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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.google.clearsilver.jsilver.data;
     19 import com.google.clearsilver.jsilver.resourceloader.ResourceLoader;
     21 import java.io.IOException;
     22 import java.io.LineNumberReader;
     23 import java.io.Reader;
     24 import java.util.ArrayList;
     25 import java.util.Iterator;
     26 import java.util.Stack;
     28 /**
     29  * Parser for HDF based on the following grammar by Brandon Long.
     30  *
     38  * HDF_ATTR_KEY := [0-9a-zA-Z]+ DQUOTED_STRING := "([^\\"]|\\[ntr]|\\.)*" HDF_NAME := (HDF_SUB_NAME
     39  * | HDF_SUB_NAME\.HDF_NAME) HDF_SUB_NAME := [0-9a-zA-Z_]+ EOM_MARKER := \S.*\S EOL := \n
     40  */
     41 public class NewHdfParser implements Parser {
     43   private final StringInternStrategy internStrategy;
     45   /**
     46    * Special exception used to detect when we unexpectedly run out of characters on the line.
     47    */
     48   private static class OutOfCharsException extends Exception {}
     50   /**
     51    * Object used to hold the name and attributes of an HDF node before we are ready to commit it to
     52    * the Data object.
     53    */
     54   private static class HdfNameAttrs {
     55     String name;
     56     ArrayList<String> attrs = null;
     57     int endOfSequence;
     59     void reset(String newname) {
     60       // TODO: think about moving interning here instead of parser code
     61       this.name = newname;
     62       if (attrs != null) {
     63         attrs.clear();
     64       }
     65       endOfSequence = 0;
     66     }
     68     void addAttribute(String key, String value) {
     69       if (attrs == null) {
     70         attrs = new ArrayList<String>(10);
     71       }
     72       attrs.ensureCapacity(attrs.size() + 2);
     73       // TODO: think about moving interning here instead of parser code
     74       attrs.add(key);
     75       attrs.add(value);
     76     }
     78     Data toData(Data data) {
     79       Data child = data.createChild(name);
     80       if (attrs != null) {
     81         Iterator<String> it = attrs.iterator();
     82         while (it.hasNext()) {
     83           String key = it.next();
     84           String value = it.next();
     85           child.setAttribute(key, value);
     86         }
     87       }
     88       return child;
     89     }
     90   }
     92   static final String UNNAMED_INPUT = "[UNNAMED_INPUT]";
     94   /**
     95    * State information that we pass through the parse methods. Allows parser to be reentrant as all
     96    * the state is passed through method calls.
     97    */
     98   static class ParseState {
     99     final Stack<Data> context = new Stack<Data>();
    100     final Data output;
    101     final LineNumberReader lineReader;
    102     final ErrorHandler errorHandler;
    103     final ResourceLoader resourceLoader;
    104     final NewHdfParser hdfParser;
    105     final boolean ignoreAttributes;
    106     final HdfNameAttrs hdfNameAttrs;
    107     final UniqueStack<String> includeStack;
    108     final String parsedFileName;
    110     String line;
    111     Data currentNode;
    113     private ParseState(Data output, LineNumberReader lineReader, ErrorHandler errorHandler,
    114         ResourceLoader resourceLoader, NewHdfParser hdfParser, String parsedFileName,
    115         boolean ignoreAttributes, HdfNameAttrs hdfNameAttrs, UniqueStack<String> includeStack) {
    116       this.lineReader = lineReader;
    117       this.errorHandler = errorHandler;
    118       this.output = output;
    119       currentNode = output;
    120       this.resourceLoader = resourceLoader;
    121       this.hdfParser = hdfParser;
    122       this.parsedFileName = parsedFileName;
    123       this.ignoreAttributes = ignoreAttributes;
    124       this.hdfNameAttrs = hdfNameAttrs;
    125       this.includeStack = includeStack;
    126     }
    128     public static ParseState createNewParseState(Data output, Reader reader,
    129         ErrorHandler errorHandler, ResourceLoader resourceLoader, NewHdfParser hdfParser,
    130         String parsedFileName, boolean ignoreAttributes) {
    132       if (parsedFileName == null) {
    133         parsedFileName = UNNAMED_INPUT;
    134       }
    135       UniqueStack<String> includeStack = new UniqueStack<String>();
    136       includeStack.push(parsedFileName);
    138       return new ParseState(output, new LineNumberReader(reader), errorHandler, resourceLoader,
    139           hdfParser, parsedFileName, ignoreAttributes, new HdfNameAttrs(), includeStack);
    140     }
    142     public static ParseState createParseStateForIncludedFile(ParseState originalState,
    143         String includeFileName, Reader includeFileReader) {
    144       return new ParseState(originalState.output, new LineNumberReader(includeFileReader),
    145           originalState.errorHandler, originalState.resourceLoader, originalState.hdfParser,
    146           originalState.parsedFileName, originalState.ignoreAttributes, new HdfNameAttrs(),
    147           originalState.includeStack);
    148     }
    149   }
    152   /**
    153    * Constructor for {@link NewHdfParser}.
