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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (c) 2002 - 2005 NetGroup, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
      3  * Copyright (c) 2005 - 2008 CACE Technologies, Davis (California)
      4  * All rights reserved.
      5  *
      6  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
      7  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
      8  * are met:
      9  *
     10  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
     11  * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
     12  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
     13  * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
     14  * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
     15  * 3. Neither the name of the Politecnico di Torino, CACE Technologies
     16  * nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
     17  * products derived from this software without specific prior written
     18  * permission.
     19  *
     31  *
     32  */
     34 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
     35 #include "config.h"
     36 #endif
     38 #include <string.h>		/* for strlen(), ... */
     39 #include <stdlib.h>		/* for malloc(), free(), ... */
     40 #include <stdarg.h>		/* for functions with variable number of arguments */
     41 #include <errno.h>		/* for the errno variable */
     42 #include "pcap-int.h"
     43 #include "pcap-rpcap.h"
     44 #include "sockutils.h"
     46 /*
     47  * \file pcap-rpcap.c
     48  *
     49  * This file keeps all the new funtions that are needed for the RPCAP protocol.
     50  * Almost all the pcap functions need to be modified in order to become compatible
     51  * with the RPCAP protocol. However, you can find here only the ones that are completely new.
     52  *
     53  * This file keeps also the functions that are 'private', i.e. are needed by the RPCAP
     54  * protocol but are not exported to the user.
     55  *
     56  * \warning All the RPCAP functions that are allowed to return a buffer containing
     57  * the error description can return max PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE characters.
     58  * However there is no guarantees that the string will be zero-terminated.
     59  * Best practice is to define the errbuf variable as a char of size 'PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE+1'
     60  * and to insert manually a NULL character at the end of the buffer. This will
     61  * guarantee that no buffer overflows occur even if we use the printf() to show
     62  * the error on the screen.
     63  */
     65 #define PCAP_STATS_STANDARD	0	/* Used by pcap_stats_remote to see if we want standard or extended statistics */
     66 #define PCAP_STATS_EX		1	/* Used by pcap_stats_remote to see if we want standard or extended statistics */
     68 /* Keeps a list of all the opened connections in the active mode. */
     69 struct activehosts *activeHosts;
     71 /*
     72  * Private data for capturing on WinPcap devices.
     73  */
     74 struct pcap_win {
     75 	int nonblock;
     76 	int rfmon_selfstart;		/* a flag tells whether the monitor mode is set by itself */
     77 	int filtering_in_kernel;	/* using kernel filter */
     79 #ifdef HAVE_DAG_API
     80 	int	dag_fcs_bits;		/* Number of checksum bits from link layer */
     81 #endif
     82 };
     84 /****************************************************
     85  *                                                  *
     86  * Locally defined functions                        *
     87  *                                                  *
     88  ****************************************************/
     89 static int rpcap_checkver(SOCKET sock, struct rpcap_header *header, char *errbuf);
     90 static struct pcap_stat *rpcap_stats_remote(pcap_t *p, struct pcap_stat *ps, int mode);
     91 static int pcap_pack_bpffilter(pcap_t *fp, char *sendbuf, int *sendbufidx, struct bpf_program *prog);
     92 static int pcap_createfilter_norpcappkt(pcap_t *fp, struct bpf_program *prog);
     93 static int pcap_updatefilter_remote(pcap_t *fp, struct bpf_program *prog);
     94 static int pcap_setfilter_remote(pcap_t *fp, struct bpf_program *prog);
     95 static int pcap_setsampling_remote(pcap_t *p);
     98 /****************************************************
     99  *                                                  *
    100  * Function bodies                                  *
    101  *                                                  *
    102  ****************************************************/
    104 /*
    105  * \ingroup remote_pri_func
    106  *
    107  * \brief 	It traslates (i.e. de-serializes) a 'sockaddr_storage' structure from
    108  * the network byte order to the host byte order.
    109  *
    110  * It accepts a 'sockaddr_storage' structure as it is received from the network and it
    111  * converts it into the host byte order (by means of a set of ntoh() ).
    112  * The function will allocate the 'sockaddrout' variable according to the address family
    113  * in use. In case the address does not belong to the AF_INET nor AF_INET6 families,
    114  * 'sockaddrout' is not allocated and a NULL pointer is returned.
    115  * This usually happens because that address does not exist on the other host, so the
    116  * RPCAP daemon sent a 'sockaddr_storage' structure containing all 'zero' values.
    117  *
    118  * \param sockaddrin: a 'sockaddr_storage' pointer to the variable that has to be
    119  * de-serialized.
    120  *
    121  * \param sockaddrout: a 'sockaddr_storage' pointer to the variable that will contain
    122  * the de-serialized data. The structure returned can be either a 'sockaddr_in' or 'sockaddr_in6'.
    123  * This variable will be allocated automatically inside this function.
    124  *
    125  * \param errbuf: a pointer to a user-allocated buffer (of size PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)
    126  * that will contain the error message (in case there is one).
    127  *
    128  * \return '0' if everything is fine, '-1' if some errors occurred. Basically, the error
    129  * can be only the fact that the malloc() failed to allocate memory.
    130  * The error message is returned in the 'errbuf' variable, while the deserialized address
    131  * is returned into the 'sockaddrout' variable.
    132  *
    133  * \warning This function supports only AF_INET and AF_INET6 address families.
    134  *
    135  * \warning The sockaddrout (if not NULL) must be deallocated by the user.
    136  */
    137 int rpcap_deseraddr(struct sockaddr_storage *sockaddrin, struct sockaddr_storage **sockaddrout, char *errbuf)
    138 {
    139 	/* Warning: we support only AF_INET and AF_INET6 */
    140 	if (ntohs(sockaddrin->ss_family) == AF_INET)
    141 	{
    142 		struct sockaddr_in *sockaddr;
    144 		sockaddr = (struct sockaddr_in *) sockaddrin;
    145 		sockaddr->sin_family = ntohs(sockaddr->sin_family);
    146 		sockaddr->sin_port = ntohs(sockaddr->sin_port);
    148 		(*sockaddrout) = (struct sockaddr_storage *) malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
    149 		if ((*sockaddrout) == NULL)
    150 		{
    151 			pcap_snprintf(errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "malloc() failed: %s", pcap_strerror(errno));
    152 			return -1;
    153 		}
    154 		memcpy(*sockaddrout, sockaddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
    155 		return 0;
    156 	}
    157 	if (ntohs(sockaddrin->ss_family) == AF_INET6)
    158 	{
    159 		struct sockaddr_in6 *sockaddr;
    161 		sockaddr = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) sockaddrin;
    162 		sockaddr->sin6_family = ntohs(sockaddr->sin6_family);
    163 		sockaddr->sin6_port = ntohs(sockaddr->sin6_port);
    164 		sockaddr->sin6_flowinfo = ntohl(sockaddr->sin6_flowinfo);
    165 		sockaddr->sin6_scope_id = ntohl(sockaddr->sin6_scope_id);
    167 		(*sockaddrout) = (struct sockaddr_storage *) malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6));
    168 		if ((*sockaddrout) == NULL)
    169 		{
    170 			pcap_snprintf(errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "malloc() failed: %s", pcap_strerror(errno));
    171 			return -1;
    172 		}
    173 		memcpy(*sockaddrout, sockaddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6));
    174 		return 0;
    175 	}
    177 	/* It is neither AF_INET nor AF_INET6 */
    178 	*sockaddrout = NULL;
    179 	return 0;
    180 }
    182 /* \ingroup remote_pri_func
    183  *
    184  * \brief It reads a packet from the network socket. This does not make use of
    185  * callback (hence the "nocb" string into its name).
    186  *
    187  * This function is called by the several pcap_next_ex() when they detect that
    188  * we have a remote capture and they are the client side. In that case, they need
    189  * to read packets from the socket.
    190  *
    191  * Parameters and return values are exactly the same of the pcap_next_ex().
    192  *
    193  * \warning By choice, this function does not make use of semaphores. A smarter
    194  * implementation should put a semaphore into the data thread, and a signal will
    195  * be raised as soon as there is data into the socket buffer.
    196  * However this is complicated and it does not bring any advantages when reading
    197  * from the network, in which network delays can be much more important than
    198  * these optimizations. Therefore, we chose the following approach:
    199  * - the 'timeout' chosen by the user is split in two (half on the server side,
    200  * with the usual meaning, and half on the client side)
    201  * - this function checks for packets; if there are no packets, it waits for
    202  * timeout/2 and then it checks again. If packets are still missing, it returns,
    203  * otherwise it reads packets.
    204  */
    205 static int pcap_read_nocb_remote(pcap_t *p, struct pcap_pkthdr **pkt_header, u_char **pkt_data)
    206 {
    207 	struct rpcap_header *header;		/* general header according to the RPCAP format */
    208 	struct rpcap_pkthdr *net_pkt_header;	/* header of the packet */
    209 	char netbuf[RPCAP_NETBUF_SIZE];		/* size of the network buffer in which the packet is copied, just for UDP */
    210 	uint32 totread;				/* number of bytes (of payload) currently read from the network (referred to the current pkt) */
    211 	int nread;
    212 	int retval;				/* generic return value */
    214 	/* Structures needed for the select() call */
    215 	fd_set rfds;				/* set of socket descriptors we have to check */
    216 	struct timeval tv;			/* maximum time the select() can block waiting for data */
    217 	struct pcap_md *md;			/* structure used when doing a remote live capture */
    219 	md = (struct pcap_md *) ((u_char*)p->priv + sizeof(struct pcap_win));
    221 	/*
    222 	 * Define the read timeout, to be used in the select()
    223 	 * 'timeout', in pcap_t, is in milliseconds; we have to convert it into sec and microsec
    224 	 */
    225 	tv.tv_sec = p->opt.timeout / 1000;
    226 	tv.tv_usec = (p->opt.timeout - tv.tv_sec * 1000) * 1000;
    228 	/* Watch out sockdata to see if it has input */
    229 	FD_ZERO(&rfds);
    231 	/*
    232 	 * 'fp->rmt_sockdata' has always to be set before calling the select(),
    233 	 * since it is cleared by the select()
    234 	 */
    235 	FD_SET(md->rmt_sockdata, &rfds);
    237 	retval = select((int) md->rmt_sockdata + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
    238 	if (retval == -1)
    239 	{
    240 		sock_geterror("select(): ", p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
    241 		return -1;
    242 	}
    244 	/* There is no data waiting, so return '0' */
    245 	if (retval == 0)
    246 		return 0;
    248 	/*
    249 	 * data is here; so, let's copy it into the user buffer.
