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class="description"> 91 <ul class="blockList"> 92 <li class="blockList"> 93 <hr> 94 <br> 95 <pre>public final class <span class="strong">TJ</span> 96 extends java.lang.Object</pre> 97 <div class="block">TurboJPEG utility class (cannot be instantiated)</div> 98 </li> 99 </ul> 100 </div> 101 <div class="summary"> 102 <ul class="blockList"> 103 <li class="blockList"> 104 <!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== --> 105 <ul class="blockList"> 106 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_summary"> 107 <!-- --> 108 </a> 109 <h3>Field Summary</h3> 110 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Field Summary table, listing fields, and an explanation"> 111 <caption><span>Fields</span><span class="tabEnd"> </span></caption> 112 <tr> 113 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th> 114 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th> 115 </tr> 116 <tr class="altColor"> 117 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 118 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#CS_CMYK">CS_CMYK</a></strong></code> 119 <div class="block">CMYK colorspace.</div> 120 </td> 121 </tr> 122 <tr class="rowColor"> 123 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 124 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#CS_GRAY">CS_GRAY</a></strong></code> 125 <div class="block">Grayscale colorspace.</div> 126 </td> 127 </tr> 128 <tr class="altColor"> 129 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 130 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#CS_RGB">CS_RGB</a></strong></code> 131 <div class="block">RGB colorspace.</div> 132 </td> 133 </tr> 134 <tr class="rowColor"> 135 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 136 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#CS_YCbCr">CS_YCbCr</a></strong></code> 137 <div class="block">YCbCr colorspace.</div> 138 </td> 139 </tr> 140 <tr class="altColor"> 141 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 142 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#CS_YCCK">CS_YCCK</a></strong></code> 143 <div class="block">YCCK colorspace.</div> 144 </td> 145 </tr> 146 <tr class="rowColor"> 147 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 148 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#FLAG_ACCURATEDCT">FLAG_ACCURATEDCT</a></strong></code> 149 <div class="block">Use the most accurate DCT/IDCT algorithm available in the underlying 150 codec.</div> 151 </td> 152 </tr> 153 <tr class="altColor"> 154 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 155 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#FLAG_BOTTOMUP">FLAG_BOTTOMUP</a></strong></code> 156 <div class="block">The uncompressed source/destination image is stored in bottom-up (Windows, 157 OpenGL) order, not top-down (X11) order.</div> 158 </td> 159 </tr> 160 <tr class="rowColor"> 161 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 162 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#FLAG_FASTDCT">FLAG_FASTDCT</a></strong></code> 163 <div class="block">Use the fastest DCT/IDCT algorithm available in the underlying codec.</div> 164 </td> 165 </tr> 166 <tr class="altColor"> 167 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 168 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#FLAG_FASTUPSAMPLE">FLAG_FASTUPSAMPLE</a></strong></code> 169 <div class="block">When decompressing an image that was compressed using chrominance 170 subsampling, use the fastest chrominance upsampling algorithm available in 171 the underlying codec.</div> 172 </td> 173 </tr> 174 <tr class="rowColor"> 175 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 176 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#FLAG_FORCEMMX">FLAG_FORCEMMX</a></strong></code> 177 <div class="block"><strong>Deprecated.</strong> </div> 178 </td> 179 </tr> 180 <tr class="altColor"> 181 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 182 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#FLAG_FORCESSE">FLAG_FORCESSE</a></strong></code> 183 <div class="block"><strong>Deprecated.</strong> </div> 184 </td> 185 </tr> 186 <tr class="rowColor"> 187 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 188 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#FLAG_FORCESSE2">FLAG_FORCESSE2</a></strong></code> 189 <div class="block"><strong>Deprecated.</strong> </div> 190 </td> 191 </tr> 192 <tr class="altColor"> 193 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 194 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#FLAG_FORCESSE3">FLAG_FORCESSE3</a></strong></code> 195 <div class="block"><strong>Deprecated.</strong> </div> 196 </td> 197 </tr> 198 <tr class="rowColor"> 199 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 200 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#NUMCS">NUMCS</a></strong></code> 201 <div class="block">The number of JPEG colorspaces</div> 202 </td> 203 </tr> 204 <tr class="altColor"> 205 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 206 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#NUMPF">NUMPF</a></strong></code> 207 <div class="block">The number of pixel formats</div> 208 </td> 209 </tr> 210 <tr class="rowColor"> 211 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 212 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#NUMSAMP">NUMSAMP</a></strong></code> 213 <div class="block">The number of chrominance subsampling options</div> 214 </td> 215 </tr> 216 <tr class="altColor"> 217 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 218 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_ABGR">PF_ABGR</a></strong></code> 219 <div class="block">ABGR pixel format.</div> 220 </td> 221 </tr> 222 <tr class="rowColor"> 223 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 224 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_ARGB">PF_ARGB</a></strong></code> 225 <div class="block">ARGB pixel format.</div> 226 </td> 227 </tr> 228 <tr class="altColor"> 229 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 230 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_BGR">PF_BGR</a></strong></code> 231 <div class="block">BGR pixel format.</div> 232 </td> 233 </tr> 234 <tr class="rowColor"> 235 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 236 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_BGRA">PF_BGRA</a></strong></code> 237 <div class="block">BGRA pixel format.