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     77 <div class="header">
     78 <div class="subTitle">org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg</div>
     79 <h2 title="Class TJDecompressor" class="title">Class TJDecompressor</h2>
     80 </div>
     81 <div class="contentContainer">
     82 <ul class="inheritance">
     83 <li>java.lang.Object</li>
     84 <li>
     85 <ul class="inheritance">
     86 <li>org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJDecompressor</li>
     87 </ul>
     88 </li>
     89 </ul>
     90 <div class="description">
     91 <ul class="blockList">
     92 <li class="blockList">
     93 <dl>
     94 <dt>All Implemented Interfaces:</dt>
     95 <dd>java.io.Closeable, java.lang.AutoCloseable</dd>
     96 </dl>
     97 <dl>
     98 <dt>Direct Known Subclasses:</dt>
     99 <dd><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJTransformer.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJTransformer</a></dd>
    100 </dl>
    101 <hr>
    102 <br>
    103 <pre>public class <span class="strong">TJDecompressor</span>
    104 extends java.lang.Object
    105 implements java.io.Closeable</pre>
    106 <div class="block">TurboJPEG decompressor</div>
    107 </li>
    108 </ul>
    109 </div>
    110 <div class="summary">
    111 <ul class="blockList">
    112 <li class="blockList">
    113 <!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== -->
    114 <ul class="blockList">
    115 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_summary">
    116 <!--   -->
    117 </a>
    118 <h3>Field Summary</h3>
    119 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Field Summary table, listing fields, and an explanation">
    120 <caption><span>Fields</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
    121 <tr>
    122 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
    123 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Field and Description</th>
    124 </tr>
    125 <tr class="altColor">
    126 <td class="colFirst"><code>protected long</code></td>
    127 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#handle">handle</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
    128 </tr>
    129 <tr class="rowColor">
    130 <td class="colFirst"><code>protected byte[]</code></td>
    131 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#jpegBuf">jpegBuf</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
    132 </tr>
    133 <tr class="altColor">
    134 <td class="colFirst"><code>protected int</code></td>
    135 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#jpegBufSize">jpegBufSize</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
    136 </tr>
    137 <tr class="rowColor">
    138 <td class="colFirst"><code>protected int</code></td>
    139 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#jpegColorspace">jpegColorspace</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
    140 </tr>
    141 <tr class="altColor">
    142 <td class="colFirst"><code>protected int</code></td>
    143 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#jpegHeight">jpegHeight</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
    144 </tr>
    145 <tr class="rowColor">
    146 <td class="colFirst"><code>protected int</code></td>
    147 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#jpegSubsamp">jpegSubsamp</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
    148 </tr>
    149 <tr class="altColor">
    150 <td class="colFirst"><code>protected int</code></td>
    151 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#jpegWidth">jpegWidth</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
    152 </tr>
    153 <tr class="rowColor">
    154 <td class="colFirst"><code>protected <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">YUVImage</a></code></td>
    155 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#yuvImage">yuvImage</a></strong></code>&nbsp;</td>
    156 </tr>
    157 </table>
    158 </li>
    159 </ul>
    160 <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
    161 <ul class="blockList">
    162 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
    163 <!--   -->
    164 </a>
    165 <h3>Constructor Summary</h3>
    166 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation">
    167 <caption><span>Constructors</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
    168 <tr>
    169 <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th>
    170 </tr>
    171 <tr class="altColor">
    172 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#TJDecompressor()">TJDecompressor</a></strong>()</code>
    173 <div class="block">Create a TurboJPEG decompresssor instance.</div>
    174 </td>
    175 </tr>
    176 <tr class="rowColor">
    177 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#TJDecompressor(byte[])">TJDecompressor</a></strong>(byte[]&nbsp;jpegImage)</code>
    178 <div class="block">Create a TurboJPEG decompressor instance and associate the JPEG source
    179  image stored in <code>jpegImage</code> with the newly created instance.</div>
    180 </td>
    181 </tr>
    182 <tr class="altColor">
    183 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#TJDecompressor(byte[],%20int)">TJDecompressor</a></strong>(byte[]&nbsp;jpegImage,
    184               int&nbsp;imageSize)</code>
    185 <div class="block">Create a TurboJPEG decompressor instance and associate the JPEG source
    186  image of length <code>imageSize</code> bytes stored in
    187  <code>jpegImage</code> with the newly created instance.</div>
    188 </td>
    189 </tr>
    190 <tr class="rowColor">
    191 <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#TJDecompressor(org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.YUVImage)">TJDecompressor</a></strong>(<a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">YUVImage</a>&nbsp;yuvImage)</code>
    192 <div class="block">Create a TurboJPEG decompressor instance and associate the YUV planar
    193  source image stored in <code>yuvImage</code> with the newly created
    194  instance.</div>
    195 </td>
    196 </tr>
    197 </table>
    198 </li>
    199 </ul>
    200 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
    201 <ul class="blockList">
    202 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
    203 <!--   -->
    204 </a>
    205 <h3>Method Summary</h3>
    206 <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation">
    207 <caption><span>Methods</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
    208 <tr>
    209 <th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
    210 <th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
    211 </tr>
    212 <tr class="altColor">
    213 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
    214 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#close()">close</a></strong>()</code>
    215 <div class="block">Free the native structures associated with this decompressor instance.</div>
    216 </td>
    217 </tr>
    218 <tr class="rowColor">
    219 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
    220 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompress(java.awt.image.BufferedImage,%20int)">decompress</a></strong>(java.awt.image.BufferedImage&nbsp;dstImage,
    221           int&nbsp;flags)</code>
    222 <div class="block">Decompress the JPEG source image or decode the YUV source image associated
    223  with this decompressor instance and output a decompressed/decoded image to
    224  the given <code>BufferedImage</code> instance.</div>
    225 </td>
    226 </tr>
    227 <tr class="altColor">
    228 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
    229 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompress(byte[],%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int)">decompress</a></strong>(byte[]&nbsp;dstBuf,
    230           int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
    231           int&nbsp;pitch,
    232           int&nbsp;desiredHeight,
    233           int&nbsp;pixelFormat,
    234           int&nbsp;flags)</code>
    235 <div class="block"><strong>Deprecated.</strong>&nbsp;
    236 <div class="block"><i>Use
