps::isSyntaxOrWhiteSpace(c)) {
    389             syn_ws_pp.add(c);
    390         }
    391     }
    392     compareUSets(syn_pp, syn_prop,
    393                  "PatternProps.isSyntax()", "[:Pattern_Syntax:]", TRUE);
    394     compareUSets(syn_pp, syn_list,
    395                  "PatternProps.isSyntax()", "[Pattern_Syntax ranges]", TRUE);
    396     compareUSets(ws_pp, ws_prop,
    397                  "PatternProps.isWhiteSpace()", "[:Pattern_White_Space:]", TRUE);
    398     compareUSets(ws_pp, ws_list,
    399                  "PatternProps.isWhiteSpace()", "[Pattern_White_Space ranges]", TRUE);
    400     compareUSets(syn_ws_pp, syn_ws_prop,
    401                  "PatternProps.isSyntaxOrWhiteSpace()",
    402                  "[[:Pattern_Syntax:][:Pattern_White_Space:]]", TRUE);
    403 }
    405 // So far only minimal port of Java & cucdtst.c compareUSets().
    406 UBool
    407 UnicodeTest::compareUSets(const UnicodeSet &a, const UnicodeSet &b,
    408                           const char *a_name, const char *b_name,
    409                           UBool diffIsError) {
    410     UBool same= a==b;
    411     if(!same && diffIsError) {
    412         errln("Sets are different: %s vs. %s\n", a_name, b_name);
    413     }
    414     return same;
    415 }
    417 namespace {
    419 /**
    420  * Maps a special script code to the most common script of its encoded characters.
    421  */
    422 UScriptCode getCharScript(UScriptCode script) {
    423     switch(script) {
    425     case USCRIPT_SIMPLIFIED_HAN:
    427         return USCRIPT_HAN;
    428     case USCRIPT_JAPANESE:
    429         return USCRIPT_HIRAGANA;
    430     case USCRIPT_JAMO:
    431     case USCRIPT_KOREAN:
    432         return USCRIPT_HANGUL;
    433     case USCRIPT_SYMBOLS_EMOJI:
    434         return USCRIPT_SYMBOLS;
    435     default:
    436         return script;
    437     }
    438 }
    440 }  // namespace
    442 void UnicodeTest::TestScriptMetadata() {
    443     IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestScriptMetadata()");
    444     UnicodeSet rtl("[[:bc=R:][:bc=AL:]-[:Cn:]-[:sc=Common:]]", errorCode);
    445     // So far, sample characters are uppercase.
    446     // Georgian is special.
    447     UnicodeSet cased("[[:Lu:]-[:sc=Common:]-[:sc=Geor:]]", errorCode);
    448     for(int32_t sci = 0; sci < USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT; ++sci) {
    449         UScriptCode sc = (UScriptCode)sci;
    450         // Run the test with -v to see which script has failures:
    451         // .../intltest$ make && ./intltest utility/UnicodeTest/TestScriptMetadata -v | grep -C 6 FAIL
    452         logln(uscript_getShortName(sc));
    453         UScriptUsage usage = uscript_getUsage(sc);
    454         UnicodeString sample = uscript_getSampleUnicodeString(sc);
    455         UnicodeSet scriptSet;
    456         scriptSet.applyIntPropertyValue(UCHAR_SCRIPT, sc, errorCode);
    457         if(usage == USCRIPT_USAGE_NOT_ENCODED) {
    458             assertTrue("not encoded, no sample", sample.isEmpty());
    459             assertFalse("not encoded, not RTL", uscript_isRightToLeft(sc));
    460             assertFalse("not encoded, not LB letters", uscript_breaksBetweenLetters(sc));
    461             assertFalse("not encoded, not cased", uscript_isCased(sc));
    462             assertTrue("not encoded, no characters", scriptSet.isEmpty());
    463         } else {
    464             assertFalse("encoded, has a sample character", sample.isEmpty());
    465             UChar32 firstChar = sample.char32At(0);
    466             UScriptCode charScript = getCharScript(sc);
    467             assertEquals("script(sample(script))",
    468                          (int32_t)charScript, (int32_t)uscript_getScript(firstChar, errorCode));
    469             assertEquals("RTL vs. set", (UBool)rtl.contains(firstChar), (UBool)uscript_isRightToLeft(sc));
    470             assertEquals("cased vs. set", (UBool)cased.contains(firstChar), (UBool)uscript_isCased(sc));
    471             assertEquals("encoded, has characters", (UBool)(sc == charScript), (UBool)(!scriptSet.isEmpty()));
    472             if(uscript_isRightToLeft(sc)) {
    473                 rtl.removeAll(scriptSet);
    474             }
    475             if(uscript_isCased(sc)) {
    476                 cased.removeAll(scriptSet);
    477             }
    478         }
    479     }
    480     UnicodeString pattern;
    481     assertEquals("no remaining RTL characters",
    482                  UnicodeString("[]"), rtl.toPattern(pattern));
    483     assertEquals("no remaining cased characters",
    484                  UnicodeString("[]"), cased.toPattern(pattern));
    486     assertTrue("Hani breaks between letters", uscript_breaksBetweenLetters(USCRIPT_HAN));
    487     assertTrue("Thai breaks between letters", uscript_breaksBetweenLetters(USCRIPT_THAI));
    488     assertFalse("Latn does not break between letters", uscript_breaksBetweenLetters(USCRIPT_LATIN));
    489 }
    491 void UnicodeTest::TestBidiPairedBracketType() {
    492     // BidiBrackets-6.3.0.txt says:
    493     //
    494     // The set of code points listed in this file was originally derived
    495     // using the character properties General_Category (gc), Bidi_Class (bc),
    496     // Bidi_Mirrored (Bidi_M), and Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph (bmg), as follows:
    497     // two characters, A and B, form a pair if A has gc=Ps and B has gc=Pe,
    498     // both have bc=ON and Bidi_M=Y, and bmg of A is B. Bidi_Paired_Bracket
    499     // maps A to B and vice versa, and their Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type
    500     // property values are Open and Close, respectively.