</div> 238 </td> 239 </tr> 240 <tr class="altColor"> 241 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 242 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_BGRX">PF_BGRX</a></strong></code> 243 <div class="block">BGRX pixel format.</div> 244 </td> 245 </tr> 246 <tr class="rowColor"> 247 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 248 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_CMYK">PF_CMYK</a></strong></code> 249 <div class="block">CMYK pixel format.</div> 250 </td> 251 </tr> 252 <tr class="altColor"> 253 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 254 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_GRAY">PF_GRAY</a></strong></code> 255 <div class="block">Grayscale pixel format.</div> 256 </td> 257 </tr> 258 <tr class="rowColor"> 259 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 260 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_RGB">PF_RGB</a></strong></code> 261 <div class="block">RGB pixel format.</div> 262 </td> 263 </tr> 264 <tr class="altColor"> 265 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 266 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_RGBA">PF_RGBA</a></strong></code> 267 <div class="block">RGBA pixel format.</div> 268 </td> 269 </tr> 270 <tr class="rowColor"> 271 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 272 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_RGBX">PF_RGBX</a></strong></code> 273 <div class="block">RGBX pixel format.</div> 274 </td> 275 </tr> 276 <tr class="altColor"> 277 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 278 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_XBGR">PF_XBGR</a></strong></code> 279 <div class="block">XBGR pixel format.</div> 280 </td> 281 </tr> 282 <tr class="rowColor"> 283 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 284 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_XRGB">PF_XRGB</a></strong></code> 285 <div class="block">XRGB pixel format.</div> 286 </td> 287 </tr> 288 <tr class="altColor"> 289 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 290 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#SAMP_411">SAMP_411</a></strong></code> 291 <div class="block">4:1:1 chrominance subsampling.</div> 292 </td> 293 </tr> 294 <tr class="rowColor"> 295 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 296 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#SAMP_420">SAMP_420</a></strong></code> 297 <div class="block">4:2:0 chrominance subsampling.</div> 298 </td> 299 </tr> 300 <tr class="altColor"> 301 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 302 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#SAMP_422">SAMP_422</a></strong></code> 303 <div class="block">4:2:2 chrominance subsampling.</div> 304 </td> 305 </tr> 306 <tr class="rowColor"> 307 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 308 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#SAMP_440">SAMP_440</a></strong></code> 309 <div class="block">4:4:0 chrominance subsampling.</div> 310 </td> 311 </tr> 312 <tr class="altColor"> 313 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 314 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#SAMP_444">SAMP_444</a></strong></code> 315 <div class="block">4:4:4 chrominance subsampling (no chrominance subsampling).</div> 316 </td> 317 </tr> 318 <tr class="rowColor"> 319 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 320 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#SAMP_GRAY">SAMP_GRAY</a></strong></code> 321 <div class="block">Grayscale.</div> 322 </td> 323 </tr> 324 </table> 325 </li> 326 </ul> 327 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== --> 328 <ul class="blockList"> 329 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary"> 330 <!-- --> 331 </a> 332 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3> 333 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation"> 334 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd"> </span></caption> 335 <tr> 336 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th> 337 </tr> 338 <tr class="altColor"> 339 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#TJ()">TJ</a></strong>()</code> </td> 340 </tr> 341 </table> 342 </li> 343 </ul> 344 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== --> 345 <ul class="blockList"> 346 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary"> 347 <!-- --> 348 </a> 349 <h3>Method Summary</h3> 350 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation"> 351 <caption><span>Methods</span><span class="tabEnd"> </span></caption> 352 <tr> 353 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th> 354 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th> 355 </tr> 356 <tr class="altColor"> 357 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 358 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#bufSize(int,%20int,%20int)">bufSize</a></strong>(int width, 359 int height, 360 int jpegSubsamp)</code> 361 <div class="block">Returns the maximum size of the buffer (in bytes) required to hold a JPEG 362 image with the given width, height, and level of chrominance subsampling.</div> 363 </td> 364 </tr> 365 <tr class="rowColor"> 366 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 367 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#bufSizeYUV(int,%20int,%20int)">bufSizeYUV</a></strong>(int width, 368 int height, 369 int subsamp)</code> 370 <div class="block"><strong>Deprecated.</strong> 371 <div class="block"><i>Use <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#bufSizeYUV(int,%20int,%20int,%20int)"><code>bufSizeYUV(int, int, int, int)</code></a> instead.</i></div> 372 </div> 373 </td> 374 </tr> 375 <tr class="altColor"> 376 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 377 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#bufSizeYUV(int,%20int,%20int,%20int)">bufSizeYUV</a></strong>(int width, 378 int pad, 379 int height, 380 int subsamp)</code> 381 <div class="block">Returns the size of the buffer (in bytes) required to hold a YUV planar 382 image with the given width, height, and level of chrominance subsampling.</div> 383 </td> 384 </tr> 385 <tr class="rowColor"> 386 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 387 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#getBlueOffset(int)">getBlueOffset</a></strong>(int pixelFormat)</code> 388 <div class="block">For the given pixel format, returns the number of bytes that the blue 389 component is offset from the start of the pixel.