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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // This file provides a way to call D-Bus methods on objects in remote processes
      6 // as if they were native C++ function calls.
      8 // CallMethodAndBlock (along with CallMethodAndBlockWithTimeout) lets you call
      9 // a D-Bus method synchronously and pass all the required parameters as C++
     10 // function arguments. CallMethodAndBlock relies on automatic C++ to D-Bus data
     11 // serialization implemented in brillo/dbus/data_serialization.h.
     12 // CallMethodAndBlock invokes the D-Bus method and returns the Response.
     14 // The method call response should be parsed with ExtractMethodCallResults().
     15 // The method takes an optional list of pointers to the expected return values
     16 // of the D-Bus method.
     18 // CallMethod and CallMethodWithTimeout are similar to CallMethodAndBlock but
     19 // make the calls asynchronously. They take two callbacks: one for successful
     20 // method invocation and the second is for error conditions.
     22 // Here is an example of synchronous calls:
     23 // Call "std::string MyInterface::MyMethod(int, double)" over D-Bus:
     25 //  using brillo::dbus_utils::CallMethodAndBlock;
     26 //  using brillo::dbus_utils::ExtractMethodCallResults;
     27 //
     28 //  brillo::ErrorPtr error;
     29 //  auto resp = CallMethodAndBlock(obj,
     30 //                                 "org.chromium.MyService.MyInterface",
     31 //                                 "MyMethod",
     32 //                                 &error,
     33 //                                 2, 8.7);
     34 //  std::string return_value;
     35 //  if (resp && ExtractMethodCallResults(resp.get(), &error, &return_value)) {
     36 //    // Use the |return_value|.
     37 //  } else {
     38 //    // An error occurred. Use |error| to get details.
     39 //  }
     41 // And here is how to call D-Bus methods asynchronously:
     42 // Call "std::string MyInterface::MyMethod(int, double)" over D-Bus:
     44 //  using brillo::dbus_utils::CallMethod;
     45 //  using brillo::dbus_utils::ExtractMethodCallResults;
     46 //
     47 //  void OnSuccess(const std::string& return_value) {
     48 //    // Use the |return_value|.
     49 //  }
     50 //
     51 //  void OnError(brillo::Error* error) {
     52 //    // An error occurred. Use |error| to get details.
     53 //  }
     54 //
     55 //  brillo::dbus_utils::CallMethod(obj,
     56 //                                   "org.chromium.MyService.MyInterface",
     57 //                                   "MyMethod",
     58 //                                   base::Bind(OnSuccess),
     59 //                                   base::Bind(OnError),
     60 //                                   2, 8.7);
     65 #include <memory>
     66 #include <string>
     67 #include <tuple>
     69 #include <base/bind.h>
     70 #include <brillo/dbus/dbus_param_reader.h>
     71 #include <brillo/dbus/dbus_param_writer.h>
     72 #include <brillo/dbus/utils.h>
     73 #include <brillo/errors/error.h>
     74 #include <brillo/errors/error_codes.h>
     75 #include <brillo/brillo_export.h>
     76 #include <dbus/message.h>
     77 #include <dbus/object_proxy.h>
     79 namespace brillo {
     80 namespace dbus_utils {
     82 // A helper method to dispatch a blocking D-Bus method call. Can specify
     83 // zero or more method call arguments in |args| which will be sent over D-Bus.
     84 // This method sends a D-Bus message and blocks for a time period specified
     85 // in |timeout_ms| while waiting for a reply. The time out is in milliseconds or
     86 // -1 (DBUS_TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) for default, or DBUS_TIMEOUT_INFINITE for no
     87 // timeout. If a timeout occurs, the response object contains an error object
     88 // with DBUS_ERROR_NO_REPLY error code (those constants come from libdbus
     89 // [dbus/dbus.h]).
     90 // Returns a dbus::Response object on success. On failure, returns nullptr and
     91 // fills in additional error details into the |error| object.
     92 template<typename... Args>
     93 inline std::unique_ptr<dbus::Response> CallMethodAndBlockWithTimeout(
     94     int timeout_ms,
     95     dbus::ObjectProxy* object,
     96     const std::string& interface_name,
     97     const std::string& method_name,
     98     ErrorPtr* error,
     99     const Args&... args) {
    100   dbus::MethodCall method_call(interface_name, method_name);
    101   // Add method arguments to the message buffer.
