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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include <immintrin.h>
     13 #include "./vpx_dsp_rtcd.h"
     14 #include "vpx_dsp/x86/convolve.h"
     15 #include "vpx_dsp/x86/convolve_avx2.h"
     16 #include "vpx_ports/mem.h"
     18 // filters for 16_h8
     19 DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, static const uint8_t, filt1_global_avx2[32]) = {
     20   0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8,
     21   0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8
     22 };
     24 DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, static const uint8_t, filt2_global_avx2[32]) = {
     25   2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10,
     26   2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10
     27 };
     29 DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, static const uint8_t, filt3_global_avx2[32]) = {
     30   4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12,
     31   4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12
     32 };
     34 DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, static const uint8_t, filt4_global_avx2[32]) = {
     35   6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14,
     36   6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14
     37 };
     39 static INLINE void vpx_filter_block1d16_h8_x_avx2(
     40     const uint8_t *src_ptr, ptrdiff_t src_pixels_per_line, uint8_t *output_ptr,
     41     ptrdiff_t output_pitch, uint32_t output_height, const int16_t *filter,
     42     const int avg) {
     43   __m128i outReg1, outReg2;
     44   __m256i outReg32b1, outReg32b2;
     45   unsigned int i;
     46   ptrdiff_t src_stride, dst_stride;
     47   __m256i f[4], filt[4], s[4];
     49   shuffle_filter_avx2(filter, f);
     50   filt[0] = _mm256_load_si256((__m256i const *)filt1_global_avx2);
     51   filt[1] = _mm256_load_si256((__m256i const *)filt2_global_avx2);
     52   filt[2] = _mm256_load_si256((__m256i const *)filt3_global_avx2);
     53   filt[3] = _mm256_load_si256((__m256i const *)filt4_global_avx2);
     55   // multiple the size of the source and destination stride by two
     56   src_stride = src_pixels_per_line << 1;
     57   dst_stride = output_pitch << 1;
     58   for (i = output_height; i > 1; i -= 2) {
     59     __m256i srcReg;
     61     // load the 2 strides of source
     62     srcReg =
     63         _mm256_castsi128_si256(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(src_ptr - 3)));
     64     srcReg = _mm256_inserti128_si256(
     65         srcReg,
     66         _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(src_ptr + src_pixels_per_line - 3)),
     67         1);
     69     // filter the source buffer
     70     s[0] = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, filt[0]);
     71     s[1] = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, filt[1]);
     72     s[2] = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, filt[2]);
     73     s[3] = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, filt[3]);
     74     outReg32b1 = convolve8_16_avx2(s, f);
     76     // reading 2 strides of the next 16 bytes
     77     // (part of it was being read by earlier read)
     78     srcReg =
     79         _mm256_castsi128_si256(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(src_ptr + 5)));
     80     srcReg = _mm256_inserti128_si256(
     81         srcReg,
     82         _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(src_ptr + src_pixels_per_line + 5)),
     83         1);
     85     // filter the source buffer
     86     s[0] = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, filt[0]);
     87     s[1] = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, filt[1]);
     88     s[2] = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, filt[2]);
     89     s[3] = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, filt[3]);
     90     outReg32b2 = convolve8_16_avx2(s, f);
     92     // shrink to 8 bit each 16 bits, the low and high 64-bits of each lane
     93     // contain the first and second convolve result respectively
     94     outReg32b1 = _mm256_packus_epi16(outReg32b1, outReg32b2);
     96     src_ptr += src_stride;
     98     // average if necessary
     99     outReg1 = _mm256_castsi256_si128(outReg32b1);
    100     outReg2 = _mm256_extractf128_si256(outReg32b1, 1);
    101     if (avg) {
    102       outReg1 = _mm_avg_epu8(outReg1, _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)output_ptr));
    103       outReg2 = _mm_avg_epu8(
    104           outReg2, _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)(output_ptr + output_pitch)));
    105     }
    107     // save 16 bytes
    108     _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)output_ptr, outReg1);
    110     // save the next 16 bits
    111     _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(output_ptr + output_pitch), outReg2);
    113     output_ptr += dst_stride;
    114   }
    116   // if the number of strides is odd.