</div> 390 </td> 391 </tr> 392 <tr class="altColor"> 393 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 394 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#getGreenOffset(int)">getGreenOffset</a></strong>(int pixelFormat)</code> 395 <div class="block">For the given pixel format, returns the number of bytes that the green 396 component is offset from the start of the pixel.</div> 397 </td> 398 </tr> 399 <tr class="rowColor"> 400 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 401 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#getMCUHeight(int)">getMCUHeight</a></strong>(int subsamp)</code> 402 <div class="block">Returns the MCU block height for the given level of chrominance 403 subsampling.</div> 404 </td> 405 </tr> 406 <tr class="altColor"> 407 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 408 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#getMCUWidth(int)">getMCUWidth</a></strong>(int subsamp)</code> 409 <div class="block">Returns the MCU block width for the given level of chrominance 410 subsampling.</div> 411 </td> 412 </tr> 413 <tr class="rowColor"> 414 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 415 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#getPixelSize(int)">getPixelSize</a></strong>(int pixelFormat)</code> 416 <div class="block">Returns the pixel size (in bytes) for the given pixel format.</div> 417 </td> 418 </tr> 419 <tr class="altColor"> 420 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 421 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#getRedOffset(int)">getRedOffset</a></strong>(int pixelFormat)</code> 422 <div class="block">For the given pixel format, returns the number of bytes that the red 423 component is offset from the start of the pixel.</div> 424 </td> 425 </tr> 426 <tr class="rowColor"> 427 <td class="colFirst"><code>static <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJScalingFactor.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJScalingFactor</a>[]</code></td> 428 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#getScalingFactors()">getScalingFactors</a></strong>()</code> 429 <div class="block">Returns a list of fractional scaling factors that the JPEG decompressor in 430 this implementation of TurboJPEG supports.</div> 431 </td> 432 </tr> 433 <tr class="altColor"> 434 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 435 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#planeHeight(int,%20int,%20int)">planeHeight</a></strong>(int componentID, 436 int height, 437 int subsamp)</code> 438 <div class="block">Returns the plane height of a YUV image plane with the given parameters.</div> 439 </td> 440 </tr> 441 <tr class="rowColor"> 442 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 443 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#planeSizeYUV(int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int)">planeSizeYUV</a></strong>(int componentID, 444 int width, 445 int stride, 446 int height, 447 int subsamp)</code> 448 <div class="block">Returns the size of the buffer (in bytes) required to hold a YUV image 449 plane with the given parameters.</div> 450 </td> 451 </tr> 452 <tr class="altColor"> 453 <td class="colFirst"><code>static int</code></td> 454 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#planeWidth(int,%20int,%20int)">planeWidth</a></strong>(int componentID, 455 int width, 456 int subsamp)</code> 457 <div class="block">Returns the plane width of a YUV image plane with the given parameters.</div> 458 </td> 459 </tr> 460 </table> 461 <ul class="blockList"> 462 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object"> 463 <!-- --> 464 </a> 465 <h3>Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object</h3> 466 <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li> 467 </ul> 468 </li> 469 </ul> 470 </li> 471 </ul> 472 </div> 473 <div class="details"> 474 <ul class="blockList"> 475 <li class="blockList"> 476 <!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== --> 477 <ul class="blockList"> 478 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_detail"> 479 <!-- --> 480 </a> 481 <h3>Field Detail</h3> 482 <a name="NUMSAMP"> 483 <!-- --> 484 </a> 485 <ul class="blockList"> 486 <li class="blockList"> 487 <h4>NUMSAMP</h4> 488 <pre>public static final int NUMSAMP</pre> 489 <div class="block">The number of chrominance subsampling options</div> 490 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.NUMSAMP">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 491 </li> 492 </ul> 493 <a name="SAMP_444"> 494 <!-- --> 495 </a> 496 <ul class="blockList"> 497 <li class="blockList"> 498 <h4>SAMP_444</h4> 499 <pre>public static final int SAMP_444</pre> 500 <div class="block">4:4:4 chrominance subsampling (no chrominance subsampling). The JPEG 501 or YUV image will contain one chrominance component for every pixel in the 502 source image.</div> 503 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.SAMP_444">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 504 </li> 505 </ul> 506 <a name="SAMP_422"> 507 <!-- --> 508 </a> 509 <ul class="blockList"> 510 <li class="blockList"> 511 <h4>SAMP_422</h4> 512 <pre>public static final int SAMP_422</pre> 513 <div class="block">4:2:2 chrominance subsampling. The JPEG or YUV image will contain one 514 chrominance component for every 2x1 block of pixels in the source image.</div> 515 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.SAMP_422">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 516 </li> 517 </ul> 518 <a name="SAMP_420"> 519 <!-- --> 520 </a> 521 <ul class="blockList"> 522 <li class="blockList"> 523 <h4>SAMP_420</h4> 524 <pre>public static final int SAMP_420</pre> 525 <div class="block">4:2:0 chrominance subsampling. The JPEG or YUV image will contain one 526 chrominance component for every 2x2 block of pixels in the source image.</div> 527 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.SAMP_420">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 528 </li> 529 </ul> 530 <a name="SAMP_GRAY"> 531 <!-- --> 532 </a> 533 <ul class="blockList"> 534 <li class="blockList"> 535 <h4>SAMP_GRAY</h4> 536 <pre>public static final int SAMP_GRAY</pre> 537 <div class="block">Grayscale. The JPEG or YUV image will contain no chrominance components.