    102   dbus::MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
    103   DBusParamWriter::Append(&writer, args...);
    104   dbus::ScopedDBusError dbus_error;
    105   auto response = object->CallMethodAndBlockWithErrorDetails(
    106       &method_call, timeout_ms, &dbus_error);
    107   if (!response) {
    108     if (dbus_error.is_set()) {
    109       Error::AddTo(error,
    110                    FROM_HERE,
    111                    errors::dbus::kDomain,
    112                    dbus_error.name(),
    113                    dbus_error.message());
    114     } else {
    115       Error::AddToPrintf(error,
    116                          FROM_HERE,
    117                          errors::dbus::kDomain,
    118                          DBUS_ERROR_FAILED,
    119                          "Failed to call D-Bus method: %s.%s",
    120                          interface_name.c_str(),
    121                          method_name.c_str());
    122     }
    123   }
    124   return response;
    125 }
    127 // Same as CallMethodAndBlockWithTimeout() but uses a default timeout value.
    128 template<typename... Args>
    129 inline std::unique_ptr<dbus::Response> CallMethodAndBlock(
    130     dbus::ObjectProxy* object,
    131     const std::string& interface_name,
    132     const std::string& method_name,
    133     ErrorPtr* error,
    134     const Args&... args) {
    135   return CallMethodAndBlockWithTimeout(dbus::ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT,
    136                                        object,
    137                                        interface_name,
    138                                        method_name,
    139                                        error,
    140                                        args...);
    141 }
    143 // Extracts the parameters of |ResultTypes...| types from the message reader
    144 // and puts the values in the resulting |tuple|. Returns false on error and
    145 // provides additional error details in |error| object.
    146 template<typename... ResultTypes>
    147 inline bool ExtractMessageParametersAsTuple(
    148     dbus::MessageReader* reader,
    149     ErrorPtr* error,
    150     std::tuple<ResultTypes...>* val_tuple) {
    151   auto callback = [val_tuple](const ResultTypes&... params) {
    152     *val_tuple = std::forward_as_tuple(params...);
    153   };
    154   return DBusParamReader<false, ResultTypes...>::Invoke(
    155       callback, reader, error);
    156 }
    157 // Overload of ExtractMessageParametersAsTuple to handle reference types in
    158 // tuples created with std::tie().
    159 template<typename... ResultTypes>
    160 inline bool ExtractMessageParametersAsTuple(
    161     dbus::MessageReader* reader,
    162     ErrorPtr* error,
    163     std::tuple<ResultTypes&...>* ref_tuple) {
    164   auto callback = [ref_tuple](const ResultTypes&... params) {
    165     *ref_tuple = std::forward_as_tuple(params...);
    166   };
    167   return DBusParamReader<false, ResultTypes...>::Invoke(
    168       callback, reader, error);
    169 }
    171 // A helper method to extract a list of values from a message buffer.
    172 // The function will return false and provide detailed error information on
    173 // failure. It fails if the D-Bus message buffer (represented by the |reader|)
    174 // contains too many, too few parameters or the parameters are of wrong types
    175 // (signatures).
    176 // The usage pattern is as follows:
    177 //
    178 //  int32_t data1;
    179 //  std::string data2;
    180 //  ErrorPtr error;
    181 //  if (ExtractMessageParameters(reader, &error, &data1, &data2)) { ... }
    182 //
    183 // The above example extracts an Int32 and a String from D-Bus message buffer.
    184 template<typename... ResultTypes>
    185 inline bool ExtractMessageParameters(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
    186                                      ErrorPtr* error,
    187                                      ResultTypes*... results) {
    188   auto ref_tuple = std::tie(*results...);
    189   return ExtractMessageParametersAsTuple<ResultTypes...>(
    190       reader, error, &ref_tuple);
    191 }
    193 // Convenient helper method to extract return value(s) of a D-Bus method call.
    194 // |results| must be zero or more pointers to data expected to be returned
    195 // from the method called. If an error occurs, returns false and provides
    196 // additional details in |error| object.
    197 //
    198 // It is OK to call this method even if the D-Bus method doesn't expect
    199 // any return values. Just do not specify any output |results|. In this case,
    200 // ExtractMethodCallResults() will verify that the method didn't return any
    201 // data in the |message|.