    154    *
    155    * @param internPool - {@link StringInternStrategy} instance used to optimize the HDF parsing.
    156    */
    157   public NewHdfParser(StringInternStrategy internPool) {
    158     this.internStrategy = internPool;
    159   }
    161   private static class NewHdfParserFactory implements ParserFactory {
    162     private final StringInternStrategy stringInternStrategy;
    164     public NewHdfParserFactory(StringInternStrategy stringInternStrategy) {
    165       this.stringInternStrategy = stringInternStrategy;
    166     }
    168     @Override
    169     public Parser newInstance() {
    170       return new NewHdfParser(stringInternStrategy);
    171     }
    172   }
    174   /**
    175    * Creates a {@link ParserFactory} instance.
    176    *
    177    * <p>
    178    * Provided {@code stringInternStrategy} instance will be used by shared all {@link Parser}
    179    * objects created by the factory and used to optimize the HDF parsing process by reusing the
    180    * String for keys and values.
    181    *
    182    * @param stringInternStrategy - {@link StringInternStrategy} instance used to optimize the HDF
    183    *        parsing.
    184    * @return an instance of {@link ParserFactory} implementation.
    185    */
    186   public static ParserFactory newFactory(StringInternStrategy stringInternStrategy) {
    187     return new NewHdfParserFactory(stringInternStrategy);
    188   }
    190   public void parse(Reader reader, Data output, Parser.ErrorHandler errorHandler,
    191       ResourceLoader resourceLoader, String dataFileName, boolean ignoreAttributes)
    192       throws IOException {
    194     parse(ParseState.createNewParseState(output, reader, errorHandler, resourceLoader, this,
    195         dataFileName, ignoreAttributes));
    196   }
    198   private void parse(ParseState state) throws IOException {
    199     while ((state.line = state.lineReader.readLine()) != null) {
    200       String seq = stripWhitespace(state.line);
    201       try {
    202         parseCommand(seq, state);
    203       } catch (OutOfCharsException e) {
    204         reportError(state, "End of line was prematurely reached. Parse error.");
    205       }
    206     }
    207   }
    209   private static final String INCLUDE_WS = "#include ";
    211   private void parseCommand(String seq, ParseState state) throws IOException, OutOfCharsException {
    212     if (seq.length() == 0) {
    213       // Empty line.
    214       return;
    215     }
    216     if (charAt(seq, 0) == '#') {
    217       // If there isn't a match on include then this is a comment and we do nothing.
