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      1 ================================
      2 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
      3 ================================
      5 .. contents::
      6    :local:
      9 License
     10 =======
     12 Does the University of Illinois Open Source License really qualify as an "open source" license?
     13 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     14 Yes, the license is `certified
     15 <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/UoI-NCSA.php>`_ by the Open Source
     16 Initiative (OSI).
     19 Can I modify LLVM source code and redistribute the modified source?
     20 -------------------------------------------------------------------
     21 Yes.  The modified source distribution must retain the copyright notice and
     22 follow the three bulletted conditions listed in the `LLVM license
     23 <http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/LICENSE.TXT>`_.
     26 Can I modify the LLVM source code and redistribute binaries or other tools based on it, without redistributing the source?
     27 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     28 Yes. This is why we distribute LLVM under a less restrictive license than GPL,
     29 as explained in the first question above.
     32 Source Code
     33 ===========
     35 In what language is LLVM written?
     36 ---------------------------------
     37 All of the LLVM tools and libraries are written in C++ with extensive use of
     38 the STL.
     41 How portable is the LLVM source code?
     42 -------------------------------------
     43 The LLVM source code should be portable to most modern Unix-like operating
     44 systems.  Most of the code is written in standard C++ with operating system
     45 services abstracted to a support library.  The tools required to build and
     46 test LLVM have been ported to a plethora of platforms.
     48 Some porting problems may exist in the following areas:
     50 * The autoconf/makefile build system relies heavily on UNIX shell tools,
     51   like the Bourne Shell and sed.  Porting to systems without these tools
     52   (MacOS 9, Plan 9) will require more effort.
     54 What API do I use to store a value to one of the virtual registers in LLVM IR's SSA representation?
     55 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     57 In short: you can't. It's actually kind of a silly question once you grok
     58 what's going on. Basically, in code like:
     60 .. code-block:: llvm
     62     %result = add i32 %foo, %bar
     64 , ``%result`` is just a name given to the ``Value`` of the ``add``
     65 instruction. In other words, ``%result`` *is* the add instruction. The
     66 "assignment" doesn't explicitly "store" anything to any "virtual register";
     67 the "``=``" is more like the mathematical sense of equality.
     69 Longer explanation: In order to generate a textual representation of the
     70 IR, some kind of name has to be given to each instruction so that other
     71 instructions can textually reference it. However, the isomorphic in-memory
     72 representation that you manipulate from C++ has no such restriction since
     73 instructions can simply keep pointers to any other ``Value``'s that they
     74 reference. In fact, the names of dummy numbered temporaries like ``%1`` are
     75 not explicitly represented in the in-memory representation at all (see
     76 ``Value::getName()``).
     79 Source Languages
     80 ================
     82 What source languages are supported?
     83 ------------------------------------
     85 LLVM currently has full support for C and C++ source languages through
     86 `Clang <http://clang.llvm.org/>`_. Many other language frontends have
     87 been written using LLVM, and an incomplete list is available at
     88 `projects with LLVM <http://llvm.org/ProjectsWithLLVM/>`_.
     91 I'd like to write a self-hosting LLVM compiler. How should I interface with the LLVM middle-end optimizers and back-end code generators?
     92 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     93 Your compiler front-end will communicate with LLVM by creating a module in the
     94 LLVM intermediate representation (IR) format. Assuming you want to write your
     95 language's compiler in the language itself (rather than C++), there are 3
     96 major ways to tackle generating LLVM IR from a front-end:
     98 1. **Call into the LLVM libraries code using your language's FFI (foreign
     99    function interface).**
    101   * *for:* best tracks changes to the LLVM IR, .ll syntax, and .bc format
    103   * *for:* enables running LLVM optimization passes without a emit/parse
    104     overhead
    106   * *for:* adapts well to a JIT context
    108   * *against:* lots of ugly glue code to write
    110 2. **Emit LLVM assembly from your compiler's native language.**
    112   * *for:* very straightforward to get started
    114   * *against:* the .ll parser is slower than the bitcode reader when
    115     interfacing to the middle end
    117   * *against:* it may be harder to track changes to the IR
    119 3. **Emit LLVM bitcode from your compiler's native language.**
    121   * *for:* can use the more-efficient bitcode reader when interfacing to the
    122     middle end
    124   * *against:* you'll have to re-engineer the LLVM IR object model and bitcode
    125     writer in your language
    127   * *against:* it may be harder to track changes to the IR
    129 If you go with the first option, the C bindings in include/llvm-c should help
    130 a lot, since most languages have strong support for interfacing with C. The
    131 most common hurdle with calling C from managed code is interfacing with the
    132 garbage collector. The C interface was designed to require very little memory
    133 management, and so is straightforward in this regard.