    202 template<typename... ResultTypes>
    203 inline bool ExtractMethodCallResults(dbus::Message* message,
    204                                      ErrorPtr* error,
    205                                      ResultTypes*... results) {
    206   CHECK(message) << "Unable to extract parameters from a NULL message.";
    208   dbus::MessageReader reader(message);
    209   if (message->GetMessageType() == dbus::Message::MESSAGE_ERROR) {
    210     std::string error_message;
    211     if (ExtractMessageParameters(&reader, error, &error_message))
    212       AddDBusError(error, message->GetErrorName(), error_message);
    213     return false;
    214   }
    215   return ExtractMessageParameters(&reader, error, results...);
    216 }
    218 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    219 // Asynchronous method invocation support
    221 using AsyncErrorCallback = base::Callback<void(Error* error)>;
    223 // A helper function that translates dbus::ErrorResponse response
    224 // from D-Bus into brillo::Error* and invokes the |callback|.
    225 void BRILLO_EXPORT TranslateErrorResponse(const AsyncErrorCallback& callback,
    226                                             dbus::ErrorResponse* resp);
    228 // A helper function that translates dbus::Response from D-Bus into
    229 // a list of C++ values passed as parameters to |success_callback|. If the
    230 // response message doesn't have the correct number of parameters, or they
    231 // are of wrong types, an error is sent to |error_callback|.
    232 template<typename... OutArgs>
    233 void TranslateSuccessResponse(
    234     const base::Callback<void(OutArgs...)>& success_callback,
    235     const AsyncErrorCallback& error_callback,
    236     dbus::Response* resp) {
    237   auto callback = [&success_callback](const OutArgs&... params) {
    238     if (!success_callback.is_null()) {
    239       success_callback.Run(params...);
    240     }
    241   };
    242   ErrorPtr error;
    243   dbus::MessageReader reader(resp);
    244   if (!DBusParamReader<false, OutArgs...>::Invoke(callback, &reader, &error) &&
    245       !error_callback.is_null()) {
    246     error_callback.Run(error.get());
    247   }
    248 }
    250 // A helper method to dispatch a non-blocking D-Bus method call. Can specify
    251 // zero or more method call arguments in |params| which will be sent over D-Bus.
    252 // This method sends a D-Bus message and returns immediately.
    253 // When the remote method returns successfully, the success callback is
    254 // invoked with the return value(s), if any.
    255 // On error, the error callback is called. Note, the error callback can be
    256 // called synchronously (before CallMethodWithTimeout returns) if there was
    257 // a problem invoking a method (e.g. object or method doesn't exist).
    258 // If the response is not received within |timeout_ms|, an error callback is
    259 // called with DBUS_ERROR_NO_REPLY error code.
    260 template<typename... InArgs, typename... OutArgs>
    261 inline void CallMethodWithTimeout(
    262     int timeout_ms,
    263     dbus::ObjectProxy* object,
    264     const std::string& interface_name,
    265     const std::string& method_name,
    266     const base::Callback<void(OutArgs...)>& success_callback,
    267     const AsyncErrorCallback& error_callback,
    268     const InArgs&... params) {
    269   dbus::MethodCall method_call(interface_name, method_name);
    270   dbus::MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
    271   DBusParamWriter::Append(&writer, params...);
    273   dbus::ObjectProxy::ErrorCallback dbus_error_callback =
    274       base::Bind(&TranslateErrorResponse, error_callback);
    275   dbus::ObjectProxy::ResponseCallback dbus_success_callback = base::Bind(
    276       &TranslateSuccessResponse<OutArgs...>, success_callback, error_callback);
    278   object->CallMethodWithErrorCallback(
    279       &method_call, timeout_ms, dbus_success_callback, dbus_error_callback);
    280 }
    282 // Same as CallMethodWithTimeout() but uses a default timeout value.
    283 template<typename... InArgs, typename... OutArgs>
    284 inline void CallMethod(dbus::ObjectProxy* object,
    285                        const std::string& interface_name,
    286                        const std::string& method_name,
    287                        const base::Callback<void(OutArgs...)>& success_callback,
    288                        const AsyncErrorCallback& error_callback,
    289                        const InArgs&... params) {
    290   return CallMethodWithTimeout(dbus::ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT,
    291                                object,
    292                                interface_name,
    293                                method_name,
    294                                success_callback,
    295                                error_callback,
    296                                params...);
    297 }
    299 }  // namespace dbus_utils
    300 }  // namespace brillo