    250 	 * I'm going to read a new packet; so I reset the number of bytes (payload only) read
    251 	 */
    252 	totread = 0;
    254 	/*
    255 	 * We have to define 'header' as a pointer to a larger buffer,
    256 	 * because in case of UDP we have to read all the message within a single call
    257 	 */
    258 	header = (struct rpcap_header *) netbuf;
    259 	net_pkt_header = (struct rpcap_pkthdr *) (netbuf + sizeof(struct rpcap_header));
    261 	if (md->rmt_flags & PCAP_OPENFLAG_DATATX_UDP)
    262 	{
    263 		/* Read the entire message from the network */
    264 		if (sock_recv(md->rmt_sockdata, netbuf, RPCAP_NETBUF_SIZE, SOCK_RECEIVEALL_NO, p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
    265 			return -1;
    266 	}
    267 	else
    268 	{
    269 		if (sock_recv(md->rmt_sockdata, netbuf, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES, p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
    270 			return -1;
    271 	}
    273 	/* Checks if the message is correct */
    274 	retval = rpcap_checkmsg(p->errbuf, md->rmt_sockdata, header, RPCAP_MSG_PACKET, 0);
    276 	if (retval != RPCAP_MSG_PACKET)		/* the message is not the one expected */
    277 	{
    278 		switch (retval)
    279 		{
    280 		case -3:		/* Unrecoverable network error */
    281 			return -1;	/* Do nothing; just exit from here; the error code is already into the errbuf */
    283 		case -2:		/* The other endpoint sent a message that is not allowed here */
    284 		case -1:		/* The other endpoint has a version number that is not compatible with our */
    285 			return 0;	/* Return 'no packets received' */
    287 		default:
    288 			SOCK_ASSERT("Internal error", 1);
    289 			return 0;	/* Return 'no packets received' */
    290 		}
    291 	}
    293 	/* In case of TCP, read the remaining of the packet from the socket */
    294 	if (!(md->rmt_flags & PCAP_OPENFLAG_DATATX_UDP))
    295 	{
    296 		/* Read the RPCAP packet header from the network */
    297 		nread = sock_recv(md->rmt_sockdata, (char *)net_pkt_header,
    298 		    sizeof(struct rpcap_pkthdr), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES,
    299 		    p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
    300 		if (nread == -1)
    301 			return -1;
    302 		totread += nread;
    303 	}
    305 	if ((ntohl(net_pkt_header->caplen) + sizeof(struct pcap_pkthdr)) <= p->bufsize)
    306 	{
    307 		/* Initialize returned structures */
    308 		*pkt_header = (struct pcap_pkthdr *) p->buffer;
    309 		*pkt_data = (u_char*)p->buffer + sizeof(struct pcap_pkthdr);
    311 		(*pkt_header)->caplen = ntohl(net_pkt_header->caplen);
    312 		(*pkt_header)->len = ntohl(net_pkt_header->len);
    313 		(*pkt_header)->ts.tv_sec = ntohl(net_pkt_header->timestamp_sec);
    314 		(*pkt_header)->ts.tv_usec = ntohl(net_pkt_header->timestamp_usec);
    316 		/*
    317 		 * I don't update the counter of the packets dropped by the network since we're using TCP,
    318 		 * therefore no packets are dropped. Just update the number of packets received correctly
    319 		 */
    320 		md->TotCapt++;
    322 		/* Copies the packet into the data buffer */
    323 		if (md->rmt_flags & PCAP_OPENFLAG_DATATX_UDP)
    324 		{
    325 			unsigned int npkt;
    327 			/*
    328 			 * In case of UDP the packet has already been read, we have to copy it into 'buffer'.
    329 			 * Another option should be to declare 'netbuf' as 'static'. However this prevents
    330 			 * using several pcap instances within the same process (because the static buffer is shared among
    331 			 * all processes)
    332 			 */
    333 			memcpy(*pkt_data, netbuf + sizeof(struct rpcap_header) + sizeof(struct rpcap_pkthdr), (*pkt_header)->caplen);
    335 			/* We're using UDP, so we need to update the counter of the packets dropped by the network */
    336 			npkt = ntohl(net_pkt_header->npkt);
    338 			if (md->TotCapt != npkt)
    339 			{
    340 				md->TotNetDrops += (npkt - md->TotCapt);
    341 				md->TotCapt = npkt;
    342 			}
    344 		}
    345 		else
    346 		{
    347 			/* In case of TCP, read the remaining of the packet from the socket */
    348 			nread = sock_recv(md->rmt_sockdata, *pkt_data,
    349 			    (*pkt_header)->caplen, SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES,
    350 			    p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
    351 			if (nread == -1)
    352 				return -1;
    353 			totread += nread;
    355 			/* Checks if all the data has been read; if not, discard the data in excess */
    356 			/* This check has to be done only on TCP connections */
    357 			if (totread != ntohl(header->plen))
    358 				sock_discard(md->rmt_sockdata, ntohl(header->plen) - totread, NULL, 0);
    359 		}
    362 		/* Packet read successfully */
    363 		return 1;
    364 	}
    365 	else
    366 	{
    367 		pcap_snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Received a packet that is larger than the internal buffer size.");
    368 		return -1;
    369 	}
    371 }
    373 /* \ingroup remote_pri_func
    374  *
    375  * \brief It reads a packet from the network socket.
    376  *
    377  * This function is called by the several pcap_read() when they detect that
    378  * we have a remote capture and they are the client side. In that case, they need
    379  * to read packets from the socket.
    380  *
    381  * This function relies on the pcap_read_nocb_remote to deliver packets. The
    382  * difference, here, is that as soon as a packet is read, it is delivered
    383  * to the application by means of a callback function.
    384  *
    385  * Parameters and return values are exactly the same of the pcap_read().
    386  */
    387 static int pcap_read_remote(pcap_t *p, int cnt, pcap_handler callback, u_char *user)
    388 {
    389 	struct pcap_pkthdr *pkt_header;
    390 	u_char *pkt_data;
    391 	int n = 0;
    393 	while ((n < cnt) || (cnt < 0))
    394 	{
    395 		if (pcap_read_nocb_remote(p, &pkt_header, &pkt_data) == 1)
    396 		{
    397 			(*callback)(user, pkt_header, pkt_data);
    398 			n++;
    399 		}
    400 		else
    401 			return n;
    402 	}
    403 	return n;
    404 }
    406 /* \ingroup remote_pri_func
    407  *
    408  * \brief It sends a CLOSE command to the capture server.
    409  *
    410  * This function is called when the user wants to close a pcap_t adapter.
    411  * In case we're capturing from the network, it sends a command to the other
    412  * peer that says 'ok, let's stop capturing'.
    413  * This function is called automatically when the user calls the pcap_close().
    414  *
    415  * Parameters and return values are exactly the same of the pcap_close().
    416  *
    417  * \warning Since we're closing the connection, we do not check for errors.
    418  */
    419 static void pcap_cleanup_remote(pcap_t *fp)
    420 {
    421 	struct rpcap_header header;		/* header of the RPCAP packet */
    422 	struct activehosts *temp;		/* temp var needed to scan the host list chain, to detect if we're in active mode */
    423 	int active = 0;					/* active mode or not? */
    424 	struct pcap_md *md;				/* structure used when doing a remote live capture */
    426 	md = (struct pcap_md *) ((u_char*)fp->priv + sizeof(struct pcap_win));
    428 	/* detect if we're in active mode */
    429 	temp = activeHosts;
    430 	while (temp)
    431 	{
    432 		if (temp->sockctrl == md->rmt_sockctrl)
    433 		{
    434 			active = 1;
    435 			break;
    436 		}
    437 		temp = temp->next;
    438 	}
    440 	if (!active)
    441 	{
    442 		rpcap_createhdr(&header, RPCAP_MSG_CLOSE, 0, 0);
    444 		/* I don't check for errors, since I'm going to close everything */
    445 		sock_send(md->rmt_sockctrl, (char *)&header, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), NULL, 0);
    446 	}
    447 	else
    448 	{
    449 		rpcap_createhdr(&header, RPCAP_MSG_ENDCAP_REQ, 0, 0);
    451 		/* I don't check for errors, since I'm going to close everything */
    452 		sock_send(md->rmt_sockctrl, (char *)&header, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), NULL, 0);
    454 		/* wait for the answer */
    455 		/* Don't check what we got, since the present libpcap does not uses this pcap_t anymore */
    456 		sock_recv(md->rmt_sockctrl, (char *)&header, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES, NULL, 0);
    458 		if (ntohl(header.plen) != 0)
    459 			sock_discard(md->rmt_sockctrl, ntohl(header.plen), NULL, 0);
    460 	}
    462 	if (md->rmt_sockdata)
    463 	{
    464 		sock_close(md->rmt_sockdata, NULL, 0);
    465 		md->rmt_sockdata = 0;
    466 	}
    468 	if ((!active) && (md->rmt_sockctrl))
    469 		sock_close(md->rmt_sockctrl, NULL, 0);
    471 	md->rmt_sockctrl = 0;
    473 	if (md->currentfilter)
    474 	{
    475 		free(md->currentfilter);
    476 		md->currentfilter = NULL;
    477 	}
    479 	/* To avoid inconsistencies in the number of sock_init() */
    480 	sock_cleanup();
    481 }
    483 /* \ingroup remote_pri_func
    484  *
    485  * \brief It retrieves network statistics from the other peer.
    486  *
    487  * This function is just a void cointainer, since the work is done by the rpcap_stats_remote().
    488  * See that funcion for more details.
    489  *
    490  * Parameters and return values are exactly the same of the pcap_stats().
    491  */
    492 static int pcap_stats_remote(pcap_t *p, struct pcap_stat *ps)
    493 {
    494 	struct pcap_stat *retval;
    496 	retval = rpcap_stats_remote(p, ps, PCAP_STATS_STANDARD);
    498 	if (retval)
    499 		return 0;
    500 	else
    501 		return -1;
    502 }
    504 #ifdef _WIN32
    505 /* \ingroup remote_pri_func
    506  *
    507  * \brief It retrieves network statistics from the other peer.
    508  *
    509  * This function is just a void cointainer, since the work is done by the rpcap_stats_remote().
    510  * See that funcion for more details.
    511  *
    512  * Parameters and return values are exactly the same of the pcap_stats_ex().
    513  */
    514 static struct pcap_stat *pcap_stats_ex_remote(pcap_t *p, int *pcap_stat_size)
    515 {
    516 	*pcap_stat_size = sizeof (p->stat);
    518 	/* PCAP_STATS_EX (third param) means 'extended pcap_stats()' */
    519 	return (rpcap_stats_remote(p, &(p->stat), PCAP_STATS_EX));
    520 }
    521 #endif
    523 /* \ingroup remote_pri_func
    524  *
    525  * \brief It retrieves network statistics from the other peer.
    526  *
    527  * This function can be called in two modes:
    528  * - PCAP_STATS_STANDARD: if we want just standard statistics (i.e. the pcap_stats() )
    529  * - PCAP_STATS_EX: if we want extended statistics (i.e. the pcap_stats_ex() )
    530  *
    531  * This 'mode' parameter is needed because in the standard pcap_stats() the variable that keeps the
    532  * statistics is allocated by the user. Unfortunately, this structure has been extended in order
    533  * to keep new stats. However, if the user has a smaller structure and it passes it to the pcap_stats,
    534  * thid function will try to fill in more data than the size of the structure, so that the application
    535  * goes in memory overflow.
    536  * So, we need to know it we have to copy just the standard fields, or the extended fields as well.
    537  *
    538  * In case we want to copy the extended fields as well, the problem of memory overflow does no
    539  * longer exist because the structure pcap_stat is no longer allocated by the program;
    540  * it is allocated by the library instead.