    117   // process only 16 bytes
    118   if (i > 0) {
    119     __m128i srcReg;
    121     // load the first 16 bytes of the last row
    122     srcReg = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(src_ptr - 3));
    124     // filter the source buffer
    125     s[0] = _mm256_castsi128_si256(
    126         _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, _mm256_castsi256_si128(filt[0])));
    127     s[1] = _mm256_castsi128_si256(
    128         _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, _mm256_castsi256_si128(filt[1])));
    129     s[2] = _mm256_castsi128_si256(
    130         _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, _mm256_castsi256_si128(filt[2])));
    131     s[3] = _mm256_castsi128_si256(
    132         _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, _mm256_castsi256_si128(filt[3])));
    133     outReg1 = convolve8_8_avx2(s, f);
    135     // reading the next 16 bytes
    136     // (part of it was being read by earlier read)
    137     srcReg = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(src_ptr + 5));
    139     // filter the source buffer
    140     s[0] = _mm256_castsi128_si256(
    141         _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, _mm256_castsi256_si128(filt[0])));
    142     s[1] = _mm256_castsi128_si256(
    143         _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, _mm256_castsi256_si128(filt[1])));
    144     s[2] = _mm256_castsi128_si256(
    145         _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, _mm256_castsi256_si128(filt[2])));
    146     s[3] = _mm256_castsi128_si256(
    147         _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, _mm256_castsi256_si128(filt[3])));
    148     outReg2 = convolve8_8_avx2(s, f);
    150     // shrink to 8 bit each 16 bits, the low and high 64-bits of each lane
    151     // contain the first and second convolve result respectively
    152     outReg1 = _mm_packus_epi16(outReg1, outReg2);
    154     // average if necessary
    155     if (avg) {
    156       outReg1 = _mm_avg_epu8(outReg1, _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)output_ptr));
    157     }
    159     // save 16 bytes
    160     _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)output_ptr, outReg1);
    161   }
    162 }
    164 static void vpx_filter_block1d16_h8_avx2(
    165     const uint8_t *src_ptr, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *output_ptr,
    166     ptrdiff_t dst_stride, uint32_t output_height, const int16_t *filter) {
    167   vpx_filter_block1d16_h8_x_avx2(src_ptr, src_stride, output_ptr, dst_stride,
    168                                  output_height, filter, 0);
    169 }
    171 static void vpx_filter_block1d16_h8_avg_avx2(
    172     const uint8_t *src_ptr, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *output_ptr,
    173     ptrdiff_t dst_stride, uint32_t output_height, const int16_t *filter) {
    174   vpx_filter_block1d16_h8_x_avx2(src_ptr, src_stride, output_ptr, dst_stride,
    175                                  output_height, filter, 1);
    176 }
    178 static INLINE void vpx_filter_block1d16_v8_x_avx2(
    179     const uint8_t *src_ptr, ptrdiff_t src_pitch, uint8_t *output_ptr,
    180     ptrdiff_t out_pitch, uint32_t output_height, const int16_t *filter,
    181     const int avg) {
    182   __m128i outReg1, outReg2;
    183   __m256i srcRegHead1;
    184   unsigned int i;
    185   ptrdiff_t src_stride, dst_stride;
    186   __m256i f[4], s1[4], s2[4];
    188   shuffle_filter_avx2(filter, f);
    190   // multiple the size of the source and destination stride by two
    191   src_stride = src_pitch << 1;
    192   dst_stride = out_pitch << 1;
    194   {
    195     __m128i s[6];
    196     __m256i s32b[6];
    198     // load 16 bytes 7 times in stride of src_pitch
    199     s[0] = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(src_ptr + 0 * src_pitch));
    200     s[1] = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(src_ptr + 1 * src_pitch));
    201     s[2] = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(src_ptr + 2 * src_pitch));
    202     s[3] = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(src_ptr + 3 * src_pitch));
    203     s[4] = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(src_ptr + 4 * src_pitch));
    204     s[5] = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(src_ptr + 5 * src_pitch));
    205     srcRegHead1 = _mm256_castsi128_si256(
    206         _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(src_ptr + 6 * src_pitch)));
    208     // have each consecutive loads on the same 256 register
    209     s32b[0] = _mm256_inserti128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(s[0]), s[1], 1);
    210     s32b[1] = _mm256_inserti128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(s[1]), s[2], 1);
    211     s32b[2] = _mm256_inserti128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(s[2]), s[3], 1);
    212     s32b[3] = _mm256_inserti128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(s[3]), s[4], 1);
    213     s32b[4] = _mm256_inserti128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(s[4]), s[5], 1);
    214     s32b[5] = _mm256_inserti128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(s[5]),
    215                                       _mm256_castsi256_si128(srcRegHead1), 1);
    217     // merge every two consecutive registers except the last one
    218     // the first lanes contain values for filtering odd rows (1,3,5...) and
    219     // the second lanes contain values for filtering even rows (2,4,6...)
