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      1 //  2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
      2 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
      3 /*
      4 *******************************************************************************
      5 * Copyright (C) 2013-2015, International Business Machines
      6 * Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      7 *******************************************************************************
      8 * CollationFastLatinBuilder.java, ported from collationfastlatinbuilder.h/.cpp
      9 *
     10 * C++ version created on: 2013aug09
     11 * created by: Markus W. Scherer
     12 */
     14 package com.ibm.icu.impl.coll;
     16 import com.ibm.icu.lang.UScript;
     17 import com.ibm.icu.text.Collator;
     18 import com.ibm.icu.util.CharsTrie;
     20 final class CollationFastLatinBuilder {
     21     // #define DEBUG_COLLATION_FAST_LATIN_BUILDER 0  // 0 or 1 or 2
     23     /**
     24      * Compare two signed long values as if they were unsigned.
     25      */
     26     private static final int compareInt64AsUnsigned(long a, long b) {
     27         a += 0x8000000000000000L;
     28         b += 0x8000000000000000L;
     29         if(a < b) {
     30             return -1;
     31         } else if(a > b) {
     32             return 1;
     33         } else {
     34             return 0;
     35         }
     36     }
     38     /**
     39      * Like Java Collections.binarySearch(List, String, Comparator).
     40      *
     41      * @return the index>=0 where the item was found,
     42      *         or the index<0 for inserting the string at ~index in sorted order
     43      */
     44     private static final int binarySearch(long[] list, int limit, long ce) {
     45         if (limit == 0) { return ~0; }
     46         int start = 0;
     47         for (;;) {
     48             int i = (int)(((long)start + (long)limit) / 2);
     49             int cmp = compareInt64AsUnsigned(ce, list[i]);
     50             if (cmp == 0) {
     51                 return i;
     52             } else if (cmp < 0) {
     53                 if (i == start) {
     54                     return ~start;  // insert ce before i
     55                 }
     56                 limit = i;
     57             } else {
     58                 if (i == start) {
     59                     return ~(start + 1);  // insert ce after i
     60                 }
     61                 start = i;
     62             }
     63         }
     64     }
     66     CollationFastLatinBuilder() {
     67         ce0 = 0;
     68         ce1 = 0;
     69         contractionCEs = new UVector64();
     70         uniqueCEs = new UVector64();
     71         miniCEs = null;
     72         firstDigitPrimary = 0;
     73         firstLatinPrimary = 0;
     74         lastLatinPrimary = 0;
     75         firstShortPrimary = 0;
     76         shortPrimaryOverflow = false;
     77         headerLength = 0;
     78     }
     80     boolean forData(CollationData data) {
     81         if(result.length() != 0) {  // This builder is not reusable.
     82             throw new IllegalStateException("attempt to reuse a CollationFastLatinBuilder");
     83         }
     84         if(!loadGroups(data)) { return false; }
     86         // Fast handling of digits.
     87         firstShortPrimary = firstDigitPrimary;
     88         getCEs(data);
     89         encodeUniqueCEs();
     90         if(shortPrimaryOverflow) {
     91             // Give digits long mini primaries,
     92             // so that there are more short primaries for letters.
     93             firstShortPrimary = firstLatinPrimary;
     94             resetCEs();
     95             getCEs(data);
     96             encodeUniqueCEs();
     97         }
     98         // Note: If we still have a short-primary overflow but not a long-primary overflow,
     99         // then we could calculate how many more long primaries would fit,
    100         // and set the firstShortPrimary to that many after the current firstShortPrimary,
    101         // and try again.
    102         // However, this might only benefit the en_US_POSIX tailoring,
    103         // and it is simpler to suppress building fast Latin data for it in genrb,
    104         // or by returning false here if shortPrimaryOverflow.
    106         boolean ok = !shortPrimaryOverflow;
    107         if(ok) {
    108             encodeCharCEs();
    109             encodeContractions();
    110         }
    111         contractionCEs.removeAllElements();  // might reduce heap memory usage
    112         uniqueCEs.removeAllElements();
    113         return ok;
    114     }
    116     // C++ returns one combined array with the contents of the result buffer.