    541  *
    542  * \param p: the pcap_t structure related to the current instance.
    543  *
    544  * \param ps: a 'pcap_stat' structure, needed for compatibility with pcap_stat(), in which
    545  * the structure is allocated by the user. In case of pcap_stats_ex, this structure and the
    546  * function return value point to the same variable.
    547  *
    548  * \param mode: one of PCAP_STATS_STANDARD or PCAP_STATS_EX.
    549  *
    550  * \return The structure that keeps the statistics, or NULL in case of error.
    551  * The error string is placed in the pcap_t structure.
    552  */
    553 static struct pcap_stat *rpcap_stats_remote(pcap_t *p, struct pcap_stat *ps, int mode)
    554 {
    555 	struct rpcap_header header;		/* header of the RPCAP packet */
    556 	struct rpcap_stats netstats;		/* statistics sent on the network */
    557 	uint32 totread = 0;			/* number of bytes of the payload read from the socket */
    558 	int nread;
    559 	int retval;				/* temp variable which stores functions return value */
    560 	struct pcap_md *md;			/* structure used when doing a remote live capture */
    562 	md = (struct pcap_md *) ((u_char*)p->priv + sizeof(struct pcap_win));
    564 	/*
    565 	 * If the capture has still to start, we cannot ask statistics to the other peer,
    566 	 * so we return a fake number
    567 	 */
    568 	if (!md->rmt_capstarted)
    569 	{
    570 		if (mode == PCAP_STATS_STANDARD)
    571 		{
    572 			ps->ps_drop = 0;
    573 			ps->ps_ifdrop = 0;
    574 			ps->ps_recv = 0;
    575 		}
    576 		else
    577 		{
    578 			ps->ps_capt = 0;
    579 			ps->ps_drop = 0;
    580 			ps->ps_ifdrop = 0;
    581 			ps->ps_netdrop = 0;
    582 			ps->ps_recv = 0;
    583 			ps->ps_sent = 0;
    584 		}
    586 		return ps;
    587 	}
    589 	rpcap_createhdr(&header, RPCAP_MSG_STATS_REQ, 0, 0);
    591 	/* Send the PCAP_STATS command */
    592 	if (sock_send(md->rmt_sockctrl, (char *)&header, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE))
    593 		goto error;
    595 	/* Receive the RPCAP stats reply message */
    596 	if (sock_recv(md->rmt_sockctrl, (char *)&header, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES, p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
    597 		goto error;
    599 	/* Checks if the message is correct */
    600 	retval = rpcap_checkmsg(p->errbuf, md->rmt_sockctrl, &header, RPCAP_MSG_STATS_REPLY, RPCAP_MSG_ERROR, 0);
    602 	if (retval != RPCAP_MSG_STATS_REPLY)		/* the message is not the one expected */
    603 	{
    604 		switch (retval)
    605 		{
    606 		case -3:		/* Unrecoverable network error */
    607 		case -2:		/* The other endpoint send a message that is not allowed here */
    608 		case -1:		/* The other endpoint has a version number that is not compatible with our */
    609 			goto error;
    611 		case RPCAP_MSG_ERROR:		/* The other endpoint reported an error */
    612 			/* Update totread, since the rpcap_checkmsg() already purged the buffer */
    613 			totread = ntohl(header.plen);
    615 			/* Do nothing; just exit; the error code is already into the errbuf */
    616 			goto error;
    618 		default:
    619 			pcap_snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Internal error");
    620 			goto error;
    621 		}
    622 	}
    624 	nread = sock_recv(md->rmt_sockctrl, (char *)&netstats,
    625 	    sizeof(struct rpcap_stats), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES,
    626 	    p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
    627 	if (nread == -1)
    628 		goto error;
    629 	totread += nread;
    631 	if (mode == PCAP_STATS_STANDARD)
    632 	{
    633 		ps->ps_drop = ntohl(netstats.krnldrop);
    634 		ps->ps_ifdrop = ntohl(netstats.ifdrop);
    635 		ps->ps_recv = ntohl(netstats.ifrecv);
    636 	}
    637 	else
    638 	{
    639 		ps->ps_capt = md->TotCapt;
    640 		ps->ps_drop = ntohl(netstats.krnldrop);
    641 		ps->ps_ifdrop = ntohl(netstats.ifdrop);
    642 		ps->ps_netdrop = md->TotNetDrops;
    643 		ps->ps_recv = ntohl(netstats.ifrecv);
    644 		ps->ps_sent = ntohl(netstats.svrcapt);
    645 	}
    647 	/* Checks if all the data has been read; if not, discard the data in excess */
    648 	if (totread != ntohl(header.plen))
    649 	{
    650 		if (sock_discard(md->rmt_sockctrl, ntohl(header.plen) - totread, NULL, 0) == 1)
    651 			goto error;
    652 	}
    654 	return ps;
    656 error:
    657 	if (totread != ntohl(header.plen))
    658 		sock_discard(md->rmt_sockctrl, ntohl(header.plen) - totread, NULL, 0);
    660 	return NULL;
    661 }
    663 /* \ingroup remote_pri_func
    664  *
    665  * \brief It opens a remote adapter by opening an RPCAP connection and so on.
    666  *
    667  * This function does basically the job of pcap_open_live() for a remote interface.
    668  * In other words, we have a pcap_read for win32, which reads packets from NPF,
    669  * another for LINUX, and so on. Now, we have a pcap_opensource_remote() as well.
    670  * The difference, here, is the capture thread does not start until the
    671  * pcap_startcapture_remote() is called.
    672  *
    673  * This is because, in remote capture, we cannot start capturing data as soon ad the
    674  * 'open adapter' command is sent. Suppose the remote adapter is already overloaded;
    675  * if we start a capture (which, by default, has a NULL filter) the new traffic can
    676  * saturate the network.
    677  *
    678  * Instead, we want to "open" the adapter, then send a "start capture" command only
    679  * when we're ready to start the capture.
    680  * This funtion does this job: it sends a "open adapter" command (according to the
    681  * RPCAP protocol), but it does not start the capture.
    682  *
    683  * Since the other libpcap functions do not share this way of life, we have to make
    684  * some dirty things in order to make everyting working.
    685  *
    686  * \param fp: A pointer to a pcap_t structure that has been previously created with
    687  * \ref pcap_create().
    688  * \param source: see pcap_open().
    689  * \param auth: see pcap_open().
    690  *
    691  * \return 0 in case of success, -1 otherwise. In case of success, the pcap_t pointer in fp can be
    692  * used as a parameter to the following calls (pcap_compile() and so on). In case of
    693  * problems, fp->errbuf contains a text explanation of error.
    694  *
    695  * \warning In case we call the pcap_compile() and the capture is not started, the filter
    696  * will be saved into the pcap_t structure, and it will be sent to the other host later
    697  * (when the pcap_startcapture_remote() is called).
    698  */
    699 int pcap_opensource_remote(pcap_t *fp, struct pcap_rmtauth *auth)
    700 {
    701 	char host[PCAP_BUF_SIZE], ctrlport[PCAP_BUF_SIZE], iface[PCAP_BUF_SIZE];
    703 	char sendbuf[RPCAP_NETBUF_SIZE];	/* temporary buffer in which data to be sent is buffered */
    704 	int sendbufidx = 0;			/* index which keeps the number of bytes currently buffered */
    705 	uint32 totread = 0;			/* number of bytes of the payload read from the socket */
    706 	int nread;
    707 	int retval;				/* store the return value of the functions */
    708 	int active = 0;				/* '1' if we're in active mode */
    710 	/* socket-related variables */
    711 	struct addrinfo hints;			/* temp, needed to open a socket connection */
    712 	struct addrinfo *addrinfo;		/* temp, needed to open a socket connection */
    713 	SOCKET sockctrl = 0;			/* socket descriptor of the control connection */
    715 	/* RPCAP-related variables */
    716 	struct rpcap_header header;		/* header of the RPCAP packet */
    717 	struct rpcap_openreply openreply;	/* open reply message */
    719 	struct pcap_md *md;			/* structure used when doing a remote live capture */
    721 	md = (struct pcap_md *) ((u_char*)fp->priv + sizeof(struct pcap_win));
    724 	/*
    725 	 * determine the type of the source (NULL, file, local, remote)
    726 	 * You must have a valid source string even if we're in active mode, because otherwise
    727 	 * the call to the following function will fail.
    728 	 */
    729 	if (pcap_parsesrcstr(fp->opt.device, &retval, host, ctrlport, iface, fp->errbuf) == -1)
    730 		return -1;
    732 	if (retval != PCAP_SRC_IFREMOTE)
    733 	{
    734 		pcap_snprintf(fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "This function is able to open only remote interfaces");
    735 		return -1;
    736 	}
    738 	addrinfo = NULL;
    740 	/*
    741 	 * Warning: this call can be the first one called by the user.
    742 	 * For this reason, we have to initialize the WinSock support.
    743 	 */
    744 	if (sock_init(fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
    745 		return -1;
    747 	sockctrl = rpcap_remoteact_getsock(host, &active, fp->errbuf);
    748 	if (sockctrl == INVALID_SOCKET)
    749 		return -1;
    751 	if (!active)
    752 	{
    753 		/*
    754 		 * We're not in active mode; let's try to open a new
    755 		 * control connection.