    220     s1[0] = _mm256_unpacklo_epi8(s32b[0], s32b[1]);
    221     s2[0] = _mm256_unpackhi_epi8(s32b[0], s32b[1]);
    222     s1[1] = _mm256_unpacklo_epi8(s32b[2], s32b[3]);
    223     s2[1] = _mm256_unpackhi_epi8(s32b[2], s32b[3]);
    224     s1[2] = _mm256_unpacklo_epi8(s32b[4], s32b[5]);
    225     s2[2] = _mm256_unpackhi_epi8(s32b[4], s32b[5]);
    226   }
    228   for (i = output_height; i > 1; i -= 2) {
    229     __m256i srcRegHead2, srcRegHead3;
    231     // load the next 2 loads of 16 bytes and have every two
    232     // consecutive loads in the same 256 bit register
    233     srcRegHead2 = _mm256_castsi128_si256(
    234         _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(src_ptr + 7 * src_pitch)));
    235     srcRegHead1 = _mm256_inserti128_si256(
    236         srcRegHead1, _mm256_castsi256_si128(srcRegHead2), 1);
    237     srcRegHead3 = _mm256_castsi128_si256(
    238         _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(src_ptr + 8 * src_pitch)));
    239     srcRegHead2 = _mm256_inserti128_si256(
    240         srcRegHead2, _mm256_castsi256_si128(srcRegHead3), 1);
    242     // merge the two new consecutive registers
    243     // the first lane contain values for filtering odd rows (1,3,5...) and
    244     // the second lane contain values for filtering even rows (2,4,6...)
    245     s1[3] = _mm256_unpacklo_epi8(srcRegHead1, srcRegHead2);
    246     s2[3] = _mm256_unpackhi_epi8(srcRegHead1, srcRegHead2);
    248     s1[0] = convolve8_16_avx2(s1, f);
    249     s2[0] = convolve8_16_avx2(s2, f);
    251     // shrink to 8 bit each 16 bits, the low and high 64-bits of each lane
    252     // contain the first and second convolve result respectively
    253     s1[0] = _mm256_packus_epi16(s1[0], s2[0]);
    255     src_ptr += src_stride;
    257     // average if necessary
    258     outReg1 = _mm256_castsi256_si128(s1[0]);
    259     outReg2 = _mm256_extractf128_si256(s1[0], 1);
    260     if (avg) {
    261       outReg1 = _mm_avg_epu8(outReg1, _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)output_ptr));
    262       outReg2 = _mm_avg_epu8(
    263           outReg2, _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)(output_ptr + out_pitch)));
    264     }
    266     // save 16 bytes
    267     _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)output_ptr, outReg1);
    269     // save the next 16 bits
    270     _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(output_ptr + out_pitch), outReg2);
    272     output_ptr += dst_stride;
    274     // shift down by two rows
    275     s1[0] = s1[1];
    276     s2[0] = s2[1];
    277     s1[1] = s1[2];
    278     s2[1] = s2[2];
    279     s1[2] = s1[3];
    280     s2[2] = s2[3];
    281     srcRegHead1 = srcRegHead3;
    282   }
    284   // if the number of strides is odd.