    117     // Java returns two arrays (header & table) because we cannot use pointer arithmetic,
    118     // and we do not want to index into the table with an offset.
    119     char[] getHeader() {
    120         char[] resultArray = new char[headerLength];
    121         result.getChars(0, headerLength, resultArray, 0);
    122         return resultArray;
    123     }
    125     char[] getTable() {
    126         char[] resultArray = new char[result.length() - headerLength];
    127         result.getChars(headerLength, result.length(), resultArray, 0);
    128         return resultArray;
    129     }
    131     private boolean loadGroups(CollationData data) {
    132         headerLength = 1 + NUM_SPECIAL_GROUPS;
    133         int r0 = (CollationFastLatin.VERSION << 8) | headerLength;
    134         result.append((char)r0);
    135         // The first few reordering groups should be special groups
    136         // (space, punct, ..., digit) followed by Latn, then Grek and other scripts.
    137         for(int i = 0; i < NUM_SPECIAL_GROUPS; ++i) {
    138             lastSpecialPrimaries[i] = data.getLastPrimaryForGroup(Collator.ReorderCodes.FIRST + i);
    139             if(lastSpecialPrimaries[i] == 0) {
    140                 // missing data
    141                 return false;
    142             }
    143             result.append(0);  // reserve a slot for this group
    144         }
    146         firstDigitPrimary = data.getFirstPrimaryForGroup(Collator.ReorderCodes.DIGIT);
    147         firstLatinPrimary = data.getFirstPrimaryForGroup(UScript.LATIN);
    148         lastLatinPrimary = data.getLastPrimaryForGroup(UScript.LATIN);
    149         if(firstDigitPrimary == 0 || firstLatinPrimary == 0) {
    150             // missing data
    151             return false;
    152         }
    153         return true;
    154     }
    156     private boolean inSameGroup(long p, long q) {
    157         // Both or neither need to be encoded as short primaries,
    158         // so that we can test only one and use the same bit mask.
    159         if(p >= firstShortPrimary) {
    160             return q >= firstShortPrimary;
    161         } else if(q >= firstShortPrimary) {
    162             return false;
    163         }
    164         // Both or neither must be potentially-variable,
    165         // so that we can test only one and determine if both are variable.
    166         long lastVariablePrimary = lastSpecialPrimaries[NUM_SPECIAL_GROUPS - 1];
    167         if(p > lastVariablePrimary) {
    168             return q > lastVariablePrimary;
    169         } else if(q > lastVariablePrimary) {
    170             return false;
    171         }
    172         // Both will be encoded with long mini primaries.
    173         // They must be in the same special reordering group,
    174         // so that we can test only one and determine if both are variable.
    175         assert(p != 0 && q != 0);
    176         for(int i = 0;; ++i) {  // will terminate
    177             long lastPrimary = lastSpecialPrimaries[i];
    178             if(p <= lastPrimary) {
    179                 return q <= lastPrimary;
    180             } else if(q <= lastPrimary) {
    181                 return false;
    182             }
    183         }
    184     }
    186     private void resetCEs() {
    187         contractionCEs.removeAllElements();
    188         uniqueCEs.removeAllElements();
    189         shortPrimaryOverflow = false;
    190         result.setLength(headerLength);
    191     }
    193     private void getCEs(CollationData data) {
    194         int i = 0;
    195         for(char c = 0;; ++i, ++c) {
    196             if(c == CollationFastLatin.LATIN_LIMIT) {
    197                 c = CollationFastLatin.PUNCT_START;
    198             } else if(c == CollationFastLatin.PUNCT_LIMIT) {
    199                 break;
    200             }
    201             CollationData d;
    202             int ce32 = data.getCE32(c);
    203             if(ce32 == Collation.FALLBACK_CE32) {
    204                 d = data.base;
    205                 ce32 = d.getCE32(c);
    206             } else {
    207                 d = data;
    208             }
    209             if(getCEsFromCE32(d, c, ce32)) {
    210                 charCEs[i][0] = ce0;
    211                 charCEs[i][1] = ce1;
    212                 addUniqueCE(ce0);
    213                 addUniqueCE(ce1);
    214             } else {
    215                 // bail out for c
    216                 charCEs[i][0] = ce0 = Collation.NO_CE;
    217                 charCEs[i][1] = ce1 = 0;
    218             }
    219             if(c == 0 && !isContractionCharCE(ce0)) {
    220                 // Always map U+0000 to a contraction.