    237  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompress(byte[],%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int)"><code>decompress(byte[], int, int, int, int, int, int, int)</code></a> instead.</i></div>
    238 </div>
    239 </td>
    240 </tr>
    241 <tr class="rowColor">
    242 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
    243 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompress(byte[],%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int)">decompress</a></strong>(byte[]&nbsp;dstBuf,
    244           int&nbsp;x,
    245           int&nbsp;y,
    246           int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
    247           int&nbsp;pitch,
    248           int&nbsp;desiredHeight,
    249           int&nbsp;pixelFormat,
    250           int&nbsp;flags)</code>
    251 <div class="block">Decompress the JPEG source image or decode the YUV source image associated
    252  with this decompressor instance and output a grayscale, RGB, or CMYK image
    253  to the given destination buffer.</div>
    254 </td>
    255 </tr>
    256 <tr class="altColor">
    257 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
    258 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompress(int[],%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int)">decompress</a></strong>(int[]&nbsp;dstBuf,
    259           int&nbsp;x,
    260           int&nbsp;y,
    261           int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
    262           int&nbsp;stride,
    263           int&nbsp;desiredHeight,
    264           int&nbsp;pixelFormat,
    265           int&nbsp;flags)</code>
    266 <div class="block">Decompress the JPEG source image or decode the YUV source image associated
    267  with this decompressor instance and output a grayscale, RGB, or CMYK image
    268  to the given destination buffer.</div>
    269 </td>
    270 </tr>
    271 <tr class="rowColor">
    272 <td class="colFirst"><code>java.awt.image.BufferedImage</code></td>
    273 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompress(int,%20int,%20int,%20int)">decompress</a></strong>(int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
    274           int&nbsp;desiredHeight,
    275           int&nbsp;bufferedImageType,
    276           int&nbsp;flags)</code>
    277 <div class="block">Decompress the JPEG source image or decode the YUV source image associated
    278  with this decompressor instance and return a <code>BufferedImage</code>
    279  instance containing the decompressed/decoded image.</div>
    280 </td>
    281 </tr>
    282 <tr class="altColor">
    283 <td class="colFirst"><code>byte[]</code></td>
    284 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompress(int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int)">decompress</a></strong>(int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
    285           int&nbsp;pitch,
    286           int&nbsp;desiredHeight,
    287           int&nbsp;pixelFormat,
    288           int&nbsp;flags)</code>
    289 <div class="block">Decompress the JPEG source image associated with this decompressor
    290  instance and return a buffer containing the decompressed image.</div>
    291 </td>
    292 </tr>
    293 <tr class="rowColor">
    294 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
    295 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompressToYUV(byte[],%20int)">decompressToYUV</a></strong>(byte[]&nbsp;dstBuf,
    296                int&nbsp;flags)</code>
    297 <div class="block"><strong>Deprecated.</strong>&nbsp;
    298 <div class="block"><i>Use <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompressToYUV(org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.YUVImage,%20int)"><code>decompressToYUV(YUVImage, int)</code></a> instead.</i></div>
    299 </div>
    300 </td>
    301 </tr>
    302 <tr class="altColor">
    303 <td class="colFirst"><code>byte[]</code></td>
    304 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompressToYUV(int)">decompressToYUV</a></strong>(int&nbsp;flags)</code>
    305 <div class="block"><strong>Deprecated.</strong>&nbsp;
    306 <div class="block"><i>Use <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompressToYUV(int,%20int,%20int,%20int)"><code>decompressToYUV(int, int, int, int)</code></a> instead.</i></div>
    307 </div>
    308 </td>
    309 </tr>
    310 <tr class="rowColor">
    311 <td class="colFirst"><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">YUVImage</a></code></td>
    312 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompressToYUV(int,%20int[],%20int,%20int)">decompressToYUV</a></strong>(int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
    313                int[]&nbsp;strides,
    314                int&nbsp;desiredHeight,
    315                int&nbsp;flags)</code>
    316 <div class="block">Decompress the JPEG source image associated with this decompressor
    317  instance into a set of Y, U (Cb), and V (Cr) image planes and return a
    318  <code>YUVImage</code> instance containing the decompressed image planes.</div>
    319 </td>
    320 </tr>
    321 <tr class="altColor">
    322 <td class="colFirst"><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">YUVImage</a></code></td>
    323 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompressToYUV(int,%20int,%20int,%20int)">decompressToYUV</a></strong>(int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
    324                int&nbsp;pad,
    325                int&nbsp;desiredHeight,
    326                int&nbsp;flags)</code>
    327 <div class="block">Decompress the JPEG source image associated with this decompressor
    328  instance into a unified YUV planar image buffer and return a
    329  <code>YUVImage</code> instance containing the decompressed image.</div>
    330 </td>
    331 </tr>
    332 <tr class="rowColor">
    333 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
    334 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompressToYUV(org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.YUVImage,%20int)">decompressToYUV</a></strong>(<a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">YUVImage</a>&nbsp;dstImage,
    335                int&nbsp;flags)</code>
    336 <div class="block">Decompress the JPEG source image associated with this decompressor
    337  instance into a YUV planar image and store it in the given
    338  <code>YUVImage</code> instance.</div>
    339 </td>
    340 </tr>
    341 <tr class="altColor">
    342 <td class="colFirst"><code>protected void</code></td>
    343 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#finalize()">finalize</a></strong>()</code>&nbsp;</td>
    344 </tr>
    345 <tr class="rowColor">
    346 <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td>
    347 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#getColorspace()">getColorspace</a></strong>()</code>
    348 <div class="block">Returns the colorspace used in the source image (JPEG or YUV) associated
    349  with this decompressor instance.</div>
    350 </td>
    351 </tr>
    352 <tr class="altColor">
    353 <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td>
    354 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#getHeight()">getHeight</a></strong>()</code>
    355 <div class="block">Returns the height of the source image (JPEG or YUV) associated with this
    356  decompressor instance.</div>
    357 </td>
    358 </tr>
    359 <tr class="rowColor">
    360 <td class="colFirst"><code>byte[]</code></td>
    361 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#getJPEGBuf()">getJPEGBuf</a></strong>()</code>
    362 <div class="block">Returns the JPEG image buffer associated with this decompressor instance.</div>
    363 </td>
    364 </tr>
    365 <tr class="altColor">
    366 <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td>
    367 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#getJPEGSize()">getJPEGSize</a></strong>()</code>
    368 <div class="block">Returns the size of the JPEG image (in bytes) associated with this
    369  decompressor instance.</div>
    370 </td>
    371 </tr>
    372 <tr class="rowColor">
    373 <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td>
    374 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#getScaledHeight(int,%20int)">getScaledHeight</a></strong>(int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