    285   // process only 16 bytes
    286   if (i > 0) {
    287     // load the last 16 bytes
    288     const __m128i srcRegHead2 =
    289         _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(src_ptr + src_pitch * 7));
    291     // merge the last 2 results together
    292     s1[0] = _mm256_castsi128_si256(
    293         _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm256_castsi256_si128(srcRegHead1), srcRegHead2));
    294     s2[0] = _mm256_castsi128_si256(
    295         _mm_unpackhi_epi8(_mm256_castsi256_si128(srcRegHead1), srcRegHead2));
    297     outReg1 = convolve8_8_avx2(s1, f);
    298     outReg2 = convolve8_8_avx2(s2, f);
    300     // shrink to 8 bit each 16 bits, the low and high 64-bits of each lane
    301     // contain the first and second convolve result respectively
    302     outReg1 = _mm_packus_epi16(outReg1, outReg2);
    304     // average if necessary
    305     if (avg) {
    306       outReg1 = _mm_avg_epu8(outReg1, _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)output_ptr));
    307     }
    309     // save 16 bytes
    310     _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)output_ptr, outReg1);
    311   }
    312 }
    314 static void vpx_filter_block1d16_v8_avx2(const uint8_t *src_ptr,
    315                                          ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst_ptr,
    316                                          ptrdiff_t dst_stride, uint32_t height,
    317                                          const int16_t *filter) {
    318   vpx_filter_block1d16_v8_x_avx2(src_ptr, src_stride, dst_ptr, dst_stride,
    319                                  height, filter, 0);
    320 }
    322 static void vpx_filter_block1d16_v8_avg_avx2(
    323     const uint8_t *src_ptr, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst_ptr,
    324     ptrdiff_t dst_stride, uint32_t height, const int16_t *filter) {
    325   vpx_filter_block1d16_v8_x_avx2(src_ptr, src_stride, dst_ptr, dst_stride,
    326                                  height, filter, 1);
    327 }
    329 #if HAVE_AVX2 && HAVE_SSSE3
    330 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d4_v8_ssse3;
    331 #if ARCH_X86_64
    332 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d8_v8_intrin_ssse3;
    333 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d8_h8_intrin_ssse3;
    334 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d4_h8_intrin_ssse3;
    335 #define vpx_filter_block1d8_v8_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d8_v8_intrin_ssse3
    336 #define vpx_filter_block1d8_h8_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d8_h8_intrin_ssse3
    337 #define vpx_filter_block1d4_h8_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d4_h8_intrin_ssse3
    338 #else  // ARCH_X86
    339 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d8_v8_ssse3;
    340 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d8_h8_ssse3;
    341 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d4_h8_ssse3;
    342 #define vpx_filter_block1d8_v8_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d8_v8_ssse3
    343 #define vpx_filter_block1d8_h8_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d8_h8_ssse3
    344 #define vpx_filter_block1d4_h8_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d4_h8_ssse3
    345 #endif  // ARCH_X86_64
    346 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d8_v8_avg_ssse3;
    347 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d8_h8_avg_ssse3;
    348 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d4_v8_avg_ssse3;
    349 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d4_h8_avg_ssse3;
    350 #define vpx_filter_block1d8_v8_avg_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d8_v8_avg_ssse3
    351 #define vpx_filter_block1d8_h8_avg_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d8_h8_avg_ssse3
    352 #define vpx_filter_block1d4_v8_avg_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d4_v8_avg_ssse3
    353 #define vpx_filter_block1d4_h8_avg_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d4_h8_avg_ssse3
    354 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d16_v2_ssse3;
    355 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d16_h2_ssse3;
    356 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d8_v2_ssse3;
    357 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d8_h2_ssse3;
    358 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d4_v2_ssse3;
    359 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d4_h2_ssse3;
    360 #define vpx_filter_block1d4_v8_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d4_v8_ssse3