    221                 // Write a contraction list with only a default value if there is no real contraction.
    222                 assert(contractionCEs.isEmpty());
    223                 addContractionEntry(CollationFastLatin.CONTR_CHAR_MASK, ce0, ce1);
    224                 charCEs[0][0] = (Collation.NO_CE_PRIMARY << 32) | CONTRACTION_FLAG;
    225                 charCEs[0][1] = 0;
    226             }
    227         }
    228         // Terminate the last contraction list.
    229         contractionCEs.addElement(CollationFastLatin.CONTR_CHAR_MASK);
    230     }
    232     private boolean getCEsFromCE32(CollationData data, int c, int ce32) {
    233         ce32 = data.getFinalCE32(ce32);
    234         ce1 = 0;
    235         if(Collation.isSimpleOrLongCE32(ce32)) {
    236             ce0 = Collation.ceFromCE32(ce32);
    237         } else {
    238             switch(Collation.tagFromCE32(ce32)) {
    239             case Collation.LATIN_EXPANSION_TAG:
    240                 ce0 = Collation.latinCE0FromCE32(ce32);
    241                 ce1 = Collation.latinCE1FromCE32(ce32);
    242                 break;
    243             case Collation.EXPANSION32_TAG: {
    244                 int index = Collation.indexFromCE32(ce32);
    245                 int length = Collation.lengthFromCE32(ce32);
    246                 if(length <= 2) {
    247                     ce0 = Collation.ceFromCE32(data.ce32s[index]);
    248                     if(length == 2) {
    249                         ce1 = Collation.ceFromCE32(data.ce32s[index + 1]);
    250                     }
    251                     break;
    252                 } else {
    253                     return false;
    254                 }
    255             }
    256             case Collation.EXPANSION_TAG: {
    257                 int index = Collation.indexFromCE32(ce32);
    258                 int length = Collation.lengthFromCE32(ce32);
    259                 if(length <= 2) {
    260                     ce0 = data.ces[index];
    261                     if(length == 2) {
    262                         ce1 = data.ces[index + 1];
    263                     }
    264                     break;
    265                 } else {
    266                     return false;
    267                 }
    268             }
    269             // Note: We could support PREFIX_TAG (assert c>=0)
    270             // by recursing on its default CE32 and checking that none of the prefixes starts
    271             // with a fast Latin character.
    272             // However, currently (2013) there are only the L-before-middle-dot
    273             // prefix mappings in the Latin range, and those would be rejected anyway.
    274             case Collation.CONTRACTION_TAG:
    275                 assert(c >= 0);
    276                 return getCEsFromContractionCE32(data, ce32);
    277             case Collation.OFFSET_TAG:
    278                 assert(c >= 0);
    279                 ce0 = data.getCEFromOffsetCE32(c, ce32);
    280                 break;
    281             default:
    282                 return false;
    283             }
    284         }
    285         // A mapping can be completely ignorable.
    286         if(ce0 == 0) { return ce1 == 0; }
    287         // We do not support an ignorable ce0 unless it is completely ignorable.
    288         long p0 = ce0 >>> 32;
    289         if(p0 == 0) { return false; }
    290         // We only support primaries up to the Latin script.
    291         if(p0 > lastLatinPrimary) { return false; }
    292         // We support non-common secondary and case weights only together with short primaries.
    293         int lower32_0 = (int)ce0;
    294         if(p0 < firstShortPrimary) {
    295             int sc0 = lower32_0 & Collation.SECONDARY_AND_CASE_MASK;
    296             if(sc0 != Collation.COMMON_SECONDARY_CE) { return false; }
    297         }
    298         // No below-common tertiary weights.
