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      1 (* RUN: cp %s %T/ext_exc.ml
      2  * RUN: %ocamlc -g -w +A -package llvm.bitreader -linkpkg %T/ext_exc.ml -o %t
      3  * RUN: %t
      4  * RUN: %ocamlopt -g -w +A -package llvm.bitreader -linkpkg %T/ext_exc.ml -o %t
      5  * RUN: %t
      6  * XFAIL: vg_leak
      7  *)
      9 let context = Llvm.global_context ()
     11 let diagnostic_handler _ = ()
     13 (* This used to crash, we must not use 'external' in .mli files, but 'val' if we
     14  * want the let _ bindings executed, see http://caml.inria.fr/mantis/view.php?id=4166 *)
     15 let _ =
     16     Llvm.set_diagnostic_handler context (Some diagnostic_handler);
     17     try
     18         ignore (Llvm_bitreader.get_module context (Llvm.MemoryBuffer.of_stdin ()))
     19     with
     20     Llvm_bitreader.Error _ -> ();;
     21 let _ =
     22     try
     23         ignore (Llvm.MemoryBuffer.of_file "/path/to/nonexistent/file")
     24     with
     25     Llvm.IoError _ -> ();;