    375                int&nbsp;desiredHeight)</code>
    376 <div class="block">Returns the height of the largest scaled-down image that the TurboJPEG
    377  decompressor can generate without exceeding the desired image width and
    378  height.</div>
    379 </td>
    380 </tr>
    381 <tr class="altColor">
    382 <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td>
    383 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#getScaledWidth(int,%20int)">getScaledWidth</a></strong>(int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
    384               int&nbsp;desiredHeight)</code>
    385 <div class="block">Returns the width of the largest scaled-down image that the TurboJPEG
    386  decompressor can generate without exceeding the desired image width and
    387  height.</div>
    388 </td>
    389 </tr>
    390 <tr class="rowColor">
    391 <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td>
    392 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#getSubsamp()">getSubsamp</a></strong>()</code>
    393 <div class="block">Returns the level of chrominance subsampling used in the source image
    394  (JPEG or YUV) associated with this decompressor instance.</div>
    395 </td>
    396 </tr>
    397 <tr class="altColor">
    398 <td class="colFirst"><code>int</code></td>
    399 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#getWidth()">getWidth</a></strong>()</code>
    400 <div class="block">Returns the width of the source image (JPEG or YUV) associated with this
    401  decompressor instance.</div>
    402 </td>
    403 </tr>
    404 <tr class="rowColor">
    405 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
    406 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#setJPEGImage(byte[],%20int)">setJPEGImage</a></strong>(byte[]&nbsp;jpegImage,
    407             int&nbsp;imageSize)</code>
    408 <div class="block"><strong>Deprecated.</strong>&nbsp;
    409 <div class="block"><i>Use <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#setSourceImage(byte[],%20int)"><code>setSourceImage(byte[], int)</code></a> instead.</i></div>
    410 </div>
    411 </td>
    412 </tr>
    413 <tr class="altColor">
    414 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
    415 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#setSourceImage(byte[],%20int)">setSourceImage</a></strong>(byte[]&nbsp;jpegImage,
    416               int&nbsp;imageSize)</code>
    417 <div class="block">Associate the JPEG image of length <code>imageSize</code> bytes stored in
    418  <code>jpegImage</code> with this decompressor instance.</div>
    419 </td>
    420 </tr>
    421 <tr class="rowColor">
    422 <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
    423 <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#setSourceImage(org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.YUVImage)">setSourceImage</a></strong>(<a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">YUVImage</a>&nbsp;srcImage)</code>
    424 <div class="block">Associate the specified YUV planar source image with this decompressor
    425  instance.</div>
    426 </td>
    427 </tr>
    428 </table>
    429 <ul class="blockList">
    430 <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
    431 <!--   -->
    432 </a>
    433 <h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.Object</h3>
    434 <code>clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
    435 </ul>
    436 </li>
    437 </ul>
    438 </li>
    439 </ul>
    440 </div>
    441 <div class="details">
    442 <ul class="blockList">
    443 <li class="blockList">
    444 <!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== -->
    445 <ul class="blockList">
    446 <li class="blockList"><a name="field_detail">
    447 <!--   -->
    448 </a>
    449 <h3>Field Detail</h3>
    450 <a name="handle">
    451 <!--   -->
    452 </a>
    453 <ul class="blockList">
    454 <li class="blockList">
    455 <h4>handle</h4>
    456 <pre>protected&nbsp;long handle</pre>
    457 </li>
    458 </ul>
    459 <a name="jpegBuf">
    460 <!--   -->
    461 </a>
    462 <ul class="blockList">
    463 <li class="blockList">
    464 <h4>jpegBuf</h4>
    465 <pre>protected&nbsp;byte[] jpegBuf</pre>
    466 </li>
    467 </ul>
    468 <a name="jpegBufSize">
    469 <!--   -->
    470 </a>
    471 <ul class="blockList">
    472 <li class="blockList">
    473 <h4>jpegBufSize</h4>
    474 <pre>protected&nbsp;int jpegBufSize</pre>
    475 </li>
    476 </ul>
    477 <a name="yuvImage">
    478 <!--   -->
    479 </a>
    480 <ul class="blockList">
    481 <li class="blockList">
    482 <h4>yuvImage</h4>
    483 <pre>protected&nbsp;<a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">YUVImage</a> yuvImage</pre>
    484 </li>
    485 </ul>
    486 <a name="jpegWidth">
    487 <!--   -->
    488 </a>
    489 <ul class="blockList">
    490 <li class="blockList">
    491 <h4>jpegWidth</h4>
    492 <pre>protected&nbsp;int jpegWidth</pre>
    493 </li>
    494 </ul>
    495 <a name="jpegHeight">
    496 <!--   -->
    497 </a>
    498 <ul class="blockList">
    499 <li class="blockList">
    500 <h4>jpegHeight</h4>
    501 <pre>protected&nbsp;int jpegHeight</pre>
    502 </li>
    503 </ul>
    504 <a name="jpegSubsamp">
    505 <!--   -->
    506 </a>
    507 <ul class="blockList">
    508 <li class="blockList">
    509 <h4>jpegSubsamp</h4>
    510 <pre>protected&nbsp;int jpegSubsamp</pre>
    511 </li>
    512 </ul>
    513 <a name="jpegColorspace">
    514 <!--   -->
    515 </a>
    516 <ul class="blockListLast">
    517 <li class="blockList">
    518 <h4>jpegColorspace</h4>
    519 <pre>protected&nbsp;int jpegColorspace</pre>
    520 </li>
    521 </ul>
    522 </li>
    523 </ul>
    524 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
    525 <ul class="blockList">
    526 <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
    527 <!--   -->
    528 </a>
    529 <h3>Constructor Detail</h3>
    530 <a name="TJDecompressor()">
    531 <!--   -->
    532 </a>
    533 <ul class="blockList">
    534 <li class="blockList">
    535 <h4>TJDecompressor</h4>
    536 <pre>public&nbsp;TJDecompressor()
    537                throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
    538 <div class="block">Create a TurboJPEG decompresssor instance.</div>
    539 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
    540 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
    541 </li>
    542 </ul>
    543 <a name="TJDecompressor(byte[])">
    544 <!--   -->
    545 </a>
    546 <ul class="blockList">
    547 <li class="blockList">
    548 <h4>TJDecompressor</h4>
    549 <pre>public&nbsp;TJDecompressor(byte[]&nbsp;jpegImage)
    550                throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
    551 <div class="block">Create a TurboJPEG decompressor instance and associate the JPEG source
    552  image stored in <code>jpegImage</code> with the newly created instance.</div>
    553 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>jpegImage</code> - JPEG image buffer (size of the JPEG image is assumed to
    554  be the length of the array.)  This buffer is not modified.</dd>
    555 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
    556 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
    557 </li>
    558 </ul>
    559 <a name="TJDecompressor(byte[], int)">
    560 <!--   -->
    561 </a>
    562 <ul class="blockList">
    563 <li class="blockList">
    564 <h4>TJDecompressor</h4>
    565 <pre>public&nbsp;TJDecompressor(byte[]&nbsp;jpegImage,
    566               int&nbsp;imageSize)
    567                throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
    568 <div class="block">Create a TurboJPEG decompressor instance and associate the JPEG source
    569  image of length <code>imageSize</code> bytes stored in
    570  <code>jpegImage</code> with the newly created instance.</div>
    571 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>jpegImage</code> - JPEG image buffer.  This buffer is not modified.</dd><dd><code>imageSize</code> - size of the JPEG image (in bytes)</dd>
    572 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
    573 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
    574 </li>