    218       if (matches(seq, 0, INCLUDE_WS)) {
    219         // This is an include command
    220         int start = skipLeadingWhitespace(seq, INCLUDE_WS.length());
    221         parseInclude(seq, start, state);
    222       }
    223       return;
    224     } else if (charAt(seq, 0) == '}') {
    225       if (skipLeadingWhitespace(seq, 1) != seq.length()) {
    226         reportError(state, "Extra chars after '}'");
    227         return;
    228       }
    229       handleAscend(state);
    230     } else {
    231       parseHdfElement(seq, state);
    232     }
    233   }
    235   private void parseInclude(String seq, int start, ParseState state) throws IOException,
    236       OutOfCharsException {
    237     int end = seq.length();
    238     if (charAt(seq, start) == '"') {
    239       if (charAt(seq, end - 1) == '"') {
    240         start++;
    241         end--;
    242       } else {
    243         reportError(state, "Missing '\"' at end of include");
    244         return;
    245       }
    246     }
    247     handleInclude(seq.substring(start, end), state);
    248   }
    250   private static final int NO_MATCH = -1;
    252   private void parseHdfElement(String seq, ParseState state) throws IOException,
    253       OutOfCharsException {
    254     // Re-use a single element to avoid repeated allocations/trashing (serious
    255     // performance impact, 5% of real service performance)
    256     HdfNameAttrs element = state.hdfNameAttrs;
    257     if (!parseHdfNameAttrs(element, seq, 0, state)) {
    258       return;
    259     }
    260     int index = skipLeadingWhitespace(seq, element.endOfSequence);
    261     switch (charAt(seq, index)) {
    262       case '{':
    263         // Descend
    264         if (index + 1 != seq.length()) {
    265           reportError(state, "No characters expected after '{'");
    266           return;
    267         }
    268         handleDescend(state, element);
    269         return;
    270       case '=':
    271         // Assignment
    272         index = skipLeadingWhitespace(seq, index + 1);
    273         String value = internStrategy.intern(seq.substring(index, seq.length()));
    274         handleAssign(state, element, value);
    275         return;
    276       case ':':
    277         if (charAt(seq, index + 1) == '=') {
    278           // Copy
    279           index = skipLeadingWhitespace(seq, index + 2);
    280           String src = parseHdfName(seq, index);
    281           if (src == null) {
    282             reportError(state, "Invalid HDF name");
    283             return;
    284           }
    285           if (index + src.length() != seq.length()) {
    286             reportError(state, "No characters expected after '{'");
    287             return;
    288           }
    289           handleCopy(state, element, src);
    290         } else {
    291           // Link
    292           index = skipLeadingWhitespace(seq, index + 1);
    293           String src = parseHdfName(seq, index);
    294           if (src == null) {
    295             reportError(state, "Invalid HDF name");
    296             return;
    297           }
    298           if (index + src.length() != seq.length()) {
    299             reportError(state, "No characters expected after '{'");
    300             return;
    301           }
    302           handleLink(state, element, src);
    303         }
    304         return;
    305       case '<':
    306         if (charAt(seq, index + 1) != '<') {
    307           reportError(state, "Expected '<<'");
    308         }
    309         index = skipLeadingWhitespace(seq, index + 2);
    310         String eomMarker = seq.substring(index, seq.length());
    311         // TODO: think about moving interning to handleAssign()
    312         String multilineValue = internStrategy.intern(parseMultilineValue(state, eomMarker));
    313         if (multilineValue == null) {
    314           return;
    315         }
    316         handleAssign(state, element, multilineValue);
    317         return;
    318       default:
    319         reportError(state, "No valid operator");
    320         return;
    321     }
    322   }
    324   /**
    325    * This method parses out an HDF element name and any optional attributes into a caller-supplied
    326    * HdfNameAttrs object. It returns a {@code boolean} with whether it succeeded to parse.
    327    */
    328   private boolean parseHdfNameAttrs(HdfNameAttrs destination, String seq, int index,
    329       ParseState state) throws OutOfCharsException {
    330     String hdfName = parseHdfName(seq, index);
    331     if (hdfName == null) {
    332       reportError(state, "Invalid HDF name");
    333       return false;
    334     }
    335     destination.reset(hdfName);
    336     index = skipLeadingWhitespace(seq, index + hdfName.length());
    337     int end = parseAttributes(seq, index, state, destination);
    338     if (end == NO_MATCH) {
    339       // Error already reported below.