    299         if((lower32_0 & Collation.ONLY_TERTIARY_MASK) < Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16) { return false; }
    300         if(ce1 != 0) {
    301             // Both primaries must be in the same group,
    302             // or both must get short mini primaries,
    303             // or a short-primary CE is followed by a secondary CE.
    304             // This is so that we can test the first primary and use the same mask for both,
    305             // and determine for both whether they are variable.
    306             long p1 = ce1 >>> 32;
    307             if(p1 == 0 ? p0 < firstShortPrimary : !inSameGroup(p0, p1)) { return false; }
    308             int lower32_1 = (int)ce1;
    309             // No tertiary CEs.
    310             if((lower32_1 >>> 16) == 0) { return false; }
    311             // We support non-common secondary and case weights
    312             // only for secondary CEs or together with short primaries.
    313             if(p1 != 0 && p1 < firstShortPrimary) {
    314                 int sc1 = lower32_1 & Collation.SECONDARY_AND_CASE_MASK;
    315                 if(sc1 != Collation.COMMON_SECONDARY_CE) { return false; }
    316             }
    317             // No below-common tertiary weights.
    318             if((lower32_0 & Collation.ONLY_TERTIARY_MASK) < Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16) { return false; }
    319         }
    320         // No quaternary weights.
    321         if(((ce0 | ce1) & Collation.QUATERNARY_MASK) != 0) { return false; }
    322         return true;
    323     }
    325     private boolean getCEsFromContractionCE32(CollationData data, int ce32) {
    326         int trieIndex = Collation.indexFromCE32(ce32);
    327         ce32 = data.getCE32FromContexts(trieIndex);  // Default if no suffix match.
    328         // Since the original ce32 is not a prefix mapping,
    329         // the default ce32 must not be another contraction.
    330         assert(!Collation.isContractionCE32(ce32));
    331         int contractionIndex = contractionCEs.size();
    332         if(getCEsFromCE32(data, Collation.SENTINEL_CP, ce32)) {
    333             addContractionEntry(CollationFastLatin.CONTR_CHAR_MASK, ce0, ce1);
    334         } else {
    335             // Bail out for c-without-contraction.
    336             addContractionEntry(CollationFastLatin.CONTR_CHAR_MASK, Collation.NO_CE, 0);
    337         }
    338         // Handle an encodable contraction unless the next contraction is too long
    339         // and starts with the same character.
    340         int prevX = -1;
    341         boolean addContraction = false;
    342         CharsTrie.Iterator suffixes = CharsTrie.iterator(data.contexts, trieIndex + 2, 0);
    343         while(suffixes.hasNext()) {
    344             CharsTrie.Entry entry = suffixes.next();
    345             CharSequence suffix = entry.chars;
    346             int x = CollationFastLatin.getCharIndex(suffix.charAt(0));
    347             if(x < 0) { continue; }  // ignore anything but fast Latin text
    348             if(x == prevX) {
    349                 if(addContraction) {
    350                     // Bail out for all contractions starting with this character.
    351                     addContractionEntry(x, Collation.NO_CE, 0);
    352                     addContraction = false;
    353                 }
    354                 continue;
    355             }
    356             if(addContraction) {
    357                 addContractionEntry(prevX, ce0, ce1);
    358             }
    359             ce32 = entry.value;
    360             if(suffix.length() == 1 && getCEsFromCE32(data, Collation.SENTINEL_CP, ce32)) {
    361                 addContraction = true;
    362             } else {
    363                 addContractionEntry(x, Collation.NO_CE, 0);
    364                 addContraction = false;
    365             }
    366             prevX = x;
    367         }
    368         if(addContraction) {
    369             addContractionEntry(prevX, ce0, ce1);
    370         }
    371         // Note: There might not be any fast Latin contractions, but
    372         // we need to enter contraction handling anyway so that we can bail out
    373         // when there is a non-fast-Latin character following.