    756 		 */
    757 		memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo));
    758 		hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
    759 		hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
    761 		if ((ctrlport == NULL) || (ctrlport[0] == 0))
    762 		{
    763 			/* the user chose not to specify the port */
    764 			if (sock_initaddress(host, RPCAP_DEFAULT_NETPORT, &hints, &addrinfo, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
    765 				return -1;
    766 		}
    767 		else
    768 		{
    769 			/* the user chose not to specify the port */
    770 			if (sock_initaddress(host, ctrlport, &hints, &addrinfo, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
    771 				return -1;
    772 		}
    774 		if ((sockctrl = sock_open(addrinfo, SOCKOPEN_CLIENT, 0, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)) == INVALID_SOCKET)
    775 			goto error;
    777 		freeaddrinfo(addrinfo);
    778 		addrinfo = NULL;
    780 		if (rpcap_sendauth(sockctrl, auth, fp->errbuf) == -1)
    781 			goto error;
    782 	}
    784 	/*
    785 	 * Now it's time to start playing with the RPCAP protocol
    786 	 * RPCAP open command: create the request message
    787 	 */
    788 	if (sock_bufferize(NULL, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), NULL,
    789 		&sendbufidx, RPCAP_NETBUF_SIZE, SOCKBUF_CHECKONLY, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE))
    790 		goto error;
    792 	rpcap_createhdr((struct rpcap_header *) sendbuf, RPCAP_MSG_OPEN_REQ, 0, (uint32) strlen(iface));
    794 	if (sock_bufferize(iface, (int) strlen(iface), sendbuf, &sendbufidx,
    796 		goto error;
    798 	if (sock_send(sockctrl, sendbuf, sendbufidx, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE))
    799 		goto error;
    801 	/* Receive the RPCAP open reply message */
    802 	if (sock_recv(sockctrl, (char *)&header, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
    803 		goto error;
    805 	/* Checks if the message is correct */
    806 	retval = rpcap_checkmsg(fp->errbuf, sockctrl, &header, RPCAP_MSG_OPEN_REPLY, RPCAP_MSG_ERROR, 0);
    808 	if (retval != RPCAP_MSG_OPEN_REPLY)		/* the message is not the one expected */
    809 	{
    810 		switch (retval)
    811 		{
    812 		case -3:		/* Unrecoverable network error */
    813 		case -2:		/* The other endpoint send a message that is not allowed here */
    814 		case -1:		/* The other endpoint has a version number that is not compatible with our */
    815 			goto error;
    817 		case RPCAP_MSG_ERROR:		/* The other endpoint reported an error */
    818 			/* Update totread, since the rpcap_checkmsg() already purged the buffer */
    819 			totread = ntohl(header.plen);
    820 			/* Do nothing; just exit; the error code is already into the errbuf */
    821 			goto error;
    823 		default:
    824 			pcap_snprintf(fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Internal error");
    825 			goto error;
    826 		}
    827 	}
    829 	nread = sock_recv(sockctrl, (char *)&openreply,
    830 	    sizeof(struct rpcap_openreply), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES,
    831 	    fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
    832 	if (nread == -1)
    833 		goto error;
    834 	totread += nread;
    836 	/* Set proper fields into the pcap_t struct */
    837 	fp->linktype = ntohl(openreply.linktype);
    838 	fp->tzoff = ntohl(openreply.tzoff);
    839 	md->rmt_sockctrl = sockctrl;
    840 	md->rmt_clientside = 1;
    843 	/* This code is duplicated from the end of this function */
    844 	fp->read_op = pcap_read_remote;
    845 	fp->setfilter_op = pcap_setfilter_remote;
    846 	fp->getnonblock_op = NULL;	/* This is not implemented in remote capture */
    847 	fp->setnonblock_op = NULL;	/* This is not implemented in remote capture */
    848 	fp->stats_op = pcap_stats_remote;
    849 #ifdef _WIN32
    850 	fp->stats_ex_op = pcap_stats_ex_remote;
    851 #endif
    852 	fp->cleanup_op = pcap_cleanup_remote;
    854 	/* Checks if all the data has been read; if not, discard the data in excess */
    855 	if (totread != ntohl(header.plen))
    856 	{
    857 		if (sock_discard(sockctrl, ntohl(header.plen) - totread, NULL, 0) == 1)
    858 			goto error;
    859 	}
    860 	return 0;
    862 error:
    863 	/*
    864 	 * When the connection has been established, we have to close it. So, at the
    865 	 * beginning of this function, if an error occur we return immediately with
    866 	 * a return NULL; when the connection is established, we have to come here
    867 	 * ('goto error;') in order to close everything properly.
    868 	 *
    869 	 * Checks if all the data has been read; if not, discard the data in excess
    870 	 */
    871 	if (totread != ntohl(header.plen))
    872 		sock_discard(sockctrl, ntohl(header.plen) - totread, NULL, 0);
    874 	if (addrinfo)
    875 		freeaddrinfo(addrinfo);
    877 	if (!active)
    878 		sock_close(sockctrl, NULL, 0);
    880 	return -1;
    881 }
    883 /* \ingroup remote_pri_func
    884  *
    885  * \brief It starts a remote capture.
    886  *
    887  * This function is requires since the RPCAP protocol decouples the 'open' from the
    888  * 'start capture' functions.
    889  * This function takes all the parameters needed (which have been stored into the pcap_t structure)
    890  * and sends them to the server.
    891  * If everything is fine, it creates a new child thread that reads data from the network
    892  * and puts data it into the user buffer.
    893  * The pcap_read() will read data from the user buffer, as usual.
    894  *
    895  * The remote capture acts like a new "kernel", which puts packets directly into
    896  * the buffer pointed by pcap_t.
    897  * In fact, this function does not rely on a kernel that reads packets and put them
    898  * into the user buffer; it has to do that on its own.
    899  *
    900  * \param fp: the pcap_t descriptor of the device currently open.
    901  *
    902  * \return '0' if everything is fine, '-1' otherwise. The error message (if one)
    903  * is returned into the 'errbuf' field of the pcap_t structure.
    904  */
    905 int pcap_startcapture_remote(pcap_t *fp)
    906 {
    907 	char sendbuf[RPCAP_NETBUF_SIZE];	/* temporary buffer in which data to be sent is buffered */
    908 	int sendbufidx = 0;			/* index which keeps the number of bytes currently buffered */
    909 	char portdata[PCAP_BUF_SIZE];		/* temp variable needed to keep the network port for the the data connection */
    910 	uint32 totread = 0;			/* number of bytes of the payload read from the socket */
    911 	int nread;
    912 	int retval;				/* store the return value of the functions */
    913 	int active = 0;				/* '1' if we're in active mode */
    914 	struct activehosts *temp;		/* temp var needed to scan the host list chain, to detect if we're in active mode */
    915 	char host[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1];	/* numeric name of the other host */
    917 	/* socket-related variables*/
    918 	struct addrinfo hints;			/* temp, needed to open a socket connection */
    919 	struct addrinfo *addrinfo;		/* temp, needed to open a socket connection */
    920 	SOCKET sockdata = 0;			/* socket descriptor of the data connection */
    921 	struct sockaddr_storage saddr;		/* temp, needed to retrieve the network data port chosen on the local machine */
    922 	socklen_t saddrlen;			/* temp, needed to retrieve the network data port chosen on the local machine */
    923 	int ai_family;				/* temp, keeps the address family used by the control connection */
    925 	/* RPCAP-related variables*/
    926 	struct rpcap_header header;			/* header of the RPCAP packet */
    927 	struct rpcap_startcapreq *startcapreq;		/* start capture request message */
    928 	struct rpcap_startcapreply startcapreply;	/* start capture reply message */
    930 	/* Variables related to the buffer setting */
    931 	int res, itemp;
    932 	int sockbufsize = 0;
    934 	struct pcap_md *md;			/* structure used when doing a remote live capture */
    936 	md = (struct pcap_md *) ((u_char*)fp->priv + sizeof(struct pcap_win));
    938 	/*
    939 	 * Let's check if sampling has been required.
    940 	 * If so, let's set it first
    941 	 */
    942 	if (pcap_setsampling_remote(fp) != 0)
    943 		return -1;
    946 	/* detect if we're in active mode */
    947 	temp = activeHosts;
    948 	while (temp)
    949 	{
    950 		if (temp->sockctrl == md->rmt_sockctrl)
    951 		{
    952 			active = 1;
    953 			break;
    954 		}
    955 		temp = temp->next;
    956 	}
    958 	addrinfo = NULL;
    960 	/*
    961 	 * Gets the complete sockaddr structure used in the ctrl connection
    962 	 * This is needed to get the address family of the control socket
    963 	 * Tip: I cannot save the ai_family of the ctrl sock in the pcap_t struct,
    964 	 * since the ctrl socket can already be open in case of active mode;
    965 	 * so I would have to call getpeername() anyway
    966 	 */
    967 	saddrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
    968 	if (getpeername(md->rmt_sockctrl, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, &saddrlen) == -1)
    969 	{
    970 		sock_geterror("getsockname(): ", fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
    971 		goto error;
    972 	}
    973 	ai_family = ((struct sockaddr_storage *) &saddr)->ss_family;
    975 	/* Get the numeric address of the remote host we are connected to */
    976 	if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) &saddr, saddrlen, host,
    977 		sizeof(host), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST))
    978 	{
    979 		sock_geterror("getnameinfo(): ", fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
    980 		goto error;
    981 	}
    983 	/*
    984 	 * Data connection is opened by the server toward the client if:
    985 	 * - we're using TCP, and the user wants us to be in active mode
    986 	 * - we're using UDP
    987 	 */
    988 	if ((active) || (md->rmt_flags & PCAP_OPENFLAG_DATATX_UDP))
    989 	{
    990 		/*
    991 		 * We have to create a new socket to receive packets
    992 		 * We have to do that immediately, since we have to tell the other
    993 		 * end which network port we picked up
    994 		 */
    995 		memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo));
    996 		/* TEMP addrinfo is NULL in case of active */
    997 		hints.ai_family = ai_family;	/* Use the same address family of the control socket */
    998 		hints.ai_socktype = (md->rmt_flags & PCAP_OPENFLAG_DATATX_UDP) ? SOCK_DGRAM : SOCK_STREAM;
    999 		hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;	/* Data connection is opened by the server toward the client */
   1001 		/* Let's the server pick up a free network port for us */
   1002 		if (sock_initaddress(NULL, "0", &hints, &addrinfo, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
   1003 			goto error;
   1005 		if ((sockdata = sock_open(addrinfo, SOCKOPEN_SERVER,
   1006 			1 /* max 1 connection in queue */, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)) == INVALID_SOCKET)
   1007 			goto error;
   1009 		/* addrinfo is no longer used */
   1010 		freeaddrinfo(addrinfo);
   1011 		addrinfo = NULL;
   1013 		/* get the complete sockaddr structure used in the data connection */
   1014 		saddrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
   1015 		if (getsockname(sockdata, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, &saddrlen) == -1)
   1016 		{
   1017 			sock_geterror("getsockname(): ", fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
   1018 			goto error;
   1019 		}
   1021 		/* Get the local port the system picked up */
   1022 		if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) &saddr, saddrlen, NULL,
   1023 			0, portdata, sizeof(portdata), NI_NUMERICSERV))
   1024 		{
   1025 			sock_geterror("getnameinfo(): ", fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
   1026 			goto error;
   1027 		}
   1028 	}
   1030 	/*
   1031 	 * Now it's time to start playing with the RPCAP protocol
   1032 	 * RPCAP start capture command: create the request message
   1033 	 */
   1034 	if (sock_bufferize(NULL, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), NULL,
   1035 		&sendbufidx, RPCAP_NETBUF_SIZE, SOCKBUF_CHECKONLY, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE))
   1036 		goto error;
   1038 	rpcap_createhdr((struct rpcap_header *) sendbuf, RPCAP_MSG_STARTCAP_REQ, 0,
   1039 		sizeof(struct rpcap_startcapreq) + sizeof(struct rpcap_filter) + fp->fcode.bf_len * sizeof(struct rpcap_filterbpf_insn));
   1041 	/* Fill the structure needed to open an adapter remotely */
   1042 	startcapreq = (struct rpcap_startcapreq *) &sendbuf[sendbufidx];
   1044 	if (sock_bufferize(NULL, sizeof(struct rpcap_startcapreq), NULL,
   1045 		&sendbufidx, RPCAP_NETBUF_SIZE, SOCKBUF_CHECKONLY, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE))
   1046 		goto error;
   1048 	memset(startcapreq, 0, sizeof(struct rpcap_startcapreq));
   1050 	/* By default, apply half the timeout on one side, half of the other */
   1051 	fp->opt.timeout = fp->opt.timeout / 2;
   1052 	startcapreq->read_timeout = htonl(fp->opt.timeout);
   1054 	/* portdata on the openreq is meaningful only if we're in active mode */
   1055 	if ((active) || (md->rmt_flags & PCAP_OPENFLAG_DATATX_UDP))
   1056 	{
   1057 		sscanf(portdata, "%d", (int *)&(startcapreq->portdata));	/* cast to avoid a compiler warning */
   1058 		startcapreq->portdata = htons(startcapreq->portdata);
   1059 	}
   1061 	startcapreq->snaplen = htonl(fp->snapshot);
   1062 	startcapreq->flags = 0;
   1064 	if (md->rmt_flags & PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS)
   1065 		startcapreq->flags |= RPCAP_STARTCAPREQ_FLAG_PROMISC;
   1066 	if (md->rmt_flags & PCAP_OPENFLAG_DATATX_UDP)
   1067 		startcapreq->flags |= RPCAP_STARTCAPREQ_FLAG_DGRAM;
   1068 	if (active)
   1069 		startcapreq->flags |= RPCAP_STARTCAPREQ_FLAG_SERVEROPEN;
   1071 	startcapreq->flags = htons(startcapreq->flags);
   1073 	/* Pack the capture filter */
   1074 	if (pcap_pack_bpffilter(fp, &sendbuf[sendbufidx], &sendbufidx, &fp->fcode))
   1075 		goto error;
   1077 	if (sock_send(md->rmt_sockctrl, sendbuf, sendbufidx, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE))
   1078 		goto error;
   1081 	/* Receive the RPCAP start capture reply message */
   1082 	if (sock_recv(md->rmt_sockctrl, (char *)&header, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
   1083 		goto error;
   1085 	/* Checks if the message is correct */
   1086 	retval = rpcap_checkmsg(fp->errbuf, md->rmt_sockctrl, &header, RPCAP_MSG_STARTCAP_REPLY, RPCAP_MSG_ERROR, 0);
   1088 	if (retval != RPCAP_MSG_STARTCAP_REPLY)		/* the message is not the one expected */
   1089 	{
   1090 		switch (retval)
   1091 		{
   1092 		case -3:		/* Unrecoverable network error */
   1093 		case -2:		/* The other endpoint send a message that is not allowed here */
   1094 		case -1:		/* The other endpoint has a version number that is not compatible with our */
   1095 			goto error;
   1097 		case RPCAP_MSG_ERROR:		/* The other endpoint reported an error */
   1098 			/* Update totread, since the rpcap_checkmsg() already purged the buffer */
   1099 			totread = ntohl(header.plen);
   1100 			/* Do nothing; just exit; the error code is already into the errbuf */
   1101 			goto error;
   1103 		default:
   1104 			pcap_snprintf(fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Internal error");
   1105 			goto error;
   1106 		}
   1107 	}
   1109 	nread = sock_recv(md->rmt_sockctrl, (char *)&startcapreply,
   1110 	    sizeof(struct rpcap_startcapreply), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES,
   1111 	    fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
   1112 	if (nread == -1)
   1113 		goto error;
   1114 	totread += nread;
   1116 	/*
   1117 	 * In case of UDP data stream, the connection is always opened by the daemon
   1118 	 * So, this case is already covered by the code above.
