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      1 /*
      2  * 32-bit syscall ABI conformance test.
      3  *
      4  * Copyright (c) 2015 Denys Vlasenko
      5  *
      6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
      7  * it under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
      8  * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
      9  *
     10  * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but
     11  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     13  * General Public License for more details.
     14  */
     15 /*
     16  * Can be built statically:
     17  * gcc -Os -Wall -static -m32 test_syscall_vdso.c thunks_32.S
     18  */
     19 #undef _GNU_SOURCE
     20 #define _GNU_SOURCE 1
     21 #undef __USE_GNU
     22 #define __USE_GNU 1
     23 #include <unistd.h>
     24 #include <stdlib.h>
     25 #include <string.h>
     26 #include <stdio.h>
     27 #include <signal.h>
     28 #include <sys/types.h>
     29 #include <sys/select.h>
     30 #include <sys/time.h>
     31 #include <elf.h>
     32 #include <sys/ptrace.h>
     33 #include <sys/wait.h>
     35 #if !defined(__i386__)
     36 int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
     37 {
     38 	printf("[SKIP]\tNot a 32-bit x86 userspace\n");
     39 	return 0;
     40 }
     41 #else
     43 long syscall_addr;
     44 long get_syscall(char **envp)
     45 {
     46 	Elf32_auxv_t *auxv;
     47 	while (*envp++ != NULL)
     48 		continue;
     49 	for (auxv = (void *)envp; auxv->a_type != AT_NULL; auxv++)
     50 		if (auxv->a_type == AT_SYSINFO)
     51 			return auxv->a_un.a_val;
     52 	printf("[WARN]\tAT_SYSINFO not supplied\n");
     53 	return 0;
     54 }
     56 asm (
     57 	"	.pushsection .text\n"
     58 	"	.global	int80\n"
     59 	"int80:\n"
     60 	"	int	$0x80\n"
     61 	"	ret\n"
     62 	"	.popsection\n"
     63 );
     64 extern char int80;
     66 struct regs64 {
     67 	uint64_t rax, rbx, rcx, rdx;
     68 	uint64_t rsi, rdi, rbp, rsp;
     69 	uint64_t r8,  r9,  r10, r11;
     70 	uint64_t r12, r13, r14, r15;
     71 };
     72 struct regs64 regs64;
     73 int kernel_is_64bit;
     75 asm (
     76 	"	.pushsection .text\n"
     77 	"	.code64\n"
     78 	"get_regs64:\n"
     79 	"	push	%rax\n"
     80 	"	mov	$regs64, %eax\n"
     81 	"	pop	0*8(%rax)\n"
     82 	"	movq	%rbx, 1*8(%rax)\n"
     83 	"	movq	%rcx, 2*8(%rax)\n"
     84 	"	movq	%rdx, 3*8(%rax)\n"
     85 	"	movq	%rsi, 4*8(%rax)\n"
     86 	"	movq	%rdi, 5*8(%rax)\n"
     87 	"	movq	%rbp, 6*8(%rax)\n"
     88 	"	movq	%rsp, 7*8(%rax)\n"
     89 	"	movq	%r8,  8*8(%rax)\n"
     90 	"	movq	%r9,  9*8(%rax)\n"
     91 	"	movq	%r10, 10*8(%rax)\n"
     92 	"	movq	%r11, 11*8(%rax)\n"
     93 	"	movq	%r12, 12*8(%rax)\n"
     94 	"	movq	%r13, 13*8(%rax)\n"
     95 	"	movq	%r14, 14*8(%rax)\n"
     96 	"	movq	%r15, 15*8(%rax)\n"
     97 	"	ret\n"
     98 	"poison_regs64:\n"
     99 	"	movq	$0x7f7f7f7f, %r8\n"
    100 	"	shl	$32, %r8\n"
    101 	"	orq	$0x7f7f7f7f, %r8\n"
    102 	"	movq	%r8, %r9\n"
    103 	"	movq	%r8, %r10\n"
    104 	"	movq	%r8, %r11\n"
    105 	"	movq	%r8, %r12\n"
    106 	"	movq	%r8, %r13\n"
    107 	"	movq	%r8, %r14\n"
    108 	"	movq	%r8, %r15\n"