    374         // For example: Danish &Y<<u+umlaut, when we compare Y vs. u\u0308 we need to see the
    375         // following umlaut and bail out, rather than return the difference of Y vs. u.
    376         ce0 = (Collation.NO_CE_PRIMARY << 32) | CONTRACTION_FLAG | contractionIndex;
    377         ce1 = 0;
    378         return true;
    379     }
    381     private void addContractionEntry(int x, long cce0, long cce1) {
    382         contractionCEs.addElement(x);
    383         contractionCEs.addElement(cce0);
    384         contractionCEs.addElement(cce1);
    385         addUniqueCE(cce0);
    386         addUniqueCE(cce1);
    387     }
    389     private void addUniqueCE(long ce) {
    390         if(ce == 0 || (ce >>> 32) == Collation.NO_CE_PRIMARY) { return; }
    391         ce &= ~(long)Collation.CASE_MASK;  // blank out case bits
    392         int i = binarySearch(uniqueCEs.getBuffer(), uniqueCEs.size(), ce);
    393         if(i < 0) {
    394             uniqueCEs.insertElementAt(ce, ~i);
    395         }
    396     }
    398     private int getMiniCE(long ce) {
    399         ce &= ~(long)Collation.CASE_MASK;  // blank out case bits
    400         int index = binarySearch(uniqueCEs.getBuffer(), uniqueCEs.size(), ce);
    401         assert(index >= 0);
    402         return miniCEs[index];
    403     }
    405     private void encodeUniqueCEs() {
    406         miniCEs = new char[uniqueCEs.size()];
    407         int group = 0;
    408         long lastGroupPrimary = lastSpecialPrimaries[group];
    409         // The lowest unique CE must be at least a secondary CE.
    410         assert(((int)uniqueCEs.elementAti(0) >>> 16) != 0);
    411         long prevPrimary = 0;
    412         int prevSecondary = 0;
    413         int pri = 0;
    414         int sec = 0;
    415         int ter = CollationFastLatin.COMMON_TER;
    416         for(int i = 0; i < uniqueCEs.size(); ++i) {
    417             long ce = uniqueCEs.elementAti(i);
    418             // Note: At least one of the p/s/t weights changes from one unique CE to the next.
    419             // (uniqueCEs does not store case bits.)
    420             long p = ce >>> 32;
    421             if(p != prevPrimary) {
    422                 while(p > lastGroupPrimary) {
    423                     assert(pri <= CollationFastLatin.MAX_LONG);
    424                     // Set the group's header entry to the
    425                     // last "long primary" in or before the group.
    426                     result.setCharAt(1 + group, (char)pri);
    427                     if(++group < NUM_SPECIAL_GROUPS) {
    428                         lastGroupPrimary = lastSpecialPrimaries[group];
    429                     } else {
    430                         lastGroupPrimary = 0xffffffffL;
    431                         break;
    432                     }
    433                 }
    434                 if(p < firstShortPrimary) {
    435                     if(pri == 0) {
    436                         pri = CollationFastLatin.MIN_LONG;
    437                     } else if(pri < CollationFastLatin.MAX_LONG) {
    438                         pri += CollationFastLatin.LONG_INC;
    439                     } else {
    441                         printf("long-primary overflow for %08x\n", p);
    442     #endif */
    443                         miniCEs[i] = CollationFastLatin.BAIL_OUT;
    444                         continue;
    445                     }
    446                 } else {
    447                     if(pri < CollationFastLatin.MIN_SHORT) {
    448                         pri = CollationFastLatin.MIN_SHORT;
    449                     } else if(pri < (CollationFastLatin.MAX_SHORT - CollationFastLatin.SHORT_INC)) {
    450                         // Reserve the highest primary weight for U+FFFF.