   1119 	 * Now, we have still to handle TCP connections, because:
   1120 	 * - if we're in active mode, we have to wait for a remote connection
   1121 	 * - if we're in passive more, we have to start a connection
   1122 	 *
   1123 	 * We have to do he job in two steps because in case we're opening a TCP connection, we have
   1124 	 * to tell the port we're using to the remote side; in case we're accepting a TCP
   1125 	 * connection, we have to wait this info from the remote side.
   1126 	 */
   1128 	if (!(md->rmt_flags & PCAP_OPENFLAG_DATATX_UDP))
   1129 	{
   1130 		if (!active)
   1131 		{
   1132 			memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo));
   1133 			hints.ai_family = ai_family;		/* Use the same address family of the control socket */
   1134 			hints.ai_socktype = (md->rmt_flags & PCAP_OPENFLAG_DATATX_UDP) ? SOCK_DGRAM : SOCK_STREAM;
   1135 			pcap_snprintf(portdata, PCAP_BUF_SIZE, "%d", ntohs(startcapreply.portdata));
   1137 			/* Let's the server pick up a free network port for us */
   1138 			if (sock_initaddress(host, portdata, &hints, &addrinfo, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
   1139 				goto error;
   1141 			if ((sockdata = sock_open(addrinfo, SOCKOPEN_CLIENT, 0, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)) == INVALID_SOCKET)
   1142 				goto error;
   1144 			/* addrinfo is no longer used */
   1145 			freeaddrinfo(addrinfo);
   1146 			addrinfo = NULL;
   1147 		}
   1148 		else
   1149 		{
   1150 			SOCKET socktemp;	/* We need another socket, since we're going to accept() a connection */
   1152 			/* Connection creation */
   1153 			saddrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
   1155 			socktemp = accept(sockdata, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, &saddrlen);
   1157 			if (socktemp == -1)
   1158 			{
   1159 				sock_geterror("accept(): ", fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
   1160 				goto error;
   1161 			}
   1163 			/* Now that I accepted the connection, the server socket is no longer needed */
   1164 			sock_close(sockdata, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
   1165 			sockdata = socktemp;
   1166 		}
   1167 	}
   1169 	/* Let's save the socket of the data connection */
   1170 	md->rmt_sockdata = sockdata;
   1172 	/* Allocates WinPcap/libpcap user buffer, which is a socket buffer in case of a remote capture */
   1173 	/* It has the same size of the one used on the other side of the connection */
   1174 	fp->bufsize = ntohl(startcapreply.bufsize);
   1176 	/* Let's get the actual size of the socket buffer */
   1177 	itemp = sizeof(sockbufsize);
   1179 	res = getsockopt(sockdata, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *)&sockbufsize, &itemp);
   1180 	if (res == -1)
   1181 	{
   1182 		sock_geterror("pcap_startcapture_remote()", fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
   1183 		SOCK_ASSERT(fp->errbuf, 1);
   1184 	}
   1186 	/*
   1187 	 * Warning: on some kernels (e.g. Linux), the size of the user buffer does not take
   1188 	 * into account the pcap_header and such, and it is set equal to the snaplen.
   1189 	 * In my view, this is wrong (the meaning of the bufsize became a bit strange).
   1190 	 * So, here bufsize is the whole size of the user buffer.
   1191 	 * In case the bufsize returned is too small, let's adjust it accordingly.
   1192 	 */
   1193 	if (fp->bufsize <= (u_int) fp->snapshot)
   1194 		fp->bufsize += sizeof(struct pcap_pkthdr);
   1196 	/* if the current socket buffer is smaller than the desired one */
   1197 	if ((u_int) sockbufsize < fp->bufsize)
   1198 	{
   1199 		/* Loop until the buffer size is OK or the original socket buffer size is larger than this one */
   1200 		while (1)
   1201 		{
   1202 			res = setsockopt(sockdata, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *)&(fp->bufsize), sizeof(fp->bufsize));
   1204 			if (res == 0)
   1205 				break;
   1207 			/*
   1208 			 * If something goes wrong, half the buffer size (checking that it does not become smaller than
   1209 			 * the current one)
   1210 			 */
   1211 			fp->bufsize /= 2;
   1213 			if ((u_int) sockbufsize >= fp->bufsize)
   1214 			{
   1215 				fp->bufsize = sockbufsize;
   1216 				break;
   1217 			}
   1218 		}
   1219 	}
   1221 	/*
   1222 	 * Let's allocate the packet; this is required in order to put the packet somewhere when
   1223 	 * extracting data from the socket
   1224 	 * Since buffering has already been done in the socket buffer, here we need just a buffer,
   1225 	 * whose size is equal to the pcap header plus the snapshot length
   1226 	 */
   1227 	fp->bufsize = fp->snapshot + sizeof(struct pcap_pkthdr);
   1229 	fp->buffer = (u_char *)malloc(fp->bufsize);
   1230 	if (fp->buffer == NULL)
   1231 	{
   1232 		pcap_snprintf(fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "malloc: %s", pcap_strerror(errno));
   1233 		goto error;
   1234 	}
   1237 	/* Checks if all the data has been read; if not, discard the data in excess */
   1238 	if (totread != ntohl(header.plen))
   1239 	{
   1240 		if (sock_discard(md->rmt_sockctrl, ntohl(header.plen) - totread, NULL, 0) == 1)
   1241 			goto error;
   1242 	}
   1244 	/*
   1245 	 * In case the user does not want to capture RPCAP packets, let's update the filter
   1246 	 * We have to update it here (instead of sending it into the 'StartCapture' message
   1247 	 * because when we generate the 'start capture' we do not know (yet) all the ports
   1248 	 * we're currently using.
   1249 	 */
   1250 	if (md->rmt_flags & PCAP_OPENFLAG_NOCAPTURE_RPCAP)
   1251 	{
   1252 		struct bpf_program fcode;
   1254 		if (pcap_createfilter_norpcappkt(fp, &fcode) == -1)
   1255 			goto error;
   1257 		/* We cannot use 'pcap_setfilter_remote' because formally the capture has not been started yet */
   1258 		/* (the 'fp->rmt_capstarted' variable will be updated some lines below) */
   1259 		if (pcap_updatefilter_remote(fp, &fcode) == -1)
   1260 			goto error;
   1262 		pcap_freecode(&fcode);
   1263 	}
   1265 	md->rmt_capstarted = 1;
   1266 	return 0;
   1268 error:
   1269 	/*
   1270 	 * When the connection has been established, we have to close it. So, at the
   1271 	 * beginning of this function, if an error occur we return immediately with
   1272 	 * a return NULL; when the connection is established, we have to come here
   1273 	 * ('goto error;') in order to close everything properly.
   1274 	 *
   1275 	 * Checks if all the data has been read; if not, discard the data in excess
   1276 	 */
   1277 	if (totread != ntohl(header.plen))
   1278 		sock_discard(md->rmt_sockctrl, ntohl(header.plen) - totread, NULL, 0);
   1280 	if ((sockdata) && (sockdata != -1))		/* we can be here because sockdata said 'error' */
   1281 		sock_close(sockdata, NULL, 0);
   1283 	if (!active)
   1284 		sock_close(md->rmt_sockctrl, NULL, 0);
   1286 	/*
   1287 	 * We do not have to call pcap_close() here, because this function is always called
   1288 	 * by the user in case something bad happens
   1289 	 */
   1290 	// 	if (fp)
   1291 	// 	{
   1292 	// 		pcap_close(fp);
   1293 	// 		fp= NULL;
   1294 	// 	}
   1296 	return -1;
   1297 }
   1299 /*
   1300  * \brief Takes a bpf program and sends it to the other host.
   1301  *
   1302  * This function can be called in two cases:
   1303  * - the pcap_startcapture() is called (we have to send the filter along with
   1304  * the 'start capture' command)
   1305  * - we want to udpate the filter during a capture (i.e. the pcap_setfilter()
   1306  * is called when the capture is still on)
   1307  *
   1308  * This function serializes the filter into the sending buffer ('sendbuf', passed
   1309  * as a parameter) and return back. It does not send anything on the network.
   1310  *
   1311  * \param fp: the pcap_t descriptor of the device currently opened.
   1312  *
   1313  * \param sendbuf: the buffer on which the serialized data has to copied.