    340       return false;
    341     } else {
    342       destination.endOfSequence = end;
    343       return true;
    344     }
    345   }
    347   /**
    348    * Parses a valid hdf path name.
    349    */
    350   private String parseHdfName(String seq, int index) throws OutOfCharsException {
    351     int end = index;
    352     while (end < seq.length() && isHdfNameChar(charAt(seq, end))) {
    353       end++;
    354     }
    355     if (end == index) {
    356       return null;
    357     }
    358     return internStrategy.intern(seq.substring(index, end));
    359   }
    361   /**
    362    * Looks for optional attributes and adds them to the HdfNameAttrs object passed into the method.
    363    */
    364   private int parseAttributes(String seq, int index, ParseState state, HdfNameAttrs element)
    365       throws OutOfCharsException {
    366     if (charAt(seq, index) != '[') {
    367       // No attributes to parse
    368       return index;
    369     }
    370     index = skipLeadingWhitespace(seq, index + 1);
    372     // If we don't care about attributes, just skip over them.
    373     if (state.ignoreAttributes) {
    374       while (charAt(seq, index) != ']') {
    375         index++;
    376       }
    377       return index + 1;
    378     }
    380     boolean first = true;
    381     do {
    382       if (first) {
    383         first = false;
    384       } else if (charAt(seq, index) == ',') {
    385         index = skipLeadingWhitespace(seq, index + 1);
    386       } else {
    387         reportError(state, "Error parsing attribute list");
    388       }
    389       index = parseAttribute(seq, index, state, element);
    390       if (index == NO_MATCH) {
    391         // reportError called by parseAttribute already.
    392         return NO_MATCH;
    393       }
    394       index = skipLeadingWhitespace(seq, index);
    395     } while (charAt(seq, index) != ']');
    396     return index + 1;
    397   }
    399   private static final String DEFAULT_ATTR_VALUE = "1";
    401   /**
    402    * Parse out a single HDF attribute. If there is no explicit value, use default value of "1" like
    403    * in C clearsilver. Returns NO_MATCH if it fails to parse an attribute.
    404    */
    405   private int parseAttribute(String seq, int index, ParseState state, HdfNameAttrs element)
    406       throws OutOfCharsException {
    407     int end = parseAttributeKey(seq, index);
    408     if (index == end) {
    409       reportError(state, "No valid attribute key");
    410       return NO_MATCH;
    411     }
    412     String attrKey = internStrategy.intern(seq.substring(index, end));
    413     index = skipLeadingWhitespace(seq, end);
    414     if (charAt(seq, index) != '=') {
    415       // No value for this attribute key. Use default value of "1"
    416       element.addAttribute(attrKey, DEFAULT_ATTR_VALUE);
    417       return index;
    418     }
    419     // We need to parse out the attribute value.
    420     index = skipLeadingWhitespace(seq, index + 1);
    421     if (charAt(seq, index) == '"') {
    422       index++;
    423       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    424       end = parseQuotedAttributeValue(seq, index, sb);
    425       if (end == NO_MATCH) {
    426         reportError(state, "Unable to parse quoted attribute value");
    427         return NO_MATCH;
    428       }
    429       String attrValue = internStrategy.intern(sb.toString());
    430       element.addAttribute(attrKey, attrValue);
    431       end++;
    432     } else {
    433       // Simple attribute that has no whitespace.
    434       String attrValue = parseAttributeValue(seq, index, state);
    435       if (attrValue == null || attrValue.length() == 0) {
    436         reportError(state, "No attribute for key " + attrKey);
    437         return NO_MATCH;
    438       }
    440       attrValue = internStrategy.intern(attrValue);
    441       element.addAttribute(attrKey, attrValue);
    442       end = index + attrValue.length();
    443     }
    444     return end;
    445   }
    447   /**
    448    * Returns the range in the sequence starting at start that corresponds to a valid attribute key.
    449    */
    450   private int parseAttributeKey(String seq, int index) throws OutOfCharsException {
    451     while (isAlphaNumericChar(charAt(seq, index))) {
    452       index++;
    453     }
    454     return index;
    455   }
    457   /**
    458    * Parses a quoted attribute value. Unescapes octal characters and \n, \r, \t, \", etc.