    451                         pri += CollationFastLatin.SHORT_INC;
    452                     } else {
    454                         printf("short-primary overflow for %08x\n", p);
    455     #endif */
    456                         shortPrimaryOverflow = true;
    457                         miniCEs[i] = CollationFastLatin.BAIL_OUT;
    458                         continue;
    459                     }
    460                 }
    461                 prevPrimary = p;
    462                 prevSecondary = Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16;
    463                 sec = CollationFastLatin.COMMON_SEC;
    464                 ter = CollationFastLatin.COMMON_TER;
    465             }
    466             int lower32 = (int)ce;
    467             int s = lower32 >>> 16;
    468             if(s != prevSecondary) {
    469                 if(pri == 0) {
    470                     if(sec == 0) {
    471                         sec = CollationFastLatin.MIN_SEC_HIGH;
    472                     } else if(sec < CollationFastLatin.MAX_SEC_HIGH) {
    473                         sec += CollationFastLatin.SEC_INC;
    474                     } else {
    475                         miniCEs[i] = CollationFastLatin.BAIL_OUT;
    476                         continue;
    477                     }
    478                     prevSecondary = s;
    479                     ter = CollationFastLatin.COMMON_TER;
    480                 } else if(s < Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16) {
    481                     if(sec == CollationFastLatin.COMMON_SEC) {
    482                         sec = CollationFastLatin.MIN_SEC_BEFORE;
    483                     } else if(sec < CollationFastLatin.MAX_SEC_BEFORE) {
    484                         sec += CollationFastLatin.SEC_INC;
    485                     } else {
    486                         miniCEs[i] = CollationFastLatin.BAIL_OUT;
    487                         continue;
    488                     }
    489                 } else if(s == Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16) {
    490                     sec = CollationFastLatin.COMMON_SEC;
    491                 } else {
    492                     if(sec < CollationFastLatin.MIN_SEC_AFTER) {
    493                         sec = CollationFastLatin.MIN_SEC_AFTER;
    494                     } else if(sec < CollationFastLatin.MAX_SEC_AFTER) {
    495                         sec += CollationFastLatin.SEC_INC;
    496                     } else {
    497                         miniCEs[i] = CollationFastLatin.BAIL_OUT;
    498                         continue;
    499                     }
    500                 }
    501                 prevSecondary = s;
    502                 ter = CollationFastLatin.COMMON_TER;
    503             }
    504             assert((lower32 & Collation.CASE_MASK) == 0);  // blanked out in uniqueCEs
    505             int t = lower32 & Collation.ONLY_TERTIARY_MASK;
    506             if(t > Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16) {
    507                 if(ter < CollationFastLatin.MAX_TER_AFTER) {
    508                     ++ter;
    509                 } else {
    510                     miniCEs[i] = CollationFastLatin.BAIL_OUT;
    511                     continue;
    512                 }
    513             }
    514             if(CollationFastLatin.MIN_LONG <= pri && pri <= CollationFastLatin.MAX_LONG) {
    515                 assert(sec == CollationFastLatin.COMMON_SEC);
    516                 miniCEs[i] = (char)(pri | ter);
    517             } else {
    518                 miniCEs[i] = (char)(pri | sec | ter);
    519             }
    520         }
    522         printf("last mini primary: %04x\n", pri);
    523     #endif */
    525         for(int i = 0; i < uniqueCEs.size(); ++i) {
    526             long ce = uniqueCEs.elementAti(i);
    527             printf("unique CE 0x%016lx -> 0x%04x\n", ce, miniCEs[i]);
    528         }
    529     #endif */
    530     }
    532     private void encodeCharCEs() {
    533         int miniCEsStart = result.length();
    534         for(int i = 0; i < CollationFastLatin.NUM_FAST_CHARS; ++i) {
    535             result.append(0);  // initialize to completely ignorable
    536         }
    537         int indexBase = result.length();
    538         for(int i = 0; i < CollationFastLatin.NUM_FAST_CHARS; ++i) {
    539             long ce = charCEs[i][0];
    540             if(isContractionCharCE(ce)) { continue; }  // defer contraction
    541             int miniCE = encodeTwoCEs(ce, charCEs[i][1]);
    542             if((miniCE >>> 16) > 0) {   // if ((unsigned)miniCE > 0xffff)
    543                 // Note: There is a chance that this new expansion is the same as a previous one,
    544                 // and if so, then we could reuse the other expansion.