   1314  *
   1315  * \param sendbufidx: it is used to return the abounf of bytes copied into the buffer.
   1316  *
   1317  * \param prog: the bpf program we have to copy.
   1318  *
   1319  * \return '0' if everything is fine, '-1' otherwise. The error message (if one)
   1320  * is returned into the 'errbuf' field of the pcap_t structure.
   1321  */
   1322 static int pcap_pack_bpffilter(pcap_t *fp, char *sendbuf, int *sendbufidx, struct bpf_program *prog)
   1323 {
   1324 	struct rpcap_filter *filter;
   1325 	struct rpcap_filterbpf_insn *insn;
   1326 	struct bpf_insn *bf_insn;
   1327 	struct bpf_program fake_prog;		/* To be used just in case the user forgot to set a filter */
   1328 	unsigned int i;
   1331 	if (prog->bf_len == 0)	/* No filters have been specified; so, let's apply a "fake" filter */
   1332 	{
   1333 		if (pcap_compile(fp, &fake_prog, NULL /* buffer */, 1, 0) == -1)
   1334 			return -1;
   1336 		prog = &fake_prog;
   1337 	}
   1339 	filter = (struct rpcap_filter *) sendbuf;
   1341 	if (sock_bufferize(NULL, sizeof(struct rpcap_filter), NULL, sendbufidx,
   1343 		return -1;
   1345 	filter->filtertype = htons(RPCAP_UPDATEFILTER_BPF);
   1346 	filter->nitems = htonl((int32)prog->bf_len);
   1348 	if (sock_bufferize(NULL, prog->bf_len * sizeof(struct rpcap_filterbpf_insn),
   1350 		return -1;
   1352 	insn = (struct rpcap_filterbpf_insn *) (filter + 1);
   1353 	bf_insn = prog->bf_insns;
   1355 	for (i = 0; i < prog->bf_len; i++)
   1356 	{
   1357 		insn->code = htons(bf_insn->code);
   1358 		insn->jf = bf_insn->jf;
   1359 		insn->jt = bf_insn->jt;
   1360 		insn->k = htonl(bf_insn->k);
   1362 		insn++;
   1363 		bf_insn++;
   1364 	}
   1366 	return 0;
   1367 }
   1369 /* \ingroup remote_pri_func
   1370  *
   1371  * \brief Update a filter on a remote host.
   1372  *
   1373  * This function is called when the user wants to update a filter.
   1374  * In case we're capturing from the network, it sends the filter to the other peer.
   1375  * This function is *not* called automatically when the user calls the pcap_setfilter().
   1376  * There will be two cases:
   1377  * - the capture is already on: in this case, pcap_setfilter() calls pcap_updatefilter_remote()
   1378  * - the capture has not started yet: in this case, pcap_setfilter() stores the filter into
   1379  * the pcap_t structure, and then the filter is sent with the pcap_startcap().
   1380  *
   1381  * Parameters and return values are exactly the same of the pcap_setfilter().
   1382  *
   1383  * \warning This function *does not* clear the packet currently into the buffers. Therefore,
   1384  * the user has to expect to receive some packets that are related to the previous filter.
   1385  * If you want to discard all the packets before applying a new filter, you have to close
   1386  * the current capture session and start a new one.
   1387  */
   1388 static int pcap_updatefilter_remote(pcap_t *fp, struct bpf_program *prog)
   1389 {
   1390 	int retval;						/* general variable used to keep the return value of other functions */
   1391 	char sendbuf[RPCAP_NETBUF_SIZE];/* temporary buffer in which data to be sent is buffered */
   1392 	int sendbufidx = 0;				/* index which keeps the number of bytes currently buffered */
   1393 	struct rpcap_header header;		/* To keep the reply message */
   1394 	struct pcap_md *md;				/* structure used when doing a remote live capture */
   1396 	md = (struct pcap_md *) ((u_char*)fp->priv + sizeof(struct pcap_win));
   1399 	if (sock_bufferize(NULL, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), NULL, &sendbufidx,
   1401 		return -1;
   1403 	rpcap_createhdr((struct rpcap_header *) sendbuf, RPCAP_MSG_UPDATEFILTER_REQ, 0,
   1404 		sizeof(struct rpcap_filter) + prog->bf_len * sizeof(struct rpcap_filterbpf_insn));
   1406 	if (pcap_pack_bpffilter(fp, &sendbuf[sendbufidx], &sendbufidx, prog))
   1407 		return -1;
   1409 	if (sock_send(md->rmt_sockctrl, sendbuf, sendbufidx, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE))
   1410 		return -1;
   1412 	/* Waits for the answer */
   1413 	if (sock_recv(md->rmt_sockctrl, (char *)&header, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
   1414 		return -1;
   1416 	/* Checks if the message is correct */
   1417 	retval = rpcap_checkmsg(fp->errbuf, md->rmt_sockctrl, &header, RPCAP_MSG_UPDATEFILTER_REPLY, 0);
   1419 	if (retval != RPCAP_MSG_UPDATEFILTER_REPLY)		/* the message is not the one expected */
   1420 	{
   1421 		switch (retval)
   1422 		{
   1423 		case -3:		/* Unrecoverable network error */
   1424 		case -2:		/* The other endpoint sent a message that is not allowed here */
   1425 		case -1:		/* The other endpoint has a version number that is not compatible with our */
   1426 			/* Do nothing; just exit from here; the error code is already into the errbuf */
   1427 			return -1;
   1429 		default:
   1430 			SOCK_ASSERT("Internal error", 0);
   1431 			return -1;
   1432 		}
   1433 	}
   1435 	if (ntohl(header.plen) != 0)	/* the message has an unexpected size */
   1436 	{
   1437 		if (sock_discard(md->rmt_sockctrl, ntohl(header.plen), fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
   1438 			return -1;
   1439 	}
   1441 	return 0;
   1442 }
   1444 /*
   1445  * \ingroup remote_pri_func
   1446  *
   1447  * \brief Send a filter to a remote host.
   1448  *
   1449  * This function is called when the user wants to set a filter.
   1450  * In case we're capturing from the network, it sends the filter to the other peer.
   1451  * This function is called automatically when the user calls the pcap_setfilter().
   1452  *
   1453  * Parameters and return values are exactly the same of the pcap_setfilter().
   1454  */
   1455 static int pcap_setfilter_remote(pcap_t *fp, struct bpf_program *prog)
   1456 {
   1457 	struct pcap_md *md;				/* structure used when doing a remote live capture */
   1459 	md = (struct pcap_md *) ((u_char*)fp->priv + sizeof(struct pcap_win));
   1461 	if (!md->rmt_capstarted)
   1462 	{
   1463 		/* copy filter into the pcap_t structure */
   1464 		if (install_bpf_program(fp, prog) == -1)
   1465 			return -1;
   1466 		return 0;
   1467 	}
   1469 	/* we have to update a filter during run-time */
   1470 	if (pcap_updatefilter_remote(fp, prog))
   1471 		return -1;
   1473 	return 0;
   1474 }
   1476 /*
   1477  * \ingroup remote_pri_func
   1478  *
   1479  * \brief Update the current filter in order not to capture rpcap packets.
   1480  *
   1481  * This function is called *only* when the user wants exclude RPCAP packets
   1482  * related to the current session from the captured packets.
   1483  *
   1484  * \return '0' if everything is fine, '-1' otherwise. The error message (if one)
   1485  * is returned into the 'errbuf' field of the pcap_t structure.
   1486  */
   1487 static int pcap_createfilter_norpcappkt(pcap_t *fp, struct bpf_program *prog)
   1488 {
   1489 	int RetVal = 0;
   1490 	struct pcap_md *md;				/* structure used when doing a remote live capture */
   1492 	md = (struct pcap_md *) ((u_char*)fp->priv + sizeof(struct pcap_win));
   1494 	/* We do not want to capture our RPCAP traffic. So, let's update the filter */
   1495 	if (md->rmt_flags & PCAP_OPENFLAG_NOCAPTURE_RPCAP)
   1496 	{
   1497 		struct sockaddr_storage saddr;		/* temp, needed to retrieve the network data port chosen on the local machine */
   1498 		socklen_t saddrlen;					/* temp, needed to retrieve the network data port chosen on the local machine */
   1499 		char myaddress[128];
   1500 		char myctrlport[128];
   1501 		char mydataport[128];
   1502 		char peeraddress[128];
   1503 		char peerctrlport[128];
   1504 		char *newfilter;
   1505 		const int newstringsize = 1024;
   1506 		size_t currentfiltersize;
   1508 		/* Get the name/port of the other peer */
   1509 		saddrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
   1510 		if (getpeername(md->rmt_sockctrl, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, &saddrlen) == -1)
   1511 		{
   1512 			sock_geterror("getpeername(): ", fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
   1513 			return -1;
   1514 		}
   1516 		if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) &saddr, saddrlen, peeraddress,
   1517 			sizeof(peeraddress), peerctrlport, sizeof(peerctrlport), NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV))
   1518 		{
   1519 			sock_geterror("getnameinfo(): ", fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
   1520 			return -1;
   1521 		}
   1523 		/* We cannot check the data port, because this is available only in case of TCP sockets */
   1524 		/* Get the name/port of the current host */
   1525 		if (getsockname(md->rmt_sockctrl, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, &saddrlen) == -1)
   1526 		{
   1527 			sock_geterror("getsockname(): ", fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
   1528 			return -1;
   1529 		}
   1531 		/* Get the local port the system picked up */
   1532 		if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) &saddr, saddrlen, myaddress,
   1533 			sizeof(myaddress), myctrlport, sizeof(myctrlport), NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV))
   1534 		{
   1535 			sock_geterror("getnameinfo(): ", fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
   1536 			return -1;
   1537 		}
   1539 		/* Let's now check the data port */
   1540 		if (getsockname(md->rmt_sockdata, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, &saddrlen) == -1)
   1541 		{
   1542 			sock_geterror("getsockname(): ", fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
   1543 			return -1;
   1544 		}
   1546 		/* Get the local port the system picked up */
   1547 		if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) &saddr, saddrlen, NULL, 0, mydataport, sizeof(mydataport), NI_NUMERICSERV))
   1548 		{
   1549 			sock_geterror("getnameinfo(): ", fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
   1550 			return -1;
   1551 		}
   1553 		currentfiltersize = strlen(md->currentfilter);
   1555 		newfilter = (char *)malloc(currentfiltersize + newstringsize + 1);
   1557 		if (currentfiltersize)
   1558 		{
   1559 			pcap_snprintf(newfilter, currentfiltersize + newstringsize,
   1560 				"(%s) and not (host %s and host %s and port %s and port %s) and not (host %s and host %s and port %s)",
   1561 				md->currentfilter, myaddress, peeraddress, myctrlport, peerctrlport, myaddress, peeraddress, mydataport);
   1562 		}
   1563 		else
   1564 		{
   1565 			pcap_snprintf(newfilter, currentfiltersize + newstringsize,
   1566 				"not (host %s and host %s and port %s and port %s) and not (host %s and host %s and port %s)",
   1567 				myaddress, peeraddress, myctrlport, peerctrlport, myaddress, peeraddress, mydataport);
   1568 		}
   1570 		newfilter[currentfiltersize + newstringsize] = 0;
   1572 		/* This is only an hack to make the pcap_compile() working properly */
   1573 		md->rmt_clientside = 0;
   1575 		if (pcap_compile(fp, prog, newfilter, 1, 0) == -1)
   1576 			RetVal = -1;
   1578 		/* This is only an hack to make the pcap_compile() working properly */
   1579 		md->rmt_clientside = 1;
   1581 		free(newfilter);
   1582 	}
   1584 	return RetVal;
   1585 }
   1587 /*
   1588  * \ingroup remote_pri_func
   1589  *
   1590  * \brief Set sampling parameters in the remote host.