    501     IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestBidiPairedBracketType()");
    502     UnicodeSet bpt("[:^bpt=n:]", errorCode);
    503     assertTrue("bpt!=None is not empty", !bpt.isEmpty());
    504     // The following should always be true.
    505     UnicodeSet mirrored("[:Bidi_M:]", errorCode);
    506     UnicodeSet other_neutral("[:bc=ON:]", errorCode);
    507     assertTrue("bpt!=None is a subset of Bidi_M", mirrored.containsAll(bpt));
    508     assertTrue("bpt!=None is a subset of bc=ON", other_neutral.containsAll(bpt));
    509     // The following are true at least initially in Unicode 6.3.
    510     UnicodeSet bpt_open("[:bpt=o:]", errorCode);
    511     UnicodeSet bpt_close("[:bpt=c:]", errorCode);
    512     UnicodeSet ps("[:Ps:]", errorCode);
    513     UnicodeSet pe("[:Pe:]", errorCode);
    514     assertTrue("bpt=Open is a subset of Ps", ps.containsAll(bpt_open));
    515     assertTrue("bpt=Close is a subset of Pe", pe.containsAll(bpt_close));
    516 }
    518 void UnicodeTest::TestEmojiProperties() {
    519     assertFalse("space is not Emoji", u_hasBinaryProperty(0x20, UCHAR_EMOJI));
    520     assertTrue("shooting star is Emoji", u_hasBinaryProperty(0x1F320, UCHAR_EMOJI));
    521     IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestEmojiProperties()");
    522     UnicodeSet emoji("[:Emoji:]", errorCode);
    523     assertTrue("lots of Emoji", emoji.size() > 700);
    525     assertTrue("shooting star is Emoji_Presentation",
    526                u_hasBinaryProperty(0x1F320, UCHAR_EMOJI_PRESENTATION));
    527     assertTrue("Fitzpatrick 6 is Emoji_Modifier",
    528                u_hasBinaryProperty(0x1F3FF, UCHAR_EMOJI_MODIFIER));
    529     assertTrue("happy person is Emoji_Modifier_Base",
    530                u_hasBinaryProperty(0x1F64B, UCHAR_EMOJI_MODIFIER_BASE));
    531     assertTrue("asterisk is Emoji_Component",
    532                u_hasBinaryProperty(0x2A, UCHAR_EMOJI_COMPONENT));
    533 }
    535 void UnicodeTest::TestDefaultScriptExtensions() {
    536     // Block 3000..303F CJK Symbols and Punctuation defaults to scx=Bopo Hang Hani Hira Kana Yiii
    537     // but some of its characters revert to scx=<script> which is usually Common.
    538     IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestDefaultScriptExtensions()");
    539     UScriptCode scx[20];
    540     scx[0] = USCRIPT_INVALID_CODE;
    541     assertEquals("U+3000 num scx", 1,  // IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE
    542                  uscript_getScriptExtensions(0x3000, scx, UPRV_LENGTHOF(scx), errorCode));
    543     assertEquals("U+3000 num scx[0]", USCRIPT_COMMON, scx[0]);
    544     scx[0] = USCRIPT_INVALID_CODE;
    545     assertEquals("U+3012 num scx", 1,  // POSTAL MARK
    546                  uscript_getScriptExtensions(0x3012, scx, UPRV_LENGTHOF(scx), errorCode));
    547     assertEquals("U+3012 num scx[0]", USCRIPT_COMMON, scx[0]);
    548 }