    361 #define vpx_filter_block1d16_v2_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d16_v2_ssse3
    362 #define vpx_filter_block1d16_h2_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d16_h2_ssse3
    363 #define vpx_filter_block1d8_v2_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d8_v2_ssse3
    364 #define vpx_filter_block1d8_h2_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d8_h2_ssse3
    365 #define vpx_filter_block1d4_v2_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d4_v2_ssse3
    366 #define vpx_filter_block1d4_h2_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d4_h2_ssse3
    367 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d16_v2_avg_ssse3;
    368 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d16_h2_avg_ssse3;
    369 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d8_v2_avg_ssse3;
    370 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d8_h2_avg_ssse3;
    371 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d4_v2_avg_ssse3;
    372 filter8_1dfunction vpx_filter_block1d4_h2_avg_ssse3;
    373 #define vpx_filter_block1d16_v2_avg_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d16_v2_avg_ssse3
    374 #define vpx_filter_block1d16_h2_avg_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d16_h2_avg_ssse3
    375 #define vpx_filter_block1d8_v2_avg_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d8_v2_avg_ssse3
    376 #define vpx_filter_block1d8_h2_avg_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d8_h2_avg_ssse3
    377 #define vpx_filter_block1d4_v2_avg_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d4_v2_avg_ssse3
    378 #define vpx_filter_block1d4_h2_avg_avx2 vpx_filter_block1d4_h2_avg_ssse3
    379 // void vpx_convolve8_horiz_avx2(const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride,
    380 //                                uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride,
    381 //                                const InterpKernel *filter, int x0_q4,
    382 //                                int32_t x_step_q4, int y0_q4, int y_step_q4,
    383 //                                int w, int h);
    384 // void vpx_convolve8_vert_avx2(const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride,
    385 //                               uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride,
    386 //                               const InterpKernel *filter, int x0_q4,
    387 //                               int32_t x_step_q4, int y0_q4, int y_step_q4,
    388 //                               int w, int h);
    389 // void vpx_convolve8_avg_horiz_avx2(const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride,
    390 //                                    uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride,
    391 //                                    const InterpKernel *filter, int x0_q4,
    392 //                                    int32_t x_step_q4, int y0_q4,
    393 //                                    int y_step_q4, int w, int h);
    394 // void vpx_convolve8_avg_vert_avx2(const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride,
    395 //                                   uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride,
    396 //                                   const InterpKernel *filter, int x0_q4,
    397 //                                   int32_t x_step_q4, int y0_q4,
    398 //                                   int y_step_q4, int w, int h);
    399 FUN_CONV_1D(horiz, x0_q4, x_step_q4, h, src, , avx2);
    400 FUN_CONV_1D(vert, y0_q4, y_step_q4, v, src - src_stride * 3, , avx2);
    401 FUN_CONV_1D(avg_horiz, x0_q4, x_step_q4, h, src, avg_, avx2);
    402 FUN_CONV_1D(avg_vert, y0_q4, y_step_q4, v, src - src_stride * 3, avg_, avx2);
    404 // void vpx_convolve8_avx2(const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride,
    405 //                          uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride,
    406 //                          const InterpKernel *filter, int x0_q4,
    407 //                          int32_t x_step_q4, int y0_q4, int y_step_q4,
    408 //                          int w, int h);
    409 // void vpx_convolve8_avg_avx2(const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride,
    410 //                              uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride,
    411 //                              const InterpKernel *filter, int x0_q4,
    412 //                              int32_t x_step_q4, int y0_q4, int y_step_q4,
    413 //                              int w, int h);
    414 FUN_CONV_2D(, avx2);
    415 FUN_CONV_2D(avg_, avx2);
    416 #endif  // HAVE_AX2 && HAVE_SSSE3