    545                 // However, that seems unlikely.
    546                 int expansionIndex = result.length() - indexBase;
    547                 if(expansionIndex > CollationFastLatin.INDEX_MASK) {
    548                     miniCE = CollationFastLatin.BAIL_OUT;
    549                 } else {
    550                     result.append((char)(miniCE >> 16)).append((char)miniCE);
    551                     miniCE = CollationFastLatin.EXPANSION | expansionIndex;
    552                 }
    553             }
    554             result.setCharAt(miniCEsStart + i, (char)miniCE);
    555         }
    556     }
    558     private void encodeContractions() {
    559         // We encode all contraction lists so that the first word of a list
    560         // terminates the previous list, and we only need one additional terminator at the end.
    561         int indexBase = headerLength + CollationFastLatin.NUM_FAST_CHARS;
    562         int firstContractionIndex = result.length();
    563         for(int i = 0; i < CollationFastLatin.NUM_FAST_CHARS; ++i) {
    564             long ce = charCEs[i][0];
    565             if(!isContractionCharCE(ce)) { continue; }
    566             int contractionIndex = result.length() - indexBase;
    567             if(contractionIndex > CollationFastLatin.INDEX_MASK) {
    568                 result.setCharAt(headerLength + i, (char) CollationFastLatin.BAIL_OUT);
    569                 continue;
    570             }
    571             boolean firstTriple = true;
    572             for(int index = (int)ce & 0x7fffffff;; index += 3) {
    573                 long x = contractionCEs.elementAti(index);
    574                 if(x == CollationFastLatin.CONTR_CHAR_MASK && !firstTriple) { break; }
    575                 long cce0 = contractionCEs.elementAti(index + 1);
    576                 long cce1 = contractionCEs.elementAti(index + 2);
    577                 int miniCE = encodeTwoCEs(cce0, cce1);
    578                 if(miniCE == CollationFastLatin.BAIL_OUT) {
    579                     result.append((char)(x | (1 << CollationFastLatin.CONTR_LENGTH_SHIFT)));
    580                 } else if((miniCE >>> 16) == 0) {  // if ((unsigned)miniCE <= 0xffff)
    581                     result.append((char)(x | (2 << CollationFastLatin.CONTR_LENGTH_SHIFT)));
    582                     result.append((char)miniCE);
    583                 } else {
    584                     result.append((char)(x | (3 << CollationFastLatin.CONTR_LENGTH_SHIFT)));
    585                     result.append((char)(miniCE >> 16)).append((char)miniCE);
    586                 }
    587                 firstTriple = false;
    588             }
    589             // Note: There is a chance that this new contraction list is the same as a previous one,
    590             // and if so, then we could truncate the result and reuse the other list.
    591             // However, that seems unlikely.
    592             result.setCharAt(headerLength + i,
    593                             (char)(CollationFastLatin.CONTRACTION | contractionIndex));
    594         }
    595         if(result.length() > firstContractionIndex) {
    596             // Terminate the last contraction list.
    597             result.append((char)CollationFastLatin.CONTR_CHAR_MASK);
    598         }
    600         printf("** fast Latin %d * 2 = %d bytes\n", result.length(), result.length() * 2);
    601         puts("   header & below-digit groups map");
    602         int i = 0;
    603         for(; i < headerLength; ++i) {
    604             printf(" %04x", result[i]);
    605         }
    606         printf("\n   char mini CEs");
    607         assert(CollationFastLatin.NUM_FAST_CHARS % 16 == 0);
    608         for(; i < indexBase; i += 16) {
    609             int c = i - headerLength;
    610             if(c >= CollationFastLatin.LATIN_LIMIT) {
    611                 c = CollationFastLatin.PUNCT_START + c - CollationFastLatin.LATIN_LIMIT;
    612             }
    613             printf("\n %04x:", c);
    614             for(int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
    615                 printf(" %04x", result[i + j]);
    616             }
    617         }
    618         printf("\n   expansions & contractions");
    619         for(; i < result.length(); ++i) {
    620             if((i - indexBase) % 16 == 0) { puts(""); }
    621             printf(" %04x", result[i]);
    622         }
    623         puts("");
    624     #endif */
    625     }
    627     private int encodeTwoCEs(long first, long second) {
    628         if(first == 0) {
    629             return 0;  // completely ignorable
    630         }
    631         if(first == Collation.NO_CE) {
    632             return CollationFastLatin.BAIL_OUT;
    633         }
    634         assert((first >>> 32) != Collation.NO_CE_PRIMARY);
    636         int miniCE = getMiniCE(first);
    637         if(miniCE == CollationFastLatin.BAIL_OUT) { return miniCE; }
    638         if(miniCE >= CollationFastLatin.MIN_SHORT) {
    639             // Extract & copy the case bits.
