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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #ifndef BASE_TASK_RUNNER_H_
      6 #define BASE_TASK_RUNNER_H_
      8 #include <stddef.h>
     10 #include "base/base_export.h"
     11 #include "base/callback.h"
     12 #include "base/location.h"
     13 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
     14 #include "base/time/time.h"
     16 namespace base {
     18 struct TaskRunnerTraits;
     20 // A TaskRunner is an object that runs posted tasks (in the form of
     21 // Closure objects).  The TaskRunner interface provides a way of
     22 // decoupling task posting from the mechanics of how each task will be
     23 // run.  TaskRunner provides very weak guarantees as to how posted
     24 // tasks are run (or if they're run at all).  In particular, it only
     25 // guarantees:
     26 //
     27 //   - Posting a task will not run it synchronously.  That is, no
     28 //     Post*Task method will call task.Run() directly.
     29 //
     30 //   - Increasing the delay can only delay when the task gets run.
     31 //     That is, increasing the delay may not affect when the task gets
     32 //     run, or it could make it run later than it normally would, but
     33 //     it won't make it run earlier than it normally would.
     34 //
     35 // TaskRunner does not guarantee the order in which posted tasks are
     36 // run, whether tasks overlap, or whether they're run on a particular
     37 // thread.  Also it does not guarantee a memory model for shared data
     38 // between tasks.  (In other words, you should use your own
     39 // synchronization/locking primitives if you need to share data
     40 // between tasks.)
     41 //
     42 // Implementations of TaskRunner should be thread-safe in that all
     43 // methods must be safe to call on any thread.  Ownership semantics
     44 // for TaskRunners are in general not clear, which is why the
     45 // interface itself is RefCountedThreadSafe.
     46 //
     47 // Some theoretical implementations of TaskRunner:
     48 //
     49 //   - A TaskRunner that uses a thread pool to run posted tasks.
     50 //
     51 //   - A TaskRunner that, for each task, spawns a non-joinable thread
     52 //     to run that task and immediately quit.
     53 //
     54 //   - A TaskRunner that stores the list of posted tasks and has a
     55 //     method Run() that runs each runnable task in random order.
     56 class BASE_EXPORT TaskRunner
     57     : public RefCountedThreadSafe<TaskRunner, TaskRunnerTraits> {
     58  public:
     59   // Posts the given task to be run.  Returns true if the task may be
     60   // run at some point in the future, and false if the task definitely
     61   // will not be run.
     62   //
     63   // Equivalent to PostDelayedTask(from_here, task, 0).
     64   bool PostTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here, OnceClosure task);
     66   // Like PostTask, but tries to run the posted task only after
     67   // |delay_ms| has passed.
     68   //
     69   // It is valid for an implementation to ignore |delay_ms|; that is,
     70   // to have PostDelayedTask behave the same as PostTask.
     71   virtual bool PostDelayedTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
     72                                OnceClosure task,
     73                                base::TimeDelta delay) = 0;
     75   // Returns true if the current thread is a thread on which a task
     76   // may be run, and false if no task will be run on the current
     77   // thread.
     78   //
     79   // It is valid for an implementation to always return true, or in
     80   // general to use 'true' as a default value.
     81   virtual bool RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const = 0;
     83   // Posts |task| on the current TaskRunner.  On completion, |reply|
     84   // is posted to the thread that called PostTaskAndReply().  Both
     85   // |task| and |reply| are guaranteed to be deleted on the thread
     86   // from which PostTaskAndReply() is invoked.  This allows objects
     87   // that must be deleted on the originating thread to be bound into
     88   // the |task| and |reply| Closures.  In particular, it can be useful
     89   // to use WeakPtr<> in the |reply| Closure so that the reply
     90   // operation can be canceled. See the following pseudo-code:
     91   //
     92   // class DataBuffer : public RefCountedThreadSafe<DataBuffer> {
     93   //  public:
     94   //   // Called to add data into a buffer.
     95   //   void AddData(void* buf, size_t length);
     96   //   ...
     97   // };
     98   //
     99   //
    100   // class DataLoader : public SupportsWeakPtr<DataLoader> {
    101   //  public:
    102   //    void GetData() {
    103   //      scoped_refptr<DataBuffer> buffer = new DataBuffer();
    104   //      target_thread_.task_runner()->PostTaskAndReply(
    105   //          FROM_HERE,
    106   //          base::Bind(&DataBuffer::AddData, buffer),
    107   //          base::Bind(&DataLoader::OnDataReceived, AsWeakPtr(), buffer));
    108   //    }
    109   //
    110   //  private:
    111   //    void OnDataReceived(scoped_refptr<DataBuffer> buffer) {
    112   //      // Do something with buffer.
    113   //    }
    114   // };
    115   //
    116   //
    117   // Things to notice:
    118   //   * Results of |task| are shared with |reply| by binding a shared argument
    119   //     (a DataBuffer instance).
    120   //   * The DataLoader object has no special thread safety.
    121   //   * The DataLoader object can be deleted while |task| is still running,
    122   //     and the reply will cancel itself safely because it is bound to a
    123   //     WeakPtr<>.
    124   bool PostTaskAndReply(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    125                         OnceClosure task,
    126                         OnceClosure reply);
    128  protected:
    129   friend struct TaskRunnerTraits;
    131   // Only the Windows debug build seems to need this: see
    132   // http://crbug.com/112250.
    133   friend class RefCountedThreadSafe<TaskRunner, TaskRunnerTraits>;
    135   TaskRunner();
    136   virtual ~TaskRunner();
    138   // Called when this object should be destroyed.  By default simply
    139   // deletes |this|, but can be overridden to do something else, like
    140   // delete on a certain thread.
    141   virtual void OnDestruct() const;
    142 };
    144 struct BASE_EXPORT TaskRunnerTraits {
    145   static void Destruct(const TaskRunner* task_runner);
    146 };
    148 }  // namespace base
    150 #endif  // BASE_TASK_RUNNER_H_