    575 </ul>
    576 <a name="TJDecompressor(org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.YUVImage)">
    577 <!--   -->
    578 </a>
    579 <ul class="blockListLast">
    580 <li class="blockList">
    581 <h4>TJDecompressor</h4>
    582 <pre>public&nbsp;TJDecompressor(<a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">YUVImage</a>&nbsp;yuvImage)
    583                throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
    584 <div class="block">Create a TurboJPEG decompressor instance and associate the YUV planar
    585  source image stored in <code>yuvImage</code> with the newly created
    586  instance.</div>
    587 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>yuvImage</code> - <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg"><code>YUVImage</code></a> instance containing a YUV planar
    588  image to be decoded.  This image is not modified.</dd>
    589 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
    590 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
    591 </li>
    592 </ul>
    593 </li>
    594 </ul>
    595 <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
    596 <ul class="blockList">
    597 <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail">
    598 <!--   -->
    599 </a>
    600 <h3>Method Detail</h3>
    601 <a name="setSourceImage(byte[], int)">
    602 <!--   -->
    603 </a>
    604 <ul class="blockList">
    605 <li class="blockList">
    606 <h4>setSourceImage</h4>
    607 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;setSourceImage(byte[]&nbsp;jpegImage,
    608                   int&nbsp;imageSize)
    609                     throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
    610 <div class="block">Associate the JPEG image of length <code>imageSize</code> bytes stored in
    611  <code>jpegImage</code> with this decompressor instance.  This image will
    612  be used as the source image for subsequent decompress operations.</div>
    613 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>jpegImage</code> - JPEG image buffer.  This buffer is not modified.</dd><dd><code>imageSize</code> - size of the JPEG image (in bytes)</dd>
    614 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
    615 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
    616 </li>
    617 </ul>
    618 <a name="setJPEGImage(byte[], int)">
    619 <!--   -->
    620 </a>
    621 <ul class="blockList">
    622 <li class="blockList">
    623 <h4>setJPEGImage</h4>
    624 <pre>@Deprecated
    625 public&nbsp;void&nbsp;setJPEGImage(byte[]&nbsp;jpegImage,
    626                            int&nbsp;imageSize)
    627                   throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
    628 <div class="block"><span class="strong">Deprecated.</span>&nbsp;<i>Use <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#setSourceImage(byte[],%20int)"><code>setSourceImage(byte[], int)</code></a> instead.</i></div>
    629 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
    630 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
    631 </li>
    632 </ul>
    633 <a name="setSourceImage(org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.YUVImage)">
    634 <!--   -->
    635 </a>
    636 <ul class="blockList">
    637 <li class="blockList">
    638 <h4>setSourceImage</h4>
    639 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;setSourceImage(<a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">YUVImage</a>&nbsp;srcImage)</pre>
    640 <div class="block">Associate the specified YUV planar source image with this decompressor
    641  instance.  Subsequent decompress operations will decode this image into an
    642  RGB or grayscale destination image.</div>
    643 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>srcImage</code> - <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg"><code>YUVImage</code></a> instance containing a YUV planar image to
    644  be decoded.  This image is not modified.</dd></dl>
    645 </li>
    646 </ul>
    647 <a name="getWidth()">
    648 <!--   -->
    649 </a>
    650 <ul class="blockList">
    651 <li class="blockList">
    652 <h4>getWidth</h4>
    653 <pre>public&nbsp;int&nbsp;getWidth()</pre>
    654 <div class="block">Returns the width of the source image (JPEG or YUV) associated with this
    655  decompressor instance.</div>
    656 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the width of the source image (JPEG or YUV) associated with this
    657  decompressor instance.</dd></dl>
    658 </li>
    659 </ul>
    660 <a name="getHeight()">
    661 <!--   -->
    662 </a>
    663 <ul class="blockList">
    664 <li class="blockList">
    665 <h4>getHeight</h4>
    666 <pre>public&nbsp;int&nbsp;getHeight()</pre>
    667 <div class="block">Returns the height of the source image (JPEG or YUV) associated with this
    668  decompressor instance.</div>
    669 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the height of the source image (JPEG or YUV) associated with this
    670  decompressor instance.</dd></dl>
    671 </li>
    672 </ul>
    673 <a name="getSubsamp()">
    674 <!--   -->
    675 </a>
    676 <ul class="blockList">
    677 <li class="blockList">
    678 <h4>getSubsamp</h4>
    679 <pre>public&nbsp;int&nbsp;getSubsamp()</pre>
    680 <div class="block">Returns the level of chrominance subsampling used in the source image
    681  (JPEG or YUV) associated with this decompressor instance.  See
    682  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#SAMP_444"><code>TJ.SAMP_*</code></a>.</div>
    683 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the level of chrominance subsampling used in the source image
    684  (JPEG or YUV) associated with this decompressor instance.</dd></dl>
    685 </li>
    686 </ul>
    687 <a name="getColorspace()">
    688 <!--   -->
    689 </a>
    690 <ul class="blockList">
    691 <li class="blockList">
    692 <h4>getColorspace</h4>
    693 <pre>public&nbsp;int&nbsp;getColorspace()</pre>
    694 <div class="block">Returns the colorspace used in the source image (JPEG or YUV) associated
    695  with this decompressor instance.  See <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#CS_RGB"><code>TJ.CS_*</code></a>.  If the
    696  source image is YUV, then this always returns <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#CS_YCbCr"><code>TJ.CS_YCbCr</code></a>.</div>
    697 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the colorspace used in the source image (JPEG or YUV) associated
    698  with this decompressor instance.</dd></dl>
    699 </li>
    700 </ul>
    701 <a name="getJPEGBuf()">
    702 <!--   -->
    703 </a>
    704 <ul class="blockList">
    705 <li class="blockList">
    706 <h4>getJPEGBuf</h4>
    707 <pre>public&nbsp;byte[]&nbsp;getJPEGBuf()</pre>
    708 <div class="block">Returns the JPEG image buffer associated with this decompressor instance.</div>
    709 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the JPEG image buffer associated with this decompressor instance.</dd></dl>
    710 </li>
    711 </ul>
    712 <a name="getJPEGSize()">
    713 <!--   -->
    714 </a>
    715 <ul class="blockList">
    716 <li class="blockList">
    717 <h4>getJPEGSize</h4>
    718 <pre>public&nbsp;int&nbsp;getJPEGSize()</pre>
    719 <div class="block">Returns the size of the JPEG image (in bytes) associated with this
    720  decompressor instance.</div>
    721 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the size of the JPEG image (in bytes) associated with this
    722  decompressor instance.</dd></dl>
    723 </li>
    724 </ul>
    725 <a name="getScaledWidth(int, int)">
    726 <!--   -->
    727 </a>
    728 <ul class="blockList">
    729 <li class="blockList">
    730 <h4>getScaledWidth</h4>
    731 <pre>public&nbsp;int&nbsp;getScaledWidth(int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
    732                  int&nbsp;desiredHeight)</pre>
    733 <div class="block">Returns the width of the largest scaled-down image that the TurboJPEG
    734  decompressor can generate without exceeding the desired image width and
    735  height.</div>
    736 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>desiredWidth</code> - desired width (in pixels) of the decompressed image.