    640             // Shift them from normal CE bits 15..14 to mini CE bits 4..3.
    641             int c = (((int)first & Collation.CASE_MASK) >> (14 - 3));
    642             // Only in mini CEs: Ignorable case bits = 0, lowercase = 1.
    643             c += CollationFastLatin.LOWER_CASE;
    644             miniCE |= c;
    645         }
    646         if(second == 0) { return miniCE; }
    648         int miniCE1 = getMiniCE(second);
    649         if(miniCE1 == CollationFastLatin.BAIL_OUT) { return miniCE1; }
    651         int case1 = (int)second & Collation.CASE_MASK;
    652         if(miniCE >= CollationFastLatin.MIN_SHORT &&
    653                 (miniCE & CollationFastLatin.SECONDARY_MASK) == CollationFastLatin.COMMON_SEC) {
    654             // Try to combine the two mini CEs into one.
    655             int sec1 = miniCE1 & CollationFastLatin.SECONDARY_MASK;
    656             int ter1 = miniCE1 & CollationFastLatin.TERTIARY_MASK;
    657             if(sec1 >= CollationFastLatin.MIN_SEC_HIGH && case1 == 0 &&
    658                     ter1 == CollationFastLatin.COMMON_TER) {
    659                 // sec1>=sec_high implies pri1==0.
    660                 return (miniCE & ~CollationFastLatin.SECONDARY_MASK) | sec1;
    661             }
    662         }
    664         if(miniCE1 <= CollationFastLatin.SECONDARY_MASK || CollationFastLatin.MIN_SHORT <= miniCE1) {
    665             // Secondary CE, or a CE with a short primary, copy the case bits.
    666             case1 = (case1 >> (14 - 3)) + CollationFastLatin.LOWER_CASE;
    667             miniCE1 |= case1;
    668         }
    669         return (miniCE << 16) | miniCE1;
    670     }
    672     private static boolean isContractionCharCE(long ce) {
    673         return (ce >>> 32) == Collation.NO_CE_PRIMARY && ce != Collation.NO_CE;
    674     }
    676     // space, punct, symbol, currency (not digit)
    677     private static final int NUM_SPECIAL_GROUPS =
    678             Collator.ReorderCodes.CURRENCY - Collator.ReorderCodes.FIRST + 1;
    680     private static final long CONTRACTION_FLAG = 0x80000000L;
    682     // temporary "buffer"
    683     private long ce0, ce1;
    685     private long[][] charCEs = new long[CollationFastLatin.NUM_FAST_CHARS][2];
    687     private UVector64 contractionCEs;
    688     private UVector64 uniqueCEs;
    690     /** One 16-bit mini CE per unique CE. */
    691     private char[] miniCEs;
    693     // These are constant for a given root collator.
    694     long[] lastSpecialPrimaries = new long[NUM_SPECIAL_GROUPS];
    695     private long firstDigitPrimary;
    696     private long firstLatinPrimary;
    697     private long lastLatinPrimary;
    698     // This determines the first normal primary weight which is mapped to
    699     // a short mini primary. It must be >=firstDigitPrimary.
    700     private long firstShortPrimary;
    702     private boolean shortPrimaryOverflow;
    704     private StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
    705     private int headerLength;
    706 }