1 0 1 RDF:RDF 0 0 2 1 14 #text 0 1 3 4 1 1 RDF:Description 0 0 5 2 14 #text 0 1 6 7 2 1 RPM:Name 0 0 8 3 3 #text 0 1 rpm 9 2 15 RPM:Name 0 0 10 2 14 #text 0 1 11 12 2 1 RPM:Version 0 0 13 3 3 #text 0 1 2.5 14 2 15 RPM:Version 0 0 15 2 14 #text 0 1 16 17 2 1 RPM:Release 0 0 18 3 3 #text 0 1 2 19 2 15 RPM:Release 0 0 20 2 14 #text 0 1 21 22 2 1 RPM:Arch 0 0 23 3 3 #text 0 1 i386 24 2 15 RPM:Arch 0 0 25 2 14 #text 0 1 26 27 2 1 RPM:Os 0 0 28 3 3 #text 0 1 Linux 29 2 15 RPM:Os 0 0 30 2 14 #text 0 1 31 32 2 1 RPM:Distribution 0 0 33 3 3 #text 0 1 Manhattan 34 2 15 RPM:Distribution 0 0 35 2 14 #text 0 1 36 37 2 1 RPM:Vendor 0 0 38 3 3 #text 0 1 Red Hat Software 39 2 15 RPM:Vendor 0 0 40 2 14 #text 0 1 41 42 2 1 RPM:Packager 0 0 43 3 3 #text 0 1 Red Hat Software <bugs (a] redhat.com> 44 2 15 RPM:Packager 0 0 45 2 14 #text 0 1 46 47 2 1 RPM:Group 0 0 48 3 3 #text 0 1 Utilities/System 49 2 15 RPM:Group 0 0 50 2 14 #text 0 1 51 52 2 1 RPM:Summary 0 0 53 3 3 #text 0 1 Red Hat Package Manager 54 2 15 RPM:Summary 0 0 55 2 14 #text 0 1 56 57 2 1 RPM:Description 0 0 58 3 3 #text 0 1 RPM is a powerful package manager, which can be used to build, install, 59 query, verify, update, and uninstall individual software packages. A 60 package consists of an archive of files, and package information, including 61 name, version, and description. 62 2 15 RPM:Description 0 0 63 2 14 #text 0 1 64 65 2 1 RPM:Copyright 0 0 66 3 3 #text 0 1 GPL 67 2 15 RPM:Copyright 0 0 68 2 14 #text 0 1 69 70 2 1 RPM:Changelog 0 0 71 3 3 #text 0 1 * Sun May 10 1998 Prospector System <bugs (a] redhat.com> 72 - translations modified for de, fr, tr 73 74 2 15 RPM:Changelog 0 0 75 2 14 #text 0 1 76 77 2 1 RPM:Sources 0 0 78 3 3 #text 0 1 rpm-2.5-2.src.rpm 79 2 15 RPM:Sources 0 0 80 2 14 #text 0 1 81 82 2 1 RPM:SourcesFtp 0 0 83 3 3 #text 0 1 ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/redhat-5.1/SRPMS 84 2 15 RPM:SourcesFtp 0 0 85 2 14 #text 0 1 86 87 2 1 RPM:BuildDate 0 0 88 3 3 #text 0 1 Sun May 10 14:52:32 1998 89 2 15 RPM:BuildDate 0 0 90 2 14 #text 0 1 91 92 2 1 RPM:Date 0 0 93 3 3 #text 0 1 894826352 94 2 15 RPM:Date 0 0 95 2 14 #text 0 1 96 97 2 1 RPM:Size 0 0 98 3 3 #text 0 1 850599 99 2 15 RPM:Size 0 0 100 2 14 #text 0 1 101 102 2 1 RPM:BuildHost 0 0 103 3 3 #text 0 1 porky.redhat.com 104 2 15 RPM:BuildHost 0 0 105 2 14 #text 0 1 106 107 2 1 RPM:Provides 0 0 108 3 14 #text 0 1 109 110 3 1 RDF:Bag 0 0 111 4 14 #text 0 1 112 113 4 1 RPM:Resource 0 0 114 5 3 #text 0 1 rpm 115 4 15 RPM:Resource 0 0 116 4 14 #text 0 1 117 118 3 15 RDF:Bag 0 0 119 3 14 #text 0 1 120 121 2 15 RPM:Provides 0 0 122 2 14 #text 0 1 123 124 2 1 RPM:Requires 0 0 125 3 14 #text 0 1 126 127 3 1 RDF:Bag 0 0 128 4 14 #text 0 1 129 130 4 1 RPM:Resource 0 0 131 5 3 #text 0 1 /bin/sh 132 4 15 RPM:Resource 0 0 133 4 14 #text 0 1 134 135 4 1 RPM:Resource 0 0 136 5 3 #text 0 1 ld-linux.so.2 137 4 15 RPM:Resource 0 0 138 4 14 #text 0 1 139 140 4 1 RPM:Resource 0 0 141 5 3 #text 0 1 libc.so.6 142 4 15 RPM:Resource 0 0 143 4 14 #text 0 1 144 145 4 1 RPM:Resource 0 0 146 5 3 #text 0 1 libdb.so.2 147 4 15 RPM:Resource 0 0 148 4 14 #text 0 1 149 150 4 1 RPM:Resource 0 0 151 5 3 #text 0 1 libz.so.1 152 4 15 RPM:Resource 0 0 153 4 14 #text 0 1 154 155 4 1 RPM:Resource 0 0 156 5 3 #text 0 1 /bin/bash 157 4 15 RPM:Resource 0 0 158 4 14 #text 0 1 159 160 4 1 RPM:Resource 0 0 161 5 3 #text 0 1 /bin/sh 162 4 15 RPM:Resource 0 0 163 4 14 #text 0 1 164 165 3 15 RDF:Bag 0 0 166 3 14 #text 0 1 167 168 2 15 RPM:Requires 0 0 169 2 14 #text 0 1 170 171 2 1 RPM:Files 0 0 172 3 3 #text 0 1 /bin/rpm 173 /usr/bin/find-provides 174 /usr/bin/find-requires 175 /usr/bin/gendiff 176 /usr/bin/rpm2cpio 177 /usr/doc/rpm-2.5 178 /usr/doc/rpm-2.5/CHANGES 179 /usr/doc/rpm-2.5/RPM-PGP-KEY 180 /usr/doc/rpm-2.5/buildroot 181 /usr/doc/rpm-2.5/dependencies 182 /usr/doc/rpm-2.5/format 183 /usr/doc/rpm-2.5/groups 184 /usr/doc/rpm-2.5/macros 185 /usr/doc/rpm-2.5/queryformat 186 /usr/doc/rpm-2.5/relocatable 187 /usr/doc/rpm-2.5/signatures 188 /usr/doc/rpm-2.5/spec 189 /usr/doc/rpm-2.5/triggers 190 /usr/lib/rpmpopt 191 /usr/lib/rpmrc 192 /usr/man/man8/rpm.8 193 /usr/man/man8/rpm2cpio.8 194 /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo 195 /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo 196 /usr/share/locale/pt-br/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo 197 /usr/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo 198 /usr/share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo 199 /usr/src/redhat 200 /usr/src/redhat/BUILD 201 /usr/src/redhat/RPMS 202 /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 203 /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/noarch 204 /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES 205 /usr/src/redhat/SPECS 206 /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS 207 208 2 15 RPM:Files 0 0 209 2 14 #text 0 1 210 211 1 15 RDF:Description 0 0 212 1 14 #text 0 1 213 214 0 15 RDF:RDF 0 0 215