</div> 538 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.SAMP_GRAY">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 539 </li> 540 </ul> 541 <a name="SAMP_440"> 542 <!-- --> 543 </a> 544 <ul class="blockList"> 545 <li class="blockList"> 546 <h4>SAMP_440</h4> 547 <pre>public static final int SAMP_440</pre> 548 <div class="block">4:4:0 chrominance subsampling. The JPEG or YUV image will contain one 549 chrominance component for every 1x2 block of pixels in the source image. 550 Note that 4:4:0 subsampling is not fully accelerated in libjpeg-turbo.</div> 551 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.SAMP_440">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 552 </li> 553 </ul> 554 <a name="SAMP_411"> 555 <!-- --> 556 </a> 557 <ul class="blockList"> 558 <li class="blockList"> 559 <h4>SAMP_411</h4> 560 <pre>public static final int SAMP_411</pre> 561 <div class="block">4:1:1 chrominance subsampling. The JPEG or YUV image will contain one 562 chrominance component for every 4x1 block of pixels in the source image. 563 JPEG images compressed with 4:1:1 subsampling will be almost exactly the 564 same size as those compressed with 4:2:0 subsampling, and in the 565 aggregate, both subsampling methods produce approximately the same 566 perceptual quality. However, 4:1:1 is better able to reproduce sharp 567 horizontal features. Note that 4:1:1 subsampling is not fully accelerated 568 in libjpeg-turbo.</div> 569 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.SAMP_411">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 570 </li> 571 </ul> 572 <a name="NUMPF"> 573 <!-- --> 574 </a> 575 <ul class="blockList"> 576 <li class="blockList"> 577 <h4>NUMPF</h4> 578 <pre>public static final int NUMPF</pre> 579 <div class="block">The number of pixel formats</div> 580 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.NUMPF">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 581 </li> 582 </ul> 583 <a name="PF_RGB"> 584 <!-- --> 585 </a> 586 <ul class="blockList"> 587 <li class="blockList"> 588 <h4>PF_RGB</h4> 589 <pre>public static final int PF_RGB</pre> 590 <div class="block">RGB pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are 591 stored in 3-byte pixels in the order R, G, B from lowest to highest byte 592 address within each pixel.</div> 593 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.PF_RGB">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 594 </li> 595 </ul> 596 <a name="PF_BGR"> 597 <!-- --> 598 </a> 599 <ul class="blockList"> 600 <li class="blockList"> 601 <h4>PF_BGR</h4> 602 <pre>public static final int PF_BGR</pre> 603 <div class="block">BGR pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are 604 stored in 3-byte pixels in the order B, G, R from lowest to highest byte 605 address within each pixel.</div> 606 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.PF_BGR">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 607 </li> 608 </ul> 609 <a name="PF_RGBX"> 610 <!-- --> 611 </a> 612 <ul class="blockList"> 613 <li class="blockList"> 614 <h4>PF_RGBX</h4> 615 <pre>public static final int PF_RGBX</pre> 616 <div class="block">RGBX pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are 617 stored in 4-byte pixels in the order R, G, B from lowest to highest byte 618 address within each pixel. The X component is ignored when compressing 619 and undefined when decompressing.</div> 620 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.PF_RGBX">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 621 </li> 622 </ul> 623 <a name="PF_BGRX"> 624 <!-- --> 625 </a> 626 <ul class="blockList"> 627 <li class="blockList"> 628 <h4>PF_BGRX</h4> 629 <pre>public static final int PF_BGRX</pre> 630 <div class="block">BGRX pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are 631 stored in 4-byte pixels in the order B, G, R from lowest to highest byte 632 address within each pixel. The X component is ignored when compressing 633 and undefined when decompressing.</div> 634 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.PF_BGRX">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 635 </li> 636 </ul> 637 <a name="PF_XBGR"> 638 <!-- --> 639 </a> 640 <ul class="blockList"> 641 <li class="blockList"> 642 <h4>PF_XBGR</h4> 643 <pre>public static final int PF_XBGR</pre> 644 <div class="block">XBGR pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are 645 stored in 4-byte pixels in the order R, G, B from highest to lowest byte 646 address within each pixel. The X component is ignored when compressing 647 and undefined when decompressing.</div> 648 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.PF_XBGR">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 649 </li> 650 </ul> 651 <a name="PF_XRGB"> 652 <!-- --> 653 </a> 654 <ul class="blockList"> 655 <li class="blockList"> 656 <h4>PF_XRGB</h4> 657 <pre>public static final int PF_XRGB</pre> 658 <div class="block">XRGB pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are 659 stored in 4-byte pixels in the order B, G, R from highest to lowest byte 660 address within each pixel. The X component is ignored when compressing 661 and undefined when decompressing.</div> 662 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.PF_XRGB">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 663 </li> 664 </ul> 665 <a name="PF_GRAY"> 666 <!-- --> 667 </a> 668 <ul class="blockList"> 669 <li class="blockList"> 670 <h4>PF_GRAY</h4> 671 <pre>public static final int PF_GRAY</pre> 672 <div class="block">Grayscale pixel format. Each 1-byte pixel represents a luminance 673 (brightness) level from 0 to 255.</div> 674 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.PF_GRAY">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 675 </li> 676 </ul> 677 <a name="PF_RGBA"> 678 <!-- --> 679 </a> 680 <ul class="blockList"> 681 <li class="blockList"> 682 <h4>PF_RGBA</h4> 683 <pre>public static final int PF_RGBA</pre> 684 <div class="block">RGBA pixel format. This is the same as <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_RGBX"><code>PF_RGBX</code></a>, except that when 685 decompressing, the X byte is guaranteed to be 0xFF, which can be 686 interpreted as an opaque alpha channel.</div> 687 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.PF_RGBA">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 688 </li> 689 </ul> 690 <a name="PF_BGRA"> 691 <!