    737  Setting this to 0 is the same as setting it to the width of the JPEG image
    738  (in other words, the width will not be considered when determining the
    739  scaled image size.)</dd><dd><code>desiredHeight</code> - desired height (in pixels) of the decompressed image.
    740  Setting this to 0 is the same as setting it to the height of the JPEG
    741  image (in other words, the height will not be considered when determining
    742  the scaled image size.)</dd>
    743 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the width of the largest scaled-down image that the TurboJPEG
    744  decompressor can generate without exceeding the desired image width and
    745  height.</dd></dl>
    746 </li>
    747 </ul>
    748 <a name="getScaledHeight(int, int)">
    749 <!--   -->
    750 </a>
    751 <ul class="blockList">
    752 <li class="blockList">
    753 <h4>getScaledHeight</h4>
    754 <pre>public&nbsp;int&nbsp;getScaledHeight(int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
    755                   int&nbsp;desiredHeight)</pre>
    756 <div class="block">Returns the height of the largest scaled-down image that the TurboJPEG
    757  decompressor can generate without exceeding the desired image width and
    758  height.</div>
    759 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>desiredWidth</code> - desired width (in pixels) of the decompressed image.
    760  Setting this to 0 is the same as setting it to the width of the JPEG image
    761  (in other words, the width will not be considered when determining the
    762  scaled image size.)</dd><dd><code>desiredHeight</code> - desired height (in pixels) of the decompressed image.
    763  Setting this to 0 is the same as setting it to the height of the JPEG
    764  image (in other words, the height will not be considered when determining
    765  the scaled image size.)</dd>
    766 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>the height of the largest scaled-down image that the TurboJPEG
    767  decompressor can generate without exceeding the desired image width and
    768  height.</dd></dl>
    769 </li>
    770 </ul>
    771 <a name="decompress(byte[], int, int, int, int, int, int, int)">
    772 <!--   -->
    773 </a>
    774 <ul class="blockList">
    775 <li class="blockList">
    776 <h4>decompress</h4>
    777 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;decompress(byte[]&nbsp;dstBuf,
    778               int&nbsp;x,
    779               int&nbsp;y,
    780               int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
    781               int&nbsp;pitch,
    782               int&nbsp;desiredHeight,
    783               int&nbsp;pixelFormat,
    784               int&nbsp;flags)
    785                 throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
    786 <div class="block">Decompress the JPEG source image or decode the YUV source image associated
    787  with this decompressor instance and output a grayscale, RGB, or CMYK image
    788  to the given destination buffer.</div>
    789 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>dstBuf</code> - buffer that will receive the decompressed/decoded image.
    790  If the source image is a JPEG image, then this buffer should normally be
    791  <code>pitch * scaledHeight</code> bytes in size, where
    792  <code>scaledHeight</code> can be determined by calling <code>
    793  scalingFactor.<a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJScalingFactor.html#getScaled(int)"><code>getScaled</code></a>(jpegHeight)
    794  </code> with one of the scaling factors returned from <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#getScalingFactors()"><code>TJ.getScalingFactors()</code></a> or by calling <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#getScaledHeight(int,%20int)"><code>getScaledHeight(int, int)</code></a>.  If the
    795  source image is a YUV image, then this buffer should normally be
    796  <code>pitch * height</code> bytes in size, where <code>height</code> is
    797  the height of the YUV image.  However, the buffer may also be larger than
    798  the dimensions of the source image, in which case the <code>x</code>,
    799  <code>y</code>, and <code>pitch</code> parameters can be used to specify
    800  the region into which the source image should be decompressed/decoded.</dd><dd><code>x</code> - x offset (in pixels) of the region in the destination image into
    801  which the source image should be decompressed/decoded</dd><dd><code>y</code> - y offset (in pixels) of the region in the destination image into
    802  which the source image should be decompressed/decoded</dd><dd><code>desiredWidth</code> - If the source image is a JPEG image, then this
    803  specifies the desired width (in pixels) of the decompressed image (or
    804  image region.)  If the desired destination image dimensions are different
    805  than the source image dimensions, then TurboJPEG will use scaling in the
    806  JPEG decompressor to generate the largest possible image that will fit
    807  within the desired dimensions.  Setting this to 0 is the same as setting
    808  it to the width of the JPEG image (in other words, the width will not be
    809  considered when determining the scaled image size.)  This parameter is
    810  ignored if the source image is a YUV image.</dd><dd><code>pitch</code> - bytes per line of the destination image.  Normally, this
    811  should be set to <code>scaledWidth * TJ.pixelSize(pixelFormat)</code> if
    812  the destination image is unpadded, but you can use this to, for instance,
    813  pad each line of the destination image to a 4-byte boundary or to
    814  decompress/decode the source image into a region of a larger image.  NOTE:
    815  if the source image is a JPEG image, then <code>scaledWidth</code> can be
    816  determined by calling <code>
    817  scalingFactor.<a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJScalingFactor.html#getScaled(int)"><code>getScaled</code></a>(jpegWidth)
    818  </code> or by calling <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#getScaledWidth(int,%20int)"><code>getScaledWidth(int, int)</code></a>.  If the source image is a