   1591  *
   1592  * This function is called when the user wants to set activate sampling on the remote host.
   1593  *
   1594  * Sampling parameters are defined into the 'pcap_t' structure.
   1595  *
   1596  * \param p: the pcap_t descriptor of the device currently opened.
   1597  *
   1598  * \return '0' if everything is OK, '-1' is something goes wrong. The error message is returned
   1599  * in the 'errbuf' member of the pcap_t structure.
   1600  */
   1601 static int pcap_setsampling_remote(pcap_t *p)
   1602 {
   1603 	int retval;						/* general variable used to keep the return value of other functions */
   1604 	char sendbuf[RPCAP_NETBUF_SIZE];/* temporary buffer in which data to be sent is buffered */
   1605 	int sendbufidx = 0;				/* index which keeps the number of bytes currently buffered */
   1606 	struct rpcap_header header;		/* To keep the reply message */
   1607 	struct rpcap_sampling *sampling_pars;	/* Structure that is needed to send sampling parameters to the remote host */
   1608 	struct pcap_md *md;				/* structure used when doing a remote live capture */
   1610 	md = (struct pcap_md *) ((u_char*)p->priv + sizeof(struct pcap_win));
   1612 	/* If no samping is requested, return 'ok' */
   1613 	if (md->rmt_samp.method == PCAP_SAMP_NOSAMP)
   1614 		return 0;
   1616 	if (sock_bufferize(NULL, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), NULL,
   1617 		&sendbufidx, RPCAP_NETBUF_SIZE, SOCKBUF_CHECKONLY, p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE))
   1618 		return -1;
   1620 	rpcap_createhdr((struct rpcap_header *) sendbuf, RPCAP_MSG_SETSAMPLING_REQ, 0, sizeof(struct rpcap_sampling));
   1622 	/* Fill the structure needed to open an adapter remotely */
   1623 	sampling_pars = (struct rpcap_sampling *) &sendbuf[sendbufidx];
   1625 	if (sock_bufferize(NULL, sizeof(struct rpcap_sampling), NULL,
   1626 		&sendbufidx, RPCAP_NETBUF_SIZE, SOCKBUF_CHECKONLY, p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE))
   1627 		return -1;
   1629 	memset(sampling_pars, 0, sizeof(struct rpcap_sampling));
   1631 	sampling_pars->method = md->rmt_samp.method;
   1632 	sampling_pars->value = htonl(md->rmt_samp.value);
   1634 	if (sock_send(md->rmt_sockctrl, sendbuf, sendbufidx, p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE))
   1635 		return -1;
   1637 	/* Waits for the answer */
   1638 	if (sock_recv(md->rmt_sockctrl, (char *)&header, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES, p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
   1639 		return -1;
   1641 	/* Checks if the message is correct */
   1642 	retval = rpcap_checkmsg(p->errbuf, md->rmt_sockctrl, &header, RPCAP_MSG_SETSAMPLING_REPLY, 0);
   1644 	if (retval != RPCAP_MSG_SETSAMPLING_REPLY)		/* the message is not the one expected */
   1645 	{
   1646 		switch (retval)
   1647 		{
   1648 		case -3:		/* Unrecoverable network error */
   1649 		case -2:		/* The other endpoint sent a message that is not allowed here */
   1650 		case -1:		/* The other endpoint has a version number that is not compatible with our */
   1651 		case RPCAP_MSG_ERROR:
   1652 			/* Do nothing; just exit from here; the error code is already into the errbuf */
   1653 			return -1;
   1655 		default:
   1656 			SOCK_ASSERT("Internal error", 0);
   1657 			return -1;
   1658 		}
   1659 	}
   1661 	if (ntohl(header.plen) != 0)	/* the message has an unexpected size */
   1662 	{
   1663 		if (sock_discard(md->rmt_sockctrl, ntohl(header.plen), p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
   1664 			return -1;
   1665 	}
   1667 	return 0;
   1669 }
   1671 /*********************************************************
   1672  *                                                       *
   1673  * Miscellaneous functions                               *
   1674  *                                                       *
   1675  *********************************************************/
   1678 /* \ingroup remote_pri_func
   1679  * \brief It sends a RPCAP error to the other peer.
   1680  *
   1681  * This function has to be called when the main program detects an error. This function
   1682  * will send on the other peer the 'buffer' specified by the user.
   1683  * This function *does not* request a RPCAP CLOSE connection. A CLOSE command must be sent
   1684  * explicitly by the program, since we do not know it the error can be recovered in some
   1685  * way or it is a non-recoverable one.
   1686  *
   1687  * \param sock: the socket we are currently using.
   1688  *
   1689  * \param error: an user-allocated (and '0' terminated) buffer that contains the error
   1690  * description that has to be transmitted on the other peer. The error message cannot
   1691  * be longer than PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE.
   1692  *
   1693  * \param errcode: a integer which tells the other party the type of error we had;
   1694  * currently is is not too much used.
   1695  *
   1696  * \param errbuf: a pointer to a user-allocated buffer (of size PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)
   1697  * that will contain the error message (in case there is one). It could be network problem.
   1698  *
   1699  * \return '0' if everything is fine, '-1' if some errors occurred. The error message is returned
   1700  * in the 'errbuf' variable.
   1701  */
   1702 int rpcap_senderror(SOCKET sock, char *error, unsigned short errcode, char *errbuf)
   1703 {
   1704 	char sendbuf[RPCAP_NETBUF_SIZE];			/* temporary buffer in which data to be sent is buffered */
   1705 	int sendbufidx = 0;							/* index which keeps the number of bytes currently buffered */
   1706 	uint16 length;
   1708 	length = (uint16)strlen(error);
   1710 	if (length > PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)
   1711 		length = PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE;
   1713 	rpcap_createhdr((struct rpcap_header *) sendbuf, RPCAP_MSG_ERROR, errcode, length);
   1715 	if (sock_bufferize(NULL, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), NULL, &sendbufidx,
   1717 		return -1;
   1719 	if (sock_bufferize(error, length, sendbuf, &sendbufidx,
   1721 		return -1;
   1723 	if (sock_send(sock, sendbuf, sendbufidx, errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE))
   1724 		return -1;
   1726 	return 0;
   1727 }
   1729 /* \ingroup remote_pri_func
   1730  * \brief Sends the authentication message.
   1731  *
   1732  * It sends the authentication parameters on the control socket.
   1733  * This function is required in order to open the connection with the other end party.
   1734  *
   1735  * \param sock: the socket we are currently using.
   1736  *
   1737  * \param auth: authentication parameters that have to be sent.
   1738  *
   1739  * \param errbuf: a pointer to a user-allocated buffer (of size PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)
   1740  * that will contain the error message (in case there is one). It could be network problem
   1741  * of the fact that the authorization failed.
   1742  *
   1743  * \return '0' if everything is fine, '-1' if some errors occurred. The error message is returned
   1744  * in the 'errbuf' variable.
   1745  * The error message could be also 'the authentication failed'.
   1746  */
   1747 int rpcap_sendauth(SOCKET sock, struct pcap_rmtauth *auth, char *errbuf)
   1748 {
   1749 	char sendbuf[RPCAP_NETBUF_SIZE];	/* temporary buffer in which data that has to be sent is buffered */
   1750 	int sendbufidx = 0;					/* index which keeps the number of bytes currently buffered */
   1751 	uint16 length;						/* length of the payload of this message */
   1752 	struct rpcap_auth *rpauth;
   1753 	uint16 auth_type;
   1754 	struct rpcap_header header;
   1755 	int retval;							/* temp variable which stores functions return value */
   1757 	if (auth)
   1758 	{
   1759 		auth_type = auth->type;
   1761 		switch (auth->type)
   1762 		{
   1763 		case RPCAP_RMTAUTH_NULL:
   1764 			length = sizeof(struct rpcap_auth);
   1765 			break;
   1767 		case RPCAP_RMTAUTH_PWD:
   1768 			length = sizeof(struct rpcap_auth);
   1769 			if (auth->username) length += (uint16) strlen(auth->username);
   1770 			if (auth->password) length += (uint16) strlen(auth->password);
   1771 			break;
   1773 		default:
   1774 			pcap_snprintf(errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Authentication type not recognized.");
   1775 			return -1;
   1776 		}
   1777 	}
   1778 	else
   1779 	{
   1780 		auth_type = RPCAP_RMTAUTH_NULL;
   1781 		length = sizeof(struct rpcap_auth);
   1782 	}
   1785 	if (sock_bufferize(NULL, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), NULL,
   1787 		return -1;
   1789 	rpcap_createhdr((struct rpcap_header *) sendbuf, RPCAP_MSG_AUTH_REQ, 0, length);
   1791 	rpauth = (struct rpcap_auth *) &sendbuf[sendbufidx];
   1793 	if (sock_bufferize(NULL, sizeof(struct rpcap_auth), NULL,
   1795 		return -1;
   1797 	memset(rpauth, 0, sizeof(struct rpcap_auth));
   1799 	rpauth->type = htons(auth_type);
   1801 	if (auth_type == RPCAP_RMTAUTH_PWD)
   1802 	{
   1804 		if (auth->username)
   1805 			rpauth->slen1 = (uint16) strlen(auth->username);
   1806 		else
   1807 			rpauth->slen1 = 0;
   1809 		if (sock_bufferize(auth->username, rpauth->slen1, sendbuf,
   1811 			return -1;
   1813 		if (auth->password)
   1814 			rpauth->slen2 = (uint16) strlen(auth->password);
   1815 		else
   1816 			rpauth->slen2 = 0;
   1818 		if (sock_bufferize(auth->password, rpauth->slen2, sendbuf,
   1820 			return -1;
   1822 		rpauth->slen1 = htons(rpauth->slen1);
   1823 		rpauth->slen2 = htons(rpauth->slen2);
   1824 	}
   1826 	if (sock_send(sock, sendbuf, sendbufidx, errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE))
   1827 		return -1;
   1829 	if (sock_recv(sock, (char *)&header, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES, errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
   1830 		return -1;
   1832 	retval = rpcap_checkmsg(errbuf, sock, &header, RPCAP_MSG_AUTH_REPLY, RPCAP_MSG_ERROR, 0);
   1834 	if (retval != RPCAP_MSG_AUTH_REPLY)		/* the message is not the one expected */
   1835 	{
   1836 		switch (retval)
   1837 		{
   1838 		case -3:		/* Unrecoverable network error */
   1839 		case -2:		/* The other endpoint sent a message that is not allowed here */
   1840 		case -1:		/* The other endpoint has a version number that is not compatible with our */
   1841 			/* Do nothing; just exit from here; the error code is already into the errbuf */
   1842 			return -1;
   1844 		case RPCAP_MSG_ERROR:
   1845 			return -1;
   1847 		default:
   1848 			SOCK_ASSERT("Internal error", 0);
   1849 			return -1;
   1850 		}
   1851 	}
   1853 	if (ntohl(header.plen))
   1854 	{
   1855 		if (sock_discard(sock, ntohl(header.plen), errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE))
   1856 			return -1;
   1857 	}
   1859 	return 0;
   1860 }
   1862 /* \ingroup remote_pri_func
   1863  * \brief Creates a structure of type rpcap_header.