-- --> 692 </a> 693 <ul class="blockList"> 694 <li class="blockList"> 695 <h4>PF_BGRA</h4> 696 <pre>public static final int PF_BGRA</pre> 697 <div class="block">BGRA pixel format. This is the same as <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_BGRX"><code>PF_BGRX</code></a>, except that when 698 decompressing, the X byte is guaranteed to be 0xFF, which can be 699 interpreted as an opaque alpha channel.</div> 700 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.PF_BGRA">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 701 </li> 702 </ul> 703 <a name="PF_ABGR"> 704 <!-- --> 705 </a> 706 <ul class="blockList"> 707 <li class="blockList"> 708 <h4>PF_ABGR</h4> 709 <pre>public static final int PF_ABGR</pre> 710 <div class="block">ABGR pixel format. This is the same as <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_XBGR"><code>PF_XBGR</code></a>, except that when 711 decompressing, the X byte is guaranteed to be 0xFF, which can be 712 interpreted as an opaque alpha channel.</div> 713 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.PF_ABGR">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 714 </li> 715 </ul> 716 <a name="PF_ARGB"> 717 <!-- --> 718 </a> 719 <ul class="blockList"> 720 <li class="blockList"> 721 <h4>PF_ARGB</h4> 722 <pre>public static final int PF_ARGB</pre> 723 <div class="block">ARGB pixel format. This is the same as <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_XRGB"><code>PF_XRGB</code></a>, except that when 724 decompressing, the X byte is guaranteed to be 0xFF, which can be 725 interpreted as an opaque alpha channel.</div> 726 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.PF_ARGB">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 727 </li> 728 </ul> 729 <a name="PF_CMYK"> 730 <!-- --> 731 </a> 732 <ul class="blockList"> 733 <li class="blockList"> 734 <h4>PF_CMYK</h4> 735 <pre>public static final int PF_CMYK</pre> 736 <div class="block">CMYK pixel format. Unlike RGB, which is an additive color model used 737 primarily for display, CMYK (Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Key) is a subtractive 738 color model used primarily for printing. In the CMYK color model, the 739 value of each color component typically corresponds to an amount of cyan, 740 magenta, yellow, or black ink that is applied to a white background. In 741 order to convert between CMYK and RGB, it is necessary to use a color 742 management system (CMS.) A CMS will attempt to map colors within the 743 printer's gamut to perceptually similar colors in the display's gamut and 744 vice versa, but the mapping is typically not 1:1 or reversible, nor can it 745 be defined with a simple formula. Thus, such a conversion is out of scope 746 for a codec library. However, the TurboJPEG API allows for compressing 747 CMYK pixels into a YCCK JPEG image (see <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#CS_YCCK"><code>CS_YCCK</code></a>) and 748 decompressing YCCK JPEG images into CMYK pixels.</div> 749 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.PF_CMYK">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 750 </li> 751 </ul> 752 <a name="NUMCS"> 753 <!-- --> 754 </a> 755 <ul class="blockList"> 756 <li class="blockList"> 757 <h4>NUMCS</h4> 758 <pre>public static final int NUMCS</pre> 759 <div class="block">The number of JPEG colorspaces</div> 760 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.NUMCS">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 761 </li> 762 </ul> 763 <a name="CS_RGB"> 764 <!-- --> 765 </a> 766 <ul class="blockList"> 767 <li class="blockList"> 768 <h4>CS_RGB</h4> 769 <pre>public static final int CS_RGB</pre> 770 <div class="block">RGB colorspace. When compressing the JPEG image, the R, G, and B 771 components in the source image are reordered into image planes, but no 772 colorspace conversion or subsampling is performed. RGB JPEG images can be 773 decompressed to any of the extended RGB pixel formats or grayscale, but 774 they cannot be decompressed to YUV images.</div> 775 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.CS_RGB">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 776 </li> 777 </ul> 778 <a name="CS_YCbCr"> 779 <!-- --> 780 </a> 781 <ul class="blockList"> 782 <li class="blockList"> 783 <h4>CS_YCbCr</h4> 784 <pre>public static final int CS_YCbCr</pre> 785 <div class="block">YCbCr colorspace. YCbCr is not an absolute colorspace but rather a 786 mathematical transformation of RGB designed solely for storage and 787 transmission. YCbCr images must be converted to RGB before they can 788 actually be displayed. In the YCbCr colorspace, the Y (luminance) 789 component represents the black & white portion of the original image, and 790 the Cb and Cr (chrominance) components represent the color portion of the 791 original image. Originally, the analog equivalent of this transformation 792 allowed the same signal to drive both black & white and color televisions, 793 but JPEG images use YCbCr primarily because it allows the color data to be 794 optionally subsampled for the purposes of reducing bandwidth or disk 795 space. YCbCr is the most common JPEG colorspace, and YCbCr JPEG images 796 can be compressed from and decompressed to any of the extended RGB pixel 797 formats or grayscale, or they can be decompressed to YUV planar images.</div> 798 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.CS_YCbCr">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 799 </li> 800 </ul> 801 <a name="CS_GRAY"> 802 <!-- --> 803 </a> 804 <ul class="blockList"> 805 <li class="blockList"> 806 <h4>CS_GRAY</h4> 807 <pre>public static final int CS_GRAY</pre> 808 <div class="block">Grayscale colorspace. The JPEG image retains only the luminance data (Y 809 component), and any color data from the source image is discarded. 810 Grayscale JPEG images can be compressed from and decompressed to any of 811 the extended RGB pixel formats or grayscale, or they can be decompressed 812 to YUV planar images.</div> 813 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.CS_GRAY">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 814 </li> 815 </ul> 816 <a name="CS_CMYK"> 817 <!-- --> 818 </a> 819 <ul class="blockList"> 820 <li class="blockList"> 821 <h4>CS_CMYK</h4> 822 <pre>public static final int CS_CMYK</pre> 823 <div class="block">CMYK colorspace. When compressing the JPEG image, the C, M, Y, and K 824 components in the source image are reordered into image planes, but no 825 colorspace conversion or subsampling is performed. CMYK JPEG images can 826 only be decompressed to CMYK pixels.