    819  YUV image, then <code>scaledWidth</code> is the width of the YUV image.
    820  Setting this parameter to 0 is the equivalent of setting it to
    821  <code>scaledWidth * TJ.pixelSize(pixelFormat)</code>.</dd><dd><code>desiredHeight</code> - If the source image is a JPEG image, then this
    822  specifies the desired height (in pixels) of the decompressed image (or
    823  image region.)  If the desired destination image dimensions are different
    824  than the source image dimensions, then TurboJPEG will use scaling in the
    825  JPEG decompressor to generate the largest possible image that will fit
    826  within the desired dimensions.  Setting this to 0 is the same as setting
    827  it to the height of the JPEG image (in other words, the height will not be
    828  considered when determining the scaled image size.)  This parameter is
    829  ignored if the source image is a YUV image.</dd><dd><code>pixelFormat</code> - pixel format of the decompressed/decoded image (one of
    830  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_RGB"><code>TJ.PF_*</code></a>)</dd><dd><code>flags</code> - the bitwise OR of one or more of
    831  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#FLAG_BOTTOMUP"><code>TJ.FLAG_*</code></a></dd>
    832 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
    833 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
    834 </li>
    835 </ul>
    836 <a name="decompress(byte[], int, int, int, int, int)">
    837 <!--   -->
    838 </a>
    839 <ul class="blockList">
    840 <li class="blockList">
    841 <h4>decompress</h4>
    842 <pre>@Deprecated
    843 public&nbsp;void&nbsp;decompress(byte[]&nbsp;dstBuf,
    844                          int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
    845                          int&nbsp;pitch,
    846                          int&nbsp;desiredHeight,
    847                          int&nbsp;pixelFormat,
    848                          int&nbsp;flags)
    849                 throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
    850 <div class="block"><span class="strong">Deprecated.</span>&nbsp;<i>Use
    851  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompress(byte[],%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int)"><code>decompress(byte[], int, int, int, int, int, int, int)</code></a> instead.</i></div>
    852 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
    853 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
    854 </li>
    855 </ul>
    856 <a name="decompress(int, int, int, int, int)">
    857 <!--   -->
    858 </a>
    859 <ul class="blockList">
    860 <li class="blockList">
    861 <h4>decompress</h4>
    862 <pre>public&nbsp;byte[]&nbsp;decompress(int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
    863                 int&nbsp;pitch,
    864                 int&nbsp;desiredHeight,
    865                 int&nbsp;pixelFormat,
    866                 int&nbsp;flags)
    867                   throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
    868 <div class="block">Decompress the JPEG source image associated with this decompressor
    869  instance and return a buffer containing the decompressed image.</div>
    870 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>desiredWidth</code> - see
    871  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompress(byte[],%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int)"><code>decompress(byte[], int, int, int, int, int, int, int)</code></a>
    872  for description</dd><dd><code>pitch</code> - see
    873  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompress(byte[],%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int)"><code>decompress(byte[], int, int, int, int, int, int, int)</code></a>
    874  for description</dd><dd><code>desiredHeight</code> - see
    875  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompress(byte[],%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int)"><code>decompress(byte[], int, int, int, int, int, int, int)</code></a>
    876  for description</dd><dd><code>pixelFormat</code> - pixel format of the decompressed image (one of
    877  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_RGB"><code>TJ.PF_*</code></a>)</dd><dd><code>flags</code> - the bitwise OR of one or more of
    878  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#FLAG_BOTTOMUP"><code>TJ.FLAG_*</code></a></dd>
    879 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>a buffer containing the decompressed image.</dd>
    880 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
    881 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
    882 </li>
    883 </ul>
    884 <a name="decompressToYUV(org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.YUVImage, int)">
    885 <!--   -->
    886 </a>
    887 <ul class="blockList">
    888 <li class="blockList">
    889 <h4>decompressToYUV</h4>
    890 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;decompressToYUV(<a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">YUVImage</a>&nbsp;dstImage,
    891                    int&nbsp;flags)
    892                      throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
    893 <div class="block">Decompress the JPEG source image associated with this decompressor
    894  instance into a YUV planar image and store it in the given
    895  <code>YUVImage</code> instance.  This method performs JPEG decompression
    896  but leaves out the color conversion step, so a planar YUV image is
    897  generated instead of an RGB or grayscale image.  This method cannot be
    898  used to decompress JPEG source images with the CMYK or YCCK colorspace.</div>
    899 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>dstImage</code> - <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg"><code>YUVImage</code></a> instance that will receive the YUV planar
    900  image.  The level of subsampling specified in this <code>YUVImage</code>
    901  instance must match that of the JPEG image, and the width and height
    902  specified in the <code>YUVImage</code> instance must match one of the
    903  scaled image sizes that TurboJPEG is capable of generating from the JPEG
    904  source image.</dd><dd><code>flags</code> - the bitwise OR of one or more of
    905  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#FLAG_BOTTOMUP"><code>TJ.FLAG_*</code></a></dd>
    906 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
    907 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
    908 </li>
    909 </ul>
    910 <a name="decompressToYUV(byte[], int)">
    911 <!--   -->
    912 </a>
    913 <ul class="blockList">
    914 <li class="blockList">
    915 <h4>decompressToYUV</h4>
    916 <pre>@Deprecated
    917 public&nbsp;void&nbsp;decompressToYUV(byte[]&nbsp;dstBuf,
    918                               int&nbsp;flags)
    919                      throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
    920 <div class="block"><span class="strong">Deprecated.</span>&nbsp;<i>Use <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompressToYUV(org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.YUVImage,%20int)"><code>decompressToYUV(YUVImage, int)</code></a> instead.</i></div>
    921 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
    922 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
    923 </li>
    924 </ul>
    925 <a name="decompressToYUV(int, int[], int, int)">
    926 <!--   -->
    927 </a>
    928 <ul class="blockList">
    929 <li class="blockList">
    930 <h4>decompressToYUV</h4>
    931 <pre>public&nbsp;<a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">YUVImage</a>&nbsp;decompressToYUV(int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
    932                        int[]&nbsp;strides,
    933                        int&nbsp;desiredHeight,
    934                        int&nbsp;flags)
    935                          throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
    936 <div class="block">Decompress the JPEG source image associated with this decompressor
    937  instance into a set of Y, U (Cb), and V (Cr) image planes and return a
    938  <code>YUVImage</code> instance containing the decompressed image planes.