    459    */
    460   private int parseQuotedAttributeValue(String seq, int index, StringBuilder sb)
    461       throws OutOfCharsException {
    462     char c;
    463     while ((c = charAt(seq, index)) != '"') {
    464       if (c == '\\') {
    465         // Escaped character. Look for 1 to 3 digits in a row as octal or n,t,r.
    466         index++;
    467         char next = charAt(seq, index);
    468         if (isNumericChar(next)) {
    469           // Parse the next 1 to 3 characters if they are digits. Treat it as an octal code.
    470           int val = next - '0';
    471           if (isNumericChar(charAt(seq, index + 1))) {
    472             index++;
    473             val = val * 8 + (charAt(seq, index) - '0');
    474             if (isNumericChar(charAt(seq, index + 1))) {
    475               index++;
    476               val = val * 8 + (charAt(seq, index) - '0');
    477             }
    478           }
    479           c = (char) val;
    480         } else if (next == 'n') {
    481           c = '\n';
    482         } else if (next == 't') {
    483           c = '\t';
    484         } else if (next == 'r') {
    485           c = '\r';
    486         } else {
    487           // Regular escaped char like " or /
    488           c = next;
    489         }
    490       }
    491       sb.append(c);
    492       index++;
    493     }
    494     return index;
    495   }
    497   /**
    498    * Parses a simple attribute value that cannot have any whitespace or specific punctuation
    499    * reserved by the HDF grammar.
    500    */
    501   private String parseAttributeValue(String seq, int index, ParseState state)
    502       throws OutOfCharsException {
    503     int end = index;
    504     char c = charAt(seq, end);
    505     while (c != ',' && c != ']' && c != '"' && !Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
    506       end++;
    507       c = charAt(seq, end);
    508     }
    509     return seq.substring(index, end);
    510   }
    512   private String parseMultilineValue(ParseState state, String eomMarker) throws IOException {
    513     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256);
    514     String line;
    515     while ((line = state.lineReader.readLine()) != null) {
    516       if (line.startsWith(eomMarker)
    517           && skipLeadingWhitespace(line, eomMarker.length()) == line.length()) {
    518         return sb.toString();
    519       } else {
    520         sb.append(line).append('\n');
    521       }
    522     }
    523     reportError(state, "EOM " + eomMarker + " never found");
    524     return null;
    525   }
    527   // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    528   //
    529   // Handlers
    531   private void handleDescend(ParseState state, HdfNameAttrs element) {
    532     Data child = handleNodeCreation(state.currentNode, element);
    533     state.context.push(state.currentNode);
    534     state.currentNode = child;
    535   }
    537   private Data handleNodeCreation(Data node, HdfNameAttrs element) {
    538     return element.toData(node);
    539   }
    541   private void handleAssign(ParseState state, HdfNameAttrs element, String value) {
    542     // TODO: think about moving interning here
    543     Data child = handleNodeCreation(state.currentNode, element);
    544     child.setValue(value);
    545   }
    547   private void handleCopy(ParseState state, HdfNameAttrs element, String srcName) {
    548     Data child = handleNodeCreation(state.currentNode, element);
    549     Data src = state.output.getChild(srcName);
    550     if (src != null) {
    551       child.setValue(src.getValue());
    552     } else {
    553       child.setValue("");
    554     }
    555   }
    557   private void handleLink(ParseState state, HdfNameAttrs element, String srcName) {
    558     Data child = handleNodeCreation(state.currentNode, element);
    559     child.setSymlink(state.output.createChild(srcName));
    560   }
    562   private void handleAscend(ParseState state) {
    563     if (state.context.isEmpty()) {
    564       reportError(state, "Too many '}'");
    565       return;
    566     }
    567     state.currentNode = state.context.pop();
    568   }
    570   private void handleInclude(String seq, ParseState state) throws IOException {
    571     String includeFileName = internStrategy.intern(seq);
    573     // Load the file
    574     Reader reader = state.resourceLoader.open(includeFileName);
    575     if (reader == null) {
    576       reportError(state, "Unable to find file " + includeFileName);