</div> 827 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.CS_CMYK">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 828 </li> 829 </ul> 830 <a name="CS_YCCK"> 831 <!-- --> 832 </a> 833 <ul class="blockList"> 834 <li class="blockList"> 835 <h4>CS_YCCK</h4> 836 <pre>public static final int CS_YCCK</pre> 837 <div class="block">YCCK colorspace. YCCK (AKA "YCbCrK") is not an absolute colorspace but 838 rather a mathematical transformation of CMYK designed solely for storage 839 and transmission. It is to CMYK as YCbCr is to RGB. CMYK pixels can be 840 reversibly transformed into YCCK, and as with YCbCr, the chrominance 841 components in the YCCK pixels can be subsampled without incurring major 842 perceptual loss. YCCK JPEG images can only be compressed from and 843 decompressed to CMYK pixels.</div> 844 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.CS_YCCK">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 845 </li> 846 </ul> 847 <a name="FLAG_BOTTOMUP"> 848 <!-- --> 849 </a> 850 <ul class="blockList"> 851 <li class="blockList"> 852 <h4>FLAG_BOTTOMUP</h4> 853 <pre>public static final int FLAG_BOTTOMUP</pre> 854 <div class="block">The uncompressed source/destination image is stored in bottom-up (Windows, 855 OpenGL) order, not top-down (X11) order.</div> 856 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.FLAG_BOTTOMUP">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 857 </li> 858 </ul> 859 <a name="FLAG_FORCEMMX"> 860 <!-- --> 861 </a> 862 <ul class="blockList"> 863 <li class="blockList"> 864 <h4>FLAG_FORCEMMX</h4> 865 <pre>@Deprecated 866 public static final int FLAG_FORCEMMX</pre> 867 <div class="block"><span class="strong">Deprecated.</span> </div> 868 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.FLAG_FORCEMMX">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 869 </li> 870 </ul> 871 <a name="FLAG_FORCESSE"> 872 <!-- --> 873 </a> 874 <ul class="blockList"> 875 <li class="blockList"> 876 <h4>FLAG_FORCESSE</h4> 877 <pre>@Deprecated 878 public static final int FLAG_FORCESSE</pre> 879 <div class="block"><span class="strong">Deprecated.</span> </div> 880 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.FLAG_FORCESSE">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 881 </li> 882 </ul> 883 <a name="FLAG_FORCESSE2"> 884 <!-- --> 885 </a> 886 <ul class="blockList"> 887 <li class="blockList"> 888 <h4>FLAG_FORCESSE2</h4> 889 <pre>@Deprecated 890 public static final int FLAG_FORCESSE2</pre> 891 <div class="block"><span class="strong">Deprecated.</span> </div> 892 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.FLAG_FORCESSE2">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 893 </li> 894 </ul> 895 <a name="FLAG_FORCESSE3"> 896 <!-- --> 897 </a> 898 <ul class="blockList"> 899 <li class="blockList"> 900 <h4>FLAG_FORCESSE3</h4> 901 <pre>@Deprecated 902 public static final int FLAG_FORCESSE3</pre> 903 <div class="block"><span class="strong">Deprecated.</span> </div> 904 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.FLAG_FORCESSE3">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 905 </li> 906 </ul> 907 <a name="FLAG_FASTUPSAMPLE"> 908 <!-- --> 909 </a> 910 <ul class="blockList"> 911 <li class="blockList"> 912 <h4>FLAG_FASTUPSAMPLE</h4> 913 <pre>public static final int FLAG_FASTUPSAMPLE</pre> 914 <div class="block">When decompressing an image that was compressed using chrominance 915 subsampling, use the fastest chrominance upsampling algorithm available in 916 the underlying codec. The default is to use smooth upsampling, which 917 creates a smooth transition between neighboring chrominance components in 918 order to reduce upsampling artifacts in the decompressed image.</div> 919 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.FLAG_FASTUPSAMPLE">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 920 </li> 921 </ul> 922 <a name="FLAG_FASTDCT"> 923 <!-- --> 924 </a> 925 <ul class="blockList"> 926 <li class="blockList"> 927 <h4>FLAG_FASTDCT</h4> 928 <pre>public static final int FLAG_FASTDCT</pre> 929 <div class="block">Use the fastest DCT/IDCT algorithm available in the underlying codec. The 930 default if this flag is not specified is implementation-specific. For 931 example, the implementation of TurboJPEG for libjpeg[-turbo] uses the fast 932 algorithm by default when compressing, because this has been shown to have 933 only a very slight effect on accuracy, but it uses the accurate algorithm 934 when decompressing, because this has been shown to have a larger effect.</div> 935 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.FLAG_FASTDCT">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 936 </li> 937 </ul> 938 <a name="FLAG_ACCURATEDCT"> 939 <!-- --> 940 </a> 941 <ul class="blockListLast"> 942 <li class="blockList"> 943 <h4>FLAG_ACCURATEDCT</h4> 944 <pre>public static final int FLAG_ACCURATEDCT</pre> 945 <div class="block">Use the most accurate DCT/IDCT algorithm available in the underlying 946 codec. The default if this flag is not specified is 947 implementation-specific. For example, the implementation of TurboJPEG for 948 libjpeg[-turbo] uses the fast algorithm by default when compressing, 949 because this has been shown to have only a very slight effect on accuracy, 950 but it uses the accurate algorithm when decompressing, because this has 951 been shown to have a larger effect.</div> 952 <dl><dt><span class="strong">See Also:</span></dt><dd><a href="../../../constant-values.html#org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ.FLAG_ACCURATEDCT">Constant Field Values</a></dd></dl> 953 </li> 954 </ul> 955 </li> 956 </ul> 957 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== --> 958 <ul class="blockList"> 959 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail"> 960 <!-- --> 961 </a> 962 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3> 963 <a name="TJ()"> 964 <!-- --> 965 </a> 966 <ul class="blockListLast"> 967 <li class="blockList"> 968 <h4>TJ</h4> 969 <pre>public TJ()</pre> 970 </li> 971 </ul> 972 </li> 973 </ul> 974 <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== --> 975 <ul class="blockList"> 976 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail"> 977 <!