    109 	"	ret\n"
    110 	"	.code32\n"
    111 	"	.popsection\n"
    112 );
    113 extern void get_regs64(void);
    114 extern void poison_regs64(void);
    115 extern unsigned long call64_from_32(void (*function)(void));
    116 void print_regs64(void)
    117 {
    118 	if (!kernel_is_64bit)
    119 		return;
    120 	printf("ax:%016llx bx:%016llx cx:%016llx dx:%016llx\n", regs64.rax,  regs64.rbx,  regs64.rcx,  regs64.rdx);
    121 	printf("si:%016llx di:%016llx bp:%016llx sp:%016llx\n", regs64.rsi,  regs64.rdi,  regs64.rbp,  regs64.rsp);
    122 	printf(" 8:%016llx  9:%016llx 10:%016llx 11:%016llx\n", regs64.r8 ,  regs64.r9 ,  regs64.r10,  regs64.r11);
    123 	printf("12:%016llx 13:%016llx 14:%016llx 15:%016llx\n", regs64.r12,  regs64.r13,  regs64.r14,  regs64.r15);
    124 }
    126 int check_regs64(void)
    127 {
    128 	int err = 0;
    129 	int num = 8;
    130 	uint64_t *r64 = &regs64.r8;
    132 	if (!kernel_is_64bit)
    133 		return 0;
    135 	do {
    136 		if (*r64 == 0x7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7fULL)
    137 			continue; /* register did not change */
    138 		if (syscall_addr != (long)&int80) {
    139 			/*
    140 			 * Non-INT80 syscall entrypoints are allowed to clobber R8+ regs:
    141 			 * either clear them to 0, or for R11, load EFLAGS.
    142 			 */
    143 			if (*r64 == 0)
    144 				continue;
    145 			if (num == 11) {
    146 				printf("[NOTE]\tR11 has changed:%016llx - assuming clobbered by SYSRET insn\n", *r64);
    147 				continue;
    148 			}
    149 		} else {
    150 			/* INT80 syscall entrypoint can be used by
    151 			 * 64-bit programs too, unlike SYSCALL/SYSENTER.
    152 			 * Therefore it must preserve R12+
    153 			 * (they are callee-saved registers in 64-bit C ABI).
    154 			 *
    155 			 * This was probably historically not intended,
    156 			 * but R8..11 are clobbered (cleared to 0).
    157 			 * IOW: they are the only registers which aren't
    158 			 * preserved across INT80 syscall.
    159 			 */
    160 			if (*r64 == 0 && num <= 11)
    161 				continue;
    162 		}
    163 		printf("[FAIL]\tR%d has changed:%016llx\n", num, *r64);
    164 		err++;
    165 	} while (r64++, ++num < 16);
    167 	if (!err)
    168 		printf("[OK]\tR8..R15 did not leak kernel data\n");
    169 	return err;
    170 }
    172 int nfds;
    173 fd_set rfds;
    174 fd_set wfds;
    175 fd_set efds;
    176 struct timespec timeout;
    177 sigset_t sigmask;
    178 struct {
    179 	sigset_t *sp;
    180 	int sz;
    181 } sigmask_desc;
    183 void prep_args()
    184 {
    185 	nfds = 42;
    186 	FD_ZERO(&rfds);
    187 	FD_ZERO(&wfds);
    188 	FD_ZERO(&efds);
    189 	FD_SET(0, &rfds);
    190 	FD_SET(1, &wfds);
    191 	FD_SET(2, &efds);
    192 	timeout.tv_sec = 0;
    193 	timeout.tv_nsec = 123;
    194 	sigemptyset(&sigmask);
    195 	sigaddset(&sigmask, SIGINT);
    196 	sigaddset(&sigmask, SIGUSR2);
    197 	sigaddset(&sigmask, SIGRTMAX);
    198 	sigmask_desc.sp = &sigmask;
    199 	sigmask_desc.sz = 8; /* bytes */
    200 }
    202 static void print_flags(const char *name, unsigned long r)
    203 {
    204 	static const char *bitarray[] = {
    205 	"\n" ,"c\n" ,/* Carry Flag */