   1864  *
   1865  * This function is provided just because the creation of an rpcap header is quite a common
   1866  * task. It accepts all the values that appears into an rpcap_header, and it puts them in
   1867  * place using the proper hton() calls.
   1868  *
   1869  * \param header: a pointer to a user-allocated buffer which will contain the serialized
   1870  * header, ready to be sent on the network.
   1871  *
   1872  * \param type: a value (in the host by order) which will be placed into the header.type
   1873  * field and that represents the type of the current message.
   1874  *
   1875  * \param value: a value (in the host by order) which will be placed into the header.value
   1876  * field and that has a message-dependent meaning.
   1877  *
   1878  * \param length: a value (in the host by order) which will be placed into the header.length
   1879  * field and that represents the payload length of the message.
   1880  *
   1881  * \return Nothing. The serialized header is returned into the 'header' variable.
   1882  */
   1883 void rpcap_createhdr(struct rpcap_header *header, uint8 type, uint16 value, uint32 length)
   1884 {
   1885 	memset(header, 0, sizeof(struct rpcap_header));
   1887 	header->ver = RPCAP_VERSION;
   1888 	header->type = type;
   1889 	header->value = htons(value);
   1890 	header->plen = htonl(length);
   1891 }
   1893 /* ingroup remote_pri_func
   1894  * \brief Checks if the header of the received message is correct.
   1895  *
   1896  * This function is a way to easily check if the message received, in a certain
   1897  * state of the RPCAP protocol Finite State Machine, is valid. This function accepts,
   1898  * as a parameter, the list of message types that are allowed in a certain situation,
   1899  * and it returns the one which occurs.
   1900  *
   1901  * \param errbuf: a pointer to a user-allocated buffer (of size PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)
   1902  * that will contain the error message (in case there is one). It could be either problem
   1903  * occurred inside this function (e.g. a network problem in case it tries to send an
   1904  * error on the other peer and the send() call fails), an error message which has been
   1905  * sent to us from the other party, or a version error (the message receive has a version
   1906  * number that is incompatible with our).
   1907  *
   1908  * \param sock: the socket that has to be used to receive data. This function can
   1909  * read data from socket in case the version contained into the message is not compatible
   1910  * with our. In that case, all the message is purged from the socket, so that the following
   1911  * recv() calls will return a new message.
   1912  *
   1913  * \param header: a pointer to and 'rpcap_header' structure that keeps the data received from
   1914  * the network (still in network byte order) and that has to be checked.
   1915  *
   1916  * \param first: this function has a variable number of parameters. From this point on,
   1917  * all the messages that are valid in this context must be passed as parameters.
   1918  * The message type list must be terminated with a '0' value, the null message type,
   1919  * which means 'no more types to check'. The RPCAP protocol does not define anything with
   1920  * message type equal to zero, so there is no ambiguity in using this value as a list terminator.
   1921  *
   1922  * \return The message type of the message that has been detected. In case of errors (e.g. the
   1923  * header contains a type that is not listed among the allowed types), this function will
   1924  * return the following codes:
   1925  * - (-1) if the version is incompatible.
   1926  * - (-2) if the code is not among the one listed into the parameters list
   1927  * - (-3) if a network error (connection reset, ...)
   1928  * - RPCAP_MSG_ERROR if the message is an error message (it follow that the RPCAP_MSG_ERROR
   1929  * could not be present in the allowed message-types list, because this function checks
   1930  * for errors anyway)
   1931  *
   1932  * In case either the version is incompatible or nothing matches (i.e. it returns '-1' or '-2'),
   1933  * it discards the message body (i.e. it reads the remaining part of the message from the
   1934  * network and it discards it) so that the application is ready to receive a new message.
   1935  */
   1936 int rpcap_checkmsg(char *errbuf, SOCKET sock, struct rpcap_header *header, uint8 first, ...)
   1937 {
   1938 	va_list ap;
   1939 	uint8 type;
   1940 	int32 len;
   1942 	va_start(ap, first);
   1944 	/* Check if the present version of the protocol can handle this message */
   1945 	if (rpcap_checkver(sock, header, errbuf))
   1946 	{
   1947 		SOCK_ASSERT(errbuf, 1);
   1949 		va_end(ap);
   1950 		return -1;
   1951 	}
   1953 	type = first;
   1955 	while (type != 0)
   1956 	{
   1957 		/*
   1958 		 * The message matches with one of the types listed
   1959 		 * There is no need of conversions since both values are uint8
   1960 		 *
   1961 		 * Check if the other side reported an error.
   1962 		 * If yes, it retrieves it and it returns it back to the caller
   1963 		 */
   1964 		if (header->type == RPCAP_MSG_ERROR)
   1965 		{
   1966 			len = ntohl(header->plen);
   1968 			if (len >= PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)
   1969 			{
   1970 				if (sock_recv(sock, errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE - 1, SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES, errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE))
   1971 					return -3;
   1973 				sock_discard(sock, len - (PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE - 1), NULL, 0);
   1975 				/* Put '\0' at the end of the string */
   1976 				errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE - 1] = 0;
   1977 			}
   1978 			else
   1979 			{
   1980 				if (sock_recv(sock, errbuf, len, SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES, errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
   1981 					return -3;
   1983 				/* Put '\0' at the end of the string */
   1984 				errbuf[len] = 0;
   1985 			}
   1988 			va_end(ap);
   1989 			return header->type;
   1990 		}
   1992 		if (header->type == type)
   1993 		{
   1994 			va_end(ap);
   1995 			return header->type;
   1996 		}
   1998 		/* get next argument */
   1999 		type = va_arg(ap, int);
   2000 	}
   2002 	/* we already have an error, so please discard this one */
   2003 	sock_discard(sock, ntohl(header->plen), NULL, 0);
   2005 	pcap_snprintf(errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "The other endpoint sent a message that is not allowed here.");
   2006 	SOCK_ASSERT(errbuf, 1);
   2008 	va_end(ap);
   2009 	return -2;
   2010 }
   2012 /* \ingroup remote_pri_func
   2013  * \brief Checks if the version contained into the message is compatible with
   2014  * the one handled by this implementation.
   2015  *
   2016  * Right now, this function does not have any sophisticated task: if the versions
   2017  * are different, it returns -1 and it discards the message.
   2018  * It is expected that in the future this message will become more complex.
   2019  *
   2020  * \param sock: the socket that has to be used to receive data. This function can
   2021  * read data from socket in case the version contained into the message is not compatible
   2022  * with our. In that case, all the message is purged from the socket, so that the following
   2023  * recv() calls will return a new (clean) message.
   2024  *
   2025  * \param header: a pointer to and 'rpcap_header' structure that keeps the data received from
   2026  * the network (still in network byte order) and that has to be checked.
   2027  *
   2028  * \param errbuf: a pointer to a user-allocated buffer (of size PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)
   2029  * that will contain the error message (in case there is one). The error message is
   2030  * "incompatible version".
   2031  *
   2032  * \return '0' if everything is fine, '-1' if some errors occurred. The error message is returned
   2033  * in the 'errbuf' variable.
   2034  */
   2035 static int rpcap_checkver(SOCKET sock, struct rpcap_header *header, char *errbuf)
   2036 {
   2037 	/*
   2038 	 * This is a sample function.
   2039 	 *
   2040 	 * In the real world, you have to check at the type code,
   2041 	 * and decide accordingly.
   2042 	 */
   2044 	if (header->ver != RPCAP_VERSION)
   2045 	{
   2046 		pcap_snprintf(errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Incompatible version number: message discarded.");
   2048 		/* we already have an error, so please discard this one */
   2049 		sock_discard(sock, ntohl(header->plen), NULL, 0);
   2050 		return -1;
   2051 	}
   2053 	return 0;
   2054 }
   2056 /* \ingroup remote_pri_func
   2057  *
   2058  * \brief It returns the socket currently used for this active connection
   2059  * (active mode only) and provides an indication of whether this connection
   2060  * is in active mode or not.
   2061  *
   2062  * This function is just for internal use; it returns the socket ID of the
   2063  * active connection currently opened.
   2064  *
   2065  * \param host: a string that keeps the host name of the host for which we
   2066  * want to get the socket ID for that active connection.
   2067  *
   2068  * \param isactive: a pointer to an int that is set to 1 if there's an
   2069  * active connection to that host and 0 otherwise.
   2070  *
   2071  * \param errbuf: a pointer to a user-allocated buffer (of size
   2072  * PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) that will contain the error message (in case
   2073  * there is one).
   2074  *
   2075  * \return the socket identifier if everything is fine, '0' if this host
   2076  * is not in the active host list. An indication of whether this host
   2077  * is in the active host list is returned into the isactive variable.
   2078  * It returns 'INVALID_SOCKET' in case of error. The error message is
   2079  * returned into the errbuf variable.
   2080  */
   2081 SOCKET rpcap_remoteact_getsock(const char *host, int *isactive, char *errbuf)
   2082 {
   2083 	struct activehosts *temp;					/* temp var needed to scan the host list chain */
   2084 	struct addrinfo hints, *addrinfo, *ai_next;	/* temp var needed to translate between hostname to its address */
   2085 	int retval;
   2087 	/* retrieve the network address corresponding to 'host' */
   2088 	addrinfo = NULL;
   2089 	memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo));
   2090 	hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
   2091 	hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
   2093 	retval = getaddrinfo(host, "0", &hints, &addrinfo);
   2094 	if (retval != 0)
   2095 	{
   2096 		pcap_snprintf(errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "getaddrinfo() %s", gai_strerror(retval));
   2097 		*isactive = 0;
   2098 		return INVALID_SOCKET;
   2099 	}
   2101 	temp = activeHosts;
   2103 	while (temp)
   2104 	{
   2105 		ai_next = addrinfo;
   2106 		while (ai_next)
   2107 		{
   2108 			if (sock_cmpaddr(&temp->host, (struct sockaddr_storage *) ai_next->ai_addr) == 0) {
   2109 				*isactive = 1;
   2110 				return (temp->sockctrl);
   2111 			}
   2113 			ai_next = ai_next->ai_next;
   2114 		}
   2115 		temp = temp->next;
   2116 	}
   2118 	if (addrinfo)
   2119 		freeaddrinfo(addrinfo);
   2121 	/*
   2122 	 * The host for which you want to get the socket ID does not have an
   2123 	 * active connection.
   2124 	 */
   2125 	*isactive = 0;
   2126 	return 0;
   2127 }