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      1 /*
      2  * src/nl-classid-lookup.c     Lookup classid
      3  *
      4  *	This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      5  *	modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
      6  *	License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1
      7  *	of the License.
      8  *
      9  * Copyright (c) 2010 Thomas Graf <tgraf (at) suug.ch>
     10  */
     12 #include <netlink/cli/utils.h>
     14 static void print_usage(void)
     15 {
     16 	printf(
     17 "Usage: nl-classid-lookup [OPTIONS]... NAME\n"
     18 "\n"
     19 "OPTIONS\n"
     20 " -h, --help                Show this help text.\n"
     21 " -v, --version             Show versioning information.\n"
     22 " -r, --reverse             Do a reverse lookup, i.e. classid to name.\n"
     23 "     --raw                 Print the raw classid, not pretty printed.\n"
     24 "\n"
     25 "EXAMPLE\n"
     26 "   $ nl-classid-lookup low_latency\n"
     27 "   $ nl-classid-lookup -r 1:12\n"
     28 "\n"
     29 	);
     30 	exit(0);
     31 }
     33 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     34 {
     35 	uint32_t classid;
     36 	char *name;
     37 	int err, reverse = 0, raw = 0;
     39 	for (;;) {
     40 		int c, optidx = 0;
     41 		enum {
     42 			ARG_RAW = 257,
     43 		};
     44 		static struct option long_opts[] = {
     45 			{ "help", 0, 0, 'h' },
     46 			{ "version", 0, 0, 'v' },
     47 			{ "reverse", 0, 0, 'r' },
     48 			{ "raw", 0, 0, ARG_RAW },
     49 			{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
     50 		};
     52 		c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvr", long_opts, &optidx);
     53 		if (c == -1)
     54 			break;
     56 		switch (c) {
     57 		case 'h': print_usage(); break;
     58 		case 'v': nl_cli_print_version(); break;
     59 		case 'r': reverse = 1; break;
     60 		case ARG_RAW: raw = 1; break;
     61 		}
     62  	}
     64 	if (optind >= argc)
     65 		print_usage();
     67 	name = argv[optind++];
     69 	/*
     70 	 * We use rtnl_tc_str2handle() even while doing a reverse lookup. This
     71 	 * allows for name -> name lookups. This is intentional, it does not
     72 	 * do any harm and avoids duplicating a lot of code.
     73 	 */
     74 	if ((err = rtnl_tc_str2handle(name, &classid)) < 0)
     75 		nl_cli_fatal(err, "Unable to lookup classid \"%s\": %s",
     76 			     name, nl_geterror(err));
     78 	if (reverse) {
     79 		char buf[64];
     80 		printf("%s\n", rtnl_tc_handle2str(classid, buf, sizeof(buf)));
     81 	} else if (raw)
     82 		printf("%#x\n", classid);
     83 	else
     84 		printf("%x:%x\n", TC_H_MAJ(classid) >> 16, TC_H_MIN(classid));
     86 	return 0;
     87 }