-- --> 978 </a> 979 <h3>Method Detail</h3> 980 <a name="getMCUWidth(int)"> 981 <!-- --> 982 </a> 983 <ul class="blockList"> 984 <li class="blockList"> 985 <h4>getMCUWidth</h4> 986 <pre>public static int getMCUWidth(int subsamp)</pre> 987 <div class="block">Returns the MCU block width for the given level of chrominance 988 subsampling.</div> 989 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>subsamp</code> - the level of chrominance subsampling (one of 990 <code>SAMP_*</code>)</dd> 991 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the MCU block width for the given level of chrominance 992 subsampling.</dd></dl> 993 </li> 994 </ul> 995 <a name="getMCUHeight(int)"> 996 <!-- --> 997 </a> 998 <ul class="blockList"> 999 <li class="blockList"> 1000 <h4>getMCUHeight</h4> 1001 <pre>public static int getMCUHeight(int subsamp)</pre> 1002 <div class="block">Returns the MCU block height for the given level of chrominance 1003 subsampling.</div> 1004 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>subsamp</code> - the level of chrominance subsampling (one of 1005 <code>SAMP_*</code>)</dd> 1006 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the MCU block height for the given level of chrominance 1007 subsampling.</dd></dl> 1008 </li> 1009 </ul> 1010 <a name="getPixelSize(int)"> 1011 <!-- --> 1012 </a> 1013 <ul class="blockList"> 1014 <li class="blockList"> 1015 <h4>getPixelSize</h4> 1016 <pre>public static int getPixelSize(int pixelFormat)</pre> 1017 <div class="block">Returns the pixel size (in bytes) for the given pixel format.</div> 1018 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>pixelFormat</code> - the pixel format (one of <code>PF_*</code>)</dd> 1019 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the pixel size (in bytes) for the given pixel format.</dd></dl> 1020 </li> 1021 </ul> 1022 <a name="getRedOffset(int)"> 1023 <!-- --> 1024 </a> 1025 <ul class="blockList"> 1026 <li class="blockList"> 1027 <h4>getRedOffset</h4> 1028 <pre>public static int getRedOffset(int pixelFormat)</pre> 1029 <div class="block">For the given pixel format, returns the number of bytes that the red 1030 component is offset from the start of the pixel. For instance, if a pixel 1031 of format <code>TJ.PF_BGRX</code> is stored in <code>char pixel[]</code>, 1032 then the red component will be 1033 <code>pixel[TJ.getRedOffset(TJ.PF_BGRX)]</code>.</div> 1034 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>pixelFormat</code> - the pixel format (one of <code>PF_*</code>)</dd> 1035 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the red offset for the given pixel format.</dd></dl> 1036 </li> 1037 </ul> 1038 <a name="getGreenOffset(int)"> 1039 <!-- --> 1040 </a> 1041 <ul class="blockList"> 1042 <li class="blockList"> 1043 <h4>getGreenOffset</h4> 1044 <pre>public static int getGreenOffset(int pixelFormat)</pre> 1045 <div class="block">For the given pixel format, returns the number of bytes that the green 1046 component is offset from the start of the pixel. For instance, if a pixel 1047 of format <code>TJ.PF_BGRX</code> is stored in <code>char pixel[]</code>, 1048 then the green component will be 1049 <code>pixel[TJ.getGreenOffset(TJ.PF_BGRX)]</code>.</div> 1050 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>pixelFormat</code> - the pixel format (one of <code>PF_*</code>)</dd> 1051 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the green offset for the given pixel format.</dd></dl> 1052 </li> 1053 </ul> 1054 <a name="getBlueOffset(int)"> 1055 <!-- --> 1056 </a> 1057 <ul class="blockList"> 1058 <li class="blockList"> 1059 <h4>getBlueOffset</h4> 1060 <pre>public static int getBlueOffset(int pixelFormat)</pre> 1061 <div class="block">For the given pixel format, returns the number of bytes that the blue 1062 component is offset from the start of the pixel. For instance, if a pixel 1063 of format <code>TJ.PF_BGRX</code> is stored in <code>char pixel[]</code>, 1064 then the blue component will be 1065 <code>pixel[TJ.getBlueOffset(TJ.PF_BGRX)]</code>.</div> 1066 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>pixelFormat</code> - the pixel format (one of <code>PF_*</code>)</dd> 1067 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the blue offset for the given pixel format.</dd></dl> 1068 </li> 1069 </ul> 1070 <a name="bufSize(int, int, int)"> 1071 <!-- --> 1072 </a> 1073 <ul class="blockList"> 1074 <li class="blockList"> 1075 <h4>bufSize</h4> 1076 <pre>public static int bufSize(int width, 1077 int height, 1078 int jpegSubsamp)</pre> 1079 <div class="block">Returns the maximum size of the buffer (in bytes) required to hold a JPEG 1080 image with the given width, height, and level of chrominance subsampling.</div> 1081 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>width</code> - the width (in pixels) of the JPEG image</dd><dd><code>height</code> - the height (in pixels) of the JPEG image</dd><dd><code>jpegSubsamp</code> - the level of chrominance subsampling to be used when 1082 generating the JPEG image (one of <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg"><code>TJ.SAMP_*</code></a>)</dd> 1083 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the maximum size of the buffer (in bytes) required to hold a JPEG 1084 image with the given width, height, and level of chrominance subsampling.</dd></dl> 1085 </li> 1086 </ul> 1087 <a name="bufSizeYUV(int, int, int, int)"> 1088 <!-- --> 1089 </a> 1090 <ul class="blockList"> 1091 <li class="blockList"> 1092 <h4>bufSizeYUV</h4> 1093 <pre>public static int bufSizeYUV(int width, 1094 int pad, 1095 int height, 1096 int subsamp)</pre> 1097 <div class="block">Returns the size of the buffer (in bytes) required to hold a YUV planar 1098 image with the given width, height, and level of chrominance subsampling.</div> 1099 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>width</code> - the width (in pixels) of the YUV image</dd><dd><code>pad</code> - the width of each line in each plane of the image is padded to 1100 the nearest multiple of this number of bytes (must be a power of 2.)</dd><dd><code>height</code> - the height (in pixels) of the YUV image</dd><dd><code>subsamp</code> - the level of chrominance subsampling used in the YUV 1101 image (one of <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg"><code>TJ.SAMP_*</code></a>)</dd> 1102 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the size of the buffer (in bytes) required to hold a YUV planar 1103 image with the given width, height, and level of chrominance subsampling.