    135 What support is there for a higher level source language constructs for building a compiler?
    136 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    137 Currently, there isn't much. LLVM supports an intermediate representation
    138 which is useful for code representation but will not support the high level
    139 (abstract syntax tree) representation needed by most compilers. There are no
    140 facilities for lexical nor semantic analysis.
    143 I don't understand the ``GetElementPtr`` instruction. Help!
    144 -----------------------------------------------------------
    145 See `The Often Misunderstood GEP Instruction <GetElementPtr.html>`_.
    148 Using the C and C++ Front Ends
    149 ==============================
    151 Can I compile C or C++ code to platform-independent LLVM bitcode?
    152 -----------------------------------------------------------------
    153 No. C and C++ are inherently platform-dependent languages. The most obvious
    154 example of this is the preprocessor. A very common way that C code is made
    155 portable is by using the preprocessor to include platform-specific code. In
    156 practice, information about other platforms is lost after preprocessing, so
    157 the result is inherently dependent on the platform that the preprocessing was
    158 targeting.
    160 Another example is ``sizeof``. It's common for ``sizeof(long)`` to vary
    161 between platforms. In most C front-ends, ``sizeof`` is expanded to a
    162 constant immediately, thus hard-wiring a platform-specific detail.
    164 Also, since many platforms define their ABIs in terms of C, and since LLVM is
    165 lower-level than C, front-ends currently must emit platform-specific IR in
    166 order to have the result conform to the platform ABI.
    169 Questions about code generated by the demo page
    170 ===============================================
    172 What is this ``llvm.global_ctors`` and ``_GLOBAL__I_a...`` stuff that happens when I ``#include <iostream>``?
    173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    174 If you ``#include`` the ``<iostream>`` header into a C++ translation unit,
    175 the file will probably use the ``std::cin``/``std::cout``/... global objects.
    176 However, C++ does not guarantee an order of initialization between static
    177 objects in different translation units, so if a static ctor/dtor in your .cpp
    178 file used ``std::cout``, for example, the object would not necessarily be
    179 automatically initialized before your use.
    181 To make ``std::cout`` and friends work correctly in these scenarios, the STL
    182 that we use declares a static object that gets created in every translation
    183 unit that includes ``<iostream>``.  This object has a static constructor
    184 and destructor that initializes and destroys the global iostream objects
    185 before they could possibly be used in the file.  The code that you see in the
    186 ``.ll`` file corresponds to the constructor and destructor registration code.
    188 If you would like to make it easier to *understand* the LLVM code generated
    189 by the compiler in the demo page, consider using ``printf()`` instead of
    190 ``iostream``\s to print values.
    193 Where did all of my code go??
    194 -----------------------------
    195 If you are using the LLVM demo page, you may often wonder what happened to
    196 all of the code that you typed in.  Remember that the demo script is running
    197 the code through the LLVM optimizers, so if your code doesn't actually do
    198 anything useful, it might all be deleted.
    200 To prevent this, make sure that the code is actually needed.  For example, if
    201 you are computing some expression, return the value from the function instead
    202 of leaving it in a local variable.  If you really want to constrain the
    203 optimizer, you can read from and assign to ``volatile`` global variables.
    206 What is this "``undef``" thing that shows up in my code?
    207 --------------------------------------------------------
    208 ``undef`` is the LLVM way of representing a value that is not defined.  You
    209 can get these if you do not initialize a variable before you use it.  For
    210 example, the C function:
    212 .. code-block:: c
    214    int X() { int i; return i; }
    216 Is compiled to "``ret i32 undef``" because "``i``" never has a value specified
    217 for it.