    939  This method performs JPEG decompression but leaves out the color
    940  conversion step, so a planar YUV image is generated instead of an RGB or
    941  grayscale image.  This method cannot be used to decompress JPEG source
    942  images with the CMYK or YCCK colorspace.</div>
    943 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>desiredWidth</code> - desired width (in pixels) of the YUV image.  If the
    944  desired image dimensions are different than the dimensions of the JPEG
    945  image being decompressed, then TurboJPEG will use scaling in the JPEG
    946  decompressor to generate the largest possible image that will fit within
    947  the desired dimensions.  Setting this to 0 is the same as setting it to
    948  the width of the JPEG image (in other words, the width will not be
    949  considered when determining the scaled image size.)</dd><dd><code>strides</code> - an array of integers, each specifying the number of bytes
    950  per line in the corresponding plane of the output image.  Setting the
    951  stride for any plane to 0 is the same as setting it to the scaled
    952  component width of the plane.  If <tt>strides</tt> is NULL, then the
    953  strides for all planes will be set to their respective scaled component
    954  widths.  You can adjust the strides in order to add an arbitrary amount of
    955  line padding to each plane.</dd><dd><code>desiredHeight</code> - desired height (in pixels) of the YUV image.  If the
    956  desired image dimensions are different than the dimensions of the JPEG
    957  image being decompressed, then TurboJPEG will use scaling in the JPEG
    958  decompressor to generate the largest possible image that will fit within
    959  the desired dimensions.  Setting this to 0 is the same as setting it to
    960  the height of the JPEG image (in other words, the height will not be
    961  considered when determining the scaled image size.)</dd><dd><code>flags</code> - the bitwise OR of one or more of
    962  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#FLAG_BOTTOMUP"><code>TJ.FLAG_*</code></a></dd>
    963 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>a YUV planar image.</dd>
    964 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
    965 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
    966 </li>
    967 </ul>
    968 <a name="decompressToYUV(int, int, int, int)">
    969 <!--   -->
    970 </a>
    971 <ul class="blockList">
    972 <li class="blockList">
    973 <h4>decompressToYUV</h4>
    974 <pre>public&nbsp;<a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/YUVImage.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">YUVImage</a>&nbsp;decompressToYUV(int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
    975                        int&nbsp;pad,
    976                        int&nbsp;desiredHeight,
    977                        int&nbsp;flags)
    978                          throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
    979 <div class="block">Decompress the JPEG source image associated with this decompressor
    980  instance into a unified YUV planar image buffer and return a
    981  <code>YUVImage</code> instance containing the decompressed image.  This
    982  method performs JPEG decompression but leaves out the color conversion
    983  step, so a planar YUV image is generated instead of an RGB or grayscale
    984  image.  This method cannot be used to decompress JPEG source images with
    985  the CMYK or YCCK colorspace.</div>
    986 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>desiredWidth</code> - desired width (in pixels) of the YUV image.  If the
    987  desired image dimensions are different than the dimensions of the JPEG
    988  image being decompressed, then TurboJPEG will use scaling in the JPEG
    989  decompressor to generate the largest possible image that will fit within
    990  the desired dimensions.  Setting this to 0 is the same as setting it to
    991  the width of the JPEG image (in other words, the width will not be
    992  considered when determining the scaled image size.)</dd><dd><code>pad</code> - the width of each line in each plane of the YUV image will be
    993  padded to the nearest multiple of this number of bytes (must be a power of
    994  2.)</dd><dd><code>desiredHeight</code> - desired height (in pixels) of the YUV image.  If the
    995  desired image dimensions are different than the dimensions of the JPEG
    996  image being decompressed, then TurboJPEG will use scaling in the JPEG
    997  decompressor to generate the largest possible image that will fit within
    998  the desired dimensions.  Setting this to 0 is the same as setting it to
    999  the height of the JPEG image (in other words, the height will not be
   1000  considered when determining the scaled image size.)</dd><dd><code>flags</code> - the bitwise OR of one or more of
   1001  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#FLAG_BOTTOMUP"><code>TJ.FLAG_*</code></a></dd>
   1002 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>a YUV planar image.</dd>
   1003 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
   1004 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
   1005 </li>
   1006 </ul>
   1007 <a name="decompressToYUV(int)">
   1008 <!--   -->
   1009 </a>
   1010 <ul class="blockList">
   1011 <li class="blockList">
   1012 <h4>decompressToYUV</h4>
   1013 <pre>@Deprecated
   1014 public&nbsp;byte[]&nbsp;decompressToYUV(int&nbsp;flags)
   1015                        throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
   1016 <div class="block"><span class="strong">Deprecated.</span>&nbsp;<i>Use <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompressToYUV(int,%20int,%20int,%20int)"><code>decompressToYUV(int, int, int, int)</code></a> instead.</i></div>
   1017 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
   1018 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
   1019 </li>
   1020 </ul>
   1021 <a name="decompress(int[], int, int, int, int, int, int, int)">
   1022 <!--   -->
   1023 </a>
   1024 <ul class="blockList">
   1025 <li class="blockList">
   1026 <h4>decompress</h4>
   1027 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;decompress(int[]&nbsp;dstBuf,
   1028               int&nbsp;x,
   1029               int&nbsp;y,
   1030               int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
   1031               int&nbsp;stride,
   1032               int&nbsp;desiredHeight,
   1033               int&nbsp;pixelFormat,
   1034               int&nbsp;flags)
   1035                 throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
   1036 <div class="block">Decompress the JPEG source image or decode the YUV source image associated
   1037  with this decompressor instance and output a grayscale, RGB, or CMYK image
   1038  to the given destination buffer.</div>
   1039 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>dstBuf</code> - buffer that will receive the decompressed/decoded image.
   1040  If the source image is a JPEG image, then this buffer should normally be
   1041  <code>stride * scaledHeight</code> pixels in size, where
   1042  <code>scaledHeight</code> can be determined by calling <code>
   1043  scalingFactor.<a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJScalingFactor.html#getScaled(int)"><code>getScaled</code></a>(jpegHeight)
   1044  </code> with one of the scaling factors returned from <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#getScalingFactors()"><code>TJ.getScalingFactors()</code></a> or by calling <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#getScaledHeight(int,%20int)"><code>getScaledHeight(int, int)</code></a>.  If the
   1045  source image is a YUV image, then this buffer should normally be
   1046  <code>stride * height</code> pixels in size, where <code>height</code> is
   1047  the height of the YUV image.  However, the buffer may also be larger than
   1048  the dimensions of the JPEG image, in which case the <code>x</code>,
   1049  <code>y</code>, and <code>stride</code> parameters can be used to specify
   1050  the region into which the source image should be decompressed.</dd><dd><code>x</code> - x offset (in pixels) of the region in the destination image into
   1051  which the source image should be decompressed/decoded</dd><dd><code>y</code> - y offset (in pixels) of the region in the destination image into
   1052  which the source image should be decompressed/decoded</dd><dd><code>desiredWidth</code> - If the source image is a JPEG image, then this
   1053  specifies the desired width (in pixels) of the decompressed image (or
   1054  image region.)  If the desired destination image dimensions are different
   1055  than the source image dimensions, then TurboJPEG will use scaling in the
   1056  JPEG decompressor to generate the largest possible image that will fit
   1057  within the desired dimensions.  Setting this to 0 is the same as setting
   1058  it to the width of the JPEG image (in other words, the width will not be
   1059  considered when determining the scaled image size.)  This parameter is
   1060  ignored if the source image is a YUV image.</dd><dd><code>stride</code> - pixels per line of the destination image.  Normally, this
   1061  should be set to <code>scaledWidth</code>, but you can use this to, for
   1062  instance, decompress the JPEG image into a region of a larger image.