</dd></dl> 1104 </li> 1105 </ul> 1106 <a name="bufSizeYUV(int, int, int)"> 1107 <!-- --> 1108 </a> 1109 <ul class="blockList"> 1110 <li class="blockList"> 1111 <h4>bufSizeYUV</h4> 1112 <pre>@Deprecated 1113 public static int bufSizeYUV(int width, 1114 int height, 1115 int subsamp)</pre> 1116 <div class="block"><span class="strong">Deprecated.</span> <i>Use <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#bufSizeYUV(int,%20int,%20int,%20int)"><code>bufSizeYUV(int, int, int, int)</code></a> instead.</i></div> 1117 </li> 1118 </ul> 1119 <a name="planeSizeYUV(int, int, int, int, int)"> 1120 <!-- --> 1121 </a> 1122 <ul class="blockList"> 1123 <li class="blockList"> 1124 <h4>planeSizeYUV</h4> 1125 <pre>public static int planeSizeYUV(int componentID, 1126 int width, 1127 int stride, 1128 int height, 1129 int subsamp)</pre> 1130 <div class="block">Returns the size of the buffer (in bytes) required to hold a YUV image 1131 plane with the given parameters.</div> 1132 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>componentID</code> - ID number of the image plane (0 = Y, 1 = U/Cb, 1133 2 = V/Cr)</dd><dd><code>width</code> - width (in pixels) of the YUV image. NOTE: this is the width 1134 of the whole image, not the plane width.</dd><dd><code>stride</code> - bytes per line in the image plane.</dd><dd><code>height</code> - height (in pixels) of the YUV image. NOTE: this is the 1135 height of the whole image, not the plane height.</dd><dd><code>subsamp</code> - the level of chrominance subsampling used in the YUV 1136 image (one of <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg"><code>TJ.SAMP_*</code></a>)</dd> 1137 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the size of the buffer (in bytes) required to hold a YUV planar 1138 image with the given parameters.</dd></dl> 1139 </li> 1140 </ul> 1141 <a name="planeWidth(int, int, int)"> 1142 <!-- --> 1143 </a> 1144 <ul class="blockList"> 1145 <li class="blockList"> 1146 <h4>planeWidth</h4> 1147 <pre>public static int planeWidth(int componentID, 1148 int width, 1149 int subsamp)</pre> 1150 <div class="block">Returns the plane width of a YUV image plane with the given parameters. 1151 Refer to <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg"><code>YUVImage</code></a> for a description of plane width.</div> 1152 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>componentID</code> - ID number of the image plane (0 = Y, 1 = U/Cb, 1153 2 = V/Cr)</dd><dd><code>width</code> - width (in pixels) of the YUV image</dd><dd><code>subsamp</code> - the level of chrominance subsampling used in the YUV image 1154 (one of <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg"><code>TJ.SAMP_*</code></a>)</dd> 1155 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the plane width of a YUV image plane with the given parameters.</dd></dl> 1156 </li> 1157 </ul> 1158 <a name="planeHeight(int, int, int)"> 1159 <!-- --> 1160 </a> 1161 <ul class="blockList"> 1162 <li class="blockList"> 1163 <h4>planeHeight</h4> 1164 <pre>public static int planeHeight(int componentID, 1165 int height, 1166 int subsamp)</pre> 1167 <div class="block">Returns the plane height of a YUV image plane with the given parameters. 1168 Refer to <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg"><code>YUVImage</code></a> for a description of plane height.</div> 1169 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>componentID</code> - ID number of the image plane (0 = Y, 1 = U/Cb, 1170 2 = V/Cr)</dd><dd><code>height</code> - height (in pixels) of the YUV image</dd><dd><code>subsamp</code> - the level of chrominance subsampling used in the YUV image 1171 (one of <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg"><code>TJ.SAMP_*</code></a>)</dd> 1172 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the plane height of a YUV image plane with the given parameters.</dd></dl> 1173 </li> 1174 </ul> 1175 <a name="getScalingFactors()"> 1176 <!-- --> 1177 </a> 1178 <ul class="blockListLast"> 1179 <li class="blockList"> 1180 <h4>getScalingFactors</h4> 1181 <pre>public static <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJScalingFactor.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJScalingFactor</a>[] getScalingFactors()</pre> 1182 <div class="block">Returns a list of fractional scaling factors that the JPEG decompressor in 1183 this implementation of TurboJPEG supports.</div> 1184 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>a list of fractional scaling factors that the JPEG decompressor in 1185 this implementation of TurboJPEG supports.</dd></dl> 1186 </li> 1187 </ul> 1188 </li> 1189 </ul> 1190 </li> 1191 </ul> 1192 </div> 1193 </div> 1194 <!-- ========= END OF CLASS DATA ========= --> 1195 <!-- ======= START OF BOTTOM NAVBAR ====== --> 1196 <div class="bottomNav"><a name="navbar_bottom"> 1197 <!-- --> 1198 </a><a href="#skip-navbar_bottom" title="Skip navigation links"></a><a name="navbar_bottom_firstrow"> 1199 <!-- --> 1200 </a> 1201 <ul class="navList" title="Navigation"> 1202 <li><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/package-summary.html">Package</a></li> 1203 <li class="navBarCell1Rev">Class</li> 1204 <li><a href="package-tree.html">Tree</a></li> 1205 <li><a href="../../../deprecated-list.html">Deprecated</a></li> 1206 <li><a href="../../../index-all.html">Index</a></li> 1207 <li><a href="../../../help-doc.html">Help</a></li> 1208 </ul> 1209 </div> 1210 <div class="subNav"> 1211 <ul class="navList"> 1212 <li>Prev Class</li> 1213 <li><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJCompressor.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg"><span class="strong">Next Class</span></a></li> 1214 </ul> 1215 <ul class="navList"> 1216 <li><a href="../../../index.html?org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html" target="_top">Frames</a></li> 1217 <li><a href="TJ.html" target="_top">No Frames</a></li> 1218 </ul> 1219 <ul class="navList" id="allclasses_navbar_bottom"> 1220 <li><a href="../../../allclasses-noframe.html">All Classes</a></li> 1221 </ul> 1222 <div> 1223 <script type="text/javascript"><!-- 1224 allClassesLink = document.getElementById("allclasses_navbar_bottom"); 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