    220 Why does instcombine + simplifycfg turn a call to a function with a mismatched calling convention into "unreachable"? Why not make the verifier reject it?
    221 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    222 This is a common problem run into by authors of front-ends that are using
    223 custom calling conventions: you need to make sure to set the right calling
    224 convention on both the function and on each call to the function.  For
    225 example, this code:
    227 .. code-block:: llvm
    229    define fastcc void @foo() {
    230        ret void
    231    }
    232    define void @bar() {
    233        call void @foo()
    234        ret void
    235    }
    237 Is optimized to:
    239 .. code-block:: llvm
    241    define fastcc void @foo() {
    242        ret void
    243    }
    244    define void @bar() {
    245        unreachable
    246    }
    248 ... with "``opt -instcombine -simplifycfg``".  This often bites people because
    249 "all their code disappears".  Setting the calling convention on the caller and
    250 callee is required for indirect calls to work, so people often ask why not
    251 make the verifier reject this sort of thing.
    253 The answer is that this code has undefined behavior, but it is not illegal.
    254 If we made it illegal, then every transformation that could potentially create
    255 this would have to ensure that it doesn't, and there is valid code that can
    256 create this sort of construct (in dead code).  The sorts of things that can
    257 cause this to happen are fairly contrived, but we still need to accept them.
    258 Here's an example:
    260 .. code-block:: llvm
    262    define fastcc void @foo() {
    263        ret void
    264    }
    265    define internal void @bar(void()* %FP, i1 %cond) {
    266        br i1 %cond, label %T, label %F
    267    T:
    268        call void %FP()
    269        ret void
    270    F:
    271        call fastcc void %FP()
    272        ret void
    273    }
    274    define void @test() {
    275        %X = or i1 false, false
    276        call void @bar(void()* @foo, i1 %X)
    277        ret void
    278    }
    280 In this example, "test" always passes ``@foo``/``false`` into ``bar``, which
    281 ensures that it is dynamically called with the right calling conv (thus, the
    282 code is perfectly well defined).  If you run this through the inliner, you
    283 get this (the explicit "or" is there so that the inliner doesn't dead code
    284 eliminate a bunch of stuff):
    286 .. code-block:: llvm
    288    define fastcc void @foo() {
    289        ret void
    290    }
    291    define void @test() {
    292        %X = or i1 false, false
    293        br i1 %X, label %T.i, label %F.i
    294    T.i:
    295        call void @foo()
    296        br label %bar.exit
    297    F.i:
    298        call fastcc void @foo()
    299        br label %bar.exit
    300    bar.exit:
    301        ret void
    302    }
    304 Here you can see that the inlining pass made an undefined call to ``@foo``
    305 with the wrong calling convention.  We really don't want to make the inliner
    306 have to know about this sort of thing, so it needs to be valid code.  In this
    307 case, dead code elimination can trivially remove the undefined code.  However,
    308 if ``%X`` was an input argument to ``@test``, the inliner would produce this:
    310 .. code-block:: llvm
    312    define fastcc void @foo() {
    313        ret void
    314    }
    316    define void @test(i1 %X) {
    317        br i1 %X, label %T.i, label %F.i
    318    T.i:
    319        call void @foo()
    320        br label %bar.exit
    321    F.i:
    322        call fastcc void @foo()
    323        br label %bar.exit
    324    bar.exit:
    325        ret void
    326    }
    328 The interesting thing about this is that ``%X`` *must* be false for the
    329 code to be well-defined, but no amount of dead code elimination will be able
    330 to delete the broken call as unreachable.  However, since
    331 ``instcombine``/``simplifycfg`` turns the undefined call into unreachable, we
    332 end up with a branch on a condition that goes to unreachable: a branch to
    333 unreachable can never happen, so "``-inline -instcombine -simplifycfg``" is
    334 able to produce:
    336 .. code-block:: llvm
    338    define fastcc void @foo() {
    339       ret void
    340    }
    341    define void @test(i1 %X) {
    342    F.i:
    343       call fastcc void @foo()
    344       ret void
    345    }