    206 	"0 " ,"1 "  ,/* Bit 1 - always on */
    207 	""   ,"p "  ,/* Parity Flag */
    208 	"0 " ,"3? " ,
    209 	""   ,"a "  ,/* Auxiliary carry Flag */
    210 	"0 " ,"5? " ,
    211 	""   ,"z "  ,/* Zero Flag */
    212 	""   ,"s "  ,/* Sign Flag */
    213 	""   ,"t "  ,/* Trap Flag */
    214 	""   ,"i "  ,/* Interrupt Flag */
    215 	""   ,"d "  ,/* Direction Flag */
    216 	""   ,"o "  ,/* Overflow Flag */
    217 	"0 " ,"1 "  ,/* I/O Privilege Level (2 bits) */
    218 	"0"  ,"1"   ,/* I/O Privilege Level (2 bits) */
    219 	""   ,"n "  ,/* Nested Task */
    220 	"0 " ,"15? ",
    221 	""   ,"r "  ,/* Resume Flag */
    222 	""   ,"v "  ,/* Virtual Mode */
    223 	""   ,"ac " ,/* Alignment Check/Access Control */
    224 	""   ,"vif ",/* Virtual Interrupt Flag */
    225 	""   ,"vip ",/* Virtual Interrupt Pending */
    226 	""   ,"id " ,/* CPUID detection */
    227 	NULL
    228 	};
    229 	const char **bitstr;
    230 	int bit;
    232 	printf("%s=%016lx ", name, r);
    233 	bitstr = bitarray + 42;
    234 	bit = 21;
    235 	if ((r >> 22) != 0)
    236 		printf("(extra bits are set) ");
    237 	do {
    238 		if (bitstr[(r >> bit) & 1][0])
    239 			fputs(bitstr[(r >> bit) & 1], stdout);
    240 		bitstr -= 2;
    241 		bit--;
    242 	} while (bit >= 0);
    243 }
    245 int run_syscall(void)
    246 {
    247 	long flags, bad_arg;
    249 	prep_args();
    251 	if (kernel_is_64bit)
    252 		call64_from_32(poison_regs64);
    253 	/*print_regs64();*/
    255 	asm("\n"
    256 	/* Try 6-arg syscall: pselect. It should return quickly */
    257 	"	push	%%ebp\n"
    258 	"	mov	$308, %%eax\n"     /* PSELECT */
    259 	"	mov	nfds, %%ebx\n"     /* ebx  arg1 */
    260 	"	mov	$rfds, %%ecx\n"    /* ecx  arg2 */
    261 	"	mov	$wfds, %%edx\n"    /* edx  arg3 */
    262 	"	mov	$efds, %%esi\n"    /* esi  arg4 */
    263 	"	mov	$timeout, %%edi\n" /* edi  arg5 */
    264 	"	mov	$sigmask_desc, %%ebp\n" /* %ebp arg6 */
    265 	"	push	$0x200ed7\n"      /* set almost all flags */
    266 	"	popf\n"		/* except TF, IOPL, NT, RF, VM, AC, VIF, VIP */
    267 	"	call	*syscall_addr\n"
    268 	/* Check that registers are not clobbered */
    269 	"	pushf\n"
    270 	"	pop	%%eax\n"
    271 	"	cld\n"
    272 	"	cmp	nfds, %%ebx\n"     /* ebx  arg1 */
    273 	"	mov	$1, %%ebx\n"
    274 	"	jne	1f\n"
    275 	"	cmp	$rfds, %%ecx\n"    /* ecx  arg2 */
    276 	"	mov	$2, %%ebx\n"
    277 	"	jne	1f\n"
    278 	"	cmp	$wfds, %%edx\n"    /* edx  arg3 */
    279 	"	mov	$3, %%ebx\n"
    280 	"	jne	1f\n"
    281 	"	cmp	$efds, %%esi\n"    /* esi  arg4 */
    282 	"	mov	$4, %%ebx\n"
    283 	"	jne	1f\n"
    284 	"	cmp	$timeout, %%edi\n" /* edi  arg5 */
    285 	"	mov	$5, %%ebx\n"
    286 	"	jne	1f\n"
    287 	"	cmpl	$sigmask_desc, %%ebp\n" /* %ebp arg6 */
    288 	"	mov	$6, %%ebx\n"
    289 	"	jne	1f\n"
    290 	"	mov	$0, %%ebx\n"
    291 	"1:\n"
    292 	"	pop	%%ebp\n"
    293 	: "=a" (flags), "=b" (bad_arg)
    294 	:
    295 	: "cx", "dx", "si", "di"
    296 	);
    298 	if (kernel_is_64bit) {
    299 		memset(&regs64, 0x77, sizeof(regs64));
    300 		call64_from_32(get_regs64);
    301 		/*print_regs64();*/
    302 	}
    304 	/*
    305 	 * On paravirt kernels, flags are not preserved across syscalls.