   1063  NOTE: if the source image is a JPEG image, then <code>scaledWidth</code>
   1064  can be determined by calling <code>
   1065  scalingFactor.<a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJScalingFactor.html#getScaled(int)"><code>getScaled</code></a>(jpegWidth)
   1066  </code> or by calling <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#getScaledWidth(int,%20int)"><code>getScaledWidth(int, int)</code></a>.  If the source image is a
   1067  YUV image, then <code>scaledWidth</code> is the width of the YUV image.
   1068  Setting this parameter to 0 is the equivalent of setting it to
   1069  <code>scaledWidth</code>.</dd><dd><code>desiredHeight</code> - If the source image is a JPEG image, then this
   1070  specifies the desired height (in pixels) of the decompressed image (or
   1071  image region.)  If the desired destination image dimensions are different
   1072  than the source image dimensions, then TurboJPEG will use scaling in the
   1073  JPEG decompressor to generate the largest possible image that will fit
   1074  within the desired dimensions.  Setting this to 0 is the same as setting
   1075  it to the height of the JPEG image (in other words, the height will not be
   1076  considered when determining the scaled image size.)  This parameter is
   1077  ignored if the source image is a YUV image.</dd><dd><code>pixelFormat</code> - pixel format of the decompressed image (one of
   1078  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#PF_RGB"><code>TJ.PF_*</code></a>)</dd><dd><code>flags</code> - the bitwise OR of one or more of
   1079  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#FLAG_BOTTOMUP"><code>TJ.FLAG_*</code></a></dd>
   1080 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
   1081 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
   1082 </li>
   1083 </ul>
   1084 <a name="decompress(java.awt.image.BufferedImage, int)">
   1085 <!--   -->
   1086 </a>
   1087 <ul class="blockList">
   1088 <li class="blockList">
   1089 <h4>decompress</h4>
   1090 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;decompress(java.awt.image.BufferedImage&nbsp;dstImage,
   1091               int&nbsp;flags)
   1092                 throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
   1093 <div class="block">Decompress the JPEG source image or decode the YUV source image associated
   1094  with this decompressor instance and output a decompressed/decoded image to
   1095  the given <code>BufferedImage</code> instance.</div>
   1096 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>dstImage</code> - a <code>BufferedImage</code> instance that will receive
   1097  the decompressed/decoded image.  If the source image is a JPEG image, then
   1098  the width and height of the <code>BufferedImage</code> instance must match
   1099  one of the scaled image sizes that TurboJPEG is capable of generating from
   1100  the JPEG image.  If the source image is a YUV image, then the width and
   1101  height of the <code>BufferedImage</code> instance must match the width and
   1102  height of the YUV image.</dd><dd><code>flags</code> - the bitwise OR of one or more of
   1103  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#FLAG_BOTTOMUP"><code>TJ.FLAG_*</code></a></dd>
   1104 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
   1105 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
   1106 </li>
   1107 </ul>
   1108 <a name="decompress(int, int, int, int)">
   1109 <!--   -->
   1110 </a>
   1111 <ul class="blockList">
   1112 <li class="blockList">
   1113 <h4>decompress</h4>
   1114 <pre>public&nbsp;java.awt.image.BufferedImage&nbsp;decompress(int&nbsp;desiredWidth,
   1115                                       int&nbsp;desiredHeight,
   1116                                       int&nbsp;bufferedImageType,
   1117                                       int&nbsp;flags)
   1118                                         throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
   1119 <div class="block">Decompress the JPEG source image or decode the YUV source image associated
   1120  with this decompressor instance and return a <code>BufferedImage</code>
   1121  instance containing the decompressed/decoded image.</div>
   1122 <dl><dt><span class="strong">Parameters:</span></dt><dd><code>desiredWidth</code> - see
   1123  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompress(byte[],%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int)"><code>decompress(byte[], int, int, int, int, int, int, int)</code></a> for
   1124  description</dd><dd><code>desiredHeight</code> - see
   1125  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJDecompressor.html#decompress(byte[],%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int,%20int)"><code>decompress(byte[], int, int, int, int, int, int, int)</code></a> for
   1126  description</dd><dd><code>bufferedImageType</code> - the image type of the <code>BufferedImage</code>
   1127  instance that will be created (for instance,
   1128  <code>BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB</code>)</dd><dd><code>flags</code> - the bitwise OR of one or more of
   1129  <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJ.html#FLAG_BOTTOMUP"><code>TJ.FLAG_*</code></a></dd>
   1130 <dt><span class="strong">Returns:</span></dt><dd>a <code>BufferedImage</code> instance containing the
   1131  decompressed/decoded image.</dd>
   1132 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
   1133 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
   1134 </li>
   1135 </ul>
   1136 <a name="close()">
   1137 <!--   -->
   1138 </a>
   1139 <ul class="blockList">
   1140 <li class="blockList">
   1141 <h4>close</h4>
   1142 <pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;close()
   1143            throws <a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></pre>
   1144 <div class="block">Free the native structures associated with this decompressor instance.</div>
   1145 <dl>
   1146 <dt><strong>Specified by:</strong></dt>
   1147 <dd><code>close</code>&nbsp;in interface&nbsp;<code>java.io.Closeable</code></dd>
   1148 <dt><strong>Specified by:</strong></dt>
   1149 <dd><code>close</code>&nbsp;in interface&nbsp;<code>java.lang.AutoCloseable</code></dd>
   1150 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
   1151 <dd><code><a href="../../../org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJException.html" title="class in org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg">TJException</a></code></dd></dl>
   1152 </li>
   1153 </ul>
   1154 <a name="finalize()">
   1155 <!--   -->
   1156 </a>
   1157 <ul class="blockListLast">
   1158 <li class="blockList">
   1159 <h4>finalize</h4>
   1160 <pre>protected&nbsp;void&nbsp;finalize()
   1161                  throws java.lang.Throwable</pre>
   1162 <dl>
   1163 <dt><strong>Overrides:</strong></dt>
   1164 <dd><code>finalize</code>&nbsp;in class&nbsp;<code>java.lang.Object</code></dd>
   1165 <dt><span class="strong">Throws:</span></dt>
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