    577       return;
    578     }
    580     // Check whether we are in include loop
    581     if (!state.includeStack.push(includeFileName)) {
    582       reportError(state, createIncludeStackTraceMessage(state.includeStack, includeFileName));
    583       return;
    584     }
    586     // Parse the file
    587     state.hdfParser.parse(ParseState
    588         .createParseStateForIncludedFile(state, includeFileName, reader));
    590     if (!includeFileName.equals(state.includeStack.pop())) {
    591       // Include stack trace is corrupted
    592       throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find on include stack: " + includeFileName);
    593     }
    594   }
    596   private String createIncludeStackTraceMessage(UniqueStack<String> includeStack,
    597       String includeFileName) {
    598     StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
    599     message.append("File included twice: ");
    600     message.append(includeFileName);
    602     message.append(" Include stack: ");
    603     for (String fileName : includeStack) {
    604       message.append(fileName);
    605       message.append(" -> ");
    606     }
    607     message.append(includeFileName);
    608     return message.toString();
    609   }
    611   // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    612   //
    613   // Character values
    615   private static boolean isNumericChar(char c) {
    616     if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
    617       return true;
    618     } else {
    619       return false;
    620     }
    621   }
    623   private static boolean isAlphaNumericChar(char c) {
    624     if (('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || ('0' <= c && c <= '9')) {
    625       return true;
    626     } else {
    627       return false;
    628     }
    629   }
    631   private static boolean isHdfNameChar(char c) {
    632     if (isAlphaNumericChar(c) || c == '_' || c == '.') {
    633       return true;
    634     } else {
    635       return false;
    636     }
    637   }
    639   private static String stripWhitespace(String seq) {
    640     int start = skipLeadingWhitespace(seq, 0);
    641     int end = seq.length() - 1;
    642     while (end > start && Character.isWhitespace(seq.charAt(end))) {
    643       --end;
    644     }
    645     if (start == 0 && end == seq.length() - 1) {
    646       return seq;
    647     } else {
    648       return seq.substring(start, end + 1);
    649     }
    650   }
    652   private static int skipLeadingWhitespace(String seq, int index) {
    653     while (index < seq.length() && Character.isWhitespace(seq.charAt(index))) {
    654       index++;
    655     }
    656     return index;
    657   }
    659   /**
    660    * Determines if a character sequence appears in the given sequence starting at a specified index.
    661    *
    662    * @param seq the sequence that we want to see if it contains the string match.
    663    * @param start the index into seq where we want to check for match
    664    * @param match the String we want to look for in the sequence.
    665    * @return {@code true} if the string match appears in seq starting at the index start, {@code
    666    *         false} otherwise.
    667    */
    668   private static boolean matches(String seq, int start, String match) {
    669     if (seq.length() - start < match.length()) {
    670       return false;
    671     }
    672     for (int i = 0; i < match.length(); i++) {
    673       if (match.charAt(i) != seq.charAt(start + i)) {
    674         return false;
    675       }
    676     }
    677     return true;
    678   }
    680   /**
    681    * Reads the character at the specified index in the given String. Throws an exception to be
    682    * caught above if the index is out of range.
    683    */
    684   private static char charAt(String seq, int index) throws OutOfCharsException {
    685     if (0 <= index && index < seq.length()) {
    686       return seq.charAt(index);
    687     } else {
    688       throw new OutOfCharsException();
    689     }
    690   }
    693   private static void reportError(ParseState state, String errorMessage) {
    694     if (state.errorHandler != null) {
    695       state.errorHandler.error(state.lineReader.getLineNumber(), state.line, state.parsedFileName,
    696           errorMessage);
    697     } else {
    698       throw new RuntimeException("Parse Error on line " + state.lineReader.getLineNumber() + ": "
    699           + errorMessage + " : " + state.line);
    700     }
    701   }
    702 }