    306 	 * Thus, we do not consider it a bug if some are changed.
    307 	 * We just show ones which do.
    308 	 */
    309 	if ((0x200ed7 ^ flags) != 0) {
    310 		print_flags("[WARN]\tFlags before", 0x200ed7);
    311 		print_flags("[WARN]\tFlags  after", flags);
    312 		print_flags("[WARN]\tFlags change", (0x200ed7 ^ flags));
    313 	}
    315 	if (bad_arg) {
    316 		printf("[FAIL]\targ#%ld clobbered\n", bad_arg);
    317 		return 1;
    318 	}
    319 	printf("[OK]\tArguments are preserved across syscall\n");
    321 	return check_regs64();
    322 }
    324 int run_syscall_twice()
    325 {
    326 	int exitcode = 0;
    327 	long sv;
    329 	if (syscall_addr) {
    330 		printf("[RUN]\tExecuting 6-argument 32-bit syscall via VDSO\n");
    331 		exitcode = run_syscall();
    332 	}
    333 	sv = syscall_addr;
    334 	syscall_addr = (long)&int80;
    335 	printf("[RUN]\tExecuting 6-argument 32-bit syscall via INT 80\n");
    336 	exitcode += run_syscall();
    337 	syscall_addr = sv;
    338 	return exitcode;
    339 }
    341 void ptrace_me()
    342 {
    343 	pid_t pid;
    345 	fflush(NULL);
    346 	pid = fork();
    347 	if (pid < 0)
    348 		exit(1);
    349 	if (pid == 0) {
    350 		/* child */
    351 		if (ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0L, 0L, 0L) != 0)
    352 			exit(0);
    353 		raise(SIGSTOP);
    354 		return;
    355 	}
    356 	/* parent */
    357 	printf("[RUN]\tRunning tests under ptrace\n");
    358 	while (1) {
    359 		int status;
    360 		pid = waitpid(-1, &status, __WALL);
    361 		if (WIFEXITED(status))
    362 			exit(WEXITSTATUS(status));
    363 		if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
    364 			exit(WTERMSIG(status));
    365 		if (pid <= 0 || !WIFSTOPPED(status)) /* paranoia */
    366 			exit(255);
    367 		/*
    368 		 * Note: we do not inject sig = WSTOPSIG(status).
    369 		 * We probably should, but careful: do not inject SIGTRAP
    370 		 * generated by syscall entry/exit stops.
    371 		 * That kills the child.
    372 		 */
    373 		ptrace(PTRACE_SYSCALL, pid, 0L, 0L /*sig*/);
    374 	}
    375 }
    377 int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
    378 {
    379 	int exitcode = 0;
    380 	int cs;
    382 	asm("\n"
    383 	"	movl	%%cs, %%eax\n"
    384 	: "=a" (cs)
    385 	);
    386 	kernel_is_64bit = (cs == 0x23);
    387 	if (!kernel_is_64bit)
    388 		printf("[NOTE]\tNot a 64-bit kernel, won't test R8..R15 leaks\n");
    390 	/* This only works for non-static builds:
    391 	 * syscall_addr = dlsym(dlopen("linux-gate.so.1", RTLD_NOW), "__kernel_vsyscall");
    392 	 */
    393 	syscall_addr = get_syscall(envp);
    395 	exitcode += run_syscall_twice();
    396 	ptrace_me();
    397 	exitcode += run_syscall_twice();
    399 	return exitcode;
    400 }
    401 #endif