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      1 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
      6 // Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     10 // UNSUPPORTED: c++98, c++03
     12 // <functional>
     14 // template<CopyConstructible Fn, CopyConstructible... Types>
     15 //   unspecified bind(Fn, Types...);
     16 // template<Returnable R, CopyConstructible Fn, CopyConstructible... Types>
     17 //   unspecified bind(Fn, Types...);
     19 // Check that the call operators have the proper return type and that they
     20 // only SFINAE away when too few arguments are provided. Otherwise they should
     21 // be well formed and should ignore any additional arguments.
     23 #include <functional>
     24 #include <type_traits>
     25 #include <cassert>
     27 #include "test_macros.h"
     29 int dummy = 42;
     31 int return_value(int) { return dummy; }
     32 int& return_lvalue(int) { return dummy; }
     33 const int& return_const_lvalue(int) { return dummy; }
     34 int&& return_rvalue(int) { return std::move(dummy); }
     35 const int&& return_const_rvalue(int) { return std::move(dummy); }
     37 template <class Bind, class ...Args>
     38 auto CheckCallImp(int)
     39     -> decltype((std::declval<Bind>()(std::declval<Args>()...)), std::true_type{});
     41 template <class Bind, class ...>
     42 auto CheckCallImp(long) -> std::false_type;
     44 template <class ...Args>
     45 constexpr bool CheckCall() {
     46     return decltype(CheckCallImp<Args...>(0))::value;
     47 }
     49 template <class Expect, class Fn>
     50 void do_test(Fn* func) {
     51     using namespace std::placeholders;
     52     auto ret = std::bind(func, _1);
     53     auto ret_r = std::bind<Expect>(func, _1);
     54     using Bind = decltype(ret);
     55     using BindR = decltype(ret_r);
     57     using Ret = decltype(ret(42));
     58     using Ret2 = decltype(ret(42, 43)); // Test that the extra argument is discarded.
     59     using RetR = decltype(ret_r(42));
     60     using RetR2 = decltype(ret_r(42, 43));
     62     static_assert(std::is_same<Ret, Expect>::value, "");
     63     static_assert(std::is_same<Ret2, Expect>::value, "");
     64     static_assert(std::is_same<RetR, Expect>::value, "");
     65     static_assert(std::is_same<RetR2, Expect>::value, "");
     67     Expect exp = ret(100); // the input value is ignored. dummy is returned.
     68     Expect exp2 = ret(101, 102);
     69     Expect exp_r = ret_r(100);
     70     Expect exp_r2 = ret_r(101, 102);
     72     assert(exp == 42);
     73     assert(exp2 == 42);
     74     assert(exp_r == 42);
     75     assert(exp_r2 == 42);
     77     if ((std::is_reference<Expect>::value)) {
     78         assert(&exp == &dummy);
     79         assert(&exp2 == &dummy);
     80         assert(&exp_r == &dummy);
     81         assert(&exp_r2 == &dummy);
     82     }
     83     // Check that the call operator SFINAE's away when too few arguments
     84     // are provided but is well-formed otherwise.
     85     {
     86         LIBCPP_STATIC_ASSERT(!CheckCall<Bind>(), "");
     87         static_assert(CheckCall<Bind, int>(), "");
     88         static_assert(CheckCall<Bind, int, int>(), "");
     89         LIBCPP_STATIC_ASSERT(!CheckCall<BindR>(), "");
     90         static_assert(CheckCall<BindR, int>(), "");
     91         static_assert(CheckCall<BindR, int, int>(), "");
     92     }
     93 }
     96 // Test but with an explicit return type which differs from the real one.
     97 template <class Expect, class Fn>
     98 void do_test_r(Fn* func) {
     99     using namespace std::placeholders;
    100     auto ret = std::bind<Expect>(func, _1);
    101     using Bind = decltype(ret);
    102     using Ret = decltype(ret(42));
    103     using Ret2 = decltype(ret(42, 43)); // Test that the extra argument is discarded.
    104     static_assert(std::is_same<Ret, Expect>::value, "");
    105     static_assert(std::is_same<Ret2, Expect>::value, "");
    106     Expect exp = ret(100); // the input value is ignored
    107     Expect exp2 = ret(101, 102);
    108     assert(exp == 42);
    109     assert(exp2 == 42);
    110     // Check that the call operator SFINAE's away when too few arguments
    111     // are provided but is well-formed otherwise.
    112     {
    113         LIBCPP_STATIC_ASSERT(!CheckCall<Bind>(), "");
    114         static_assert(CheckCall<Bind, int>(), "");
    115         static_assert(CheckCall<Bind, int, int>(), "");
    116     }
    117 }
    119 int main()
    120 {
    121     do_test<int>(return_value);
    122     do_test<int&>(return_lvalue);
    123     do_test<const int&>(return_const_lvalue);
    124     do_test<int&&>(return_rvalue);
    125     do_test<const int&&>(return_const_rvalue);
    127     do_test_r<long>(return_value);
    128     do_test_r<long>(return_lvalue);
    129     do_test_r<long>(return_const_lvalue);
    130     do_test_r<long>(return_rvalue);
    131     do_test_r<long>(return_const_rvalue);
    133 }